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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1899, p. 6

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1 do not blee there Is a cure cf dlyspep- 4 -~ any tomiach trouble that cannot be re- lieved ut once and permanently' cured by My -YSPEPSIA MIJNYON. a At ail draggists, 25c. a viai. Guide to ýHeal.th and medi-. cý1a2adv'ce fiee.'505 Farmers'You Want ... PDRICF- $LOO F_ lqc H. ADVANTAGES. It will double what the old stvle ma - chine did. J t la better made in all parts'. It is a handsamer machine. The tube fram caa is expaseti and can be instant- ly cleaneti if it should clag. The can may be iustantl - verptied il you want ta change inaterial or clean it. The for- matian of the eau alaows ail tise materi- ai ta be spras ed out when aperated upward ia trocs or bushes. It will save crops tram bugs, worms and Fung'i anti fruit trees tram thse caterpillar and other pests. Evans' Electric Sprayer niv ho had froni Jas. Ilenry, Orana DvbiBell, Leskard ; A. S. Toolev, -Mlii. Caurtice Albert Nidderv, Enfield ' Joa Petit ick, lacksmith, Clarke; Sam'l Bon- athan, Newcastle John Ilaaey, i-ar Cadmits. PET1ER î M-URDOCH.'e BOWMANVILLE. Agent for Durham Countv. NEW TATL&BP SFO?. The undersigned who has been earrymng on he taiioring business in connection witb hjason'ýs Dry Goods Stan tfor a number of years bas ommeeetibusine8£. far hjmself at is roomp King St. west, wberebhe is prepared ta make gents and boys sais in ail the iatest styles, and at loweÉ riîes. For thtase who wish ta order 8uits, h i carry a fulil une of saimples in al benewestpattcrns. Give hlma eal J. T. ALLN, FaShionabie Taller. ROYAL MAIL STEAMsiliP, LîVYucoor. ANDi Lors- DDINIERRY,, MONIISEAL ANDu Qes.sc SERVICE. Froin 1From STEAMER MONTREAL. QUEBEC. Bavarian (new) Oct. 4,9 a. m. Oct. 5, 8 p. m. Californiam.n. 12,6 a. m. ' 12,4 p. ni. 0Talui.......'la, s.m. 9. 6 p. m. Bavarian (new) Nov. 2, 9 a. M, Nov. 2, 6 p. m. CGaliforulan.. .. 9,6 a. m. 9, 4 p . Parisian ..... 16,9 a. m. " 16, 7p. m. SS. Parjsian, new eZined and entircly refit- ted. salis froni LiverDool, July~ 20, .jtif rom Motreai, Augut Smd. Bavaniait, 1.00 tous. twin erew, sails from Liverpool Aug. 24 and tram 2.hntreal, September 7. Passe ngers wi ' ise transferred witb their bag- gage from. the raiiway station ta the wharf Irce c f charge. RAT-ES 0F PASSAGE. First efiin, $50 and npwards. Return $100.00 aad npwards. Second Cabin 1$35, Steerage $a2.50 and $23.50 For tickets and every Làformation ap. ply to M. A. JAMES, tIlan Lice Avent. Bowmanviiie. Qï ook's Cotton Loot Compou. Is successfiy nsed montisy byover 10000 Ladies. Safe, effetuai. Ladies ask 'Our druggist for Ceki Cton Root Cou- r nd. Take noeother, as ail Mixtures, pls and . ntions are dangerons. Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger,$3 per box. No. 1 or 2, malleti on receipt af prie and two -ent sapThe Cook Company ýWindsor, Ont. 8M-o.1and 2 soid anti recommended by ail responsible Drugglsta in Canada. REV. DR. TALMAGE EMPLOYS A. SOLD FIGURE PROM TH£ B4BLE CHRIST THE GREAT RESCUER The Heiptialmeni of Ieligtoutfor Thoge Who Struàge Azainst A dverse Cir. cu-msntanes- Puttlug Inaplicit TîI-Mt i. the Savioux. Washington, Oct. 22--lutisis dis- course Uir. Tairnage enploys a very boiti figure of the 'Bible ta bring oui the hcipfulness of religion for al tiiose lu any kinti of struggie. Tho taxtisleIsainb xxv, 11, "loe shall spread f oth bis bauds in the midst uf theni, as hoe that swininetis spreadeth forth bis bonds." In tlhe sunîntoýr sensan multitudes of people -,andeo mb ihe ponds and inkes anti ris rs and sens ta dive or loat or swiim. In a wanlçlth ie iniosi at whicb is w nier ail men anti w o- men