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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1899, p. 8

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Prosperity. Canada has been blessed with a bountiful harvest. The resuit is shown in the constantly increasing volume of business transactions. If you have made money we can help you save it. Our large stock of drugs and medi- ciés, sundries, etc., bought for cash nvi1l be sold at the most reasonable prices consistent with quality. The Fal season brings with it an increased demand for .e3'1 The wonderful remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc. We have just received another shipment of English Toilet Soap, from skin. BowMANVILLE. 5c to 15c per cake, Excellent for- the J»8 HICCINBOTHAM & SON, Druggists. 13, And are Now Gel- *1fi ng Nicely Settled ~ In Our New Store Across the Street. We ask all our customers, and those who have neyer deait with us, to caîl and see our New Premises, our Fur- niture as to assortment and styles and to getour Prices. You will be convinced we lead and. that this is the store to buy your Furniture at. Make it your business to cal.l and see us. L. O 18,RI-j Furniture Dealer. BoWMANYILLE Every attention given our Undertaking Business anld our prices are reasonable. Is the "Happy Thought Range. For 17 years it has competed against the world. To- day i is admitted by ail to be the best Range in the market. Over 101,000 homes'are enjoving the comforts of the llappy Thought Range. Dustan & t-bar.e Phone 74, BoWMANVILLE. BOWMANVILLE. OCT. 25, 1899. "You say," remarkcd the pedestri- 'that yen have %ainly wishod for "Xayatins," answered Meander- ing Mike. -What la your favorite occupa- è'lt ail dpeýnds on where I happea 4o be. IOroonit's iekîn' h- *iaas nd a roi~dait's shovlia' the Comiplexion.S i. and M'htCfS . ~inds, lV....seves and beaý_i.tiic te skîn ofet n- fants and Children. er Absolutely pur-e, deleâteymedi.ated, ,nrariSingly efaetie .crIcus.,. S'O.P ig net nlY the usOeteat O of skie puri.Sem and beautfier, but the purotaed swee- ,est of tolet. bath, and baby 809p,. 1. Subi everywhere, Brithsh depot-. Nuwi Z, . Loudor. HAMPTON. Receat visitors: Mr., Mrs. and Miss E. Stephenson, Oshawa, at Mn. E. Trenouth's; Mns. J. H Crydenman and son Fred.. Bowmanville,. at Mr. H. Eliiott's- Messrs W. and F.Ciatworthy, South bariington , at Mn. Jos, Clat- worthy's; Miss Eva Clatworthy with friends at Courtice. ... Messrs. C. J. Kerslake and F. T. Allia have retumned from Carman, Man., well pleased witb their trip and aise the appeanance of the country ... . Another of those inter- esting events whicb causes a ipple et excitement took place in our village on Wednesday, Oct. iSth, wben Mn. F. Crydemman, Soina's well knowýn black- smith, was united la marriage with Miss Anale Lord 'enly daughter of Mn, J. Lord. Rex'. E. E. Hlowand oliciated The bride receix'ed a aumber of useful presents .... The, folowing are the the newly elected oficens cf E. L. C. E: Hon. Pres -Rex'. I. Thomas. Presid- cnt-C. Johns. ist; Vice Pnes.-F. T. Allia. 2nd Vice Pres.-Mns. H. Thomas. 3rd Vice Pres -C. 1\. Ru-se; 4th Vice Pres.-Miss G. Creepen. sthi Vice Pres Miss A. L. Ashton. Secy.-Miss I. J. Allia. Treas.-E. Creeper. Cor.Secy- Miss I. E. Ellis. . .. The E., L. C. E. Thanksgîving soct'al was not se largely attûnded ..