Iwill guarine that my rýheumatisma Cure wiil relieve lum- bago, sciatica and al rheumatic pains in t-wo or three hours, aind cure in a few days. MUNYON. At ail druggists, 25e a viai.Guide te Hleaith and mcdl cal advice free. 155 rch et..Ph71a. Farmers You Want.. PRICE $L00O ZACHi. 1DVANTAGESý Itwili double what the old style ma- chine did. It is better made in ail parts. It is a handsomner machine. The tube from eau is exposed and eau bc instant- ly cleaned if it should log. The cain ma be instantlY emptied if yon want te cange imateri alorclean it. The for- mation of the eau allows ail the materi- al to be strayed out when operated upward in trees or bushes. It wili save crops from bugs, worins and Fungi and fruit trees from the caterpillar and other pests. Ex ans' Eieutric Spra-ýer soay Uc had froni dos. Henry, Orono ; Davi!d Bell, Leskard ; A. S. Toolev, Mili, Courtice; Albert Nidderv, Enfield; John Peth- ick, blacksnith, Clarke ; Samil Bon- athan, Newcastle ; John Hooey, ]iear Cadmuns. PETER 'MURDOCH. BOWMA-NVILLE. Agent for Durham Connt'ç. NEW TAILOR SI{OPý rhe uudersigned who bas been carrying on the tailoring business lu connectioni with Maso's Dry Goods Storz for aniumber of years has eommneueed businesl f jr himseif at bis recuis King St. west, where lei j prepqred f0 make gents and boys suits ienail tli latest styles, and at loweÉ! ?riees. For those who wlsh te order suits, hc wili carry a full lune ef samples in al benewest patterns. Give hima eal J. T. ALUN, Faehionabie Taitor, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSIIP, LIVEIiPooL AND LOiz- DNDERRY, AMONfIEAL AND QUE13EC SERVICE. STEAMsER Numidian. Californiaen Talanti Partît us Laurantian Californian Tairîiii Parîsian Fn im MONTRSEAL. JuI y 15th, 9 am Jly 20th, - Juty 27tb; Aug. Ird Aug. lOch, Aug. 1thti Aug ,24thl Aug. 31t, SS. Parislan, new etiginefi andi entireiy refît- ted, saits fromn Livervool, JuIy 20, andi from Montreal. August 3rd. Bavariau, 10000 tons, twin screw, saits fromn Liverpool Aug. 24 and from Motreai, Septesuber 7. Pa ssengers wt :tbe trausferred wirh their bag- gage fi om. the railway statiou te the wharf free of charge. RATES 0F PASSAGE. First eabmn, W 0aud upwards. Returu $10000 and upwards. Second Cablu $35, Steerage $2250 and $28.50 Fromn New York to Glisgow-State of Nebras ka, 7tli July; Mor.goltan, 21st Jouly For ticketsand every information ap* ply te M. A. JAMIES, Wian Liue Azent, Bowmianvitie. Dok o 0tton Root Compoud Is uccssfllynsed monthiy by ever XW.#10,00Ladies. Sale, effectuat. Ladies ask. ý7our druggist for Cook's Coton Rot Cou- Fouad. Take no otheras ail Mixtures, pille and imitations are dangereus. Frice, No. 1, $1 par box- No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box,.No. 1 or 2, malled en racalpt cf price and iwe 8-eeat stamps. The Cook tjompunylWindsor, Ont. CWNos. i and 2 sold and recommeud.ed by al responsible Drugglste in Canlada. Nos. 1 andi 2 sold lu Bowmanville b HIGGIN- BOT5tAM & Soit, STOTT & JURY; 01ro1o0 Y J. Gît.- FILLAx; Newcastle by DR. FARNCOMBE. Rail*ay trackmen meet in convention at Ottawa, September l2th. 28~. A. W. C*HtSE'S 2 0 is sent direct to the diseased parts by the lmproved Biower. ~$ R R Heals the uicers, clears the air paags tps dropplngs lu the ibroat artd permnanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Biower free. Ait dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase M"'diine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. The Canadian Pacifie fias proeured 15,000 new cars for handling this year's grain crop iu Manitoba. CAN BE CUR? SRhLeumnatic Will Cure any Form of Rhecumatism FOUR POI1N TS IN 1ITS FAVO R FIRSTr-QuicrtsT To cuRÉ SLCOND-SA VEST TO TAKE THIRO-MOST HIGHLY £Nn>ORSEe FOURTI4-CHEAPESrTL4.. UY One bottie centains ten days' treataneait lIN BIG BoTTLES, 60 CENTS. TH4E DR. HALL MEDICINE CO. Canadian Agency, -' Kingston, Ont. 110R SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS Ch-ildren Ory tor Washngton, Sept. 3.