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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1899, p. 6

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ARNE.G O E L H wasànang'cl tbat strengthe-td are nejultè'an npîe MUNYN'S UARATEESGUÂR IÂNSavieur la is agony. It Was an an- anti betoro the next daywhnte îton- meriosastejstWhtgel that enceuraged Paul la the- were *tehoecte, hy el t h g e rtonTs o Jut Whediterranean shipwreck. It was an ehughtt ey saw angels standing the ReDr.lea aim Do Says They Keep Promised by gate atter gate, uti Peter was 11h- "Deetfgeeti cheer, valilnt soldiers Munyoisn gualainWachOeresta erateti. It was an angel that stirred ot Jesus Christ! A little more of Chr asbs of beassnW ch vrMots. C ER CO PU the Pool et Siloam, wlere the sick battie, anti thon these crewns are ail wlCase or thunîs-yM NE EER ON O wcre healeti. It was an angel fithut s- Ad am ga oko tht s la )sa chure d John saw lying hog the nidst that betore many et these whe have Win cure indigestion sud TE NGEL DID e!DOUL."o heaven, anti an angel witix teot passeti through great sullerings la iletomach treubl TEAW NDOSLI Notbinig Vague or Indef- plnedo hesa ana agel fitha hslt ex ne tGt a et that is Kidoey Cure ic lshl ,iplisl Cure W. Wrnngpete Ab utent.ts openeti the book, anti an angel tîtha ablazing ceronet et eternal reward. cf ail cases of hinyiteA o tR lss iô arnc n sounded the trumnpet, anti an augel Yen, we are te have sudh a guartilan trouble; that bis Ca-thttritlth ikeatana-aglttaeuupvdwenOr tarrh Cure wjui cure Iyhen Evil Approaches-Nexit t Godfln hutithsikeadann- ng ttk sup r wnor log tahnding;ttr hie Te enrll.Detn f ieR- There is nething indefinite about tegltatpueietheheva n nwork is doue. Yen know, w r eadache Cure xiii cure e kinti "goti heatth" thati prerniseti angel standing la the suni. I lb tolti ananugel conducteti Lazarus te an ide edcel a ae b ansClr eput ni an angel with uplitteti lant swear- Abraham's bosemi. That shows that asfew minutas; that b an CClr opon n hat igta iesallen ogr nnu hl cs ori yn i ' liii Cold Cue il Washingten, Oct. 29.-The brul- lSse strengly veucheti fer by lettersintatiesh bnelgr.u nneha beeporudygle form of otl and eaue tbrough the entîre list ef liant beiugs suppeseti by seme te be that cernetrem eur best peofle. Paiae's tegetfnlbnete h elicne ted aglc ecn. qêeis taldul2cyesak epal. iy ,-, rei.D. alae n i Celery Cempeundtianîeng other bless- the reapors are the angels. Yen,, the weum.' bcOa lonlg îay te go nuene, If yen neesl medical adrice write Prof. Munyculli iv imrad evseen o ae 1505 Arel u., Phlla. It lea abolutely free, *sermen shown to, bcrnul and te have g gv . eradstronger n ' WitLod hamighty aels. otIc aun anti p at bazingavoritis swinging _______________________Much te cie witl our everyday fle. perfect circulation, cemplete pîgestion, b nt igh mîagls.t Ohite i et suananble me wsntu ea ni The text is Jutiges xiii, 19, 'A,,ndthéi clear complexion, sweeter breath andibern h i n the an gesry o nuia-'bemmnt u n angel titi Wendreusly." ana more regular bedily functiens. These these supernals - fleets et thenu, on through scc distances anti across Pir bult n aroc. Mn o 1 an blssig,-are always secure by Paine's aquatirons et theni, lest beyonti host, sucb infinitudes et space ive shoulti M o n e y fne bulîthoer ck . le hefa nti Ce l r o pouuti wlen eher remeties a0tla nt e rank, millions on rai- litider at the thought et ging biliont, hadiatheon kintiletiItheetiamesalaiîer for sacrifice ia praise et Geti ant in lu have them 1Btteaglcesor