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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1899, p. 4

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Nobby, Fur Jackets Our display of new fasbions in Ladies' Fur Jackets includes many -iel, dressy novelties in Alaska Seal and Persian Lamb at from $ 100 up. Our catalogue, sent free, illus- trates the styles. TrIE W. & D. DINEEN, CO., LIM\ITED. 140-142 Yonge St.,Toronto. Corner Temperance. The Calladiail Statesmlan, BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 1, 1899. Mr. T. C. Irving, manager of Brad- streets, Toronto, has been offered the Liberal nomnination for East York for the Dominion House, lie is avery pep- ular citizen and heing- a business man of more than average aoillity~ would ,nake a capital parliamehitarv repres- entatix e. 11ebas hosts of warm friends lin the A. 0. U. W. througheut Ontario. The new Ontario Cabl et evi'eielv mnean business for the Ontario Govern- ment bas appointed Mr. Anzus Kirk- iand, Manager of the Toronto brandi ~f the Bank of Montreni; Mr. B E. Walker, Generai Manager of the Bank of Commerce, and Dr. John lloskin, q. C., Fresidlent of the Toronto General Trusts Conipany, commnissioners to in- vestigate and report upon the finances of the Province: first,,'as to the methods of book keeping employedin the Treas- ury department; second, as te whether the statements macle by the Trensury Department are as f nil and cemplete as statements usually made by large fimncial cencerns; third, as to the cor- reetness of the annual balance sheet submnitted te Parliament; fourth, as te the eharacter of the investments of the Oovernmnent; fifili, as te the assets and liatilities of the Province. 'dit.BEITR PILUSED. Sir Wilfrid paid this pretty complim- ent te our respected member in his speech here: Indeed, it would have been a pleasure te me at that time te come here and te beceme ncquainted with the geed old riding of Durham, which had been se long represented in Parliament by eue whom it was my privilege te serve cheerfuily and, faith- fully during ail the time that he occu- pied the position of leader of the Liber- ai pnrty (Heu. E Blake.) It would, I sny1 have been a great pleasure te be- ,come acquainted with the people of this iiding-, who send te Ottnawa my dear, My goed, myv excellent friend, Robert Beith-Robert Beith, a man respected and beloved I see bore amongst lis own. H1e is eqhally respected and beleved i n the city of -Ottawa. Robert Beith, a3 yeou knew, a man with a heart as gentie as the heart of a weman, but with a characeter as firm as a rock, a man of few words but of sterling deeds. SIR1 IVILFRIIS LERORATION. Here is the beautiful pereratien te Sir Wilfrid's masterful nddress at Bew- manvi1le last Monday week: I do net knew whether my pelitical career or my natural life shall be short or long;, but, whether short or long, 1 cherish the hope that I shall have se ived thnt whendep -itein -y-grve Ver.a- bestowed mxself. (Cheers.) And new, gentlemen, there 18 only one tbing left for me te do, and it is the most pleasant of ail tasks-(cheers)-1 bave te thank yen from the bottem of my heart fer the receptien you have given and fer the grand address lu whicb your senti- monts were embodiod. (Leud and pro. longed choors.) B JOIINSTJERNE, BJOIINSOÜN WRITES A REMARKABLE LETTER TO CAPTAIN DREYFU S. The Great Norwezian lvriter Efldently Gave Mis Peu Pros Swing 'Whou He Wrote theo Epistie Tranalated From a Itecont Issue of the Vienna Noeua FraesPresse. Ejomunstierne Bjomuson, the great Nomwegiau wriom, addressed au open Jetter lu the Gomman language te Dreyfus. The remarkable document, pnblishod lu a r-ceont issue cf Thc Noue Proie Presse in Vienna, is lu translaticu : "I auione nf those porlape ni few wle saidti t himef and cihers froni tic firet moment, thnt le, when I rend cf ycum dogradatien: Thus acte a man whc le ctrong lu hie in- nocence. For this rmose I w aited andxtaited tInt yeur case