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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1899, p. 1

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TERMS :-81.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor atnd Proprietor. NEw SER iES. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WIEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No.4. IMI4àIç Are invited to 'see t e igc Display of Nee Goods just opened out at 001111,JORNTO GRYER 'S A fine stock of New, Stylish and, Perfect Fitting Ladies' and Misses' Coats, both Qerman and Cana- dian made. Ladies' Costume'Clotlis in ail qualities and colors, also' a specially fine range of Fancy Black Dress Goods from'the lowest up to the finest goods import- ed, and. a big stock of New Wrap Shawls, Travelling Rugs, Flannels, Flallnelettes, Wrapperettes, Blank- ets, Furs, Tweeds, Worsteds, Over Coatings, &c. No botter goods and no better value anywhere. Couch, Johnston &y, Crydermran., BowmANVIiLE, September l2th, 18~99. ....qqq .......llCa. U ............foaa .........awa.... ............~ f............ .f....aa........ 1;A h a: 'lit,~ La ri q fi,,, aaairaq fififl l ea. elle To ge t, soine of the bargains that we are off ering ~ ialil unes of, Furniture. Everybody says this 11¶ is the cheapest place to buy furniture and what "e" ieverybody says must be true. Cail and see for ' yourself. prices are, raising and now is the time f or you to buy, before we dispose of our present ËME largre stock, at the old prices. I ýj owMÂ"NYXLLE-. Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention. u11= 1 .= lI=SS=ssàýe.ii ...........a Vhen n Leave your repairing at Jas. Goard's. Al work attended to pI'omptly and guaranteed. Gold Fill ed Wat ches sold at prices usually asked for silver. F ull assortment of Writing, Material always Lept in stock. Choice in Colored andc Crinkled Tissue Taper. 'MAN VILLE. Watchmaker andi Jeweller. - (Ellison's Qld Stand.) N~EW ALJCTIONEER. JAmEs Bîsiior, licensed auctieneer, will con- duet sales in West Durham this seasen atlowest rates. Apply forrterrms, dates, etc., et JonN cicaNnaFs larness Shep, King St. E., Bewmen- ville. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. ThcelLurmony Maie Quartette cf Bowmanviiie. F. H. FROST, Pirst Tenon. JAMES GOARD, Second Tenon, H. J. KNIGHT, Pi-st Bass. T. E. UIGGINBOTLIAM, 2nd Bass.. Address ail correspoudeuce te JAunEms GOARD, Business Manager, Lock Box 61; Bowmanvilie. 39-tf, F. W9AUGH, L. D S.; D. D S. BOWMA.uVILLE. Dental Office lu the BRooms aboyt, à. D. WILLIAMS 3 80N'8 Furiure 81are ,Ag Wil haut Orone from 9 a. m. te 2 p m., anti ut Newcastle from 2.30 tun- tii 7 p. m.,' on the secondi anti fourtb Montinys cf enel Mcdlh. Goiti plates, Crown anti Bridge work anti Painiess extraction are specialties If yen wonld aalyusl fte opportunity te purdliase many of the snaps T. N.Rickand, Bowman- ville, bus fer yen ici the wny cf Watchecs, Clocks, Ctains, Rings, andi ai kinâs cf Jewellry and Tablewame. 'Ne sny "Snaps" we meanthis,- Ha has purchaseti numbers cf thesa things, hefone the prica went np wholesale andi is givicig yen a chance te reap the henefit, anti hais axpeet- icig yen te, appreciatel his'offar suffi- ciently welh te make it profitable te' bîm. But hi s stock wiii ciot last forever, rememaber thnt. Ouae.nrtwo specialties are n Gent's Coin S.iiver Case anti Waltham WokSterling" Silver Tahieware, anti Silveir PlaitetiKies Forks anti Spoecis. Bost valua ii Canada. T. N. RICRARDe 1 Jeweiieýr anti OpticianiBowmnniile, 1 deors East of Standaird Banik, Grocers' due bis taken asý casù, SOLINA. Mr. . A. Werry has iolased the Swain farim. 