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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1899, p. 6

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-s- that mny RheuMatism (Jr ulrelieve lum- bag, siatcaand al j.heUmatL4ic pains in Pwýo or three hourg, and cure ia a few dy.MUNYON. At ail druggistg, 25C. a Vial. Gude to Health and medi- I-cal ad-rice free. I 1505 Ârch E+t.Phila. Farmers You, Want ... PR1CF- $1,00 ZACH. ADVANTAGES. It will double what the nid stvle ma- çhine did. It is better made 'n ail parts. It le a handsomer machine. The tube froma can le exposed and can be instant- ,y cleaned il it should clog. The eau may be instantlY emptied tlyou want to change inaterial or ean it. The for- mnation of the can allows all the mater!- ai to bc spraved out wh en operated upward in trees or bushes. It wiil save c rope from bugs, worms and Fun-! and fruit treesfrom the caterpillar and other pests. Evans' Ejectric Spray7er may be hiad from Jos. llenry, Orono ; David Bell, Leshard ; A. S. Toole, Miii1, Courtice; Albert Nidderv, Eafleld; John Peth ick, biacksmith, Clarke; Sam'l Bon- athan, Newcastle ; John.Hooey, near Cadmus. PETER MURDO CH. County. NEW TAILOR SilO?. The undersigned wlîo has been carryiug on lie tailorlug lusiueis iconnuecîioîîwitb la,,on's Dry Goods St).-, for anumber of years hbas cmeucod business f 3r hbimself a' bis rooms King S. west, where hie is prepared to make gents and boys suits iu ail the latest styles, and at loweÉ îrlces. For those who wish lu order suits, heWiil carry a fuit Une of samples in ail benewest patterns. Give bim acal J. T. ÀLLIN, Fashionable Tallr. ROYAL MAIL Sm 'AMStIP, LIVEIiPOOT, AND LoN- DODERRY, MONfREAL ARAD QrJEBEC SERVICE. From From SýTEAMEVOIRA. QLEBEC. Bavasan(ne) Ot. 4 9 . m 0Oc. 5, 3 p. m. Calioruau 12, C.In. '12,. .n 3TaiuuW. ......... 119,9 . aIl. 6 Ip. m Bavriu new Nv.2, 9Ilmi o. (tIlp. Caliorniîî , 6 a. m.i, 4 p. m. .a....... 16, 9 a. mn. 16, 7 P. sM. SS. Parislan, uew eizined andi entirely refît- ted, salis frein Liverioool, July'20, and froin Montreëff, Augut rd. Bavarin, 10,0>00 tons, twin screw. sails from Liverpool Aug. 24 and frein Motreal, September 7. Passscngers wl 'Ibe traus ferred with their bag- gage frose the railway station to the wharf free of charge. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Ff'rst eabin, $50 and upwardls. Return $10000 and upwa rds. Seconid Cabin t35, Stecrage e2.50 and 823.50 For tickets and every Information ap. lily to Illau Line Azeot, Bowmanville. OCook's Cotton Rot Componi Io suceeeesfully used monthly by over ~~10,000 Laidies. Safe, effectuai. Ladies ask Myour druggsl for Coke cOttoed otC..- m nd. Take no other as ail Mixtures, pille and itetions are dange1rong. Priée, Ne,. 1, $1 pr barx;, No, 13, 10 degrees strouger, $8 per box . e 1 or 2, malled en receipi af pricesaud Ivo $:ceat salm.Thie Cook Compa»yWindsor, Ont, ffÇos. 1 snd 2 sold and recommended by aUI zesponsible Drugglots lu anfada. Nos. 1 andi 2 sld lu Bowmauvi]le by HiGGiiE- BOTRAM & SON, STOTT & Juny; Orono by J. GmL- FILLAN; Kewcastle by DR. EÂENcomBE. Will Cure aniy Forrin aofhhenmatismi OR- L- R. HALL. NEW VOR S FOUR POINTS IN ITS FAVOR: FIRSTr-QUIOKEs-rTTO CURE SECOND-BAFEST TO TAKE THIàD-MOST MIGHL'( EIS'ORSED FOURTH-CHEAPEST Tt. BUY One bottle cotains tea days' treatraent IN SIG BOTTLES, 60 CENTS. '-ME DR. HALL MEDICINE GO. Canadàan Ageacy, - Kingston, Ont. FOR SALE AT AL. DRUOUSTS' Ws give t11e beaifiul '.~Heavy Gled or 5ller -plal-d chlaie rvslet N w fr e esing ely oeadozeu âne Lise Dyhn, aItltoncenis &nh. Lteal snd prettiet desgns; au two alt.e. Write, and ws will aecd the Doyllee. psp.1d; sli.eU 14mrea t tbsuazoy, and we aet nse fsrrd ye ire.ll.sU charges 1r2. &lnen Doyle& Co., ISxBS waroîteOn bt. WANTE.DME Gô.b oneusmecain .very Iocalty, local Oritravell-, l, l Irduce amd adrertise 0cr goods taclng up ho-adson. fences along public roas ansd al er cowimiseiOm 060 per nmonihand expenses 82.W0 peV da. rie a'stonce fr ful orittlars. 