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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1899, p. 3

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dent to a bilioci sc li ytem. sul asA Diziness, Nis'aDO 3~u, 'ateS after atg.Pain in ti3S ,&.Whifle tlseir most ~oalable sueesla be hownil es curius teaclache, yet ,r eLttle Liver Pills are =qalvalnabzile l outipatior. curingaid pre. e tin tis an i gc pl4twletliey aiso correct ali disorder . tInlistimnulate thset Jliver and regUlaa _Sbw~3. Eren if iley only ,J heey would l'i.moatpri(cýesesto thoewhô .iaelteirgoodnessdo o r ote4d hereand those ç viwhoonce tny theai w:111ff muc he 'ittle pilla valui- ,*,blein somanay wshat liey oil not h wl!- ,àin5tO do witlio'ait tem, Put aI er ail£aicksheaçl ltaan a, e nnuy S i -t, hlera fa whére ,we) sake aur great 1 a . Or I LIScure il whle icthera do it Carter's Lt le vr :: ra r'r nll sud ,very easy ta tqe. C(c' a pila eake a dose. T.hey 'are rt'ectsy Vc, is i a uitgripe O2 puge. but by th, k,,rci e a floun ,lease aIt h usethem. Ini'a Ii1aîýYcontS'fîco.i,1 by druggiate everywniir, ,r ent by srsa. CAFI ER 1 C O 6., e Yrk. Longhoursofhard, neyer- endinu- work makes Kidney STrouble a common corn- plaint on the farmn. Pain- fui, weak or lame backs and Urinary Disorders are too frequcat. IDOA'S -KIDNEY IPILLS help a fariner te work anti keel is heaitis -take tise ache and pain eut of iis back and givo binstreng-th anti viger. Mr. -Isaiah Wilnsot, a retireti armer living uýt iS8 Elizabeths St., Barrie,On, Il ave iscen a sufferer witis Iidne rtrouble and pain the smal cf ray liuck, ant in bath ides. I aise isat a great deal af neuralgia pain iu mny temples, and. wns aubjeot te dizzy spelie. 1i bit tireti anti eru eut meat aI the lime. "Siuce takid a tI rteyFis, I have lied ne pain cither ia imi back or ides. The~ havereaeeved thenrarlgia painfrom myheaj aise thetitreti feeling- I'If eled t least tan y curs yoinager sud cao oniy say chat Dia ,'s idaey Pilia are the most remarkalile kidaey cure, and in addition are t1ie liet tanin t1cior teck." ]Laxa-Livere Pilla Cur'e Coasipation. Saye te Babies. Thousantis of them die every sum- mer who could be savet by thse timely use of Dr. Fowler's- Ext. of Wild Strawberry. 7ýTiero is net a Mother wbe loes s er infant but shoulti keep on baud dur- iag tise bot weatbcr a hotule of Dr. Fewler's Extract of WiId Struw- k ~ and noue bas tise endor- saion of so mauy Cana- dîan mnqtbers who have proved its mnerits, aud therefore speak ~,ihconfidence. One efthiese îs Mrs. Peter Jones, Warkwerth, Ont., tvhe says : "i can give Dr. Fowler's Eztract of Wild tr ;jrr greal paise, for il suet m J baby,'st. She wus cutting ber teeth and was taken withb diurrboeu very bud. My sister utivised ime te get Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawherry. 1 got a bottie and à. cureti tise babyý almost Mi RICHELIEU & ONTARIO NAVIGATIONCOMPANY. àMAGÂRA TO THE SIE A, BAaTesBATOP' QUINTE SlND MOsNRE AL Lîsaýý TiIROUGUI TEE BEAUTIFUL SCENJERY OP TUE BAT OU' QUINTE AND TiioUSAND ISLANDS BY DAYLIGHT. SEMI-WFEKLY SsEpvic.-Steamere leave W:am- ilton noon, Toronto 6.00 p. mo., Mendays and 'Thursdays. calIliur aS Darlington. (Port ef Bow- manil1e,) 9.3o p.s. Leave Monireal anti Teronto tsnd I.1amilýon Mondays and Thursdays, caliug ai Darlington, 6.00 p.m. day feiiewing their de- r arture but eue. DÂCEY: Steatmers from Toronto 2.30 pu. Cennectien la mode at Meutreai wjth steamers $rQueliec andi the f.