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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1899, p. 1

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I TERMS :.-$1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY PIRST; THE WORLD AFTIERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Preprietor. NEw SERTES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNIESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 45. Are invited to' see the iîg Display of New Goods just opened out at OOIICHJOHNSTN ~CRYDER VAN%'S A fine'.stock'of New,, Stylish and, Perfect Fitting Ladies' and Misses' Coats, both German and Cana- dian made. .Ladies' costume Cioths in ail qualities and colors, a100 a specially fine range of Fancy Black Dress Goods from the lowest up to the finest goods import- ed,- and a big stock of New Wrap- Shawls, Travelling' Rugs, Flannels, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Blank- ets, Furs, Tweeds, Worsteds, Over Coatings, &o. No better goods and no better value anywhere., Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. BowmANviLLE, September î2th, 1899. To get soute of the bargains that we are offering in al lnes of Furniture. Everybody says this is t he cheapest place to buy furniture and what Cey1.14rybody says must be true. Cail and see:for yourself, prices are raising and now is the time for you to -buy,. bef ore we dispose of our present largre stock, at the old prices. M. 1). WILLIAMS & SON, LOWMANVILLE. Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention, In LeaVe your repairing at Jas. 'Goard's. Ail work attended to promptly and guaranteed. Gold FilIed Watithes sold at prices usually asked for silver. Full asso rtment of Writingy Material always kept in stock, Choice in Coloreci and Crinkled Tissue Paper. Watchmaker and Jeweller. (Elliýox's Old Standi.) BOWMAINVILLE,. NEW AUCTIONEER. JAMEs BisHop,Ilieensed auctioneer, wfll con-1 duet sales ini West Durham this season atlowest rates. Appiy for terms, dates, etc., at JOHEN RUa DLE'S lvarness Shop, King St. E., Bowman. ville. OF ]3OWMANVILLE. F. H. FROST, First Tenor. JAMVES GOARD. Seeonct Tenor, H. J. KNIHTFis a. T. E. HIlCGGINTIOTHAM, 2nd Bass. Address aIl correspondence to JAMES GOARD, Business Manager, Lock Box 61, Bowmanville. 89 tf. DR. J. C. DEVIIT, DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons andoflToronto University. Painless Extraction a Speciality. Over M. D. Williams' & Son's Furni- ture Store. gf,ýeWjl1 be at Oroio from 9 a. m. to 2 p.m., Newcastle 2.30 p.m. to 5.80 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. Aiso at Blackstock on the first Monday of each nionth. De If you would avail yourseif of tbe eppertunity to purcisase many of the snaps T . N . Rickard, Bowman- ville, bas for you In tise way o! Watches, Ciecks, Chains, Rings, andi ail kinâs of Jeweliry anti Tabieware. We say "Snaps" we mean this,- He bas purcisased numbers o! these, tbings, before tise price went up whoiesaieandis givingyo a chance te reap tise benefit, and ise is expect- ing you te appreciateîbis:offer suffi- cienîly wel 10 make il profitable te hlm. But bis stock will net lasI forever, remember tisat. One or Iwo smeialties are a Gent's Coin Silver Case and Waitham ,Works, Stering'Silver Tabieware, and Silver Piated Knives, Forks and Spoons. Best value in Canada. T. N. RICRARD0 Jewelr and(rptician.Fowinanville, 3 doors East of Standard Bank. Grocers' due bis taken ab casta. 