110E EMPIRE MEDICINE CO.. bedo1n, CRI. SM ULÀ INNO0YA NC',ES* REV. DR. TALMAGE DISCOURSES ON AUNIQUE SU§JEOT. THE MISSION 0F THE HORNET, Tise Miner Troubles of tifs WIaich Test Christiau Fortitude sînd Patience- The tessons Drawe Prom Tr-ivial Irritaîtions. Washington, Oct. S.-This sermon by D)r. Talmaga dea:ls NwSCb a sol- jecb xvblcb appeals te ail classes and conditions of smes. IHisetXt teDeu- tercony vii; 20, -"The Lord tby Qod ivili sendtihbbc onnet. lb seeme as ilthebbc sectile xvorld weno dctcrmined to, extirpate bbc bu- man race. Ilboheberds bbc grain- fieldsanaîd the orchards and the vine- yarda. The cloeado beeble, the No- braska gra-sbeoppor, the Ne v J.lors lacust, the -jaivs al lotît o reetle, 500111ta carr ,î î hia -w'vS ocht wvas le"'i eg-,,gs -g" -s-bon thise -- secte buzz ýd ont >of N-)s ark as te door w-as aponed. In rny texb bihe liornet flics ont on its issi., It 15 a sp&ces of wasp, sîvlft taits motion, and iolent in it sting. Its Ceîîch te tenture te mai or' beast. Be bave 1-11 coca Che dat- tic rua bellowing under the cnt of ita lancet. Isn boyhood we uscd ta stand c'tntiausly looking ttChe, globular nest buug frein the trce brnîcls, end -w bile w e w ere looking at the ivonderini coi ering ive iere strnck iîith sometbiag Chat sent ns sbnieking aw ay. The bornet gues la savarins. Tt bas captaina over n- dreds, andI 20 ai thiu ali'gbtiag on coemin îviih preduco certFla death. The Fer siasa tt-iipted ta coanhuer a Christian cîby, lut the ciephants ard Che boace on xehich tise len- sins rode xvere assaulted by the bon- net, s0 tînt tihe xvboi army was brokea up, and the besteged city -%vas nescuefi. This bhnnng andI roxious insect stu-ag onttChe' Hittites and thc Canaaites trani Choir country. Wbab ghoaing sword and chariot 0f «nýar counifot acconîpsli wes doue hy tle puacfùurc afi'an insect. "The Lord sent the bonnet." My lriends, when uc are asauited hy great behemothe of trouble ive become crivalriie, andiie assanit thonur. ikogel on the Iigb mnettîcd steeof o ur ceurage, end wue nmake a cevnhry charge aItltem, and if lotI le w'itb us we corne ont stranger antI botter than xxhonsic ivesît ta. But alas fer these insectile annoy- ances of hile, Chose tocs Coc, xal lat shoot, Chose Chinga isithout any avoairdupois ivoight, the gants and bhc mifiges andf the fies and the w-esps andI the b onnets! In other vsonds. it te the ernaîl stinging an- noyarcos et aur lite 1ic drive us ont and use us up. Ia Che lest con- dith,,ncs lita ton saine grand and glanions purpose,(lotI bas sent bbe bonnet. Again, the amallacenet annoyances mny corne te us lu bbe shape oi fniendsanad acquaintances w ho are ailxvyssying disccreenble thiaga. There are sorne peuple yau caennat le xvitb for lbah an iiheur bt ut eed cb-mred andI corntortod. Thon îlene are othor people you cannot le.with for fi'e minutes befoce yon téol nis- enale. They do hlot mnenu bo dis- turb yon, but tboy stiug yon ta the boue. Tbeygather eîp ahi bbc yern whicb the goceipa- spin and roba-il il. They gather up--aý CIe adverse criti- cisis about your persoa, about yonc 'business, eabout 3 aur bomne, about your chnrcb, and tbey nako youc enc Che tunnel inCa iebicb tley pour lb. They iaugb beenbiiy îvbeu Cbey bell you, as thougb it -%vere a good joke, antI you laugh, toc-onbside. - These people are, lrougbt toi anc at- tention in thse Bille, in tic book af Ruth. Naorni ivent forth beaublful andI witb bbc fineet w oldiy pros- pects inCa another land, but miter awbile sire carne back w-idoxved antI sick and poor. Whab ditI bon.frtnds do wbcn siredarne ta bihe clty? They ail iveat ont, and insbead af givlng ber conmron sease and consolation, ivhat did bboy do? ReatI the book pt Ruth and flad ont. They bhrew up their bandsanmatI aid, "la ibis Naomi?" as mach as ta smy, -How awful lad you look!" Wben I enter- tdhbe min iaîry, I locokeýd' ver-g paie for years, antI every yemct, for four or five years, ny blutes a year I wac askod If I lad rot conumption, antI, passing tbrough bhe rooma, 1 would somebimes hear people sigË aud eay, "'A-ah, mt long for this xçvonid!