WOIRRISONE STAINS. Propeit. 1 V SOME 0F THE METHODS FOR REMOV- - t ING THEM EMPLOYED IN ENGLAND. ________________________________When Possible, It Is flos't to Give Im- Canaa hs ben lessd wth bontifl hrvet. ediate Atten-tion t.la Statu and Canaa h s ben bessd wth bou tifl hrve t. sAvoid a Probable Diseolora- The resuit is shown in the constantly increasing volume tioss-Treatinent For Miidew. of business transactions. If you have made, money we Fe- things among the so cailed "Imi- ner" worries ef lite are more annoying can help you save it. Our large stock of drugs and medi- than stalus, Nvhatever their nature. And, cines, sundries, etc., boughit for cash will be sold at the moreovor, in most cases their worry is only equaled by the mystery atfuching most reasonable prices consistent with quality. The Fali to their presence. Yen put away a dress, as far as you know, ln perfect order, season brings with it an increased demand for says the LondonuQueen, and,Io, on taking 7 cabie mark ut more or less (generally à ~more) consequeuce! Nothirïg was spilt at 5 o'clock tua to your knowledge, yet the nexf time that teacloth is bronglit out there is a dark, brownish mark that be- trays the preseuceofu tea. One might mnuitiply these exampies indefinitely, for The ondrfu re edy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, ln their origin. UnCorunuately, this mys- WTe have just received another shiprnent of English its nature, is allowed thoronghly to set ln any material, its removal is rendered Toilet Soap, f rom 5c to 15c per cake. Excellent for the tenfold more bazardons. For this reason a strict raie shonld ho made neyer to ai- skin. low a kaown stain to remain a moment longer than is uecessary. No matter how i UlI'IMDfTUAM 2, flN trifling, have if ceeu te at once, tor five J. IIUI OUIII'M & VUII minutes' attention bestowed lu time wili BOWMANVIU~E. Druggists. save much trouble and work later. If is a greaf point in eue's tavor if the cause et the stain cau bu made ount, for nafnrally on ifs origin nst ln great moasure depend ifs cure. Remember that a remody thut lu eue case may ho irre- sistible will in another enly iucrease the mischief. Grease otfcorne kind la a fre- quent cause et stains, and aise in most cases oeeof the easiest te remuvo. On sfaffs, oeeou the satest methods is te U v e d lay the matorial fiat ou a cloth, thon place a pioce et lotfiug paper over the mi mark and iron if with a tairly hot iron né-IIVr~AI(this moîts the groaso, which is thon ab- An are uo eL- sorbed by the lotting ae)rmmb- ing always te shiftf the paper as the t +1Q .11-tri saxucomes off ou if. This troatmeut can r L115 U~LELIU dress maferials, carpots and farnitare 1' I Our New tore Benzine collas is another excellent In O r N w t r greaso remover, oaly it suffers trom the disadvaufage et a very strong smell, iL n hich reqairos much airiug te removo. Ammnonia, again, will romovo grease and Acro sth Str et.aise will ut the samne time remove muuy acid stalas. Hlot water, soap, soda and We ask all our customers, and those who have neyer borax are ail excellent for remeving deait with us, to caîl and see our New Premises, our Fur- ciall ndrienw0 s rqunl niture as to assortment and styles and to get. our Prices. stained lu bot weather. In this case rab the stains very well with soap, and thon You will be convinced we lead andthat this is the store bell if lu water lu which yen have put to buy your Furniture at. Make it your business to cail a littie soda and allowed it te dissolve pertectly betore pattiug lu the articles te and see us. be washed. For unless this is attended te the soda woaid louve yellow marks, which are nef long lu wearing fhrough, 1qMIMas well as lookiug anslghfly. (For baby L . R IS , linon yen w ii find borax the satesft t nK y use.) ]Iemember always to rnase the art!