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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1899, p. 3

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r- ____________________________ Rev. J. W. Rae is president of ther ~ ~~WUfl~UIbrandi at Toronto Junction of the Ont- ___________________________ario Lord's Day Alliance. BOWMNVILE, OV.1, 199. Mr. J. J. Mason and dRughter, spent BOWMAVILL. NOV 1, 899. hanksgiving Da', guests of Mr. and5 1________F____________ Mrs. F. Outram, P~ort Hope. L The twenty second annual convention Loa and Otuierwise. o the Ontario W. C T1. U i ll h4 lu Guelph Oct. 30th te Nov 3rd.Fo II P n n e Port ope wnts acoverd skaing Irs. Peacock, Newtonville, bas reEh IUIII 4,_rin.Hoewnsa oee tin rned home after b~îi~ler tuiit rink. NMrs. Samuel Jamiesoii, \ilbrook. Miler' Copoud Ion uis ~ A FRIGHTEUL BLUNDER,-Will Often decn eaahad eiraalth rnls n!.dss St.cause a horrible Burn, 1l, Cto ~hzns s eweiussDistress after .Nov. 8t a enapitdTak-BuL.BcinsAnc av :bs an lu nthe Si le, &o.WMile their inost giving day for the United States. ithwobvil'icth pain and% ~emrkaies c hasbcesheninuxtlg Steerag rate te Europe $2050 by premptlv heal it. Cures Old Sores,Fever Beaver Lin e-M. A. James, Agent. Sores. Olcers, BIoils. Felons, Corna, al Markham Citizens' Band lias re- Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure ou earth. q teaaache, yet Carters Little Liver P l aeorganized with Mr, J. A. Saunders asSoly 2cts. a box ure rugarate. Ieîee tayPa-fie oe eut di e aifco eqal uablein Constipation, cdring and pre. edr.Sl battta4Ju, rugss =enthtisannoyingcopait,hiethy O If you have catarrh, rheumatsm, or liss Gertie Lyle, came down fromn 3 Ornithogalum, "Star of Bethlehem," 3 Tulips. Newest Sorts, Ail Different, eorreci alidisord rs ftLeeteaclistimnlat5 the -rs-e, Be manille on and was batfl liver and regulate the bow&s! . Even if they 0aly dvspepsia, take nous Sarsaparlla and ~batfl 8 Narcissus, Fragrant, Fine for Winter. cured bc cured as thousands of others have the guest of hier friend, Miss Grace 3GaeHaits xust leBo-8SetJnulGle lsos beSoBien-ot oeGud.s. 1 Magniticent Cuban Lily. Mrs. H1. Campbell, Milton, spent the THIAT THROBBING HFADACE,-WOUld IrsFnMidBtSpisna d Thes. ," ,- quickly leave vout, if you used Dr.King's 3 rts.n ieBs pns ae ,Lehethey oudb -'-nospricelegs tathôge who Thanksgiving helidays with Mr,.hs e iePlà huad fsfeesSrs 'nferretblisdistresegcemplaint; butfortu- NeBLf Pla.Touadao sferr DRAGON CALLA. 3 Triteleia, " Spring Star Flower, " The entireasotetwihctna isately theirgoodeess eqqruotondlrure,andthosaBAssettfree. hav proved thrr matchieament forGrand directiOns, Sent postpaldl for ONLY 25c. Who once try tLeni w il fid these littie pinls valu- r refo i ueadîrttn Sick and Nerveus Hleadaclies. They A genus of very picturesque and orn- 3 Beantiful Ixias, Exceedingly ad eblein snniany waîsthaptt'ey will net bo wi-ý matter. Concentrated medecine only. make pure blood and strong nerves and amentai-plants, comprising some of the some.Had IlAg tudo witbout t1er. Bu after ailsie1z head Carter's Little Liver Pis. Very §~a 11; build np yeur health. Easy te take. Try most fantastie productionîs in the floral8CrcsMxBetN edSrs FRETitoceurul eNwOn ver esyto ak; e ain n gupng;thmOny 2c.Moeyback if not kîno'dom, The flowers et this -vari4oty 3 AlIIum, llandsome Gotodens we wili end vonrw30h ever ne purgiug. Trv thein. e. Sold byStott and Jury,Druggists. are bown about eue foot long, the stem Fwes Yel odror3Bibfor 25c, (oestal i.ote or silver) curod.s.One famtous Cîiban Lily(prfeecfoe)free of charge. Miss Emma Clark, Pickering, spent The annual meetings of the West is beautifully marbled, and the beaves b thebaxneof seoniany liveg tha, liera iq %hêre Thanksgiving with lier sister in Dan - Durham Farmers' Institute wiil be held are handsome in appearance, nesem- r Wamkeoudo net. e~.