>" I reolved fi, blase tinses that I nover la anyý conversation bnzz andI caricature andI deride hlm, antI when a-iter awhile. ho gai the Landau pipera, as ho opened thon, out fiew the bonnet. Whem 1 Ice hat theme are sa psauy people la île xsorid wba lika bçc sa-y disagreeuhhe thingsanmd isite diaagrefebucthinga, I Came alm.Ost lunpsy weakcr mo- mnents to leliove what a ma-n 'i-d te mne in Plildelphia one Monda-y mzorsuing. 1 Wcnb ta gait the borýj a-t the livery -stable, and thie hostler, a plain ma, said ta mie, -3Mc. Tai- mage, 1 saw that you prea,ýched ta the young mon yesterday." I said, "Yes.' lHe said: "No use, no use. Man's a fa-hure." The amaîll insect armoyancos of lite sometimes corne lu the shape of local physical trouble which does not aniottat to a positive prostration, but wýhich hothers you when you want to fèel the best. Perhaps it la a sick headache which has been the plague of y our life, and you appoint gaine occasion af mirth or sociality or usefulncas, and nihen the dlock strikes the hour you caursot make your appearance. Plechaps the trouble is hebwcen tbc car and the forehea d la the shape of a neuralgic twinge. Nobocly dan sec it or synm- pathize w ith it, but just at bhc trne w hen you \vant your intellect learest and your disposition bright- est î _ou fr-'el a sharp, keen, discon- certing thrust. 'Thie Lord sent the hornet- Perhaps those emali insect ennuy- ances w 111 corne ja the' shape oi a doniestic irritation. Tlhe parler aad the kitchen do flot alwqys barmen- ize. To get good service and to keep it is one of the great questions of the country. Sometiiruts it may be the arrogance and inconsiderate- ress of employers; but, xvhatever bu th e fact, we ail admnit there are these insect annol ances xinging their way out freai the culiuury de- pertinent. If the grace eof(lad he neot la the heart of the beusekeeper, she cannot muaintain her equilibrinca. Thcse srnaîl insnct disturbances may alsa corne ia the shape of busi- niess irritation. There are Lica here Whoawnat thrd5ugh the 24th 0f Scp- tomber, 1869, and the pauma 0of 1 573 and 1893 without loshig their balance who are evcry day unhorsod by littlc annoyancos--a clerk's i1l isanners, or n, blot of iuk on a bill of lnding, or the extravugance 0f a pantner w ho o-verdraws bis ae- count, or the undersclling by 'a huai- ness rival. or the whispering 0f store confidences ia the street, or the înaking of sorie littie lad deht which -\vs against our juÀdgmoat; but you wanted t'O 'please sonmebody else. I bave noticcd in bbe bistory of 50in0 0f my conigregation t-hat their aanoyances are inultipiying and that they bav e a hundred xvbere they uscd,( to bat e tan. The naturalist tells us hat a xv-,asp sometiîncs bas a f-iaily of 20,000 wasps, and lb dot-s secna as if every annoyance of your life brooded a million. Dy the help of Gefi, to-day 1I waut to show you the othor aide. The hernet is ýof ne use? Oh, yes! The naturaliset tclls us they are ver-g important la the worid's ecouonîy. They kili spi- ders, and they clear the atinosphere. And. I roally believe God staide the annoaonces of our lite upen us to kili tbc spiders of the soul and ta dlean the atinespb'u-e of our skies. These annoyaRices are sent on us, 1 bbink, to wake us up froin our lebhargy. There la uotbing that miakes a mnan so liveiy as a neat