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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1899, p. 2

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The aainSttsla Anl Rîght page, Foi-ty.Eight Colûran Newspaper, la pu;blisiseýd EVERY WVEDTNESDAY MORNENG, LA1 101 OFFICE 26 STATESKIAN BLOCK, MIG STREET, BOWM1fA NVILLE, ONT., BY Substritioiitt.50 peratrau, or $1.00 if pnld strictly ta advance. ADVERTISING RATES Trensieni Ads-cntisisg. Ten Cents per Ltne, filmt insertion ; Fis-e Cents pet Lino ectis ub- sequen insSertion. CONTRACT RATES. BIZE OF ADVEREiotENOT One Ceorînz.......... Hlf Peltmn . Qiarto'- Poloma. Rigni l eltn.. Twerty-five Line.. Tweitty Lines..... Fitteen Line..... Tea Linos ...... ..... Five Linos......... TIMES INSERTEIS. 1 Mis 3mthSs lthtSs 1 Ir. P20 0e0$40 $60 100 13 00 26 40 60 8 00 16 26 40 5 00 10 16 26 4 50 9 12 18 4 00 6 8 13 3 50 5 7 50 12 2 50 4 50 6 501 il 1 25 350 6 10 Tise bove are cotraet rates, sud apply, eniy te regalar business ats-ertisers.1 Changes of eotraet adsertisements msust ise handed tanot later tisai one ocelool on Saturday -tletsraie wiii lie strictly enforced. Paragrapis adsetisemeats among news iteras l00 a lino ecrisinsertion. Birtiss, 25c; Marriages and Deallis, 50c. Displayed ads-ertisemeuts are nseasored by a aeale et slid noupareil and se cisarged. Orders for dtsconinutnig advertiseaients must be hi writing, otherwtse tise publisher will net be responsible. No paper 'wil ce stopped until Ail arrearages are paîd, except attise option of tise publisiser. A post office notice te discontinue isnet sufficient, Double reguiar rates are cisarged during Mi r.zh, April snd May and October, November mtD Tiember for dispiay advertising net con- tracted for by tise yea~r, ,Business notices in local or news c,.luinns firs1 nsertion 10 cents per line Noupareili 5 cents per Une eacis subsequerît insertion. Notces of meet- iniga0f any kindat wbicis an admission fee is chiarged oÏ a collection ts taken musi le paif for. Aillcommunications sisouid lie9addressed, M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville. Ont. M ARRIAGE LTCENSES,-M. A. JAMffs, 1I3suer of Marriege Licenses. Residence: Contre street. A. B. MeLAXG BLIN, B irniter, Solicitorasud Cenveyaneer. Office:- Blakley Block, King street, Bowmnanville. Money te boan at reasonaisie rates. 48lyr, $50ff O TO LEND $5000O.O on good mort- gage securîty at moderate rates et rnterest. A.B .McLAueitLisÇ,qolicitor,Bowmaavilie,Ont. 16 -6m. DIU. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBERO0F COL-rEGE0F PIFYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,oerener, etc, itesidence. Enniskillea. 74 R.Pfm-EATE,-,TAILOR Gentlemen's Clothes made to Order. D., BURKE SIMIPSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, up-stairs, KingStreet, Bowman ville. Soilcitor for tise Ontario Bank. PrIvate Dmoneve leaied at owest rates. ROBERiT YOUNG, V..S. OFF10E IN 'WEST DURHAM NEWS 0Bock, where hiraseif or bis assistant wili befeundfrom8a. r. 09 p. m. Night calîs et residence, directly opposite DIrill Shsed. Calis by telegrapisor telephoa wii reeive prompt at- tenti on. . 