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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1899, p. 4

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ritili InI The ead . l Is the "Happy Though't Range."5 For 1-7 years it bas competed against the w'orld. To- day it is adrnitted by ail to be the best Range in the market. Uver 101,000 homes are enjovÎing the coînforts of the llappy Th4ought Range. Phone 74, BowmANVILLE M. MAYER would eall the attention of his numerous customers and friends, that he bas a lar-ge and welI select- ed stock of Furs of ail descriptions to select from. Men's Fur Coats, Robes, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Capes, Caperines, Ruis, Caps, Mfs, Gauntiets, Storm Coilars. A fullllune of Gents' Furnishings always on haud. Now is the time to have your f urs altered and re- paired. U Practical Furrier, Bowmanville. Dr. A. ýW. Chase'* Nerve Food R- stores Weak, SickIy Womeh to Robust Iiealth. Any irregularities ia the monthiy uterine action is sufficient cause for women to be larmed about their health. Whether painful, suppressed or profuse menstruation, the cause can be traced ta some derangement of the nerves. A few boxes of Dr. A. W., Chases Nerve Food will completely builti up the exhausted iserves and restore the regular monthly action 'wicb removes from the body the cloggcd mat- ter that would otherwise cause pain andi serious disease. It is as a restorative for paie, weak woinen tfiat Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Food bas been sibguiarly successfui. It counteracts the debi- litating.diseases pecuiar ta women by feeding the nerves and creating aew nerve fluid, the vital force of the human body. Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Food bas restored scores of htsndreds of weak, sickiy women ta robust heaith. 5oc. a box at ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Dr. Chases new illustrateti book "'The Ills of Life and How ta Cure Them," sent frec ta, your address. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. il, 1899. SIR WILFRID LAURIER. It will afford great pleasure to per sons in this town and district to be fav- eored with a visit from Canada's gifted and honored Premier, Sir Wilfridj Laurier. Monday Ot4l6th is the date -fxed upon and the meeting will be held1 in the Dr ill Shed which is hpino' seated1 and heated for the' oocasion. Every-q \body arrange to hear Sir Wilfrid. WIIY CHIEESE IS 111CR. The London Grocer explains wlhy the price of cheese is s0 high this vear. It says : We lu Great Britain produce 1,175,000 boxes of cheese more than aur combined imports. It is well known, howevor, that our make this vear will nat be so large as last year, for the Teason of- the prolonged dronght If the production were reduced 10 per cent it would mean a decreaso of 480,000 boxes It is no doubt owing ta the decreasod production of the English make that suchia pronounced demand f orCanadaciseese at steadlily advancing pric es has been expor-icnce,, ~JA T1OltONTn COTRAO'rQR'.-Mr. J. J. Markie, 257 Lansdowne Ave., the well known bridge contractor, wias cured by Millburn ?s Rheumatie 1ills of a severe attack of Rheumatism, which laid. hlm Up ta bed for wceks. EDITORS' TRIP IWEST. Banff was readheti at 9 p. m., Tie ncýXt imoru1in!g vryaue 'asup in goat(I thoc day -\hich xvc wore ta sponti in this Switzerlanti of Canada. -No feeble des- cription- of ours Onu portnay the exquis- itely beautitul, scenery, the charmiug drives, the magnificent C. P. R. hotel, anti last but not least the sulph ur baths in "svhich we washed anti wore dlean. " It is the ambition of every travaller here ta roacli the summit ai a manntain, se in'campany witli six othens we trampeti anti limbeti tili -te reachedt tie op ai Tunnel Mauntain. ,Thcvieýw trami this elevatiosi is beonti description ani we wcre well repaiti fon aur eff ort. The descent was matie mudli more quickly tian the lascent anti a refreshing glass af lemanada was a Muel xrized treat afttr aur exhaustiug walk. Personally we teel tieeply gratetul ta Mn, anti Mrs. A. L. Sifton anti daugliter wiom it was oar pleasure ta meot here, Mr. A. L. Sitton is the M. P. P. for tho constiIý- uency ai Baniff, andi brother ai Hon. Clifford Sitton, Minister ai 'the Interior, who hati came down ta visit ,lis -wite anti daughter lu their summoer residenca at this picturesque spot. We anti our associates are greatly indebtati ta Mn. anti Mrs. Sitton andi frienti