of 'yeilow jackets,' aad 1 bhink that these ennoyanceil are intended ta persuade us o0t the fact that this is not a world for us ta stop in. If ve, had a bcd ai everythbing that was attractive and soit anciesy xhat w oiid we want 0f baeWe bbiak that the hollow tr(e-,,-sen u he hor- net, or w e.raay thiik tthat bbc devil seafis the hornet. I wan ta cor- rent your opinion. "The Lord sent the hornet." Thon I bhink these anjnoyannes corne on us to cultivate aur pa- tience. In the gynmasiurn you tiad uprigbt parallel bars wlth hales over oach other for pegs, to be put la. Then the gymnast takes a- peg ini each liai-d, andlbu hegins ta dlmb, one inch at a turne or twa inches, and getting his strength cultivated, rcaches atter a whiie the ciling. And it ceoins to me that tbese an- noyances in lite are a moral gym- uain, each worriment a peg with wthich we are ta dlm1 higher and higher lu Christian attalament. We ail love to sec patience, but lb eau.- not ho cultivated ln fair ucather. Patience îs a child ai the storin. If yau bad, everything desirable and there was uatbing more ta ge~ xvhat wouid you want witb patience The anly timo ta cultix ate it la when you are lied about and sick and haîf dead. Nathlng but' the furuace wili evor humn out -of us the clinîter and thc slag. 1 hava formed this bheory lu regard ta amaîl annoyances and vex- ations. It bakes just sa much trouble to fit us for usefulncas and for heaven. The only question is whetber wu shall take lb in the lulk or puhverized and granulated. H..'re la ane nman Who takes it ibulk. His hack la brokea Or his eyesight ritabillty. "Thou wllb keep him n lu perfect peac-e 'whose mînd la stayed on the@. " How many touches did Mr. Church giva lto his pictureo f -Coto- paxi" or bis -Heart of the Andes?" 1 suppose about 50,000 touches. I hear the zanvu. aaying; -Why do Yeu lteep tme trembllng wlth that Pencil s0 ionx,g? Why dcnt ion ptsA lb on In one dasb?" -No " says Mr. Chîîirch; "I kn-ow how ta make aý paintinglb will take 50,000 af thiese touches."- And I want yan, nsy frienda, ta understand that lb la these ten Ithousand, annoyaneos w bicb, under God, are rnaking np the picture -of your life, ta be hung at lat in the galleries of iteaven, fit for angels ta look at. G-od kuaýws howe to make a picture. I go inta a sculptonýs studio and Cee hlm sbaping a statue. Hoe bas a chisel la one hïnd and a mnailet in tihe otiier, and he gives a vcry gen- tic stroke-click, click, click! I say, -Why don't yxou strike harder?" "Oh," he replies, "that xvould abat- ter the statue. 'I can't do it that way. I must do lb the other way.' Su ho w erks on, and aiter awbile bbe feaý,tures como, out, and evorybody that enCore bhc studio is charrned and fascinated. Well, God bas your, soul under process of developinat, anîd it is bbe littie annoyances and vexoations of lite that are chlseling ontyour itiortai 'nature. lb is click, click, click! I1x-onder wby soîne groat piovidence doca not comas and w ith one stroke prepare you for bîni on. Ai , no! God seys that is neot the way, and so ho keeps on by strokes of littie ivexations until at last yau shall bc a glad spectacle for anigels and for mon. You know Chat a large fortune mayylio spent ini email change, and a i ast ameunt of ruerai charactcr amy go away in small depletions. It is the little troubles of life hat are bas ing more eliect upon i ou than great unes. A sw arm 0f locusts w iii kili a grainfield sauner than tbheti- cursion of tbrec or four cattle. Yeu say, - Siace I lest my child, since I lest î y property, I bave heen a -dif- ferent inan.