-,bon someo former occasions. Proceedsi$14,25 ..,.11ev. R. N. Adams. T:, et1l 1 -,nltron Hai-pton t aoCm')Ig [a in the after- nooo ' Z .t. The quarterlý. co1I~ l , . ... t each ap- peiltinjit Mm Thmastazes 'Mnr. Adaýs' work utTVnonýe. "Rob Peter:;'to- pay Peter." That is what they do wbo take stimulants 'for weèak nenveF. Hood's Sansapanila gives trueuneve ,strengtb. NEW HAVEN. Recenît visitors: Mr3. Jas. Burk and daughter, Oshawa, at Mr. Jos. Van- Canp's; Mrs. H1. and Mr. Levi Bartlett, Cosarea, at Mr. W.1H. Woods'; Miss Edna VanCamp at Orono; Mr. Geo. Shurtléff at Toronto; Mr. Rich. Goode honte fromt the N. W. T.... .Mr. E. T. Siemon, . A., Oshawa, favored the C. E. Friday evening with an address on "Sound". It was very interestiag and instractive. Mr C. W. Siemon, Osh- awa, ciosed the mreeting,%witb "Blest be the tie that binds" and '"Mizpahi.. Miss S. Jewell visited her home at Wel- conte. TEE NIMBLE SIXPENE-Is better than the slow shilling Catarrhozone cures catarrh, bronchitis, asthma and hay fever at once. No danger or risk. Catarrhozone acts surely and quickly. It cures by action of miedicated air, which is carried directly te the seat of the disease, kîlliu)g the germ lufe that causes these diseases, and at the sanie tine heals Up ail the afected parts. Yen breatae-it dees the rest . For sale at ail dnuggists or direct bv'inail, price $ t.00. Send 10c. la stamps -te N. C. PoLsoN & Ce., maaufacturing cheni- ists, Kingston, Ont.. for sample bottie and inhaler. NEWCASTLE~. Visitors: Misses Ida Eiibeck and Celia Strowger, Toronto, Miss Winnie Eil- beck, Port Hope Model, 'at Mrý.Geo. Eiibeck's; Mr. A.W Pickard visîting at Norwood; Miss Williames, Welland, at the Parsonage; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Argali ana Gertrude, Oshawa; Mr. Bickerton Edmison, Toronto, at home; Misses Bertie and Ethel Rickard ut Kirby; 1ev. T. J. and MUrq. Edmison ut Welland; Mr. Harold Martin, Welcome, at Mn. Jas. Rickand's. . .. Miss Mabel Rickard, Port Hope Model Scbool, at home.... Messrs. T. C. Bragg, Mark Aluin, and Arthur Rowland have joined the Metbodist choir.... Miss May Rincli organist of the Mlethodist chunch, enter- tainred the nembers of the choir Satan. day evening and a very enjoyable tins was spent .... Methodist anniversary Nov. 19th and 21st. "IF THE CAP FIvs _WEAR I, "-If you are suffeing front the consequences of impure blood,-have bouls, pimples or scrofuia sores; if voun, blood does not digest or you suifer fron catarrh or rheumtatisn. yon are the one who shouud take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It will fit vour case exactly, make your blood pitre and cure sait rheumi, scrof- ula, rheumatisniî, dyspepsia, datarrh, and give x ou perfect beaith. ENFIELD. Mr. John Onmiston, jr., bas recovered fron the feve . ... Miss Bentie Gilbert is visiting Mrs. (Dr.) Archer, Port Penny, who is venv low .... Miss Edith Wotten spent Sundax' at Pontypool . . .. Those who attended the Laurier demonstra- tien at Bowmanvilie were weli reýpaidl by t he eulogistic and statesmanlîke or- ations delivered by the Premier and hiý mainistes ... . Mrs. G.,. Humpag,,,e andà cbiidren have depanted for the cnh. -The division bas recuited andthe fol- lowiag officers were instaJ1(ed biy D. G. W. P. Benj Powell. WNP, Bray;ý W. A.-Miss J. Ashton; Rý S.-L. Tor- diif; A. R. 5.-Miss- F.ýReynolds; F. S. -Fred. Reynolds; Tneas-Miss .E. Wet- ton; Chap-A. Dyen; Con-C. Powell; A. C.-Miss Eva Huribut, O. .- Wotton; L S.-Mrs. Pascoe; Organist- Miss B. Gilbert; P. W. P.-J. F. Huni- but. ACRD We, the undersigned, do hereby agres te refund the moaey on a twenty five cent hettie of Dr. Wils' EnL-lish Pîlis, if after using three-fourtbs of contents of bottie, they do not nelieve constipa- tien andbeadacbe. We aise guaraaitee four botties will permanrently cure the most obstinate case5 of constipation. Sat- isfaction or ne pay wheu Wills' Pilîs are used. Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmanville. J. Bigginbotham'& Son, chemlspt, Bow- manville. 2-4w The Shah ,,f 1ersia. A very anmusing story is told about -the Shah of Persia. 