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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1899, p. 5

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y --f -4 _______________________________ N N E M hIt s a gemaine pleasure to read with the glasses we seli. Spectacle fitilg le our specialty. We like it, because we have spent years at it and understand just how to overcome the many littie difficulties which bother the inexperienced. It pleases us to please a customer and our Spectacle custoni- ers are ail pleased customers. ST"'OTI & J-Uy-e%) Seour special line of Gold Filled Frames, warranted 15 years. Trusses, Truss ftting is something that is seldoni donc properly. When we fit trusses you do flot have to pay for theni unles yoil are satisfiecL Our Trttsses give satisfaction because we select just the right kind for each special çase. STOTIru&oUTY& P rivate rooni for fitting. GRAND VRIJNK RAILWAY. BOWMAN VILLE STATION. C40ING EAST. Gosse WESr. UTVes.53 ^.EpresS ... 5 17 a. M Plrs. 7a .Lo a...8 18 Pasna.... 83 p.m. Passenger.. 1 35 p. ma Local.... 6 al p. Express». . 7 39" BIXDres.. .,il103 lSaliy. STOI'T & JtTsy. Townl Agents BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 8, 1899. 80 bulbsý for 25c. Sec Rennie's ad. Mr-.LN. Jeunings, Oshawa, was home over Sunday.1 Sec, offer of Country Gentleman on an Inside page. Rend what Miss Medtand has to cay about Millînery. Mr., Guy Pethick, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. W. H. Tran, Cedar Grove, visit- ed friends here recentlv. Miss Kniver, £rs5nnwa, -uas guest Of bier aunt Mrc. John Reid over Sundsay. SMxc. G. Raworth has rotuxned from a pleasant visit witlî relatives near Nap- auce. Rev. J. J. Rae will preach annivers- ary sermons at Shannouville on next Sabbath. Inu theEngine-room of a War Ship" is a timely'0 article lu the Novembex Cos- giopolîtan. Mr. Geo. Shaw. Toronto, has been vistting oid fricnds bore guest of Mr.R. J. Mattory. JÀfine range of new wrap shawls and Ix¶avling xugc at ConcIs, Johucton & Cryderman's. Bing in your furs for altoring and repairino' to'M. Mayer, The Practical Furrier,1lowmasuviile. Hallowe'en passed off quietlv iu town. No doubt the rain provontod tIse boys doing more than rcmoving a few gates, Now is the time for Alarm Clocks. As thse morings are dark, Rickard has thse Clock to cuit you lu price and quai. îty both. 'rhe evaporssing establishment of De I. Hamlink, Port Hlope, was destroyed by fire earty Sunday morninlg. Loss 44000. No insurauco Mr. W. HI. Williamis, thse West End Smithy, bas purchased the house and lt formorly ownod by tIse late Samuel Burden1, Cburch St., for $600. Mdany admixed tIse two beautiful gotd medabs exhibited lu the Btg 20 window last week, wonl by Mr. R Beitb at tbe ýOttawa Exhibition on bis celebrated Ilaekney borses. Sevei-al 9f our etreets have been ims- passible ,r a f 0w days owing to wator pipes being laid to tIse resideuces of b essrs. J, W. Aexander, W. C. King and J. Hl. H. Jury. Archhishcsp O'Connor was presented with au address at St. Joinns church, Whitby, Sunday aftcxnoon, it being bis first visit to tIse churcb nos rest the place of hic u'mtiit-Pickering township. Miss C. J. Gaibraith's pupils are pro- t artug for a recitalinlutIse Town Hall, Orono, nt8 o'elock, Nov. 15tIs, sud will be assited by Mrs.L.B. Davidsou, Mrc. O tton aud Miss Ellbeck, Newcastle, aud M.Jas. Goard, Bowmanville. The aiinivorsary services of tIse S$outh Wardi Methodist Sabbath Scbool witl be hetd on Sabbath afternoon next nt 2.30 p mi. An adldress will ho given b y Rev. J. 11.