200 acres, north of Ennis- killen an!1d will move tliereo4 ini Mardi. ...MsH. G.Pascoe vîsited at Drayton, last eeýk . .. . Mr. J. H. Williams has re- tune rom Midanc.... Mr. Thomas Pace lst a horse last week of inflam- mto.,. Mr. W. N. Pascoe had a suc- cessfulcr-usigd. Mrs. T. Goard, isJeseand Mr. Frank Goaird, Bow- mnaLnville, visited here recenty .... Con- gratulations to Mr. Frank Cryderman and bride. We extend a hearty welcome to Ms Cryderman to our village. WVEST DURHfli UU BYSa TrTi STAýT]E.MAN is being constantly reide hat the sons of old West Durham ar coming to the front and are fhigpstons of trust and i esponsibil-f ity in a niaýnner that is creditable5 to themiIselves and brings hionor to the town andï cont f their birili. t is witli pleasýure we\-o note the f ollowing: TheDay Union, Schenectady, N.Y., sayvs Mr Fred,> D. Cherry who is the nunanous choice of the republican city1 coniventin for police commissioner. makeýs aideal,9 candidate. He is known as,, a"hter in business, is of a thor- ougbly progressive make-np and lias a host of frienils w7ho will now flock to iis suppo,)ýrt on election day. Mr. Cherry1 is of Irish dscnt a native of Canada, hav-ing been bornini Oshawa, October 13, 180i3. Afteýr graduaiitintg from the Bow- manivile Hligli School, hie tauglit sho fo>r two years Preferring a buisineýss te a professîýinal life, lie- entered the employ of U1.IH. Wre Co , tlie "Safe Cure" peopfle of Pochlester as bookkeeper and ca.shior,for wlýoio le orked three years. The rewî mahine business offering beteri~iucrnetsto liim than office work, ho accepted the assistant-manag- er'sj positionoi of tlie White Sewing Mach- ine Cnpn at Rochiester in June '84. Tlie oîpigDecemiber ieovas pro- moted 1 t11he managership of the Albany and Tro - 1branches, a position lielield for ve ers, a longer tume than the position1 was everý helcI by anv other manager. Durýin i-ý isresidence in AMbany ,Mr. Cherry eame by naturalization, a citizen (IftTUncle Sami aud aflliated hlm- self itbte Graind OlcI Party, In D S'c'mbe 1 f'89M. Cherry signed ,(ta con- traict wjv1h tle Siîîge-,rMauctrn room a s nc condctdthat ic cec(ti rh yitli lis sewing acin Thp c~satch Bre,'a., speaking ,of the play o a iln ong Thieves" given by theo Wa;lter Stock ýCompany, says: "Mr. T. E B. HenylasSheriff Poster, a man iLwho ,lalvs tried to do right, was a tpici secienof the broad open- licarted frntiersman. " The Demnocrat also sayýs some, very complimentary things o(-f Ithe parts taken by Mr. Henry lu this adother plays. The Gucîp-i Mercury says: Mr. J. A. McFetes o Bwmavilea graduate of the Da;iry School, is in charge of the new Hom )Diry Departnîent of the OntrieAgicucurl ollge Mr. Me- Feeters lIias beni charge of a Govern- ment creame;iry -ini the North West this past sunýiimer IHe liad charge of the houme d1airy -of the dairy school last wiute. andpossesses good'experience, together with teclinical training, to bear on lis Ilr-H wil no doubt prove a Yaluable help to the dairy department. Mme. ]Liyly eekert, cf Eartlesville, Clierokee 2Nat, mnd. Ty., wites : "I1hald prolapsufs, or female -wanes9o badly thetati res I ed ot Se turned