-Dr. Talmaga to-day rlV dtSC7SSed c mosi attractive départ- ment cf religions xvership-tiie service et Song, lHis ideas wiii ha receivedtivih intarcest y cli wbe love te lift iein voicces ie praise le the Les-d'a bouse, The te-xtisle eemiah vii, 67, "Andti iey bcd iwo bunidrea anti torty anti five singing -men andi singing womee." 1 Thie beet musse bas lae rendenati ander trouble. The finat duel thai I know any- thi- of 'ias given by Paul ant'ilas when lhey sang praisca te Qed andtihti pnîsoears beandti iaî. 'Tbe Scotch Ccv- aRnIers, hoanedti hbe doge of perseca- thon, sang the psalmns et Davidti hiî more spirit thasi ibay hava evan since bean randerel. Tic captivas le thé texi nadi musio laft inutisea, anti 1 daclare that if fh6 becould flefi, amiti ail their trials, twe hondreti anti ty anti five ciegieg aiea andti enairg womn nthon le Ibis day et gospel sunhight anti tree trom cli perce- cuti an Ibare cugit te hu a gruat muhltudea cf iran and woman wIiina te sieg tic pralimes etfQoti. Ail oun cherches nacti creusai on this cubjeet. Those whQ ccu sing muet tbrow their seuls ie utah ex- aroica, anti these wbvie cneot sing mu2i leans how, anti il shah hbe heart te beant, voica te veire, hyme te byme, anticai te antaeny andi the muc chall secll jubilant Nitlitanksgiving ced tremni- eusvwitb pardon. Tiare yen ever noticedth le constructioen cf the hamac ibreat as indicative cf whrat Qed mueans us te do witbh i? Ia oniy au erdinary iliroai anti lunga ibere ara 14 direct muscles and 810 indiiect muscles thai ccc produce a vury- great varlety of suainde, \ibal focs tuaI mean? It means ihat you shoulti sing I De yen. suppose thai Qot, who gives us sncb s musical instrument as ibat, intands us te kccp it abat? 'Supose soe great tyrcel sheulti get possession cf the musi- cal instrmemnts cf tic woniti anti sieulti locit up thse ergan et Westminster Abhcy, andiths cygancf Lucarne, andti 1eorgan at Haarlemi, andti he ongan ai Freibnng, anti ail the cîher greai musical instru- menlt ftic worid, Yon woulti cal sncb a man as ibat a monsder, anti yei yOn are more wîeketi if, with the human volce, catmusical insinumient of more wondertui atiapla lcu than acl tbe musi- cal instruments ibai manaven createti, Yen aluiIt againsi the prois etQed. Lai thesa refuse to slng NVhe neyer itaew our Qed, But cuiltirenefthe bcavcniy King Sienifi speait their joys chroati. Music seems te bave beau bora lu the seul efthîe naturel worldi. Tic canipe- tçai veice whti hich Qed cesumandeti the worhd int eiîg ascrms te linger yat; witb its majesty anti sweetncss, anti yen hean hlt ic h grainflalti, in the swoop et the wlnd antidth e mouatain faîineeses, le tb&ceanary'i warle anti the, thunder shock, lu tic ireek's tinkie anti the oceaa's pacan. There are soft cadences ia nature anti louti notes, sema cof whlci wa cannot bear ai ail anti otlei's that are se terrifie that we cannat appraciaie theai 1b,, Jadrxna..IDey' Great Mas-ch. The almalcusae bave their masc, anti the spieula et hay andtihîe globulae!o war ara as certaiely resonant with the voîce cf Qed as tic bigbest; heavena la 'tyicli tic anales cf tic rafeaeeticela- liraieeir vicies-les. 