-' -1 : 1r-- tlte TERMS :-Sl.50 PNn ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY PIRST; THIE WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEw SERTES. BOWMANVILtE, ONTARIIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGIJST 30, 1899. VOLUMEXLV. N'o. 35, t5 Shi rt assnd Couch,, Johnston & Cryderman are selling LLOUSES WORTH 50 CENTS cc 99 1, 75 C $2.00 FOR 35 CENTS., ,c 50 di- 75 C cc 85 C 99 $1.38 These are ail New Goods, fit perfectiy, and were cheap at the original price. wýe have too many andi they must be cleaned out. But1 Also Printeci Muslins and Parasols at reduced prices and some lines of Dress Goods at about haîf price. Corne early -and get choice, of these G.%enuine fictclous bargains. Couch, Johinston &Cryderman. The long and 0f the whole matt-er is simply this. We show the goocis and 5 quote the prices of 5 the town, and our gocds are as broad a s they are long that is, to say they are honest and as ct picerepresented to, be, E and thepe is flot, merely good but is the best E that we eau make. Solld Oak Cobbler $2.5 ire CampMtre-$Z ses............ ONWire Camp Beds ... Varaudah Ctairs ... AS -Fr120SziE TEiEmSE G-OQ)DS.._ MDeB WILLIAMS & SONO BOWMÂNVILLE. Undertaking réeceves prompt and parsonal attention. Town Leave your repairng at Jas. Goard's. Al work attended to promptly and guaranitge4d Gold Filled Watches sold at prices usually asked for silver. Full assortment of Writing Material always kept in stock. Choice in Coloredc and Crinkieci Tissue Paper. Wateýbmaker and Jewelier. -~~~~h (EhsnS id tnd.) .BOWMANVILLEQ' COURTIICE. Visitons :-Miss F liai, Pittsburg, Pa., with île Misses Worden, Orcliard Lodge ; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cou-iue aud blys, at Mn. A J. Courtice's; Mn. S. Davis, Pickerng, at Mn. Ira Trnll's; Nov. S Il Rico and- danghter, withIfriends; ïNi r. and Mrs. Gnmmow, Oshaswa, at Mr. G, Gale's; Mrs. W. McKuight, London, ai, Mn, J. McKight's; Miss Rogers, Osh- awa, and Mn. Leslie Hall, Torouto, ni Mr S, Brooks; Miss Nattie snd Master P. Clemens, ai Mm. Cam. Trull's; Mrs. Yellaud, Toronto, at Mrs. J. F. Brooks'. . ... Nov. J. S. I. Wilson, and family bave returnod from Presque Isle, Bight- on, whene tiey bave been camping for a few weeks .... On Snnday large cou- gregations greeted the Rev. S. H. Rico at loti services in Ebenezen dlurci. Ne preachdlid wo good, strong. thonghtful sermons sud lis old friouds,particulai-ly, wero deligbted te lear lias agai. ... . Our civie holiday as annennced w-as fnlly celebnated sud île prognam as aranged w-as carried outInlutîe early afttrnoon the people began le gatier at Mn. W. E. Conrlice's -Grove sud certaiuly ne more ideal place could lave boen dlosen for île occasion. TIc finst eveni w-as a game of base bail betvveen tle juniors cf tle Main Road aind the Base Lino. Tic boys put up a itice dlean game and some star pîsys were made. Tic compelilion amoug île youngom beys sud girls ini runiug, etc., w-as very keen sud inter- estingJfor which prizos wene givea. Sports fer the langer eues sudh as, jump- ing, kicking, running, ssci and weeol larrew raciug w-ene leartily, engaged in by large numbens. -Quite ani intenesting feSture cf île sports was a race for girls unden 40 ln whicli about a score partiel- pated .The rosi social pari 6f tle pro- gram "ommenced, w-len île long table extendiug for 100 foot w-is deeked oui ly tle ladies' w-lu pretly bouquets sud set w-lu tle meat temlpting disles ihat the culiuîany art oould produce sud w-as snrn.mmded by a most jolly cnow-d rang- ing lu age from the Ioary