An Eigh t Page, Forty-Eight Columu Newspaper, BOWMANVILLE. Nov. 1, 1899. is publlshed EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, DURA OLD BOYS. AT THLE OFF'ICE GRAND RBE-UNION IX WINNIPEG, 26 STATESMAN BLOCK, KING STREET, The presence in the clty for some six. BOWM NVILE, NT. BY weeks of Mr. Thos. Yellowlees of Tor- BOWM NVILE, NT. BY onto, a prominent 11old boy" of Dur- ailP~1 ,4vnham countv, Ontario, led to a pesn I.A. dA1!LL3,LULor & rriVLU1. gathering Friday night, Oct. 2ti Subscriptionl1.50 per annum, or $1.00 if pad Friendship hall, Mclntvre block, of ex.- strietiy in advance. residents of that county, now residing _____in Winnipeg and other parts of Manit- ADETIIGRATES oba. Although a good hall of the as- ADVERISINGsembly consisted of ladies, everý one Transient Adverising. Ten Cents per Line, firat insertion; Five Cents per Line each siib- wore a badge labelled l'Durham Old sequent insertion. Bcys". Ail the ladies were attached to CONTRACT RATES. Durham old boys. The moins present- TIMES INSERTEI). ed a very tasteful appearance, and the BIZEOADVETISEVNTi Mth 3MthS Omths 1 Yr. night uritil 12.30 o'clock, was spent ln a ~soseo~Wvery cheerful and enjoyable way, rhe oa-rter coiurnii.: 8 00 16 26 40 the secretary, spared no pains, and the iighth Coiumur........ 5 00O0 6 26 Twenty-fii e Line ...4 50 9 12 18 resuit was a gratifying success. The Twenty LY es......... 4 00 6 8 13 Pifteen Munes...... 50 5 7 50 12 catering was doue by Mrs. Ilample and Ten Lines .........250 46501 6501 il that is -a guaateo h xelnyo Five Lines........... 125 3i50 6 10 un uapp ran fteexelnyo The above are contraet rates, and apply oniy ThexDraisanfind wh to regolar business advertisers.Th xDraieanfind wo Changes of contract advertisements must lie were present were as follows: Capt. handed in not later that one o'clock on SaturdayadMr.JH.endyFeAfod -this rule will be striclly r.J1-.K neyFedAxo, Paragrapli advertisenents amonig news items Glenboro, William Peol, R. F. Manning 10e a lin e each ieM.F Chst,'isId Mirtlis, 25e ; Mariages and fleailis, 50e. adw ,M .CrsiMs d Displayed advertisements are nseasured by a Stephens, Miss M. E. Motley, W. A. seaie of solidi nonpareil and se charged. Windatt, Miss E. L. E. Motley, S. B. Orders for discontinulng advertisements must be in writing, otherwise the publisher will not Siernon, Mr. and- Mrs. J. B. Russell, lie responsible. Thomas Vinson, Mrs. R. J. Johustone, No paper will oe stopped until ail arrearages M outn r~ .S ~vtL are paid, excoet ai the option of the publisher. À £ ay Jhsoe rJ .C-vtL post office nottee to discontinue is net aufficient« D. Osborne, Mrs. J. J. Philp, W. E. Double regular rates are charged durin Nvre:Ž, April and May and October, Noveniber James, G. H. Shaults and wif e, J. Mof- aýàâ Tbèember for display advertising not Cou- fat, Hl. R. Saunéeerson, G. M. Carveth, tracted for by the year, Business notices in local or news culumus first D. W. Ross, Maud Cross, W. W. Han- nzertion 10 cents per june Nonpareii 5 cents per cock, Mrs. Rattie Kershaw, Thompson, line each subsequen insertion. Notices of met- ings of any kind at wieh an admission fee s R. D. Foley and wile. R. H. Nuuin and charged or a collection is taken mustbepaidfor. wif e, H. Lusk, L. Millar, J. Gilbert, Ail communications sbould be addressed, Miss Earl, Mr. ar.d Mrs. R1. W. I{utch- M. A. JAMIES, ison, Miss Bruce, Thos Yellowlees, Bowmanville, Ont. Mrs. R. Johuston., Fred. Osborne, Miss Georgie Johnston, A. Ormiston,- J. J. 1MjARRIAGE LJCEiSES,-Mý. A. Philp, Gertrude E. M. Renry, W. Law- .LLJAMES, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ronce Henry, Mrs. W. L. Henry, J. S. Residence: Centre sireet. Carveth, Miss Rodgers. Thos. W. Som A. B. MeLAUGHLIN, merville, Dr. and Mrs. Hutchiuson, W. Brrse Soictor and Couveyancer. Office:- J. Osborne, Miss Wadge, Miss M. J ]B=,a e' Block, King stree, Bowmanville. Ranton, Ricli. Honey, Mrs. J. Ranton, Money to loan ai reasonable rates. 