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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1899, p. 1

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I I J r"e invte to sea the Bi Dispi y of New Goods JUSt opened out at Afine stock of New, Stylisli and Perfect Fitting Ladies' and Misses' Coats, both German and Cana- dian made. Ladies' Costume Cloths in ail qualiti es andcolors, also a specially fine range of Fancy Black Dress, Goods from the lowest up to the finest goods import- ed, and a big stock of New Wrap Shawls, Travelling Rugs, Flannels, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Bla nk- ets, Furs, Tweeds, Worsteds, Over Coatings, &c. No better goods- and no0 better value anywhere. C;uch, Johnston & CrydeVan "BOWMANVILLE, September i2tb, 1899. ............... .....l! 3111.l!F lb... bulîl ---- ------- ------- ......E .................. ................ M.llbII lbII RIMMM I3 MI.l nb l bllllllb b alili Cliii C ! l .MM1 lî lb t oeofte agin Lha J r ffrn b n. lb lns fFuntu Evb bih bhi .141 lb y u o u b foebe isosbour reb auî-î lrgrstck-a th- ol bice.b - 11.II L_.WILAM_ SN MLL buS 1/.Il à.=.ï i 100 LAI Leave your repairing at Jas. Goard's. Al work' attended to promptly and guaranteed. GoId Filled Watzhes sold at prices usually asked for silver, Puill assortmnent of Writing, Material always kept 1in stock. Choicýe in Colored and Crinkled Tissue Pape r. Watchmaker and .eweller. (Ellison's Old Stand.) BOWMANVILLL. HAMPTON. Misses Annie Ashton and Mary 3. Elliott visited Dr. J. li. Elliott at Graveuurst .... Epwontb League social Thanksgiviug eve as usual . . .. Mn. J. Clatwortby is couined te bis lied with an alsces... Our villagers were aroused Tuesday evening by lie firing cf guns, blewiug cf lorus, etc., a numben lîav- ing- gatbened te celebrate the marri age of Mrs. Mary Langden and Mr. Cox, Maple Gneve. The groom bauded tbe, captain a bill and tbc crowd sang"'Tbey are joly gccd felhows" and bacl a treat of swoet meats at the gnoceny. EBENEZ EH. Mn. Ehi Osborne neceived word last week of the deatb cf bis sisten Ms Win. Werry, CrYstal City, Man. Tbe Cour- ler savs "Altbougb net lu the best of healtb Mns. Wenny arose as usualy and weut about hen accustomed duties but eanly iu the forenoon was seized with convulsions and in spite cf ai that médical aid couhd do, passed away about 10 o'clock aged 60 years. Mn. and Mrs. Werry wene among tbe first sèttlers. and are verv highiy respected. The svmpatby cf the cemmuuity gees eut te tbe bereaved famihy in Ibis heur cf sorrow." If you weuld avail ycurself cf the oppotunity te purchase mapy cf lie snaps TP. N. Rickard, Bewman- ville, has for you lu the way cf Watches, Clocks, Chains, Rings, and ail kinds cf Jewelhny and Tableware. We say "Snaps" we mean Iis,- lie bas purchased numbens cf these tbings, befone the pnice went up wholesale and is givingydu a chance te neap thelienefit, and bels expedt- ing you te appneciateihis offer suffi- cienthy well te make it profitable te im. But bis stock wilh net last foroyer, remember that. One or two specialties are a Gent's Coin Shîver Case and Walhbam Works, Sterling Silver Tablewane, aud Silver Pla ,ted Kuives Forks and Spoons. RosI value lu danada. T. N. RICRA hRD, Jeweller andOpiinBonalhe 3 doors East cf Standard Batik. Grocers' duebis taken as cassu. OCTOBER WEDDING. 