~'rilsuethl lington. as follows: Bowm4gnville. Dec. fth, aften- bling' a small palm. Easy te grow and Carters Lithtl irer Piiii rra very qimal and Prompt relief in sick headache, diz- neon; Courtice, evening; Orono, Nov, sure te bloom. Try it, Veryeasytota' . .er .ls aed1.znasnue.cntpain ani ~atron Nwcsleeig Tbey are striiy veg oîai b ad do ru t gripa e ies asa osiain an117h feno ecsleei 1 purge, but by their gentle action ploase ail wha the ide, guaranteed te those usîng Blackstock, Dec, llth. Speakers,- Large Bulbsecd 25c., 5 for $1.00 tusethera. Invialsat25ceits3; fivafor$l. SOI4 Carter's Littie Liver Pis. One a do'Se. Major James Sieppard, Quenston, Mr. by druggists overywhere, or sent by mnaü. Small price. Small pîille. J. G. Davidson, Collingwood. CARTER frÎEDCNE CO., Nlew Yorr. Among the assiguments reported on SPAIN'S GREATEýs- NEED.-Mr. R. P IIERE IS THE 4GREATEST BÂLIGALN. NEWCASTLE. 17- ~s Friay-"W. S. Russell, Cigan Manu- Olivia, of Barcelena, Spain, spends lis Tetreravtlfcoý lào facture r, Berlin."'wnesa ie, .C eknreMr. James Richard is împroving lu - ______________________ If yeu are tired takiug the large old- had caused sevene pains in the back ofTutFrPeSAEssIA, adthie aFreke-es health. Iofrt the bdy or us a e the od fasbiened griping pilas, try Carter's bis head. Onusuing ÈElectrie Bittera, AM- ri rePea îdteFe rs Mrs. E. C. IIillams, Cobourg, was luinabcue ftetil StOp ~ ~ ~ ~ frt man cau't stand cvervtiing. edy, ail pain soon lef t hlm. 1e says this eî uai ~ att 1oghno'it-et One pili a dose. Try theun. grand medicine is what ha ceuntryi erncopto. ac u h o f e d i e fP e e t S A E SAhu s n b r h a e n e s iCm r c a k o s t a t c k n ew . O v e n 4 0 , 0 0 0 o f th e 1 8 9 9 e d itio n c a n i nr r elco m p l e ti o n .a rt sbsrpinfor 1purifies the have f the kiiid ever published icwîht, visited Mn. Wm. Pickard. ruow, hattered, nervous , D r. Wo od s this journal sent te any f iend to the bloed,tones up the stomach,stnengtbens STATESMAN and Ttîe Twico a- Week De- Mrs. Geo. Barfett has returned home s~tems an a upplylng those N orway Fine ~ century for only $1.00, Order to day. the nerves, puts vira, -iger and ncw trou Free Pres ee year and tic Free from a visit with fiends lu Orillia. T muanoszr emi thran liet If yeu want te bc bearty during the6jof te body.Iv ery iedreailn oanPress Yean Bok and EncvebopSldia Mrs. Thorn, Toronto, bas been visit- t h, i, watery biood rich and Syrup î than tlete 0 alnge for 1900 for only $ 1.75. An e itrMs Dr)MNnltn e, that se Many wonderfnl h no oen i.Fal wachr sec tat your boweîs edi.Erybtl guaranteôd, euly FE_____ Il do' cn r.*,Vodsig irsstrMs (r)MNagtn ures have been accredlted te move neguary every das. If thcy 50 cents. Sold by Stott and Jury, Drug- Tic Central Telephone office bias tiî edy don't, take Laxa Live Pilla, the natural .-A WOMAN'S NERVE. ee cmvd e n RbntBafttslae cseo Ms. perap i Bon NR-ay laatve tht oyr made prgs a stNine.tentbs of ber Bodily Ailînie;ls 1eau obore J. AM.Roet afetslrnold, theoaeofltN. B., chts nu ie sickens ViksMagazine frOctoben ad a Traced te Nerve flîserders and bdDigest- soe .AnlWosok .. moiaorCo-Dr BitofBomaPilueasl handsoe appearance. It appears by ion. South AmericanNervune Aids Digestion Messrs. Sam Runter and Gco. Sim- Who says: molao Cn-D. eih o owanile ,ws nan dtra statemnent that Vick's Mag- and Strengîbýris the Ncrves. ýmens have retunned homo front the * I was troubled for soins sypp onTuesday viii-hssnM. D .A. i now entirely diconnected from Miss Annie Patterson, of Sackville, North West, îewt evu rsrto sumtin. t' Bith li as been a membcr of the tic seed business, and la issucd as an~ N. B., writea: 'Indigestion and weak Mrs. Wm. Perrin and son, Chiarles, end geilerai weaknesse feeling 5th.