f i l at t ftttomnt 11k eadache and r elieve ail thie troubles iiuc. dent to a bilious Lete of thie astem, sucb as ,Dizzlness, Nausean, troMv,,sies-Distress after eating, Pain in the Sie, &.Whîte their most jemarliableae Css fbas been ehown s iUn àj Éeadache, yùt Cuters Little Livet- Mils arn equally valuabli iu Cons tipatin, ecurfi'ug and pr. -correct aililar la 'a eft be stomuitiuatth liver and regulh'îo the 1euxv c"'. vniftàey ouly i b~eywoiiearctpri clesstothosewho fbfferfronmthled tras Lgei' cpla'nt; butfortu- jeateiy theirg, oda dcs ti d hereandàthosa Uhooncotry 11'î,il i ic eh1ie pilia valu. ebie in soa iiy VaaLcc'.irjilnot b wil. il to do vwitioti tii. -it a er alic lc ead la the banc tof s. i niy Ovei O at her a , i 'ueialie our great tý;. tu- rpils cureoit whie ailiers do not. Carters Little Liv"r Pilicre very qsmaii aud very easy toiLe. 0O c'io ue uluadose. Xhey are tritly and dLuii' i out gripe or purge, but by tCicr gau' action pieuse ail who .se thei. n uviabol a ti s t!va r $1. Sold bydrugghsts overyTihLare, <,r sont by iiafl. CARTEIuE.q)C E CO. e New York 'P OT FR111 k ~NSATION1 -A Kingston Laaly's Experieuce with Milburn's Hoýýrt t.nd Nerve Pis iu Releviug tIbis DistresngCn dition. "I have suffereci for soe yeurs Nvith a jemethening seuusaft'oss causeti by heurt Idiseuse. Tise sevcitky of the pains ln my heurt causeti me muclu auffering. I wae ase very neru'ous and my wleile system was run dewn tancda-hbiltatoti. "Ileau'iusgthajt Mll.ui's Heurt and Net-vs ils were a speciflo for Iliese troubles, I tho-tsc'ht I1ivouiti try thete, anti gel a box tMcied's Drutg Store. Tbey uffortiet me great relief, huving toneti np my system and r t se eti the distressiug svmptoms front w i1'b I suffereti. I cari heuttily reeommard tllese woncirfnl pills toeail sff erers oa ..a-t. t-tuble. (Sigusedu lit S. A. W. IRISH, Kingsten, Ont. LAxA LrvER PiLOt cure Bilieusuessi Constipation andi iekIeeciaehe. TCardigan Overshoe 1-q M heavybik ôver-stocking wth thse fo nnzed juta a rubber sisce. Thse stdexi ag", kt complete ta tise toe of thse rubhier and snakes the warneest, ligistest anfd neateat risisier in thse market. No b>tttnsý no buckies. Made ta fit ail sisoe aShapes. Sold b>' ail dealers. Manufactnred by Ot Ctdigaa 6OrshoC., Stratfori, Ont. THE BOOK OF THE YEU. "The Bow-Iogged Gibost and Other Stories." ~Wth an itra- 4ductjon b>' A M e r i c a 1 p me Whit-' comub Rley. An- tIlustrated 'vol- Urne of original eketcbesverse, 1,uies. A book tls4wiii not disapolt the rea delr, ai it -enters a new and heretofore field fhmr read aioudad -et4oyed among your frieuds. Contajsns "The Bcw-iegged Ohos," "When Ezra Sang First Basa, "The Man Who Couidn't Langis," IlPossible Tities of Future Books," "SelingLocks of Hair," "No Wop:an, No Fad," "Society' Actresses,"1 etc., etc. This fireti edition bound ln, ciotis prlnted an extra fine paeand aissointel>' ths et Îhumorcus boo pub. fiimhs. Worth $2.50, maled postpaid for $1.006 ,Order at once. Send for ou.r new specialI llus- trated catalogue nsaied frue. Givu you tise lpw cest rices on ail gcod books. Address ail orders ta - THE WERNER COMPANY, g 5c,5rsand KsfaAre, kron, Ohio. JOURN'AL and 3CIENCE of HEALTH. c4r Knowu everywnere ~-'~ 4 1.3sin its Sixty-first year. ý 5 rte FOWLER & WELLS (nM 2ï E 2 1,t 3t., Nmw VerK, 1er 8Qecimen cepy. t i fl a yes. to ew wbrbIers incindiegi a short V.ssaret if hractis BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 8, 1899. Local and Otherwis 1e. There are 90 lady studeuts ut Queen's University. The