shouid ccme up agein. I nover saw a Prendh uniforni but tinat it -,vas d-crkei cd by ycur rmiefortune. I sufeî-ed xx ith b 01 iu w akeful nights; I w orked for b 0u lu my surroundinge; I foie-d a si'iaii Drebfus congregation ulule 1 waited. Since Laznre's fimst Peck i i1ooi- bexved ail mevements and charosei yeur case. I rend e%,ery ýhin.g that ircugit ligit. Pîrqtthe eon' h-e Zola trial; then everytig that lcd te me- vision, the preceedirns 1hcfc re the court of cassation, the îocce' dirgs befome tic noxv courttn artil -c il this I foliowod lu extenso. "I>kno-xv ail tie actiip ppersons.I believe I cao sec xx hich xx itne.ses againsi yen beceme prjces., w vhici are iiind funatics and x.liich carryn a blecklieed under tunirliat. Pt the mcst nicserable anpcint Iiii,, c tioso exraes wholie h-v obe-o ',isie hy senundrels. "Tic French conceit xvhicl Tucitus feurd extr-aordinamy and xxhiclx be- yo nd douit bhue eniitrlhotc.d meet te the i 'isferture of France le aIse the pinipal~l ceuse cof oui- oisfortuiie, my deer Ceptain Dreyfue,. It appcars most glarlog lu ucilferi. "Net te speak oe t h cielit teon- tireiy pmecluded lent Froichc generals mey make a niistekeý-ne, to vhat dees thc word cf au emperor and a king anîcunt ageinet tie word cf French offilcers! Or, mere cnrroctly, nnly thoy cen spe. 1,.the truti; or, stili more correctiv, oc'î1y the Prench- mon haeve tle right te epeak. The etiers haxe to kec p silent and have to listeîî to what the Prencîmen say. If wo dame, despite tîle, to open our moutie, because vwo knew tle coîncuc- tienn oftiioge, then lb lx cnlod inter- feming with Prenne àalîairs-the grent- est lese-majeste xxhici wase ver wit- nesczd. For this the ciiamacteristic e7iample: 'Th0e fbciaI documents and declamratios nf other nations becoe air conmpared witi vhiat the Prench have lilched from thce ta.lrways, frem domneeties, lunlthe stove, the waste basket, or tlie cloet. "What île other wrorld thnke and 5t1ys ile lmaterl 'for thec measen tiat h le nit rend. They do net un- derstand the langxîages. The French language le the only eue posseesing cleamuess and bnauty-wh ai god are the ct-hors! If- a Freexebauan perclance kncws annîlor lang-uage ht la suti- cient te make hini appoar ospiclous. The pessibility eofhelng a traitor la tory greatinl that cas&e. Dreyfus, Picquai't, Freb'staetter auli ouhrs are examples lu tus respect. Hlenry un- der-stood Frendcecely, and titis la, se te speak, the principal pro-co t lis lenesiy. If a P3reehmau reads ôthor newspupeela bealde hi% own anid ferme a divergent opinion, as, for instance, concerning the IDreyfus trial, an opin- ion wlich corresponds yrlth îlte views of those Who are lu possession cf tlbe documents aud tie evideuce, thon le belcugs te a syndicate Whidli was formaed for tic ruin of France, or lo las heeu bribed by sucli a syn- dicate. Fer aIl inreignors are eue- mies cf France Who have nothing elsela mind tIsathe ruin of Frauc&Ib Enemios cf France are fthilrmore ail Protestants and Jewg, aven uhose stho lîve lu France. Therefore, cast thoîn oui, eut t te taies'enemles. -Only ene single exce,-ption la made> cd our mousyl O ur meney May come te, France. Our fait1, our sene ef justice, our wltnessee may net corne --but our meney. "You, my dear (ibptaln Dreyf us, bling te tle encules, and hece 1$ tic explanation wly aeryt±ing bad la bolieved ef you and why yen can b. tmeated as ihey please. Aye, île loor ef tic gener-als demanda iii tins. Theme ile, as lm knewn, au lou- or -whichlal closeiy cencectUrd wih crueity. It la net necesfsary te, go hnck toe tiurupho o eticaunis, years seven revolutions or s'eup d'e- tai. It neyer surreaders wiîhout r-e- voitutiuin or coup« d'etat-. Even your amall fate, my dear Osiptalain vuyfus, until lataly apparentzy couebd cci l e regulated *îlarwte i t&n by revelu- tien or a coup d'ets.t. l'or lunIranô. al qucei4eml e" tu tle Stree. -Bt hIîttle >&~.44 01F'rasice's nobléat %non b.