shouiti learii ta sw in. Soule of Fou' have learnoti the sitie stroke in- trodîtecti iy George Pewters lu 1850, each strake of that kind carrying tise savinmer a distance of six fot, antisaeaiof ou ntay use the aven- baud stroke inventoti by Gardeuer, the expert ssli by it won tise 500 [yard chintpionsbip in Manchester lu 1862,thie swimmor by that stroke carrymng his arim in the air for a more ien-gtiseneti reacis, antissome of you lna y treati the waior as thougli ytou hati ieen ruatie te w aikthicson, but mosi of yenusuually take avhat is cailed thse breat strate, placung tise hantis sith tise backs npward, about fdca luches udnthe water, the insideofaithee wnnste iouchîng theo breasi, thon pusbing the arais for- w-anti cincideai wlth tise st.rolee 0f tise feet struris out tetise groatest s*xld(tb passible. and Fou Urneuto-,con-' sciouslyillustrato the rueanîng 0of n.iay text, "Hie sisall spne.ad forth bis isantis in the nxldst aftisent, as bie tisai swimmeth sprandetis forth his hauds ta swim'. Thse fishermar seeits oui unfre- quenteti nooks. You standtiail day on the bank af a river lu tise broil- in.g sun anti ding out youn uine anti catch uothlug, si .hile an expert au- gier breaks îisraug tise jungle anti goes by tise shatiaw oethte solitary rock anti, ln a place wisere no fisher- mon bas been for ten years, ihraws ont bis lina anti coules homle at night, bis face silling and bis bas- ket full. I do not know wbhy we ministers of tisa gospel neeti always befisbiug lin the sarne cineani anti prcacbing tram thse saine texts tisai tither people preacis tram. 1 cannai understandtihie policy of thse minis- ter w1ioInlu Blactiriars, London, Engianti, every week ton 80 yeurs preaciseti tram tisoEpîstles ta tisa Hebrewty. It is an exhilaration ta nme svien I caine acnoss a themie wbich I feel n n1ean le bas treateti; and my textisleane af that kinti. There ara paths in Qod's word that are well beaten by Christian foot. Wben mon svani to quote Scrlptuno, -tisey quota tise ci4 passages that every ane bas -iseard. Xhon they want a chapter reati, tisey reati a chapter chat ail thse oter people havis been reatiing, scr chat the church. to-day is ignorant af tisreeý- fourtsof tise Bible. Yon go into thse Louvreaut Parls. Yeu confine yourséll to oeucoraidon of tisai opulent gail.ery ai painuinge. As you coule eut yourfnionti says te yo-u, "Phd you ee tisai Rament- brentit?- "Na." "Bld yjou oee that Titian?- "No.'"BlDd yon see that R.uhens?' "No.'" titi you see tiat Raphaei?" 1"Na. . "«welI,' says your fienti, "tisontFou titi not seo tise Louvre"I'iow, my tnients, 1 think we are tee ninch apt te con- fiue aurseives ta ane at tise great corridors et Scipture trutis, anti sa ruuci sosa at there ia not oeeper- son ont af a million who bas, ever naticedth ie ahl suggestive andi pow- ertul picture lu tisaççwordea of my text. Tis text represents God a strong ssimmer, strIking out te pues dowu iniquty anti save thse saule af men. "lie shal epread forth is, bande.in tise. iiidg.t,. a Nos. 1 anti2 solti in Bowmanvilie hy IIJG7Tutrt- y' BOTSLAM & SON. STOTr & JURY; OronobyJ m I FILLAN-; Newcastle by Dit. FARNcomBE. H E H N S Will Cure ayoFrm Pl PueuMaTisu FOUR POINTS IN ITS FAVOR FIRST-QUICKEST 70 CURE SECON b-RAFEaI îO lAItE TI-IRD-MOST NIGHLY rN"IORSEO, FOURTH-CHEAPEST îc GUY Oine bottle couains ten ticyS' treatinent IN BIG BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. :'iHk DR. HALL MEDICINE GO. Canadian Agency, - Kinen, Ont. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS we 515this beautI ',"' ifavy oid- or Silver I'iste hotu racciet for selling eniy onee oen fiue Linen Doyiies, ai ion contaeacL ii.test and preitieet designs; no two alie 5I'Vite. and va viii sond tie Doyiea. "eapaidu seii thin. îtnn the mener ad we taonce drward ro r iawet, aut eheges pain litaitDoez ~ca,. Qoodhonui a evry ocaty, local ontravel- ig, to itroduce mnd advcrise or poils tacido up ahow.cardis on fences aiong public roadsa nd al conapIcuons plaÇces, ilexpereace aeedfni. Salary o,- 'co-i.ai'on $0 per monîh and expenses $2.50 per day. Write .ai once for fuit priculars THE EMPIRE MEDICINE CO.: London, Ont. PHARMAO IST Will Tell You That PAINE'S GELERI COIIPOUND Is a Wonderful Medicine,. Hundreds of Druggists Know of Cures Wrought by the Great Medicine. Amanget tise theussntso! profession- a-I anti business men whos peak plinly anti strousgly in favor o! Paina's Calery Compouusd tisera, are nana more eluscena oûr autepakan in thair praise tisa-n tise tiuggists o! Canada. Our druggists, avio are iborougisiy acquainte iatvii evary prepared remet! are tise spacial cha-nip ions o! Paiua's Calany Co npounti. Wby? Bacause nîo ouber medicinegivea sucb univarsal sat- hsfaction anti haallis-giviug rasuits ta ailiusg anti sick meus a-ut avmen, anti as a consaquenca the salas are largar tisa-n tisa-t of a-Il atisr cambineti remetias. Tisera are baud rats o! drue-guets in Canada avis ca-n voucis fan marveilous cures affecteti by Paina's Clary Cai-, paunt. N-,o sîrnnear or baller testimousy c-au ha astati for, as ihesa tiuggists bave suppliati tisa maicine anti aatcheti isý effec s. If s haumaiism, nauraîgla, kidusey troubla, liver compflaint, bIotd diseases or dx vspapsia ara ma-kîng lufe a- misery, go Va our ruggist wiiisoultala-v for a bailla o Praius's Celary Compouti. If yau hava toubîs about. ils efficacy or poaver, vaur a-hie anti honesltmuggist aili gîve yolg ties surance tisai Paine's Ceiery Onnipounti willi maise jeu veil, VigITTY PUP nu 1 âj.BJîLAL &M.L ¶.JLJA1A Over Eighty Par(Cnt cf Diseases ie Cansed l inte lieginng By Ilisorder of thse Kidneys Becauiia They Fait ta F liter the blood. Kîtaay trouble atteri maltes ana feel a-e lisougis ihey hiati eani trouble on ac- count o! tisequict an unsteatix'boant heats causeti Y h-tie lîart over wokiag ta pump thick kidne ' ypoisoneti iloaaà tisrougis Visaveina '1hehumaitic pains, leaplessuss, anti nerve upscf, genonai- ly hava unisealtisy kidnevs back o! îhem, wviicis fatiser a istntinct symp- tome neanly dii atteustet i -usBacit- ache,somaetimes Det an ache but more of a saranese or uncomfontable feeliug. Wben it lavas, otisen sympiama tiissp- pean avtshi. Tisis letise secret o! Dr. Pitciser's Backache Kid ncy Tabîcî s suc- cese. Citizeas aofca-cri'city, cx'cny tawn, caninibutaexidenca of! thefir wantis. Yenu ta et bave Vo go aliait ineti miles &aav for proot. Bhght hse re iiBcwrnnaille, Josephs Fletciser saýa- 1 have suffereti twovears tram b"ck- ache anti kidite t'dtiplailii, tise bawels warc constipaieti, andthtisa 'ten acantv anti dasnk. I tri et a godatina'Yexpen- eia'c preparauiai e with no s-î-ief. Mv wha gai a boulie o! i aur Bat cacite Ki net- Tahets firn i'tott & ihurt-, andhai tisou.is tise baithu îu, ouiail gane, I sun a as ne an Mv, backache is-i one, tise howies trec, anti the water 'c-ir. I aulx' tais e twoata a tdose, anti osn recom men t hem gladiy ta any alto in uruy co ndition." Vheisn, os H ha t i tvluetlt spreati- eus fans bhis bouts ta 5vT int." Tise tiguro is holti anti ntauy sîicti,. Most etf yen tnosvbats'ta sa'iun. Conte et y ou learnad t hini tise ciii scisool, ss'iero tiseart is tattght s-()ne of' yau ia bayisoocl, iuthe urivaer near your fatlier's bouse, sietefa!you since you camie to marbnoat or avo- tnansooti, aviile suinitneriug au tisa beach of tise sea. It is a goadt iing ta tnaowisasvta swint, notnly for y ounscif, but hocause you avili atier asbile 5erhitps havea te belp (itiars. 