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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1899, p. 2

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fThe Calladiail Statesinan An Eight Page, Forty-Elght ColumnN-ewspaper, le pnblislied EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNINO, AT THE OFFICE 26 STATESb¶AN BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWM1ANVILLE, ONT.. BY Subscription$1.50 per annnm, or $100 if pai strictly iu advance. ADVERTISING RATES Transient Adeertisiug. Tan Cents per Line,j tirai; insertion i Five Cents per Line eaeh .. iequent insertion. CONTRACTIRATES. BIZE OFADVEaTISEMEN TIE NRT. 1 Ml Mille hs6mths 1 Ir, One Columon .......... $20 00 $40 $60 100 Half Column......... 13 00 26 40 60 Quartr' Column ...8 00 16 26 40 'ilghth Columu....... 5 00 10 16 26 Twenty-five Lina... 4 50 9 12 18 Twenty bines.......... 400 6 8 18 Fifiecu Lines.......... s 5o 5 7 50 12 Ten Lines ......... .... 250 .450 6501 il ilive Lisses, ............ 1 251 3 501 61 10 The abova are contraet rates, and apply oniy to regular business advertisers. Changes of contract advertisements must be handed Su not lter that oe o'eck on Saturday -ibis mile sit ba strietly enforeed. Paragrapis cdi ertisBmçuts &mooug naws items ,oc a lina eaeh insertion. Birihe, 2c; Marriages aud Deathe, 50c. Dispiayed advertisements are maasured by a scale of soid noupareil and se charged. Orders for discontinuing advertiseenets mut bc iu wrting, otharwise the publisher will net be resnonslbla. Noe paper wll ee stopped outil an arrearages are pasdi, excepi at the option of the publisher. A post office notice te discontinue ls net sufficieni- Double regular rates are cbarged dnring Nr:ýde, April and May and October, November a:;it D)r'ember for disptay advertlsing flot cou- tracted for'by the year, BusSuesse notices lu local or news clumns firet Inserion 101 cents par line Nonpareil 5 cents per Ilin each subsequlent insertion. N7ot ces et meet- ings of any km S ai wbich an admission foe s charged or a collection îS taken must be paid for. Att communications should be addresssd, -M. A. JAMES, Bewmtanville, Ont. MARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. JAE£s. Issuer of MarrSage Licenses. Residence: Centre street. A. E. MoLAUGHLII'4, DBrrister, Solicitor and Convaye r. Offie:- BI akley Bock, King ftret Bowmanville. Monsy te boan ai reasonabte rates. 48-lyr, ~VbCIC)0 TO LEND 5 0on good mort- g age secuity t moderata rates of interesi, A. E.MýcLÂ&uenauŽ,SolicitorBowmanvilte,Ont.1 16 -6m. »R, J. C. MITCHESLL. M EMBEROCFCOLT1EGIEO(F PEYSICIANS aud Surgeons, OntarioiCoroner, etc, Residence. Ennueskllan. 74 D. BURKE SIMIPSON, J3 RRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, up-stairs, kioig.Street, Bowmau ville. Solicitor for tisa Ontario Bank. Private monevo loaned ai lowast rates. ROBERT YOUTNG, V.,S. OFFiCE IN WEST DURLIAM NEWS 0Bloek, whera bimsetf or ls assistant will befon dfremSa. m.to 9p. m. Nigbt catie at residenca, directiy oppoite Drill Shed, Caits by telegraph or telep'booe wlireciva prompt ai- tenûn. Y171 - yr. etoN. TIST' w' 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Graduate of> the Roy al Collage of Dental Sut geone, Ontario OFFICEl.