-LnsyP.t ulaîgCmay ohseN years. I tried doctors and preprietay lien daugliten. helngrmel 4 ftnpeople catch a worsc cold in the having ne connectien wliatever with medicines tili I comple.tely lest hecant. Mr. Wm. Rickand la improvu as entire systein became run ahtcrs h ummen than ln the winten. Don't auy commercial establishment. Bigfnucdhiafnin etySut ail scolneepce , i down. As soon as 1 began neglect it. Checkifi at once by nsiug A Nnr'îîuFRM-ir r American Nervinle, after taking eue recent accident. tkn ibr' en n -'Dr.' Weed's Norway Pine S.ýrup, the few men more wide awakc and enter-bti a ral eivt.Tre Tcvse Oie oa"lae Nerve pis. 1 realized thât coughsanclcolds- beat reînedy for ahl kinda of bung and pnsn inSetadJr î pr- boxes effected a complete cure. I cau 10 000 bush. banley ou Wedn esday week they lîad a calming, aeethung tiroat affections. îopistscuetcrccommend ut as a valuabie remedv for Mn. F. B. Lovekîn, for shîpmont te inlee pntcn's when others fail. lCheeTpe, i rgi ekyineibint e foretheirbeat ef cverthing and believe iftotebc the best nenx-e and Kingaton. eydoesmdt epth "Coleg Tpic,"thebrghtweklyinther inefo thirmany customers. stomacli tenic lu the world." Sold by The remaina cf- Mrs. Beadliam, who cure. Thcyrcsteredmnyslcep, Price 25C. & soc. Ail dealers. of the students, appears thia year lu an Thev now have the agency for Dr. J 1lli--oinbotham & Sou. i itrcfM.JmsElbcwr treng hencd My nerves and eularged forfit. It is as chirpy and well King's New Discovery, whldh aurely __a_____ofMrJme____ck wr edited as ever and reflecta credit upen cures Censumption. Cougia and Colda. reuglit here frein Cambray for huril, ave tonç to Mycutire systcm. L X -Cure constipation, biliousness, el Messrs G. W. Robsanad F. D. McEutec, Thia is tic wonderful rcmcdy that la Cali Yen Cook. on Weduesday bastti.tomwnefl be ac aS dspesiflicrythassociateceditors, andAlf.N. Mitchell, nowe preduciug se mucli excitement aIl Mn. R. J. Eliheci bas been appoint- il guaronedprfr n E ac Enniakillen, tic business manager.- over the country, by its many startliug To ho a goed eoek-evon a great cd Slueniff cf Dawson Cite- ii Klondike. pIl ane a-rpeng, weaantag or Globe, cures. It ahsolutely'cures Aathma,Bron. c0k-does net require lonîg and ardu-SardyatliwnttOtaaad sîckeaing effects. 24c. t ail dnsg. Fo STRATFORD, ONT.-Mr'. H. Wib chitis, Nausea, and ail affections cf the eus study. Cooking a i-env few dishes teck tic cati Of effi0o. 11e will siently m,,LFL S. knsnwritesthathli expeieced great Throat, hsan Lunga. Yeu eau test perfected made Savarin fammîs for al beave to assumnethe dutie of <the posi- relief cf Muscular Rheumatism fnom it before buying, by calling at the ahove trne, Tic housekeeper who mercly tion. using twc boxes cf Milhurn's Rhcuma- Drug Stere and get a trial Bottle Frecsuioealulran' lape u Mn. Frank Wa'don vr2 i Townshp tic Pil. This reînedy is a spccific for or regular size for 50c. and $1.00. GuLar- "The Uses cf Eýg.s" in tic lateat vol- o Rliematsm, Sciatica, Lumbago, anteed te cure, or pnice refunded. umie ou "lCooking Hints" wil wintc f lateeaonin ticfea Neuralgia and Geut. Tic