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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1899, p. 4

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0F TOROINTOAr ~MUltli' - 111 -llIR IIDRESER - N - SCRLP SP[IlKISI. WIiLL BE AT THE From 8 o'clock in the morning, tili 3.20 in the afternoon. With the Largest and Finest Stock ofIAIR GOODS evecr seen in Bowmanville, at moderate prices. 1 wiIl fit and try any stylJe free of charge. I also examine and treat the scalp for ail Diseases and being an expert in the art of HAIR DRESSING, Ica instruet Ladies' ini the rnost stylish and becoming waly to drcss the Hair. h C- 27,1I129, and 778 Ycrge St., Toronto. 'Il Is the "H-appy Thought Ran-ge." For 17 yea.rs it has"competed against the world. To- ,day it is adniitted by ail to be the- best Range in the market. -,Over 101,000 homes are 6njovinig the comforts ofthe Happy Thouglit Range. Phone 74,,BOWýmANVILLE. AI. MAYER wonild eall the attention of his numerous customers and friends, that he has a large and welI select- ed stock of Furs of ail descriptions to select from. Men's Fur Coats, Robes, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Capes, Caperines, Rulis, Caps., Mufs, Gauntiets, Storm Collars, &c., &C., A full line of Gents' Furnishings always on hand. Now is the time to have your f urs altered and re- paired. Mé ayre Practical Furrier, Bowmanville. *.R" Ty1 4E.. Millinery A choice new stock of goods, comprising ail the very latest designs in ilats and Bonnets, Feathers, Wings, etc. Ladies are cordially invited to-eall and inspeet these goods. Prices to suit ail1. BowmANvILLE. The caladian statesilail. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 18, 1899. SIR -WILFJIID LAURIEI. The dernonstration ln fKvor off Sir Wli;frid Laurieýr, Premieroçf Canada and ti e leader off the Liberal party, and his able coadjutor, the lIon. Mr. Fiolding,1 Minist'er of Finance, Moniday, was a granat success. The vast namber, near1'ýr 4000, principally from West Durham, showed the interest which is taken in him. It mav be true that many went out off curiosity, to seo and hear the great leader off meu, the great melter off hearts; it is also true that many carne away more than pleas- ed. The manuer off his dea]ng wth the ribald ravings off the seuile lae off the Opposition, and his discredîted creator, the leader off off the "ne(st off traitors" (Mr. Foster) was a grand climax to a great addrress. Thewords "'There rests a man who has given the best of his life, and the whole of bis heart, to make us a united people", which he hoped would be said about hlm when hie was called from this world, was evidently an outburst off pure feeling, spontaneous, and a reflection off the sincerity and honesty off this great man. =The shriekings off the oldi man off Cumberland and the cynicisms off he, who, according to bis own statements, is flot at ail times responsible, as he suffers froma "moments off weakness", were effectivelv deait with. What they hope to efffect, by endeavoring to raise up the racial cry ini Canada again, after being decently buried, no man ca 1 imagine. It proves the absolute hollowness off the attacks off the Oppos- ition. The Goyernmont has followed the dictates and requirments off the War office in England, headed by our old Governor-General,Lord Lansdowne, and could do no more on the surface. The War Office required the Canadian Volunteers for the Transvaal, as al the other Colonies, to be fformed into units off about 200 men, and triese units wnuld be placed lu with, and fform part off, British regiments. They, required that they should be. landed at Cape Colony by the colonies affter which they were to bo eniisted, as Britiïh seldiers undor British officors, under British pay, and undersame conditions as to provisions and wouud allowances as Posltively and permnanently, cured by Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointmerit. Dr.