- cie well aftt r the soda and water, asing Furniture ]Dealer. BOWMANVILLE a liffle blinl the riusing wafer te get thL* color clear. A fablespuontul et pow,- Every attention given our Undertaking Business and our prices are dered borax te the gallon et water wl reasonable. ho ample. Linon treqaeutly saffers trom i de __________ ________________!n=_ spots, asually caased hy the putfiing away et the linen w hile sf111 damp. This, if nof nftended te ut unce, is a mosf trou- blesome staia f0 remuvo, and, indeed, if aiiowed te set lu the staff, nothiug but chemniculs, and sfroug unes at thaf, will remnovo if. Au old ftashionoed remedy was f0 mix equal quantifies et suftfsuap and 2ý powdered cf arch with haît us mnch sait as yon have starch and the jaîce ut a lemun. Paint this paste thickly over the stalus ou huth sides and louve if ou the grass day and night f111 the stains dis- appear. Aniother plan is f0 soak the stain in sour battermoilk and thon dry if lu the bot son. Many laundresses say - le thaf the nighf air and moualighf are the 4',finest bleachers in fihe w orld. For tea sfanus spreud the sfaiued place ever a basin, then rab the spot well wlftx either powdered horax or pure glycerin and ~II thon pour hoiliig water tbrough, the mu- l th nappy Thought fag . eril, allowixxg ifte souk well ln this. If the stains are net tresh, this may require te ho repeafed. Coffee et aies may be re- Foir 17 years it has competed against the world. To- meved in the samne way.arteietl day-it is admitted by ail to be the best Range in the very trouhiesome and shoald ho attended te as soun as nxay ho. It possible, af once market. Over 101,000 homes are enjoving the comnforts strain the st9ied part ot the clofh ever a basin and rab the spot weii with flue saît, of the Happy Thought Range. thon pour hoiling wator fhroagh it te pro- vent the mark spreadiug. A tresbiy cut tomato ruhhed over the newly made trait exr\viue stain le alse said te ho excellent. D ustan & EI* ciiAnother w ay is te rab the staluofi part U ta weii ou both sides vrith yeilow seap, thon Phone 74, BOWMANVILLE. paxut if thickly, aiso on huth sides, ýwith a fhick pasteofet sarch. Rab this well lu and thon expose if f0 the su-i andi air fer tixrce or tour days, when the stalas sboald hav-edisappenred. Iftfhey have nut, re- poatilhe--roces..spluing the flinen,.-o- rorvasnss rd w knost'f Icaldot oaxiytbing and h-ý t doive teregain fOach the ingers), thon ltifsea x for cemuposaire. My"2 v nnatuîaIiy colid diwas subjecrte ïxiervosh-dI.ches littie ove,- the boiling wafer, wliea tho and dizziness.'My memery h me ancertain and sicep deserfed me. stain should ilisappeax-. Palet eau he re- 1I have been tai'-:nff M.¶i 's Heart and Nervu Piaa. i a resait amn very movKI, if tos.wih turppntino, bat if Muehbetter. I hn-' ri-pro%. J xà healfh and strangf l rapi-1yv. The biessing of sleep drivd ila mix a lit tie ami oxifa wlf h the il restored te me. My hiýart is much stronger, and the oppressive sensation bas f~p tn If the stain i. nri a coiored VanisIed.b; can now go up-stairs witboat sfepping and with the groafest of ease, staff er whieh 'the colo,' ma'y ho destroy- and I ne 1%,yger sufer frein dizziness or beadache If seema te me the circulation ef ed, wof t he spot wift a littie pare oul and My blond has become normal, tberehy remeoviug the colduess from my limbs. I san thon roniove thle w'hole m ark wilb tur- truly say that Milbnrn's Heart and Nerve Puis have doue me a worid et goo." penflue or, btter sf111, ether. By t&io bye, ether w iii remove the marks of machine LAXA-LIVER ?EILLS CURE e-1IRONIC CONSTIPATION ARUDDySpEpSIA. grease trom colord fthings witbont leay- lga trace bebind if. CIIILDIREN'S COILTMN., KITTV'S FIRST MOUSE. Bessie %Vas Pieased That Notbing Se- rions Happen'ed f0 Mesusie. "Bessie, Bessie, corne quickly, and bring kifty w-ith yen," called Aunt Elia up the stairs. "What for, antie?" w-as the answer, as Bessie came îanning down. She heid a pretty lit fie tahhy bittnonfethfree monfhs eld lu ber hahy arms. "Cooke says thero is a mouse back of the bitchen, dear," repiied auntie, as she lifted the littie girl off the last stop et the stairs. "A live muse!" ex-led Bessie, trotting down fixe passage utter ber nunfie. 