now pork-packing factory aI Stouifvillo will cest about $60,000. Steerage rate te Enroue $20.50 bv Beaver Lino-M. A. James, Agent.' Mr. A. J. Poil, represouting thé Nomlhey Mannfucturiug Company, To- ronte, wus lu town Woduesday. Mr. Rebt. Gillies, Principal of Have- lock public seboci. bas been appciuted Principal cf Port Hope public sehool. Mr, A. P. Barnard, B, A , Hamilton, whc won the Dominion scholarship val- ued et $70, ut Quéee's University, Kiug- ston, is bliid. Mr. D. J. MeLennan, station agent ut Pickering bus been removed te New- tonville and Mr R. A. Bell of that place remeved te Piceroing., T1he Directors cf Uxbrige Agricul- tural Society proseulod their President, Wm. Thompsen, Esq., with a baud- some gold watch and an add ess. Mr. P. C. Gruhum,'for tho past six rncnths editor and manager cf The Port Ferry Standard hus l1akon a posi- tion on the Whitby Chrenicle. Preseut STATESMAN subscribors wbcse subseription fer 1899 is paid eau have thîs journal sent te any frieud tethie centurY for only $1.00. Order to day. lu the I"overnber Ladies' Home Jour- bal Roy. Charles M. Sheldon emphasizes the toachings cf bis fumons book, -In Ilis Stops," asking and answeriug the question, "ls Christianity Practieul lu Werdly Affairs ?" isOften people catch a worse coid in the summner than in the winter. Duu't negleet il. Check it ut once by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine . S rup, the bost romedy for ahl kinds of lung and Ibroat affections. Lieul.-Col. Sam Hlughes cf Lindsay wus lu town Thursday on his way te Newtonvillu uand Bowmunville te visit relatives, befere proceeding witb the Cunadian centingent te iglit the Boers lu South Africa-Pert b'ecGuide. BismvAR's lRoiz NERvEm - Was the result of bis splendid health. Indomit- able will and tremondeus ouergy are not found wliere Stomaeb, Liver, Kidnes qsud Beweis are eut cf order. If you wuut these qualitiees and the success they briuag, use Dr. Kiug's New Lufe Fis. Ühey devetop everi, power cf brain and bodo Only 25c. ut Stotl and Jury's drug stoe. .lu the November number cf Scrîbuor's Presideut badley cf Yale College, oe of the. best-known autherities, cn the subjeet lu the United States, wiitos au article of the most timelv interest on The Formation and Ccutroi cf Trusts. VOLCANJO ERUPTioNs-Are grand, but 5kmn Erupticus rob lifeof joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures lbom; also Old,Run- ning and Foyer Sores, Ulcers. Bouls, Pelons, Corus, Warts, Culs, Bruises, Burns, Sealds, Chapped bauds, Chil- blains. Best Pile cure on eartb. Drives eut Pains und Aches. Only 25 c. abox Cure guarunteed. Sold b Stott and Jury, Druggists. A poem by Kipling ou the Transvaal erisis is cf course, the first item to ut- tract attention in the November cf Me- Clure's Magazine, Iu Englanti thoy are placing the poem even ubove "The Recessional," and eertainly it is a vory inspiritiug utterauco The S. S. Mc- Clure Co., New York Citv., No bîiHr vo UGuNEss.-The woman who is lovely lu face, ferm and temper will alwuys have friends, but one who would be attractive must kzeep lier boulli. If she is weuk, sickly and ahl mun dowu, she wilh be norvous and irrit- able. If she bus constipation or kidney trouble, lier impure blood wîli cause pimples, blotches, skin erupIlons and a wreteled complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine lu tbe world to reg- ulate stomucli, liver anti kiducys and ta purify the blocd. Il gives stroug norves, bright eyes, smooth, velvetv ski, ricli complexrion lwl aeage ok ing, charmg woman cf a run-down iuvulid. Only 50c. ut Stott and Jury's Drng Store. Cheese and butter factomies eau homo afler gel the watem used lu their facter- les unalyzed. and thefr pro-mises thor- oughly inspecteti bv the Bacterological Depamîment cf the Ontatrie Agricultur- ah Coliege. Hon. Mm. Dryden lias giv- en lis approval to the plan, which ne doubt will bo oxteusively taken ativan - luge cf by cheesexuakers. bis Lîmen WÂS SAVED.