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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1899, p. 6

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thet my Kidney Cura ~WUn cure ,)0 par cenit or ail forma of lda comlaint and la Muny Instances the Most serlous forma of Brlght's disease. If the, dlsease la con- à plioated isenld a four- ounce siai of urine. We 11.ilanalyze t anÀd advlse yon fre9 wbat to do. At il druggt5ta, 2UC. f a vi. Guide to HeaIt% Zmd edrlaoafr. 5 Arclie.Pla Farmers'You W....... [van' Houi Suoyer PRICE $1.00O -ACH. ADVANTAGES. It will double -wýhat the oid st le ma- chine did. 1t is better mnade in ail parts. It is a hand qorner machine. The tube from can is exposed and eau be instant- iy cieaned if it should log. The can rnay be instantly emptied il you wan t t0 change materîi or dlean it. The for- mation of the can aiiows ail the mater!- ai to be, sprayed out when operated upward in trecs or bushes, It wiii save crops from bugs, worms and Fungi and fruit trees fromi tho, caterpillar and other pests. Evans' Electrie Spraver may bc had fron js. Henry, Orono David Bell, Leskard; A. S. Tooleu. Miii, Courtiýe; Albert Nhlder',, Enfield; John Peth ick, biacksmith, Carke Saîn'1 Bon- athan, Newcastle ; John llooey, near Cadmnus. PETER MYURDOON.i Bow-MýA-NviLU. Agent for Durham Countv. NEW TA.ILOR SHO?. 1he eýndersiguei wb bas bc,,,arry,ig on Ce tiilorng bute in ~e onueetion with blaso8ns Dry Gýoodit, t or a uenber of yecars Cas commeed cbus iîuess for bimselfth is rooîup Kîng St. west, wbero be is prepared to make gents and. boys suits ie %Il the latest styles, and at loweÉ hi-ies. For these who wish te order suits, C $l carry a ful ine of sampios le al benewestparîerns. tGlvohim a eau J. T. ALUIN, Fas~hionable Talli, ROYAL AIL SrEmmsHIP, Livasc(OoL AND) Lo-t- D')NDERRY 33NiE.LAND QcUEBc SEUIvcE. F rom From STLEAR 7JONTREAL. QUEC. 13aî arisn(ee) }Ot. 45.9 a. en. Oct. .5, p. ni. C0alîf wi..ile " 2,6ta.mi. 12, 4 p. ne, iTainui ......... ..I1, b a. ni;. , 6J. . . Bavarian (new) Nov. 2, 9 a. ie. Nov. 2, 6 p. ra. Celîtorncan.. 9, 6 a. m. t 9. 4 p lie. Farisian ........16, 9 a. iu. I 16, 7 p. in. SS. Parisrhe, uew enzined and entirely refit- ted, sanls frein Livervool, Jidy 20. and f rom- Motreal, Aeuuýt ird. Bavarian, 1(000ý tons, twin serres, sails troin Liveirpool Aug. 24 sud frote Motreal, September 7. Pas n 1 wî'3 be îraîîsferred witb tbeir bag- gage fi cm gitbýewralwsy station te the wharf free. cf charge. RATE S 0F PASSAGE. First table . $50 and upwards. Returu $10000 and upwards. Second Cabin lIa5, Sîeer-tge 1,22.50 and 22.50 For tickets and ev-oîy information ap- ply to X. A. JAMES, %lian LUne Azent. Bcwmanvilie. Qook's Cotton Root Compozl Is successfully used montisly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectuai. Ladies ask : e yonr druggist for Cooks Cotton Redt Cu- Vound. Take no othar as ail Mixtures, pila ad imitations are dangerons. Priee, No. 1, $1 per box,, No. 2, 10 degreas stronger, $3 par box. N'o. 1 or 2. mailed en recept of. price and two 8-ent tmp ho Cook CompanyWîndsor, Ont. le s.and 2sold anci recommended by ail Il. ponibDrugglBts ln Canada. Nos. 1 snd 2 sold lu Bowmanville bv RiGGla- ]BOtHAM & SON, STOIT & JuRv;,Oroioby J. GL- FILLAII; Newcastle by DE. FARNCOMBE. -~Wîll Cure any Ferte of Rheume lisîii FOUR POINTS IN~ ITS FAVOR: FIRST-QUICKEST TO CURE SECOND-SA FEST TO TAKE THIRD-MOsTr HIGHLY ENI)ORED FOURTNH-CMEAPES'«t T(. UY One bottie contains ton days' treatnuent IN BIG BOTTLES. 