-OppOsite Express Office. VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANK continues te de a Generat Bankiug *Business ai Bowmaavllle Agency. DEPOSITS recsivFd lu Savings Bank Department and inierest aled ai coment rates. Noticesof1 'wthdrawal net nscessary. All depesits payable on dsmand. EXCHANGwE Mrs. X,-I îvant yen te corne igbt hoei for I want yen te go te LUTTRELL'S for some buns and cakes for tea. Johnny- l'Il corne home on the mun, ton 1 like goiug there, for his buns and cakes are just fine A fu stock of Confoctionery is al ways ]tept on baud, Alex. Luttreli Ciarke's Old Stand, Bowrnanville BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 11, 1899. CARTWRIGHT FAIR. The annual tali exhibition of Cart- wright Agricultural Society was bell a# Blackýtock, on Tuesday and Wednes- iay last. Despite the unfavorable weatheron, Wc'dnesday a large crowd was in attendance and the receipts were quite satisfactory. The new track was the centre of interest where many fine animais were on exhibition for style and speed. The Ileavy Draught, and General Purpese Teams made a good showing as well as the gcldings and fills ini these twe classes. The cattie, sheep, swine and poultry did flot corne up to former T cars in number cf entries but those show n were creditable to the owners. Grains, seeds and vege- tables were good but in the ladies' de- partment there was a consieerable faîl- ing off in num ber of entries. The ladies cf Cartwright have the abîlity we ksnow te produce goed work in these depart- ments and we hope te sec a rnuch larg-er exhibit next 'year. With such an up-to- date list there should be keen competi- tien in ail the ncwest lines cf needle- work. The Jessop Furniture Co., and Mr. R. J. McfeNally added considerably te the drill shed show by their exhibits cf fine furniture whicýh was greatly ad- mired. The following is a list cf the successful prize winners, for which we are indebted te the courteous and effici- ent Sccretary, Mr. James Parr, whose faithful services i connection with this Society bas done much towa1rds the suc- cess cf the exhibition. HORISES.. DnAUGHT:-Team, Ansen Taylor, G Mariow Brood mare and foal, S Devitt, J Coates. 2 vear old geldinz or filly. I Whitfield, J3i1 erder. I year old gelding or fillv, John Jobb. GENERAL PuavosE:-Tcam,T McKee, J Buhseli, Brood mare and foal, W Jobns, W Parr, 2. ycar old geiding or Elly, T McKec. 1 ycar old gelding or filly, A Spinks, S J Beacock CAÂIutLE:-Team, G McGill, T lly- land. Blood mare and féal, R'1,-ackson, John Carscadden. 2 ycar old gclding or filly, A McGiil, J Carseadden. 1. year old gclding or filly, J English, R Jack- son.' 15ý hands and ever, Dr. Naismith, S J Beacock. driving herse under l5à bands, J Laidley, A Devitt. CATTLE. DuRHAms:-Bull, J Campbell. Bull, I , ear old, J EDyer, GMarlow. Milch cowv, T A Wrigý:ht, i and 2. liciter,2 eld, J Campbell rand 2. liciter caîf, T AWrighit,,J-Campbeli. 