- But you do net recog- nize the architecture af littIe annoy- ances hat are bewing, diggiag, cut- bing, sbaping, splittinig and /inter- -ining yolur moral qualities - Rats mnay sink a ship. Onu lucifer match rnaly send destruction tbrougb a block 0f storehouses. Catherine de' Medidi get. ber deatb irointsmoiling a poisanous rose. Columbus, hi stop- ping aad, asking fera piece of lrcad und a drink ut water at a Francis- cars couivent, was led ta the discov- ery ot a acu vzorld. And there le au intimate connection htw ea btrilles andi iminensities, between nothings and oxerythinigs. New, ho careful ta lot noue of these anaoy anes go throegh your seu! unnarrnigned. Compel thein ta adrninister to i aur spiritual wealth. The scratch of 'n sixptnny rail seme- limes produces lock.îaw, and tbc clip of a mst infinitesima.l annoyance îaay dainage yen t erever. Do not let en-s annia-ance or perpiexity ceaie acres-s yor soul witbout its raaking you btter. A returard missionarv told me thnt a cernp-ny ot adi enturers rowv- ing- rp 'the (langes werc stung ta deatb by flics that intest that rogion at certain seasons. Tho earth bad heen strew cd witb bbe carcassacs of men slein y insecr unnances. The only vvay ta got prepared for the great troubles of lite is bu conquer theso sasail troubles. Wbnt wenld yau scy ai a soidier xvho rcfused, ta loitd bis gunf or bo go into the con-7 t'ict because il was only a akirmial', saying: -I arn not going bo expead ilny ammuynition on a skirmisb. Wait until there is a generAl engagemenoit, ad thon .xou w iliaee hoxv courage- aus I ar ndnt ihat battiing I -wili 1,)"" -The geucrai xvould Say ta sucb st unsi 'If 1tyou are aoC faîtbtuli laa ,kirmish, youNxvould bho notbing ilaa gonent'! engagement." 'Andi I bave ta toli yoîî, O Christian mon, if you cannaI) apply the principlos af Christs roligion on a snaîl scale yon xviii nover le able ta apply thena ou a larger scale. If I had my xvay xvitb you, I'wouid have you posss ail possible worldly prosperity. I xvonld have yon each one a gardon, a river' flaxsing bhraugh it, gera- niurns a nd sbruha ou the aides and the grass and flowons as beautiful as bhough the rainlaw bad talion. I would have Yon a bouse, a splendid mansion, and the leda abould ho cov- croît with upbolsbery dipped lu the Sctting sun. I would have every hall in î aur bouse set xith statues and statuettes, and thon I would bave the four quartons af the globe pour la ail their luxuries on youc talle, and you shouhd have iocks aficliver and kaives of gold, inlaid wlth dia- mionds.a mdaniethysta. "Net oacb one af us?" you say. Yes, each one of you. " ýNot ta youc enemies?" Yes. The only dii- ference I îvauld make with thoin -would ho that I would pub a lutIle extra gilb on their walls and a littie extra emlroidery on their slippers. -'But,"ý you Say, "Why does notGod gixe us al these thinga?" Mil I betbiak ta miyseif. lHe la xir. lb carp. -When thon walkest brough bbc ire, thon ahait not le hucued." 'No-n you do not usîderstand, but yon shllikuesu frreafter. Ia beaven you wiil biess God even for the bornet. Value cf RailwaY16 Railways ropresoat an coormous additioa ta public wealbh.- The value of bbe railways Cef ail ceun- trias la aoamething like £5,6558000,- 000. lowing conclusions: TheOfofspring ai parents bebween the ages cf 20 and 25 are likely ta le weak anti dei- cite, lut botwteen 251 and 45 wll prababiy le ctrong and thrivo. The math-m boars inoat robsînt childrcn bebîveen ber 25bh and 35th yoac. When the mather la b.en yearsyoung- cm than tise X$blr bbe proporýtion ai heal-thy ebldren la gremat, the thancer bciag ten per cent, oela- vo.rabie than whea the parents are &b<..ub the &aine aue. CHOOSING A LIFE WORK. Boys M1uet Fj1x TI.aîr yes o-i a Goal and E.raýesîlY s""i,. t. AttssIt1. Tihe principal of a boys' stehool was speaking bu the pupils ahout their future lite. Hue aaked: 'luow asany utfl'on have decided xývhat you will e wheîs you heconae inu?" Thero w-as no rer'ly. lue thon ask- ed that any boy thpre îvbo bad se- lectod bis future occupation should' bold up bis hanti. Ont ai the hua- dred, ton bois did so. Niuety had no 16cm ishat they wera going t .o do in tbis world, for the xvorld or for t. -enselves. 