leaded pst- iardli dow-n te île loddling grand chuld, beside île long table mauy wene forced te, sproad out on tle grass, la tle siade of the beatilful w-ced, wil île air lux- uriant. The compauy genial, ail cane for île urne tlmow-n off sud lest wishes ai a promium, the persea must le dense iudeed ihat conld net feel a tinill cf joy ai sud an leur cf nniiy. Afler les île bldycle road race w-as rua off, tle start- ing point w-as ai Ebenezen Corner, -est te ir. J. Oke's, aud retuma te île pienie grnnds. Tîere were several ontînies, resuiltlng as f ollow s: isi, Cecil Wcndua, 2nd, 'Herbent Squires, 3rd, Wm, Armour. As île 1wiligit began le gailer on tle folds of île outspneading Union Jack île elider eues began te loave, others l.iteed,lui gnadually île bnzz of merry voices w aned until nigli ladl recalled is cw-n poculiar stillness, al l ad gone borne. Life-Size Portrait Free. À life-size crayon poi)rait given free with every dozen cabinet *photos, imade by Tait & Ce., cash wilh ordor, itrames for crayons lo be punclînsed fromi themn ai f ramie nices and phiotos ai usual pnîces. 011cr gocdfer80 davs.ý 29 .tf. MARZE'r S.QUAuR, Bowmaeville. Your AUGUST WEDINGIS. WATTS-MANNING, A very pretty quiet wedding was con-i summated at the home of Mr. Jas. Bing- bam, T'.rone, on Monday last when his daugliter Nellie E. Manning was united1 in holy rnatrimony with Mr. Geo. Art-1 hur Watts, Tyrone, late of Otterville,1 Ont. 'The ceremony w.as performed promptly on the minute'cf 6. a m. bv 11ev. R. N. Adams in his bappiest style.i Golden rod intermingled with ever-1 green formed a romantie canopy above the heads of the happy couple as the solemn iwords were pro nounced makiuig them husband and wîfe. The bride looked her usual self ln a gown, of pale bine bengaline with sequin and silk trimmiugs and was charmingly assisted by Miiss E. M Werry lu royal purpeie being relieved with white satin trim- minks Mr.J as. Souch proved the groom's worthy rigbt baud supporter. Afier a wedding breakfast and an exchange of greetings Mr. and Mrs. Watts lefi on the morning train for Otterville from which they will return ln a few davo. A, sprinkling of rice plentifully sliowýered wiîn good wishes iccompanied thern on their journey. The bride and groom wore the recipients of several valu able presents. HUTCIIISON-McGREGORI. There was a quiet but very prettv wedding ai the residence of Mrs. M. NMcGreg-or,No 1438 Hunter st east, Wed- nesday, Aug.23, the contracting parties being, ber eldeït daughter, Miss Lottie B. MçGfregor,'aud Mr. Hl.W. ilutchison, Mvanaging Director of the Fairchild' Implement and Carniage COMDany-, Of Winnipeg, Rev. Neil McPhersou per- formed the ceremony, lu the prebence of relatives and a few intima te friends of the contracting parties. The charm- ing bride was given away by lier broth- er, Mr. R B. McGregor, of St. Thomas, and was attended by Miss Mabel Rog- ers, of Winnipeg. "Mr. J. K. Pickett, oi Toroento, was the best man., The bride wore a beeoming gowu of white silk'. and carried a bouquet of white roses and carnations. The' rides- miaid was attired in flowercd rmous. ,ine de soie over heliotrope silk and carried roses and asters. The g-room's preseut tb the bride was a handsome diamond and pearn pendr.nt andbigi tot the hridesmaid was a diamoî,d [atid turquoise ring. Thaebride received a large ùumber of beautiful and costly pi-esents, being hel iii i besteem 'by a very large circle (ýf friends. Th-.isý eveing -the haDp couple will Gav t uanl extended tn utho sast, takig ~ Motrel oston and New York. Tho e xpect to