%r fameti Saguenay. For ticikets anti iýifornsa tien apply te; J.>Mc- CLELLAn;', Bow<manville, Ont., C. F. GILDER- sLEEvF, Gens'ral Manager, G. A. BROWNE, Traffle, Mamiïger, General offices, 2-28 St. Paul et, "Mûra, IQue. C hi ndre - ry fo r BOWMANVILLE. SEPT. 6, 1899. Local, and Otherwise. Steerage rate te Europe $20 50 by Beaver Lino-M. A. James* Agent. As a ruletours do net accompany a buby's cries until it 18 three montiss olti. In ammonia every iseusewite may possess a Purifier, a, nesterer and a beautifier. Tise postoffice is now ligisteti by elec- tricity wiid is a great improvement on tise coul-oi lamps. Nwsubscriptiens receivod ut THE STÂATma]Au office six days a week be- ,twe6n 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1Rice is tise most easily digesteofetail vegetable feods, revniriug 'nly oe heur for perfect digestion. Most of tise fasisio'ss(if thie present century are revivals (,f those efthtie seventeentis anti elgisteentis. Iu putting down a now oilciotis, ne member thut il ivili lasIt tvice us loua'il you give it a tibm coul et varnish anti let it dry well lietore using. Mr. G. H1. Hogartis, B.A., Principal et tise Wisitby Collogiate Instilute, iq visitirî- lus sister-in-law, Mrs. IL M. H1urt, Fose street. Gailt Reformer. Mr. William Walter McWhirbeli, who has beon i ii Kingston penitentiurv for six yea-r- for killiug eld Mr., anti Mjrs. Williams, ut Port Crodit, will have a new trial'telis taîl. T. J. McMurtry's banti wagon will make daily trips te tise-lueuntilturlis- r or iticeTise roule will be aleug Churcis St. stanting frei tise Public Scisool ut 2 e'clocis. tapt MT. D Anîdrews, tise bliid lite saver cf Toronto, was manî'ied ut To- rente Aug. 27tb. toe;Miss Isabellu Wales. Tise ceremoîty was preforrsted in tise ITriniity Anglican Churcli. Mrs. Edward Blake bas arniveti ent trom Euglund and is witl theis -on S,. Hl. Blake and'Mrs. Biakse at Murray Bay,'Tiselon. Edward Biakse sailsfor Canada early in Septont er te j uta Mrs. Biaise. Edwin Markham, auther oethtie "Man jwith tise Ue," bas writtoi a poem on tise Dreyfus affair thut wili uppear in tise September number ef McCLUnz's LMAGAZTSE. Tise steamer Gaspesia, 2.408 tons which vessol was ushore ou the coast et Newtoundland anti wus sold ut auctien on tise l9tls Julv, has been chartered te r lad deal at Batburst for Glasgow ut STIFF JorsrTs 4 YEÂF,.Rs.-Mr. Arthur Bt rns, Ro& Hill, Ont., writes: "I was laid np with stiff joints for about four years anti could gel ne relief until I nsed tiree botties et Ragyard's Yllew 011 which cured me." Reuder, if yen know et uny oeeil Canada who intentis crossing tise Atlan- tic, recommend them te inquireofetMA. James for rates. Ho dees tise steamsbip business efthIis district anti ropresenîs tisebesî linoes. If yen notice veur chîlti grinding the t-3etis durnu sleop, picking tise nose, ouîiug ruvenously but net seeming te gain flesis, yen îuay ho sure wonms are prosent anti should net deiav gvigDr. Low's Pleasunt Worm Syrup Piceil925c, Mr. J. W. Alexander is lu Toronto, Io, king uftetontie Dominion Piano and Organ Compauy's exhibil ut tiseir Pavillon at the Fuir. Mr. W. Me- Couneli, travelier for lise company is aise in attendauce, CURED 0F ECZEMsA.