'Why, hasn't i raun away? If wiii ho kiffy's fixxt asoase, w on't if, anlo?" "Yes, aud I1flxiub if wihll homousie' s first kifty tue. (Cook say s if is a very litfle oue," saîd antie. Openiu.g a door ut the end et the passage, Bessie rau into the kitchen. 'W7here is the mousie, coek?" she asb- ed. "l've hrought kifty." "Be very quiet, Bessiel, said Cook as she led the way f0 the littie yard haek et the i ifehen. "Heo'l come ont agalu in a minute if yoa wait." Bessie paf dowu she kitten, who, nover haviag ceeu a inoase betoro, caf dow-n on the stops wondering why be was awak- - BOTH B5UiiRISEfl. ened from bhis cozy uap en Bessie's sftt bcd.. Very soon the dearest, finiesf, tim- idest gray monse Bessie bad ever secu rau eut trom uder the grate and loobed round ifb bis hright black eyes. IHo did net seema a bit atruid ef kitfy, but ranuap te bu and beld np his littie nose for a kiss. As kitty was net very big, ne doabt mondie thonglit If n'as is mother. "Kif ty thinks, 'What a tnnny lltf le thingl' " saxd Bessxo in a whlsper as ho bout down and smeiled If. Iousie gave a liffie jamp and rau awvay as fat ausbo couid go. Thea bifty spraug aftor bhlm, meue!" criod Bessie, jumping ap troni ber chair. "Ne, ho won't. Look, deur! Ho'e gene!" said auntie. And, sure enoagb, ut that moment -Master Mondie reaehed bis bole ander the fonce and rau into it wifh a sqaoak et joy. Bessie piekefi ap the kitton. "Poor kitty! Don't ho disappeinfed. Nover mind if yen bave lost bim. l'Il give yen a nice dinner iustead." Thon she added ns chie rau up stairs, "Yo're a very good liffie bltty te lot. mondie ru home and nef bill hlm."- Cincinnati Enquirer. To Make a Telsshoue. There are muxxy boys and girls who would like te kuow the way te mabe a telepheone. A great deal etffu an abh had with a bomemade telephono, and if the directions tellewing are carrled ont uny girl or boy wbo desires f0 ho the possossor etfeuee au have bis or lierwish grafified.- Procure a couple et empfy ce- cua tins; kno& ouf the hottora of each, aud Yoa Will thon, et' course, have leff two thin tubes. Noxt glue a plece et cartridge paper oer the moutf ee end et eaeh et yoar tubes, faking cars f0 stx-efch the paper tlghfiy ever the, Open- ing. Muke a smnall isole lu the conter of each pioce et puper; tubre a piece ut string et whutever leugth yen care f0 have It and thon pues one end throngh oaci bole, afterward mabing a couple ot kuots ut oeaci end et the striug, se as f0 prevout the latter ti-oxu omîug eut of the holos. This doue, yoar telephone is complets aud qaits readyý for use. The persoxis Who are te converse witb eue another eaeh tube hold et a tube aud strefcb the string quite tant., Theonee whe infends spoabing first mercly pute the tube te bis inouf h sud spoaks into if, wbile fhe othor persen places the opposite tube te bis sur. A conversation eau ho carried on su thxs mauner in a w hieper, even ut a distance et 100 foot. 1319 Uharei Made Prom a Tree. Tbinb et an ontire churcli heing cou- straeted ot the svood trom a ingle troc! Sauta Clara, Cul., bas sncb a bouse et worship. lu 1853 the firsf Baptisf ses-v- ice beld ln thaf regien n'as eondaefed ander an oab free. When the came Bap- tisf seciety decîdcd te bud a ehurchx, the site on whieb fhe froe sfood n'as se- leeted. This menster et the forost, whieh cuet an acre ot shude, was thon caf dewn ut e boîghf 0f 25 feot, sud