1 tio net tuuowanything nmore stir- rIng or sîîblhtîuehun ta sec, sema i,,,a innile barman Mceezia ieaping froîn tise ship Madras inoatiesa so ta mase Cisarles Turner,wavisa ba troîlpot fronthtie rey-al yard white trýi ug ta loascu tisa sali, bhning hit back ta tisa teck amidth ie huz- vaseof the pagser.gers anti crew. If a ta nn e fe -ttlusiasmtienougis ta ciseer in sncb circuiisutances, ha tesenves limseiftotadrop bta thacsea, and have utaoaoue Vo' elpluit-e. Tise Rl nIuuuu'ue Society of igianti tas îsablisiscd in 1774, is abject te appladtianti ressordti sse avis shoulti piuct up lite trot thse deep. Any ouneavisa as peniarmoti sncb n tieeti of iaring bas ail the particu- lare oa thtisibraveny récortietin ,a public record aon uhis' breasi s modal dta n l binud galti anti braoure, anchor anti uonograt 'anti inscription, telliîng ta tuture genera- tiens tiebra-very o!ftsth n ava- mm n visasa-yod soma ana froni dnos'sning. I ntan te to undersiant ta-c till farce oi ibisigure, yau net t reelizea tisi ur race jhaa-siln condition. You somintes bar peo- ple tbalting of what they casthe ts tact beautitul wartsie la ur h-an- g-nage. Oaa mou anys h l "hme, A.noiier mnugays it lentc word 'rmeîher,' anather gas it 1V le s word " Jesus," but 1 tel ycu tisa bitterest word lun allOur Ilauguago, tiseavant moot angry anti baistul, tishe rtisatura-ted itU ttha testý trouble, thsent tista-t acceunits for AU. tia o aaihsomenem andtihteapanzg s.ad -taé outrage anti the isaraaing, anti tisai avandla -"'sn." Yau sîcli it vots tismealatons, anti yei ihase tance lattons describe tisa cincunîter- once anti pierca tisa diameter- ai evanythîing bat ln tisa universe. Clu Je a sbulant avant. Yen cannai pro- naunce ft iavtiout gving tise siset tise fiante or thisbse af the serpent. Siu! Andti ien If yen addtt tincclai- tons bote tisa avrtiit tascrîhes every anc ai us by nature-sinnar. Wa bava onirogot tise iaa ai oda usai eccasuonaliy, or now 4nt than, but perpotualiy.. Tise Bible teclares fI. Mark] i taunders tave clape ,"Tisa henni le tieceýittulroeaail thinga anti tesperatoly .avlctei. " "Tiesaesul thtisi alnais, i ealdi."- Wbat he »ile- asya ur oavn conscience ai- firme. Af er Jetige Morgan bat sentenceti Lady Jane Grey te deatis is con- science iraubiet imiago mucis far the toc- thtia ha bocanta insane, anti al tarougis hie insaniiy ha tapi eaylig: "Tata han aavay trot tel Lady Janst Greyl Taoo er a-wayl' Lady Jane Grey!"itavas tisa valca of conscience. Anti no tan avar tees anytiig wrong, isoavver great an smail, but hie conscienîce brings tisai bis bands ta naint"' If y au bava ovar watacisa a sait- mner, yoa_ notice tisat iss viole bodiy is brougisi fate pay. Tise arts ara flexeti, tise baud. drive tisa aatarý bact, tise klimae ~aactiva, tisa ieati is tismeavu iaclç toectieapcstrangula-- tien, tisa whohe'bodiy la La propul- soan. Anti avisaitCriât sprang Inte tisa deep te are us k, h. tw bis en- tiét ee±uý . Lu+.aiat-a-ll - .g1a.. - HEALTH REPORT. City ai Taranto Showin g Marked De- creasa in Daathstram Bright'& Diseame. Not oniy Bright' s Bisasse but ail Kitiuey Dissas. as Decreaslg Dodf's Kidaay Pis the Cause of Dacieaise-F BoniandiCured. TaiO - 'RONO, Oct. 23 -Tsere lias beau a marketi taling off lu the number of deaths due ta Bright 'a Diseama in tise city o! Taranteo! recent years. Thiui dacrease la ascribet salely te Dotit's Kîinev PÉis, tise manvellous medicina wisich bas perfonmet se many 'wenten- fui curas ihneughouî tisa country. Former]iv, withiu raceut icare, Brighti Disease claimed a constant sacrifice oi unfortunata victime, anti wherever il truck, tiesti was sure ta foliow. Now, BrighIsaDiseasa itself la ceunparaiivaly rare, anti deatisa