171 - yr. ENTISR 0. HARNDEN., L.D.S. <raduate efthtie Royal Cotiege et Dental Sui geons, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposite E]xpresOffie. VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANK continues to do a General Bankiug Business et* Bowmanviile Agency.11 1DEPO SITS received In Savings Bank Depaniment and Interest allowed et curnent rates. Notice of witisdrawal net necessary. Ail depeslts payable on demand EXCHANGE Bouglit and sold and Drafts issued uonEnrope Ulnited States and Canada aise GodSils-er ad United States Greeoliacks Ubught and sod CJOLL ECTIONS Prompily made at current rates upon ail parts a! Great Briaitise Usted States sud tse Do- inion of Canada. Telegrapli Transfers Made for large or Smaii sums on ail parts 0f Canada. This issieelally advauntageous to per- sens living in Manitoba or the Nortis WeIt, it BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 18, 1899. VICTOPIÀ'S DESCENT. PROF. TOTTEN 0F YALE'CLAIMS SHE ,DESCENDSFROM KING DAVID. HE HAS TRACED A DIRECT LINE. According te Thîi~ GenealogY, the Little Son of the Duke of York, if Hie Ever Becomes King, Will be the Long- Expeeted Ring DaViù Who Is te Bule over the Hebrew R'ace. Lieut, 'C. A. L. Totten,, ILS. A., re- tired, formerly professor of riltary science at Yle, blieeses lie lias traced a direct hile of desccat frein Kinig Dlavid, of biblical times, te the littie sin of the Buke of Yo rktAc- cordtng to, Prof. Totten), if this boy. the third ia lineocf succession to the throne of England, ever beconies king, lie will lie thie long-expected King Dlavid, Wlio is to corne into tihe world te gathar the Rebrew race fromi the four corners of tihe eartli and to solidify agarn thiis scattered people. In speaking of lis tlieory, Prof. Totten said to mie: "The lieir of the Buke of York, if lie cventually cornes to, the British throne, wîil rightfully be called David. Hie lias aiways beenl called David. lits fuli naine is Edvard Ai- bert Clristian George Andrew Pat- rick David. There is more Vo()tliis matter tlian a mere namne, for tlie young Prince can trace his descent back te Davidci lirseif, and that is where tlie sigrificance cornes in, for it is weli knossn to biblical studonts tliat tliere is to be itt thse termina- tion of tliosc tisnos and tlie begin- ning of tlie next ago a King David raiscd up to soiidify tlie original em- pire cf tlie 1lebrews. -I say his descent frorn King Basvid can be traced by ses ral linos. Tliis arises from tise fact Iliat thoro are several breaks in tlie maie lino in thse one wliidli 1 shall subirit-the lino, preceoding by quecas wlio are daugli- tors of the precoding generatien; \vhereas spanning across these appar- ont breaks there are, unes svhteh brace tise wliole togethor. 1 have cornpilod imest 0f tliis from CGrias- aldi's Quoen's royal dsotfroem King Basvid, tise psalnîiist, liaxe cor- rected tlie cironyogy, and lave con- sulted thse references, besides nurnr eus otliers. -Tli, possible doscont of Queea Victoria froin King Dav-id -was first entered tupon ia theo present day by Ro-. 1P. IL. A. Glie r, NLA., in Eng- land, la tlie 'Iuranat of Judah,' publislied tn London in 18561. He did nol, liowcs or, attemf)t to give the 'goneaeogy ltnk of link, nor enter upon the proofs iin detai. Since thesi thse whoie subiert of 1lier Mýajesty's Jeýwish ancetr.y lias beon further o- arntned 1by varins sudets nd writrs on olr Irettliçti.J. C. Stophons blas conîijld( a genealogi- cal ciart, showîng the connýectioni botween lise house of Dav-id and tlie royal, fansily ofGreant Jtritai.n. Thiss gis os theo duscent front Abrahiam to Zedektiahisnlfull, as.tound la Mat- tiscw. It th~en gives twelve gone-a- tiens only bot ween lierernon, B 1.