110w Old Are Yen? A woman la miglsty sensitive abont her ge Soui£ have beenCswM tes fly ite a passion o h witnesa stand witensan ùs1iSitIve lawj'er asks. "How eld ex. .e?" Tiseactual number of years dolnt count for mnudil inia heethy vigorous wosnan. If she b. forty, she will look youngFer titan a weak weman et 25. DL . Fea' Pvorite Prescription kepiw0men looking yaent by keepint disease away from titose marvsousiy e. cate organs wbicit distinguis thtie female sex. t cures ail the debilitating wastes ansd drinls, ail thte aches and pains. It quiets te nerves, and stops titese bearing- dowa seasatiautà. it ts thte wife for the taâk of citild-bearlng, making the. period of gestation ane of coinfort, sisertening labor and miaking it ainst pinless. It fortifi e .whole systems, »' treatreeovery after confinement is quick, and titere art no dangerons after-efrects. Thse babe of te wuman who takes " Favorite Prescrip- tion" 1 is sure te be itealthier titan tite babe of tint motitêr Who dot.nt take it. Tiser. la no aecohol or apiate in ttis ruedicine. Il la a pure, non alcoitolie tosile and nerv-ine. Mrs. Azel KZr, of Gordoniville, Cape Girardeeu Ce., Mo., wrtt : ' whl Ilook at naY itt5e boy 1 feet il my duty tb write you. Vits te my fitti cbttd and the onty une who came te matnrity; thse etherq havieig died frotn teck af non-ish- ment-se the doctor said. 1 was net a;ck;,- in ainy way, and thisi time I just thouglit 1 wontd try your 'Prescriptisn.' I tuok fine bottles and te my surpise h Carri-ed me through and gave us1 as fine a ittît b a s evr wee ,weigheid ten and one-haif ponds. NeRe nw fve momrhs old, has never iteen sck a day, and lasu strong that cvery body who sees iim wouders et hue." lIn cases o! sudden sickness, tise Commn Ses~Medical Adviser,(touS ges) May save aUi.Sent Éfretfia paper-dbrver for ji one-cent st=pste pay customs, and post- age, ClIt-oexs- 50stamps. Âddresa Dr. R. 'V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. y. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. A PRETTY IYEIDIN<;. ST&TESMAN te end of 1900 81 (0 STATESMAN and Weekly Globe 1 75 STATESMAN, Globe and Premiumi 2 0 STATESMAN and Weekly Mail 1 90 STATESMAN and Family llerald 1 9C. STATESMAN and Farm and Fîreside 1 50 STATESMAN and Farmliug (weekly) 1 90 STATES31AN and Farmer's Advocate 1 90 STATESMANz and Guardinn 2 0 STATESMANz and Montreal Witness 1 75 STATESMAN and Montreal Herald 1 0 STATESMAN and Western Advertiserl 50 STATESMAN and Breeder's Gazette 2 50 STATESMAN aned Lesli&'s Weekly 9 Su STATEsmAN and Toronto World 3 50 STATEsmAN and Daily Globe 4 75 STATESMAN and Toronto Daily Star 3 0 STATESMAN and Evenin- Globe 8'50 STATESMAN and Dailv XVtness 3 00 STATESMANand Weekly Sun 1 40 Ail other publications at proportion- ate rate. Al erders must be sent te M. A. JAMEs. Bowmanville, Ont. HAYDON. Mr. and Mrs. Hlicks moved to Hamil- ton iast week. . .. Mr. Austin, formeriy of Lotus, bas charge of the miii here. The family move in Monday ... . Miss -Annie Creeper is visitin- at Mr. R. Hawkey's. . .. Mr. W. H. Creeper bas some handsome McLauighlin cutters.. .Mr. Ruben Ashton is sick .... Preach- ing next Sunday evening instead of of afternoon .. .. Miss Lily Pethjck, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. S. Soper's last week. * . -Messrs. Chas. Brownand Archie Campbell spent Sunday at hom~e. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, Oct. 28, 1899. Regular monthly meeting, members ail present. minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, A communication was received from the trustees of School Section No. 20 requesting the Council to pass a by-law providing for the bor bowing of $1850 to pay for the erection of a niew school house, and to issne de- bentures therefor payable within nine years. Communication fyled and clerk instructed te prepare by-law in accord- ance therewitn. The ccmmittee appointed to examine the bridge, rear part cf lot 19, con. 6, (mhs)reported