1 1 : HiA NEs--BABCOCK, Avery pretty wedding took place at teresiden e o of Mr. Jobn Babcock, 1Ontario St., on Wednesdav afternoün, Oc.,1th, wben bis eLly daugbhter, Cairre F. was united in holy bon"ds of maltnimÜonv with Mi. William A. lianes, boot and s'hoe merchant, Toronto. Tbe eremenv was performed at 5 p.m., by Rerv. J. J. Rae in the presence ef about lfit tyv invited guests. The bride looked ch[ar!minZ' in a blue clotb travelling suit and carried a cluster of wbite roses. Thle bride and groom were unattended. After congratulatins tb'i bridai pantv were invited te the dining roem wbere a choice weddiig dinnrer was served. Tbe presents te the bride wene a very pretty and useful collection including, a marbie cdoek fnem the Victoria Club a -omebined dinner and tea set froni ber aunt, a substantial bank cbeck lfrom beýr parents and many pieces of silver, chiina, linen and fancy work frein fie(ï(!, ndsluMentreal, Ottawa, Buffalo aind Detreit. The grooms gîf t te the brie was a bandseme sable Caperine. Tho happy couple left b - vthe 7A45 train for Toronto where a nicely funnsbed home awaited them at 8 Queen St. W. the gif t of the* groom's parents. Mn. and Mfrs. W. W. lianes and Mr and M1rsý F. Davey and son, Toronto, were am ong tbe guests fnom a distance. Mrs. 1lianes bas been a valuable member of teMethodist choir and for several vears Secretany and, organist of the South 'Wand Sabbatb Sce1 who ac knowledged ber services a few weeks ago b& a niceiy wonded address and a beautiful crystal fruit disb set in silver. Thie best wishes of a best ef friends follow ber for a happy manried life. EN NIS KILLEN. V-ýiit enq: Miss DeLong,Ontario Ladies' Colleg-e, WhItby, Miss Grass,Columbus, gue1(sts of Miss S J. Arnot; Mn. C. M. Aýnderson,Oshawa, at Mr. P. Marnee's; Mn . S. and Miss West, Woedstock. at MNr. T. Evans'. Mrs. and Mn. Watt,' Oshama, at Mr. Jas, Pye's .. .. Judge Rýenson beld a Court cf Ilevision for florth part of Darliigton at Kennedy's Hall on Tuesda v l7th. ý_ ery little werk fer the Court te do . ... Our ycung' tewns- man, Mr. A. N. Mitceleàcaried off tbe Yrear chiampionship at the annual ganses at Toronto University' on Fridav last wýJiini;tng thie 100 yard, the 2'2j yard and seodplace lu the 410 yard race. lie 1i-o go teiotreal next week as oe of thei Varsity teami in thei- ntercol- legiate gine for t1me ya. OLL¶N7A. Mrfis. jas, A. Werr v bas returned fnma pleasant visit with frieuds lu Westen Ontario .... Mr. S, Shontridge arived(, frens Manitoba Thursdav wbere hec bas been assisting bis sens in hiarvest- ing .an excellent grain crep. 1e speaks Nver'y f VeabO F tbe countnv ..Mrs. Fegsî.Pontypecl, is attendiugbe d~gtrMrs WV. N. Pascoe who, bas nudzergone an operation. . ..Mrs. John Revnelods bas been sick... Mrs. West- lakýe is impreviug siowl . .. . MNi. Frank Cr emnour genial village black- smit, is having bis bouse thonoughly o\ eýrfianld.,. . Mr. and M'rs. S B.Brewn visited Enfield recently.M ýiss Mary RPogers, has had inflamnmation.... M r. Thos. Pascoe p-trcbased a tbono-bned Durb am cew at Mn. John Shand's sale ..Selina Diidsion intends giving an epen ententainment at Maple Greve Tuesda-v eveuiug next. Excellent pregram. he igbt kind of fiesh 9 mneans hcaltb. Nearly al Sick people lose fleali; and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi. cal Discovery restorffl it with wonderful rapidity. But it dots net make fiabby fat; il will flot increase the weight of corpulent people; it g91es the substantial fhelthy rmuscular tis- sue that is accesin. an bvtaistreunt ]~ ans thankfUl to ssy. 1 ami feeling en- tirely well one Rannah J. Wat- flns, of Raccoon, Laurel do,, IKY.» J in a mlemerable Pierre, Of But this publia.hed ft may induce soine poor suffering ont email ides of how 1 was Suffertng with wbat trouble. 