é. 580, anid Victoria, A.D., 1819, thus of curse, orartttîng a great' nuniber of links. Tise descent of the royal fanily froui the' royal lineo0f Judali is, besvever, n now discovery. "Tise Saxon kings traced thissi- vos bacl te Odin, wisowas traced back te lits descent from David, as nay be soon in a vcry an- ciont maauscript in tise Heraid's Cellege, London, and ta Shiaron Tur- ner's 'History of tise Anglo-Sassjonýs.' Tise fucll and complote geneaiogy of Victoria frontxa id dees net appcar te have been ever printed. In its comrpilat toc reltable works, of refer- once have been used. Perfect acc'îr- acy is liardly to e le xpected in sucl ant attempt, but it is believed, that the gooealogy is as correct as or present kno-a-,iedge of tisis obscure,ý and intricate subject wtll permait. "Comnmencing fr om Âdam and nomn- bering the genrattons sertalty we fInd: PÂTRIARCHIS--APAM-2 TO JESSE. 1. Adam, 4000-3070, 1.0.Ese. 2. Seth, 8869-2957, B.C. 3. Enos, 8764-9859, BL. 4. Cainan, 3674-2_764, P. 5. Maisarbal. 3004-2 709. 13ý-.. 6. Jared, 3037-2577, 1,. 7. Eniocis, 3377-3012, 1.0. S.Methuselis, 3312-23-14,1D.0C. 9.: Lamech, 3125-2,349, 1.0. 10. Noahs, 2943-1993, BPC., Naamaah. raathfn ds auut~iva i at nce atrnvv ejn<.t.v-r--- of payment. The CANADIAN STATESMAýN iS requeSt- For other particlulars cal atltie bank'. ed te publish tUe 'followi riz:Ail men A. J. MCLsLLAN, GEO. McGILL, who are nervous and debiliated or wbo Accountn'rt Manager are sufferîng frnt auy of tise varieus troubles resulting front ever work, ex- cess or youthtul errons, are e-ware tiset most medical finîs dterising te cure these coaditios ce-nuol be retiod upen. lite 8~ tt Bo~Mr..G'raisem, a resident of London, zlOnt.,living at 4,97kRiclirnond St.. w'as for along lime a sufferer frem aboya ~9trouibles anda etier) iigin vain manv adlvei tîsed emdes e'tric beits, etc-, I~ UVÔ 'II~T taaa eelee.îtraîîy icofide l Mrs. X.-N,'ow Joisnny 1 wanî yen barn oeie Fionltl h dconrged i hurry home frntm sciseol tisis an eld Clergyman,,, who inrected lira to atternoon. -an emùineaCIL ndrelie-bic pUs sician, Johnuy-What for, I was walttiIlg te- Ti.snh lsý-s'luhtealmerît a Mrs. X.-I waatyt ecne riglit born ;î0x iiisrec 't s olîtnDed. forî 1 ou i' 1tm'" .'so b ise aaty LU TlT J LL S ýfor sernie g - ~ su~o ~ posed ripout huas ead cakes for tea. o' 1,,.4:--e qai U rMnGrabham Johuit3- l'Il comte hop- l e' ru e lits tellow I like going tlere, for bis .)- erence ead limas and cakes are just fine, assistMt t 1 a cure ov nstorniiaeny- onie whow-lIt write to hlm in strict eon- A full stock ofCoafectiouory isea wa-ys fidence wisene te lie cuned. No atten- ltept on he-nd. tien ce-n lie toenl those writing out Alex. Luttreli of morern,-i,,t,:y but any ene wbo realyrred : creis e-dvised toad- larke's Old Stand, Bowmûauville dress Mr. Graheam as above. 14-tf. 18. Nalior, 2050-2002, B. 19. Torahi, 2121-191 7, D.C.., Ar- 20. A)risun, 1992-1817, 1B.0. Sa trali. 21. Isaac, 1S99-1712, BPC.,' Rebek- ali. 22. Jacoli, 1832-1685, BPC., Loaýtli. 23. Judali, 1751 , 1.0., Raýmar. 24. Pharez, 1717 --, BP. 25. Ilozrown, 1704 -,1.0. 26. Arain. 27. Aminadali. 28. Naaslien. 