- Turubuil, M A. Special ~enging ,ýby LÈe ehoL Collection lu aid of school funds. Everyone cordial- yý invitod to attend, TIse Granolithie Paviug Company hiave complotod their work in town for -chics ason. Waiks are now laid ou FBeach Avenue,, frous corner of Concpes- sion to Wellington Sts.,,in front of tIse liennett Ilouse sud Town Hall Biock.ý We hope to sec more of this pavement aid uext year on .sur principal streets. Mr. R. A. Lee, teachex of tIse senior 4department of Port Hope publice chool, 'was prosented with a nicelv worded ad- dress aud a pair of Ebonv Military Brushes with cliver mountings, lu a Landsome leather case, by tIse scholars of bis Form, befoxe loaving for Grand ý'apîds, Mîch,, wbere bie will study Very interesting sud concise, reports' of tIse Provincial'Suuday ScIsool Con vectiun at GR, were given lu thse Melthodç,,t church, Friday evening bv M4isseâ OÛrcadden, Beacock and Cawki- eaud Meccxc Fred Joness sud P. Trebitcock. A hearty vote of thauks was tenidered tIse dlegates at the close of thse meeting for tIse valuablo sumi- mary of the proceedinigs. B.ev. J. J. BZae also gave a short report at thse (do of the session, Sunday atWwaoon5, whie wo s much appeilaf<. - Leather Mitts at Nicholis. Ash Siftcrs at Nicholls ISets. Don't fail to read inside pages. Horse Brushes at Nîcholis l0cts. Whips, well sec themn at Nichoils. Get your lanterns, candles, etc. of Jas. Goard. Sec our 'Window every week. Levi Morris. Send your work to JasGoard,Watch- maker and Jcwelter. Direct from Baltimore-our oysters are reliable. Cawker & Tait. If vou want the newest Furniture at the lowest prices go to L Morris'. Dr. Talmage discourses on the Glor- ies of Reaven in his sermon on inside page. If you want corne cnoice bulbs for winter flowering read Rennie's offer on pare 3. The self denial week of the Salvation Army will be observed from November l9th to 25th.1 SAn immense stock of ladies' coats in stylisli nes and at poputar prices at The Mason Co- Rev. J. A. McKeen, B. A., Orono, preachied verv acceptably in St. Paul's church, Sunday. Wondorful value in Mits, Gloves and underwear at The Mason Co's., Sec what tbcy soit at 50c. Miss Hàelen George has gone to Chicago, Ill., where she will spend the winter with her sister. SThe Iatest sougs. 10c. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music always in scock-Jas. Goard. Fotatoes Wanted:-We are shipping a car next week. Sec us at once if you want to ccli. The Mason Co. Mr. C. P. Medland, of the Bowman- ville News staff, gave us a fraternal cati this week.-Colborne Express. Read the splendid offer on page 2 of TiE STATESMAN, The Westminister and the Ideai Cook book-ail for $2.75. Mr. Ira D. Sankey, the famous gosp- el singer, was gucest of Mr. Chester Ma.,sey, during his ctay in Toronto. Port Perry carried thse by law grant- ing the $5,000 bonus for thse Poor bouse for Ontario County, by 145 majority. Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, P. M , has re- turned frorn visiting bis brother Mr.W. G. Fairbairu, Honeyioe Falls, N. Y. Have you tried our Haddies ? They were specially cured for our trade. Cawker & Tait. The Methodist Choir are practising for the annual Thank-offering and on- niversary services on Sundav, Dec. Srd- Mr. A. Bright, Toronto, was in town Thursday lu the interests of the Christ- mas number of Toronto Saturday niglit. Thse Ladies of St. John's church in- tend holding their aunual sale and tes on Wednesday Dec. l3th. Particulars later. Have you ceeu L, Morris' New Store? Everything is new and up-to-date and he will be pleased to have you eaul and examine., Rcv. G. W. McCoil, B, A ,,B.D) , Port Perry, wili preach in th 'e Methodist church next Sahbath morning and evening. 