therefnom rîlmosi un- kuown lu ibis city. Doddti' Kidney Pilla have cama is ta univarsai bousahoiti use anti tilsarters lu tisa kiducys are nactifieti ca-ny, se Brighî's Diseasa is secidoin allowed ta tiavelopý Whena Kidnay Disease'bas beau naglecteti, lowever,owing ta ignorance, p rejudice or careleseness, anti. Brihit'â Dease bias ausueti, Doddtis Kitinev Pille ara lu tisa anticalied inta ýreciuisi- tiali ninaty uina tim oui of a huntired Doctors ihemeelves preecnîba Dotit'a Kiuney Pille ln tisair own boxes or, in bulk, eo Brighs Disesee witb tise ait et Dotiti'e Kitinay Pille je lilaitcomrpiate ly ai havy insToronto. Mr. Fret Borland, 677 Markhm St, wriîe:"I have been a enifarar froni Brighî'e Diseasa ant i iorablooti. I caulti net gai anything te halp me Until Il bat taken twe boxas of your Dotit's Kitnay Pille. 1 ama now cureti of ibis tiseasa which 1 ama tait bas al¶vays been cousierat inceunable. Publiis this latter. Ih may haipothars." l hi.onsleienehie - go6djdsàl* hie love, bis 'omnipotence, heati, henri, *3ye6, bauds, feet. We were fan eout on tise sea and se tdeep down ln the ivaves anti se fan eut tram tisesiore tisat nothing short etfaan nire Qed caulti save us. Christ leapeti ont for aur rascue, saylug, "La, 1 camne ta do thy wilJ- anti ail tise surg es af isuntan anti satanidc baie beat against lm, andti hose sihe watchet irhl trami the gates et heavon feared ihe svonld go tewnu nton tise wave anti lusteoti of saving ailiers would hbi- self ponisis, but, putting Mc breast ta tisa font anti shitng tse, surf tram isi locks, ho came on anti an nutil ise is na vw wlîbin tise racisof every one bore, eye omniscient, honni, infinita, amni omnipotent, mnigisty 'ta cave, even mita tisa uttormaosi. Oh, it wos net ha4t a Godti ta trampieti tiwu bellawing Geunesar- et; fi wns fot a quarter of a God tisai mastereti tise demans aof Ga- dama;fi was noVt tva-tisirtis of a Qed tisat liftot up Lazarus laVtisth aims 0f bis ovojoyeti sistens; ih asn not a fragment aofC-ad who offered pardon anti pence toalal the race. No. Thsis miigisty sw'ininier tbrosv lits grandeur, bis glory, bis migisi, bis wistionî,-bis omnoipotence anti bis etennity loto ibis anc net. Ih toot bots bantis of GCat taave us---otis tact. How do 1 prose it? On tise cross wene noet hotis iantisniieti? On the cnass avero not bath foot spikot ius ecoure nature tas oIt d lu aur nectemîptioo l Beholdti-Ti, he spectacle of a tionaviug seul anti Christ tic sat li- nier! I helieve it axas ilu ijfi tin ibere wero si-t Englisis Fo1tieo s îo tise 1ifîis Fu-,îleers ,wiho w enîig- ing te a capsizeti hoat-n bonitisai isati ean upsot by a snltlbroe miles frou i sore. it a,s v thea nigisi, but alto man swantibîy ton tise beach, guitieti by tise dont mountaine tisat lîttedti liir top ibrougistise nighit. Hoe came to tise beach. Ttc foutin ssûomantisai conseniedti tago witis hlm anti case tise biser mon, anti thcy pu;t eut. i was sanie tinte before tises coulti findth ie place wviere tise mcen avre, but aitar nw hile tioy isoordti mcm cry, "Hlelp, iselp!" andti tey bare down ta tisent, andti iey saoet heti anti brougisi theni ta sisore. Oh, chat ibis 'montent oun cry nîisiiha b lifted long, louti anti ebrill i ii Christ, tise swiiier, shahl cornea anti tata us lest we drap a ihousanti ta- tisome untio! If yen have been mucis iy the sva- ter, yau know very weii tisai avien one is in peril help mueit camne veny qulckly, or it wiii heofa no use. One minute nsny tecie caerything. lin- ietilate isolp tise man w anis or ne isolp ai aIl. Nons, tisai is ju«i the tinti 0f relief ,ae avant. Tise case is urgent, imntn t, lastantioneous. See tisai coul sînking! Son of Goti, iîsy boit of hlm. Be quicit, be quick! Oh, I ai lis