-l was troubleti fer sevenai yeans with Eczema andt tieti severai doctors but te ne purpese. Tison 1 was ativisedti t use Burdock Blooti Bitters, antitii se with tise g'neatest success, as six bettles entîrely cureti me Win. G. Uglow, Port Hope, Ont. Mn, J. A. Macdonaldin l a leIter te Country Gentleman, savs tise hay crep in tise Province et P.E.I. is mucis above tise average, anti is mostlv secureti. Out crop wiii be enormous, if ruet dees net inlervene. Wheat is fuir. Pela- tees anti al reots a heavy crop. Fac tories are taxedt t their utinost te ac- commodale tise large volume et mils neceived. Tur PRenAnILITIES -Are tisaI veur tnprwill impneiýe, anti yen wilon- je aking anti skating la roui eurnest ence tisat sere cern- le rermoveti. Put- man's Painiess Cern Extradeor nover tails, gives ne pain anti wili relieve yen in t .s euty-four heurs, Give Putman's Cor'n Extructor a triai anti be isappy. If everyone coulti remember tisaI cents savoti mouns dollars ournet inl tise uggregate mucis greatssr rare wouid lbe exoncîseti in lise disposition et the cents. Ils tise smaall oxpendi- turos tisaI amaze oeein a year's total. Tisose wvis reuti anti follew advertise- toonts knew tise utvautuge et beokiug uft er sinâail differeuces la pnice ciosely. " Tiseyacht Columbia, built te dotent tise Amreica Cup , swoopiug betore tise wînti with every yard et cunvas filleot, is tise euhject et a beautîful ecloreti nictune by tise fumons marine artist, M. J.Burns, ou tise cever efthtie September numben et tiseLanGER MONTULY. This number for interest anti variety, was nover sur- passed bv Ibis popular magazine. Tbe price is 5 cents a cepy, 50 cents a yeur. Rebert Bonuer's Sons , Publisisers. Letiger Building, New Yenk. A herse bebonging te Mn. George lu Koruis wuudened from home tIbis week anti when foundth ie animai was Iying on its backantinoariv deati from bout anti tiirst. Wiile tise ewner streve te relieve il Mrs George rau for -a pull et waten -anti whiie carrying il aleng- a full gnowu heur mot lhon anti rose on bis bînti foot, eady fer a isug. fier torrifieti shiek brnugistlier hushanti wiso tinve off tise bear anti wemun anti water droppedti thie eurth.-ÂAlgeqma Pioneer. FOR OVER FLeIT Y VEAUS, Mrs.Winslow's SohingSyrup bas been ufqeciby millions of mothers for their ehiidren wile teething. If disturbeti at night anti breken of yaur resi isy a sick chulti suffering anti crying with thse pain et cuîting teetis send ti e nce andi goS a bottie et Mrs. Winslows' Sootbiug Syrup for Cindren Teething. It wîl nliel7e thae peor l1t08e sufferer ut once. Depent upon ttmothers, there 15 ne mistake about it. XI cur es Dlarrhoea regula tes the stomacis and iowels, cures Wind Colle. softens tise guip, reduces inflammation, aud gives toue anti energy te thse wisole systeus Mrs. Wiuslowà' Sothing Syrup for chiltiren' teetiing la plesisanite othse taste and le tise pre- scription et ensetftihe oldest anti iest taei l physiciauls anti nurses în thse Unie States Pie e a bttie. Sed ialtimugists tlarois eut tise *eld. B", sure ant i sk for Mrs. Vi~ BLOWS Sothinig syrup, Milier's Grip Powders cure. 25 cents. Mr. Frederieh Meyer-, of Fountain St . bus recentiy completed a very hand - some and novel settee. This is compos- ed of cow horns, and lis very beautifui ly land extravagantly ntholstered