13ull caif, under 1 yeair, J Campbell, T A Wright. ilerd, J Camnpbeli, T A Wright. GRADE:-Milceh cow, S J Beacock, John Wright. Ileifer, 2 ycears old, W Forder, T A Wright. Hlcier, 1 year oid, J Campbell. Calf. uuder 1 ycar, J Campbell 1 and 2 Milch cow any breed, John Wright. SIIEEP. COTSWeLD:-Agcd ram. R Philp. Sheariing ram, R Philp. Ramn lamb, R PhilpJ Coates. Aged ewes, J Ccates, R Philp. Pair shcariing ewcs, J Coates, R Philp. Pair ewe lambs, J Ceates i' and, 2. LESTER:-Aged yam, J Campbell, J Wright. Sheariing rami, J Campbell, Ram lamb, T Whitfleld, J Campbell. Pair agcd cwcs, T A Wright, J Wright. Pair shcarling ewcs, J Campbell, T A Wright. Pair ewe lambs, J Wright, J Campbell. POULTRY.' Plymouth rocks, T Woods, J Abbott. Light brahmas, T Woods lst and 2nd. Park brahmas, T Woods lst and 12ad. Black minorcas, T Woodp, Mrs W C Lattimer., Silver Wyandottes, Thes Woods. Black Spanish,T Woods 1 and 2ý Legborns, T Woods,, Mrs W C Lat- timer. Hamburgs, T Woods 1 and 2. Geese, W Barton, T Woodis. Ducks, I TnA o Tsa Abbott. peer sufferers are being impesed upon by uncrupulous quacks, Mr. Graham considers-it bis dutv te give his fcllow- meni the benefit of bis experience and assit them topa cure bv intçrmiag any- ene who will write te him lu strict eon- fidence ivhere te lbe cured. Ne atten- tion can be given te those, writing eut ot mocre curiousity -but any one who reaily needs à cure'is advised te ad- dress Mr, Graham as above. 14-tf, Te undergo an operationJ for itching. f Piles when Dr. A. W. Chase', Ointment Is a surer, cheaper, easier way te cure. ,Cruel, barbarous mpthods belon, to the dark ages of the past. There was a, turne whien a surgic-ai operauion w as considered the only possible cure for piles. Not su uow. Occa- sionally thcre is stili fou-dd a physician who adheres to ibis dan gý. cous an d expen'sive method, but te cvcry oeue "ho stit belicves iu usiug the kuife, ruiety and uhie reeommend the use of Dr. Chase s 0î,tmieut. Dr. C -. M. Hîcian, witung in The Ameican Journal Of Heaish, said: \Va know that' Dr. Chases Oinent meets ail the requisitionus of the highest stand- ard of woth, that it wilt bc heid in high esteemt wheceear t is used, and cousequentty we cudorse it to every ceadr. " By force of merit aioe Dr. Chases Ont- meut has wou its way ite ibis wide, wida world, untit it h us made the name of Dr. Chas f.sihiac ie aimc4 evecy berne, and wou for the veuccable di eus erer the tie of Americas Greatest Vhs sic a." Dr. Chases Ojutusent has uever been known te fAil rs a cure for piles. It mattecr flot tuhether blind, itching, bleediug or protruding, Dr. Choses Outineut is au absoluta and per- fect cure, tir.A W. Chmssinioattsth.d1sc-,ey.fthesuthor .f Dr Chasse aeipo J15,k, hoso portrait anS ,,gntnr, 18 ouj -voy box or tbagooo. desSers, et Edoanoo.OaestCo., iooatw IMPLEMENTS, Single carniage, O L Byers 1 and 2. Fanning miii, G Jackson, C W Marlow. Sewing machine, J MeNally. Turnip pulper, J as Gallagher 1 and 2. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Set bedroomn furniture, Jessep Mtg Ce, R J McNally. Rag carpet, Mrs McLean, Mrs W Bradburn. Rag mat, Mrs S J Beaceck, l'ra J McLaughlin. Pair weoien mittens, Mrs MeLean 1 and 2. Pair woolen socks, Mrs MeLean 1 and 2. ilome-spun stocking yarn, Mrs J Parr, Mrs'McLean. GRAINS ANI) SEEDS. Faîl wheat, red, T Iland. Fail do white, J WVright, W Bradburn- Spring wheat, bard, T A Wright. Spring do, soit, 2nd prize $1 worth goods byý T J Wîdden, Port Perry. W Barton, J Jcbb. Peas, Michigan whites or Canadian beauties, 2nd prizc a pair of Ladies' Shees. value si- by