succescf tic, Preabyterian Sab fu oue l-n eec e u-Oct. î7th, le hu a aldof, ifordboy il The family cf Mn. A. P. Mitchell, Port bath Scicel publications dunlng the sýVeIOr whcsede ue dollars eenfor oTic andfud gilsavHe asnîl thfe., boy Graby ae cunig icdetiofpast yean lias justified tic uudertakiug Webylbwic a enfro ears fourgintc a n o7 G~rdIgan thir so, aeMon. ln P.e Mitchelof teuwilsrtdpprsmîo yoars, and is ncw, Caî-ada's lcadingyercfa. wio died Octoher 21st, aged nine- of wiicli we have just received The famuby1 J n dpapriofnm HaWte anu a i (teen years. fie was igily nespected regular issue begins witi 1900, aind if ar 91 u ainHnadalt ~ .W AES Overhoe il hs aseciaea ad ti beraycdtic twe firat numbers now on our table &'biek Bits of Common Sense," lunAAR u sE.. by l i soits n h eeydfour volumes Postage prepaid l etdrc etedaae paens av tc ymaty f ilinare a fair spucimen the p lublicatiens are I sntby tathe prev ed wr thein affliction, sure te succeed There bas been a widepat yteIrodBlw. - dmau fe thm rom ailpars. THE PRESIDENT'e STORY. Heals the ulcers, clears the ais WomEN's TROULES:-Arc.uaually the "J ewels" the paper fer the ittIe oncoSlaetCreiOtrhfrYarhae.ratand ea. top drP urese__________________ result cf an exhauated nerveus system la exquisitc in eveny îeay, paper, pit Cts Fhldpealiss raled DfAlCr. e'st0rSt ud ermnan uYe whiclican le fuily reatored by tic use and illustrations. Tic' sainemay le Hi n e. Ail de il Crd aeror aDHaFr. oW aer 183Se1ntet1Ya 900(Ù Miseef Dr. A. W. Ciase's Nerve Pood. said cf "Tic King's Owu" a aarrb . . amlPdreAisdaleeor t.A. i1C am pJ-e'U' eomen made nerveus and irritable by paper for eider adholara, whiehclicntin- lustalment Company, WashingtenFa,,-i the waniing diseasea whieli drain their noes "Tic Ciildren's Record" now comn-wites: "For Yeara I was affiicted 'with Wanted:-Farmr'su rehti fhf sy -stem find ncw ife, ucw vigon, new pletiug its feurteenti yoar. Iu loti circule catanni. Remedies and treat- dtowons$40pens ocffir oducatc i~fty G n1 fil enlre rerglu.a . .Clasc's Nerve "JEowels" and -The Kiuîg's Own'" tiere mont hy specialists only gave me tomr- toom 0.0amîliwudb ootcwrds gneatest hleod and is a large proportion cf matter from perany relief until I was lnduced te try gane aindu des. I coi aowcm - , nerve builder. our ewn writors, and tie alin is net enly Dr. Agnew'a Catarrhal Powder. It lias gaeafwldsaitir wn TalIVaîi u inr For varietr of readiug the November. te supply gced Sunday reading, lut pnoved the eue-ooed thing lu my case. hoe.u ILntîuuuni I -. number cf tise SELF CULTURE Magazin~e aise to' cultivate a strong Canadian In ainoat an instant after I iadmde nc et IIL NCOTAN AD TTP " Gf. eagenby seau the description of Hallow- ivelv. Ree-. R. Douglas Fraser, M. A - little perseverance lu its use entineby 1atd~no cen cusoms in utera' Nigit. " The Confederatien Life Building, Toronto, id me cf thia cffensive malady. 1 . ned-Bit mon and women îvho student cf cunnent events wibb welccme la tic Editor and Business Manager. wonld le glad ti persoualîyr rccmmend pen e nd Rer eptahritmeu thwir e spci a hes tic paper entitled "The Transvaal- - it te auy and everybod3,." Sobd by J, would like te maie somc ncney Noigher authrttes e repete VuesI i Boer vs. Britan" withi ts eie f the~~"~ ~~TI~~IIr durin g the nexitlihree mentIs band- N ta prpeed oemîewt tl îa revuBRUC oÊcIff Hggmnbotham & Son. ligtic wonderflil - L- c f Lif e." qualifications of editorial staff. wanlic sitationlu Afica ad itsac- IUllif .LFJU~JLI11V!!58.0 a da surovsomemaie wice ives he agiculiral NWS w ali a egre cca uion inmap. 