- Mr. J. E. Lillyv, a prominont citizen cf Hannibal, Mo., lately bud a wenderfuldelivemance from a frighlful deatl. lu telling cf il liesays: 111 was taken with Tý phoid }'evor, that rau mb FPnoumonia. My I coldn'teven sit np lu bed. Nothing belpeti me. I oxpoctedti t soon die cf Consumptien, when I hourd ef Dr' naeliestomaclianS bowe M uesWn C.V. sotestise g n, redues âlluamuattou, sud gUe,,.tound energy to ili e lholesystesm. Mme .Wiusiws' Sothing Syrpfrchuidren teetbtug te piess n ote taste anSdjî.te pre- ecripton oh one of tise oldelt and beat female -ec -ussdnuseslutise nîteS Staies, rectt alioti. oiS b>' ail drugglts tliro.gli out the woild. Bs resd ~k forM.,. 4 u SLeW5r z 1 12W Uinï,- Hcd 's Pis cure sick headache, indi- gestion,. Mr. Chas. McElroy cf the Port Hope Electric Light Co., bas secured a situa- tien in Oshawa. l'ale, peevish chiidrenirequiro Miller's Worm Pewders. 1ev. IT. W, Jolliffe, Coiborne, wil preach.. missionary kermons at Little BritainNov. l'2th. A banquet wilI bc tendered Hon. J R. Stratton bv Peterboro citizens on Thursda v Net' 6th. "Botter do it than wish il doue." Botter cure catarrh by tuking Hood's Sursuparillu thun complain because yen suifer from it. Mr. John Charlton. M. P., has given $5000 lowards the PresbYtoriau Twou- lieth Century Fund. .Ministers, iawvers, touchers and others whose occupation give but litIle exorcise, should use Carler's Little Liver Pis for torpid liver and bilious- ness. One is a dose. Try them. The Archdeacoury cf Peterboro will hold its sixth unnual conforence lu Poterboro Nov. 14 and 15. Whv don't yen use Carter's Little Livor Pis, They are a positive cure for sick headache, and ait the ills pro- duced by disorderod livor. Only oe PiLA ~tdose. TI e annual meeting of Quinte Cou- ferenco Missionary Board will 'Nbe held lu Campbellford Nov. 14th. Deraug-ement of the liver, with con- stipation.in jures the complexion,induce pimples,sallew skin. Remove the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Puis. One a cdose. 'Trv Ihete. TuuE STATESMVAN wilI be sent to any bona fide new sutbscriber te the eu j cf the century for $1.00, or the balance of 1899 for 25C. Fnom STRATFORiJ, OT.-Mr.1H. XWil- k.inson writes that hoe experienced great relief cf Muscular Rheumatism from usîng two boxes of Milburu's Rheuma- tic Pills. This remody is a specifie for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neurulgia and Gout. Mr. llugh Guthrie, Guelph, son of Mr Donald Guthrie, Q. C., Provincial Inispecter cf Registry 'offices, lias been chosen the Liberal standard bearer for South Wellington. GRAsF> ALL AND LeSE ALL.-Mauy people are se inteiit on "grasping aIl" t'nat lhey lose streugth of nerves, ap- petite. digestiou, health. Fortunately, however, these muv be restored by taking bHood's Sarsaparilla, whieh has put many' a business man ou the road to suecoss by giving hlm good digestion, streng - nerves and a cleur brain. It does the saine thing for weak and tired women. Mr. William Hawkins whe was mur-~ dered at St. Joseph, Mich., whilo on route fromn Michigan, Ind., te Montreul, Que_. was head carponter for the Grand Trunk Ilailway ut Port Hope. AR.E You BîLcus?