arrive in their home in the wqest about Oct. Ist -Hamnil- tonTme, LIDDY-- ELLIS. Weddig belîs rang merrilv lu the 11111e lowna of Port Dover on wednesdav lasi, itbeing the occasion of the Mar- niage of Miss Bertha Ellis, daughter of Mr. Jonaithan Ellis, to Mr. Wm. R_ Lid- dv ,'B.A-ý , Princpal of the Port Dover High Sclhool. The wedCing ceremouy took place oiu ihe Methodisi Church the offi-ciatinz L clergyman were 11ev. C. F. Bennett, BA. 1ev. Hlugb Ivev, of New. York, and 11ev. James LiddY, of Oshawa brother ofd te groom. Promptly ai 1 o'clocki the groom, with his best -ia, Mr. F. S Martin, B.A., appeared at the altar. They -tere accompanied by lit- dle Ellis Jvey, nephew of the bride, who carniod the ring on a 'white satin illow. A few minutes af 1er, the bride DJimrness of sight, pal-,iitation, shortness of breath, black spots orelse shining lights before my eyes, terrible headaclie, numb- ness iii my alms and bauds and longue, also inyjiaws would get numb; constipation. prolapsusý-, debilitating drains, soreness through iny bowels; in llict I was diseased- from bead to ..<i foot," writes Mrs. Mollie lE. -N ý Carpenter, of Liniaria,, Cumn- ~benland Co., Terni. "Wlen "N I first wrete to Dr. F'rc cn-- cerning nay heaili, 1 was so weak 1 could onlyV write a few words when I would have to rest. -I could hardly walk. Words cannot ex- press my suifer- ings. Now I can do my own wasli- iug and cooleîng. I -can taire a ten quart pail in one haud and a six quart pail in the ether (full of water) and carry boilion fourtli of a mile and neyer stop to rest. I amnas lieavy as I was ati i years /_125 ls). 1 als When In appearod, leaning on ber fathor's arm. Sho was charmingly attired lu peari white satin, with yoke of embnoidorod chiffon and train, and carried a large showon hoquet of white roses. The briûesmaids wero Miss Kate Smith of Port Doyen, and Miss Pincli of Strat- ford, wbile Miss Aima Ellis actod as maid of honor, They looliod verv. pret- lv lu white Swisq muslin, trimmod with satin ribbon. The bridesmaids also worc beautif nI peari pins, the gifts of the groom. After the ceromony' vthe bridai partv, togethor with about 100 guesis, assembled ai the former borne of the bride -and congratulations and good wishes were tendered tbe nowly married couple. Thon a, sumpinousý luncheon was partaken ni. Owing te Mr- Liddy's necent illne.ss the boney- moon trip will bc dolayed for a few days. MACKAY-S1IEPIN. A pretty homo wedding took place Tuesday evening, Aug. '29th ait te resideuce of Mn. Thos, Sherin, Ontario SI.,when bts youngest daug hier Bertha Mande, was unitod lu the holy bonds of matrimonv with Mn. F. D. MacKay, oditor of the Daily Review, Peterbonc, 11ev, J. J. Rae, pastor cf the Meibodisi church, officiaing. Promntly ai " o'clock as tue bride efitened the sitting- room. leanmng ou the arru of lier father and joiued lier pantner for life, Miss Mosetta James sang the very appropri- aie wedding soug "Entrent me flot te Leave Tbee" fnom Buttenwortb's Or atorioiRuili, The bridai parly stood under an archwa * draped tastefully with vines and immodiatoly lu the centre cf the arcli, buug a herse sboe made cf c:weet peas, unden which the bride and g-,rom slood while tbe vory impressive ceremeny was penformed. A % ery pnetty back 'ground te the wliole scene was a large and artistically arranged banir of bouse plants and flower.i. The weddîng mardi was pla ed by Miss Florence Tilley, A. T. C AlI., wilh ber usual excellence and bright technique. The bride lookod cliarming lu a white silk organdie gown and carried a shower