60 CENTS. "l'CE DR. HALL MEDICINE CO. Canadian Agency, - Kingston, Ont. FOR SAL!3 AT AL. DRUGOOSTS 'We gve ths beatfluljý Heavy Gold or Silaci Plated Clato Bracelet for iaelllog o y moazeà moc LiunnDoylies. t tari cents each. Ilta od itet; dàe.igns; an o to a1ke. Write, and ors ort=l en. 5 iYlies. ]p.stpaid -,seliihem .rn th. money, and-00etaonce foard B u racet Sal charges piS. Liuen DoyieZ CO.. IAEALIrBIE ing.toitroduce sud adycrhlseoucr ;cods tacking up shwCads on ftnce%, along public rozdsanadai con5picueulb places. xeinc edu.SnlarY 'r commissioa $0 petr moth and expenses 32.50per day. 'Write at once for fulI particulars. TUE EMPIRE MIO1EICINE CO., London, Cet, lake of divine solaca and recu.The mosl of the mnsuad aomen wbemi I happen te koow aI diffament limes, If nuoav havie had trouble after thete, sharp, tuzuiad troubles, swtft truhes, ail devouring troubles. Many of yen havýa de ttho mistak, efo tî-ylng tes ftght th.m.fiormabody *maêily ttaeked you, and y-ou at- e . A SERMON 0F ENCOURAGEMENT TO THOSE AFFLICTEO. HUNTING THE DEEI3 THE THEME. me. Goapea a Refrecliment Grapbically set Fonth-ltsfllCO in God'sVWord fQr Tiause Fursued by the -Hlunds of P-oveity and mi,îfortusie. Washington, Oct. 15--The gosýpel as a gi-ont nc!roshmoent is 'borese fui-th by Drn. Talitgo Linder a figure whieh avill ieho outuf partieulurly graphie by those tvho have goneo ot us buusters te if gaine luinethe nu- ta ins; lext,PIsala i xii, 1, "As the hart pautelh aller the watcr brooks." Datif, Who musl soinetaime bave seun a deer huent, points us bore te a huutef stug mabirg fton-Ithew aloi. The tascinatiug aulutal,, calief lu miy toxt the hart, us the saine animai that ini sacref and protane liteare is cailef the stag, the rocbncb, the hluf, lte gazelle, the reindeer. Iu entural Saria in Bible limies Ihene w ero svbole pasture fildîfs ,et thon', as boloîtton suggesls wbou lhe says, -I cha!rge yen 1V9the bief"s o! the field. 'Thoirautions juttef frôla the lori-,grasýs as tbey lay doavu. No, blînter taha bas been long in "ýJohn liroaxu's tract" atil].tvaor tti. the Bible tho9 avero classef amiong dcaii anials, ton the deavs, the shoavers, theaksw ashef Idhete as dcan as the sy.WiiouIsauc, the patriurch, longofý for veoluien, Esan shot and breuglîl haie a neebuck* Isaiah cempares the sprightliuess e! the restoref crippleofa the miltnnl limies le the onug aud quick jump o! the stag, i-tfing, "The lame shail lou p as the hart." Soiemaon express- -f bis disgust ut a hunIer Who, bav- iug s-h01 a fe ýr, is tee lazy teý coek il, savx utg, -'The -siothintrman reasl- Iotu ual thaI wbu1ch ho 100k iii unt- lug."