'When tic lrcaih et the flower sinikres the air, cuti the wiug et the firefly cleaves ht, thare le souati anti thare la aieioty; anti ns te tbese utar- nces et nature whlch soei harsh anti overwhelming, It is as wbea yen stand In the aidai et a great archiestra, ailtise sont almosi rends yonrear becisuse yen are toc acar te catch île liletilug'eof tisa music. Se. my trientis,- we stand tee near tia desoialleg stera andtihîe frighttul whlnlwind te catch the bieufllng af the mnale, but wicu tîianalesi rises to wbaeeQot isl, andtihîe invisible beinga wbo float aboya us, tIen I suppose île harîneny ilans sweai as ih la tremendens. ha tle jutigmant day, that day of tmmii ail terrer, there xviii be ne dissonance te tbese Whoecana appreciate île anale. I6l beiih as wheu scaietimas a grat organist, lu executing soe grat place, breaks down tle Instrument upen xvhici ha lo plmyiug the anale. Se, When tle great mas-ch efthie jutigmant day la playati under the baud oft aathguake, anti Stormianti conflagration, the worlti uitfwihilis-rask dewa wlti île music that is playeti' on i. The tact la, we are ail dent, or we slioultiîunderstand ilat tise wheie univarse, la but anie harmoy- île stars et the nigît only the ivery keys et n grat instrument on witici Go's' fingers play île music et the apheres. .Music seema dapendent an tise law et acoustias sud mailematcs, sud yet wbera inesa inws are net unileratootieai ail tle art la practiceti. TIare are te-day 600 musical Jeunuals lan China. Two thausanti yen 1rs betere Christ the Eg'vp- tieas practicedti iis art. Pythageras leamnati il. Lasaoet Hermiene 'iraie essaya on ht. Plate anti Aristaile liner- tinceti h lato tîsir sebeols, but I have net aueb lutereat lu ibat., My chiafin- teresi la la tle amusic cf the Bible. The Bile, 11k. a grat hnrp wlth inaumerabie strings, swept by the fangers ef inspiration, trembles with ht. Se fer liset as tle taunil ohapiar et Genesîs you findth ie fIrai organlet andt harper- Julial. Se tas- lck as île ihiriy-first chir Ai anti.on-the Ible yen11- aiajenity of bis 'rhythmi goca vibratîng tbrough ahi the agea. Miusic of Bibi. Tinia. Theru were la Bible tintes stringedI n- strumente-n bv4rp Qethireaetrings, pîcycti liy fret anti iow, a barp eftateetings rasoandingonly te tbe fiagera ajf ihe par-' former. Then tisera was the crookeil tmumpet, fashionaf e ot fte bao thie cx or the rami. Thon there wcre the sictrum cudtihte cymbale, ciappcd ila tie fdance or beaten lu tic mcmli. There ware 4,000'Leviies, the hest nen cf tbe ccunîry, wbosc aely business fit was te look atter the musiecof tie temlple. Thesu 4,000 Levites wcre diieldfinlai two classesasnsut cfiiateficce dîfferent tiays. Can you imazine ina barmoey wben tiasa white rebefi Levites, befone the symbole et Gof's presecce and by tise< smoking aliars an'd tbe candleFcticksts Iat sprang upward anti branchati ont like trae et of gid andl under the wiegs cf the cbarubim, clianitid the One Hundrefi anti U:bi-rty-sixth Psachaof David." Do yent know how it was donc? One pari et that great choir stooti np andi chanted, "Oh, give ibanksstunie the Lord, for hle geefi r' Then ibe utier part cf the choir, standing lencrnme etier part oethie tem- ple, weald comarne hxiii tis e rspease, "For hie mnercy endinretb foruven,"l Then thie flrst part weuld laite up tlie sang agaln anti say, "Ueto hlm wbo only tioatb greai wondcrs." The ether part et the choir would cera nel wilb over- whehming response, "For hie marcy enflureti terever," unuîlu Inte latter pari et the sang, the anale flcatiez back- ward andfi