29, Salmon, .17li0 --,1.C. 30. Boaz, 1388 ,BPC., Ruth. 31. Obed, 1289 ,B. 3.Jesse, 1189 -,B.. RINGS 0F JERTJSALEM-N. 33. ]Dav-id, 1079-1009, 0, Bath- sisoba. 34, Solomon, 1009-968, B.C., Na aman. 35. Rehoboam, 970-953, 1.0., Mla- aooli. 36. Abijais, 953-950, 1.0. 37. As&, 950-900, 1.C., Azubais. 38. Jehosapisat, 900884, 1.0. 39. Jororarn, 884-881, 1.C., Alliai- i. 40. Abaziais, 881-880, B.C., Zibiali. 41. Joasis, 874-836, 1.., .Ieload.. dan. 42. Amaziais, 836-799, 1.0., Jeco- liais. 48. Uzziah, 797-795, 1.0., Jarushad. 44. Jothem, 745-787, 1.0. 45. Aliaz, 787-720, 1.0., Ait. 46. Hezekial, 720-691, 1.0., lepi-, zibah. 47. Manassais, 691.637, 1.0., Mes- 48. Amen, 636-604, 1.0., liamuta-li, 50. Zeziokiah, 593-583, B. 'It siililic unoticed tisI osai rnarrtod H. aiutais, tUe dulio uf Jeromii,cf Aniathoth, i-ira tisa aI ise ery erasnatini0flits cae r, adbelo e secity fu, isis uccsson, isaviug neo iseirs,cae te litai, aad soid out tise riglits ot Anathotis, se that Jererniali becarne thie Jerornii0,f botis places. "Nosçv, Jedeksais sas tise soni of J ostali and liasutais, and Jesepflis tolls us tUaI Z 'dekiali was tise ast king 0fBavid'slune. This is-aiinus- taikc, for tise lino was preserved tri a mest as3storious', ssay. W hot Zode- kiahinsaciains, -was about te lie takea te Bnliyloa as n prisonor, is tisree oun s wcr0daai etoro ins, lits ossa eyes put eut, holie din Baby- Ion. But Jeres-sinh tise propiset showýs that bis daugýis crs w ere sas cd, gis-cxi inuIe tise hlinds or chanrge of CGoda- itais,ss-io w as lef t-as Gos ernor of .lerumaleaï after tIiseBalon-Iiians do- parted. "'"Now, tise possession ef 1tisUs daugistera liymrigowsse lius- portant that Is]maui, one-cf tise Kigsseed, buta rnegdecap- tored tise pr an asoff ssitli upen inarag.Thspatof mat- audors w asfolo cdbyJoisann, anid os ntoaî:,il,,isKîs'sdaoisors sre scvc. ieruei ndrtise charge of'Jrenii, liy vre al laken dosvn ti,,gypt, ndotÊaiaed shlter aCTlion's te oalce f tieJîx' gltrot kntosx nby fe v years ago ly Mr. Pti -rfe tis11o îrostory'. "renairemained ta Egyptun- titiise Babyhon,-,lýlianls cptrd the land, and from ,Ihene oil, ap-r, "TIse- daltiterýs w e,, 0 f course, grea-grndeitîdeaof Joruiîn tîl prephet. TUcy niýiiatualy fell to bis cure. It w as pr'orniscd tinte h1i.Lm that ho shooid neui, IIferi-saru taii any land tisat Providience shlihddi- rect hlm te.. le lied lbeen cliosea ito tear deon, to liewsdosîn, t1 de- stroy and 10 pofli dewn-to build aind te plant. Hie dtrýcthy prople- sied tisat a reinnant qshould escape,' oit cf the east, (destiaed te taýke root dossnw ard and isear fruit up- ward. "Ezekiel, entoring into the emi of tisose -my sterios, reveais 1tise -whole mialter te a riddle (chapt)er xvii.), ef tise great ongle ss-iiclidL- scend'ed upon tUe, tree of L o and teck oethtis topssuest branche-s ef royal cedar a tender tw ýig anid set ilt ta a land cf tratbic, is a ctty otmef chants, svlsre it beania nvine 0of hows tatuîre that covered tise face 0of the cattli. It stl libe remncmborcd tisaI Jererniah siglsed for a h sdge ta tise s-ast s1tieuee.