11. appears that duning the winter montbs the littis coleny of 60 or 70 English people ai Teberan ergamize concerts f or one an- otbcr's amtusemient; there is a dance now and then at the logation, and on Chrstmas niglit overy Englishmnan in* the place is a guest of Sir Morti- mer and Lady flurand. When the weather is cold of course thoeela skating. Skatingis the groatesti mar- vel of aIl te the Persians. A few resuit ibat the tenant farmier is m pleyed in gathering bis, master's bar- vosts while bis ewn crops are rottirg after a rainfail or are being coni- sumied by an oarly frost or suao,-r damage from eue or more oft the may possible c uses -wbvich rotnd;ar de1structive the sligbte.st delsy on tLit part of the barvoster îin gatbninig the fruits ef a ei'slabOr.-.--& Ivan TenjeroffiiilaArona. 'A Faf,' Outséde Ls a Poor' Substitute For Inward Wr1. iGood fie4tli, tn'war-dy, o the kfdneys,,liver ancfbowets, tsure to corne if HlooJ's Sa,'. Saparitta is prornptly use J., This secures a f air outside, and a consequent vigor in the frame, wlth the glow of health on the cheek, good appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood. Losof' Anpt - III was I poor health,troublea wîth dlzzlness, tired feeling and loss of appetite. I was completely run down. 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilla and after awhiIe I ftît much bettex. Hood's Sarsapa- iha built me ap." LizziE A. RussiLL, Old Chelsea, near Ottawa, Que. Blloune$s-" I have been> troubîeà wlth headache and bllousness and was machrmn down. Tried Hood's 5axusariïlla and It gave me relief and bu.1t n» up." A. MORaxsqoN, 89 Defoe Stre*, Totouti>, Ont. Hood's Pins aure liver i11e; the nou4rrflsUtWg »d oVni> ethartie to taire wittb GE'*ai-lia AUCTION SALE. TIIURSDAY, Ocet. 26,-Mr. Chas. Rose, lot 14, con 4i, Darlington' will seil by auction ail of his f armi stock, impli- mnents, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A. W. TOLEI, auctioneer. ]RIDAY, Oct. 27.-Mr. James Dempster will hold his annual stock sale at Mr. Mr. S. S. Brooks', Courtîce, consist- in^ of 50 cows and stockers and 80 shep Sale at 1 o'clock. .JA3ES Bisilop, auctioneer. SATURDAY. Oct. 28-Mr. Richiard Jen. nings, lot 11, con. 2, Manver's Road, will seil his farm stock, impiements, etc. Sale at 2 30 o'clock. See buis. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. TYRONE. 11ev. H. Thomas, Hampton, will preach here Sundav .. .. Quarteriy meet ing at Bethesda NZov. 5th and 6 t, ..., Tyrone Leaguers Are hîghly pleased with the spirit of the convention.... Mr. Robt. Martin, Bethesda, is recovering from bhis serious illnes.... Rev. A. Mc- Kim Young's sermon un the greatest thing in world-Love-was verv thoughtfully delivered on Sabbath even- ing . ... Miss Lily Saunders, town, spent Tlîanksgiving at home .. .. Interest la Phrenoiogy is evidently below par in Tyrone judging froru the audience ten- dered the "Professor" Monday evening. BABiES TORTURD-By flaming, itch- ing eczema, find comfort and perman- ent cure in Dr. Chase's Ontment, a preparation which has a record of cures anparalieled in the history of medîcine. Eczema, Falt rheam, tetter, scald head, old people's rash, and ail itching skin diseases, are absolntely cured by Dr. Cha&e's aîment, PRIIISBYTERY MEETING. The Presbvterv of Whitbyv met for the transaction 0f business i St. Paul's church, Bowmanville, Oct. l7th. There was a ve5ry good representation of min- isters and eiders and some important business was transacted. The report of the augmentation comraittee was re ceived showing only one augmented char oee Ashburn-within the bounds of the Presbytery. A cali from Port Perry to 11ev. Wm. Cooper formerly of Listowel waspresented and provisional arrangements were made for Mr. Coop- er's induction, shonld lie accept, early in November. 11ev. H. Crozier to preach, Rev. J. Abraham, to address the minister, and Rev. R. M. Phaien, Bý A., the people. Information having reached the Presbytery of the painful accident which befeili 1ev. G. B. Mc- Leod, B. A., Newcastle, a resolution of sympathy with himi was passed. Some time was spent ia the discussion of the Century fund movement and the con- gregations of the Presb3 teiy were div- ided into groups of two or three with a superintendent over each group. A committee was appoint cd to arrange for~an exchange among ail the minis- ters of the Presbytery one Sunday in the near future for purpose of present- ing the dlaims of misions in the vani- ous congregations. It was left in the h.