- Butuoe eday Bav if, w bila tanur fm the home trote avbiehholituf hoen fivon unf r.dsitting leur the ineîith ef o 1cnl'cuaavbohreho_ Caf -lefgof aud ou the hauts ai a pouf or river, hoars a park of hbans lu saxift pur- sut. B'ra use of tuhe pnî' hus silence et the faresl the, riaugar slarîles hlm, aud ho says te bimeli, -I aven- fer what thase fags are utter." Thon there is a crackling in the hrushWýood and, the leuf braatbing et satine nnsbiug ,Wonder of the avofds, anthue autiers of a feor rend tis e caxco uf ltaethickel, andI h9 an instinct wxaich ail hunIers ne- cognize il plungcs jalo a pend or iake on riaver te coel its thirst auf nI the sauieta ith, bv ils capacity for 'sxifltr ai-idlanger s-utimmiug, 10 gel awuy trans the foa' uiug ban- rut ns. David say s te, hii'uîsclt: "Aho I Thot Is myseif! Saul atterlie Absalons afte ton tise inces waitheuit iumber atter ute. I ans chasef , ber hioody înUîzztcs ut nîy beels, barki,:ng at my goad namne, backiug ufler my bedy, bisrkuug afiar mar seul. Oh, lise houns, the bounfîl But lobk Ibore!" sa s Bavid. ." Thal buntaf, deer has spiashef mb othe avatar. It puIs ils bot ltps a.nd nostnils int lte 'cool avave Ihat w asheÈ the luth- erof tlanks, and il savits aavay froe the flery canines, a-ttd il is froc ut last. Oh, that 1 migbt finf lun the deep, avjfe lake ci! lkod's mercy and consolstion escapefo trtenîy punsuers! Oh, ton theavalons et lite aud nos- eue As the liant pantelb 'atter the waaer brooks, se pautt'h my seul atter Itoe, O0C-ad." Somue of yen bave mest coîne frete the Adirnnacbs, and the hreath ef the haisate sud spruce oand pine la sîli on yen. The Afirnufecks are nouvpepulons Wiî1bhunIers, sud the deer are hoing siain by the score. Once wlîile thene talkiug avith a hun- ter I thouglît Iaveuif iibe te see wbelhern my lext was uccurate ici its allusion, ouf as I hourd the adogs baying a 11111e ay etf andI supposef tbey vanne ou the track cif a feor I soif te Ihe hunIer lu rough corfunoy, -Do the deor aiavays mate fer the avatar avbeu tbey are pur- suef?" Hle suaif: "Oh, yes, mnister. You s00, 1h07 are a bot andtI thlnsty animal, auf Ihey know wberc the aaer is, ouf wben tbey heur dan- ger lu the distance they lift thein antlens sud snuff tihe breeze sud stant fer Racquet or Leon on Suranae, and ave get inte our cefar sheli boaltior stand by the rnîauy witb rifil 1ud- ed ncady Ici blaze awuy." Miy fnieuf s, that h 0110neraobawhy I like the Bible, se teucb. Its par- trifges are roui purtr ifges, lts os- and you depreciated tlîem, or the(y ex erreached you in a hargaýiui, aud yen triedin Wall street paiancei, te get a cerner ou tbem. Or yen bve had bereavement, and, isodof lbe- iug sulîmissia e, you are fightiing thiat be(reavement. You careon the dectors wbe have failed te effeet a cure. Or yen charge ou the care- iessne.ss of the railroad companý,iy tbreugb xvhieh the accidenteeurd Or you are a chroute i.nvaiid, and yen fret a.nd wenry aud seeid aind Wonder wby yeu canuet be aveu likce other people, and you a*egri!y chaýrge ou tbe neuralgia or the irygtsor tbe ague er the sick beadache. Tic tact is you are a deer at bUy. Tu L- stead of runuiug te the watýirs 0f di- ville consolation and siakin yu thirst aund ceoiieg your body andi( seul Fin. the good cheor of the-ose aud swiimiug away inte the mighlty deeps o! Ged's love, yeou ure fight.- iug a -a hele konuel of harriers. Some lime age I saw in the Afin- oudacks a dog iyiug acress the rea , aud bo scened urable te gel up, and I said te seme buonters, 'W bat is the utatter with that dfig?" They aniswevred, "A deer hurt hlq," and lI sow be bad a swollcu paw and a bat- tered hoad, shewing wbore the aut- lors struck bim. And teî i-eabili.