Mn. Van- wart,, la-wyer, for -ýry great kinds -ess shown us whilo thene. Miss Sitton is a pupil of Ontario Ladies' Collage, anti wns ana ai the threa young ladies who won the silver cup lu Atiletie Sports thora last June. The O. P. R. hotel at Banifflad aver ana hundreti guasts anti it was impossible ta accommodata otiers who -cama seeking theenajaymaut anti benefit the dlimate ai this place affortis to travellers. Its equipment is first- class. notiing being omitteti that money anti skiil caulti procure. Tic roatsisnl tuis place are excellant for cycliug,dniv- ing or walking.. Tiare are about 651 miles ai noatis in au area ai about 28 by 10 miles, This place is the praperty ai tic Goverument anti the C. P. R ., San- atarium anti cottagars rent landi anti water privieges tram it. Thora areaa number ai small stores anti cottages which ara only occupied inl summar. Another night was speut haro anti we lait early naxt marniug raachiug Laggan at 9 a. m. This was a rustic looking station with na otiar housas af consequ- enco near anti uothing of interest nearar than Lake Louise 23% miles distant anti Lake Aguas farther on. Louise is a lavely calm body of watar lyinig batweun twa higli anti ruggoti mountains anti the glacier lu the distanca on the top af which are saidteta h two or thrce hun- dreti feoo f suaw: The glacier looks about 2 miles away but is really 5 miles. The Chalet hotel provides accommoda- tion fon ithose tiesirous of. spendliug a quiet time among the mountains. It was full of gnests at the timeof otur visit. It was here that we gathered strawbernies from under the snow which had recently fallen and which the warm sunshine hadi not altogether melted. At this point we were about 1,000 foot higher than Laggau and about 5,000 feet aboya son lovel. A goad drink af sparkliug sping waitor and a friendly bout at snow,-balling in August was on- joyod by a numbor of us as wc trudged along the way reniüinig' us af gaiug home tram school in aur youuger days. Leaviug Laggan about 5 o'clock we entereti the highest peaks ot theRockies, tlie train m.akiag sex oral stops ta give us an opportnity' of vie-wing places of issterest. At the 'highest point in the Rockies-The Great Divid"-a large sigu la rustic lettors, marks the spot wliore the sparkling stream tiivides liita the Bow and Kicking Horse rivors, ro- spoctively, the aile fiowiag ta the Pacifie and the other ta Hludson's Bay. Nearly ail of aur party had a drink tram the exhuliratiag vwater andi joîned in siliging "CGod Save the Qucen." Eicking Horse -was plaialy visible, also the silver mine formrl w orked ou 'Mount Stephen,the highest peak ia the Rockies. Field station, ane of tîrce bit lu Swiss style, w as reacheti about 6 p. m Another niglit was speat at this pretty spot to -enable us to view the mantain sceuery by dayligit -anc advautage gaiued by travelling ini a special train. Next morning a heavy mist, was haug- ing aven the monutain tops -wheu we starteti on our jam-sîey, but the moruiug suu chasetithe raists away anti trom the observation car which lad been attacli- cd ai Field, -we were enabled to eujoy the charmiug scenery to our hearts' content. At Gleuogle mon w ere eugag- ed making repafrs on thc road, and the derrick net being nroperly adjustetw xo 'vere injaroti. Dr. Gea, Sylvester, one ot our party, whose services had beeu called inta requisition by our owu mcm- bers, proînptly attcnded ta their injuries and sta yc] off a t Golden and carati for them, jaîning as later at Reveistoke. The Dr's services were also required at that saute place for a littie child suifer- iug treim appeudicitis whidh receiving prompt attention lias since recovered. Ab Donald a littie girl came up ta aur train -with a large tray ot lovely pansies. Such thaughttal afferings wore thank- fully received aud appreciated by ail. May she long live ta carry sncb sulent messages ta travellors au 11f c's journoy, "Meals at ail hours" w as a striking aud Who wil Say net luappropriate Sigu, hng aven a doar at Beaver's Mouth., Tise Selkirk moantains are less rugged than the Rochi-es bat there is a qicltnoss about their green cove'-od sities that is pleasing ta the eye. Some aile shtius if wc, sa-w any bears3? Yes, (oue. At aonc spot herethc ri-ver is saj narrciv tînýt a felled troc serves as a uaitmi-al bridlge acrass, sat a black bear: but-how ,ýas attadbeti ta -a cdam hold by iaman. That is all aur boar expericuce. The train - maves slow ly in many pl ace~s. Here andi