ilcret houer et a guest whom they ccp- It is feolisi and cnimninal te negleet This leatis me te speak et tic offi- your languishing piilow er the place psed te becaman. But as the dlame daily aches, pains anti the unmistakable ces et thece supernals. Te dotend, te et 70cr fatal accident anti say: e ~ ~rose higber anti highcr their, strauger symptels t agereîîsdiseases, uvhenl cheer, ersce eecet e le "ail, immuaortal eue! Ail is ivell. on ee reti leap ascendedti fuith skies. Paine's Ce ery (Jempaunt ilviicemplete- the ,vrog-that us their business- home." Anti iithout a tremer or ......._________________ TIen they kneîv that was an angel ly banisheti ex-ry trouble andi give a just as aient te day anti efficient as slightest ceuse et pmnil you will away et the Lýord. "The angel titi ivon- conditien et health that, gusraiiteeti a ixhen in Bible timies they spreati wing anti upwanti, tanther on anti fanther .Having bouglit direct treusly." lon- anti happy lite, or tiasheatheti cwert or rooketi dewa on, until atter nubile heavea heaves from thmanfactrer Tîvo hundreti anti orty-eight tirnus Every man or eyman who-e ilerveus penitentiaries or filleti the meunitains la sight anti the runîble et chariot fro t'~manfatuerdees the Bible roter te the atîgels, strcn -th is evertaxefl, or whose lite is a -,vith herses eftfine anti drîven by wheeis anti the rolet migity han- I cari and will seli you yet 1 nex or heard or rend a sermen buisy ne anti tull of mental Wvrries' reinmuet o finle. They have tunet moules are heart inl the distance, Alaska RobesilHorse en.asîglology. The ivlele subîect s will Sean feel the invigeratien andt vit- 70cr stepe a lundretiies, anti yocî anti nearer yeu. corme, anti eae relegatedti t the realm ulithical, aliziag- ettects etfeOne or twe bottie-s et kneiv it net. Yen ivere on the îîay stili,util tic brightness le like Blankets and Lap IUugs, weirti, spectral anti unknown. Sncb fnature's health-gix er, anti ceeu ii or ber te do seme wrmgthnMaaitty mn ourningesciufuseti into enc, and at fronii 107. 157,, less adjourumneut le un-Scriptural antci health imrpexe atter the first dose et changeti yenr course. They hrought yen. are irusitie the amethi-stine-walls w icked. Of their lite, their charac- this greatest ef ail remetlles.. semae thought of Christian parentage anti on the bariks et tic jasper cea, t han recrular prices. ton, their habits, thueir actions, their 13TIurm0aSisM, ty bave te Sunay fmat. or et loi alty te 70cr owis home, anti torever sate, forex er free, forex or i locities, the Bible gix os us full They bave been studingiîîgIai tînt arresteti yen. They arrangeti ieil, torever resteti, f ereî or uniteti, First 2 shipments sold lengti portraits, anti îvy this pire- threugh the agos, anti îet 1 iwarrant ftînt couse eue shoulti-cto ye,.t forever haPPY. Motions, to not the1 3rd now on sale at longeti anti absoicte silenice Cenceru- tbey have net fcly graspeti t ha tntcrisis anti propose nînething thiuk yeur little chiltiren go alone ing tiien? Angelolegy-is my themle. 