etosay that i usedt Pithi ~l'eP.zJU.ýz 1-4 ýIâv TnhlntoL-1 BoRN E ecnoreBowmianville. rddmie a great cleal of good. Ifiud thýat - they are flot overrated, worthy of confi- dence, and very gentie thou lFue n1ARM TO SELL OR I1E. action. Ifind t-hev act fiAi acres býiing soutli-west ourtpr wethaif oilt22, con. 7, larke, o *- liver as well as the kidnevs and bowels. I uootd weolfngohoseadcmo lhu3-rPermit bottie of Dr. res being S. xW. corner1 n, mile West of Bowman Plowing possession ir co.1,Drý on Kliogeton m a mma I et '.~ ~ to buy your Furn and see us.,' ire at. ess to cal LMORS Furnitlure Dealer.. .BOWMANV ILLE.1 E very attention given our Undertaking Business and our prices are reasonable. irnported Novelties for thel,,Autumn Season. A Select Importation of Paris and New York ilats and Bonnets. Ail Departments are now replete with fulil stocks of Seasonabie Goods of the Usual 11-igh Grade, and cu,,tomcrjý ca1n dpn eT 'o tVariety and Good Value. BowvMANVILLE. Fashionable Milliner. them to ail whio sufer fromn backache, kidney trouble, or biliousness, John Saunders, Shoemaker. NEWCASTLE. Mrs. W. Jackson ýand son Arnold, spent Sunday in Port Hope .... Mr. and Mrs. T. Hiemence an'd familv, Kirby, spent Sunday et Mr. Jas. Rickards'... Mr. A. Ferguson fell from a hay loft Saturday and is badly shaken np.... No service in the Presbyteriau church Sunday owîng to anniversarv services at Newtonvil le. .. . Mrs. M. A. ileard, Oshawa, 18 visiting relatives here.... Rev. T. J. Edmison preached at New- tonville Sunday afternoon in connec- tion with the Presbvterian anniversary. Mr, A. A.Col,,vill had charge on the Bible Class in his absence . .. . Mr. W, Riekard, P M., fell from a load of empty barrels Saturday afternoon and broke a nib and is severelv cut about the head and face and is badly bruised and shaken Up. 7U iUA RSLETis so pure, ewPet, and whlsm that aill ages may taice ift itli p!easor- and benefti. Its missiouise to c,3ol and ceanse the biool N cczema and other torturing, disfiguring hurnors, rashes, a-id irrftations, ,hiewarumha'ihs 'ith CUTICuAÂ SOip cleanse thA 'surfacef of cruss and scal 'ý, and gonfle anokttings with Ccu-TicunA 2Ont- ment sootfle anti lieu thing' unn ka Cu.n.eý Sole Props., Büt. u.PlitAbout BRebyoSk.ia,.fco BOWMANVILLE MARKETS Corrected by JJvloMurtry eaoh Tuenday F eua 100 lbs.........81 70 to 82 1' WHeÂo'àT 'Fail, bush...O000 il Ô 67 Spring0.. 00O Qit'0O67 Rld Ff,, .O0 0 0 T il GOOSE .... 000 "0 78 BAnrLET, Pbush, No. 1 .0 40 if 0483 il f fi2 .0 26 0 85 et T il .... O,25 fi 0 80 Il I Two rowed 0 25 et 0,40 OATs, white I..............0 23 te 2.5 Rr'E 1,e...........000 0 55 BUCKWEAT f..............0 00 0 50 Pn.As, Blackeye, f bush.. O 69 fi O 75 iCanadian Beauties.. 69 il O 81 il Mummey n 0 00"el0 60 Small, n 0 00 il0 60 if Blue, Il O 17 il O 6,) BUTTERmhest table, e 1b..O0 0 le O,17 EoGs; P doz............O0 00 0 15 POTATOES, bush.........O 0 0 0 25 Hay per ton............ 5 00t' 6 00 Saved, llaving bought direct from th(- manufacturer I can and will seil you Alaska R~obes, Horse ]lankets and Lap iRugs, at fromi 107, 15%~ less than regrular prices. First 2 shipments sold the 3rd now on sale at JOHN S, RUNDLE'S. Harness Emporium, Bowmanville. Forty Typewriting Machines, Every fadllity for good resuits. Enlarged preliises. EN'TElî AN? VTIJYLE. WaRru FoRCIRCULR.aS, ~w V. H. SHAW, Principal. ~~ CPXSH GFROCEFRS. We have just openedi fine line of White Dis Cups and Saucers, Plate ail sizes,and a'lot of Piteil Bowls, &c. ~ Cash for Butter and Eg STelephone 57, BoWMANViLLE. J ouat R I up a shes, es of .ïers, gs.c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ý vAYý ý -m- -m- .7m -M' -7m,