îe foad that lodge in Ullti.ia Thuleý, and fouudcd it. -Irish history comeces at tUis asernent by tise appearailceocf a sa- cred pro phet irons tisa east, oscert- ing a famsous priîscess. Tea Tephi, l'ho tte e tkhat Mer. MaoroesCES ' hie Iifc «ta. ,. .s wrt-es 1. t tifil isaitise cunlise"f t tct a rogirdt hecure cf Mir. Iadorelaor, ly thise o etDi. tUsses Kzlnzv ii r i"isiss dr- ,t. ilte- î.i-M .Ia , rus1 t -Î,~ 'Atr 2(D ye c irgfroii is a , szi i ,..cluIc ise 1 oss w- Il'];cst1r. A. \JCsî~ a ci us ren"iies v varetfrernode te noaval, aici on tise recinrs'-ndatiûn c end logea tiie use cfiD. Chi ss Kicu iIverý I iis. T-s s pPIs that nigitt 'd toc uc-amorning Ve- g,, t relief, andd ort noed their ose wmil r i a ns cnnl..ýtcly Ça- d. îIyfrieruds oie1 i ni , d a 1 1pl-asezI t ec e seil again, f, i1 ,t1- tni, of dollarsini ciîitryi 'g te, g cro. oo i oi'gDr. PLi, 's Krd- a s Ls r Plle m b o- nuchd îo 1 could net r~t i o- lin audcool Ii 't lift 20 iLs. lMy tii~~ ~~ nlîo-Ou Su hcndae 'h'es and alad ti. sti ni, . These trc ihl e are uow rsitiî:ly go inad iviat 1is y s1orsi rcacdy te prov. 1 h.se tul mv friends ciusy sonder- fol-ic, aind ossîy have laci greatly huented ly î.îsng is c <is.", Dr.. I Li - Kidiey-Liiar Plus -re the greet- eut kidîuoy ccuetas world Lias esor kisesîn Oaa p il o dose, 25c. a bsox at ail dealers, or Edmranson, Bates & Ce., 'Toronto. Paine's Ce!lory Cornpound is pre-em- ineuht cpsv l of dôiag all tiset it pîromitses, 001 does a wonlk that no other inedicine ea accenîplish. If yen dear reader hsave failed lu the past wrtli other medicines, take immed- ite advautage efthte vrtues ef Patne's Celer v.C-empound tUet lias proved such a blsigte teas of tlîousands lu the past. f: e-ad 1sondr-yoolir 1,1oleni soasofIle- IBu oterever1t te0Jda 1o.li ad morkd wrîh aseare ihedt is birt, a LiW an race these kagit it d rlIthed tath Ir~hedwher tatiseganraît po- 'W ienlUi reah maat apper- ed ~ ~ ~ ~~~1i, taen'doirenn ts rne cf~ ~~~L Mieinsvsaotle ie c,ýrown inter 1ropt Jion11, tUe arisai- 10f these strLigotsled te, tho orriag-e cf lirnesaad Tea Tephi, aîsd leo al tho oriinal wonders tisa t e circ i 10o arnr-dth seca rly hisiery 0f ti, is Tenu ior .Ionin Isten, usinrcatîty lise 1sie of litb Jesvs. "To nusume noxi ourt hue at No0. 51: RINGS 0F IRLANB. 51. Heremea, fl. 13.0. 580, Tes To- phi, 52. Iriai Paidh, reig'sed 10 ycars. 53. Eithriali, 'rcigred 20 yeilrs. 54. Peulian. 55. Tiglieranas, rei.gned 50 Ïùyenrs. 56. Eanlietia. 57. Saîtrogoil. 58. Ftacisodh Lalbraine, reigned 24 years. 59. Aoîsgus Olirnocliaidis, reigned 21 years. 60. Maete . 61. Rc ieacista, neigacnd 25 ycars. 63. Sioru-a Saogsalncis, reigned 21 64. t oiaOlcisnoin. 65. iauchaili s-igîscd 9 îears. 6.Aodliain G0las, roigncd 20 years. 67. 1SimeonSBreac, roigneti 6 yoars. 68. Moireadlacli Boigra ch, retgned 4 years. 69. Fiachadli Toîgracis, reigned 7 years.1 70. Punch Laidisracis, neigued 10 vents. 71. Rocisaidis Buaigisllerg. 7.Ugise More tiseý Groat, roiga- eti 30 y ears. 73. Plitiacl Polbroag, reigned 30 y('nrs. 74. Meiage. 75, Jaran Gleofatchali, retgncd 7 s-cars. 76. Coula Pruaidli Coalgacis, reiga- 1efI 4 years. 77. Oiche- Catsthiachacis, rcigacd 25 years. 78. Eciseidis Foltleahan. reigned Il years. 79. Aongus .Ruirniheadli Team- harcis, reigacd 39 years. 80. Eana Aigisucacis, reigned 28 years. 81. Labhira Suit. 82. Bliscisýlta. 83. Easariii)jn Eamsu,&. 84. Roigiaii Ruadis. 85. EtrleghLa. 86. Fitmn. 87. IEodchaidli I'eodhlioch, reignod 12 yeans. 8.Flîseamisuas. 89. Lîrjgnidis. Riadoatg. 90. Pnimihian ,iadhna,reigneti 16 yoars. 91. Pearaidhach Piou Foaclitili. 92. Fiacliadh F'ionoluidli, reigncd 20 ygors. 