48-lyr, Miss Hattie E. Keys, O. E. Wood, S. E. Bragg, Miss M. Lindsay, Henry (~(~(~ TOLENDTruli, W. B. Thompson, R. Ruddock modrae rteofantreiWaddell, Thos. J. Douglas, E. G. Ma- A. MeÀuuLa,~lictorBomanileOt.Harry. 16 -6m. ________________________ After supper Mr. R1. W. Rutchinson, DR. J.. M1IITCHELL, the chairman, rose and called upon the M EMBER OF COLTEGE OF PHYSICIANS company to sing "God Save the Queen" and Surgeons, OniarioCoroner, c, After the anthein ho oxpressed pleasure Residence, Enniskiiien. 74 at soing s0 many ex-residents of West Durham, and then proceeded to rend TAIE lfl ltters of regret fron Hon. Thomas R.PEAT ETAIL R Groenaway, Jarmes L. Hughes, John Gentlemen's Clothos made teOrder. Hoskin-, Toronto; J.. Higginboth"am,. ___________________________Virdon; Eli Williamson, Indian Head; Mr. and Mrs. Hardisty, city; Alex. Me- D.1 BURKE SIMfPSON, Leod, Brandon; Rev.. Thos. Argue, -1-J ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc, MORRIS' C ypress River; Rev. J.. A. McClung, X)L BLOCK, up-siairs, KhirgStreet, Bownian ville. Soicitor for the Ontario Bank. West Selkirk; Rev. J. Dyke, Birtie; Frivate monevs loaned at îowesî rates. Mrs. Tupper, Selkirk, and otlhers, _______________________ A song, "Down in the Rouie Land of RIOBERT YOUNG, V. 'S. Durham", written hy Mr. Jamnes L. g--%FFlCE IN WEST DURIIAM NEWS Hughes of Toronto was then suitg by SBlock, where bimself or his assistant wlll Mr. Thos- Yellowlees, to the tune of lie found from 8Sa. mi. to 9 p. m. Night calls at Marching Throuo'h Georoia" the coin- residence, directly opposite Dri Shed.- Calis by telegrapli or telephone wili receive prompt ai- pany joiuing with spirit in the chorus. tenion. 71 -yr. The guest of the evening, Mr. Yellowlees of Toronto was called -upon ' "wto lead off lu the speech-makîng. 'Io ]D EN T I S TvýlRm told of the formation of an organization in Toronto of ex. residents of East and C. HAR DEN, .D.S. West fDurham dwhich now nurnbered Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sur annual excursions. He gave somte in- geons, Ontario teresting illustrations of the import- OFFICE.-Opposite Express Office. ance of keeping alive early associations VITALIZED AIR and acknowledged the start whîch Dur- _____________________ham had given him in religions and temporance principlos. lu coring to ONROBAKWinnipege hadbeen dlgtdt continuesto do a General Banking Business ai important places, as they did in Toronto Bowmauville Agency. and elsenihere. Ho mentioned the DEPOSITS naines of Messrs. Massey and Steele, in received iu Savings Banak Depariment and mercantile life; Dr. Hoskin lu law,. and inierest allowed ai current rates. Notice of others in literature and in mediîine; withdrawal not uecessary. Ail deposits payableMes.SaHuhsadFxmi un demand. ess a.Hge n omn Johuuy-What foi-, I was wanting to- remody -ivY'4ih has met ce-ses of kidney Mrs. X.-I want you to come right home 1 disease wbofe vietims w;cre ai doath's for I1 ant au10 go t-c door ad ant ,a~ IJ fIom back 10 perfect L Ui -LELUS î' s,,,h e-o: -e 7- .