frward, harmcny grappling wiîhbharmeny, cverytumpai seuniding, evary hosom beavieg-, cee part of ibis great white robefi choir weuld lift th e aibeai, "Oh, giva ibanite unie tbe Goti et heaven Il" ced the cuber part cf tic Levite cheir woul ineomailewith the nasponsa, "For hie mercy cndaretb for- aven. But 1 cm gladtiat know tisai al ibrongb the cgee ibere bac been great attention paidtat sacreti maeidý. Ambres- lus, Augustine, Gregory the Great, Char- lemagne, gare ih thair mighiy influence, and inle ur day the besatsmusical geelus la throwieg itacit on the airars et Goti. Handel andi Mozart and Bacch anti Dur- ante anti Wof and sceres cf ocher mcn anti wumaa have givea the hast part et iheir genins te cburcb music. A iratb in worfsla isnet hait se mighty as a tuh lu sag., Lutlicn's sermons have bsean for- getten. but tihe "Jutigmant Hyme" ha compesefi le resennding yeta cllibregb Chnlsteadoai. Appro;.rlate Churea. Music. 1 congrainiste the worllancuthie dhurci ou the afivancemeelmina l ib is art-the lldinhnrgb societîca fer îleirai- prevemeni et music, the Swiae inging seciaile, 111e Exeter Hall concerts, the tnienniai musical convocation ci Dusceai- dent, Germany, ant i Brmingham, Eeg- landi, tle coiroverseeof muslce at Munich anti Laîpsie, tlie Hantici anti Haydinati Harmonie and.lozart socle- îleet ib is country, tlie acisuemnies of music in New York, Brooklyn, Boston, Charleston, New Orleans, Chicago anti every city wblch bas any entarprisa. Now, my friands, hoxv ara ee tidcide whist lea appropniate, espacialhy for church anale? Thera aay blia agreat aany différences cf apinien. Ia seainetfthe dlianches tbey prefer a treinati choir; lu othars tbey preter the mehodeon, the harp, île cornet, tlie ergan; in otlar places ihey tinlk tibea iinga ara the inventioanofthile devil. Semne would bave a musical instrument playeti eieund yen cannot stand hi, anti culera weuit lave it piayed se sofi yen cannot hear It. Saieatllek a musical Instrument ouglit ta lie playati only la the intirtices of warsllp, anti thon with indescrihable settucs. while éthers are net satisfieti unhesa tIare hae startlng contrasta anti staccato passages lIai make tha audience ,jnmp, witl grant eyea anti hais on euti, as tram n vision et the witch et Entier. But, wile thera mray lie great. vanieties et opinion la regard te miusic, it sacras te mue that the genemci spirit etftisa word at Qed latilcates whnt ought ta lie tise grant characteristics of church nmusic. Anti I rarnark, la the flret place, a prensinent eharacteristiaoueît- te be nilaptlvaness ta dévotion. Music that may lie apprepnîste fer n concert hall, or the epera hanse, as- the drnwing maoin, may b. inapprapriate ln ahurch. Glass, madrigala, balladg. mamy li as Innacent as psîa laIntiseir places. But dliurcb anale las enhy one design, andti tît la dévotion, andt lat whlccntaes witb thse toes, the swing andtihie dlepiay oftanu opera hanse la a hîndrance te tise war- ablp. Frei n ois performances w. go away saylag: "Wbat splendid exécution!I Dti yen ever hear allah a soprano? Wblch ot these solos titi yen like tisa licter?" Wlen, If w. bail been rlghtly wreagist upon, w. woulti hava gene awcy saying: "Oh, low amy seul waa liftoti p lu île presence et Geti wbile they were slnging thatlËfrt isyma I I neyer bailsuai raptur - eus views et Jeans Christ masiM Savieur as wlman they wcre singing that hast tiexelegy." magte as a Ratp to Devotiox,. My friands. there la an evalaaing âlestînctieu lietwaen muele ns an art anti music as a heip ta devetien. Tbougit a Sclinmancemposed it. ibongi a Mozart la proer condition, as the. weakpess la catused by the birds ezrowlag in helit rather than la breadth, the legs seamlni ta grow longer. Sucit birds show ltae affects nie.ona sufiden change of the weathertitan at any uüther tinie, as if rheumnatio. Keea) thoaila a dry place, fail plaaty of benomnani, and tbêy willi flot oniy easily gai oves It, but wil eventunhiy b. the largosi one@ la tbe Ieock.