1 bad been troubied witb my stusinach for four years and with womb troubi bout th'r- tiearsoreesneyisaw .on. ,Wben i wrote ta rDr. Pierce TIhalsd such terrible LAURER tTIIE PREMIERS nînST vîSîr ne BOWMAN- VILLE A GRAND SUCCESS, An ideal day te greet an ideal Premnier," as Monday hast for the vis- 3it of one wbom we nillhook up te and bouer-Canada's Premier. Ouly a very few places in Western Ontario are ho lie favoned witbhie presence cf the Premier, and West Durbam may juscly feel proud te be honored witb a visit frontSir Wilfnid Laurier. It trulv was a red letter day fer tewn and vicinity 7and a great number cf lioll political parties were presemit ou this occasion. The D. O. & P. Ce. factory closed clown for the afterneon that the employees might have tbe op- pemtunity cf hearing and seeing on e wbose kindly face and graceful liearng won the hearts cf ah wbo heard bis voice wbatever their pelitical views may lie. The ministerial party arnived bere about il a. m. and' wene met at the station liy Mn, Relit. Beitb. M. P., Mn. D. B. Simpson, Q. C., and Mn. W. F. Allen, J. P., President, West Dur. ham Lilieral Association , who escorted tbem around the tewu. Tbey, wene afterwands entertained'aI the homes cf these ge nt-lemen. Long bel ere 2.'p. m. poople, fromfaîl parts cf the 3 idiug aund reighlioring counties liega Yi te assemble until f car- ly tbree thousand mon, weomen and cidren greeted the Premier and party as tbey entered the Drill Shed which bad been soated and fitted for te c ccasion. The platfens was uicelY car. peted antd the pavillon nicely drapeti witb bunting and Union Jacks, in the midst cf wbich was a fine large pictune of our Qneen. Streamners decoratethebb hall on wbîcb, were tie felewîug in- scriptions "'Welcorne te Camîada's Prem- ier",, "Fielding and Prefererihial trace," "Laurier afnd a United Empire", "Mul-' ock andi Penny Postage", 1896 $232,000,.- 000-1898 $304,000,000". The D. O. & Ce. Baud enlivened the proceedings with suitable selecticus. As the visit- era asendedthe platforni reusiug cheers rose frIncasthe ýtnats cf tbe aud- lus weiceme ho West Durliam and thie, Baud seconded the wehcome liy playîng, the "MapheLeaf". Presideut W. 1. Allen presided and witi 1dm on the platform were 'these prominent pohiticans: Sir Wilfriid Laurier, lieu. W.- Mulock, Postmashen General, lion. W. S. Fielding, Minis- ton cf Finance, lien. John Dryden, M. P. P., Ministen of Agriculture, Mn. J. R. Stratton, M. P. P,, Peterboro, MnI. liH. J. Logan, M. P., Nova Sehia, Mr. L. Burnett, M., P., South Onîtario, Mr. A. Canplieli, M. P., Toronto Junction, Mn. J. li. Deug-las. M. P. P., Wark- werth, Mr. Ahox. Smith, Lilieral Organ- izer, Mr. Robt. Beiti, M. P., Mr. D. B. Simpson, Q. C., Mn.' G. Melingli, M. P., Southi Victoria, Mr. Jas. Somervihie, M. P., Mr. W. T. Lockharî, ex-M. P. P., Mn. R. McLaugbhin, Mayor, Oslîawa. Senator Kerr, Mn. W. Kerr, LL B., Mn. E. C. S. liuycko,' LL, B., ex-Maver lisyden, Messrs, J. P. Fieldi, W, J. Mahen, J. B. MeCehi,'Cobeurg; à1r. F. Webb, Coîborne, Mr. Wm. Webster, Grafton, Mn. W. J. Westington, J. P., larwoocl, Mr. Richard Culhis, Cam- bocrne, Mn. Chas. Sargent, C. C., Centreton, Mnrli. W. Burk, ex-M. P., ÂDr. J. C, Mitchell, Enniskihlen, Dr. Powers, andi Mn. John Curtis, Port liope, Mns. D B. Simpson, Bowman- ville, Miss Editb Kerr, Cobourg, Miss Furby, Port liope, andi otiers. The first speaker was lieu. John Dryden, M. P. P., Minister cf Agnicul- taie, wbo was splendidly receiveci and in bis usual gonial sauner macle a very concise andi practical acldress. The chen speakers ahi neceiveti a mest attentive bearng anîd were Ire- quently ieartiIy applauded. lIen. W. Muhock, Mr. liance J. Logan, M. P., lien. W, S. Fielding anti Sir Wilfrid Laurier matie excellent speeches. We hati heped to present a full ne port cf tie speeches if a supplement r- - Nr e - - ~-w - - -W' ' Y'r ' 01 "N ' 7' r Nfy1w TrrMS -$L50 bPER ANNtfl. OUR TOWN AND COUXTY FIR8T; TER WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS, M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW SERIES.. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTAiRIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1899. VOLUME XLV., No. 42, in AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES' BASQ~UETb ANIMIEII FLn SANT AND SEJCCESSFUL GATIIERING. The second aniual banquet of the West.Dnrham and Darlington Union 1AgricultUral Societies was held on Fnl- dafy nigbt.at tbe Bennett lieuse when the leading agricultnrists cf tbe Ceunty, and business men cf the towu assembled te spend a social evcniug, ccmpletey- filliug the lange dinîng hall. After ai had clone full justice te the wholesome and beuntiful supper pnovided, the Presideut, Mn. W. E. Pellard, proposed a toast te "the Qneen" te which a bearty response was given. The liarmeny ÉMaie Quartette sang '-Soidiers cf tbe Quecu" wbich stinred the patriotic'feel. ings cf tbe whole assemblage. Mr. Pohlard reviewed bniefly tbe werýk of the past year in connection wîth tbhe Society and suggested prompt action in regard te langer grounds, grand stand, and urged a fuli athendance ah the 'anual meeting thah the best men may be select- ed for tbe Board. Mn. W F. Allen, J. P., treasurer, who, was perhaýps the oldest agnicultunal officerý present, baving licou elected ho au office in 1856;-ueianly 44 years ago-spoke of the succe ss cf this'year's exhibition front nu agriclturul standpoint, which ho believed was the only tnnly successf al >fuir. Mr. li- J. Knigbt sang the appre- pniate old seug "I'm a linstier Just the the Same" wbicb was ioudly appiauded. The toast "Oui Canadian liomes" was respendedi te by Mr.D.C.Simpson, Q.C , who as tbe president said, was a 'West Durham bey wbo lbad won houons ah home, baving receuitly been created a Queu's Consel wbich. the cempauy showed thair appreciation cf in bearty applause. Mn. Simpson after thanking the Directers for the houer cf a place on the eveuing's program and telling a humerarons joke spoeho f the benefit derived frolus these gatberigs by the members bearng difinsien cf theugbt, aud suggestod that the Society koep tbe fair pure anid cean from gambiing or un_ seemiy sidle3 shows. Cýaada was oe cf tbe falnost Coun-tries on \wbich the sun sinessud hr ither,.îivess and danglitors the best welnien on eanth. As Engiand, the motben country led in til athenipts te oventbrew tyrauuy and givo fneedcmi te the eppressed. Se Canada, the daughter, long dependeut, ue',y- cornes te ber aid and offers help in tbe >preseut trouble iin Africa. Canada, sai d the speaker, is comiug te the front and as a proof of tbis cempared the exports, cf cheose and butter front Canada with that cf tho Uuited States durng the iast f ew yoars. Canada stood third eniy Iu the great national gatborni t the Jubiloe in London, England, and is, >rapidiy advanciug in ail linos cf litera- hure, painting, etc lie urged upon the members the necossity of standing united lu ail mattors cf night, aud choosiug geed men fer pubic positions.lie puid a tribute te the Canadian homes and chesed n meat excellent speecb with an appropniate pen by Drumîunoud, "De- Nice Leettie Canadienne." Messrs. Kuight and Goard favored the company with a duetI'Life',s Dreain Is O'or." Rev. J. J. Rue was the first, speaker in respouse te the toast "Our, Gxuosts." After a ged-naturod reply te theý last speaker, ho gave a veny practical- address te the farmers and others present emphusizing the reui vaine of living, the, pessibiitv cf adapting ourselves te cur surreundings, the power te appreciate, and apprepriate the geod we have, and the sense of mashery, Like the former speaker he received wvell-deserved ap- plause as he sat clown. Mn, James Geard sang "Dixie Kid" and vas loudly ap- phauded. Mn Robt. Moment, P ýM. ýOrone, was the next speaker.,lie dcl net appreve of dancinggirlï, herse rue- ing and othen jim-crack business usý attractions te the unnual show, Hie cemplimented the management ef this Fuir on thoir success and said there must have been behind 1h, as lu evcry success- fnal enterpnise, meu of ouorgy, shreng sense and goed judgment lie agreod wihtho first speaker in his remanks, when,

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