- -mp ~uowed for buns and cakes for tea. kidneys :a loe-a liquld specifi -n Johnny- l'il come ne Orne o te ruaý for rionrt'Vb~ t ~jy piled on 1Jlike goin'r there, tor lis £ Idted by those bunsandcake ar jusýfle, ho have O1 ,cn cured-mnuit ho a rom- bins udcaks rejus fneedy of wonderful menit. Soutîh Amer- A f ull stock ofConfectiouory is ai ways ican Kidney Cure heals Bright 's disease, kept on haud. diabolos, dropsy, gravel, stone in the Alex. Luttrel1 blatider, inflammation. It eau be your life preserver.' Sold by J. Higginbot- Clarke's Old Stand, Bowmanville bain & Son. Thie Salvation Arniy. TilE LIFE OF TIIESE SELF-SACttI- FICINC, WORKERýS OFTEN UNXE OF.1IARDSIIIP. W hile on L)uby Capt. Bon. Bryaù W'as Stricken With n Supposed Incur- able Diseaso and Porced to Beolin- quish the Woîk-lleflias Now Iteeov-, ered His Ilealth. Froua the-News, Alexandrin, OuI. The lifeofo!a Salvation Army worker la very fer froua beiug a inecure. Tbeir duties are not onlyartimons, but they are cellen upon by the regulations o! the Ans' 10 corituet but-of-door meetings etail sensous andti lcl kintis of weetber. This beiasg the case, it, is 11111e wonder Iliat tbe becltb o! thepe sel! sacrificin g wos k-ens fnequeutly gives wey. Copt. Boxýi. Brycu, wbose home lsact Maxville, Ont-. la well known tbrough bis former conuectiQu with the Army, baving been stationet at sncb important ponts as Montreal, Toronto, Kingston, Guelph ant Brockviuîle, in Çn audat at Schienectadiy, Troy andi other points iii the Unted Stctes, While on duby lho was cttacked by a so- cahotd incurable diseaso, but baving been restored to bealtb throsugh the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla, a represon- tative of the Alexcudarla News thought it wort h wbile to> procure froua bis own lips a statoînont of bis ilîness and ne- cover.y. Ho found Mn Bryan at work, a heeltby, robuat man, bis appearance giviîag no indica tiens of bis 'recont suflening.s.' The story o! bis ilinessa nd subse- quont cure by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla renads liko a miracle-, and la given lu bis own words as folows- " W bile stationed et Deseronto, in Julv, 1897, 1 was attaeket with wbat the tioctors callet "'Chronie Spinal Moulu geis." The synaptoma wore somowhcb similar 10 those preceding a pieuratie attack, but ,were accompanied by spasuas which, when the pain become 100 sovere, rendered me unconscions. The longth of those unconscious spelîs increaseti as the disease edvanced. Af ton speuding four montha in the King-ston General Hospital, anti on the Salvation farin, Toronto, I regaineti somne o! my former Ftrength ant1i returu- oti 10 my work. The secondc attack oceurret when I wcs tationiet at Scbeneetady, N.Y., lu Ocýtoboer, 1898, antiwas-moro sevene t1ian the final. The syluptoms o! Ibýe scotattack were very siailar to thýosewbi pro- ceded the, final, the only apparent differ- ý once bigta bywere more severo cndtIhe after effocta were of longer duration Owing to thse proccrions state of my benltb, I wcs compelledti 1 rosiga'n y position aften the second at- tack cnd roturnu 10my homo atI Maxvil- le. While there a friend etivisoti me 10 try Dr. William s' Pinki Pills, and I hegen using thena in Marcb, 1899. 1 have useti onlv c dozen boxes anti am once more enjoying perfect beeltb. I feel that 1 cm perfectl 'v well cnd cen cheorfully say that I attributo my present sîete of heelîh 10 the effeets produced bhi Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis.- Mrs. Brn-van bas also useti the piîis anti benefiteti vers' mucb tboreby. THE METFrIC SYS5TEM. What Sir Henri J015 aie Lothiniere Fays e! It. The motine systean laat prosont uscd hy ail cîvilazeti nations, w ith the exception of Great Bitain, the Uniit-- cd States and Russie. Indications point 10 ts oarly adoption iu the Uijuted States eut Great Britaiu, pantiy because o! its suiponionlty cnt pantly out o! necosity for the pro- servation of their foneign trate, which la bandicappet in comnpetition wltli foroign manufacturons, who te-- rive consiterable advantage by tho use o! welghts anti measurca with whlcli Ibeir customers are familier anti under whlch tliey rua no speclal rlsk o! mnistake. WVe msut gratually propane for the adoption o! the motie sysicua in Can- ada. If ave compare the two we shahl sooma anti out how much the metnic system of weights anti mec- sures is î,reforable 10 our present confused cnt irrational sysîcua, jiasi as ave found soaae -years ago how mucli casier il wvas 10 calculate la dollars cnt cents Iban iu pounds, shillings anti pence. The whole me- trie systin is baset oenac single unit, the metre, a mnensure o! leagili on@ ten-mllionth puni o! the distancu be- twcen the equator anti the pole. True a sight error lias heesa discovered in that mcasuremcaat, which prevents it froua belng thcoretically perfect. However mucli Ibis mny he regret-- ted il doos not interfere wltb the special ativantages o! the systeni over cil others Nebicli consisis in is being built anti outîrely b"ee upon that onue single unit of longili, the metre, se that flot oaly lengili, breadili nnd depîli, but weiglit andi capacity for boîli liquida and solids are ail tetuctet froua the motre anti fractions thoreol, -w 1-h the atiditional lmprovemient that ail calculations are on the decimal principlo, boiu'l for fractions anti multiples. Tihe T.wes f Pelis. Pekin lias c to-ver la whicl Isl liung a largo bell cainlathle filtoon il century, anti another towver contain- lng a linge drum, whlch la aitonadoti 10 ho bècien in casi a gresrti-i shoulti thrceten tuhecity. ,Ço elle- la allowed to enter Ibese 10w oý,rs. Net a Quiet Talk-er. ORONO. Mns. R. Rooper bas been ilL. Mrs. J. A. Jerome, visited frientsin l the city. Mrs. Tueken is improving from her illuess. Mr. Herbert Odeli, Toronto, was homo Sunday woek. Miss Smith, Box. Grove, is viiting, Mr, Ezna Hall. Mn. Thos. Smith bas movet mbt the residence, Odeil Block. Mr. John Kivoîl will occupy Mn. F. W. Williamsou's residence. Mn. Race, Kciotenay, was lu town lest week banudliug mining stocks. Mn. Wm. Smith, ex-M. P. of South Ontario, was lu town recently.- Mn. John B. Mont, Toronto, speut Thanksgiviug et Mn. N. F. Rall'F, Mrs. Elies Plains bas returnet home froua tho Ge-neral Hospital, Toronto. Messrs. Gray eut Dunbcr,Perry towu, wene recent guests of Mn. J. G. Roney. Mn.and Mrs.H.H.Odell spent Thanks- giving- day wltb their sons aI Cobourg. Mn. W m. MePherson, ox-reeve o! Cen- nington, visited friends bore on Thanka- giving. Mr. Harry Davey bas completeti bis course aI the Central Business College, Toronto. Mr. A, R. Gamsby intents spending the winter lu California for the benefit of bis bealth - Miss Stevenson, Oshawa, and, Miss Cheer, Port Hope, wore guosts of Miss Lillien Gamsby. 'Mn. Andrew Knox., Claionette and Cornet player, is a valuable addition 10 the Metbodist Cburch choir. Mn. lBent Mutton, Dundonald, recent- ly visitet lis bruther-in-lcw, Mn. J. G. Honoy. Ho took homie witbhu'm Mn. Robent Stewart's bandsome driver. Mn. Joseph Darby bas retunnet from. the North- West. Ho is very mueb taken up with the country, Mn. R. T. Rowe, is doiug exceptionally weli ho says. Mn. T. J. Sharpe bas movet to the O. R. Gamsby farin, wesb 0f the v7illage, reeently purchaseti by hlm. Bofore leavang Newbonvile ho was pros eniod witb an address by the Presbytenian Sabbatb Sehool, in