thoro wc pass through aP tunnel or aront a Shiarp curve and we wavo handkerchiefs ta the engineer and thoso lu the front cars. Higli iran bridges, samo, 300 foot tram the grouti are crossed and anc canuot lielp but marvol at the iugenuity of man in builing this w'ondentnl nairoati. E. E E. (-To be cantinued.) THE ERVES TE L L %é0Fl DANGERS AND PERILS, R~epairs the"~ Nerves and Tissues, Banishes Disease, Gives Fresh",Red Blood and Perfect Health. The nenvous system is a wondenous complication anti should at ail times work with perfect liarmony. When the working of the nenvous systom us unimpieti, good and vigorous health is alwymaintained. The woman who suifons from nervous prostration, hysteria or hypochondnia, lias nerves affected that cominunicate tiirectly with the brain, anti if cane, is not exerciseti she inay become a fit 9ubject for au asylur4. It shoulti ho wcll undenstooti that dyspopsia, liver ant idtney troubles anti blooti diseases have a profunti effect on certain groups af nenves. These nerves or sensitive agents give us the first true waruings of dangers anti Mrs. E. M. Jewell, Batavia, N. Y.,' is visiting her parents, Mr. and rMrs. J. O. Guy .... .Dr. Norman lare 'well lis ro- ceived the appointment of Medicai Superintendent of the Carleton County Gendral Protestant Hospital, Ottawa .... Oshawa Electrie Ligbt Company liaýe completed arrangements for putt- ing lna a ew dynamo, having a light- ing capacity for 3,000 hights.. .. Mr. A. J.Ashton, Cýornwall. was in town recent- lv. H1e lad been visiting the scelle of h is boyhood days.around Columbus... The following are tse new officers of the Epworth Leagne of Medcalf St. Church:-llon. Pros., 11ev. J. J. biddy, M.A.. Pros., Harold W. Avison ; lst Vice.. Mtss Pollard; 2nd Vice , Miss A. Jackson; rd Vice, W. J. Salter; 4th Vice, B. Nott.; Treasurer, Mr. A. J. Bickell; Secretary, A. Bond; Carres- ponding Secretarv, Luther Kirby; Orgauist. Miss M. Nott; Assistalit-Or- ganists, Miss Bales, and I. Arrntrong. A CARD. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree ta refund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of, Dr. Wills' En.-lish Pis, if after using three-fourthîs of contents of bottie, they do not relieve constipa- tion andheadache., We also guarantee four botties will pcrmauently cure the most obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or no pay when Wills'Pilis are used. Statt & Jury, chemist, Bowmauville. J. Bigginbothaml,& Son, chemist, Bow- manville. 2-4w Notice to Creditors. Re Estate of THIOMA>S JEWELL, deceased. Ail parties havlngelaims against tbe abov e Estate are requested ta mail or deliver same to, ta the undersigned or ta T. C. Jewell. on or before Nov. lst, 1899, aud any persan or persans who may be indebted ta the Estate are requesi- ed ta eall and settie on or before the datL aboya nseutioued after wbtchunsettled accounts wil be placed in Court for Collection. WM. CANN, Executor. Bawmanville. Sept. 25tb, 1899. 39-3w. Sehool BIG 20 lias a full stock of School necessities, Scribblers and Blank Books from one cent upwards and the flnest line of Exercise books. in town, also a complote stock of iligli and Publie School Text Books. W. T. Allen. wetPnHus BlD-OWMANVILLE. NXEWCASTLE. Miss Ann Baker, Midland. is guest of Mr. j. Uglow. . ., Miss Ethel Rickard is visiting at Mn, T 1-. Clemence,. Kirby .... Mrs. I. S. I{oney, Toronto, is guest at Mnî. W. lucino'. . .. Mr. andi Mrs. Joseph Symions, Lindsay. visited relatives here last week. ... Miss Mabel Rickard is home f romn Port Hiope Model Sehool, sick .... Tweittietli Century Tlianksgiving Fund Collection was takea la Methodist churcli Sunday... 11ev. T. J. Edmison will preach. anniv- ersarv sermons aG Newtonville next Sunday . . ..Whule 1ev Gea. B. MeLeoti was'cvcliug on Miontday ho collided with a cow-, andi is uursýig a brolten shoulti- or blade as the resait. Goan NEWS FatOR UR IEADERs-Who have serofula taints in their blocti, and who has not ? Scrofulial 1 its forms is cuneti by llood's Sursaparilla which thoroughly purifies the blooti. This disease, whichi frequontly appears in children, is greatly ta be dreadcd. It is most likely ta affect the glands of tho neck, which become cnlarged, ernp- tions appear on thsehoati and face, anti the eyes are frequently affecteti. Upon its first appearance, perhaps in slilit eruptions ao- pimples, scrofula shoulti be eutirely eradicteti from tt e s.