the fimbor n'as eut lut o lumber. The big stump n'as parfially bollowod and allen'- cd f0 stand us the charci fou-or. A bigh steeple n'as erecfed on if, sud the charch was hut frein the lamber umade trous the giaîxf euk. When the chureh was completed, 1,200 foot ef luniber romain- ed anased. The building is 30 foot n'ide by 70,foot deep. ,It le a streug and haud- corne structure anîd is oeeoe the "show places" ot Sauta Clara, Thse Diifferenee. Wee Isabel la ceeui a pet At sebool amoxxg the Test! *'The baby!" Lou sud Charliesaîy, Who love lber quite the best. Tbey show her hem to sreing her beads And weave her paper mnat, They laugh nt ail her cuneiaig ways And kiss ber fingeis fat. Atf aeon they litlier fom lber cixar And lelp her i,'thb er fhlege, 'fbey but fou up lier lit fie ceai And fie lier bossef strietgs. Tbey watehlxand tend and taik te ber Just like a doli live, Decause, you ses, she's only four, And th ar 8ualy fie J THE BOWMANVI LLE. Golder Weather Winter Clothing~U, lsters and Overcoats, Men's and" Boys' ,--Over 200. now in stock, we can beat ail former values. Sec our wondeî fui value in bine and brown beavei, a snap at $5.00. An elegant line blue black and brown beaver at $10.00. Pea Jackets and double breasted coats for Màen and Boys from $1.50; W 'e are showing an immense range of worsted suits, both in sack and cuta- way styles, both venetian and dlay twill. WTe have every size in S. B. and D. B. Bine worsted serge suits in bolh Men's and Boys' and pi ces are very favorable, these goods wear well and do not fade.- Over 10 new double breasted suits now in stock. Waterproof Coats, Ladies' Circulars, Umbrellas, Etc. At this time of the year raia la likely f0 pour down- at any time if is well f0 be prepared. We are able f0ý supply your wants in this line. 'Groceries, Teas, Etci Try our special value Black Tea 25e. We have been told scores of times that this is equal to many 40e teas. We have a very special 11b. package Japan Tea at 15e. We seli the best pan-dried rolled oats made in Canada, try it. Did you ever use our Vinegars: proof vinegar, malt. vinegar, eider vinegar, and XXX white wine. Speolal Values in Rubbers -and Waterproof Boots and Shoos. WVe are showing a larger range of Flannels, Blankets, and Under. wear than usual and the values are better than ever. Our values last, season especially in ladies' underwear was wonderful, but some lines just reeeived are even better. Ladies' Jackets, our new styles,are simply supcrb. Corsets, the new Crcst corset should be seen. We also have the old reliable makes in 'ail sizos. Ilosiery and Gloves, as always our stock in these lines, is very large, we have some snaps now. GENTS' FURNISIIINGS.. Men's llcavy Underwear. Artie Merino Underwear seems to be the- favorite seller and we have îaid in a big raftf of them, sce our 50e line. Rats and Caps, new styles in Stifi and Fedora Rlats, are just ln and the new things in caps are very nobby and eomfortable,.- Top Shirts in laced and buttoned, faney and plain colors. Men's Seamless Sox frorn 10e up.I Apples, Potatoes, Butter,, Eggs, Poultry. &c., ta4ken in exehange for goods at top prices. C/FýSH GROCERS. We have j ust opened up a fine line of White Dishes, 4 Cups 'and Saucers, ]Plates of ill sizes,and a lot of Pit chers, Bowls, &e. SCash for Butter and- Egg-s. Telephone 57, Bo-WMANVILLE. rs M. MAYER would cali the attention of his numerous, customers and frienids, that he has a large and welI select- ed stock of Furs of ail descriptions to select from. Men's Fur Coats, Robes, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Çe,-ýpes, Caperines, Rulis, Caps, Muifs, Gauntlets, Storm Colïars, &c., &c. A fulliline of G-ents' Furnishings always on hand. Now is the time to have your furs altered and re- paired. M.Myr Practical Furrier, Bowmanville. Purs mý