% A. W. Chases Olntmont la ant absolute cure for piles, and bas never been known to fait to cure the worat forrus of tbis disease whibh ba baiffed medicai akili for ages. Tis statemnent may sound rather.strong ta persons who do noS know the su eor ýmenti of Dr. JA W. Cbaas.Ointimnt, k la per- fectly trtke, and eartilyedo«ewiby the grte- Adi testimony o( ibousands of maxiand womnea wbo bave been cured by it alter yur0<o suffter- Ing, and aner trying mamy preparatioas and çonsuilng the hast actora Mr. H. Bull, Befevile, Ont., soa 1'Itake plexaure la sating ibat alter thite e= of suffernmg with ltching Piles, Dr. 2IaSc'sOint- muk bau completely c¶rte. 1xie Iied evy remedy that was advertiza. ith Uttle 09 no benefit, but as I have toa d dffrest persoas affected as I was, Dr. Cha.,e'a Ointx s4inào a perfect cure.,. Dr. Chase's Ontment bas a record of Mre wnpanxileled li the istory of medicie. It fi ramtee acure *iy ,a0 ELM Focu salebya dSerse Bae &.. ail the other British soldions. This s& that no jealousies could, arise lu the army over more ffavored conditions for one set off mon. The Goverumouit could do nothing more tban accedec. At the saane lime they were communicatiiig to thoeilome Goverun-àit the desireo of tho Cana- dians that their Volunteers should be kept together. This bas, fromt last reports, apparently after mucli effort, been acceded o. Ilu the meautîme, instead off waiting patien tly, the leaders off the Opposition, and the vile yellow journals which support them, affected with hystoria, under which the low character off tlîeir origination came prominently to the -front, assailed the Govrnument as traîtors, as utterers off treason, and as demeaning the country lu tbheyes off the, worid. Lying mis- representations f rom day to day were dished up lu a nauseating ffoSmj. Ail Frenchmeui, and particularlv Sir Wiiffrcd and Hon, Mn. Tarte, were de- uounicod as partically unfit, by reason off their <isloyalty 10 the Empire, 10 fform citizens ln the realm, litis subject was dealt with and ffully exposed by the words off the Premier at the meeting. Ho said, he as Premier, had to quietly consider matters as tbey came up, he had to tbink and go slowly and to net formally and with due consideration, that so long as ho held the post off Prem ier, no one would ever see hlm carnied away by passion or prejudice, or even enthusiasm. We trust for the honor off Canada this matter will now rest quiet- ly, as snch irresponsible utterances are hunîfful to our good name lu the worid. The speech off Sir Wilffrid was a master- priece off lucid staternent and hope; it explained thé great successful state off affains lu Canada, and its causes, aud must thoroughly sxtisisfiod every respon- cible' person present off the honesty off the man and bis goivernment. The ad- dress off the Finance Minister was a splendid eff ort. and ho deait with figures inî a most agreeabie way. The speech- os off both these mon ,hould be careffuily nead from the coiumnsoff theGlobe which bas fulîl reports. It was a great aiay for us, and tiiose who had the good fortune to ho preent. APTER 20 YEARS John Nicholas Babcock, of Sharbot Lake, Released. A Prîsoner to Pain Caused by Gravei aind Other Kidney Trouble-Twenty Vears of Suffering=Relexise at Iast by Dodd'se KidneY Pis., SHARBOT LAax,Oct. 16 -Il was with feeling like thoseo of soute poor prisoner neleased frorn unjust captivity. ibat Mr J. N. Babcoek, off Ibis place, reaiized ho was cured-free at lastifrom the cap tivity off diseaso. For twonty ý ears ho had been lu the deptbs off the dungeon off pain caused by Gravel and other fforms off Kidney Disease. For twenty x oars ho had been struo'gling tu escape lu vain. There was no Vor leffi untried, no lock notýcareffully examined. Now at last ho soos the ligbt off day. The rison is behiind hlm forevor. He idoue witb pain. And the key lay to bis baud for tbis ast ton years and ho nover knew. Tbe key was Dodd's Kidney Pilus. Dodd's Kiduey Pis were givon 10 maukind