0an t c-lae wc f falines nd complatene snet aven cttemnpted '-TuiE Losa or GOLD IS GREAT; Thele Vtctory cf Temp..ràance. t Expen'ence on ce)pItal un- by otiiers. loso elhi oe"Wiemucli geod might la said ani ueceasary, Beat lleviews of the tr>opslý bossof ealtilmoo"leth isla bt Soon there Won't Be a Leg Left for te the proprieîy or impropnîety o1! BRADLEY-GAUËI<.TSON CO., Limited, Beat.Market Itepoî ta, T. rd talrso y ncglecting te keep thc blood pure,BetAonsof'eigs but it la regained by purifyiug, enici- Diabetes to Stand on. insu eugaging iu a six-day bicycle ______ BRANTFORD. Best c at vortig, Isa eayblckovrstckii it terace, it is interesting to note, Iu con- Besi't bois arc. foot vttlcanized neto a rnbber shoe. Thes ad vitalizing the blood wîth ticheinwîhsc i vetrcnb Agent:-Our Christmas booksar stocking is comiplets ta the toeeof the great healti nestoren, Ilood's Sanspanil- Alovrth outy ibee I sb uNw Yor C ity, evtbechabts ready. Prom Fifty Cents up. Peur nurand aietsewretlhtest la Tosadawo hogt eat LesA i.n, o f the racers and their relative pow boks explained lu one Prospectus. IDSESBET ndntetrnbber in thse inarkrt tNt had beeu prmauently ost have bcon bn VnqishU ,, J 's i enscnuac.A mr eee Oei Fmu e n ra L ONh EIET buttons, nebuciles. Made to fit ail shoe i h I in "anoise eMen and, Greati ihapes, Soid by ail dealers. made perfectly webl ly takiug tha Pilsho afBrok oeNrtdtstraphsceAmor regisdnbrly Eveuts of the Nineteeuth Century "WHL OUNTYIRSIEO Mannfactnned by g.reat medicine, Your expenience my PsTomr ce hs ierHsokse Nrt e- a essfpived. trisnue hchare- Great Battles, Great Meu, Great KEEP UP WTH TETiI lb arianOorh. .,Stratford, Ont quires every nerve and muscle t e l netosadDsoeis r "Canada for the Cauadans."ý-Read quired two Dozen Boxes, lupretcnionndtegera gress of Nations, every great eveut - l _ magazine-fuilof ieetn edu -cnstitutitontioneand the znawlesoftcenuy IfeuhvaslwSgeSueipin$2 4' THE PHRENOLOGICAL Mrs Wuiw' Vtlg yu oretdecycrd ea lyy eemn ian well iuowu in ToroDnto40 caxs -. M~uinîato erea.Cotton s - ~~teething isp leassant ta tisa taste and is tise pre- t ,,,oAeieine uu al ter.Two Otton.oee7ee e nSinSOeStc Weto JOURNAL and seipticu oana cf tise ldest sud best female ... bv tea go, -wise undertoeî te stop hlm if a n~ e at l~lî5 I o r neetdh nwhwaena tCEueas agooI tOnldpnecelook nplttethe-ttiensaareconducte or gotifsysuse. dtwewa re=ene SCEC fKAT. lYsicia-S sud nurses in tisa Uited States yaaaoIcudntio pt h e uremse eeîac tii waçt ~ii5e.ynIf ormationsud terked leeter frpea of Kxsow.1 every-,bnere ottsacbtle 1odyald osstr~gs f a building, my back was 50 lad. disposal. Tise captaja closed with trd .i'g rIl .ian chafr nan'akd et reo utwonld. Be suresud ask fer Mns. Wl-NowI au step and bond witi case. tisa cher anS tise mnu as irected ehoaaifio r Uulcmiso iare o ieîtn la in is Sixty-frsi yesr. SLOWS' Sootitg Svns. , a p-t ftisaluit hV"tr u mp111 rrar ha re. Write FOWLER & WELLS (Af he 'a'o an'ed te perform ano.clae hs 81lcmiso hagdfreettn L 7e-, s t. e Vrte R LWSWORM 1SYRUF lga aSafe, enation, but I would net allow thia. and te follew ti-,a ohendemp ' cI'.esePress agent $3.955 Gvriet nuapîndRlod spcme op.iuo a'ear sure and reLUabde morma eýxpeiler. At dd'ePlarr ote ta eos RryWstti ods tnttlnsfnised ond applati l o Kiducyimncoy.At r andtiedci Ts rsitwe on- -- a chrgendo I priassaest xbag.laln to new subscribers jncîudiu qaiy it n icre rdnt.Be dcos. -lterstif.t1v - short summary of Characes sure you get Lew's. ots-a r srWbndquatn fnsh naplcinfr

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