'Ivonders et redemption. These iwon- honorable anti elevating, or tley teek whea tboy quit tis ivoriti. Otetf JOHN S. R N ~Thene are tw e nations et angels, tiers are se high, se tieep, e rid rous yixr pocket see icket tote il 70cr arias inte angeiC uraîs, eut oet antintheyEunohritm, te ach etllen-.se stupendouis, se înagnîg.coîtx, tiat amnemet, a ticket tlîat yen ieîr ickness sute health, eut et tic Harnss mpoium Bonîaviho tCe nationo tf got ungels andt theta- cien the intelligence ef angelhoti is tount. It was an arugeletftiti, aitiiCradie uite a baiîour's bosemi Net tien et Lad angols. Of tie formier I conteundedtibotore it. The sipostle perhaps the very one Chant gulîidvru an inistant ilîl the darliags lie alono JLchieily sek te tai. Thîeir capital, sai1s, "Wici things the angels d~ e_ t s service antifthat noîv nîaits betweorn the tii kisses -the hast TAiNTiLT-D: tbcir hoadqcsauters, their grand non- site te look iiito." Thut is a stsb- te repoert saine bely impressiin fo Le kis et earti anti the first kiset 25 Experienced anti 2.5Inexperienced Ocli tus, a, lîceven, but their 1mîr ic 1i 0xitsîqîuurîoos onate cp( o yens-oseu, tarniing heIs ai au. "Noîv, utgels, do 70cr j s the ustîxûrse. liucy are a disticut their Part. That ie a theme t on ee foot upon tic deorstep of7d work!" cniet an expirîng Christian. O PERATORS ON WHITEWEAR rcd' tf Creatures. Ne o uianuLeig s tra!ins their taculties te the utusoo.,t. lususnortal spirit ansd the other foot Yes, a guardien augol foir aci oee Bloues ad wappes onrieCan' ever joîn their cona terni ty.*Il-uat is iner tnu they can clîîîb. litteti for ascent into the suies. Pv etfhotu. Put yxourselt noîv iu accord Blue nt rpon nnw highi 1speeti The little chit i.Who lu tIhe Sabbath d,,oper than thit7 eau diive. Tîey tomne prayer detain huai until ho cah îvsth hlm. Wlsou hoe sîggests tile machines, biighest wages pait. We echeel singe, -I iant te ho an an- hi ofefrsaehn tegtll et a repentant auti ransînuet i ght, tollow if. Wion hoe warnis ion gurate e eceatiofe seca i-gel," wilnover haveo i r wisi grati- for their comnpnxher'n'sien . Whiich seuil Or you wore coenie ornie against the ivresg, shun it. Sent ducements te beginners. GALE MFG CO. flet. They are suPerhuaîarn, but tic7 things the angols desire te' look in-deivu w 1h treouble, boreai enent, forth frein Godt ti heip) you u ib tis ]\incing Lane, Troete. 89-4w. are et tilleront graeis andi rauke, net te."- But Gbat dees lot discretint persecutien, bankrcptcy, siCkness aud, groat battie uafat ineueah ai en tic camne loi oh or tic sanie their intelligence. No eue but Got ail nuanner et troubles beating their accolit hic tieiverauce. M-hen temîît- NEW T.AILOR SilO? hight. Tiey baie their superiers himiseit tan fuly unienstanti the won- discordo lan 0cr heurt anti lite, loti cd te a feeling et lonis less ant its- andi is ferions anti eqtuai. 1 propose dors et redesuption. Il ahl heaven gaie usp. 'ý ou sait: 'I cannet stand hstartesîment, apprepniate the preux- rhe uuuirsignud who bas boe earryieg on ne gcessiug on Chus .subject, but take shocîti stcty it ton 50 Ce.ntusries, bey it ani leonger. I believe 1 will take ise, "Tie ungel of fticiLont encauîp- bc t.îilorng business liiiconeioin with the Bible for my own anthenity. iveutît get ne jutsir than tihe A B3 C mry lite. Where le the rail train or eti arouti about theu tin't tour hiln Mason's Dry Geods Steu fer a aumnber of yeare Piato, the philosop her, guesseti antid hticxuusi e oiu. B thte deep w oie on the precipice thnt anti deux ereth them." King St. west, whoro ho is proparod to e iie nesit ueclsalc-ofia nxhitld ubc.Bt bans aonetboy usin i t nheitau i oi iieiegl nesmoClsil O t hail oti 'wrtex-lms e of k odre w ill ecut iis tortment ef eartbly cx- Paul bath it rigit îi iehosuitd,- geisxui oy sie e ilti ltsi style"', aed lestial anti snbcolestiah.. Bienysius, 11, av asukt aî xpoeiistence?" But sodtioaly yeur mind "Pe irestie net againetfiesh anti allewcsho >éol . c r ultio ewosmslin oaoic reaie uset nidvteianti coiu'assed. No oeebut Getiraubigitenot. Courage came surgieg bhoet, but against pnincipalltles, b euewest patterns. Givohim a el Ciux lte tire classes, the supreme, tci ri paunlhi gt yd etkoan inte yocr heant likeecni tti. agauust pewers, against ficueruiers oeT¶ ticmittil ati Ic ast ati acietThey baie rend te the hast Werdi ofIYou sait, "Ced is on uxy aide, andtihtc tarkness of tue wenld, anieist J. T. .ALLIN, those inte Chrec etier classes, uxak- tic ast uino et tic hast page ofettila those ativersitios he can make spiritual wlcketiness lu 11gb Places.