that; it will be neces srtobuiid a new bridge with truss, Reotadopted. Theý committee ap- peinted te procure information in ref- erence te the matters related in the petitiens of E. Rice and Reynolds, reconimenided that the road across lots 8 and 4 on 9thi concession be opened four and a haîf rods in width and aise that; the roud across sa.id lots in tenth concssioni be net opened se long as the aforesaîd road isused for public travel, and thait repairs should be made across lots 5 and 03 next vear. Report adopted. The Trustees of Hampton Cemetery (north) askýed permission te erect tying posts in front of tLe property. Permis. sien granted. Petitions were received from the Trustees of School Sections Nos, 4 and 8, and others praving that ne action be, taken te establishl a Union Section aýt south-west part of township as requested in the petition o! . Penfound and others. Th petitiens were fyled, and it was resolved net te take any,ý, step te form the Union Section. A communication was received from J. W. Kerr, C. P., certifying te baving received rcport of selections of jurors. Fyled. W. Creeper was autborised te bave bail winjdowýsrepaired. Theclerk was authorised teadvertise fera quantîty of p)alank aded,ýar. Tho clerk was in- structed t otoify, partie-s iuterested that matterd relating "toe chang-es l the bounda iiiioD, f &hol e os n~1 and2,1-,ii e e 4. meetîiug oA the councti. W. Asbtonl paid et. refund on reoad work, R.Pascoc paid 40ce., plank sýold J. Ilurlbut, The Reevewa autborîsed te g-rant orders on the Treasurer as follows: J. Morrow sheep damages, $3; L. Reattoire, sheep damages, $3.34, H. Greenlees. sheep damages, $4; W. G. (Jrmiston, sheep dpimages, $5 34 ; T. Smale, sheep daae,8. FGrfisbeepdamages $6.67; G. W. Soper, sbeep damages, $10; J. Lander, sheep damages, $12; J. Sullev, gravel, 85; J. Webler, gravel $17; J. Curtis, gravel, $18.55; Selectors of Jurors services, $7; R. J. Mallory, services at Courts of Revision, $3; W. J. Roy, ditto, $5.10; H. Ellott, jr., ditto, $26.09, W. Broad, nails, 36c; J. Fraser, work done on tewn huie (Clarke te re- fund) $1; C. Powers, cedar, $6; R. McCulloch, repairing scrapers, $1 25; J. Aldsworth, opening ditchl lot 22, 13; W. Snowden, opening ditch, lot 20, $15.75. Indigents: Janet Wilson and Mrs. Staples,$5 eacli; J. Peters. J. Campbell and Mrs. lloidge, $4 each; Airs. Lane, $3; T. Wilcox, $2. Ceunceil adjourned te Saturday, Nov. 25 at 10 e'clocc a. m. H. ELLIOTT, Jr , Township Cierk. Mr. W. H. Nichois bas taken poses.- sien o! M»vr. S. Brooks' farm recentlv va- cated by Mr. J. -Bellara-. . .. Mr. Fred Trul bas received several sipments cf coal at Darlinglton station, with wbich be is supplying the neighborbod... Rev. J. S. I. Wilson î is conducting special sérvices lu the Base Line School bouse.... Miss M. McConacby gave a very enjoyable party last Tuesdav evening. ... Miss M. E. VanCamp eii- tertained a few frîends very pleasantly last Friday....Mr. Jas. Clark bas, moved te Air. James Pearce's farm... Recent visitors:-Mrs. H. Burk and Mrs. S. J. Hall, Iown, at Mr. T. Van- Camps; Miss Emma Clark, Pickering, aI Mr'. John Hots; Mrs. Wm. MÏc- Reyýnoids, Maple Grove, at Mr. John Clark's,.... Mrs. McConnell bas returned te Chicago. ...Miss Vvinnie Power bas returneil from visiting friends in Port Hope.... Miss Edna VanCamp bas teen vîsîting ber cousins in Orono.,. .. Miss Maud Witberidge gave A party te a few friends recently ..Mr. RobI. Mc Kniglnt. who bas been living witb Mr. Thos. Power for ever six vears, sudden- ly disappeared. Some money was miss- ing at the same time.... .Mr. Jas. Bell- amy bas moved te town. OSHAWA. 