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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1899, p. 1

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TER S -$1 50 PER AN UM OU T WN ND CO NTY FI ST; TE W RLD ÂF ERW RD . . A J M ES E it r a d N o',e or NEw Si@RrES. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER il, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 41. Ici Are invited ýo see the Big Display of New Goods just opened out at' A fine> stock of New, Stylish and Perfect Fitting Ladies' and Misses' Coats, both German and Cana- dian made. Ladies' Costume Cloths in ail qualities- and colors, also a specially fine range of Fancy Black Dress Goods from the lowest up to the finest goods import- ed, and a big stock of New Wrap Shawls, Travelling Rugs, Flannels, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Blank- ets, Furs, Tweeds, Worsteds, Over Ooatings, &c. No better goods and no better value anywhere. C uch, Johnston & Cryderman.1 B3ow IANýVILLE, Septemnbér i2th, 1899. ................. .......... % .N .l BMMOl5WEBM - To get som e of thie bargrains that we are off ering in il Ues of Furniture. Everybody says this is the cheapest place to buy furniture and what everybody says must be true. Caîl and see for yoi-iiself, prices are raising and now is the time for you to buy, before we dispose of our present larg-e stock, at the old prices. M. 1). WILLIAMS & SON. BcwMÂiANvILLE. Ulldeitakîng recerves prompt and personal attention. **O.WSB*,,UBSU*1St ~..~~g~!*!afl N~U8!*Uq !!!!WWUSMIR! =====~~= *EU.URSt .mfl....u...I Whei 7 Leave your repairing a t Jas. G oard's. Al r work attended to promptly and guaranteed. Gold Filled Watthes sold at prices usually asked for silver. Full assortment of Writing Material always kcpt in stock. Choiee in Colore'I anI- Crinkled Tissue Paper. 3OWMAY VILLE. - Watelimaker and Jeweller. (Ellison's Old Sta.nd.) SPECIAL EXCURSION MIDLAND OR BRACEBRIGE P. M. Trains Friday, Oct. 13, ail day Saturday, Oct. 1419 BQWMANVI LLE TO EfITER POINT AND RETUJRN $1,25 Tickets and ful Information, etc., at Stott & Jury's Drug Store, J. H. H. JURY, W. WOO0D, C. P. & T. A. epot At M. 0. DIOKSON, District Pass. Agent, Toronto. se, If you would avail yourself of the opportunity to purchase manly of the sniaps T. N. Riokard, Bowýman- ville, bas for you in the way of Watchos, Clocks, Chains. Rings, and ail kintis of, Jewellry anti Tableware. We say "1Snaps" we meanths,- Hie bas purchaseti numbers of these tbings, before the price went Up wholesale and is giving you a chance to reap the bonëfit, andi he is expeet- ing you te appreciateîbhisoffer suffi- ciently well to make it profitable to hlm. But bis stock will flot lest forev7er, rememnber that. One or two speialties are a Gent's Coin Silver Case and Waltham Works. Sterling Silver Tableware, and Silver Plateti Kuives, Forks and Spnoos. Best value in Canada. T. N. RI1CRARD, Jeweller and Optican,'Bowmanville, 13 doors East of Standard 'Bank. -Grocers' due bis taken a,5 casia. ENN'ISKILLEN. Mrs. W. Hl. Martini bas been visiting bier sisters, Mrs. L. Tbempson,Oshawa, anti Mr T. Treleven, Foley. ... Miss !dý,ma Tambivn, Oreno, is guost of lier sistor, Mrs. fi. J. Worrv. ..... Miss WVal- lace, LindsayvA is guesf cf Mr. J. W, Williams.. .. Misses