- ty is that soma afyoianmi'l rie migbty clip te your persu, rs. VoLn inight damage tbcir i usiuc, xu rigbt ivorry theut inta il!i. h , you might burt rbc'm easiiite tboy hurt you; but, after aýil, it is net %aertb while. 'cI C ailT hbrie- hurt a houod. Bttcr ho cf ta- he Upper Saraeac, ijuta au 4 icl tht miountains of Gad's eteruinl i sîrou,îl look doaxu aînd unoar hiur ,idws There are w haie chairs o alkc iru !ite Adiroudacks, anid iroh nc bne,,h'--lt yen eau sec 30 lekes, acf lb 'rre rc said te ho ovor 800 iu the gr- u nil- denness. S e nuarelthey te o - ether that yaur inaîutuinguide picks up aud carrie." th(-- bt t ramn lake te lake, tbe sînm'll distancre be- tweeu tbemi for that rcasau calloef a 1carry.- And the reaitu et C4d's word is oe l ong ebain ai bnsght, re- froshiug lakes, eucb promîise, a icîke, a a ery short.carry betu eeu thcti, and, tbeugh for uges the pursuef bave beeu drinkinu ttoe thenu, they are full up te the top of the green bauks, aud the sumi' David describas tbem, and they s0cm se near te- goîben that jontIîrere differeut places ho speaks of Ibent as a colinueus river, sayiug, 'There is a river the streaiswherecit shah inake glaf the city eof<lad; "Thou shaît niako thomn drink of thîe rivers eftlhy pleas.- urca;- 'Thou groatly eurichest it w ýihi the river e! God, aîhieh is ful ut water." But manv 0f yeu bave turuef yonr hack ou that rtîupily and coufrot x aur troule, and yau are soured wýý i your circumstaçnccs, and yen' are tigbîing society, aud yen are fi ghtiug a pursuiug aaorld, and treubles, in- ttead of dria iog yoît iute the cool lake of beavouly comtert, have made y ou stop and tîurn round and le-uver yaur lsead, anf jt is simply autier agaýinst 1001h. 1 do rot blame ,ýyen. Pro! aýbly under the sanie circumi- 1tncs aollod bv doncavese But ý %ou are wroig Yn ce td as lfi ereindeer doos -in, bn aryad Maýrch-it sbods its horosý. But vory many a! yen whjo are arenged cf the wonlf-andfJif iuany aissoîiilybetNaveen the Atlanti'c 'and ,the-Pacifie ecenos il wcre asked tbat ail aývho baf beon badly treatef shiould raise both their hands, and, full rospanse sbouid ho made, there wouid ho twice as many bands lilted as persens. present-J3 say many o! yeu would ilar, We bave alavay due the hesl ave could and trled to ho useful, and wby we heceme the victjms of maligumeuî or involjdism on misbup, is inscrulable.- Wby, de yeu kuew Ihat lte fluer a deer and theo more elegant ils prepertions and tbe more beautiful ils beariîsg the more auxieus the buntens a.nd the hounids te capture il? Therefore sarcasne draws on yen ils "finest bead; - thenefore the world gees gunning for yeu with ils best Winchester breechioader. High- est compliment Is ilte your talent or yeur airtue or yeur usefulness. Yen will ho assailed in propertion to your greal achievements. The besl and the mightîest Belng the worid ever saw bad set alter hlm ail the heuuds, ternestrial and diaboli, and they lapped bis bloef alter the Cala arcan massacre. The world paid notbing le its Redeemor but a hram- hie, four spikes and a rross. Many ile have doue their best tVo make the world better have had sncb a nough time et it that al Ibeir pleas- ure is iu anticipation o! the next werid, and thiey would, if they ceuld, express their own feelings lu the avords o! the Baroness of! Naîru, at the close et her long lite,, when ask- ed if she aveuld lika te live har life I.mal laying vanieties. 