11ev. R.11. Balmer, Millersburg,Ohio., is guest cf Rev. J. J. Liddy, B. A.... Rev, Dr. PotIs, Toronto, preacheti edu- cational sermons iu Simcoe St. Metbod. ist churcis Sunday mernîng and in Medeaif St. Methodiat churcis in tise evening.. .. Miss Quinn bas returned home te Toron te after spenaing a e wuseks lu town with ber brother, L'ov. Mr. Quinn ... Mr, Butiand bas disposed o! bis isandsome residence, on King St., te Mr. J, McLaren, tise new milier,,,. Rev, S. Rattan, Broughsam, occupied the puipit e! the Christian churcis Sab- bath.... Mrs. W. Bambridge bas re- turned from spending a verY pleasant mentis in Boton,,,, Rev, A K.McLeod, Brig-hton, preacbed for the Presbyterian congregaîson Sunday ...Mr. Tises. Knox, nightwaîcbman for tise town fer nearly two years, bas, resigned. Mr. Geo. Lawrence lias received tise ap- poinîment .. . Tbose wise accepted tise invitation te spend "a, nigh isW' Burns" at tise home o! Mrs. Gibbs Friday week were highly deligbted witi tise pregram which censisted o! vocal and . instru.- mental selectionss,, readings and recitations from tise famous peetic pro- ductions o! the Scottisis Bard ... . Osha- wa Hockey Club efficers for tise coming seascin are: Hon. Pres., Geo I. Pediar, sr.; Hon. Vice-President. V.,B. Wood- riiff; President, J, W, Ray; Manapor, Boi Hasting"s; Captain, Jas. l-lastiug.s; Secretary. i-uo. lHezzelwoed; Tre;os., Arthur Curtis: Management Committ de, ,Messrs., D. .11Alden, C. Marr and John INot- It was decided te enlarge the rink about ten feet in length and put a four foot waik aroundth ie east end. l ,î&ill be well lighted and refittei. . . . Mr. Frank Talling bas purchasedth ie residence o! Mr. Walter Brown, Centre street. Mr ownis removingle Cedar Dale...Mrs.Dal, Maocanddaugisî- er, Bella, o! O. L. College, Wbitby, are guests of Rev:, J. P. Wilson. GREGORY NORTHCOTE. A quiet but one of the prettiest -wed- dinýg s o! thc season was that which took place at one o'clock, Wednosday, Nov. lst, when Miss Mabel Nortbcote was United to Mr. William Arthur Gregory, of Schultz Bros. Tbe ceremonv took Place qit the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Vanstone, 140 George St,,!i the presence. of ouly the immecliate friends, and relatives. Miss Northcote is well known in Ibis City, baving for the past four vears acted as organist in the Weilingtun St, Metbodist church. She is a zreat fav- orite, and bas surrounded fierself with a host o!friends. The very great num- ber of the presents are a token of the esteem. in wbich sbe was held, The nuptial kuot was lied by R1ev. John Pickering., Miss Northcote was ably assisted by ber cousin, Miss Florence Tilley, o! Bowmanville, and Miss Loretta Greg- ory, cf Exeter, sister of the groom. Little Gertrude Winona Vanstone, tb.e dau.cbter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Van- stone, acted as maid cf honor. The groom was supported by Messrs. Frank and Norman Nortbcote, cf P. W. Ellis Ce., Toronto, twin brothers of the bride, Tbe bride was very prettily attired in a white silk faille trimmed with chif- fon. She carried white roses. Miss Tilley was gowned lu a white silk, and Miss Gregory were a white organdie, Both bridesmaids carried a bouquet of pink and white roses. The maid of honor was daintlv dressed in white s11k. The brides gcing-away gown was a grey homespun,' Tbe ceremony teck place in the draw- ing rocm, wbicbi was very beautifully decorated wîtb ipalms and ferns and cbrs'santhemums. Master Wilfrid Van- stone, cousin cf tihe bride, plaved Men- delssohn's weddinz march. A very tasty dejeuner was served immudiately after the ceremeny, about eighteen guests sitting down. Among the presents were a mohog- any cabinet f rom tbe choir cf Welling. ton St., church, a brass table from the Senior League' and an urn from the