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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1899, p. 2

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The Gandiail Statu.n Au Bigh Page, Ferty-igt olunluNewsifapaer, is pubilhed BOWMANVILLE. OCT. 25, 1899. EVERY WEDINESDAY MoRýNNd, 1 WOIAN ANI)D llO31E. AT THÉ OFFICE 26 STATESMAN BLOCK, KING, STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.. BV m. A. JAlEsgEditor & Proprietor, SUbecniption$1.50 par aunum, or 81mtieif pai d strletiy lu advauce. ADVERTISING RATES Trausicut Advettsing. Ten CentspeLie firsi insertion; Five Cents par Liue Psr,,L..- aquent insertion. CONTRAC' T RATES. TIMES f55ERTED. BIZBOPADVERTISEMENT i Mtb3lM tbs embhs 1Y r. Oas Colama .......$20 0e $4 $60 100 Hal Column .......13 (f0 26 40 60 Quarter Columa ......8 0 16 26 40 Elh1-h olumn ........ 500 10 16 26 Tweuty-five Lino ..4 50 i9 12 13 Twenty Liîes ........ 400 6 8 13 Fitteen Lines ......... 3 50 5 7 50 12 Ten Lines ............ 2 50[ 4601 '6 501 Il Five Lines............. 125 3 50 6 10 The abeve are contraet rates, and apply only te regular business advertisers. .1 Changes of contraet advertisements muet be bhanded in nt later that oeao'cloek on Sturday -this raie will be strictly eaforced. Parsgrapb ativertisemeuts ameng news items 10e alnie eaeb insertion. Birtbc, 25e; Marriages snd Deaths, 50c. Dlsplayed advertisements are measured by a seaIeet of oud nonpareil sud 50 ebarged. orders for discontlnuing adveftisefnents must, be lu wrlting, otberwise t he pnbisher will net 'De reseousible. No paper wll oe stopped until ail arrearages arepald, exeept at the option of the publisher. A post office notice te discontinue ic net sufflceieut, Double regular rates are charged during lfr-,April sud May and October, November antl Tée'ember for di9play advertising net cou- tracteti fer by the year, Business notices lu local or news eLlunmas tiret usertion 10 cents per lime Nouparel; 5 ceaie per line eacb subseqeent insertion. Noticesoetmeet- isof any ki d ai wblch an admission fe is Ile" arged or a collection is taken must be pald for. All communications Bhoulti be addressed, M. A. JA MES, Bowmauville, Ont. ]j[JARRIAGE LICENýSES,-Mi. A. JÂ&MFs, Issuer of Marriage Licences. liesidence: Centre street. A. B. IIeLAUGHLIN, BarseSollter sud Couveyancor. Office:- Bliaiy Blocke, Kigtreet, Bowmanville. Money te boan t reasonable rates. 4-lyr, OoTOLEND $ 50.000.0o0od ot seeurty a modraterates of lnterest, 16 -6m. DR. J1. C. MITCHELL, ~IEMBEROF COLTE0I$OF PRYSICIANS sud Surgeons, Ontaro'Coroner,. etc, Residence. Enniskilien. 74 R.rPEA'"TETALO Gentlemen's Clot hes riade te Order. D0.I3URKE 'DSIMPSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR., etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, up.ctairc, KingStreet, Bowman ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. . PrIvate nionev~s loaneti ai lowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V,ýS. O %FFICIS IN WEST DURHAM NEWS VBlock, wbere inselt or bis assistant *111 befoundfrom)8 a.-m. teep. m. Nigbt calis at resideace, directly opposite Drill Shed. Cailsby telegraph or telephone will receive, prompt at- tention. 171 -yr. C. HARNDEN, LUDS. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sur geons, Ontario OFriICE.