Herring anti J. Arnîcur, Zion, visitoti Mr. W. Ilerring ou Saibatir.. .. Mi.ss Minnie Rogers anti Mr. W. Rommer, Pickoring, bave beon guosts et Mr-. F. Rogers.... Mr. Robeit Ilutchinson, Listowel, a long time rosi. dent of this village, is visiting olti frionds bre .... Theo social a, the par- sonage last Friday oe'eing wes quite a DARLINGTON (JOUNOIL. Town Hall, fiampiton, Sept. 30, 1899. Reguier monthly meeting. Members aI! presont, I{eeve Courtice presiaiiug.j Minutes nf lest meeting reeri andi cun-' lirmeti. John Penfoui proseuteti aî petition sig-neti byeigbteeu ratepayers1 resitieuts t the soutii west part of tire T1ownship praýitrg tire Courncili take necessary proceetiîngs 10 testablisît a1 Union Schooi with the Township of East Whitbv in accordance with secLou 43 of the Public Schools Act, laid on1 table, anti the 'cloe instructed to write1 the Trustees ot Scirool brections lnum- bers four anti eigl-tt, anti iuiform t Cern tiet mnalter will be censidereu aettire next meeting of Councîl. Gl. VW. Soper claimeti damages for sbeup killeti by dogs, Mr. Knignît proveti velue et $15, settlemwent laid over. J. H. Cowling applieti te have roadway continu(li tbroughi Mr. ýMoiton s ienu, net grauted.i E. Rice presenteti poitroîî .itinu by 511 ratepayo r., asking to have rueti opeucti belweeni concessions 8 anti lu opposite lots ?), 4 anti part ef 5, laid ovet. 11ev., W. Weetherell eppireti tor a iuerriage registry book for the Enuîskiilen eburcu, tire clerk instrucledti t procure onui. A circuler was receiveti from J. V'V. RI-.r, Ulerk of Peece, advisiug numnber jury. men requiredti te b selecteti, fer tue year P9uu. A petition sbig'ued by WV. Rieynolis andoti îrers was proenteti asking thiat a by-law bu pa8sed u l iow shoop te i-un et large o turing the summer, laid ever. A by-law INo. 562) was passotid autborising the lev> ing- andi collection of twe per cent onL ail taxes remewiig unpaid on tire l4thr day of Decemiber. Trie consitieretiou cf the petitioîi of R Reynoltis anti others wes laid over to next meeting. Tire Reeve anti Co)uncilior Pescoe were appointeti a C -ormuiîttue f0 examine the bridge rear 1pirt of lot 19, cou. 6, andt report as ftiv blt of repairîng ror rebuilti- ieg sa. 'lie qeeve and sCeuncîliors Clîen'i Poterweru appojItue petitions 0 oi ss.Leani Re3 nolis.' It wali-î oveti by Councillor .Brown secondeti by Councillor Liumons, that ail persons eccupying i-cati allow'arcees' in iut 'ro will bu reuuiredti 1 pay rOîît for t ,e ame'anti that the lrk de notify ail sucb persons, carried. Thre reuvo wýýas authorisedti t grant ortiers on the T "reesurer as folloMws: T. Brima- combie, plank $30.66, G. Aluni, cediar 81.50, R . Martyn, codar $.2,N. Sîitb, coder8, T. J. Clarke, sprkes $6i, A. br. Toole., spikes ant iIlme)er $1.20, 1-1. G. Arg ue, gravel 81 10, J. Baison, gravel $U, A. eters, gravel, $1.20, W., I. Cowling, use of lanti for icati, $2, G. Allin, sbeep danieges $1-,G.toîiee sbieep dema-es $20. Indigents: Janet """'sOnMrs. Staples, J. Peters 8 oech; J. (- em bel, M rs *lîoitigesi- eacti; M rs. Lene,3;T1. Wilcox u3'. ,T. Yascoe laid mb trý'easury $10,50 being balance ou sale of timtber D. W. Leachr. Meetinigadjeuruedti t October 28, et 10 o'clock a. in. fI. ELLIOTT, JR., 'Iownship Udock, 8~o 0 