lubcd. I sufferd fr.. palpitation of the iseert. r would ofien fein t ane, nd it secmed asIf iever would recover; had sick beadache nearly ail the tîme, and aiso ----------ke adSt Vit ug's sienlyci-zi. ibaddocorDanchfie. dtftern physiciemsnt utfttt- thee dct<rs cfiùny ear' e MeIlthlyaide- He weteme air faheny id lethe lisre den~~~ as iuws behr eno havet uhc and I recern- rerd St i. Iai l ocoe ihf ifrn e.y fred&Tcs o - - erxeinc stdo R. V.lweys lka t p .t r le1>7 the buse. aie havc ne athe ftelku etr e gu r. bock. ancld rrei " =edr. R.tV.aione nifo vrtit ryars ias brencfceulngpy- Fvoie aewrfo e imesnb aticeh givsroeyhvbenewe ltrougane t ap.Mn eetvl inutde t oen rt e r incIni avoii e diageahlequstoniMex iaminetieus andloatramtseee- allins tiseiuo ypasc5n.D. Pisere'nmeiettrs ofcnuryoui île prt ca.e s .onPierocis antrs ethty lias cureci rîefticosuilethi. TO CiRI DIïN (ONE lDA1y . ~ntieTbe.At DURHAM TEACIIERS' COXYENTION. The ucnnuni meeting' cf the Durhanm Touche"rs' Association wus helt in Bow- manville Higli School ou Friday and Saturday. àn. t'. E. Brown, president. occupied the chair andi after cuiiing the meeting te ortior Mr. Jas. Gilfillan, B. A., epeciet witlî prax or. About 50 teachers respondet t the rolll euh. ln a neutly waordeti address the Preside,,nt eytNd*eti dte the touchers a cordial ani unid bearty weicome and trustedtileir coming together would bhofe profit. He outlined the work te ho taken ipp during the session anti dwolt ut soin e longth on the imperfections of the cur- riculum of the Public Sehools. Mr. W. J. Stacey, ]Enniskiiieu, intre- duced the subjeet of -Decimnals" using the convention as a class. '!hoe method wus pÉactical. Ho woulti bncI bis pup- ils hY propor questioniug te arrive ut resuits by procaediug [rom tbe known te tho unkuown. Mr. A. B. Cornish foii ,oweti with a fine plane solo. Mn.,C. C. James, Deputy-Minister cf Agricuiture, Toronto. rend a paper onagricuiture presenting its dlaims upon the Public sdcols cf cur country anti advocated, the teaching ef the tirst principiles of the science cf ag- riculture as distinguisheti iremthe art. The paper was listecied te wîth close attention andi a vote cf thanks moveti hy Dr. Tiibey secondeti by Mr. Gilfillan was tandereti Mr. James for lis excel- lent andi instructive paper. At the afterneon sessioni aboýut sixty Irespendet t the roill caî. Mr. IL . . Blackleck, Baiieh-oro, irendai uges ive paper on "Verbal Frs.Byl numierona x, m le sl ho-ed lhew hah dealt witb tic varions fuicti ons cf the infii ive, geruni anti participie. Miss E. Coucli, TyrOee,gae u essay on "Inlunce wich was reploto with b@àutifuiîou-hsanidsget ions showîng, the potency tlînt inf11lece lad lu tiie ovipmn f the imecntal,' phys1cal and moral. niake-up cf mac- that every voue wswaiigau influ- ence velutnary or iivoiuntar-y. Oua wav cf exerting oýinfluence wvas to gain t'be goed-wvil i ad esteem cof the, perseon thon bring etnwhat is geetin ici ianti repress the bncI. The paper was histen- eti toc with close attention ant i ofit. Mr T. A. Kirk-conreii, B A., Prin- cipal ef Port Hiope, Uigbf Se hepi, t'Oek Ip tfio subject ef "tcs ouigontl île difficulties and sb'owinýig hew 'thai' -1ay% be( overýomef.Ho bivdic hi' the abstract, term stck. r. F. H., .Frost, B. A , Mathemiatical Master of Bowm1anville Hh1 cclbe1etiMr.! Kýirkcouuell hati struck fthe ky- itnl the teaching cf tIcsujet Miss