you all untirsiactihow urgent tais gospel is! Thora -,vse a mau lu tise navv ai se& wisa hati beau severoiy sybippeti for bati ha- isavion, anti iso aas iatideneti hy i anti leapedtinmtiste son, rond no soan- o an isieholoapeti into tiese&oeathan, quicit as ligisintng, ain alisatross swoopeti upon bu. ,Tise droawnirig aman, brougisi ta his senses, seizddý hoiti oi tise aihairassanti ieid ,ou. Tise finitoning ai tise bIrd kepi hlm an the wave untili relief couiti cei-ne. Would naw tisai tisetiove of Qotis aenvictlag, conventln.g anti saving spiri might flash tramn the thnona vipobn yaur seul andti hat yan, tak- ing hait aifis patent wing, rtight lîve ant i hva tonevar. Neaw maties have beau Inventeti for reeou4ng a dnowning body, but thora has bean no new invention fer res- eulng a, drowniag moul, In 17Q35 Lionel Lukin,,a London coacisbuilti- ar, fi tti up a Narsvay -yawl as a lifehoat anti cailet i tishe Insuismorgi- ble, andti ta bas been improveti up- an untili tram ail tise coasssaitise round svanlt perfect luchbants ara, roatiy ta put oui for tise roeeaio marina disasters - Iu 16 yeans tisa Frencis Society For Saving Lit e Prom Sbipwreck, hy ibein lileboats anti gun apparatus, saveti2,'1.29 lives. Tisa C-antan Association For tise Rescue of Lite Front Siipwrock, tise, Royal National, Liteisoat. Institution anti aur Uinitedi States lite saving, service have doue a work beyondti is power of etatlsics ta cammemar- aie. Wisai racket liuas anti eing lita buoys andt aily boardis anti mer- tans anti hamimocks and car nmi tressas andi litae aselag stations fihicti wLiis muu&çhnery.. fer savlng tise beti- les of the drewaing! But-lIet ne bere anti now make i plein that tisera has heon nanýesv way inventeti for the moral anti etornal nescue of a strugglicig saul. Five isiuttreti ai- tempis ai sncb caninivance bave been matie, but ail ofthtunt tieuti talles. H-ear it! "Tisre is nana-- oisrn anme ntnebohas on given amaag 'mon Wisereby w e must ha save-ti" isn tise naine of Jesus. Tisa îaigbty, saimimer of nty taxi cames tiawî off tise beach ai beavon antid ibraugi tise brenkers, cames buffet- eti anti bruisoti, anti rodtclening the, waoes troi, bis Otan lacoratians, ha cries: "Lay bolti of rmy om! Put your iscdotan my sisuenie! Heur tise be'ating af my loviag heurt! Be ye sas cd, fan 1 an Goti, anti tie le ne jther!" I wanît t, persuatie you te loy halti of tisis etron" -%svinnîen. "No," you sany, 'i le alavays disastrous foranorw'ning intn th ayny isoltf a swin-,inr." 'lisre is roi a river or lake, but bas a calaniiîy resuitaut trarnitise tact tisai wbon a stnong swiî tiner w en ouite Csae asint- ing ittan tise tinoxning maiiuciseti hi r, tisnoa his artns aount i hl, pînionet i ls e-iandtihbey bath wcnh dovintu obenh. Itisn you are eaving n man inithe",avatar, you do net asant ta conte up by luis face. Xo auaant ta como up by bis hack., Yau do nat -nu imtho holti you w bila you te holti et him. But, biesseti be Goti, ceeus Christ iesas eirong o swinntcr ho contes nai ho aur bacit, but ta aur face, anti ho nsks us ta tbrôwav aoîutd i bimtue aris af oun lotve andti isn promises ta taka us ta tise beach, anti hoavili tio it. Do flot trust tisai llaîtitof gooti aorte. Da not trust that sisiv- ereti spar ot youm oavn ightoousness. Christ only con git e y ou safe trans- portation. Tura yoîtn face upi,.n lum, os tisetiying mtrtyr titi ii oiteîî tintes avien hae cnieti oui: -Nonc but Christ! Noue but Christ!" Jesus lins haten millions ha tise lanti,andtiha is Willing 'ta take you tuvre. Oh, wanbt hartiness ta thrust ilutbnck vwhen ho a bus i-n sa, mît uapal tise aay - train tise throeo0f Coti, viera ycu are noav, andt is rontiy to sas mi al tise way bock, agoin, hatîng yaur n- ticeinîctispirit! h hear iuinv siy ing: "Bell, 1. avouitilite ta I ,e o Christian. 