-Prnu and Yls.sld. 'w w JOV J,ý W& r, %fW tf rVkT d An IAnterestILing aind Instructive Sermon on Mus-ie in fReligion. Rev. Dr. Taimage Dectares That the Bèst Music Hafs Been Ren. dered Under Trouble--God Meant AUl to Sing--The Proper Music for a Church. assertions are matie te jnstify attais on tereigu maies ant inoults te Eurepein . THE PHR'ENOLOGICAL 'womea. la any otler country sncb abeai- - JOURNAL an mnable s',tamants as are matie ngaiastSCE EotiÉIT. ferelgaurs 1wouldl entilliexempinry pua-SCINCofevryHÉALr iahaieal for theseaditers anti'the writers Is in is Sixty-firat yfiar. et thie libohs. But lare, owing toe in.- ' rîte FOWLER & WELLS (ft stitution et a "prison- dtr"wss 27 E. 21st 3t., NW Ypdi<, toi' duties are te go te miU whenever flî* spedimen côPy. f 1.00 a vear papes gets ie otrouble, thse seat offcnd*n .h,î o nO ,,, e ncldrt hscape bcattieaL-h.ndon Dnlly MaIL wero certain tunes marrled, to'certain 1 hytans, and they have lived inupaeace a' great while, 'thçse two oi people, and we have ne rlght te divorce them. 'What Godhaili jeined tegether let neoama put asunder." Born as we have been. aaiid' ibis great lvealth et church music, aug-, mented by the compositions' cf artlis in aur day, we ought net tealbe temptcd eut cf t 'he aphere et Christian barmony and try te seek uncensecrated souinds, It la absurd for a millionaire te steal. 1 remark aise that correctacas ought te bea aeharacteristilocf chureh ansle. Wbule we aIl ouglit te take pari in ibhis service, îh perbape a few exceptipus., vie ought at the saine lime te cuitivate ourselves la ibis sacrefi art. Ged loves harinony, aud wce ught te love it. There is ne devotion la a howl or a yeip. In ibisday, when there are so many oppor- tunities of high culture la this sacred art,, I declare that those parents are guilty o1,,negleet who let ibeir sons and daughters grow up knowing notbing ýabout musc, Ia corne et the Enirepean cathedrais the chair assembles every mcmn- ing ane cery afterzeon of every day the ivhole year to perfect themselçaes lu ibils art. and shal we b"ga-udge the hait heur we spend Frid-ty nights le the reheu.rsai et sacred sang for the Sabbath? N. Duli M31usie Wanted. Anothler characteristic must be spirit andi lite. Mus -iec ught id rush from the audience iike the water trom a rock- clear, brieht, sparkling. Il all the otherl part cf the cburcb service lq duli, do net! have the musiec di. Wlth se many thriiiing thîngs te sing about, awny wlîb, ail dtaw1-in 'and stupidity. There lsi notbing th'±n makes me se nervona as te sit la a pulpinand look, off on an audi- ence ith tereyes ihree-teur.ths.closed, and tneir liýps almestsilut, rmmbling the pralsea cf Qed. ,jJur.ng eona et My journeys 1I proached te an audience cf 2,000 or 8,000, people, and ll the music tliey made togoeiber did net equal cne skvlark! People dçý net sleep ai oro- tien; do rot lat us sloop whea we caie te a Savieurs crcwning, In erder te a praper discharge cf Ibis duty, let us stand up, save as age or wveakness er-fatigue excuses us. Seated le au easy pew we canuet do Ibis duty hait sa well as wben uprîght we threw 0Cr wloe b3dy minI. Laiet ut sang lhe lilte an acclamationet victcry. Yeu have a riglil te sing-do, not surrender yuur prorogative. Ifleinthe performance et your duty, orý the, attempi abi t, yen sliould !osc yeur place la the musical suale and be cee C beiow when yen ought te li ea C above, or yen should come la haîf a bar behind, we xii ex- cuse yen! 51111, il le botter te .do as Paul says and sing 1 with 'tba spirit and the understanding aise." 1A gale, 1 rejnark churcl music must lbe congregatiecal. 