-A sluggish liver fais te filer tise bile from the blood, und whieu the poîsonous malter gees th-rougli the body in the circulation, the wholesystemn is laiuted and deraug-ed. This is called biliousnoss and eau bc eomplotely curod by Dr. A. W. Chuse's Kidney-Liver Pis. which act diroctly ou the liver, makiug it houlthy and active. One pili a dose, 25 cents a box. The eheapesti modicine lu the world. Mrs. Margaret E. Sangster, whc for ovor ton years has been the edîlor cf Iîarpor's Bazar lias resigned that posi- tion and joined the edilorial corps cf The Ladies'Hiome Journal. AN INTERESTING CAS.-Mr. W. G. Phyall, proprietor Bodeoea Hotel, 86 Wellington Street East, frcîste, says: "-While living in Chicago I was iu a terrible shape with itchiug and bhteding, piles. I tried several cf the best physi- clans and was burnl and torturod in varions ways by their treatipents te ne avail, besidles spending a mint cf monoey te nepurpose. Since ccming te, Toron- te I lournod cf Dr. Chase's Oiutment. I usod but one box and have not been troubled with piles in any shape or form since." ' THE STATESMAN lias been favored with aneut lutile tartan clad bock cf poems by the author, John lmrieocf 31 Church St . Toronto Mr. Imrie is a~ writer cf exceedingly good verse and that hoe is approciated by the public is manif est by the sale cf his wrks-seven thousaud copies liaving aireudy been disposed cf. The urice is culy 25 cents. When Baby Rad Seaid Head. When Nother land Sait Bheam. Whlen Father Rad Piles. Dr. Agnew's Olulment gave the qtuckst relief and surest cure. These are geims cf lrulh pieked from lestîmcny whieh is given every day te this greal- est cf healers. h lias nover been malclied in curative qualitios lu uny and every kind cf skiu cisease-eczema, tetter, skin emupilons, blind, bleediug, itching or ulcerating piles,scailds,burns, eld seres, etc., elc.-and it's 35 cents a CapI. John Bengougli wlc died lu Toronto, Oct. 8th father cf NMr. J. W Bengough ' Toronto's leading cartoon- ist, wus oeeof the meving spirits lu the Reform Contvention which met lu Whil bv lu 1858 and nominaled Mr. -Oliver Mcwatats a candidate for Parliameul- .ary houers, aud was oee, of the chefi stump speakers lu Mr. Mcwat's iuteresl. DR. LOW'S WORM SYIiUP Is a safe, sure ýandreeliable worm expeller. Acts eqilstywel n liitrel x sdilsBe skus yeu got Lew's. WeHAT USPAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND?1 IMoans LÎfOq llealtli, Strongth and Froodom from Disoase. Faines Clery Compouind, se popular witli the people. is the ono rmied', that eau Le tmustedti take a poison wvell. It stops tf10 drain on thue nervous svstem, disj)(îc'I,(, har.fnl humors frmthe bleu,,, Puld lucres-es its volume and its ucurishîl îu,u'capi tiI Ils abîlity te rehiexo îbialients thul seem 10 ho pecuÀarllC the misfor- lune cf women is îîu-(-shelmingly provoti b ' the mani- tes'meunials frote womeîî cf ta u'ui o'i n uthe communities w.ctu liev li,. Ils regulating power tices awav witli "dislieurtenled anti cuit cew n feeings." The aggravateti causes oif disordereti liver and kidnet s, mental depressien, li'N steria undS iniured troubles, are re- cog-nised and deuIltwithbybv aine's Celerv Compound lu a radical and scieutifie munner that etcbotiies the most adlvanced medicai ideas of Ibis latter part cf the century. Paine's Celery Compound strengtbeus the stomuel wlien il is irritable and n- elined te indigestion, sud provents