-Opposite Express ffice. VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANIK continues te de a General Bankiug Business et Bowmanvllle Agency. DEPOSITS recslvsd 'lu Savings Uait Deparimeut sud interest sllowed et carrent rates. Notice of wiihdrawal nol uececsary. AU deposits payable ou demand, S EXCEHANGE Bought and colti sud Drafts issued upon Europe Unit-ed Sates andi Canada aise Gold, Silver auj Ufnited States Greenasks'bougbt sud sold COLLECTIONS Promptly msde ai current rates upon ail parte of Great Britain the United States sud the Do- inîmes etf CaaKs Telegrapli Transfers Made for large or Small cums ou ail parts of Canada. Tlisis specislly sdvauiageeus te per- sons living in Manitoba or 1the North.West, 11- makes the fends avaîlable at once ai the place of paymeut. For other narticulars eccli atthe bank. A. J. MOCLELLAN, CEe. MeGILL, AccounitasiStnae Mrs. X.-Now Johuuy I wvaut you te burry homo1-- em-s-1-olft1- SHE DANCED AT THE FAMOUS BALIL ON THE EVE OF WATERLoo. Tlàe Nice Sense of Ilhor -Whole- somieness of Nus-Whon She Goes Shopping-Way Chinoise ig-nore Wo-. men-Â Woitnan You Can't Su-ab. It ceemc trsngo 1-at 1-bre chonld be living s woman who daucedat at1-e hall ef 1-be Duchess et Richmond et Brusseis on 1-be ove et Quatre Bras sud Waterloo. Yet dowu lun1-be southenst cerner et Ire- aud, haie sud hearty nt 96, lives Lady Lonisa Tigbe, whe, as thbe Lady'Louisa Lennox, a girl et 12, was allewed hy ber mother, 1-be Dnchess etf]Richmond, te ho led eut (hetore heing sent te bofd) fer a dance or two at 1-be Most celobrated alal la ail history. t maltes thé Napeleonie dcys, wbich stili fascinato 1ho worîd, seem noar te ns wbes we realize 1-at 1-is bright old weman, eroci sud active and sbewisg ne sigu et failing montai powers,, shoubd bave dauced at 1-at eveuttul time, whon Thace was sud ef ravelry by ighi, And Belgium's capital hati gatheredt1heu Ber beauty sud ber chivairy, andi bright The lamps shoeeo'er fair women anti brave moen. But Lady Lonisa is s wondrtal wom- an, who refuses te grew olfi. Wheu she wss a liitle girl sud ber father wes lord lieutenant of lreland, she and ber sisters nsed te 'ride eut lu Phoenix park with Arthur Wellesley, whe bad secured't1-e post et chiai secretary. A few yeass Iter sud weîting auxionsly in Brussels che benîd 1-be guns eft 1-is cerne Welles- bey wînng for bmselt at Wliterloo 1-be title et Duke et Wellington. Lady Lea 'q 'c,~ r~f ~" ' -- Vf Uw ' e, .. LADY LOUtSA TIGHE. ica Tighe is 1-be daughiter eft 1ho teurtb dake ut Ricbmond, eofivhose 12 chiidren three are stibi alive. Al ber seven brothers are deal, sud chu andl two sisters ar'e cli 1-at rernain eft 1-at numeoeus tarniiy. lier mother wcs eueetf1-be five beatutifal danghters oeth1-e Duchess e of dswho naised 1ho ceebrateal Cordon hglnes Lady, Lonica bas ceeu tour sovoreigus ou 1-be British 1-rone. George III died wbeu she wcs 17. Instecd 0f-heiug moro- by bar king hoe might have been ber kins-. man, for ho bcd beon madly iu love witb ber grgiaunt,. Lady Sýrah Lenuox. Lady Sarah, hewever, w'ould have noue ef bixh. One day w-hile buntiug she broke heîý log and thbe future ldig's heurt, se ho marrîcal Charlotte 'etf Mecklenburg- Strelitz, and she sliied herself te Sir Charles Bunbury, a cportiug booby, f rom wborn she ultimately eloped. Lady'Len- !sa bas aise ceeu George IV aud William IV and 62 years oet 1ho reigu et Victoria. lier tather fongbt s duel once with thbe quoe's nucle, 