ý nds of Rev. J. H. Turnbuli, M. A., to arr~ange witli the executive of Christian Endeavor Societies within the Presby- tery. for a convention in Bowmauviile at some convenient time before the close-of the year. iRev. 'A. McAulev, B. A., was granted permission to mod- erate. in a cali from Dnîibarton. IGrain'and Seed Cleaner. The Toronto G('rain anid See-d Cleaner mance of any guarantee or representa tion which the company or its ag'ents max' make in the-conduct of its business, and it also insures the stability and financial responsibility of the Company. It is the desire of the Compa ny that its nis shall be satisfactory in al respects ard'the Company, will, upon notice, make right anything which ap- pears te be faulty either la the manu- facture or in the worliin- of the null. THn AO N-Oou BOWMANVI LLE. Oiver 1,l00 10 0 a New double breasted Suits are now in stock because of the'success we had with the D. B. Suits last -year we have bought more freely. This season we, are showing Styles And Vallos That Are Not, Prodllrable Melwhore,, See our stock bef ore you purchase, if we cannot show you the best we wiIl not ask you to buy. FANCY VESTS.. We have a nice assortment of Fawn, Drab and' Black with fancy colored spots., We also have plain colors in Corduro.y Vests f rom $1. They are a stro.ng sensible warmn garment for winter wear. See them. ORDERED CLOTHEING. We are showing a choice, assortment of D ew materials. Our new dlay twill Worsteds are exellent value and tLho new Scotch Tweeds are decidedly choice orders arie coin- ing in freely, leave yours in time. BO0OTS AND RUBBERS. These goods are advancing iu fact have advanced since we received our stock we will seil at- theold1 prico as long as the present stock lasts.' NEW ULSTERS AND OVERGOATS. 'This is one of our leading lines. We have big choice and wondlerful values. The bine beaver is stili the lead- ing seller in 6 different qualities aDy size. Fancy Curîs are very fashionable. We show a few samples. Whip- ' cords are stylish and suitable for f ail wear. ULTsters fromn $4 up, any size.i We can no doubt suit you with a top coat, LADIES' COATS. i We have just received a second shipment of Ladies' Coats, German manufacture. As they were late in ar- rivinZ we have marked them low to ensure a quick sale, in selectingfrom this stock you get the very latest styles, at lowest prices. BLANKETS,. We have just opened out the largest assortmnent and best values in blankets. Now is the right time to get a bargain in blankets. WOOL HOSJERY AND GLOVES. We buy these direct fromn the manufacturers and have reason to believe we give better than usual values.. See our Children's ail wool hose.lrom 10c up. Price,ý going up-Shaker Flannels, Ticking, Denins and ail kinds of cotton goods have advanced i 'n price and are likely to still further advance,. We have a big stocK on handan ail bought at lo rices it wili pay you to buliy now. , T.FEe GA00 o. CF'ýSH GRQCfýRS. We have just opened Up a e fine line of White Dishes, Cups and Saucers, Plates of É ail sizes,and a lot of Pitchers, Bowls, &C. S Cash for Butter -and Eggs. J-eal ,Brros-,* Telephone 57, BOWMANViLLE. Furs= Purs M. MVAYER would caîl the attention of his numerous. customers and friends, that he has a large and well select- ed stock of Furs of ail descriptions to select from. Men's Fur Coats, Robes, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Capesî. Caperines, Rulis, Caps, Muifs, Gauntlets,, Storm Collarsi A fuliliUne of Gents' Furnishings alwayTs on ha1nd. Now is the time to have your f urs altered and re- paired. M,. Mayeu.r. PracticalFurrier,> Bowmanville,'

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