'This opportueity muet be bronght dexva wiihin the range et the tvhcle audience. A. sang that the xvorshippers cannet sieg ta et ne more use te thora tlian a sermon la Checiaw. Wliat an easy kind cf church il must lbe xvhere the ininister dees ail the preachieg and the eiders ail the pr&yiug aed the choir ail the singhiz! 'Ibere are but very tew churclies wliere thora are "Itwo hua- dred and tonty andi five slngtng menansd singing women.". Ie some churchea it le aimos t conered a dîdsturbance if a man iet out bis voice te fulcompase, and the pecpie get np on tiptce andi loik over beixveen the sprlng liais and wonder what iliat man le makingail that noise about.,-InuSyracuse ina a.Preehyterian chercb there, wac ene member who came te me when 1 was the pasSer et another churc in la ta city and told me bis trouble, how iliai as bu persisiad ia sing. ing on the liabliail day a commlttee, madea up ef the session et the choir, bafi came te asic hlm if ha wouid net just please te keep still! Yeuhave a right ta sing. Jenathan Edwardsusefi te set apari wbole oays for siaglng. Let us wakeup te tbis duty. Let us sleg alcue, aiea lu car famnli3s, ing lnaeur. sehools, sing ta our churchas. Natio0nal Airs of Keavon., 1 want te reuse Yeu te a.unanlmuty la Christian sang that bias neyer yet bieu exhibitefi. Corne,'naw; clcar your throata andi get ready for tbis duiy, or vou wil neyer bear the endilefthiis. I never shal forget hearlng a Frenchman sing the "Marseillaise" an! the Champs Elysces, Paris, jusi betore the batilaet Sedan ia 1870. 1 neyer saw such enthusiasra before or since. As lie sang tha.t national air, oh, iiew the Frenclimea. abouted i Have yen ever lu an Englsh assembiage.heard a bandi play "Ged Save-the Queau ,?" If yen have, yeu know sometbtng about the enihusiasinet a national air. 'New, I tail yen that these soaga wo sin- Sabiaili by Sabbath are the national airs ot the kingdoîn. cf heaven, and iIf yen de net leama toe sing thea ihera hew de yen expecite sing, the' sang ot Moses and the Lamb?, 1, shoulfi net bc surprised ai ail if sorne otýth& best anibema et hea- ven were nmade, u: ef soine etthe best songe af earth. May Qed increase aur rever eace fer Christian psalmody and keep us freim dlsgracing it by 'aur in- diff erance and, fslvolity. .Wban Cromwell's army went itt bat- tie. hoe stood, at the- hend of ih ane day andi gave eut th& lonig mater dexoiogy ta the tune et thse."01d Hundredtb, ' and PROGRFSS (OF JAPAM. t The IZefori's sof ltheLast Tlirty Teaeus !lave Eeas Mo1st W&at.alig "The iand etf aentle manners and ian- tastie aria. The Japanesa bava the nature raihar of birds andl buiterfiies iban et erdiaary human beings. Thay xil aci aad cannai take lite scriously."