1-be Duke ot York, a colo- brateal duel at 1-at time, but now fergot- 1o. The Duke et Richmond took bis fami- ly te Bruscels early lu 1815, sud 1-be danciug at 1ho ceîebrated bail wss doue in thbe big reom wbich on erdiuary oc- casions wns used as a playrom suad a scboolreem fer 1ho children of 1-be tami- ly. Two huudned gnests, inciuding 50 ladies, were- at 1-be bail. It willbeho e- memhered 1-at 1-be ball was intorrulit- cd by 1ha cews of 1-be advance et Na- polea,, sud 1heoefficers burried away te flgbt ai Waterloo. Two of Lady Louisa's brothens tongbt in 1-be battie, while ber mother, ber iters sud herseit remaîn- cd in Brussels sud uursed 1-be wouded as 1-ey were brougbt back trorn 1-e field. Lady Louisa marrical William Fredericir Fewnes Tighe of Weodstock, Inistioge, Irelaud, la 1825. liermother remanked t1- a trieud, "Poor Leuisa la goiug te make a cboekinig marriage-a mac cableal Tiggy, rny dea-a saint sud a Radical." Lady IUiýa bas been 21 yeus a widow.-New York Prees. The Nie. 5onas#of Honor. Strict bouc-sty le a rare virtue even aiceag 1tho ciscs ot people wbo ana net e-xposed te temptation. t le a wel kuowc tact 1-at sot a tew fine womec do net psy 1hitbis unbesse trera te do se and 1-at many a smnî l account romains fcnally te 1hein credil (or, more properly 11- mi&hi h satidiscnedit> Ùqcause thoce A Lady Mis led By a Dealer Who Loved Long Profits, A lady residing lu a flouishing Ontario tewn receuîlv wrote as feîlows d" 1Havingcorne faded Cottosn geods te dye, I went tei one oft our stores aad asked for two packages et of Diamoual Dye Cardinal1 fan Co)tion. The stoe-~ keeper iintos ut , I tuaIbet ho %vas eut of 1-at brand e tvosf ad7ec!Omllleided strouglv acethor make et packzage dye. I unfortcncteiy brought 1-be ne- commended dv(es sud oarnied thei-î home, in'ed1hem as di- rcdouthe -cir --ho jw-opkwas hein- ef a Ur ci'--(risf' f fOlinal. I was 01).iicýî t, uso-o f 5s as 1o got pnocared a aehe soe.-I have used Diamîîdves ithu1-a ingles filure or mauy yearsý,j su1]d wjillnover agnin accopi a sbtîuefroaanyIimorechant. The Diacusd Dyce are tru t promise' every 1Limie." te wbom tlîey ouýe rMôney navse unotmu means or the power to collect wbatis due them. *'What do yon owihyur buis? asked a fashioiiable wotrau of one of ber friends. " I aays put mine lu t112 tire." *'Ob. I tbroW mine in a drawerl" saïd the othor. "I always stick tbom laind shut it up again as tast as p)ossiblIe, fo)r I hate the sight et the accumulation. We the people got troublesome, 1 sead tbem down te my busband's office." .11 made a gown for Mrs. A. two yearis ago," said a strogglingdrsmkr speaking ef a certain rich, womýan. ,n sbe has nlot paid me yet. Shetake(s no cognizance of my aecounts, wliich 1 senid ber every now and tbon. 1 5upPf)5e she simply doos flot intend payin,. awm, for she knows it would injure my business if 1 put it in the bands ef e lawyer."ý "I bave bad soine curions expe.rienices witb ricb womon lu regard te tbe selling of tickets," remarked a philanthropie woman wbo had raised large sums for divers cbarities by organizing varions on- tertajumeuts. "I tind it is the bardest xvork te collect tbe money, and somuetimos tbo tickets are nover paid for. Only last year a friend sent to me for 20 tickets at $2 eneh for sorne tbeatricals we ere ba'in~ for the bene6it of a hospital. 