in red pinsis. - Gai- Reforîner. "Like diamonds raindrops gisten." Dropýs of.Ilood's Sarsaparillà are preciens Jewels for tise blood which, glisten in their use. Speakig ef ivy poisoning, a medical journal states\that a certain remedy is made by dissolving a handful of quick lime ia a plut of cold -,ater. Bathe the parts otten and after a few applications tise patient will be quite well. Palpitation of tise beant, niervousness, tremblîngs j nervous headache , cold bands and feet, pains in the bhack,ý and other forms ef weukness are s'emoved by Carter's Iren Pilîs. made specially for the blood, nerves and complexion. Wxedding rngs are supposed te bie ai- wav' s tl\,e saine, but stîli tise fashion et îbem lias, alterei lately îtmeng smart poe.Tise newly brides are wearing plain gold circlets, wiici are twe thirds narrower than tisose fenmerly. THÂT THROBBING FIEADCI-E,-WeUld qickly ve ',\onif vonued Dr.King'- Ntdw Life PuIs. T'housands of sufferers bac e-proved thecir matcisless menit fer Sick suad iNervous Ileud.acses. They maiti pure blooi d strun.- nerves and build tq) your heaitis. Easy te take. Tryý tîteui Only M.c. Mî3vback if-net curod. Sold bylitot t nndJ. ury,Druggists. Couiîtry Gentlemnan sai s that Peter M Gi stuon,.onigînu.ter ef tise ýVealthy" apple, is new, utaite ugeoîet8,1, a verv peor muan. l It ,esstist everv iiwnor of a Wealthy thut iN fruiting send 10 Mr. Gideon, ut Ex4ooîsior, Miuîi.,1 an assese-miýnt et eue cent for each tree lu beariug. A PItIGIITPUL BLuNnEu , -Wiil otten cause a horrible Burui, Scald, Cnt or Bruisë. Bsucklen's Arnica Salvethe best lu tise world, will kil'tise pain and pnomptiY boul il. Cures Old Soes,Fever Sores. U Icer's, Bouls. Pelons, Corus, ail Skin, Erpions. Best Pile cure on earth. Oniy 25cts. a box Cure guuranteed. Sold by'Stott andi Jury. Drug-gists. Tiwo tbresbing ýmachine men were recently flned ut Belleville:, for ueglect- ieg te have a proper spark ai-rester iii tis smdke stack. A writ of $100W is to be issued agaîîîst the mon fer tise ioss of a building throngh fire which is claimed te have- been' caused threuglt tiseir negligence. To-r BEAUTY TH-lT ATTRACTS ME' ,-- Is net se mucin l the foulures as lu a clear, beaitisy complexion, and a plump body filieti xith thse vigeor andi vitulity et perfect heallh. Pale, weak, languid women are farlly restored te robust health by tise use et Dr. A, W. Chase's Nerve Pood, a cendensed food which croa:tes ricis, pure blooti andi new nerve tissues. Newspapo'rs with big circulation like -CHE STATE StQAN v'isen cousidered from an advertisiug stundpeîut, have every. thing lu their faver Tboy reaci tise bouses with a frequency that cemmentis lîseif as a siiing virtue te tise man who bas somotbing te seil. Moreovor, such a favorite newspaper cannet be supplanted -un the heurts et its censtitu ents by any other sort et publication, wbich insures it a ipermauency ef circul- ation Ibidt cannet be dupiicatcd. ' Dur,-y 1 EED MAS AND STEED." -Feed your nervos, alse, if yen would hav e tisem strong. Tise blood is tise feeder and sustainer efthtie whole norvous sys tom. Mon antiwomon wso are nervou., are se because their rient os are sturved. Tison thev inake liseir blood ricis and pure wiîh llood's Sarsapanilla their nervousness disappears becalise tise nerves are properly fed. llaod's Sarsa- parilia never