1 93. -Toatisai Teachtuat, reigîîcd 30 1years._ 94. Poun Peadelsatiacis, reigned 20 years. 95. Arli Aonfie(r, reigncd 30 yeats. 96. Porauae Esanda, tcigncd 40 3 cars. 97. Calibre Liffeacliair, roigned - 27 years. 9S. Fiachâdis> Scncdlitisine, roigned 30 years. 99. Muireadhacis Tireacis, reigneti yeors. 100. Eocisaidli Moigmeodhia, reig- ed 7 years. 101,.NMal 0f tUe Nine lioste-ges. 102. Rogna. 103. Muir iteadhiach. 104. Rarca. RINGS 0F ARC YLESHTIRE. 105. FeargoLs Moto, AD. 487. 106. Paad d.457. 107.Pnrn d. 535. 108. AidanLi, d. 604. 1.09. Eug,,c Ie V., d. 622. 110., Ponld IV., d. 650. 111. Peugard. 11 2. Eagene V., d. 62. 113., Fi odaîs. 114. Rgee VII., d. A.D). 721, 115. ELfînus, d. A.D. 76ý1, Fria 116. Achiaus, d. A..819, Fergusia. 117. Alpin, d. A.834 SOVEREI 'GNS ()F SPOTLAND, lis- cnti. l, k. £). 54, FAOTSWR T H PCorltantinIl., A. 8 74. Donald VI., Ail. 903. Malcolmn I., d. A.D., 958. Rennethi III., d. A.D. 994. lMalcoirusII., d. A.,D. 1033. Beatrix M. Thane Alisonacis. Duncan I., d. A.B. 1040. , Maicolas III., P-nore, A. 1055-1093, Margaret of En land. David I., d. A.D. 1153, Mla et Northumblerland. Prince Heur-y, d. A.D. il5 Adarna of Surrey. Rani Das-î, (1. A.D. 192 Maud cf Chester. eud 52, 19, 130. Isobel M., Robent Bruce 111. 131. Robent Brode IV. ris. Isohsel of 1Gloucester. 132. Roeet Bruce V., m. Marjety ef Part ick. 13ý3. Robert I., Bruce, A.D. 1806- 1329, Mary cf hure. 134. Mangary Bruce, m. Walter Stcswart III. 135. King Roesrt II. d. A.D. 1390, Eupiseaiie- et Ross, d. -A.D. 1376. 186. Roert Bruce Ill., d. A.D. 1406, Arabella Bruasmond, d. A.D. 1401. .137. Je-nes I.,, A.D. 1424-1431, , Joan, Beaufort. 13,q. Jamies IL., d. A.D. 1460, Mar- gaerofe Gueltires, d. A.D). Ï463. 139. Jauses goreot 14S84. 140. TJamieis garet 1539. III., d. A.P. 148$8, Me-r- of Denime-k, d, A.D. IV., d. AD. 1548, Me-r- Ot En glind, d. A.D. 141. James V., d. A.D. 1.542, Mary ef Lorraine, d. A.D. 1560. 142. Qucon Mary, d. A.D. 15S,7, Lord Hienry Darnley. SOVEREICNS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 143. James VI., and I., A.D. 1603- 1625, Ana ef Denmark. 144. Princess Elizabeth, 1596-1613, R. Fredenicli ef Bohemtia. 145. Prncoss 'Sophia, m. Duke Ern-- est o-f Brunswick. 146. Georige I., 1698-1727, Sophia Porethea Zehie, 1667-1726. 147. Ceorge IL., 1727-1760, Pria- 0055 Pateline et Ansbacis, Ï683-1737. 148. Prince Fnederick et Wales, 1707-1751, Pnincess Augusta o! Saxe-Gotha. 149. George MI., 1760-1829, Prta- cess Sophia cf Mcckleabutgli- Strieliiz, 1744-1818. 150. Doke Edwtard of Kent, 1767- 18290, Princess Victoria of Leiningen. 151. Qoeen Victorta, bora 1819, Prirnce Albl-t of Saxe-Cobourg. 152. Tise prescat Pi'nce of Wales. 154. Prince Edwa erd Albert Christ- tan George Andr-e- Patrick Pas-id. "This, gîtes ojs153 genenaliens frein Adani te P'rince David, on 150 10 Queca Victoria. Nosv, 1,50 genen- atiorise-t about 40 years eacli, ta 6,000 years, just about tise lime de- mnded by lhe Bible for tise Adana..c Unie, dosv te tise nosv age.-' Children Cry for i C0%ASéoTO IR P1JBLISHER'S, NOTICE. $1 per aennraiiaadvaince, ethienwise $1.50. Subscnsptions lways payableet tise office oe' pulicetion.Adetsnrtssais by con. tract, 0cnsprue opnilriinsertion ..d 5 cents per Unie cari s oiseqsrentiiansion Locals, 10 cents peth. w Publisiser. TRE VICTIM A WL.