'He then askcd thoso Who lad given bbc, inatter some thoogît, but ivere lob uÊdecided, to maise the baad. Fitteon bands ivent up. Sex enby-fis e boys ont of the bund-ec, betxveen the ages ut 14 and 20, bad nover tbougbt about Choir future occupation. Ceonsidcrng îChat, boys iucb could they e xpect to cx- colin ha nthiug or to make a mark inthe bcworid? Yet, deubtoss, saine ai thons, w hen aien, xvi cemîdain that -w altb and honora are u,îcven- iy dis ided laintisxvend. lihe vay ta have honer, ta le- cerne ani-body oh importeance, te ho a poer amang inca, is neC bu easy anether peron,t-ut te lix the cyca upen Chat goal anti w enS tfor it, chîoosing cariy the ,patb rhet leads ta that erninence. A ong man desirestte lie a clergymian. lue vas the orly chî1id of a xvhdow, who could net odrie-tcl hlm. A îvoalthy gent'inmail; beo-s ing intenesto in if ia, offert fi t de- fray bbc expenses et lus cdu -aCioÀ1. lue gladly accepted, prepr edtfon college, and lad aust entorefi, wl thse gentleman tailcod, là.so ge - ry dollar. The youag inca., 0f c<ouis, bad tu beave callego, butl go dlid rot give np hie determiniation tao trr bbe ministry. lic Cnugitmustc Chat year, saved hie money, and ontered college. Caattnung ta toace iii Che, coliogo town, le aupported i hua 'f tbrougb bis wbole cailoge course. I kaow ai another yeoun man Who, ivitb overy opî'ortunity ta pur- sue one tbiag, changes'bis mimd and bis occupation about as oftn as le does bis coal. lue sioxor gets above the dcndgery part, and la oniy can- ing $3 a week, sometimes îsothiig, for blere are troquent resting places ut the change of bis occupations. W'ho could, expont ihlm ta make a succesa of bis lufe? No malter ;vhat profession or brade y ou take up, yon have, tu work, and w ork harde-r and under nmore difficultios at tihe outset Clan farîber an. The boy ,vho wVants ta shîirk Chie niecessary drudgery la fat mnadeo0f tbe atuif w hicb conquers ta lite. Above ail thiniga, avi 6being a "jack-ot-aii-trndes." Sýome aiea bave a geoltîs for so many thinga that tboy cannet giveeougb aittention ta une tiing tn master it. I kaeiv 0f a youth ai noarhy 20 who dan play and sing, -moud a dlock, a mîî1sic box, an organ, lavent ihttle things, imaSo --taffe, draxv, and- xvby, I bardiy knaiv nltbing ho cannot do, aad Che consequecco l, lie ta net doing anybbing. If anyone ivauts anything 'fixed," ho le the une îvho. fixes it, but bis lite la not going to le 'fixcý,d" la any direct ien. In direct contrast bu hirn la a coin- panlon 0f b1s, îvbo bas iready7 \sonýr- ed severai bears at bis Cradoc, zmd îvhll saine day turn ont a firet,-class carposîber. Flwrf the Fuamily. Mlr. Watson, bbc gastiaster oai Willoughby, bas four sons îvba lu- henit their tatber's amiable disposi- tion, lut are wantiug lu "iaculty," that cbaracteristic ai the successful Nýew Englander. -'Wbat are your sous dolng, Mr. Witson?" inquired a former resident of Willoughby, isba had not Ceea the postuastor before for 12 yoare. - Well," was the ensîver, "Jack, my oldest boy, he's a miaister witboub a pulpit. Fred, the aexb one, be's a lawyer without a client, and WiI- hemr, the third oee he's a boacher witbaut nny achool. " But I've saine bopes of Sain, the youngest 0f the lot," sadthebbcead of the Watson family, wilh con- mendable cheenfuinesa. "lue's sot ont ta le a fariner withont any land, but be'a hired ont a plece and work- ced lb on halvas, and we abe vege- tables off lb aill ummer. -I paid lin for snppiying aur tam- iiy, and wrben be'd settiod bis bill for xvbab ho put labo tbc graund ta start w,,ith, ho had ivithia 50 cents ai wht tho owed bbe