dyspepsia; it relieves palpitation cf Ibe heurt that resuits from iregulur nerve suppiy 10 thut vital organ, and puIs uew life ie the ouliro nervous system. Persons in souud health are, not cen- tinuuhly eminded cf thibmheurt, stom- uehi or iver by distress cf these erguns. Wbeuevem iuuo'uor or pain altack the body thon tbee is ne question as te the urgent neeti cf streuglbening the hlhl by Faiue's Ceiery Compound. Women lu lmying occupations, net ouly licusewives, but saleswomen, touchers, boek-keepers and others peuneti np for long heurs beiîind tiesks anti counters, will finti their heaitb and strenzth greatiy imprcved by the use cf Paiuce's Ceiery Compoundi. A soundly nourished nervous systete anti a ricb pure blood suppiv brcngbt about by Paine's Ceiery Compound are tlie best'bulwurk againsl sudh diseuses 0f debihity and impcverisbment as rbeumatism, nleuruigia, lieudache and s]eephessness, This great invigorator, in addition to cuing those diseuses, buiids up theu system andi prevents the diseuse frein guining- a ledgement in the body. Wben eue heurs it confidenthy de- clared b *'vse many well knewn anti representative meu and womieu every- wbere that Faine's Cehery Compoundt pcsilivoly anti permuueutly cures diseuses that ut first giance seem se remote frote eaeb other as clironie con- stipation, hysteria anti nervcusness, inquir 'y jute these diseasee shows thut their common enigin is a ruudown, ex- bausteti nervous svstem anti vitiateti biecti, anti Vainesý Ceiery Compoundi builtis up tiseonue and purifies anti strongtbeus the ether. For Fail Planting D RAGON CALLA. A genus cf s'ery pictuiresque ainticru- aîntai-plunts, ccmprising some cf the mccl funtastie productions'in the floral kingtiomt The floweî's et Ibis varl'sty are brown about eue foot long, lice stemn le beautifullv marbieti, and the louves are hantisomne iu appearaiîce, resern- bling a smahi palm. Esîsy to gro wandi sure te blom. Try il. Large Bulbs, euch 25e., 5 fo r $1.00 Sjckncen rasiy larreL "Keep your vitality utove the negabive condition and you will tiever kuew dis- ease cf any ' in," waris E. B. Warmau iu The Ladies' Houne Journal. "No dis- case euexist w here there le s alun- dance of pure blood. To get the neces- cary anon t stnutr'ition.s food; te dmr- culute il perfectly. t:ske proper exorcise; ta pui>' ht, get treeli air and sunight. If a perfoctl>' healtli> condition cf the skini existe unS un even tensperature of thse surface of the body> is maintained, 1h s s impossible te catch colS. ColS wu- ter baths tuken every day xiii do nxuch toward producisng tle fornmer; preper feeS and exerciso the lutter. Nature gives yen au aharsu lu the first chili>' feeling. Ileeti it ut eues or puy the penalty. Tuke a brick waik or ruin. breailie Seepl>' anS koep the nmeull closed. If you are se sit- esatedti tisIyeun udo neither, as lu a ckurcis, lecture rosu, stucet or steasu Car, breathe deepi>', rapîdi>' anti noiseless- 1>' until yen mare satishiod thut yeur bcdy' kas pusseS frorr a riegative 10 a positive t(indition." Woments Ailmen.ts Women are ern- iug te untierstand that the Bueckaclies, Beaduelies, TireS. J.' '~j\ç.Feelings anti Weak S pelle froin whicis tle>' suifer are due 'i " te wreng action cf fŽi-'- ~ tise kitineys. The poisons ~that ought 10 lie earried off ure sent lacd no tise bîoti, tsking yitl tisem a mul- titude of pains anti aches. DOUA'5 I$idnoy Pis éprlve away pains anti aches, malte avomen hll>'anti happy-able te enjo>' 1sf e Mme. C. H. Gillespie, 204 Britain