~W N POPULAR ROTE], CLERK After Other Medicines Falled He was Cured, Dr. Wil lie-ms' Pink Pi- IEvery IBose Counted in- tie BIlte Against Pain. 1 Frora tiseNewýs, Alexandnia, Ont. There is noe more popular Uoel clerk la Eastern Onite-nie tUen Mr. Peler MeDoneil, of thse Grand Union ilotel, Alexaudria. AItUe present time Mn . McDoDell is in tise enjoy ment et perfect lîealth, ead e-strangen meeting hlm for tUe final lime,( could net 'inmagine tUe-t a me-n )witU the iee-ltUy giow ead enen- getic mannen of Mn. McDonell could ever huave tetta a sympiom et disease. Tisene is a story, hewever, ln cennectien wîlli tUe spslendid fdegree et healtU gttainer(l by hlm tUe-t is werlis leIling. It is a weli kýnown tact tUe-t e- ew yee-ns e-go he was tise victim ofthte mosl excrucialiag pains et rlieumatisus. Knowing these tacts a News reporter, ce-led on Mn. MeDoneil for the purpose of eliciting tuiler particule-ns. WilUoul Uesiietiag le attributed Uls presut sound state etfisealtU te tUe use et Dr. Wil- lie-ms' Pink Pil for Pale People I e-m" 'se-id le 33 vee-rs of age, but tbree , eens e-go I did net expeet tb live lUis long. At tUe-t time 1 we-s'coanected with tise Commercial isere as part et my duties was te drive tue busses. teead tnorn lte C. A R. stetion, I wea expesed te e-Il k-lads et wetler ead subjected te the sudden extremes et beat ead celd. Along in tUe spr'ng I we-s suddenty attacked wilU trie mest terrible pains lu my limbs ead body. I sou-lit relief ta doctors ead tiso n l patent medicines, but e-l totene purpote nothingseemed te afford relief. 1 or twe mentIs I was a telpless invalid, suffeing constantly tUe rnest excrudie-ting pains. My lands ead el swelled ead 1 was positive tUe end we-s approaching. My hee-rt was e-ffected and tndeeded I we-s almesIta despnir, sehen fetunatety a fiend et our te-mily recommended tise use ef Dr. Williamns' Pink Pilla. I began ustng tlîem in Me-y, 1896 ead lad taken three boxes before I noticed e-ny change, but fro ie-talime every dese counted. Tise bleed soemed te tîntîl tlreugh mv viens ead by tise lime I had finisised tise fiftU box every trace efthte disease lad van- islied. Ever since thon I lave been w'orkiag bard ead frequentiy long ever ltime, but have centinued ln excellent bealth. Wheiuever 1 foolthte slgisteet symptom efthtie trouble I use the pilla for a day or so ead soon feel e-s watt e-s ever. 1 feel tiset I owe my healtU te Dr. Willia-ms' Pink Pisa d nover lose e-n opportuaitv et recemmeading them te others suffeinz as I we-s. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla cure by go- ing te tise reot ofthtie disease. Tbey renew ead bud up tise lood, ead strengtheu tise lerves, thns driving lise disease from the systeaevoid imite- tiens byinsisting tUe-t overy box yen purchaes e closed line- wnapper bean- tn- the failtIre-de mark, Dr. Williams' Pink PIlis for Pale Peopie. If 'your dealer dees net keep Ibem lUey wiltl be sent pestpe-id et 50 cents e- box, or six boxes for s-2 50 by eddressing tise Dr. Williamas' Medicine Ce,, Brockville,Out'. ~ENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. lligiginii. botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down stairs), BLACI{STOCK. On Wednesday, September 27th, at the residence of Mr. William John Bea- cock, Cartwright, bis eldest daugliter, Edith Marguerite, was united by mnar- riageto Mr. John Moore, West