ton years ago. Sinco thon thoy ba4 been the master key lu tbousands offcases off BrigbtsDisease, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Reant Disoase, Dropsy, Bladder and Uinary Com- ý laiDts, Wornan's Weakness andBlood isorders. If Mn. Babcock had kuown ho migbt bave been liberated long ago. "But botter late than nover-," mus the proyerb, and Mr. Baboock is grato- fui at escaping ffrom the clutceos off Kidney Disease at ail. lHe savs: "Afftor twonty years off pain caused by Gravel and otber Kidney Trouble, 1 amn pleased to, make it known that I have been compietely cured byv one box off Dodd's Kidnoy PuIs. Durng Ibese years I bave speut hundreds off dollars but withcut any lasting relief. - Youns respectiveiy, John Nicholas Babcock. MOUNT VESRNON. Receut visitors:-Mrs. A. M. McCul- loch, Prince Albert, witb Mrs Wm, Gilbert . ...MYr. Ed. Heddon Hampton, at homo...Mrs. Abuor, 'ênrnnto at off thé- countny, a rare treat 15 in store for ail who will avail themselves off the opportunity afforded tbom. Choice selections of music will ho rendered by Kt. Vernon Choir at ail services. Admission to lecture, 15ets , and lOdts. Doors op)en aI 7.90; chair to ho taken at 8 o 'dock. A cordial invitalon is extend. ed to ailte corne and enjoy the treat off the Season, S E. Souch ,Supt., Rev.W. T. Weatherell ,Pastor. NW se BOWMANVI LLE. mu,., To Irnterest neen ziyetrs. Silks and Dress Fabries. Inci1-e is no department in our store that deserves more attention than our Dress Goods andSls.Wehv the nobbiest thinigs to be fhad and a lot of new dsat very special prices. XVe c trryý re swtet fsilks, for Waists or Tiýnn- s. (0 r î"îige if Tinmnsis- very stron . It xi 1 (e-rti r"it advaita'ge .tf) sec our îssrt Cnt beforo ~ A fia specia1s FRk6 a % dî0 A Fiïn-- Plain Iuk u . I )'I!nPurple ,an, I 1 Baek.-ti h, ýCh i is a;\ i jI e .e NvSc e yarA? arcy Biack ;JH wou)WDir ss \i ~îid Linilarge î'a~~~~Vi e- U< ~ ,t u CI e. ~i ýVall( ie i' Iprce $1 per ard. ta a~liwuo-I, 1"n iCw desig'ns 65c p v tdCI k ii'iew patterns just oi eei up, rt- a pri'e i,,, while they last the pî'ice will uc 15eý er ai' i. A iaàr- e rai-ýge o f Wrapperettes prices ii'c, 12115( and 1.5e per yard. Flannelettes. You wilI always find us with a very 1large assortment of Flannelette and our prices are away down. 50 pieces Flannelette in Pink, Blue and Grey stripes, fast colors, 31 to 32 inches wide, good strong cloth, speci al 5c a, yard. llosiory Glovgs, and Ladî6, ' Vest. Thisis one of our best departmcnts. Extra Sçil 30 doz. Ladlies' Black Cashmere Hose, fine and broad nib- bcd, seamlcss feet, good heavy qnality, regular 3,5c, special 25c per pair. Men's IJnderwear in ail qualijies, Hcavy Fleece Lined, special $1,00 per suit., Oîlothi*ng. Just one word about Overcoats. WTe nàeî have had such a large assortment of Overcoats as -xve are. showîng this fali., A fine Beaver Cloth, silk velxret coliar at $6,00. A very fine Pure Wool Beaver Coat, Dîi-u and Biack, Silk Velvet Coflar, nicely lined, special àat $8.00. Our'$lO is certainly a, pech, made of pure En-glish Beaver with deep French f acings, double silk stitched, heavy Italian linings, fine silk velvet collar, in Drab, Br'own, Binue and Black. A nice English Curi- Cloth in Dark, Brown, a handsome coat,,price $12.00., A fine ncw Basket Weaver, deep Frenchi lacings, dcuble seams and double silk stitch- cd, >a perfect fitter, price $1400 ee 0i.A4r Mil Our Stock is new, finely made and wearable. Yen will be sure le, find the kind you need aI the right price. Womens' Butten Boots, exîefition soles, fair sîitched, ln Mocha and Dongola Kid, sizes 211eo 7, $1.35. Womens' Pebble Button and Laced Boots, patent 10e-cap, sîrong soles, a strong bool for wet weather, $1.35. Womens' Fine Vici Kid. Butt Boots, McKay sewen soles, self and patent tip, $1.50. Groceries. Our stock off 11w Fruits have arnived comprising Raisins, Curranîs, ;4Sn",,jPECIAL

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