-". as4ea « e»s tOuhlzý w la Smthis mimat pe*bayWe i twinkllsg et an eye. A -"peroxided herse" shows what lias been doe .te lIn *con after his new ewncr takes him away, anxd trequently bhc las te b. "-touched up." This bleachlng de not. injure the herse amy more than lt doSa tle average girl, but the chemically tiated Ceêl a»Idem lI"ka weâ1 whem oIoeeg. 1mmmned, the dark r"ata et theà'oe*wing .tosare<ui iewpecu.u. 'rot ft 4eeeWa.' t&e &vtter*bvuyw ansd »A. a. Iret posaibe ln an.y ethem ..uaty but France. Great dangers bread great courage; Just indignation breeds de- fiant genius; the, greatest isolation breeds the Jesus whe frateruizes al nations. "And those tranquil meu lu the studios and the laberatories, whe risked the highw ,ay, -wvhere they are strangers, w heu the justice and hou- er nf FrancQ was ai stake!'Workmeu gathered about them, for heart aud justice tley he.d in comînen. Ora- tors whn stood Up ai the risk of their lix os. Journalists, who founded their papers under the rain cf fire cf the onomy like in ahe assault upon a fortrese. I w'vili mention cf this he- moie band but co, because ho repro- sents the mcst intimate lu tîhe French gonius. Helieon bears 'the nameocf hie country, probably because lis abilities thrix'o best iu French soul- Anatoîn PFronce. This wxhite hard which enchases year ini and year eut lu silver and gold and procicus stenes wne raised xith quick motion on day in a meeting of socialists and anarchists and asked te be heard. The injured truth had mcde brthren cf the white and the sooty craft, brethren cf men whc are as different in their vicu s, thêir kncw- ledge and their conditions as if tley inhabited twe wcrlds. X"That wns a look into thei future! To look at liko Frenchrnnn and Ger- mans &ide by side, inspired by the sarne indignation and the samne de- votion. What mattors it thnt thc r xan w ho was bore defended by the Gormnans Was a French cfficer, an Ai- tatian, who dreamed of reconquering hie country. Hore they ail met inaa groater fatherland in a battie against a common danger, the excessos and thc egetieru cf militarism. Even dubieus papers and characters with wlom a decent man (loes net like te corne inte touch stocd hbm in the samne rauk urer the same leader- slip. "ItlaI sald cf the flrst Christians rho belioved in the reappearanor of the Itodûeomr tint on a certain day they asencdod the mountains to mentb Ilim at the irst, if lHe should de- se 'îid froue heaven, tic empire of (ledin Ifis arme and the bande of cnngels -w ,ith lm. -Now w e know: It is net thus that coine the empire witi its btter jus- ticen and it.s humnan bliss, xvicl is Ienged for by oery fatier anîd mc- tuer for the-r descendants. Now wo koow how mUch mnisery and trouble, hovwincu sacrifIce in sorrow and death it has coEt te bring the 'em- pire f (led' as close to us ns it is n0ow-theusan(l bears distant frocm tl,o gol! - ut wn alec know that aspiration is Ihe acet potcîit force iii the ýworid. No ono who oniy once in lis lufe las clied tle higi moun tain wienco lo sa. otchers look for the saine prom- ised land, far beyond the misory cf this xvrld, can be bew\ed dowa agnin. Wiy, just your fate, my dear Gaprtain Dreyfus, among se niaiiy theouaands oi cîhers who suffer Injus- tice, las caused this groat accent and thiïî meetinîg cf tlhe lorîging cf hux-aaity--I could explain it. Dlot I e3ontcnit myseîf te eay: Yolir gin, tions las beceme (a biessing te jeo- nmanlty - ]Iencforth it will 1h: :,oreý diffIcuit to do injustice' te nee eveni to a Jew. Hc'.