- Fasinable Tailor. lng aue lu ai, Phille saidtttan- lestivolumne e notgain nitumn uot -ton ny geeti."Sutdcnly In hat aixtul figît may Got senti us ____________________________gels were relatedt te Ce, us tic rayseihatfeigsvesmt isatint ad yen tlt a hpoace, a ep poace, the uigity angelic rc-ontercementu \Va ote eSua. Fulgentins sait that hir Intelligence le te be at enr dis- pence et Gedti lit passeti ail entier- want ai thoîr iege eon ecr î.iie, 011 a they woro cemposot et body anti posai, anti, cemno ntcnlires standing. Wlat matie the change? A Chir silverds ou oun site, ail Chi spirit.enealrneti sait ntt iaywreîn oce, thoy will tell us In fivo minutes aweet entimizhtv anti comtertinL, au-chariots en etrirsite, t mere than WOAdanstinara îy 100 yeanc gel ut the Lord met yesî. Tint was Tlanik Gedti t tthoe- 'sarfe i had been lu danger et falliug, but o at umsn.ail. us are mlightlen Chine these ivie are0 th n arebatoion temte. ut A furtier dhanactcnistideofthCesu Mou anti wemen et ai.dincunu- egainst us! Antiftint theught niainer, ti Ol atentyo tssubject Immrtals le their vehocity. Tis the stances, ouly pnrtly apprediatoti or mc Jubilant as toe inaflai niiipi ) ROYA STEý,,sfii, LIERPOL AD i t I 1respect enys Chucy are tivitot Bible pute soexCinoes ntionticfig- not approdlateti at ail, nover feel Belgiuma, yen kroi, vans thle bhait e- f aissiuYiieiraAaANDQonaa Seysc lC heruiîn, sraphiim, hrenes, uee ievn amot eei o iuîy egain or unrogartietiagain! greunt ef Euglanti-anti-France. Yena, Cuhjtornîuî tronMotîlrcal Nov. i9 i a. . -dominations, prncipa lities, pewers. etemi igr tlnet ot sAngels alI anouni; angehe te appi-ove, Boîgluni mere tien once was tiheta P arisia P ortl nd D ec 2,H àlif xD ee 3 D an iel ca lled ini th se suarh u m ass ate ielpt b d-gelslsteore m e m ben.ls tlegnetbe .îtiaotu oppfoelngs n natio ns.ns IIl.qce L ur n ia n ' " " Tti cm an0e - in c h e f l eS t i dJ o a n i e s t h e s î e e x p u m a in s a r e v a i h u b t - Y e n , î v i e a i h et i c g e e ti a n g ls a r e h a p p o n s t h a t Ch i s - w o n î is t i c B e l- t. Califor1ian ca'- "16 " "Mi7hae. Tccc caponaer n~.t nimna . " , efrients oethCe got, tiore le eue giun xor battIegrntibetween tic tl Lau6nt17" 'fighiurtve ndmenswiftui 17h.,u Laurn"io"23 4 bcuge are mQe thereughly ergan- Bible tlsu htspeclal angol yeun betyguard. This cinel, Cie cemuxmanter-fu-clief, en once Sienrage, Numidian $22.5d. izeti than any aruxy tn ~rrmri n o stn Daniel pwa y- thateve mach-inganti Gabriel flow freux heavea, anti iden until Cils proscut study et au- egnel, Cie Cemmnautir-în-cief, on anc - gauge rîh ibu tatnefm he wiharf frgeCd Te r Sitrtanay C tonciet iuxbefere le get up toxgehegy I supposedti tebhafauciful, but site; Lucifer, as Byron cahhs hlm, or P et cierge.on hter swept tic sca. They ilfaesrowtato, u i I int it dleau-hy statot ln Cie Bible. Mephistophles, as Goetheenalie hm, aramoo rdintCla uy orauug angel Gabriel have te fiy la tiece Wiee tic disciples ivero praying for on Satan, as tic Bible calis, hlm, thet RA E FP SA;. tînt ever camne iewn Cie sy.Ti mniPeteî's. deliî'enance tram, prison anti cemxation-ia.cbiet on tic aCier sIte, e Fistonin oa ndnpartis. Rture $100.00 have more teedowilih yotsr estinirl hnitt eCe otre h o e ppeareti e thtce or et tie pray- Ail Pure angelhhee under the oee anddpwup ds.Seco CaiSecond teurge113.