Ops. The interior of the bouse was bauid- somoiy decorated witli flowers. Theý ceîenîony took place on the terrace, close toe Lestops leading dewn fremi the front door, while the invited guests, occupied the lawn facing the bridai party. Thie bridai dress was q t brocaded organdy, trimmed with sifkz lace and chiffon. Precisely -at3p.8 . the bride. leading on thearivJ lier fatiser, and carrying a beautiful bouqjuet of white roses, took lier position beside tlie groom. SUe was attended by lier sister, Miss Minnie, dressed in white brocadedorgandy and carrying a bou- quet of pink. roses. TUe groom was atteijded by Mr. F. Brass, Oakwood. The ceremony was performed by R1ev. E. E. Ho ward, pastor of the Methodist cliurcb, Bladkstock. After cnrt ulations the company retired to the spacieus dining room where a-plenteous repat3t was served te more than one linndred gnests. Representatives f rom London, Toronto, Port Perry, Lindsay, West Ops, Woodville, Oakwood, Bow- mnville, and Peterboro were present. TUe presents were numerous, elegant and costiy collection. Mr. and ers. Moore tel t by the 7 p in.. train for Montreai and eastern points. The bride's travelling dress was navy blue witl white trimmings and hat te match. A Creat Conqueror., Napoleoti was a great Lonqlleror ot 'tarîins, but Dr. Hli's Rheumatic Cure :s as great a conqueror ef thie human fainiy 's direct eaemy - Rhe'nmatism mr. JouIîi Hunter, 321 Brock St., King- ton, Ont., suffcred intense agony for six weciks w-th'Sciatic Rbetîmatism. Two botties cf Dr. liall's R-heumatic Cure made a conmplote cure in his case. lie bas not had a tw luge of pain silice. This prcp.îratioa is used iateraly. One b)ott0e contnnrs ten days' treatiment, price 5o cents. For sale at ail drug store.-,. Great nunîibers of wild l)piYds est ta Alaska. Bocks, geesc ani wn liuild thi eten c,ioi tise orsî7(iod aI t't, nestiog area cf \ltiska U lis t. id tisat tise nests are se lscktha. , ,iis impossible te. \Nalk ' h ihout stup4ing on1 one.- The rnatit os nueexper-ts fa killiiîg this garno. They (f-)iz , w îth a pecutiar Wveap su. Si -inu-evstrij,gs, abou th- f i ý liutharcfast- oued togethor 1 aqy 1a ;latoeu fcal. At tiethe r ccdaif e.Lýs' 'di oi49& bail cf ivory, p',2ar -ýhapod, and about as largo as a sVýii1lat. Th iseirerner, with this ta bis baud, àpprotcliee tise Rock at dosk. Ho sols îisesc i 1 al ss-isrliag. Whien the hc rises te fy, :V tisese sv-hiriiuig sinesis are tnev into'th is oc. Tliey catch aotthe- nocks or legs,0f tise birds, and they, are captured. Sornetirnes as niary as 'a dozen are captured at one tlirosv. Tras-elieris are sorry to seac that the nests of these sViiîd bîrd.s are se carelessly robbed of eggs.ý Tise eggs are -i anted for tise aibu- mon which fa used ta m&nUfacturing-, but eggs are takea that ctaano)t b. used, and tisese ar e tisrown awVay. Se groat is the destruction 0of egga-* and bircfs tisat tise lieds eàadis yeýar okccupy mucis less s e. tane*(sttnig. 0 DeliîCate tTtiey do flot coimplain ofJ anythiiig inparticular. They e 1 eat enough, but kee thin and ~ pale. Theyappear fairlywell, je but have no strength. YouX cannot say they are really F~ sick, and so you cail them delicate.m 1 1 1 ý ý -,- ýt 1 ý 119. 120. 121.- 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129.

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