disuppoints. llood's Pis cure c-,nstitoation. Price 25 cents. tSUFFEIIEUS FROX HÂY FEVER. In an article on Hay Pever in'the American Angler, Jauuary, 1899, a correspondent writes :- "0f course tisousautis et remiedies have been offered andti tied; but thse lime andtimoney spont in the trial lias generally Weon «wusted, -for a partial reliet, if any, ceuldl only ho obtaiuod, aud the causes yot remaiîsed. Theretore, in place et remne- dues, surgical operations, and iseroic sufferings, the only course ton a subject et huy tever te pursue, it reliet is desireci is te fiee from. the intected atmospisere andi deletenieus influences te, regiens' where tise air and surroundings are tree treim the sources et lis trouble." The Musisoka lakes, r Magnetawau River reign, Luake ef Enys, and, Georgian bay districts are totally exempt trom. thse causes et the trouble, andi immedi- uto relief and a deéisded cure is ussunned by ail wise visit tisis beautitul loculity. The main cousiderations in choosing these regions, in, pieterenco te other loculities, are : 1. Relief and total immunîty frein h1- foyer. One gentleman in particular told Mn. jury tiat wisen leaving home ise was se bad tisaIlie lad te ho carried ou the train; but.Nvitisin 24 hours atter readli- iug Musisoia ho gel perfect relief anti .1ad ne turtisor aitucis altisough hIe hiad heeni there since J une. Tis. same- - genitlkiilem a(! travelleèd al ever tise conItineNit try,7ing le gel rolief and isad tnieti every linow\n remedý- but said- INuskekawa wortli ail tise rest put together. WEST I)ljRIlfllFAIR. SPECIAL AND SUBSTITUTE PRIZES. C. M. Cawker, $2 cash for emuse- ments. Dr. Brimacombe, Dentist, $2 fer amusements. R. Worth, $2 Whip, Srd prize, for Lady Driver, No. 27. W. F. Allen, $4 cash fer Ist prize for best saddle horse, No. 2G. P. Trebilcock, $1,50 book fer îst prize for vertical writing, No. .533. MeCiellan & Co., haîf ton ceai $3. 2nd prize for Lady Driver, No. 27.. Haddy & Ceo, Milliners, $1 50 fer lst prize for Point Lace, No. 420. D, Davis, Sheoemaker, $1 pair Slippers for Ist prîze fer White Ja vas, Ne. 151. J.- J. Rundie, $1.25 Whip fer 3rd prize for Shropshiredown Ram Lamb,Nc.102. 1). J. Gibson. $3 pair 'Vyandotte, Fowl for rd prize ln Cow Test, Ne. 78. J. M. Jenuess, 88 Champion Creamnery Chura as 2nd prize in Cew Test, Ne. 78, Alex. Hlume, Butcher, $1 roast beef for rd prize for Durham Hleifer Caîf, Ne0 8S. JohnllDarch, Balmoral hotel, 82 cash, 2rid prize on Impreved Berkshire Boar, No. 115_ Stott & Jury, Drug.gists, ?5 Camera for Ist prîze for Betanical Collection, LN0. -59 9. J E. Cole, Butcher, Hlampton, $i in mecul for 1 st prize for Turkey Chicks, LNo0. 216. MiQs Etliel Morris, 82 painted China plate, for ist prize fer hand bouquet, No. -410. Cawker & Tait, Grocers, 85 in geods for lst prize en 30 ibs. Butter in crocks, No. 261. Lewis Cernish, Jewelier, S-t Silver Berr 'viDish for ist prize for lady driver, No. 27. 