bouquet cf white roses lied with white satin ribbon. The bodice was trimmed with frinus et ergandie and lace insertion and veny flue lucks whiie 'the skirt was en train and edge-l wilh five dainly frilis. The bridesmfaid Miss Emma Morrow, Peter- borough, looked winseme in a delicate nile green silk,relieved by white chiffon and black velvet babe ribbon and carriod a shower bouquet cf piuk roses and maiden hair fern, lied with pink satin niblien. Mr, Duncan Walker, city iuspoctor cf Public Scbools, Peter- boroughi, ablv snrppenled the groom threugýh the tryinglordeal. The cern- pany thon repaired te the lawu '.hich was lighled nicely by chinese lantoru, and parteok cf very delicicus refresh- monts which were served lu au, illumin- ated lent. The grooms gite the bride was a black persian lamb ceai while bis giftt h the hridesmaid was au opal ring surronded, with pearîs. The bride, and groom wbe are verv hiLrhly-respectod were tho recipionts of some v'er ' ybaud sene and cestly presents including several checks. Among soeo cf the remembrauces wore a silver tea service f rom The Peterboro Review Co., a cabinet cf silver from Cointhian Masenic Lodge, No. 101, G. R. C., aud a leather easy chair from the staff cf the Review Office. Aften a social eveninig Mr. and Mrs.MacKay lot t ainid shewers cf nrice and geod wlsbes for the depot whene tbey beardod the il p. m. train te speud their bonevmoen lu Mentreal and Qitebec and other places ln the East The bride'sý travelling costume was cf brown heme-spun witb hat te match. Mrs. MacKay will receive ou Sept. I9tlî, 201h, and 21s1 ai ber new homo on Homowood Ave., Peterbeo.o Pet erboro Review, .Tbursday, Aýug-. 24.-At the conclusion cf the 'work laken up ai the emergout meeting cf Corinthiaiî Masonie lodge hast evening, the members assembled lu the lodge room wbere Rt. Wor, Bro. R. E. Wood presided. Iu bis brief address he caid that Mr. MacKav's apprcnchiug marri- age seemed au auspicieus occasion and cine whibh they were delighted te take advantageocf. The membens had crYstallized Iheir opinions lu the shape cf a very baud some case cf table silvor and il was witb the utrmosl pleasure that il was tondered W. Bro. MacKay. The 1o, g.e joýined muosti heantily in con- gratul&tîious and lu best wishes and bopos for a long aud happy life tii Bro. MaeKcav and the lady cf bis clicico As a citizen, Mn. MacKay was venv highlv respectod ; as a brother Mason lie had gained the esleem aud- admiration cf the craft for bis oarnest, helpfnl atten- lion te bis Masonie duties and lis desîre te advance thie inienesis cf the lodgo, OIITUAItY* Neepawa, Man.,Aug.15. A.J. Smalo, forinenly a eading slioe mendiant lu Winnipeg, died ai bis fatber's resideuce bore ibis morning lu the prosence cf bis wife, faînily and brother, W. J. Sm ale cf Tarrr UNe as-ben -hepes CJII HOLIDAY AT IliAPTON-. Hnd the commitice lu charge cf the annual civic holiday pnegrain lad the making or the choosing cof the weather, they could net have imprcved on thnt of Saturday afternoon hast ; lu fact the day was au decal eue for a picnic. Early lu the ufternoon the people beg-an te gathier and bof ci-e 5 p. m. fnlly 500 per- sens had assembled at Wiliow Park te witness and enjoy the sports. The citizeiîs cf Hampton and Solina tuned ont en masse; Enniskillea, ilsydon, Bunketoni,Blackstock,Tyroiie, Betbesda, Leskid, Oreno, Bowrnanville, Maplo, Grove, Countico, Pickzernug Breokln, Clarke, Oshawa and 'Meunît Vernona, yere ropreîsonted ; visitons '.ene aise uoticed from New Yorkz,Bttffalo, Detroit, Port Huron, St. Mnn's, ýToronto, and