which ho was an active worker., Mn. J. R. Reid, ex. Councillor had bis barns burued Oct. 19tb, including near- ly ali of his 1899 erop not yet tbreshet. Mn. Reid is a beavy looser as al bis winter feeti was burned, and only a sinal insurance of $850 on ail un the Maple Leaf Farmers' Mutual Fine Company. Miss Maggie Walsh, siston of Mr. D. F. Walsh, Qrono, bas been appointeti Principal of the McDougall Orphanage Sehool, Alberta, and will beave bore in December. Miss Walsh is one of the higbly respected and successful lady toehors of the many Durhain county bas given to the noble profeossion. A CARD. W-e, the undersiguet, do herehy agree- to refund the money ou a twenty-fie cent bottle of Dr. Wills' Enolish Pilla, if after using threfountha of contents o! bottie, tbey do not reliove constipa- tion andhocdache. We also guanantee four botties wili permauontly cure the uaost obstinate case o! constipation. Sat- isfaction or no pay wben Wiils' Pilla are uset. Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmanville, J. Iliggiaabothem & Son, cbomast, Bow- manville. 2 4w THE PLATFQRM WOMIAN. She Mas Ever Been- a Blet Upoî' Amern- c, ncan >, U "The platform wornan nover, bas been a crodt te1; but ever a blet up- on, Amierican avomanhooti. I make ibis empliati statemeut frein a por- sonal knjowletigeofo!t-la homes wbich these wonibn lbave behinti when tbey go 10 their meetings," avites Rd- wart Bok lu The Ladies' Honie Journal. - I have seen the roocus of thoir homies lefti- a ild disorder; 1 bave seon thelr serv ants ittlug in ileneas wl-h werk on every hand 10 do; I bave seen the children neglect- et and left 10 their owa devices; .I have beard buabants speak in doris-- i o! the motives o! their wix-os. No woman luncalhappy Aueaena boots au ever aford 10 listen to these parasites o!flion sex. Fontun- ctely, the platform woman's influ- once is steadily on the wane. Sbs was nover a power. She was neyer even picturosque. MIer worst iuj ury wea wrougbî upon certain weakî wo- men who for the lime sho deludet. But ovon wltli Ilicu she avas soon ne- gardet wlth avonder rather than with intereat; witli suspicion rallier than with confidence. Less anti lesa lias she been ablo to get listeners, \Me lad 10 keep hini from s-hool, and ti i-imes bis bead w oulti bleeti, andth îe child w ouit screcaiwl-h agony. For tien anti a haif years we loti-lodti it i aaion, butai- lest founti a cure iu Dr. Ciiase's 'tiituicat. About five boxes werc nanti. Theoroiginal sorea diet up. 1--aing i-ho clou lunis normal contiltion. To aay la je a pleasure to testify to the wonderfni meniti of Dr. Chase's Oli-tment ha putting i very miltly.' Dr. Chases Qinîmi-eni, at ail dealers, or Edmanson, Batesý & Co., Toronto. INY1 WESTERN ADVERTISEII, London,- Brightesî weekly lu the west. Reliable Market Reports. Ail the homo news. Latest ger-eral cable news. Brighat, short and continued stories. A dlean family newspaper-twelve and sixtoon pages. 75 cents per year. Daily Ativertiser, great clubbing off er. Daily Advertiser andi STATESMA., One year each, for 51 50* Either eall at TUE STATESMAN office or addness order te Advertiser Printing Co. ,London ,O.Yt. ONE HONEST MAN. Mou who are weak, nervous anti debilitateti fromn any cause will fiud it te their cd vantage to write, to Mr. D. Grabam, No. 43712 Richmond St., Lon don, Ont. Mr. Graham bas nothing te soul, but bas something to sny whieh is worth knowîng. CATARRHIOZO-NE, GUARANTBEG CUJRE FoR. CATARH-Catarrbozono, ozonated air cule, is guarnteod by the makers te cure the nuost chronie case of Catarrh of the Rose or throat. It cures bv