a fricnd, J Y Me- Laugbiin, J Jobb. Peas, smaii, 2nd prize a pair of ladies' slippe rs, value' $1, by a tricnd, J Wright 1st. White oats. J H Devitt, J Jobb. Black oats, T H 3land, Anson Taylor. Bariey, 6 rwed J Jobb, Nelsen Marlow. White beans, R Crawford, S J Beacock. VEGETABLES. Wliite petatocs, T Woods. R1,3d po- tatees. T Woods, N Marlew. Turnîps, N Marlow, TWbitfield. Wbite carrets, J Abbott. Table carrets, Mrs MeiLýean, T Swain. Winter cabbage, T Swain, J Abbott. Table squash, R Crawford. Pumpkius, T W Robertsonî, W Bartoni. Table beets, Mrs SSehrT San White eulons, T Swain,. G Marlew. Red dnions, R Crawford, Mrs S Shep- herd. M~angolds, Thos Woods, Toma- tees, TSwain, Mris SShepherd. Citrons, W Barton, Mrs Monet. Indian ceorn, J English, 1 and 2. FRUIT. WVinter apples, John Abbott, W',John. Fall apples, J 1Il -Pevitt, J Abbott. Russets, T1 Woods, J Abbot t. Snow apples, Mrs S Shephierd, Mrs McLeaii. Northeru spies, J Abbott, T Swain. Winter pears, T Swain 1 and 2. Col fruits, J Abbott. LADIES' DEPAPtTMENT. Gents' shirt and coliar, , Mrs J W MeLaugblin, Miss May Parr; suit Ladies' Underciotlîing, Mrs J Y McLaughlin, Mrs W C L1attimer; worked button luoles on six diff erent materiais, Mrs J Y McLaughlin, Mrs McLcan: fancy pin cushion, Mrs' J Hl Devitt, Mrs J Y McLaughlin; trimmed basket, Mrs J Y McLaughlin 1 & 2; fancy stitches on linon dr silk, Miss L Parks. Mrs J Y McLaug-hlin; bedroom slippers, Mrs W C Lattimer, Mrs Monet; sidebeerd scarf in w bite linon, Mrs J Y McLaughiin 1 & 2; sofa pillew, Mlrs R J McNaily, Mrs Ilawken; toilel set, embrcidered, Miss L Parks; whisk hold- er, Miss L Parks, Mrs J Y McLaugbiin; siik embriedery, Mrs W- C LaRttimer, Miss L. Parks; set table mats Miss L Parks, Mrs J Y McLaug-blini; table doylies, Mrs J Y Melaughblin, Mfrs N Marlow. piliow shams, Mrs J âY Mc- Laflghilin, Missq L Parks; tme ccsyMns Mrs jý Y MCL'auglin; ecichet work with sllk, Mrs Monet, Mis J Y McLau- glîlin; colection eof crochet patterns, Miss L Parks,.Mrs Monet; pateh quit, any material or pattern, Miss May Parr Mrs J Y MeLtughiiîn FINE ARTS. Painting in Oul, Mns W C Lattimen, C W Marlew. Painltinin l water colora, Mrs W CLattimer, Mrs RJ McNallyv. Pencil drawing, Mns R J McýNally, monochromatic drawiug, C W Marlew,: Mrs R J McNally. SPEEDING IN THE RING, Froc-for al-T. Evans' "Frank El- lis," Hsarrv Bowens "Iîarry Xik, Dr Fish's 1'Little Bob." Open te horses owu'ed lu Township of Cartwrig ht-Dr Fislîi's '-Little Bob.' J Mabaffys "Joe Brown,", T Swaiuî's "Harkawaý ." Beat looking turnout, S Devit, J Sharp. ______ t,'THr, APPETITE 0F A GOA'-Is. envied by ail poor dyspeptica whose Stomach and Liver are ont of order. Ail sncb should know that Dr. King's New Lite Pihîs, the wonderful Stomach and Livet Remiedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion -and a regniar bodiiy habit that insures perfect bealtb and great euorgy. On!v 25c. at Stott and Jury 's, Druggists. OROINO, Rev. R. T. Lewis, Scugog. was bore hast wek . . .. Mr. Archibald Green bas returned frern Charlotte .... Miss Mabel Long bas retnrned te ber berne in Cleveland .. .. Miss M. M. Moment is visiting ber annt in Frnitland, Ont.... Misa Jeffeny, Toronto, is visiting ber sister Mra. J. E Richards. -... Miss Viola Gilfillan,- Bowmanville, visi ed ber brother bre... Mrs. MeNaclitan, Cob-ý eurg, and Mns. Arnott, Newcastle, vis- ited friendr bore recently. .....Mrs. Goo. Stephens, Danington, and Mrs. F W. Williamsen, recently visited at Mn Alex Rae's, Starkviihe.