Street, St. John,' N.B., says: "Soins urne ugo I Isat a violent alluck of La Grippe. Frein ibis, sovere kçidue>' trouble arece, fer -Whieh I doctoreti wiil a iiusuber efthtie beet physicians in St. John, lut receivet i tIle relief. beuring Dori's Kitine> Pis highiy spoken of, I began tiseir use anti in a short tirns fouti them te ce a perfect cure. Befoes aking thesle pille I es"fred sucis toiture tisai I eulti net turm oser iu led witheut aselet- amie. Doar's Kidney Pilles have resceet me f rom tisis terrible condition, aud luxe rem#eved esen-y pain andi ache. Wosnl whie yen sieep yiihent a gripe or pain, curnug Dyspepsia, Sick Headuche anti Conistipation an-d malte ou beel btter 1.us mnruiug, Pries S25C. -Best GolIC Fili 1.50 5 yrs Gold Fiil 1. 00 Besl Glas ses... 100. Wegarautee perfect satisfaction., GÉ,BE OPTHÂIL G04 93._Yonge Street. TofO'nte. Delivered t at ny PLost-Offlle. Mcney refunded if net sutisfuctory. 3 Onithegaluni, "Star cf Bethlehem," 3 Tulips, Newest Sorts, Ail Differeut. beautiful. 3 Nurcissus, Fragrant, Fine for Wiuter. 3 Grupe Hyacinlhs, Exquisite Blue Bics- 3 Sweet Jenquils, Golden Biessoms. soms. 1 Mugniicent Cubun Lily. 3Iris Fine Mixeti, BesI Spunish nameti Sorts. 3 Tritehela, ' Spring Star Flower, " Thse coure assortneint, witil cuttua-ul. Gra1îti directions, sont postpaid for ONLY 2 5a. 3 Beautiful Ixias, Exeeedingly baud- some, 3 Crocus Mixeti. Best Nameti Sorts. FREE Teintrodue dr Bulbe ho New Cus 3 Alliurn,Hantisome Golden Yellow odr to ocurs feoii, PsnS voto i ver>' Plowers. rro3 B Une faîous unean Liy (ps-ce 2t)c)free of charge'. w I HEART STAGGERS. Here'e Confeesion of Intense Heart Suffering and Weakness That Made Life One Long Dreadfui Nightmare-Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart was the Savlîîg Agent. Mr. Thoçs,,Cooke, 260 Johnston, Sb., Kingston, writes this ot himSelf and how Dr. Agnew's Cure for the lleart helped hlim: "I have used in ail six botties of this great beart remedv and it has completely cured mee of 'heart wteakness, from whieh 1 suffered sever- ely for years. Prior to using it the slightest exertioe'nr excitement would produce severe palpitation and nervous dqpression. Te yday I arn as as strong as ever, and Within one system of Heart disease." Sold by J. Higginbotham & Sonc Wanited :-Farmers' sons or other in- dustrious persons of fair education towhom $40.00 a month would be an inducement. I could also en- gage a few ladies at their own homes. T. H. LIN SCOTT, __________Brantford. Wanted:-l3right men and women who are not too proud to work and would like to make some incney during the next three moniths band- ling the wonderful 'Lig'ht of Life." $3.00 a day sure; some roake twice that.- Experience or capital un- necessary. ËRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., Liiited, BRtANTFORD. Agents:-Our Christmas books arel red.From Fifty Cents up,.Four bcsexplained in one Prospcts. O ne iýs 1"Famous Men and Great Events of the Nineteenth Century" Great Batlles, Great Men, Great Inventions and Discoveries, Pro. gress of Nations, every greal eveut of the century. If ycu have a slow sligbock or engagod in other agency business you loso mcney to continue. ilero is the best oppor- tunily for making money you ever had. Big profit, easy lime, new plan, got dr effer sure. BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., Lïmited, Brantf ord. ,'gents :-Dreyfns; the Prisc ner cf Devil's lsland. Full story of the most romarkable Military Trial and scandai of the age. Big book, well illustrated, seis on siglit. Snap for canvassers. BRAIJLEY-GAIRRETSON CO., Liniited. Brantford, Agents:-"Light of Lîfe." The New Testament explained and the Lives cf the Aposties; two books ln eue. Endorsed by ail clergyman. Bon- ana, for canvassers. Agents tokin- or-dors froiu three-fourths catis ta' If you want a share in tbis ,oîîîimille, hustie. Bi1ÂDLE1Y-GARlRETSON CO., Limited. Brantford doit ihig e ot rtsu 3 5t. - iiwth ,nsmeto $ yor nearesi e.