1 Wrencbsg off a&l boudaqe. 11W haiiG -il -wipas away aIl tears Uai Christly atonement-it makes us mii right wllh the past, and ail rlght Withi the future, aind al nigit \with Gof, al ight with man, and al right fenever. Lamartine tells us that Kiug Nite- rod suif te bis tbnee sous: "Here are three vases, and eue is o! dlay, anether o! aniber and anether o! golf. Cheese new avbieh you avili bav e." Tbe eldest son, baviog the irst coice, cbose the vase of golf, ounavbieb vas writteu the aiord "Em- pire," aud wbeu il was openef il xvas touef te contain hîltuan bieod. The second sen, uuaking the next choice, chose tbe vase of amnber, in- sribed aitb the word "Glory," and wbeu opeaod it contaituef the ashes et those abo avero once callef great. Tbe third sou took the vase oft dayý and, epeuing it, fou nd il ompty, but. ou the bottom 0of il was iuseribed the namne et God. King Nind ask- cd bis courtiers avbjch vase they tbougbt wevcido the mest. The ava- niciocus usen et bis court suif the vase -of gaîf, the pools sif the oeeoe amibon, but the w isest meu saif the empty vase, because eue letton o! thc naine et Cof eutw-ciglied a uuiaerse. Far hlm I Ibirst, fon bis grace I beg, ou bis promise I bu'id uay al. W ithout Lini I carnot hoe happy. I havc tnied the avanif, auf il focs well enough as tan as it gees, but il is tee uneertoin a avrif, toe evaaesceoo a worid. 1 aranot0 a pro- jutilcef atitucss. I bav e uothiutr agauust Ibis avorif. I hate been oe of the tunît fartunate or, ta use a lucre Christian xx crf, oeeoaithe noest hiessedof cf mo-biessof lu mny paen~'ts, blessef in the jplace cf ira- tii ity, bîcîsef in mny heultb, biessef lun my fildsîfse work, blossof lu my uctural temperaiueut, biessef in my taialy, biessef in my eppartunitios, biessef in the hope Ibat mny seul aili goît te eaveu lbreugh the parfoning nîiercy etfC-ad, and my body, unlcss It ho lest ut sea or cemated in sone, conflagration, wili lie foavu nmoîîg îy kindrefand ftrle nds, somne alreufy gene and ethers te* ceuse ai- ton mle. % Tbrough Joins Christ muko Ibis C-ad your Cod, and yeu eau tvith- stand aeything and everytbiug, and that a'sicb atirights ethors will in- spire yeît as iu lime et earthquako, wbeu anou ad Cristian woavmu, askef w bahther 500 axas scuref, ausavoe, "Nýo,; I ans glaf thut I bave a C-ad ax-be eau sha ka theo avorif," or as in a lîuauîcial punie, tabou a Christian marchanit. aski-d iflibe duf ual four b- wotuif break, acsivrof, "X os:I shah break ta bon the Piftieth Psalm breaks iluhetb'ifîeeoutbverse, "Cal uruen nie iu tbe day et trouble; I tail elîven thee, and thon shuit -glorify nse.' I iVe are tlinl Rea elation xxii, 15, "Without are fogs," 1)7 wbicb I con- clude thero hs a w bale koîtuci ef honofs oulsife tbe gale of hein an, or, as avion a master goes in a faon, bis fog lies oun te stops avaitiug tan hum le cama otît, se the troubles et this lite may toilow us te the sbioiug fon, but tbey ' cmnuot' get luý "Witbaut anc dags." I have seen dogs and ewued dogs that 1 weuif not bhochagninof te sec in the boa- aenly city. Some ofthle grand old vatclbdogs atho anc the ceestabulary et tbJ harnes lu soiitary places and for yeans bave been theonely protec- tion etfaife and bilif, soine et the shopherd dogs that drive bock the aveives and. hark awsy the fbock froin geiug tee near lte piecipice tnd some o! the fegs avhose neck and psw Landseer, the paintor, bas made immentai aveuif not flnd mie sbul- llng theui eut fronite acgale et shin- ing pearl. I say if seme soul ontering beaven 0shonîf happon le leave the goto ajar 1and Ihese tajîtul croatuîros sbouid 1quieîiywask luil we'%vuld not at al disturb miy hoaven. But ail those humiaaaon brutal ounufs that have chasef and tbru and lacerated ,bbh iworl-y os, ail thab uow bila- on wenny or tour te pieces-shal ha prohibited. "Wltbout are dogs." No place thode for bansb crilles or back- >bitons or despoilens o! the reputallon oi ethers. ,Doavu wilb yen te the Lkerneles e!f ankness andI fespair,! aThe hart bas noachefthie elonhai n- ton brooks, and the pantieg o! the 1long ebase 15 quielod lu stili pas- lunes, snb "thene shail ho nething te hurt or destroy iu ail Gof's bely mnount." Oh, when somne of yen gel there il avilI ho like wbst s hunIer teus o! wh-en ho avas pusbing bis canee far up nonth in the winîer and amid the ire floes and a hunfref miles, as ha tbought, frein ny other humian heings. ,Ho was startled eue day as ho beard a stopping ou the !ce, and ho cocked the rifle, reofy te mccl n. anyling thut cam.re ucn. H fenîl NAVAL DESIGNING., 1 iceêsitwSof 306 Years' E-lution of the In naval dsi aug s lu mail othor lhiugs, ma-,iltorsuseve saxvift'Y fe day, says Tha eatral1eral. Till the clijpoer'sbips cîinlu auî Canada sont eut the ËfinîtfetIheso sprefy vessais soîneiehreý about 1830, the 1type et vessai i0 Use bY cix iltzed nations baf beoju builtau tory us uch the a Sine listes for 300 yezars. The clipper shups, avithi thair \-s1upef bulis ouf deep fruuglit, shata cf lthe bnilfe rs a 00w ,ifea. Th-y saav thl h09 bof, dte gel nid of l)lfi lueas auf uî ke the gouerai linos of vessels ts. r. 'The yacht Anuenica lun1851 aasthe resuit cf the ueaav awacering. Whlen the Brit- ish axent aller the Auterica Cup, more tbau a gc-uratiae alter, thue liues et yachts bof net changef tnateally. Thero avare the ai- mesl straigbt itemis andi stnaigl keels. Grailually the trenuou- fons o e rlàno eftol-day, for- wurd aud att, came-juta use. De- signers sai thabîlil gatve mare powaer ta a lott)al ore ability ta carry sal. Evie17 succecig coulest avala- ed faster aund more seuwarthy draft. Ta-day the Auneîica Cupl ecttats are neonmore liko thasaetof20 yoars ugo than the ocifciptper sbips -avae like Columbus' carat ols. 1 In souaillhat dcsiruiug, the stress o! -cameetitieus sinre the Soutanaua-, kbu Cul) avas put uit for domrpetitieti a few vearsa lge bas completliy transŽeorrned the sty la of huit. The Soawatihaka designers hava tabou a leof out of the boak etf the Ainorlca Cup designers, and have upprctpri- alef bis long as erhaugiugs-nidoef, have gene binioe obaone. Vere the Amienda Cup boul euiy everbangs oýne-third o! lus oer-aill togth, the stealier draft sits luncime-bei! ifs