-. .Mn. Walt. Chartran, Bewmauville's popuhar Tonsenial Artiat, was in town Menday week. .....Mr. R. B Thomuton, formerly of Orono, la now in Petrohia un the lui terest of the Karn Organ & Piauo Co. Woodstock. -...MessrsS. D. Soucb, LJ. Bucïley, W. A. Welsb. and G. Cornisb Picked ton R. Callacott, Salim, li5 bar- rdeti appies (atter being packed) in ton bours... Mesrs. AIt Jackson et the Dominion Brewery Lew Patton ot the Globe Casket. Ce.. Toronto, and M essrs Alf Benunett and Frank Quick-, Bowman ville, wene bore last woek.,. Mn. Frank Long wbo went out With the harvest excur8ieniats bas gene te Cah.gary. N. W. T.... Mr, Douglas J. Trhem,'loormfîld, formcnly cf New- castle visited fienda bore ...By the will ot an uncle et Mr. A.J. Leigb, wbe recepthv diedin Enghaud, ho talla hein te $500 .... .A recent issue of the B. C. Preabytenian savs: -Rév. Alex. Fraser, fermer paster et Comox, whe went te Caifernia some 'years age 911 account et Mrs. Fraser's health, end whe was recoived again lu the minatry et our churcb at the last General As- sornbly, lasnppl.'ing bore. for the mon- th ot Au-uat ... . .Sunday Oct. 151h wil ho Epworth League -gunday lu the Methedist cburch. Words Froin the Heart. A NOYA SCOTIAN FAIIXEIt TELLS i10w BE REtiAINE IlIIALTII He, Sufféred for Years, from Kidney Trouble , Siek, -Headache ,ani Rhletuatism-Althugh -Advanced in Lit elie lias Fouad a Cure. Freus tise Enterprisa, Bridgewater, N. S. Selomen Meldrnm, Esq , et Upper- brancb Lunenburg Ce., N . S., is a gentleman et Scotch doscent, and weil knewiî througbout the country. Ho e an agricu, tnnist ot repute. and la prem - isent lu tbe local affaira efthtie Baptist denomination. Referring te Dr. Wihiams' Pink Pilla, ho aays:- Il con- ider thom a most wondertn] and bone- ficent revelatien li the realm et modîcine. i'revieus te nsing these pilla sente twe cars age, I bad suftered for yeara frem kidney trouble and riseuma tism. Many a lime bad I been se bad tisat I could do nothinz- but endure the pain and pray- for phyýical deiverence. My advancedl age, being reas-ly 70 Ycars eld,.ma.do a cure looL- almoat im- possible, hnmanly cousidereýd, in a c à8e of sncble ng standing. But thanka te Drp. Williams' Pinîk Pilla,'I1arn bore te dla ' lu excellent healîh with scarcélv an i!1 feeling te nomind me et past sut- teringa. Sethiug io'ver tWe years ago I nead cf the wondertnl cures aI tending the use et Dr. Williams' Pinkz Pulls. I theu-bt iut tisse tostirnonials are true il is possible the pil may bonefit even me. I betugist six boxes first, used thern trictlv as dinectod, and with the Lerd's bhessi'ng they did me much good. But m y alimenta were chroule. deep seated, and I am au old man. The cure wvas noaonpeî,sd I get twelve boxei imore, witluail taitis in the resuit. I enly had te use six boxesetf tise second lot wbieiî 1 tound tations by insisling- thal every oox yen yen purchase la euocosed lu a wreapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr'. Wil- liams' Pink Pilla for Palie