-ofeorth more couraa-ecus menanad womon 11har.for- uierly wîll rmise la defence. "And this smail progrews- -tho werld's Iaws do net admit (4 a. groater one--bocomes a monument onf honor te you, dear Captain Dmofus, areectod upon the mistakes and t'Ic crimes of the accusera by tie immuo- latiton of the defendors, but frît and last b y your su.ilering and ynur eteadfasiness. '"Therefore imnu must net loo~k up- on your fate as il it bore only mis- fortune. No; look upen it as if ycu were the chioscu one ef the mystori- eus powers o4 the dark almni o self- prosrvationu-of society, cliosen te vanquish the cvii, te werk deeper at isa own destruction. "A sign of lighl We now con- front danger utronger and more con- scious. Upon the long path of mani- kind the eyes cf martyrs look ad- monlshlngly upon us-fmrom afar and qulte near. If your eycs close to- murrow, dear Captain Dreyfus, thon it la enly that they may assume greaier brlghtness upon the pathway of sufferlng. "Even uew you are hallewed by sufferlng and you are cleansed by the millions of tsars tha.t haýve been shed for you. «"When 1 rea.d the letters froru De&-- fl's Island which yeu, 1 cannot say wrote, but whlcà yeu bled, drop> by drop, I faIt ihat they feut warmn upon rny a hemuy haud and muade It weaker for ovii, They aiso e l i nto manY a soit seul and stmengthemed its dealme te lrelp the unfot tunate. 1 saw yeu patient hefore thm tilbunal. V- -ad'ni cmpaitye Id u.. lIogd's Pille cxe liver m1e; the non-irritotIng ~ BULBS FUR 50 CENTS. The following- choice bulbs wiiI be sent postpaid te anv afidress in Canada on receipt cf 50 ets: 1 Black Canna from the lloly Land; 1 Ornitlogalum, star cf Bethlehem; I Mammotth Cuban Lily, very fine; 10 choice rnixed Crocus; 3 Roman Hyacinths, red white- and bIne; 9 Tulipe, Duc Van Tholi, fine mixed; 1 Chine se Sacred Lily, for grew- mng ru water, 1 Bermuda Enster ly. 'pure white, fragrant. Bull culture sent free with every order. T i E STEELE BnRGGs SEED Ce., Lîmited Tor- ente, Unt.' TYRONE. M~iss Mary Rowe, Clarke Union, is visiting friends lere.NV e heartilv welcome home one of our beys Mr. F. lBabridge recently returnied from the Klondike and for seven x ears previene a citizen cf Sonthern Califernîn Frank lias evidently seeu a bit cf the worid cince ho first wielded the hammer lu Mr. Geo. Emmnerson's shop and net witb ont profit thiereby, as his handsemo cultured avpesranco amplv testifies... Mr. Jos. Towns and family, Leskard, have hecome citizeos and occupants of Mr. T. Gardiner's bonse. .. Remember Bethescla QunrterlY meeting on Nov. 5 The death at Mt. Forest cf!iNrs. Nicb- oins Dnvey formerly of this section is reportod. INTERESTILÇU WAR MIÂS. Te tlJroughly understand the war situation, a map cf tle war district is necessary. The "Family Heraid and Weekly Star" cf Montreal, are, as ai- ways to the fore, and this week proseut evéry reader cf that great paper with a beantifnlly coloured map cf South Africa, specialiy prepared with al necessary expanuations. This genercus net of the "Family Herald and Weeklv Star" costs its publishers, we are told, thousands of dollars, bnt its sure tebe appreeiated Il certainlv pays te be on the subâcriptien ist of the 'Family Herald and Woekly Star." We see the the "Famîly llerald and Weekly Star" will issue te its subseribers anotber map et recenstrueted Africa, a comparison of the twc will be iuteresting, as slow- inÇ what the war wiil have gained for HOLSWORTIIY, ENGLAND. The spoîl ef beautiful weather we are hfvring just new la mest acceptable te the farmer as be will be enabled te dig hlm potatees and put them awny dr-y and dlean., The main we lad at the begin- ning of last week bas se melified the t1]owed land tînt tle putting in the reacbes of wheat will be a real pions- ure thls jear, and therd will bo a SDlendid seed bed for the wheat crep This we want, as some anthorities tell us the average acreage of tle world's wke.l amp is less and less evory yenr. Pet'haps our farmers ni beome will soon be lnereasing the English acreage of wheat .... A grent many farmers will seon finish their iillinig lib tis district. if th4e fine woather s il continues they xnay exiond it by planting the peite and mangeld greunid te whent. Soe have worked eut their loy greund, burned np the stubble and stroil, and are making preparaiens te g t a goed crep of wlent next year. ithers are carting a gôed ceating of stale dung on the laud while seme are adepting the labor saviug meihod of artificial manur- Ing. The drawback te this is the Christmas audit when the manure m6rchani bas te ha paid.