ienglh. TIhoeban sprit an flie sunali hoatbas disapperref altegethor iu the botter elass, andf oen lisase tîbe haave ne special knawledge et yacht- ing avili uappreciate the great ehange iu medeiliug this lasI 9 ean anrlave, axhen il is stalof Ihut a yoar on se - xx iii in aIl proability soie the ôif rul et taxiug the ataer lino lenglh in maeasuring prehbby doua aw ay witb, and a tax aot dock oreas mb- stituted. Aftr the ewevnav'ctt bcd licou in- stailef la the haine cf a Newt Jersey beusexife the clay flnally rame avhen the piailegaetof 'goiug otut' baf te ho fecidcf on. This fe11 en a, Tbursduf, te t,,bic-h tbe nistress as- sentef., "Xyou may go ta-day, Bridgot," 4he suif, "and o ery otbcr Thuors- day.ý" "Aill iglît, nîa'am,",rnîpliaf Bridg- et.- The uoext aveek on Tlsu,-rsday sur- prise w-as great ut Bridîret's camiug fratu ber roam aail togged out fer au- ulicr afîrrnonnm)it. 'Tlic mustress noeeofe, and nsked bar if she ramemu- haref thut she w-as te go out only ea-cry ather. Thursduy. .-"Cerlaiuly, I, do, mu'aui,certlain- ly! Dido'l 700 suyI rauld go ouI thgt Tbursduy andf 'Caery othor Thursday '-thal T i ,rsuyand every Thursday afteravard?" "Ne, 0o!" repliof the misurcs. "That Thursduy ouf carry second Thursday lheroafter." 'Sure you fidn't say, se. Yen pessîila 017ld me thul Tbursfay and every ethor Tbunsfay." Bridgel avon. Whore Ag. e s oked Rp Ta., "The 'panants' ta ord is aias laav in Jupan, sud pcrhaps this acceuntn ton the stvotuess and genîloocss e! the Japanose charactor," writes Onolo Viatauna lu The Ladies' Homo Journal. "The Japanese are inhereully au obedicot people. The old alays take procefence oetheb yeuug in ail things. Au eagen, lin- patuous young7 man, he ho evor so luniliant anfd loa'or, is net expodtof lu .Japun 1te b1ave(,the 1-cas on, the asis deinaud Lhe tonesigbî of au 01f man. Theretere theoloi man cernes firs1 aiays. As a rosuit, Ibeno is, parhaps, more general happinîss lu Japaîs Ibun auywhere else lu the, avonif. Onoeuuigbt imuagine that avbere dnty 15 carriof 10 the extont Il is lu Japun the natunai love Is not se uch in evifene-I moun lie adlual affection, naîber than the more fuly oftas eblîfte its parent. Ou' the contrary, the naturel bond o! affection betaveci parents and cbiifrn is neavhare se avenforful, as iu Japon. Ne moatter haw unkinf. unjust or even aviee the parent mnay ho, or hew depraxýef, thoebchlf iuvariubly clings te that lparent, even thougb, os is often the case, ils own naturo ho fitier." IVAS ery for it;)but it'a denatli te Weorms r f al kinds. Dr-. LOW'S WoltitSYBtTP. Price 25 cents. Aldeaiers. Wylet uer neighbors knwit? And vrbhy give them a chnce to gýness you arc even fI- Ior ten years more? Better give them good reasons for guesng the- otîher uway. It lt îary easy; for nothing tells of ace sa qucky as gray lii,. s a It bides the age smdcr a luxuriantgrwhoharte colar of yonîh. It never fails to restore coier le gray bair. i1w't .stop the hair from eem ig ou? talso. Lt feeds the hair bulbs. aId short hair becornes long lu cieannes the scalp; re- ýmeves ail daîidruff,- and prevents its formation. We have a book on the Harwhich lue wiliigladlý> J end (Ionot obbOnl! tbîe bnI- l1te yoe ee'e-led frc'n the useo0,l___ Vgor. tlie the doctor a.sýtt a. trbby t'c're le ioine dtînc.tit thC your. genia.ct 'teM j hic miy bae aa.ly reino-ie .Ati, Or, J. C. Aycr. Lcwteli, ass. ELECTRICAL COOKING. A Greaît SueCOasS Wherever Thorossgbly Tried. Electricity is inaking its way loto the kitchen thrau ih the parler and dIuning-roaîn, saIs 'ie Cosmopoliîaîî. rer sainie tiite tas beori used for the heating of the ut o-o'elock tea kcttle, eliiriii g the- darigers irbicli arc. alw is incurrc d w heu pu Ia leohel lamp tî used. 