î$animie tin ai' bing2a.Ce0un-ndniMcac.eun ua ati tc pbenes erinetitheCiuncolti et ehie'e i letebciiphntiailnbtetnetoangthe For tickets aned evury information ap* îverse excopt Ged. Mai' tic. Angel eteofie me icwcîe wrts wane Peter. Tiey sait, "It is an au- heeti untur thc atler leadiership. a ply te C he New Covenant, çhive tle cLardol atmoenr, fthtic anel Gabnieldfiewgel." Sa Chose disciples, lui pecial Many a ekirmisi bai-e tic tîe an-S 1 M. A. JAMRES, Jesus, optei 0cr c-es andti teih aur Ifreuxotînt, ote angtuGabrilîfey.noannose te Christ, evitieetiy believeti Mies bat, but the great antitecisive t( ClanLiu nuît Bwmavlh. tougue anti rouse enr sceci ile WO esu toIt Peter ho ceult i nstantîy tint every ivonthuy seuil bas an angci. batthe le yct ta be feugit. Mean- O speak of tîcir teatilessuess, Cleir la- hbai-c s60,000 angels presect it le caîl- Jesus suit e tshicfeoîvers, "Their wih Cie batCho le being set lu an- e 0okpgCoton boo Co poln tenhl ec, hoir a nuîere , thei cd f t ieur. W atfotet fetantelpe angels beoldt heti face et m ' Fa- ry, andthCe forces celestiai antie- tl O o s c ottoulyn sed o t hlCo m p ound. estr ug th ChoIr a heveux nt anavig et a batros e o li eq a î t t e . " E lse i e nu it is sai , "-H e m n acal are c afr etting ac i a Cer , cradie 'eociy? awof ravtatonv;hchshal give lieanagels change over Ilar Cie boom et tic great cannon- ý 10,00nLadesSaule, uset motiesby s Ycsu t iontiee. Thave atirac.aThe, a tgaiain hc ~ t ~ ~ C -Ç yOOadrgis.tfor ffCokstao. Lades asis utordhh eyerslave a grae. Tre gripe al hinfgselcsc, hes ne influence tice,- te keop tîe su ail tiy ways.- ne alrcady epene. Cerubl, sera- P' yn. ae nô otruggs al Mxtrs, pto i Leteemerawendcy weeupen augeîuc nueuentun. immeasu- Angel ehieldeti, engel protecteti, an- phiiu, tiranes, dominations, prnio- h itations are iangerons. ]Pise, No. 1,$1pe bora, but ne onu shahl ever sec thuir tics beortoneiuxopen anti shut ike a gel guartied, engel canepieti, art palitie anti powerc are beglning ta 1bo; N. 2 1 deree stoner,3 pr oy.eeextinguisieti or Chir muxexatum fan. That tbcy are hero is cna reasan Chou! No Wonder tint Charles Wes- ride dewn Chir tees, anti, until thet Ior2. n alTh. anokueulpi tpianintwo 2-eOn.show up or hir existence enuxnate - îey îyuni tîcce werds- work is Cempieteti, "u, tn ht SlmsTieCo (opn~Wnie, n hy tici' sieulti nat bu quintillion -n sadthue 8ao. 1land 2 saidand reeommeutied by al Teods ftoahsntawika tl pnGboln hu on responsîble Duggiste ina Cast. Tic ahectde C reux mentawnle etofmiles hence Cie acxt minute. Our Wiici et thc petty kiage of carth intheI uon Gey fAon, -iCemeh a ong atr6,0u0ic ors sbin t e sbodiies liaien s, but eur mmndscdan Cen benet a gtsrt like ours, f No.1ad2yl nBwmnil ýHGi«coeugfatheirs,00 yers ahrst a iedîrcle tie erth ila aminute. Angelic Encircledfreux er second birti Contra 7.v BernAis & SO, SOTev & JUR; 01-ODO y J. GI- bi g r oiesa d h v ol m FiLLAit; NeaStle by DR. FARNCeMB.E. Ce Cie goot in a baven, "Netier cati tatien. Cati May vitihis fitg-er thalheesnypo r-s?