-7 That la an epiteme et Sir Edwin .A.mold'a view ot the Japanese. It la reaily time that ibhis Japanese myih was flnally diaposa fe, tan mach " ' eko elegant nonseese is wrlttea cf a people of rtothing better te tear the wbcse outlook on lite is as bopelaaaiy liuîng of your tbroat and materiai as that eftihe Japanase. lungs. It is better than wet The treatment et wcmca and the rein- feet ta cause breecitis aud tiens cf the sexes are usually regardeil as pieunmoaia. Oniy' keep it considerable factors la arrivieg at a judg- 1 up long eneagli andi you aient ot the civilization cf a nation. ' wili sncceed in reducing yaur Judging by iliai test, how de the Japan- , weight, lesing your appetite. esc stand t How do tlie maie "birds andi bringing 'ou a slow fever aed butterflis' conduci theaiseives roward making, everyîliing exacîly the female et thalr species? I xiii endea- rîgit for tire germis of cou- ver, as far as the limite cf Ibis iciter xvililmpie permit, ta answer that question. Stop coughing andi you The Japanese, theugli a certain propar- vigewe. tien eftholia wear iil-fltting European cloth e, and a euh sînmalier percentage are tumnefi oui as nearly as Bondi sîreet itacit couifi make iliera, arc ailI Orienitais.The reforme c f the last10 ar have bean mcct i ld-reachin, cnd vast'changea have Leen cffecead.But ih bas hien aimoet whchly a matcrhj,ýl ra7oluticia Thie moral attributes eft'bbc peopile se ain praciically as tliev «epre« More pparticulatly bas t4cs attitude et thie Japanece maie towards hic wNnîae- kind remaincd. nnnflectedi. lian is tre atogether the superlor The. 'fi ii-uari waiks down the airent tcpacesini aci- vaace of hie wife, wbo tot coaitented1r at bis beels. Ha stepe intobis carria;-e fieSt, andi site ranturs ie aftervo'ard l cures, ceuglis of every Yid She sle rally cf rie' importance ixep An ordieary coiugh dia,-, troat the point et çiew cf clbihr.ren. Ài pears in a single niprht. Tite if she bas ne tamiy a ri-ali s coca o ce racking cotiphs of broncittis ly introducefi laie the sanie hou 'Ibisqare accu complote?- as decerves empbasis, if cula' te w' ne a terefi.And., if net ;,o far lish girls againsi the Increclibie fotly et aieeg, lte ceughs (f con- marryiea a Japanesa, &asosine Lrersi st lu sumption are 'cem'petehy doing ýSncb a union* le, ie 99-cases ut , cured. ot 100;feredoomed te hilecus miseeY. Ask your dreggist fer oe Tha Japanese, whe may le ll i snie, ef shirt front and, eleganc e insaLondon diawing-roemn, or aven ai a public fume- Dr. Ayr tien in'Tokie, becomes an -Orientai th.s moment ho crossae tihe threshold ut hic Cherry Pectoral owe bouse. I have' bailenfler my notîe, quita Plaster. recentiy, a-meiancholy instance of Ibis. A womaa ca me te Jrepan ilve years cgc a happv bride, yeuing. brigisi anti gayv. She u wil aid thse action efthie stle awey the ailier, day as a steerage hierry Pectoral. passenger te SanFrancîsce a prcaiaitue- I e aaaycmlitWa ly, olfi wcman of eight-an-i-tweniy. hean. ver nSdffl!" ute bna st ed. gi-ey andi hopeles. lHuis servitude lad rrite, ns freely. ou wil recc e î liroken lbar beart. Valua t ey ttirnaeios, ea Conjugal infldelity oni the part of the Dit, . . CYER, Lowciî, Mass. wife is a serions malter; on the huclinai'& aide il le net evan a peccadifie. Nor is ibis by any meane the- meat rcnatkable _____ example eftihe aheolute indifferenoe 0oilprstsfod h dai b the Japanoeaitaquestions et mcrality. isesiW1tpaasites suanelyamp ies. fathe Crim.es in cuber ceuntnies are disamissedfret kdace, iti uan trexrmle o het witn .jocular remarits hure. The Govera- fin ail engqie refrn tsh ment protecta, patronizea. antid amest5in . tages of ils lite and only ctta 'ching encourages immnomlity as does tjgatî et tisaiftot feefi. It is cao an example et ne otherclviiized,,coatry. ht even draws the dflficulty expeencefi by zoologiste as partof ts eveue roi taesleviefi on te theie iai affiuities et parasites, fer ibis shamefiul trafice. Silonce