loy Ibat lad bolp- cd hum hue and se on ahl summor. "And I baaded hlm o-ver blat 50 cents wîtb a 4ýell bot heàrt uand bold hlm ho uoedn't ever Chxk of It again. Yes, bis inother and 1 feel tea We -,re suýre you do flot. Nobo,$y wants it. But it cames to maxliàithousands every year. It comus te tose who have lad coughý and coids until the tIroataI is raw, sud the lining memblanes af île lungs are inflamod. Stop your cangh wlen t first apposrs, and you remový tle grs,at danger of future 'trýuble. stops congîs of ail kinds. h daes sa because fil 15 a-,sooth- ing sud leaiiugreme -dyvoÏ great power. This makes il île ge est preventive ta ou sumipton. Ayer's Cherry Pectorafl Plasters over yu ug A whole motrrcîal LIriaary Fie. For four cents lii stamps topayps. agee ili rend you sixteen mer.el We have the exclusivo e srv.if nome ef the most emineest pbyascîans ln tihe United States. Unusual oer- tunities and long experlence nt jneatly fit theut for giving Yeu medical ad-vice. Write freeir al the partie- ulars seyourenise. Yen wimrecelveta re4aPt D.J. .YER, Lowell, Ma1,, itw. .dd ,,- ias tlcnstY. Iu a sinali Tillage j ast autside Not.ti ng- bain, a farin la Dorer xvent to the general store. which was kept hy au old waman nul overstocked *itb brains, andi asiccd for "a p..bna ' bacon." 1The old lady producofi the bac(on and eut a pions off. but, eould neot flnd the pouild weight. "Oh, teyer mind t' pahud weigt," _said he; "ina fiet we'ghq just a pahn, sa put ther bacon lu t ,.caia."e The womnan confidentiy placed the bacon int one ,s!ie of the scalps, wbill the mnan put bis flsý imb the other side, andi, of course, took good care te have good weight. ,Vhila the womran was wrauping up the potln'd welght waafound, and, on seeing it, the mnan Said:ý "Nali, ynusec if ina flotý dou't just weigh a pabnDd.' 1The pouud Weight was aeoordîýngly, putiï int ane scale andi the man's fsllthe other, tbis lima oniy just ta bA -à. The old woman on seeing thidý said; "1Wha.. 1 niver seed-aughù se near afora! Here's a rcd herrih' for tboa bon- esty, me. lasL'" The Acquiremeist of Correct Speech. Correct speech is largely a inatter of laîltation.. If the persan with whom a ohîld caustautly assoclates spoak inele- gantiy tbe chiid wili crlsinly de 1ke- wise. No amount of instruction lu gramn- mur. the theory of language, will avail to caunteraet the debasing eff'ceet of prua- tical tlion ln the wrong 'direcê1çrn, Thoe is na such word lu, the EnglIsh Lsnguage as "amin." We may av "1I'ra flt," because we eliniinate the a in amn, but "ain't" bas n legitimate progenitor. Tho home la tbe truc schoal of speech, and the motber the teacher whosa influ- eccawiil becthe moss lasting. Grasses for Late Pasturiagr. The ordinary caminon millet, au w.fl as Hungarian grass, can be used for~ pasturlng, as il> grows ut er bcing mowed off or grazed. TIhe giant Gerînu nIlet gives but onc cu5tine.- LaIe ln uriumssïel, after the grass bas gi' - en out from ac sof i ram,ý suoh quick growing crops as Ilwz- garian grass will provide a large ouppi»y of green food util frost, but ln uc cases a eop for I.ay muet no- be eýp,-O~,,otd Wben înteiýded for r stnret Hunige*a grass eau ho usïuI ar.auy ChuLes of grawe as itislanot expected ta matoure, l1Éise thator ,jpld i ver, and ar biliousness, sic.-- headache, jaunje flatMea, indigesr tionetc. They ar lu valuable ta prev .ent a cold or break ap a fever. Mild, gentie, certain, they are wory Your confidence. Purcly vegotaie, th eau lic taken by children or delicale ojM Price, 25c. at ail medicine dealers or b7'il Of C. I. lion & Co., Lowcll tifass. For Infants -ni ukhldrei. IT'S no pleasaint to take thuteide ery for 1tbnt lt' de-1th to worgor al klnds. DIR. LOW'S WoR Sy1RVý P rice 2 5 cents. Ail dealers.

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