-Oci. 13. Sebool QpenedC BIG 20 lias a f ull stock of Sohool necessities, Scribblers and.Blank Books from one cent upwards and the finest line of Exercise books in town, also a complete stock of lligh andi Public School Text Books. W. T. Allen. BOWMANVI LLE.- -"A Fafir Outside Ls a Poor, Substitute For I-nw ard WOr4<fi Good fIeattfi, inwardIy, of tue Kidneys, tiver andbowels, is sure to corne if Ilood's Sar- saparilla is promptly used. This' secures a fuir outaide, and a consequent 'figer ln the frame, wlth the gbow ef bealth on t.he cheek gogd appotite, perfect digestion, pure o. Loss of Appetite - 111 was in poor health,troubled wlth dlzzineau, tired feeling andi losa ef eppetite. I Wns co»~pletely uMe down. 1 tioek Hood's SarsapamI14 sud afler awhile I feit much better. Iteed's Samsapa- rila bulIt me up." LizziE A. RrBsauL, 014 Chelsea, near Ottawa, Que. ailouaneu8 "I have been troubied wlth heldache and billousncss nfld wàs imuel run down. TrIed Bood'aSarsapailfla andi fi gave mue rellef and bulît me tep." àA. Mosrisors, 89 Defoe StreC, Toronto, Ont. o mn,,, To Iiitet'est Ineen 1uyetls. Silks and Dress Fabrics. T-Ihere is ne department in our store, that deserve7Cs more attention than our Dress Goods and Silks. We have the nobbiest things te be had. and a lot of new ggods at very special prices. W/e carry a a!irge asso)rtment ef silkýs for Waists or Tiirin 's. O î' rigeo f Trimm-ings is very stril . It wvii1cato'u L t., yoïr ad vantage to sec eour assoriuent befere b,,,yîn. A Fi ne Plain Ptk 1,1 (', utii m BLet-,' -jr ýen,Purple,- and i3jack ý.ti lu cktiiis ai weul aj tver tYIe at.50e per yatrd. t-aDty lack i-Il wooi Dr, s Material ini large- raLiL2e ul ei tstU: . 'is t~aValue at our price $1 per y ard. ifaýL ac Mii UUI, t-eatnew cdesiogns 65e p -i yard thii U (,eV uIce nuw patterns just oi ened j.p, î.i price '18 îwlîile they last the price will ue 1 eî r 1 A laroe raige of Wrapperettes prices 10c, 121c antd 15c. per yatrd. Fla,.nnelettes. Yen will always find ns with a very large assertment of Flannelette and ouî prices are away down. 50 pieces Flanuelette in Pink, Blne and Greyr stripes, fast colers, 31 te 32 luches -wide, goed strengr cloth, special 5e a yard. llosiory, Gloves, and, LadiÉ V ests. This is oue of oui' best departments. Extra Special, 30 doz. Ladies' Black Cashmere ilose, fine and br6a(-1irib- bed, seamless fecet, good heavy quality, regular 35c, special 25ce per pair. Men's Underwear in ail qualities, Heavy Fleece Lined, special $1,00 per suit. Clothing, Just one word about'Overcoats. We neyer have had such a large assortment of Overcoats as we are slîowing tlîis fali. A flue Beaver Cloth, silk velvet to1-lar at $6.00. A very fine Pure Wool Beaver Coat, Blue and IIak, Silk Velvetu Collar, nieely lined, spécial at $8.00. Our $10 is certainly a peaci, niade of pure English Beaver with deep French f acings, double silk stitched, heavy Italian linings, fine silk velvet collar, in Drab, Brown, Blue and Black. A nice English Curl Cloth in Dark Brown, a handsome coat, price $12.00. A fine new Basket Weaver, deep Frenchi laciDgs, dcuble seams and double silk stiteli- ed, a perfect fitter, price $14,00. SeeOur Shoes for Eaul A nd Winter. Our Stock is naw, finely made and wearable. You wîll be sure to find the kind yeu need at the righi prica. Womens' Button Boots, oxtentien soles, f air stitched, iu Moaha and Dongola Kid, sizes 24 te 7, $1,35. Womens' Pebbla Buiton and Laced Boots, patent tee-cap, strong soles, a strong boot for wet woather, $1.35. Womens' Fine Vici Kid. Butt Boots, MeKay sewen soles, soif and patent tip, $1,50. Gàroceries.a Our stock of new Fruits have arrived comprising Raisins, Curraiùts, Etc., Etc., prices right. New canned goods te hand. Best Brands of Salmon in the market. John McMurtry., SPECI ýýL

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