1 arn gaing ta %svor-l ta iecamo a Christ- ion." My lin.ther, i an iegin asrau"-. W halita innuit u cire tanîng, anti a stnang sas vintnc'n corne-s out to help him, hoe ays ta hini: " Noaw ho quiet. Put y aur Onur on n v arni or an i1117' sisoultier, but dont strue-gle,- dont try ta eisalv~ourself, ant I Il te yon asharo. Tise more yau struggl' andtihtis more yau hry ta bolp your- soifthtie moro you lupodü me. Naw, be quiet, aid ll take yau asis an." Wiien Christ, tiese tnong swiîrimer, cornes oui ta sove a coul, teOie 5110r sa3 s: "Tisat's nigJisi. Iat gladti t sec Christ, anti 1 ar gaing ta belp iin i acathe 0r f ny roeînphion. I arn gaing ta pray marc, antidith wiiliselp hlmn, anti h am golng ta waep extravugantiy aven ny oius, apd tisai wili isglp. hlm."No, IV avili net. Stop yoUr duTnrg. UelTSt _WlX -prove ta hinU i tisai-bi tiuig aas51 de ail or noanc. Yan cannat lift an guiiîy. -'iLet 'o01t fycur1 li-ens ,"- i ounca, you cannati maya aniuch, lu saIt, "ant 11 1 cai, seciouati tis isatenet ofyaunretiempian. tise car'inî,,, c tepro ' Iti he Trissis imtifclywisicis kaepà; nait il i be."-i aattue tisonsandsofo!soul, eut of tise king- fore tisa dcg coail ho s1oppci,-holehau dot aof heaven. it lebcecausa they killeti four. qYue 05510cr f tac daj cannai consent te ict Jeeus, Christ isnoe niicrs nushl beglun and comnplote tise work ofpuietouve I is h oaltet o ntisspil<lf chair redempîlon. "Wisy" yausa, s d iouts.-B aln'r P, ic om "tsen fa chere uoting for rme taol. do?" Only one. ing have you to ________ do, andti tis i* ta lay hait aof Christ andt i bitacisiava tour sc.l- 'vaiôai anti achiave h ahi. do net ~t know whetherý h maketa hc mtter Isttnawriuttseîvrs plain or not. I1 simpiy Waui to terpîid an inactive oe eiU show you tisai a man cannai save troubles may falloir. or a pompft, hlnîsohf, buitisai ettise AitlgbîySon alBcieoi cune aof 1"da nid ail et "-d cmn do fi anti aili do lt if ieer troubles, taire yo& ask bim. Oh, dling your two -'-- arme, tise aria of your trust anti the ~ L arm ai yeur love, axaunti thie nuni- Wisile ,tiey, roi-e seLiVer, rsre patent Iwimmner oethtisacrase mful, regular seît ioftise ie -Ra-ve Fu e-ver stooti by andi seau îisy oy anat gnipe or pain, do netý sots ane untier process oi nasuscita- Irritate or irtflam-e t'c interni e rganls, tien a-lien long suhuiergeuce? Tise but bava a poýsitive tanic tci, . 25r, strang mai immar has put hlm on tise >ai ahi muggisrs on by ne 1'l f beach a"ter a struggio lu tisa waters, C. I. Ilati &Ce.,_ el, Mass. 7u excite breatbing in tis alamost ie-0- life2less body svbat manipulaion, *bat friction of the calt imnas,wisai '.i, t aiicial imaTernent of tisa iungs, Cahwiggepr- N1Y w ta -lais et wataibreat a! tise rescuor blowvu lng agai lu 't --j cmus t finti a bho lie àtise ments cdtisa rascuedl Anti witsentugisclos '(1ntit. Ih avod wisn. braathlng begins, anti aiter sî'is a wonnan niw nys axants iavisile tise siight respiration ha- rnny camnes tisedeep sigis, anti tise yes e-lt--okcep tis, amaily set open, andtihie bine lips tata on a tan in, I 'Eupp s ,'.t semile, waviairejoicing, aviai ciapping af ha-adsalal up anti town tisa beach, whai congratulation for tiesa srang maimmier anti for al aviso isalpet in ~ At- thse rsturation, waa shouting o!f-OIyt~V "He hives, ise live-s!" Lite ibhis is iet G- et .agish*a.Renedj. tisa giatness vaiheu a Lsoul tisaiisas ' l Salind racammetided byj -drugglsts la Canada. Onl ye beau subterget inlusinanti sonnaiT able mdlicine tisca-narJ B le "camling ta." WiaVtidesine on tise 9pages , uaranteea ta du r a pari ef ail ta ihelp, andi, avien underfrmaieulWaksalafctcf or exceseý, MontaiWar,î_ Excessive use 01f thse breats ai Gatianti under ts' î 0itheSmbiýs.Maiedonre01 mnsipulation by tise mwountietihante li Pru,'-1.