in- halation. No dan ger, no risk, Catari5hozone when inhaled is volatile onougla to reach the minutest colis of the lungs anti bronchial tubes, where it attacha the diseaso at its foundabion. It cu-res beccuse it cannot fail te reacb the right spot. Price $1,00 at ahl drug- gests or direct hi'mial on receapt of price. Sond 10 cIa., iu stamps to N. C, Poison & Co , maiuufg chemists, Kings- ton, Ont ,for samples and testimonials. BULBS FUR 50 CENTS. The following eboico bulbs' will ho sent postpaîdte1 anv address un Canada on receipt of 50 ets: 1 Black Canna froin theo Roly Lanti; 1 Ornithogaînum, star of Bethlehemn; I Mammoth Cuban Lily, very fine; fo choice mixet Crocus; 3 Roman Ryacinths, red white and bine; 9 Tulipa, Duc Van Thoil, fine mixeti; 1 ChinieseSacned Lily, for grow- îng un wator: 1 Bermuda Enster Lily, pure white, fragrant. Bulb culture sent free with every order. THE STEELE BRIGCIS SERD Co., Limiteti Tor- ente, Ont. A DYSPEPSA OUREt EVER RELIABLE AND WELCOMED BY THE MOS r DELICATE STOM- ACH IS DR. VON STAN'S PINE.. APPLE TAI3LETS. Lot the worst dyspoptie ont a pino- apple a day for six. nonths, andi, so gathx- would bis bealth improve, ho would look and feel like a new porson. The reason is plain. The pineapple bol ns a generous supply of vegotable pepsin, which, nlexi- te the juices of the stomach, is the greatost digestive known. Very few people eau obiain the daily pineapple but overyone can gel Dr. Von Stan's Pineapplo Tabiets whicb are mainly coanposed of Ibis preclous fruit juice. Tbey are eaton as candy, are as harniless as ripe fruit,and always give satisfaction. They cure ail digestive troubles. Box of 60 Tablels, 35 cents. Solti by J. Higgiîa- bothamn & Son. Il was a tram 'car and ho was a fearfully and wonderfully got-up masher. Over lais 'pince-nez" ho eyed the other passengers baughtily, andi they in turn looked at him withi the amiuseti, indulgent smile w vitb which the public usually regard the goulus. Presently a soltier o! the Seaforth IHighlanders erdered and took a seat beside the measher. A stalwart, aoidiely-looking fellow, ho soon became the cynosure o! ail eyes. The mesher looked at hua for a mo-- mont, then siding up to him lie said condescendingly: -1 say-cr-3Mr. Soldier, I've got ---oer a brother who ts a soldier, don't you know?" "~la that a fac'?" said the soltiior, taklng a comprehorisive look at bis quosiioion. " weel, that's kinna queer tase. Ye see, Ilys got a brither who's a confoundod idiot, so w're aboat oven. I'm thinkin'. For a mnoment the dude looketi as if ho had' swalloved somiething that dlsagrced wlth hlmi, tbon ho aank back lu his seat aand thought il over for the remainder of the jouney- London Spare MUoienta. The Great Remecyi. 2ý Sold and recommended by al f drnggists iu Canada. Only roll. Sabile medicine discovered. Six :-ackasge fgssracteec te cure aIl formas Of Sexcal Weakness, al offeots of Abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of Te- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Malled on receiPt cf prie, oas package $], six, $5. Osse uiileOSe, J.M.BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. Higgin. botham & Son's Drug Store, (DOWn stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. Dona't Rooli R'e BnbYý Strange as it may seem, the tume ho ored custom of rockiug babies to sleep Ç*' a bcd oue. Il is injurions tb the ehiidren theniselves and lsan cause, oventunlly, of much unnecessary trouble to their guar- tians. Moihers shouiti therefore seeclia Il thut froni the very firat the litile ones are brought up lu the way they should go and