People. If yar ele oeant keep thlemtisey svulh be esoýnt rpostpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes tom $2.50 by addr essing tlise Dr. Williamns' Medicine Ce., Brockvýl le, ~Ont. CILfDREN'S UOLU31N., 1 PIBLISHEW'S NOTICE. A TO'? SPRINKLER. It cau De -Made by; a "Bright Boy Out ef a Walnst rond Two'Huzelnuts. Hare gs a tey eprinkler'Ihal ay brigisi be-y or girl eau mako wltis the aid et a poceekaîkife andi a gimlet. Tise malerials are an Englisis wnlnul, two iszeinuts, two strawa nceci. nnd a bottie. Ramoea y tise aid of a smali saw or a pockaîknife about oeethird ef a walnut. TUE SPRINKLER AT NVORM. Thon take eut the kemuel ofettisalmain- ing, larger part and pnake it nie and s mootb insida with tise kuife. Now you bore two isoles lu tiese ides ot tise sell and insert a straw lu eacis ole, tisa slraws te ha about 2/ incises long. Tissu take twe isazelunts and make twe isoles lu sacis, tisa ioles hcing lu rigist angle witb cacis olier anS eaciing tise conter of the kemuel. Now put tise straws cern- ing onttetftisa wainul lu tise top isole ef tise iazeinut, and lu tise sida isole you lu. troduce a sisort piece of straw. Use beas- wax or sealing ,vax fer stoppîng all leaks. Now Jour sprintler le, ready for use, anud aIl you have to do is te place tisa walnut on its peinteS and ou tise cemk et an amp- ty boitie ansd pour water in tise walnut basin. Tise wnter will then rua Ibrougis tise straws aud tisemeby> cause tise utIle sprinkiler te revolve quickly'. Nuglat Kîte Ii'ying. You have cIl flowu kites lu tisa day- lime, but bava ydu ever doue se at nigisîl Man>- vary pretly aud very wcird effects eau ha obtainied by ibis uigbt kits fiyiug. For in stance, you cen taesan ordin-ry k-ilo andi upon il, with a brusis dipped in phoapisoruis, trace a face. Whon the kits is igi up in lise air, tisera, grianiug dewu upen you, will ho a face of fdca. Or yen con trace a circle upon tise paper, cover il witistise pisospisomus, and tisen 'yen will bave, far up lu tise air, a pale yaliew globe baariug a ver>- strong me- sembiauce te anotiser meon. Man>- strik- îng affects whicis your inganuity wîll sug- gest le yen cen ho obleined lu ibis way. lu using tise pisospiserus, bowea-en, be very carefut, as, it is cisamicaL If you fly tise new box kilos, a ver>- preil> -f fect en au eoitained by isauging a 11111e Cisinese Inuteru toecacis cerner sud aise along tiesatsring wîth wiiciyen bold i. As tise box kilo je very Steati>, tisera is coimýaratively litIle danger of your lan- terne iseing ilowu eut, aud the appear- suce eft tiese man>- twinkling coloceti tigss iigis up in tise air is very beautiful. Tise jolliesi gamne, it strikes me, wlsen I tisink of games ai ail, L piayed wItis fine plus-sema use ten- AnS Nwiiisa smootb, round ball. Se bowl away, my brome lads, And ma>- your aim ha truel lVe'll watri tise plus, frmha tisai sins Io king tise wisoie day tisrougisi Thse pins ara solid, giazed and Isigisi, Tisey stand lu erder, tee; Thse bowtem chueklés aItisae sigt- Ho knows whist ie's te 'do. Tiseasd tisehbl Stcaight, sisaver, And kuock 'eus atl absout! If any gaine tisat yeu eau nome usais tisis for f un, l'us outl -NetlilsHooper in Cincinnati Commercial Trib- une. Plowvixg at a Mark. Pat was new et tise