-s,1eci.Wa atees t ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ tieythc any e , or Cici' areul pint ow a te cme wonlti la troube Valerius anti Rufins vre put .t estheiar a ot rahlm?" e unt tc agee. Yc, eahics reon the eutmast limite et cneatioa, teati tan Cbist's cake la the year -H' i otaie ain ahive. s tiese Woatiorfuh creatunes of valonum at 1taîya nol aan s27 u ttnCedywe har1e has startet a 'We'hl Werny Ai e speait. Tiey 'tilh sou wonhti afterturCre tC e ep t, or scamecelçstial ladies bat beeta iv.iaînuet nipnda- W atT'cu. worht go ont, but ticre shah be no mTo b. saurengef the Audieuce. bI .n~sus~cotssKielsfading oetChir oxx'abniliance. Yen uxaTabehtandngle. Cie antiruxac na-f"'b, CAN BE CU :-D atter the ast worlhtlis taken Ifs ate mest' nt e a'PERF1iUU~ii lf~TU aihiurDoowe r o -- atfihte ilbu rentiy frtes&y "Camne!" andi instantly It laef IiirULWUParIJII I * oî eprndoyour, semnate yCuIl hast thigit tiey vathifor Cie hi bosaux.on eîmeth" , Swidcst circuit ,Cirough immensiti', Anethur rumark 1 have Cta aeTouadsHv I ndDnt nw twhe 1ev.D.Fariy-h i-t ) r. akCng a quadrihleaon0f miles la one concerning tisse ilhusînio.ns Immxr-s swocp as easy ns a pigeon cirches a tl sta iyaemliuies How the Great Medical Triumph of raiay Sunay. s doveot.Tîci ar neyr sck. hcytii enses m ney er been taenouisetuyGt a h otmo IIVUI ae ciev e earet.he ner i n TeTer M1 Cnsu ba noer eentakn tis CntuyGts t te Btor ofA Voters.s ~~ OU E cîcup, for tici'ared.ney iret. noantino ne ubut Cet knaws hava It-Kidney Trouble."alh9rslavtr ,he yi- 4 lajti' ý- sloocormmear tey emtred.vAti ai byac u h i il e eese~,oto i oity uooa5ud e len eny l-caiîy, local ortrnveili-qualifies hat makc perfect adtrcco-th onutama vaicre sIc filuedthCe bC eu or.Ms . oùes r an chus c fonsiste t thcdban "bancdcmus" sh. o -cardn cen aloeg se ubhrugod ae inll or.amudDycs have suciha un- tic for Cie lad. It vans an nugel tint ville, qays;-"Having becu treubhed for amns e ttceeeydywh eoespicueusphacgn. i4o experience needtni. salnry ivereai sale liat unscrupuhous dealers toak LaC eut ot doometi Sodoni. Ih soexeime witi severe backache, anti a 111es sait, att muci Ce one's mental o ocomsin$0per nonti aud expenses 02.50 Per mate effartq 10 imitate them- If you %rnsanu nugel tint shut uli Cie Mou batiiy acting liver, I precuret a baIlle citynaegigatasisbr dy rte a one frulpRE MEIlaCIE C. ondnnt. wouit be eccesetul fa tyehng,. avoit alI efthCe hungri' mensCers 'ivien Banel th Dr..Pifdher'sreBackacie doitey Taa- THE_____EMPIRE ________MEvanICINEnina CuCavrn.,l ans haIfDreux taît & Bacah ntiueyt a studying Chie fal antiwinter,-you wouid ___________________crute imitations. Promptli' refuser ahi strw It h aens twslt fonSot&Jury, adus put abtter gel a snppiy et ahonts anti put To PÂTENT Oood Ittoas d-srcmett ytaest faungltn u Eia ne h ew doses oet hem; yetI arn able eBay îîsem Ia Cie oven anti bake 11cm. Tien may bu secured by juet as goot. as Diamionti Dyes. Thc Juniper rue. It Was an angel, Ciel I receivet a tecitet benefit, anti easu-est few each day witi a 11111e saIt sud otir aid. Adtress, Diamonti Dye are the best in lieanunouacedtCo Mary the apprenchlng strongli' recommendth11m te oticesthu if you don't fiat yeur probiema ea- THE PATENT RECORD. worlt, anti al dealers are aware of tihentivîti'. They ,were a.egein Cthat fering lu a similar way Tiai' causet ercfaoîutlesi. BaliMore. M&t act. chantiedwhiiiChrit. Ws -bora. it 1no griping or pain,, yelt iti their work. headajhe? gtu Is there a bad taste in your mouili? Then you have a po appetîte and a weak digs tien. Yeu are frequentl t, dizzy, always feel duil and drowsy. Yeu bave cold bandsansd feet. Yeuget but littie benefit froni pur food. Yeu have no ambition to work and the sharp pains of