very long ago pirates attackcd a vessel fn thre Chinese s.ea. Thie crcw fled in terror to thre rigging, but thre captain's 'wife seizeti a cutlass, anti as tire,,pirates, vesSels side, sie cnt them dowal like 'weeds, until tIose remaining re-entereti tirOir boats anti rowed away. Diseeses t1at attack women ai-e worse then pirates. Tirey tor ture long befome firey kili. But wonren can beat t off o> and eut tham i own witir Dr., Pierclr'sPayoçite Prescription. Tis is a wonîan's remedy that iras ne elcoirol, opium or otire.r lac- codic in if. It ia bhc prescription o.f Dr. IR. V. Pier-ce, of Buffalo, N. Y., wiro ies devoteti a long anti successful tifhe te th.e study anti treetnscnt of iiscases pectaliar tb women, It overecones irregularities,stp tisgeable drains, bca.ing-dovwn pains anti akacie; cures fý:male wcakness and ireatacire., h irelps tire girl over tire tiffi-. culties encounteret wiren sire enter,, wem- aniront; maires tire perioti precctirg ma- ternityý a finie 0f conifort; andi the newborn entera tire world witirou.f uninecessary pein lotiramotrer. At the "turn oflife" it is ptiQjeless te wcmankinti. Medicine deaies-s seli it, anti yen sirould , neyer- permit fireni tesubstitute ntrer niedicine wirich tirey mnay urge upon yOu as "ju2t as goot." Il Ihad bieen a great suifferar rom ^femiale weakne-sa," writes airs. M. B. Waiiace,.of Mu- cuiter, Co-ke Co., Texas., "1 tricti four doctors and none did tme ausoiodo Isuféeaisixvears, but at iast 1 founti relieC I foilowed voir- ad- vice, and teck four botties of 'Golden-Medical Discoeery,' and eiiiit of the 'Favorite Prescr-rp tion. ' I nnw feet like a ne-w woman. I have gained eightcen poundi." '11 papCr' evers, 31 one - cent stamps; cioth intimig, 5 stamp'- Dr. Pierce's CoMmnon Seuse Metircai Ativiser. Atidreso Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. INSTAINTLY KILLED. The Conneaut, Ohîio, Evening Xcwslv, savs:,"Yesterday afternoen about 4 o'- ,dock Winm. McCrimmon, Bowmianville, Ont., who bcd just shipped as wheels- mari cf the Steamer Arthur Orr was struck bv an cre bucket, knocked into the bold of the vossel and instantly killeti He struck on bis bead, break- ing bis neck andi fracturing bis skull. M'r, McCrimmon was just going abeard the steamer which was Iving at the, dock, te bogin bis duties, He was carrving bis bag and was passing aloug the dock wheu the ore huzýket struck him. Tiho blow sent him tbrough the batch, heari fini3t andtihe plunigeti in the holti., Mr. McCrimrmou was a gond saili or anti leaves a wife and tbree chiltiren et Bowmanville. The body was taken te Marc 'v & Beldinig's undertaking roomns. Tbis merrinuit -was sbipped to Bowmanx-ille The Dock cempany foots ail bis. Mr. McCrimmon came bore from Ashtabula yesterday, dra- ing $3040. -He weuit Up town and trieti te senti $30 f0 bis wife but the banks were closoti. Tben ho camne bore, Ho was well and fevorahlv known lu Ash- tabula. For the past tbree seasons Mr. McCrimmon bas saileti with Captain Massey of Arthur Orr and was well liked by thet offilcer. No inquest was tbought necessary." The funeral took placeSaturday ef ter Inoon fromn the resitience of Mr. Tiios. Darcb te Bowmenvilio cometerv, ser- vice being conductet i by Rev J. H. Turnbuil. fils father, Capt., McCrim- mon, anti