plow, and lise fimet atGempjt wes euylising but succesetul. "Lookisaee"saniS tise farmer/ ",tisai kinti of -liig wo' do. Tise cern wiUl hae dizzy tisaI grews lu a furrow soecrook- ed as tIsaI. Fix your sye on somethiug acrose tise field anSdiseet straigisi for it. TisaI cew tisere by lise gïe is rigbt oppo- site sus. Alun et lier, and you'ii do praîtt- well." -.1 '-Al ight, sir," saiS Pat. Ansd juil tise» Ibe fermer Was.called away te tise birmi. Ten tminules ilam halierelurmed aud was horrified te ses tisaItishe plow heti bae waudeming iu a zigzag course over ail tise field. "Holt ou tisera!" iesisouiti. "Holti on! Wisal are yeu up to?" "And, sure, air,"'said Pet, *"i diS what yen tolti-me. I worked astraigisl for tise cow, but tise creylure wouldn't kape stlii! 'lia Beigt Preacher. 1 bave oua preaciser tisai 1 love beiter tiscu an>- otises uponertis. Ih h my lit- tle terne robin, w-iich preacises to e 1 dail>-. j 1 I put bis crmpis upon my wvindosvstil, espectally et nigisl. Ha hops on tiesa ii wbenever hae waets bis suppî>- and takes as muci s n lie desis-as te satisf>- bis ue. From tisanceslie alweys bepc on te a 1i1- tle Ireseclose isy and liftts up his voice te GoS anS singe bis Carol ef praiu4e sud gratitude, tecks his littie beati under bis wing sudgees test asleep and eas-es te- mou-row le look utter itseif. He is lise1 isest preaciser tisaI I have on' eat.- Merlin Luthser. Indien Numes. About oee hui of tise states efthtie Union. casteru, western, sud southemu, [.earcludion namea. Scores et large cil- les'anti isundreds of tewas andi villages iili over tise coutry arealaso knowu b>- eberiginai desigîsations. Se are' éman>- of lise giont peaksa tisirises os'e ise -Conti- sinautdcth ie laites aud strees tisat su- lOch il. Tisses nanses aid a s emre- tonda efthtie unilunahes-edtitibeg tisaI noemed Ibis coitine,ý ,nt cee efore il gel tise naine of 'J'lta. isa Indien ecc )rd haro is net feint or sisabis>; il is suis- itantial anti preminent, thougis utile me>- i>e known of lise lister>- of tise race wblch. loft i.L ]ESTABLISHED 1854. $1 per annum iii advance, otherwîsie $1,50.. Subscrip-tions always payable at the c'Ice of pulication. Adveitising, rates nnless by con ract, le cent,, pèr hunei,ionpai, first inse rtloim anid 5 cents per line each sub-s ýiuent insertion Locals, 10 cents per line. M. A. JAMýES, Publis.her. DiUýNTST. <.ffCe.-Rear etfMgessrs. IHiggins botham & Son's Dmug S toiie, (Dewn stairs), BO WM ANVIL L E Lake Ontario andi Bay of Quinte Steam- boat Ce., (ite. Str. "North King." SOUTHl BO UND. WEKDAYS. Lv. Port Hope, Norths King 12, 1). m. Lv. Cebour-g' do i 2.5 p. m, Ar. Charlotte, do 7. 15 >.m, Ar. Rochester, N.Y.C. 7 15 p m. NOUTil BOtND. Lv.Roclsester,N.Y.C.and N.R.R.8.,20 arn Lv.Charlotte, 8 51j aam Ar.Cobonrg, Ont. i 20 ý)p.m Ar.Port Hope, Ont. ý2.05 p.m' JtRgh esenvoti te change time. witisout notice J.LIJURY, II.H.GILDERSLEEVE, Agent, Bowmanville. Manag-er. Few traders are se overcmiovded a3 that et stenogrepby, heue -tý-,t\wcnty girls eacan iefound for eadh1 posit ion efTareS. A uew. brancisoet regu]Lar stehography is tisaI et the yp- writem-teuegraplier, who worke h3ý tho pieca. She visita hiem custoers each memning, takes 'notes, anS 50cm bier work upon ber own typewriter, returning tise letters prernptly foer, signture. She also dees copying. To business men5 who have flot sufficieul xveork, uer office muoin sufficieut te share aith a typevriter, she ls ilu- valuable. She Sa also a valued asg sistant te women xvho, are b sy with club crvor., ensxvering tiseir letters, copyiug ruios and regîsitieus, ançI filitsg away their business papers. Net a Faith Cure. Faits never Nworked a miracle lu hue case et Dm. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. It je tise wondcrful curative p)reperties of tisa rmmdy tisaIdoes lise work. m.S. O. Taylor, Charlecote, Ont., suif erad -witis rieumiatians in tise beck (Lunmbaga) for four yaars. Fis-a belîlas cf Dr. Hail's Riseunsatic Cure coumpletely cnred bin3. Ha bias beau free froua pain sissce. prýepamation i.e used iuternally. sI L-otîle centains eri au ys' treatimeat,ai cents a isottie, For sale et aUl drag stores. , The Prisnces f WsS,'Deves. Oueo et tiseosIt requanteS spots at Saudringhin j isahedovaheuse. liera in commodions cage are kept nenIy a dozon beautifut wite does , of whIsiothe Princes.,; f Wales le very fond. Wisetber thase pretty birds ara preeuling thelr fe+etisou tisais, utIle iras or re nesîl.- lug iu tise, boxes prevîdati fer tisem, ai)! are ready to welcomir, heir roýyal mîstresa- when ,ihe pays a vieit. S8cm. are snecd pets and percis on bar shoýnIders or ab,ý@è around hisr for food inl-tise prettiest way. Tiseglass-roef)ed bouise was orlginally in. tended f'er imonkeys, bat lthee, ut prov. lng pleasant pets, were turnau out and doves were lnstalied lu tIssustaeS.c A, TIIVELY LETTE Mr., of a Owen Byrne,,Writes' 0 ommon Complaint. Backache and Kidney Trouble Espec-î iafly Prevaient in the Fall-Change o6f Weather andi Dam p Affects Kiclneys-Dodd's Kidney Pis. PERTH, Oct. 9.-Mm. Owveu Byrne, of this, place was tmonble.d -witis BeekacheY anti oIson Kidney Trouble a shot ime age, but lie gel oven IL. A great imany people wished 10 knçuw aI tise lime how- bis cura was affecteti, and a signed statement et bis case was publishi at tise lme. Mnr. BYrnie was cureS ýi'mply- ansi solely by Doddis' Kidnv Pilla. At Ibis season etflise i-car whieu se' miany peeple arc e suff erin g fr-om Kidney Troubles occasioniet by lise changes ia tise weather anti the dampnesa alway, presout l ise;i, fahi, il is well te know-ý e3xact1Y îvlat te take, i f a senieus ii ncass wonld be avoideti. Dodd's Kitinev Pilla. are tbc conqueoers of Brighit's Diseasci, wbich ne etüer medicine wiil cure, and wbich is tise very hast anti werst sta Of Kidney Disease When Brigiî Disease yields te Doddis Kiduey PIlla Backacbe, eueetftise firsî stages, la cumpau-atively easy malter. Not onlv Beekacise, but Diablos,- a noliser tormnerly incurabledses Rheumatism, ileert Disease., Dropsy B l eSer and U rinars- T rou le Wornen's WVeakuess.' anti Bloti Diso doers yicld te Dodd's Riduev Plla .Mr. Owen Bymne, P~erths, says: "I w troubleS with Beekaciseant idI Troubh. fer e long Uime. I procun four boxes et Detda R idney Pills fro Mr Rellocks dtmg store, andti ieyv feeteti a complote cure il U so s- cau recoin moud them higislv to e ny so aflictedae5ct Dodd's Riduey il r 0c box, ai ail druggist., t' t

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