1. C Vanstone, Miller, 82 50 Cyrus Fleur for 1ist prize on White Pull Wheac, No. 272. Dustan & Hoar,llIardware Merchants, 85 rifle for lst prize for Bicycle Race fast lime. Brantford Starch Co. (Limited), Case et Celluloid Starch, value $1.50 in place ef Ne. 469. James Gourd, Jeweller,$1.50 ln goods eut of stere for 1 st prize for plan writ- ing, No, 534., Miss Mediund,Miiliner. Bowmanville, $3 hat, 2iid prize for Botanical Collec- tion, No. 599. J. Hligginbetbam & Son, 82.50 in geeds at their store for Oul Painting, fruit, No. 510. Tait & Ce. , Photographers. dozen Cabinet Photos, $1 fer lst prize Bicycle Race, slow tinte. Young & Ce., Grocers, Bowmunville, $3 50 lump for 151 prize for 14eiçester Ram Lamb, No 81. ,Heal Bros,, Grocers, Bowmauville, $2 la goods for lst prize for Oxforddowns Ram Lamb, No. 109. Pugsley, Dingman & Ce., Toronto, 100 bar box Cemfort Soap as lst prize for Hlstein Bull, No. 48. S. W. Mason & Son, Dry Goods Mer- chants,$2 in gois for original Painting inwtrcolors, No. 521. M. ayer, Ilatter and Furrier, Bow- manvile, $1.25 Rat for 2nd prize for 10 ros. clear lloney, No. 269. Alex. Luttreli, Baker, Bowmanvillo', 81 .00 lu bread tickets for first prize on White Minorcas, No. 161. Jos. J effery. Taller,, Star flouse, Bo w- munville, $5 lu goods for 151 prize oil Grade, Milch Cow, No 71L A. L. Nichoîls,-Vâ,riety Store, Bow. manville, $1 Berry Set as lst prize for Fal1Dessert Apples, No. 293. James Morrow, $3 set Shees for span ef herses, 3rd prize (or span Carniage Ilorses under 15-, hands, No. 23. Tises. Ted, Baker and Confectioner, $2 in goods for lst prize for 5 is. Butter made by owner of one cew, Ne. 265. Couch, johnston & Cryderman, $5 for 1 st prize for 15 lbs. Butter, Butter te become property ef donors, 'No 262. R. Bennett & Sons, Bennett House,$5 for Ist prîze on single roud or carniage herse, net entire, under 151 hands, No. 25. Johan Heliyar. dealer in Boots and Shees, Bowmanviile, $1.50 in goods for lst prize for collection of Potutees, No. 375. Levi Mrris, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker , Bowmanvile , $4 easy chair for 151 prîze for Ayreshire Bull, No. 63. Luther, Tueker & Son, Albany, N. Y., Publishers, six yearly subscriptiens te T/te Country Geptleman, No's. 7, 12, 21, 81, 74,_91. S. S. Edsall, Hardware Merchant, $5 pai Scales fer Ist prize forý 10 lbs Butterr; butter te become property of Northirop & Lvman Ce., Wholesaie Proprietarv Meilcines, Toronto, 1 doz. Darley's Condilion Powders, valued at '$3 aLs 2nd prize fer Generai Purpose Gdigor F ilyv, No . 10,, and 1 dozen Thomas' Ecieetnric 011, value $3, as first onefor Grade ileifer Caîf, No. 74.- FlOR Internai or externat use HAG- YAeDFS TE LLOW OTL eanniot be ex. celled as a patuirelieving ani sootiîhn«g rernedy for ail pain. - - Which make Plymouth Twine indis- IT PAYS TO IBUT H pensable for the, Government Farm H F. S T Service -çgreatest strength, perfect' evenness, extreme length, freedom, ýA frorn tan gles, purity- are absolutely Yy necessary also to the Twine that xviIi do perfect work in every harvest ~ field': The selection of Plymouth for G-overnmzent service was flot made haphazard, but, after the most care- fui practical test had thoroughly (le fil mionstrated it to be the BEST. Ply- 7 mouth lias qualities pectiliar to itself, A h which cause it to' work perfectly r where othier brands fail. THtIS T16X0ItMARK IR PROMPOUPRR 'PMOE., 0,oN E VERYTA~G. SEE THAT YOU GET IT' If your dealer doos not haudlelour Twine write Ply. rn.oiitl Binder Twine Ageney, 5 4 Bay Street, Toronto. Birs. James Constable, SeaforAb, On, Wrtes :-«'Ever si-ncelIcan remember I bavesufered from weak action cftzhe eur. For some time past it grewcosistantly worse. 