thut the monthly nurse doos not get theni into bad habits by rocking ilium to s leep eitber ln ber armas or iu thoir cots. There is no doubt that rocklug is the Most expedîious wtay of inducing a baby 10 go 10 alcep, but if one once startg a baby w-i not slccp without it and tia lator cge is iikely 10 suifer f roua ln- somnia. Rocking may save iaumediate trouble to a iczy nurse or miother by ln- ducing sleep when a chut does not ru- nuire il or wben il ougbtto10 hotaken np froua its col andi have dean cblothes put en, but Il w-lll novercus'thant-sweet, geutle and perfect sleepwhh shoulti ho chcraceoistlc of a baby who has nio ar- tificial aida 10 hatuce slumber.-Uome Notes, Ar eYo U ky Easily Tired I ust rememaber that all your otrength must corne from your Îfood. Did you ever think of thal P Perliaps you.r muscles need Imore strongbh, -Or your nerves; or perliaps your stomaeh je weak and caaxaot digest what Iyou eat. If you need more etrength then talce I Ê WSCOL T'S ' Iof Cod-Liver ORl with Huypo.. phosphites. The oil je the most easily changed of ail foods into strength; and the hypophos- pit-es are the best tonies for tL.e nervus. SCOTT'S -JUL- I BSION is the easîest and quiekest cure for wuak Iliro abs, for couglis of every kind, and for al cases of du.. bilhty, weak nerves, and loss cf flesb. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chernists, 50.Tdoao i rou IVe cil kunon how some W-omen afler a. year or two of marnieti life ge el eo about their fe,'a- a lady noielist.j 1lheysocua to tbink ibal tbceir fortune is mcde andi il isn't necossury 10 arrange the bair becouîiingly und put on prettyl gowns just for their huabands. This is ail wrong, andi it la an cri-or tbat-arises fron-i laziness. Meu like 10 sOC their wives lool, pretty juat as much as they dit when tbey w-ero but, sweýethcarts. Take a wonman's atiace, anti if you ecan have but one atitractiye gowu leut that be the one to wear indoors. Eaaideavor bo have daiutily arrauiged bair anid a noat andtiample costume for baeakfas-t. Have well ditting boots or slippoas, as the case may be, cnt, in, fact, study to make your- self just as wiusome 'after the fish la laaded ns when you were nol so sure of A Terrible Affliction, Thore is no suifering the bumnan flesh is heîr t10 Ihat la more severe than rheu-. inatisam. But the pain eu ho for ever reinoved by lnking Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. Mrs. James Runt, Port Hope, Ont., suffereti aith Muscular Rheu-' matism lun tho bauds for throo years. Four botties of Dr. Rall's Rheumatic Cure curet ber conipleiely. She ba% been free from pain since, Thlis pro- paration is uscd întcrnally. One bottle contains ton days' troatmont, prico Sa cents. For sale at ail drug stores. GRATEFUL COMFORTI N Distinguished everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- eri or qfuality alnd nu- tritive jproperbies. Spec- ially grateful and comfor- tig to the nervousand dyspeptiC. Sold only In I1b. tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.) Ltd.,' Hom- oeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England. BREAKFAST EU FP sketch antidescript o if day net prmptly receeOur openieon !rEe conceýrj the patentahility of saine. "11cw to 01 t u Patent" sent upon reques. Ptnt e blirougli us ativetiset for sl]a,<in xpt Patents talacu octthýrough sas recoîve p nsetice, wiihou hag, uTH ATrNT RiCei an illusltrateti antdi wiely cir-clateti jouru coasultet h Mnuatu'rer ansd lInvostors, sentifor sample copy FREE. AddrcSsï, VICTOR i. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Buildin&-~- ýWASîHiIQTef4JO.