brother, Mr. Pbilip McCrim- m~~on of Point Traverse. and her mother, Mrs. A. G. C., Brown, Chicago, and Capt. Wji i..fbt, Port Hope, were amen' g' the mournerb wbo etteiCIed the f uneral. TRiE LATE SAMUELi BURDEN. Bowmanville fias bad many sutiden deaîbs recently and on \Vednostiey last anot ber was added te f00 list in the person of an olti and respocteti citizen Mr. Samuel Burden. Ho bati been ailing for some time but had been around tewn every day. -Wednesde v .aornîng he came tiown town from hfs. residence and about Il o'clock went in- te the office of Drs. Belth & McLaugb- lin, whore ho tbre-w bimself dowu on a sofa. Dr. McLeughlin went inte the waitinz reom wbon Mr. Burden told bim a veico tbat was scarcely audible that be was sufforing from a. pain in his side, Tbe doctor after examining hlma and finting bis heart very irregu- ar, st epped into an adjoiuing room, to procure seme medicine, but had ne sooner done se that ho beard difflouit brabnandfion ,roturninog feuud that Mr.~ ~ ~ ~ i Brenasdio.Ia Very few was about 6axe -see, ail was elite of Býowmanvillo',odet;sidents,, bav- ing lived bore fromhoybeod. For some,, ers ho taugbit scbool anti aftorwartis eîîgaged ln tho fleur andi foed business witb Mr. Benjamn Werry as paîtner . At eue timo ho publishod'The Standard newspaper in the interest of the Consor- vative party. For a great many yoars ho was closoly identifloti witb municipal affairs, baving beld thle offices cf Coun- ciller anti Reevo, anti was for onu yoar Warden cf the unitod Counties cf, Northumberland anti Durham. 11ei wes assessor for the town for many years, anti at the time of bis eeatb wes1 Secrtarv--Treasurer of the Public Schocl lioard. Ho beaves a family of f our grown-up cbildren, two sos- Messrs. Charles Burden of Engone City,ý Orogon, anti Fred Burden of Xinnipeg-ançl two daughters-Mrs. Chas. Tod of Wbit.by and Mrs. McLea, of WinniipeZ., Mrs. Burden also, dieti suddenly about two years ago. The remAîus were remevedt t bis late rosi- dence on Churcb street, and the faunerai teok place on Saturday afternoon the inombers cf Jerusalem Lodge A.F.& A. M., of w nicb deceaseti was a member, ettentiing in a body. The p.ill bearers were Masons-Messrs, E. R. Bounsaîl, Thes, Bingham, John Percy, Capt. W. C. King, Dr. Brimecombe and John Lyio.Services were contiucted byRev.R. Seaborn, rector of St.' John's church, Mrs. Cihas. Tod, Whitby, deughter, Mr. Fred Burdon, Winnipeg, son,. anti Mr. Wm.Burden, Littlo Brittain, broth- or, were among the mounénrs. COURTICE. Mrs. John Aver anti femily, Cold- water, are visiting et Mr. Fred. Nich- ois,. . .. Miss Jeweil,.teacher et No 8, was recont guest of Miss Bickle. ... Mr. J. W. Fetherîngham spont Sunday with Mr. Stilîman, Blacksteck. . -. Mrs Merr-bas returned from visiting friends in th@e wost. . . .Messrs. Brooks anti Laugmaiti were very successful prize winners et Markham feir. . .. Mr. Jebn and Miss Clara Littiojobus visiteti friontinluMerkham lest week ..,.. Mr. anti Mrs. Wyborn spent Suntiay with' frientsisnluTvrone. . .. Miss Mabol W' alter, bas gene to Clifton Springs for M-1k1-1 TIfRo;.and un clb ar I M. A. JAMES; Editor and Proprietor. TERMS -.