le inevitabie hunogeralrgrd sad- on titis iemiitly gioorey phase cf Japanese graded ferormettw?'si nged f y, yet la lite., pasi urne, lt 1as been variously tocalefi The pliysieal affect eoft ie general lexity, and aveni no w- lei ofien considered the et mnoralfibre sîtikas an observant for- type of a distinct order et insecte. Fleas lcigner ai once, The coolie rdase, wbo hlve, pasilirougli the usual stages cf an la- bard and simply, r try snn e-sect's liie--namiey, the cgg, gruit, pupa Iowa,.atsie undur-sizei, bobu ealthy a d ad'uit. ced remst, Tise middle and upper classes b eggs are, laid l ien r, qui et the are generally sedeetary aed vicions, are way pIaces. suehb as ebinke faad cracks pbysically boectb contiempt, if we excepi or On ruge And carpTets, alld trom themn thé naval nnd n proportionof thé miii- are hatcbedti he grubs, wliich fedfiou tary mca,. many cf wbom ara fine tellaws. duet, particles &,t feathereeorcter ani- Thbe Ga'rcrnment tries te encourage mai substances, Atter about 12 fisys lttleticieai la tha scbeals, rec g nizing, tbe greb h canies liet a quiesc ent pupe aàs ht fles, that tlie physique, ef the and-titis lnamaotiter torteight or se te ti nlation la net wliatit h ouifi ha; but îh la perfect insect. lifte sonly te ibis-latter s case et forcing an uawiling herse,. state ibat tfile aickse biood, al te Thbe Japanese student le snet like the other stages itcing inoffensive. It je cari- Enghilih ohoelliey. Ha pîys games par- cee ibat large -'lta mss et ceas are semac- functanily, vwlth an hute relish ns. Smith times touaniIuations where bîod la mainer wouil show la iacking n quati- enly very rareiy acc-essible, andi in thesa ratio equatian. His hcalth la net remest, eases saine olier menus et sobsistanca ail bis spIrite are low. The conscription ainsitlie resorteti ie.-Cliambere Journal.. examlnaions show Ihat 20 par cent, et the candidates only are fit te lie plmced lu the third clues, andi enly 12 par cent. àZ ln tise ,second. The, rest areunfIt fer I erlve sota adr asn service. fyurlvri oto rer aan Penhapa theýaomettiiscenrnging, teature Billousne* sa, Sicit Headache, Heart- la the wbolesituation la that the exam- humn, or Constipation, take7f a dose ef pie set by the bigbcat la net a wbelesoma one. The members et the mistocracy. the ;rF" staiemean md lthe riesta ara amongtae p ill worst offenfersý anti whataver restraint. thé 4idý religions, exarisef-anti h wns On rctiring, andti teorrow your di- but smal-bas censadti tbli oporative. gestive organs xvi lie regulated i rd Neithar Bnddhism non Shinta bas any yen biîî inght, active and ready ceusiderebhe Influence on the educated, o ny kind of work. Thio has, aud te Chitianity thseJapanese have ben0 teIl penencyetohrs;ir neyer tak.ený kiedly. iiile yours. ,0OODS PILLS r Andthteaeducators have much totaan- ald by i mdci]Deae S. areI s-wer ton. Tise Japanese are n randing peo- s lb 1 iedaes t- pie-Tokie ta-day base al>most ne nsany daihies ns Lentin-anti a large propor--E tioný etthe caoichaas kaow anlougia et CIHP ITo10 111_TDE Î i tU Y 1 jettera te eajey tle leas erudita priais __ whîi appeal -te the iowar enflera., 'Ye" what la the gospel toce otten B. F. BYERS litte uleneti the New Ceaira p reach et i nlu th . p a p r a l- th e u p e i l.ty L iv ery aea riy op osi t e *Siand at B an k . cft the'Ged-tiescantiud Japanese oer lme» Bowmanvilie, whara le has a, fine ici et Single of eonmem day, ati the assertion, la sea- d Double Carriags, Democraîs, Wfagons, 8M. and 0. tOi ! sesaOf thaet SUperiarity.an j *nui Leu mmary UT %Ïnarazlei>,,