Ériss office a"!t-e wii sn- nul rich theve frjyes t,.exsine. it à su epr-rce.ged-pited,051pro ".nrefriimdel 7ijewsedM stemi wiiii islnd set monent. p-r.t.iia $a5.050waih, - .d le juiltnle thieg'or ere ineas~atioayeu are Il einîn a his à,tCh i. .hortaforestha e a s al, c- lii epress ,agent $C.95 EcxB 'Toronto., Uan. IIERE 18 THE UREATEST BARGAIN. The STATESMAN, Twie u-weeký De- trout Pree Press, anti the Free Press Annual Year Bock nti Encyclopaedia for 190, avahuabtle bock cf over 550 1pageos tlttells yen ail you wumt te know. Over 40,6000)cf the 1899 edition wore soloi. Il is thbe most popular bock c f the kinti evor publisheti. The STATESMAN anti The Twice-a- Week De- troit Free Preseue veur andthbb Free Press Year Bock ànti Encyclopoedia for 1900 fer euly 8 1.75. 1831 SeenH1mear 1900 'Colntry Genlemanl AND ADMITTEI)L-V THE LIuinuAuIricliut orgJaiff 01 INlia fli. EýverySp artinent writteu by specliliehe, thse 11 bjgssgato-rificesii hlitr respective Ihuies. No other paper pretends to compete with 1h; in qualifications of editorlal staiff. Gives tise agricuiturai NEWS wiih a degree of futîness and compteteuees net eveq atiempted by othere. Best ileviews of thîe Crops, Best Market Eeports, Best Acceunts of Meetiugs, Best Everything. INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS WJIO WIIIH TO KEEF UP WITI[ THE TiIRES. Single Subseription, $2; Two Subseriptions, $3.50; Four Subseriptions, $6 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO BAISERS 0F LARGER CLUBS. Al'Write for Purtieuturs on titis Point. Club Agente Wanted Everywhere. Four Mionths' Trial Trip 50 cents. SPECIMEN COPIES wiil be maïied fres on requesi. 1h will par aSy- body unterested se any way un couniry' ifs te senS fer thesu. Addrese the publisisers: LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Albany, N. Y. NEW YORK FIILLIONAIRES Oui>' a fevv people readiug adverhiseinents banke&e anS brokers, sayiug ihuct mousy culet be mua e trengli epeculatten, realize that thei richesen inluAsersea have commenced i Ilit umble way n av asthietortune iliroug s sok xcisauge speculatious. H1eu ltke Jay Gould who we, ked as a dry' goode clerk in a sinall towu ah $1000o a week up, te hie twentieih year, anS comern e o ?rt wit is e mali savung of $200.40 in Wal Srae lefh ai lits Searh 70 millions of dollars ; usseit Sage who wàrkd ase a grecery boy ai $4 00 a, week, anS wisese present wealti le estjmated ut 100 mitllioneseofdol are le stili Operatiug the suer. ket, aithougis 80 yeare of age, anS se are this-. andS eh thers, who are eujoytng ail tise luxunjea lufe eau offer, whtch teSdue te thi sueeess la speculattons. Te tihe shrewd epeenilaier tise saine opportunu.. ies are oeensu meday asite otiers lu the past. The smallest loi whieh eau lie booght anS soliS jeu, ehares oun55%seagin, nsaktng 30 dollar's. A0nybed' juerested as ho hear epeculatons are iod nhedeau gi tform ation sud market leiter, free of charge upou application by letter te GEORGE SKALLER & Ce., uANKERS& BROKERS, CecONnOIAxyzu ST-oeaExcssAxzes upi,ïNîsý 610 URoÂuwÂY NEw Youiz. E.O.W, 44-Gai.ý -41