-0 , 1.50 PitR ANNUM. OUR - TOWN AND COUNTY PIRST; TER WORLD APTERWARDS. VOLUME XLV. No. 41. SIR WILFRID AT ON OcjtoberlOtl AT 2 P.M. Everyone hear this Gifted Canladian-our Premier, NEW IHAVEN- 11ev. J. S. I. Wilson conducteti the consecretion meeting et the C. E, lest Fritiay eveuing. Mi-. E. T. Slemon, B., A., Oshawa, will have char-go of the meeting next Fritiay.. .. Mrs. John Clark gave e party Moetiay evening lu lienor of the hirtbday of lier littIe four voar olti daughter Gertie,... Mrs. W. fi. Woodi anti chiltiren anti Miss Menti Lucas visiteti frieutiset Hampton.... Mies Emma Ccx, Maple Grove, visiheti her sister Mrs. John Metcaf . . .. Mr,. Edigar W. Aluin bas se fer improvoti as to be able tb bave bis rmm aller bis long confinemenit. A CEASELESiQ TORMENT. Eozematie Gnawing and Irrita'ion Have a. Short Stay Afler One Application of D)r. Agniew's Ontment-It Helps Itmmediateiy nud Cures Quickiy. C. W. fioward, Peek's Islandi, Me., writus: "Encloseti fi 85 cents, for wbicir kiutily senti me a box of Dr. Agnuw'sOiuîmeuî. I have been afflict- oti for a long lime witb eczeme, anti il bas doue me se mucli gooti I went bo t-y anotirer box, Tire first application gave me more relief thani anything 1 evor trieti. It's gzoing te cure me eut- rgt" Soi by JfIi-ginbothem & Miss Dunn, daughiter cf Mr. fiuKhg Dune, Varney, Ont., anti Miss Ross, Enfield, wero rocent guesî s of Mrs. Is- aboe lOun . ... Epwortb Leegue Dis- trict Convention will bu biel.d et Tyrone ou flie l7th . . Rev. R. Maliett, M . Orillia, gave e practicel disceurse on Christian Perfection lu Tyrone cburcb Sunday eveeing ...Mr. fi. Rahma speal7s favorably of lteNorth West.. ., Mrs. John Mitchell, sr-.. Enniskilleu vis- ifeti frientis bre recenîtly . .. . ev. McK. Young is lu retirer poor healtb anti ias hoe awav on an excursion witb bis parents te Michigan... Mucb sympatby iR expressuti for MXr. W. Rý Clemen 's anti family ln Mrs, Clemens' severe affluc- tion. We trust the trualment may prove spueduli- successfui. A PITABLE CRIPPLE. From Rheumnatîsm- ihistered by Doctors Titi Hie Dldn't Krrow Himîclf Sonth Amer-jeani Rheumatic Cure Perfor-ms a Worîdrous Cure D. Desar.etels, Peterbome, writes.- "For montbs I was unable te work,irat rheaumetisr n lueverxr part 0f rny body. I was blistereti by doctors et ton differ- ont times. My bauds were drawn eut nf shape, my fingers were distorteti, anti iny wrists anti ferearm were double, their naturel size, My log was incaseti in a plester case for four menths. I triet Seutir American Rireumetie Cure; I toek two botties., Twenty-four boums aller firsh dose I fuît like a new man. One week alter I *as able te go t& work. Now I am as bearhy anti shroug as ever." Solti by J. fiigginibotirem,& Son, ____ _ SALEM. Tire meny frientis of Mrs. Win. Eowe- were surprisedti o bai-n of ber deelir ou Montiey. Sinýe thb, deatir of ber >busbandt wo N arns ego, she hati been lihçing alone ili th( bouse, tire tai-m ho- in orkoti by ber nuphew, Mr. Wm. Rowe, who went tirere ho plow on Mou- day îuerniug. At noon ire went ho the~ bouse toeoat, bis dinner but founti the doors locked anti lookinZ le tire wiutiow saw a lem p burning. Hoexveut for Mr. anti Mrs. James Darcir, noiglibors, anti for-cing an- entrance to ýthe bouse feunti Mrs.' Rnwe deet inlubeti, epperenhly baving dieti turing the uight. ees

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