1 . qwill have a dinnor, expressly,' che said generously, 'and bring my people on aflerward,' aud she chose the best- seatslu the place. 1 tbongbt it awfnllY nilcOe ofber et the time, but was'uot ce, muff' pleased wlien the treasurer wrete me see bd net collected the money £or the tickets f rom my liberal frileud, nor bais slhe uaid yet. We sent lier the bih.4 but we heard nething further, aajl as noue of ns feit like dnnniuig bier person- slly wo let the mattor drop." Many womoen seem rather t1o enjoy a certain species of cheating, fromn gttihig the better of the gov erumert by siniug- gling thieir ward robes thilreugb the customi bouse te dcoing acopoaton et oet te tbem )1qulite all1owable sujd eVea :1 mendaible. "A w..,man lias net an man's nice ceusýe of honor," afflirmed one 0f rite ltte,. w-ile cemmenting ou the abovýe pecufiar7- ity. "llow about that nice seiivees when a man w anis te seil a lin, " ue ried s female auditor, sud tbe eute question was unanswerable.-Nuw, -ou: Tribune. The Wltolesomenelys of Nuts. Science, witli ail its teae hings, is now ad-vocating nuts as s wbolesome part of one's diet, quite centrary te tbe cberisb- ed belief ef enly a fow gears a ge,..wheu. they were' declared most indigestible. The opinion of the physician who said 1-at "nuits were only for pigs snd aquir- rois" was mauch rospected, but it dees net hold good 'te a great extent toda. Nutýs do centain, lu comufea pariance, mucbh nÔurisbment lu proportion 'te their size -anud te their waste ceustituoncy wbean taken into the buman stomnacb. There is foundation for the belief.la 1tbe imdi'- gestibility et nuts wbeu one cousider.s the usual mode of eating themn, w the stomu'b is overloaded with a beairty dinner or wbon they are sWallowed witbi- euttborougb mastication. Dropping iu- te the stomacb lui a firm. bard lump, it is very fffficult for thbe digestive fluids te decompose thei for assimilation. There- fore the secret ef eating unts is masti- cating tbem in the moutb until 1-ey are like meal. The wholesomeness attribut- ed t-o peant Vaste, flow a popular ar- ticle ian1tbe market, lies net nly in tbie substance of the kcrnel, hut iiu its aoft ferma, ready fer assimilation. In ýating alny and, al! kinids et foode -bhe malady of indigestion is the resfflt et' hurried cet- iag. Better go witbouit i mccl thau 4wallow it witbout masticatiug tbe montbf nîs. "Thbe hnmau. race," says an autbhority en fonds, "in its primitive cou' dit ion must bave been well nonrisbied or it c-ould net baye survived, sud il is evident that its earliest foods were nuis and fruits, whether or net we accept the evoîntion theory'that Our ancestors were monkeys, arboreous sud tungiverens." Foods grow with s beautif ni adaptibîlity teo tbe needs of 1he inhabitants ef different climates, and ince man irst fllurisbêd ia tropical or semitropical climate it is net unwisO te look te their products for hints as 1-o our oxvu diot. Sweet foods are preferable for staple foods, because they cotain a smali ameunt of starcb and a great amount of glucose, tbe latter being the more easily digested of th~e -wo. Nuts, it le claimed, are valuable fer their fuel qaality, fer strengtbening tfe m1dc- clos et the jaws sud the adjoinieg mus- clos of the face and thus iueidentally re- tarding the day eo f iuUOs. T~he flow of: saliva is increased, aud tbus a sufficient supply is given fer tborough