1 frequeastly had sharp pains wnder my heart that 1 was fearful if I drew a long breath it would çause death. To goingfup-stairs I had te stop to rest and regain breath. When my chilciren made a noise while playing I would be se overceme with nervousaaess and weakness that I could flot do anything and had te ait down te regain ceoposure.fy limbs were unnaturally cold and 1 was subjcct to nervousl--s4-&aches and dizzines. M y memnory became uncertain and sleep deserted me. "I1 have beau taking Miibtrn's Hleart and Nerva Pilîs, and as a resul! arn very zmsih better. 1 have imp'-oved in health and strength rapidly.1 The blessing of sieep in restored te me. My beart is much stronger, and the oppressive sensation hias 'anshed.rMý cari now go up-stairs without stopping and xtith thea greatest of ease, andlIne l%, er suifer from dizziness or headache, It seesos to me the circulation of my biood bas hecome normal, thereby removing thse coldness from my limbs. 1 can trssly say that Miiburn's Ieart and Nerva Pille have done me a world of gecd." LAXA-LIVER PILLS CURE CJIRONIO OOt4$TIPATQ N I~~A Drivung prîzs-$,S ù 1N man bo drive iÀs owu hecto, ne wisip or oIson instrument toece tise herse te ho useul. Last herses wiu tise prites, Committee wiii naine tise drivers, Oceaus et fun in tisis funny race. Conditionus et Cowf Test: Quantity anti quaiity et inilk te ho cotisidu-eti. Tise cew must ho piacedti uthtetdisposai et tise Comîittee bv 12 ciockii oon, on tise finst dav eof fâr anti romain lu t' 'i charge until 10 o1cleek cof thse noxt day, feod tob b, proyidod bà' ÇQI' 'id ofçýw, D. urk Simpson, flrîtrSldtr e e.,Dwmativillo, Best Tucueut open th nesidents of West Dursa -,,double anti singieeq clvolgible ; consitiocation to e hogivon as te wlsetiîr exisibit is for farinons use <or towit nonient, antienuIt bo prope t 'v et exhibilot. ist prize $3: 2nd $2, No. 2w. Pure Golti Mfg. Co., Toronto, ô Silvor Plateti Cake Baskets, value $3 oucis, for Ist pnize ou bestl bat breati matie sitis Pure Geiti Yeust, Lst pnize for besot pan biscuitsbaked wlish Puce Golti Bakin- Powder, tIpnize for boit disis of curti anti creain matie wîish Purce Gult i le et Rennet anti fiavoreti witis Putre Goiti Extruet ef Vanilia, Nos. 543, 547. Win. Gray & Sons Ce., Chsathamn, tismougis MeLean anti Masoît wiih givo a 1000 mile Top Buggy worth $83 cash, ton $30 te tise party wianing Ist prize on span Carniage Herses over 15ý bauds, No. 22, on il party wiening liais pî'ize dees net want tise buggy' anti will bring a customen for saine MeLean & Masen will sou tise buggy anti givo purty tise bonefil t fiiffereîtce lu prico,. TIE MILITAILY COLLEGE. CAGE BlillS. We niave just neceiveti a tiopy of Brocis's i3oo k on Birds wich is th ~ e ost complote anti up-to-dale practtt-albok oni theeo,dieesreincdng washing-, anti colon f2eodig et cunaxies witi vuluabie information cni purrets anti oIson cage butds tisat we hav e soon. Tise work îs evidentiy wnitten by oe wlte bas a thoreugis knevilodge of bis subject, anti wili prove iutenestiiîg reuti- ing lis al ewners ûcf cage bird, We ixere eurprised bte idIfreminlus pagestise nuniberof vunioties etfacjusbret inl Canada, there beiug tislrty onte classes ut eue bird show in Toronto. ba citapter on tise washing of Can'snies ac- cempanieti1) ' viilustrtions of sarneeîs tise tîrst time tisaI tItis subjec b t beeu