from fan away New Brunswick. Thé races wone hotiy contested, aud many cf th i flishes close and excitiiîg. The, tug cf xvar, 12 mon on a side, Solina vs. Haiupton, causod just as much excitemout and nivalry as did a football mnatch betweea thein respective teams lu the 70's sud eaniy 50's. Mn. Stacey cf Enniskilien, bold the waloi and after a threo minutes pulfl decided. lu favon cf Hampton by about eue foot. The football match betweenBurketon and Darlinglon Contrais preved te be a very interestiug oeeand was net as eue sided as tLe sccre,-ll te 0,--would seem te imply. The formen team wag catined by îLe evor génial Tommy va, while îLe forces'cf tLe latter weno, marshalled hy Mn. L. Fasoe. Mn. Eli Pascoe, tLe vetenan sud pop- ular reforeo, manlpulaled lhe whistle sud bis decisions were neyer once cshled iet question. Betweeu 6 and 7 p. m. the Park pro-, sented au animated scene, yeung ladies titting te aud f ro preparing for supper, and scon the w-hile tableclotlis wene beavily inden with rosst cbicken, chic.1- en pies, sandwiches, cakes and pies lu endless variety-s fit feasl for royalty, The, many pupfils cf Mn. C. N. Ruse w-ero easily distiuguisbed ou the grounds by the preseuceeof pink badges on their breasis. The llîanks cf thé cemmittee is ex- tonded te thioso w-be donated prizes and te ail those wbo so willingly contribut- ed icwnrds defnaying, the expenses et the day. Following was the programme, witb. thie namnes of pnize wiine rs. Foot race,girls under 12,Leta Clarko, Effie Gay, Q uecle llaunam. Foot race, girls ever 12, Nonie Horn, Maud Rc 'vnolds, Miaule Hern. Foot nace,be'.s under 12,W. Hannam, Edgar Horn, Frani Ward. Foct race. boys ovor i2,Harry Annis, Arthur Wethenill, Gordon Souch. Nockeltie race, Edgar Horn, Arthur' Wetberill. Sack race, Edgar Hern, Hanry Wil- cx. Shoe race, W. Ilannam, Ivan Law Tht ee-legged race. Arthur Wetberfil and W. Harnam, Frank Clarke and Nelson Brown. Tub race, Nelson Brow-n, Frank Clarke, Swimming race, oen, Fred. Jones, R. PetIeV. Swiminig race, boys,Nelsen Browin, Frank Clarke. *Bic'.cle race, married mon, C Wý Hastings, Bon. Dickinison. Bicycle race, open, Frank Gigg,,Jas. Whito. Tug-cf-w-ar, Hampton. Football match, Darling ton Centrais, HIAMPTON. Visitons: Mns. Arnold, Park Hill, ai Mr. I. Eliiott's, Sr.; Mn. Tape, Detroit, Mis. Law-, Port hluron, and Mn. J. H. Hoidge, New- York, at Mn W Creepen's. Mrs. Keiley and daugiter, Buffale,- ai Mn. J. Ellits; Miss Ella Rogers. Mi. Vernon, ai Mns.' W. Elford's; Miss Loua Dancasier at Mn. R. Rýaterson's; Mrs. S. H. Rico and tWe dau-hters, New Bruns- wiknd Misses klaggie aud Sana MLe.nu, Toronto, ai Mn. H. Elliotl's, Jr.; Mn. H. J. Heidge, Geongian Bav Mission, at Mn. M. B. Cryderman's; Mr., Will LanderTorouto, ai Mn .T.Ellictt's; Mrs C. Gondmaîî sud daughters ai J. N. Burrew's,.... Mr. W.- W. Nonne loti on Fniday le accept a situation lu lie Robent zdmpseu Co's store. Toront.... Misses Mary sud Louie Eliieti visiied Miss Lucy Lauder, Taunton, Suuday. - NoRv. H. Thomas visited friends ai Castlelcu lasi week .... Miss, G. M. Brewn 18 visiiing friouds lu Toronto... Messns. C. Kerslake and F. T. AlÈn. lfti on Thursdsv last for theý Norti- west, Carman being thein destination.- -If tue fieud could ho capiuned w-ho scatîered , acks along the road througli the village receutly, hu is safe te say ibat tuiose wbo have Lad their tires puuctured w-ould net handbe him with kid gloves. A cý.at cf tan sud foathers or about 50 lashes wiih a est o nîne laits w-ould b h -ailie fully doseved .... One would think frem the W-ay la which