mastication, -Brooklyn Citizen. When a WonalGoes 5lrbpping. "Oh, if women only bad au ides of 1tbe value offtimie, what a lot of business could lie doue!1" This hait sigb, -lait excîs-Dlation came fr,."tblips et a ver-w ll kn--u opi- 1 DICOVERED A NEW j FOR SES lu bîý is aîdv et isas fs t 1bencvcr. A. W. hasefoun 1-at in u'ariy every cisc tihe cause4et,1-rilew as iniproeonnourisb- aient. About une fii thîf et-Il theOblooti in 1tbe hum-au bedy is1h n luthe brain, sud unless th;s blocal n r;cib sol pore 1ho n 'rves cafbuot obiain prcuer uur atn-tsd becomne wora net and exhausteti. N ervous tipression, nervous bos.dacbs nerso'ta dyspepsit, los of sieep andi vital force, lakofe eegy, are symspîsis ot weak, wstery hiccal anti e-ùauste ieurvc- - 11-vas as àfocd for blood andcedurves 1-at -Dr. A. Wr. Chases I'servelFoodiv. i prepared. ias reruark-able sucecsis COug al diseuses crising fro n -abloot snd inspoev-sbed n erves is pu cof t,,.ît Dr. Ch.f os tiîoery oe et- ing the uefve ssad bood is t1-eproper ene; stimfulantss eiy nirge on ttied -clandi voru eut neïrs sus sytcn unith -eecoreancouspiete Colii se. ID, A. W. Ch-ases NerverFood creaies uew brain - c-d ucrve ref.-, and mas.tise blooti pure ceId rire 11- resteres 1o 1-le exbaust-d uerv's tjise vig r etp'îect he-illis. 5e.t lag box, at a' l dealer.,, or Edisauson, Baýtes &Co,, Toronto. 1 PUBLISHIEVS -NO TICE. $1 per snam in ayachiews $.0 Suheriptensalways payable ait te .ý,fflce et Vhuite.Adv"rtisiag rates nnlosc 'à-cou trac', 10,cents penlino, neapareil, firs*t insertion sud S ents parlina eacb subseuen!t insertion Local$, 10 cents pet ine. M. A.ý JAMES, Publisher. o>ptic.!iau. "i5lîe>s eeu moere nair an I did co, and this iswbaýt 1 heard: "Tboýy wiIl i eadyon u Tnesdaymad- "Yu1 aetbom g;ood'ccd streulg'?" ":Yes, ;t Jdal . IC's cl]ii marked heire,-mada-,n." "Ti-euoa.cie "Yes,mam" "The others wero net strong euough." "These will suit you, 1 cm cure." "Yen cejjldn't say Tnesday nioon?" "inm afraid not, niffdnm."' The sbopmaui looked longingly et a, group et uew arrivais Who wer ws-iting 1-o ho served. But bis erdeai wce net ever. "I 1obld on 1-bey wcre te bave ne tramies ?" "Yes, madam; 1 have a memorandum et it aIl." E-ifs touie lacked eutbusiasm, sud who cen bianie hlmi? "Bei-t pebble glasses?" "Yes, nîadam." "Yen w iii make 1hem good sud ctreug?" "Good and stroug, madam." "Well, good day." "Good day, mndam."l She moved toward 1-be door sud return- cd. "Did yen say Tuecdcy, aftor 3?" "Yes, madaîn." "Tbnt's wbat 1 thoagbt, but I wssn't cure. Goed day." And 1-ic time she recliy west.-Londou Tit-Bits. How Chinese Meni Ignor-e Woômen. The Chinese scdai code ferbids mec sud womno to meot ns trieufis and en- tnueacb other. There. is, therefore, e gealsociety" in cli China, as 1-be siaiftermlingling et 1-be two sexes Is torbidden by (Jbinose etiquette. No Ch!. niaman cever csks et another Oinaman, oviif 1-boy are old friends, "How Is your wîtei" They -wiii discuss 1-be quai- ities et escb etber's sous, but 1-bey neyer mentiesn1-be temale mombers ef their famuilies. An illfustration oet 1-is social law is given lu Chester Hoicombe's book, "The Roai C'iiuau." le May, 1875, uews reached Peking 1-at an honored Chinese officiai, 1heu resident lun1-be Uuted.States, bcd mar- ried an American lady. Soon atter 1ho United S1-nies ministor ccd Mr. R-oi- combe, -bon 1-be interpreter, visitcd 