neuralia dart throug~h your body. * Wbat is the causeuof al this trouble? Constipated bowels. will give you prompt relief and certain cure. Keep Yoîw 0Blod iPape. If you bave neglected your case a long time, you had be.ter take elst. It wiIll remove ail impuries that bave been accuulating in your blood and will greatly strengthen your nerves. W. .t he Dccop, There may be 8oînething about your case yen do niot qulte tinder. stand. Write the doctor freeiy: teli him how yen are suffering. Yeu n àel poptly receive tau e ata 1eic adylce.Address, Dr. J. C. Ayer, LoweIl, Mus. DARIUS' COURT. The Royal Raime.ts of the 2Iornarch Valued at Many Millions. The reme test past l4ves again ln Prof. Benjamin Ide Wheeler's "Alex- ander the Great," with Castaigne's full-page Illustrations, in TIhe Cen- tury. 1-laving subdued Greece, the young King is now fairly launcheti on his career et conquest in Asia, to revenge thc PEýrsiLt n, onslaughts upon western cit iliL-ation. &itleariis froui the piquant pages of bis latcst biographer ail that is te ho known about one 'of theo retst men of ail time; and the scenes and customas et the anciont world are reviNed 1)y mnuy a graphic touch. Thuýs,1 splenidors et the court et Darius are brought before us in these two bni paragraphs: The court of the king wýas main- tained -\\i!h- extraerdinary dignity anld spiendor. the persen et reyalty ,vas surreunded with ex erything cap- able ot giviig ît elvation, diguitv and charm lun the eyes et the masse s. Surreuuded by a vast body- et ai- tenda-nts, body-guards, servants, eunuchs anti court oificials, the kfiug vus renioved as tar as possible freiin the i ulgar eye. He gaveo audience euted on a golden throne, e~ vhich -\aýs strotched a taldachin of purpie, supportcd ou tour gelden î il lars glitteririg w ith precious stor,(,s. In bis presonce his courtiers rrs- ratn.I thoinseli us iu the dust. Who- ever stood in bis presenre to eddre!ý hlin hid isahandsifathe sleeves of is rmantle, os toen of bis abnecyt- ien et will to restraiu ur harni. le was never scen on. toot. He, sonie- tmies uppeL 'ed on hors- i more oten in a eiiot. tuairds andi scurgers -,vent hetore bis car tc) open the w ay. Thoeo iexoithe chariots oet Mýithra,.ant(i.' l i ciry- itg the sacred tire. Arouýnd hini andi behind iiiua were the stati-boarors n his bedvy-R;nard. On sooira eCsu the ways %vere purifiet w itb rakn cense and strev, n xith, mirtle. 1h Ling's attire ivas valued, Plutni'hI sas, at 12,000 talents (about ',17,!. 000,000). Atessa, the daugliter etof r, ranked as the Queen et Danriiig. Ameag his ,vives et secend rank the rst place was held by the daughtepv tf Gebryas, who hati berne hlm three sens before ho came te the brone. Below the seceudary xict-R were the cencubines, whe ternied a aumereus boby. Three bundred urId Lwenty cencubines et the last Darfus (III.) \Vere teunti ameng the cap- Lives atter Alexander's victery at Jg- 3us. The steries that passed current rneng the Greeks ceucerning the ex- tet et the kings' retinue anti tIi [vishness et their court, anti which ,onie te us particularly threugh thon pages et Xenephen In bis "Cyr-u8'& ducatien anti Training" and et I'lgts ira ln bis Lite ef Artaxerxes, ýr ,h« n&tural trfbute wbich. the won ler et the plainer peeple pays te .h randeur, luxury anti circunistance 6t in oldet clvfllzatfen. Are prepared from ît ,ture's mild laxatives,ýn while gentie 'are reli'àble and efficient. They Cure Sick Headache, Bil- iousness, Sour Stomacli, and Costpaio. -ol

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