E. Campbell,flardon, presented a puper on ber meho of teuching "Composition. " Sfio stuteti thut the objeet of preseuting the subjeet befere the convention was thut youug touchers just starting eut icitihe profession might profit by lier expenionce. She advocated teaching the subjeet by means ef oh. jeet lessous, conversation anti supplem- enturv reudiug. A vote ef thuuks was tentiered Misses Ceueb and Camcpbell for thieir admirable ossuys. Mr. H. N. Shaw, B. A., ef the Elocu- tien Department cf the Teronto Coibego cf Music, took np the subject et "Rtead- ing" nsing a class te show his metheti ef dealing with the subjeet, Ho heiiev- ecI lu the developmout of physical cul- ture us woli as the psychic lu the tend - iug cf rendiug. At 8 p. iu. a public meeting was beiti ici the Town Hall when a gocti auf- lance assembleti and an excellent pro - praîn was rendereti. Mr. Shaw resum- ed bis udtiress on Readinig wbich was listeiedti t with great plensure. Ha wcnld net teach raading by having pupils commit numberle4s rmies but by estahlishing therefor iaws anti pnin ciples. Lus address was followed hv the "'HunganiniLeva Song" hv Mr. H. J. Kniglit; reading, "IMiss Sqnear's Tea Partyv," Mr. Shaw; solo,, "Leave me net," Miss M. Mosetta James, A. T. C. M ; reatiing-, "lihyme cf the Dnçîbess ef~~~ My"M.Shaw; ,solo,"To ar my' ue M .J Goard ;readings, "The petrified fri"ad "How she farmeti", Mr Shw;det Bittersweet", Messrs. Jas. Geurtiandud H. J. Knigbt. The seleisis were aillu good voice anti sang exceptionnlly welins the audience tasti- fied hy the npvlansa whidli followed e ach number., Miss Tilley performeti the ties cf accompanisi ici a pleasing manner. A vote cf thaciks movad by Mr. Gilfillan secondeti by Mr Brown was tanîlereti those who gave the pmogram. Exercises were resumeti Saturday morning wben Mr. H. Simpson, Prin- cipal Orone Public Sehool, teck np tle subjeet cf "Generai Methods cf soivicig problems",' nsing tle convention as a class. He theuznit the pupii's diffieulty ici qolving preblems was ini net know- ing how to stant, anti by a few practical pro blemns showed.lis nmethot cf deniing wîtl them. Dr. W E. Tiliev anti Mr. F. j. KeIley teck part in the'discussion. tînt fohiowed.' Moved by Mr. Moffatt seconded by Mr. Simnpson that a vote thanks be tendered the Board for thle use of the [Uigh School building and also te the execUtive committee for the excellent program prccured.' Oflicers eiected for 19 ',,0: President-R. F. Blaceklock,Bailieboro; lst Vice-W. J. Stactv, Enniskillen; 2nd \ ice-miss E. Campbell, Haydon; Secrtar F.J. Gront, Hampton; Tre(asurer-Jas. Gilfillan, Bo-wýmanville ExecLutivo committee- 1R. D Davidson, Bowmanvi1ll; F. Wood, Port. Hope, L. B. Davidson, Newcastle; C. E. Brown, Darlington; 1. B. Barclay, Cartwright; J. W. Bradl ey, Clarke; J. N. Moffatt, IManvers; L. Dunbar, Hope-" Mr. Howson, Cavaii; Miss M. Creba, 'South Monaghan; D'. Hampton, Millb rock. Auditors-il. D . Davidson and Miss McWain. EPWORI L LAIUE CONVLiNTIO. The fifth annual con-vention of the Bowmanville District Eow orthi League wvas held ut Tyrone on Tuesday, Oct. 17. A goodly number had ussenibled for the morning session whic4 wus presided ovor by 11ev. J. S. 1. Wilson, lst Vice President. After the nominuting com- mittee had been elected 11ev. C. W. De- M[ille, Orono, conducted a vorv helpful and inspiring consecration service. 