ý stem by a thorongh course af Hood's Sarsaparilla ta prevent ail the painful anti sickening consequences of nunning scrofula sores whicls drain the svstem, sap the strength andi make existence utterly wretched. E.NFIELD. Mr. Berj, Powell has recovereti from the effeets of an ulcer at the root af lis tangue, whidli causet i m severe pain .... The silos were aill illed by the end af last wcek. Thé weatlier was excel- lent for that work. . .Mn. and Mrs. W. Nicholtis will beave shortIv for their new home near Bowmanville. They will bo mucli misseti by their many friontis, as they were gooti ueio-ehbors - ... Mrs. G. ilumpage who recently retuniet from a pralongeti visit at Huntsville is sic . .. . Mr. and'tIrs J. Ashton are visitsug friends in thc W est- ern penlinsula ..Mr Fred Huribut is warking at the McLaughlin Carniage Works, Oshawa. DISCOVERED BY A WOMAZ.-Anather great discavery lias been made,and that too, liy a ladyin this country. "Disease fasteneti its clutdhes upon lier anti for seven vcears se withstood its severest tests, but lier vital argaus were under- rnined and death seemeti immuinent. For three months sho couglieti ncessantly, and coulti not sleep. She flnally discov- ereti a way ta recovery, hi purcbasing, of us a botie of Dr.Kiug's New Discav- ory for Consamption, and was s0 mach relioveti on taking firsi dose, that she slept ail night.and wîth two bottles,lias licou absolutelv careti.lier name is IMrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. llamnick & Ça , af Shelby. N C. Trial botties free at Stott & Jurrs Drug Store. Regular sizo 50c. a nd $1.00, Every bat- tie guaranteed. OSHAWA. Tro It2tetzest een 13uyetls. Silks and Dress Fabrics. There is no department lu our store that deserves, mo're attention than oiir Dress Goods and Silks.. We have the uobbiest tlungs to be had aud a lot of new gosat very sp eciai prices. We carry a large assortînent of siIk's for Waists or Trimmiugs. Our -range of -$musis very stroug. It w'ill certainly be to your advautage to see our assortment before buyiug. A Few Speci'als Picked at Raildoin. A Fine Plain Poplin Cloth lu Blue, Red,GOreen, Purple, and Black, this cloth is all wool and very fine at 50é per yard. Fancy Black all wool Dress Mlàaterial lu large range of designs, this liue is extra value at our pu-ice $1 per yard. Faucy B'iack, ahl wool, elegant ne-w desigils 65e per yard. Platds and Checks, nice -w patterns ju-st opeuied up, regular price is 30e, while they last the price will be 15e per yard. A large range ofi Wrapperettes prices 10c, 12-1c and 15c per yard-. Flannelettes. You will always flud us with a very large assortmeut of Fianuelette and ouLr prices are awayt, dowu.. 50 pieces Flaunelette lu Pink, Blue and Grey stripes, fast colors, 31 to 32 luches wide ,go od strong cloth, special 5c a yard. Rosiery, Gloves, and Ladies' Yests. This is one of our best departmnents. Extra Special, 30 doz. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, fine and broad nib- bed, seamleýs fooet, good heavy quality, iegular3, sý,"pecial 25e per pair., Men's Underwear in al quaities, Heavy Fleece Lined, special $1,00 per suit. Olothing. Just one word about Uvercoats. We nover have had sncb a large assortment of Overcoats as wu are showing this f all. A fine Beaver Cloth, silk velvet collai at $6.00. A very fine Pure Wool Beaver Coat, Blue and Black, Sllk Ve1,ve-11 Coliar, nicely lined, special at $.8.00. Our $10 is certainly a peach, made of pur'e Euglish Beaver with deep French f acings, double silk stitched, heavy ItIalian linings, flue silk velvet collar, in Drab, Brown, Blue andl Black.' A nice Euglish CurI Cloth lu Dark Brown, a handsomne coat, price $12.00. A flue new Basket Weaver, deep French 1lacings, dcuble seanis and double silk stiteli- ed, a ýperfect fitter, price $14-00 Ladies à %jus@ 0 il Shoes for Fail OurStoekW iînter. OrSokis new, finely macle anti wearable. You will bo sure to find the kind you neeti at the riglit price. Womens' Butten Boots, extention soles, tain stitchetinl Mocha and Dongola Kiti, izes 2j ta 7, 81.35. Womens' Pebble Button and Laced Boots, patent to-ettp, strang soles, a strang baot for wet weather, $1.35. 1Wosnens.' Fine Vici Kid Butt Boots, MeKay sewen sales, soif anti patent tip, $1,50- Groceries. Our stack of new Fruits have arriveti comprisiig Raisins, Currants, Etc., Etc., prices right. New canned gootis to hauti. Best Bi-ands of Salmon in. the market. Johemin rMcMu1 qfrtril *uoeuu 1 1

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