- -"' 5. Oneite of Christ, tise lite eternal ai tis sul 6. t-cn.iam e -'ro any atidres bagins to sow lîscîf, all ibrougslcW.o e ' Windsor, OU thse ranks ai spacta-tars, tarrestial Wao0d's lnpolies' iwnnlh andi celestiai, gees tise ey "He Stan&Jrliguob'& a rn hivest-Rejoica, for tise daad is suli',av Gîlle ecîtab n anoae a-gain!" May tac living Christ ibis mmnt put eut for varreu, I' enceatt aehtclp "mprmading hie hante iu tise 1nldt icry fan Itl eut lt's ai o oýl yau, as a swittsr epreatetsh akintis, DR. LOIV'S QI tSYRI hande to *wim!' Price 25 cents. ASIl denieýrs.-- lot ft if it was oniy health, wo rnight let- h dcing. But it is a cougli. One cold no sooner passes off before another cornes. But iî's the saine old cough ail the tirne. 4 And it's the sarne old story, t oo. There, is flrst the cold, then the cough, then pneu- monta or consumption witD ,ý long sickness, and life tree - ling in the balance. loosens the g1rasp o orcu The congestio n of thethoa and lungs is rernoved,; ail in- V flammnation is subdu.ed; the parts are- p ut perfectly at rest and the cough drops away. It has no discascd tissues on which to hbang. Dr. Ayqer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster. draws out inflammiation of the lungs. Advk-Me Fous, Roem ebier we bal a Micta eaiDpsrt- maeut.If &n Tye aycolwint wiiat- everimud dee tào=>et mecailadvleo àucnpssilI obULin, write thie o .y r1jreivYé:a Prpt re.rwto ot Put omie pint oi ilour into a bowi; add ta it hait a teaspoonful 0f sait and a tenspoonful of bakmng powder; rub in earefuliy a tablespoonful of butter, a nd acld sufilcient iiilk to just mnois'ten. Knead 1ight1y, and roll outt juta a sheet about a six- tsienth of eimnchdiin thickucas. Cut witb a lr.ge round c ,wttr, Put thrce strawberiea e UiC entre of gach round; ýfc d ev-c- the doug.h, roiiing it carefullb Sa that yau carittsuth opcning'; stand in a greasediiaig pan, bru-sh the top nîth ;11tAd bake in X quick aven for15<mte Sors e with straw berry butter, v, hichi nay be inadc -b~ etting 7w o Itable- spoonfuls of butter ta a creamn and adding.,griduaiîy ane cap af pawder-- ed sugar. Add anernashed berry, boat thoroughly, thon another 'and anather- until you have added et least four go.od-sized bÏernies. Dish, and stand asiidp ta harder as you wvould any hard sauce.-Ladtes' Hanme Jui Trusted His Dog T.*Fair. It Is flot almavs safe ta Put too mnuch trust in 'a dog. An Ellsworth man had a highly prizod dog. oaid when a noighýbor presented a bill for tw a hens wvhic ho ciahnod had 1w-en killed by the brute, the dog awner wýas grieved and positixely refusetil ta believo the charge or- ,ay for thuc hens. A few days liter ithe Ellg- waorth moan was driviug by- the fairta where the bous bad becn kiiled.- 'il1 dag w\sasvwith hii inthoe carrnge ONLY NATURALCIJRE, For ail Disorders of the Digestive Functions is Dr. Voii Stan 's Pineapple Tablets.' Most medical mon know that thse pineapple coniains a quantity of vege- table pepsin. This product la invain able, because it exerts a wonderful power in the dligestion af ail kinds of of food. Science bas now cýnsolidated this grand essence Ïnto tabiots, andi thus, within reach of. eser yone, lsaa veritable panacea for ail stomac"I lus. Dr. VonStan's Pineappie Tabiets are the most important, advance for the prevention and cure of sickuess ln tise iast thousaud years. A gondi digesticm is the basis of, heaiti, andtiah muay have it by the faithful use of these marvel- lous tablets. Box of 60) Tablets 3.5 cts. Sali byJ. Iligginbotham & Son,

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