'A tea kcj i,, eofiee ptor chafiug dîsh may b adjusted te the eearest laiip in a houso wîred for electrhý iicrhting. The exporience o a 1 knows that there or(--cishes which 'are nover s-ec lu thoir perfection ton foot tram t$ fire that cookod theut. People wb have passefi thoir yeîth lu the coun' have dteifiorated the fiavor of sema simple eariy7 fav-orite oM the table. Electricai applianes hava doue sema- thing t'. bring back the oid condi- tiens. Gidîdle cakes baked on a steel - iddte , ctrn'caliy heated Io the exact temporature, iight]y brush- od vvith oil, are a crisp deiight as they are flipped froîîî griddia to plate. But avilie this appliance ctin ha used with the illuminating cur- rent, it requires au extra attaeb- meut, as that current is too weak, This, is gen eralIly put in at the ieg of the diniug-table. Up te Ibis tinus eietricity bas ben used almost ex- clubùi uiy 1,y vthie weman 'Who makes a fa e1 f ,exper:iimentul ceeking, aiid sh, lias lher elcetrie kitehen fitted ijl' like ai smali laboratery, fer fr-omi the domanin et the faîuily ecuisineý. 'The wboi.e paraphernaliiai night fit loto a tiiod dcl almtost any'\where, s0 heooded and aentilated that nm< oder eseapes jute t-he sîîrreuniîdjî reenis. Inuoeeof the upoýrtijnn houses in -New York dAt ittle electrie kiteltens bavo bon ittod iup thee e tenants bave skdfor thom, aitbouîcb tbeaprues 'e net designed for orkepngegin- If your liiyer sout of order, causing Biliousncas, Siuk Headac=hd, eHeart-. burn, or Constipation, take a dose ci On retiinug, and tomorrow -ycur di-. By differnt nations èvory day ln the week is set sart for publie aven- ship-Sunday byIh hnsias Mouday by the Gre('Ys-, Tuesfuy by the Persians, Wdeaa by Ibe Egypîlans, Fnid.ay 1y1t.he Tuirksand Sslurday bý, the cbw. The niest cuIrion ppe-oihtt the wvnrid l is aicite oag eIbmth PrInce e!fWVleU.it htheo miitlied baud e! eue o! 'ibm ,dauýgb tors tcia raoh. t not thinle the prayor in Soiomolî's 1Song avhono he cempaned Christ te n 9 neindeen lu the uight aveuif mako an 1 exquisitely apprepnlate ponoratien tas my sermon, 'Unlil the day break a.nd the shadows flee aavay ho thon, like a. roe or a young bort upen the -mounlains o!f]3etber?" 1 Houa lhree yeans old arc ret profilb- Sale,.tro keep, orran+th,'v are nf the, speed througli thieket and gorge and wlth the brea-lh o! the dogs ou ils, heels, has cone 1in fuIJ sigbl ou Sobreen Lake and, try te cool ils prejecting and blislored longue witl a blade e! grass ae t-o atteznpt to satisty au In-irel isoul, when fly, lng frois trouble and 81n, çwîth any- thi;ag iess deep and hlgh a.nd broad and Iniinnie and lilftnt.antIdeemri thma C <od. Is cOZlfrt-wiy, It en: boisome &Uai strea. Hia srm-4-

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