1-be Chinese fereign office, sud 1-be miuister ruunouuced 1-bat he intended te cougratu- late 1-be Chinese offiiai upon the mur- niage. Mr. Holcombe advised hlm 1-at sncb a congratulation wonld be a grecs breach et Chinese etiquotte. Hewoever, when the parýty were seated around s table at 1-be turcigu effice sud tes had been serv- ed, 1-be ministor requested Mr. Holcembe te Say 1-e Prince I{ang, thon ai 1-be head et the goverument, that "1-be relations between China and th-e United States, ef se, triondiy a cbaracter for mauy gears, ought te ha mnch streugtboned by 1-be marriage eft 1-e dis1inguished Chinese of- ficiai witb a prefty Yankee girl." Mr. Holcombe repea1-ed 1-be remsrk ln Chiasse 1o1-he Drinr.e. There was a dcad silence. The six vecerablo ministors of sia looked doýwu et thoir t1-cps. Thon- Prince Kung rcised his bead. looked at Mr. Holcombe for anothor minute sud, drcwing a long breatb, snid: "ît is tearfully bot teday."-Yeuth's Cosupanion. A WoMau YotCan't snui. Do you knowWhbe is 1-be Most exas pecigwoman lun1tho world? The wo- mniyen can't snub. She is two liuds- 1-be meek sud lowly sort 1-at wbon yen cmite ber 1uruis1-be ether cheek antis yea're positively tee tired te deal ber cuother blow, and thbe eue wbose self im- portance is invuinerabie as Achilles' be]. I mot, eue of,1-be, issi kind eariy in 1-be winter. On genenai principles 1 would avoid 1-is womau, hecauise she's skinuy sud ber face chines. Sometbiug is al wrong about a skinny ivoman. Ose Nvcy or another she's dangeous. When a skiuuy womsu's face shines, it means sbe's abeve usi4g pewder and is sure te make a parade as a virtue ofth1-e very wrong 1-at ic t-e accoant for 1-be, ack ef tlosh ou ber boues. I couidut bolp thbe womcn calling on me, and I returned ber first caîl ratber 1-an rua 1-be risk et wbat she migbt do 1-o me if 1 violated 1-is fun- daaîenital principie ef rigbt social action asprescnibed by evory etiquette book in 1-be land. Wheu ebe caloed a second time, she addressed mie as "my good ýwo- man." I eau fergivo almosi anythiug but being cslied c good wemsn. Only a me- niai or mediocrity pasi 40 is properiy termed c good weman. I recolved 1-o cnub 1-is croature, and I wanted ber 1-o know I was snubbing ber. I weald nover retaru ber visit-never. And how do yen suppose she takes it? Every time she Scs nie she apelogizes te, me for net hav- iug relurned my, visit-biots my intcnded seglect et ber ontut fmid sud patrenizes me with 1-be assumption 1-bat it, is she wbo is neglecting me. Mark the wisdom I have utterefi! Nover 1rifle with a skînsy womaa if ber face sbines.-Pbiiadelpbia Times. Dof't'fr3ý ger mnt except ou rare oc- casions. It is net a beslthf ni way 1-o coek it. Broul it instea9d, Dou't tbrow cway boues sud ends et meut, for they miake goed coup stock, sud don't on any account put inito thbe coup Oot 1-be left overs oun1the tamily plates. Don't serve vegetables underdone, as 1-boy are bard te digest. Don't drinik milk in gulps. Set a good exaý,mple for the cblidren by sipping it. Don't take a large quantity of liqsid with aujy moal and 1-ol others bow it in- tortores witb 1-be proccss et digestien. Do't o-rercook monts, even thbe kinds w-icb ueed .1o ho douie *ali tbrougb te ho palatable and hecltht ni. The Baby'. Need. Do ilot negloct te give the little just comae baby a drink et cool water ecca- cionally. It mnust be pure water, of course, sudflot 1-at trom 1-be city by- drants. Notwitbstanding thbe tact 1-bat 1 bave beard troquent arguments 1-o tbe costrary, it is muy iirm belief 1-at giving milk te c tbirsty ba by is liko giving ricb coup te a nman wbo is dyiug for water, sys au autbority. There is water in muilk, 1-o ho sure, but even very young infants need a drink of cool water once in aw-hile. 11- is nourisbing and faitea- ing, besides being quieting and ceoling.