Junior League. The greem's gif t te the bride waie a verv bandsome sable and seai cape, and teotthe bridesmaids and maid cf honior opal and Pearl pinis. An abundance of handseme cnt flowers were received froma a cousin in Pontiac, Micli. Tue happv coupl,)e left on the 3.4f) train for Thetr,,it . Exeteriand-.t... THE LITE AIRS. ARCHER. The citizens o! Port Perryý, were very sorry te learn ou Mondaý, Oct. 301h, that Mrs. (Dr.) D. Archer bad passed away. Site bas been at the peint e!f death o! len altbougb at times she seemed tb rally Ibrougis baving the hest of care, but death claimed bier at last. Mrs. Archer nee Miss Hannais Maria Dyer, was a daugbter cf Mr. Daniel DYer, of Columbus. Sue was born and breught np in Enlield wbere bier parents resided until tbey moved to Columbus. In November 1884 she was married 10 David Archer. Togetb- er they lived in Smîrb's Falls for twe years, be being mathematical teacher in the Higis Scbool th ere. At the end cf that period thev went to Toronto and the Dr. attended the Trinitv Med- ical College for four y-ears, then went te England for oine ,ear,' Mrs. Archer remain5n,, with ber parents durisg lber husband's absence. Upen bis retnrn they moved to Port Perr 'v wbere a very large practice bas been worked up and a happy home e.,ablished. There is. one grtsat vacancv in that home now; and thse Dr. feels il keenly. 'li e citizens wiii miss Mrs. Archer tee. iShe was a faitbful member e! the Methodist church, a member o! the choir, and aI ail times bad a smiEe andi a laugli for evervone. Sise was aI the lime of ber deatb 87 vears, 6 montbs and 6 days. old but bad ne famlly. The funeral toit place fromn the famiiy residence on Wednesday. and was iargelv attended. Tlhe remains were interred in the Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert.-.Port -Perry Standard. D.A. W. Dr. Chase's Kîdney-Liver PiUs, for diseases of the Kiducys, Liver, Bladder and Bowels, One pill a dose; 25c. a box, Dr. Cliases Catarrit Cure, for Cold in ise Head, Catarrit, Droppiag in thse Throa, and, Hay Fever. 25c. a îý box, blower freé. Dr. Ciase's Oint. ment'for Rozemna, Sait Rheum, Piles and ail itching skin diseases. 6o cents a box. Nerve Food, for exhausted, worn. eut nerves and thin, ~ watery, diseas'ed box, Dr. Citase's Liver Cure, for diseases of the Liver, jaundice and nilionaness. 5oc. abottle. Dr. Chase'a Syrup o! Lînseed and Turpen.. tine, a positive cure for Croup, Asthma, Bron. chitis and ail Coughs and ColtiS. 25C. a large boutle. At ail dealers. '1 HTAMPTON. Visitors:-Mrs. and Miss Mand Ulaw- kins. Gravenhurst, at Mr. H. Eiliott's; Mr. C. McLean, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. Cole's ; Mr. Frank Hear, Miss Kate Elliott, Bowmanville, at Mr.T.Elliott's; Mr. Frank Lewis, Kinsale, at Mr. W. Allin's. . .. Mrs I. L. Brown is under the Doctor's care, suffering from neur- algia cf the stomacli. . .. Mr. J. T. Mol- Ion and family have meved te tise Base Line, west cf Bowmanvilie station.... Mr. and Mrs. ü,. A. Cole bave taken up housekeeping in their new home.... Mr. A. M, or( and famiY bave meved inte Mr. H. Fursier's cottage.... .Rev. R. L. Edwards, Pontypool will preach missionjarv sermons here next Sunday morning and evenîng. DISTRICT DIVISION. Durham District Division, Sens cf Temperance, meets aI Mapie Grove, Tue.qday Nov. 21st, commencing at 10 a. M. The G. W. P. Bro. W. B. Burgoyne, will be in attendance. A full attend- ance o! representatives. ftcm ail the subordinate Divisions is requested. A geed lime is expected. A public meeting wiil be beid in the evening cemmencing at 7.30 p.m..wben a good pregram wiil be rendered. Colection taken. J% When

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