'f h convention sermon was preuched by 11ev. J. E. Lanceley, Toronto, 11e based his remurks on Ece 8, 15. The central thought being thut'the future brings us ncthing, absoluitely nothing, it is empty and holds ncthing for us except what we gather ont ot our ex- periencos of the past and lay np as an investment of charactor. At the afternoon session Dr. Tucker, 'Presidont, occupiod the chair. The~ following officers were elected: Hon. Pres., 11ev. J.P. Wilson, B.A., Oshawa; Pres., F. R1. Foiey, Maple Grove; lst V, P., Miss Campbell, Haydon; 2nd V. P., M iss Du vev, O(ho; 3rd V. P , Mr. Har- ùid Avison, Oshawa; 4th V. P., Missý Emma M. Werry, T3,rone; 5th V. P. Miss M E.Joness, Bowmuuville; Trous., WV. Riekarde Newcastle; Sect., W.»1R. Cour1tice, Conference revresnaie Jiev. ' W. ett, Oro-.After the chair hud beau taken by the new presi- dent. A comprehlensîve puper was given hyMiss Cumpbell on'"bvery talent for Cýhrist .' In the discussion which fol- lwdthe leaguers appeared satisflect tht ie i merind irreguilarty found ili othier dprmnso urci w0rk to s0oe extent were n11t1icinaii measure -,uri a\gax e ddrosses on " The Legea.s'anevangelhzinm ueny and "Practicýal-i vanels mechocisî." A good hearty discussion fol)lowed whichi seemed to leucI to the conclusion that there >tili is room for improvement along methodical liues of evugelistie work lu our leagnes. "Mqissions" was taken up by 11ev. R1. Emberson, repro- sentucive of the studeut's volunteer movement, The speak~er laid lis subject in sncb a logical and common seuse way before bis heai-ers, that the icaunrs pletiged $500 for this pur- pose during next _ý eur. A committee wus uppointod to arrange for a delega- tion to visit ecc leugue with a view to stirring one unothor up ini tus import- ant ivork, It wus decided that the Mlissionury Vice Presidents of local longu.es after remnitting the amounits collected lu their depurtmcuts to their pastors wlno according to the raies cf the iast general coulereuce are to re- docive this mouey instoati of the District Treasurer, as forxnerly, shah forwurd the recoipts from their pastor to the Missiouary Vice President se that the amounts coilected mnas be officiuhiy kept truck cf, In the eveuing altbougli the weather was most npleasunt by torrents cf des. vending ramn the churcli was well filled. Af tor an address hy ý1 ev. J S.J.Wilson on "Junior work," a discussion On which. was ubly conducted by Mis, Joness. 11ev. J. E. Lauceley gave a rousiug address on the T, C . T. F, Hlimself an ultra enthuisiast on this subjeet with bisunique and ferceful way cf praseuting a ruatter as heout- iined the Inovement from its conception, onward, thon coutrasted the icicomîng cf the l9th witb that cf the 2Oth century and " Saw the vision cf the world lu ail the weuder that wouid be."It is needless te say that the liearts Of bis Young andi vigoreus audience seemedti t catch the same inspiration andi ail tegether wtýre swept on as ici a mighty tornade te the climax cf. expectancY ini cnnection, with the ciew century. Votes cf thanks te 11ev. J. E. Lanceley, 11ev. R1. Ember- son anti friends cf Tyrone ended a very iuteresting andi we trust urofitabie.day. HAYDON. Mrs. Thomas McGill, Bethanv, lias been visiting frientis here,... Miss M~raude Creoper spent Snday at home... Messrs T.Cowiing anti BrynfcuMLangli. lin have returnedi fromn the Qreat West 1 own.

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