- Philadelphia Press. ilohter Joys. A Dimplel Dt lu lier ArMs sud s Body Witb. ont,% aii leto',s sCase of %rotlier Cfîred <(J Toraîenting Piles by Dr Aguew's Ointmne,ît. '*Aftor i ai)v -,vas bhem I sufferod great t(frnief;t trom , piles Nothing gavi e aiiu iasting relief or benofitý until 1I bal d Dr. Agnew's Ointment. one application of it _-ives me almeet instant relief, sud a tes' applications cured me, Mrs. M. K. Colîg-er, 30 Pacifie Ave , Toroulto." Sold by' J Higgîuhotbali & Soni.- Langisor Net fentc One by oeet1-e old peetie idois arc ho- ing sbattered by 1-be atilitarian and pi se- ticailfin de sioclo womnan doctor. The lateet icotioclast is reispeusible fer 1-he asseveration 1-bat wvhat is se peetical in poetry sund1-be old 'novels about 1-be wbiteniess efth1-e skia menus comthing net se pootical. t is due, clie sys, te 1-be languor et the muscular 1issues tbroughout 1-be body, aud 1tbe slowuess aud languor 1-bat were seotten charuec- terized as chia,rming tfeninie attributes are assecinied with indigestion aud are therefore thoreugbly unremautie. ,It sbould ho remembered 1-bat lu mak- in, crean ofe spinacb coup ne water is sdded to 1-be spiuacb wheu it is put oun-o' ho cooked. It should ho wasbod 1-ber- ouglfly and net drainefi betore beiug put into 1-be kettle. The water 1-bat will ad- bore 1-o1-be lbaves is sufficient moîsture for its ceoking, and buruing is prevented by puttiug it into a double boiler. Lddneys Clogged. Mauy Vitirs ef Brigbt's Disease- Di.ibetes, Dropsy sei Dieti-ecsifg Mrinaiy Troubles H{ave 'Beeu Saved by t1to Timely Use et Soth Amie-au Kidiîey Cure The kidney are nature's filters in expellingý frorn the bodx aIl impurities., If 1-le kiducnys are ont et sorts thbe whole systeni boenies im-pairefi aud disease, foilows as sure as fate. Bigbc-t'sdisease diabetes-, dropsv sud distressing unri- ary troubles infest four-tlfths of the race. It ueodnot be su., for South, America Kidney Cure is a power in cdispolliing'altendeucv te 1-ho scatiug of diseaSe. It hbcd cnred cases 1-bat have lbeen long sud stubboru sud 1-bat have baiffied medical skIîl. Sold by J. Higgiubotbam & Son. If 1-be thingse we wisb 1-o bave delivered would only arrive- at 1-be time promised sud those wev are serry we erdered ho for- gotten b y 1-be sbopkeeper, lite wouid pos-. socs mny mor jertul moments.Phila- d1e1p1ha TiMes. For Sunday uigbt supper it is a gond plan te serve a platt er et delicate cold .ineat witbslad. Try servîag 1-bm sues of cold tou.gue or cbieken garuisbed witb parsiley eprigï; as au accompanimeut ef Mrs, E. D. E. N. Sontbwortb wrote a Zreater number ef uovels 1han 1-beworts of Dickens, Hawtherne, Thackeray and Victor Hugo combined. ON -A FRIEND'S RECOMMENDATION. Mrs Gamton Uses Dr Aguew's Cure for uhe -itasd Receives Instant Lasîing Relief -Immediate Relief is what the Safferer Wanits--affdGets wbea Dr Agnaw'e Cure fer the Hleurt is Useti. 