treutet in iii nCanadian wor l-andt tbis on Exhibitions anti Judgirý cannet laitI be ho soptul betî teseamateur anti aise te tise xpenienceti birîl ancier. Tisere are 2-30 pages aîudove,.,- illus- trations in tise bok-, wbic-i -.,Ectlv printct wiis goti cbearI- yxpe iui esjpub- lishioti h Nicholson & Brc'c oflorotito. I'niee 25c post free. F[EW M EN ORGIN AL. Diti yen ever notice isow fow people are original lu> tiings tisoy say anti do? For instance, eue ma mues a fortune eut et a simple tiig; imîuediately isun-. dretis ef otis rs try il. Thsis is isuman nature. X3Jils it is Ly,'ifihta 1a. h, 5.. WbileCanada dees net aspire te be a "istiu" eb ing ut an it onunie fighting country,sie is not inclineti te frt -' obin.ota da h ovenlook tise tact Ibut she isoits a gmeut mass miust be content to feliow premier position lunlise groutoît figisîing tieir leaders. Tisene ls eue lune tisaI is Empire ltalite worid bas ever seen, original,ioeeranitsIltseb- antiil i, tieneonewihsatifacin ess et Bradiley- Gurrelson Ce.,Limit.ed, tisa tise annual report efthtie RoyailtBatetOtbcuefbycu Miiitury College ut Kigston wiillbe fBatod n. eas hy o'n received.. Cunudians have a rigisî te tinually bring eut publications, te suit be prend, efthis institution-founied bv tise limes anti seasens, tisus tiseir agents tise iast Liberul Goveraiment, ntiohie are Sept ut il anti muSe big mioney. In HIoiîAiex(antier Mackenzie,and brougi tact, ne otiter occupation 18 mer -e bonor- te is igisest tegree et preficiency at able, iseaitistul, lucrative, or offoers hait lise preont moment, utier tise oxperi- as inany opperlunities for p romiotion. Il onceti guidance et Lieut -Col. Kitson. is a lite scisool. Muny mon anti weeneai lon gradatos have distinguisiet inl Canada to-day, testif y te tise trutis- lieseslvs snlu nany directions, bots in fuluess et bis diaim, la tact, it is conceti- eniiitany anti elil professions, anti it is et cri aillisnds, tisaI eue yoar's expeni- purticularly apprepriate isat se grati- e nce wvith tisis finen is worîis more le auy fyîng- a report us lise eue wbicit was youtng man or wemnan, than twie or laid beforo Purliameît ith ie closýng tisree.vears ut College, frein an educa- days oet1iue s-10ien.sisoulti ho matie tienai point et viow, anti financialiy, il pubie coi rv day tisaI oeef et o is ail tisaI can ho dosireti. mnost diui .,,d gruduates, Major Girouîard, anrivod ut tise, capital freim- tise of tbis splendid. work for tise Agents:-Did yen ever tbink et baud- Empire in siiperintendirigtbo construc- bing our latest work "Tse Light et tien efthtie railwuv in tise Soudan For Lite" ? If net, now is a geodt ime tise first -thue in tise bistory efthtie te starl 8$3.OcTa day sure, seme coîlege, many more applicanîs bave make twice tisat. Expenience or qualifloti for admission thau n ahoac .capital uanecessury. comimot'atet wisich is tise best possible -BRAIILEY.GwARRETSON MO, LimlteI, evi(tençe tisaItishe institution is net BRANTFORD, ONXT. enby filliung a very defluite place in tise educational. wori hie Dominion, but To PATENT Good Idoai aise. thut tise parents of ouir embryo may besecry henees, have confidence lu tise coliege, IOusr aid. Addrest ils management and tils taculîy. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. MG&

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