'I was for a long time a great suifer- ing froni heart trouble. I bcd palpita- tion andl smotberiug accompanied bv groat weakness and painful svasms. 1 get ver *y ittle relief froua remiedies, and doctors failed te give me rosi beue- fit. A friend ef mine had used Dr. Aguow's Cure for 1ho Heurt, sud 11- bcd been a great relief te bier. I procured COMFORTI NG Distinguisbed everywhere' for deli-cacy of flavor sup- eri or quality and nu- tritive ý,reperties. SpeC- laIly grateful and comfor- tiî'g to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only In 41lb. tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd., Hom-_ oeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England. BREAKFAST SU PPE R -el INV ABLETS GRATEFU L J. M.BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs.ligu. bothain & Son's Drug Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. Have e se sof-, C-ts. Pennies are flot used by the banks of New Orleans in the 1)aynment ol checks. If a. check, for exanuple, ig drawn for $6-9.18, the hoider reo ceives $62.20. If the aniount la $62.17 ho nets 162.15. The split IE) miade between the second and third cent and'the systf ru, abich bsbe in vague for many y tars is very, rarely the 9ùbject of any coýmpLaint., It miakes an exac't balance ei copp>ers St the end of the day's tes ra- ther unlikely, but the do~rine oRu averages eperates to e'tbn i i i up to -within a few c~s ateln run about as mnany check-s brealck on one-baif of the ickefl as ons ti- I ,V.oud you feel perf'ertly Bafe to put ail your money in a, new bank ? One you have just heard of ? B ut how about an old bank ? One that lias dons business for overa quarter ifof a century?7 One that lias . always kept Its promises? tOne that neyer falled ; neyer , tmisled you in any way ?, You couid trust sush a bank, ifoouldn't you ? ifof COD-LIVER OIL 'WITH t YPOPHOSPHITES ,,lajust ~like suoh abank. Ithlas-in)ve ifdsappolnted you, nover ,tvll. I t las nover deceived you, ifnover will. Look out'tliat someone W doas flot try. to xuake youX elIvest your lisaith in a ne- ut tonie, some new medlicae âr you know nothing 0of. 500. and $z.0; all druggists. SSCOTT & BOWNE, Chemiss Toronto. parinè ,f, ftep Mauty farmners are kceping slbep this year for the, flrst +iiie in ma.-ny years. To ail snc i it ay be wise te suggeat, paring the boots ea1rjl in the spring, or before they a-re tura,- Wd out to pasturo. In the barn7yard, always treading on soit, fernielnting nianure, the sheep's boofs growr looý long and devolIOP foot rot if i't fa pasturod on loY,, wct land. On1 roc.ky, bighi and dry lard, thie slaeep. weaxs o41 ità boots 0on thJe cLbarp edes fthe rocks. ýit te robai1y iasgti.nct tttteachoýs iheshop kt nighZýt to se 1 ahigh suad tdryvplara# No !-,Dt e Iappiness. Tuhera le no limnirte oearthl-y haplri'nse after a rheumatic suiferer bas eg,,ce iswcl Dr. Hall's Rhieumiatic Cure. erl 1h Clarke, Pittsburgh, Ont., stilered 'it M1uscular Rheunn.tismn in his legs for ten mosths. lHe tried doctorosud niuaerou& patent Medicines withq1;4 r..- lief. One battle of Dr. Hall's RlsEýu- imatic Cure cured him completel - . 1 b- kaas not suffered with the disease biuc- Tlhis prepar-ation is used internally. Ori-- bottie cosatains ten days' treatzuent, FrCe S0 cents. For sale at ail drug stores.

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