1Ladies and Misses Coats in the very latest styles both German and Canadian just received at ConcIs, Johnston & Cryderman's. The Mason Co are liaviug an. im- mense sale of cuits and overcoats.Never before have they sold so rnany so early lu the season. The Young Men's Liberal Club. of Lindsay, bac been organized with Mr. F. A. MeDiarmid, son of Rev. Dr. Me Diarmid, Whitby, as President. 1. >A laroge stock of feit bats Christies sud FeLoras, muet be sold, so corne and get a bargaîn. I arn selling them nt greatly reduced prices. M. Mayer. Mr. H. Gale, of the Northumberland Entorprise, Coîborne, aud Mrs, Gale, were bore tact week attending the fun- eral of bis mother, the tate Mxc. Jacob Gaie. The sixteoutb annual Ontario Prov- inciat fat stock sud dairy show will be held lu the city of London, Nov. 11th to lSth. when over $5,800 will ho offered lu prizes. Tait & Co. make photos for 25c. pex dozen and at ail other prices usuatty paid for the bost finished photos at their studio, Market Square, Bowmauville. 39-tf. Miss Mai-y Madeline (Mily) Higgins, daughtex of Mx. W. H. Htiggins, form- erty proprietox of the Whitby Chronicle> was marrIed at St. Mary's church, Tor- onto, Nov. lst., to I)r. Geo Sheehan, of St. Catharines. A Lady's4 Watch, Goldl Filiedý and guarsnteed by tIse uanuifacturers to wear toni yesrs, sld in Toronto for $12.. 50. Nowy ours at Rickards for 67.,0, Ali timo keepe sud only a limited. number on hand. Spectacles That Please became more popular lu so short a time as Foot Etm. It ceorne to ho juet wbat tIse people were needing, sud Messrs, Stott & Jury , Bowmanville, Ot, cex- tainly deservei eredit for their enter- prise lu placing so valuable' an >article ou tIse market and we axe glad that theix remedy bas been iucluded aînong tIse supplies for thse use of tIse Canadian eontingleut.-Qmie Daclj ojtrep7l Boy wanted-see ad. Sec Ni0holls stock of Gloves. Good Purses cheap at Nicholîs, AlI work guarauteed bv Jas. Goard. Rentd our ctubb4ng offlers lu another columu - 1 M. A. James is Geývernment issuex of Marriage Licences. Oct your ccbooi supplies at Jas.Goard, Stationer sud Jeweltler. Miss L. Gertruîde laines is vi-ditiîîg, frieuds lu Det roit, Mich. Purse foîîîîd.-Enquire of Ro v Rich- ards, Soutlh \'ard, Bowinanvilite. Our WM iudo'v dispiav-s a cmatl sample of what we have lucide. L. Morris. Dr. Potts states that the Metlîodist centurv fund lias Dow reached $448,874. Cashpaid fox good sound pears sud apples, etc. at Murdoch's, Express Office. Butbs for 5cts-see offer of Steele, Briggs Co., Toronto, on au lucide page. Mx. sud Mxc. Forguson, Blach-tock, wore guosts of Mx. John Beacock, Sun- day. Watches, dlocks, jewelex.y, spectacles, rings, etc., repaired by Jas.Goard,Jew- eller. There bave been several cases of scarletina of s mild type lu 'the town iately - Mx. Frad Quick, Belleville. was herQ yosteruay attending the funeral of hic brother. TuEr STATESMAN office is thse authoriz- cd agency lu this district fox The West- minster. Axe you aPreshyterian? If so, don't fail t0 xead tIse Westminster clubbing offex on an inside page. Editor James custained a relapse on Thuxsday night sud bas been quito itI but is again on tIse moud. TIse Libexals of South Ontario rmeet at Whitby, Saturday, No5r. lîtI to select s candidate for the Legistature. La~dies' Costume Cloths in several quatities sud lu ail colore just opencd ont at Couch, Johuston & Cxydrman's. Misses Mosetta and Sophie James en- joyed a plisasant vîsît wîth relatives at Oshawa, Columbus sud Enfield tact week. The November numnber of thse Cos- mopolitan bas an interesting article on "~The Paris Exhibition," flnelv illus- trated You eau purchaso at present, Sterling Silver Tes spoonsý froîn T. N. Riekard for what some of you paid per dozen for your Ptated onos. Nichoîts le doiug business lu tIes ame old stand. Ho has Isad'bis store paiuted which gives it a uew briglit appearauce. Cal sd bave s look arouud. A lovety assortment of new black dresc goods from tIse cheapest up te the fine-st goods imnported, just received at ConcIs, Johuston & ('ryderman's. M. Mayer bas the stock lu Furs, Gents' fnrnishings. bats sund caps. Tse prices axe rigbt. No trouble to show goods. Hlghost price paid for raw furs. Owing te the numerous requets Mr. Freclaîîd bas received te continue to make bis Midget photos, hoe witl do se evorv Saturday until Xmas at 25e. per dozen. M.A.Jamos, Bowmanvîlle, îs Goveru- meut Issuer of Marriage Licouses for tIse Couuty of Duxbamn, durlng business Isours at office, at bis recidence Centre- st., at uigbt. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman are showiug a fine stock of new tweeds, curges, worsteds sud o'.'rcoatiugs. Noiv is thse timo 10 leave yonr ordex for a wiuter sut or overcoat. Mxc. (Col.) F. Cnbitt bas ileturned fxom a four montbs' visit with relatives lu England sud Wales She came eut by tIse Atian Lino SS.- Numidiau ' lu compauy with Mrs. B. B. Cronyn, Tor- onto. Reader, if you kuow of any one lu Canada who intends crossing tIse Atlan- tic, recommend tbemn to inquire of MA. James for rates. lIe dQes thse steamsIsip business of this district sud represents thse best linos. Coarse Combs, Fine Combs, Small Combs, 1Large Combe, Rulihex Combs, Horn Combs, Steet Combs, Baek Cornbs, Side Combs, Pompadour Combe, NicIs- olls selîs them ail cheap. Caît sud lu speet bis stock. Pins Susati, Plus Large, White Pins, Black Pins, Safety Pins, Toilet Pins, Hat Pins, Fancy Hat Pins, Steel Haix Pins, Shell Hair Pins-but you will haave to cee-thom sud A. Nichoils will ho *leased to show theus. A meeting of tIse Bowmauviile Curl- ing Club witl be held lu thse Çouncil Chamber this Wedncsday evening, at 8 p. m, for thse purpose of reorganizing, etc. A full attendance le expected. Thse Rink bas bocu repaired sud water serv- ice Dut lu co that à keen season's sport May ho tooked for. TIse annual meetings of tIse West Durham Farmers' Institute wilt bh od FAMTO SELL OR E ENT- 150 acres b Ing soutb-wast quarter sud norîli- west half 0f lot 22, cou. 7, larke, ou wbirb are good dwellng bose and co rmmudions farin buildings lu good repsir. Large stona stables sud -oot cellars, excellent orchard,' welfenred plenty of wster. Ahlu first-eiass order. Eali mile frein Kirby P. O. Iluire ou the pramises orloe WILLIAM COONEY. KirbY. 22-tf. T! OARS FOR SERVICE.-Two Thor- .L..Pougbbrad Berksbira boars bred ai the Ontario Agricultursi Collega, Guelph, sud won ist prize at Bowmauviile fair. The other, pur- chased from Snell sud Lyoeîs aI Toroto Fair, won ist aI l4owmanville sud Orono Fairs; also a thoronghbred Tamworth. a modal of the braad. Terms $7.00 cash. D. J. GiîsoN, lot 34, cou. 3. Clarke; box 38.,Iowmanvilie P. O. 44-4w* B OAR FOR SALE-A Yorksbire white boar oua year sud ten mouibs old, a splendid pig of tbe J. E. hrethour breedîng veryý gentie disposition sud lbas doue gooi service in the pasî. Price kuos ni ou application. A snsp to gel a good pig. A bigb claise ilug pig bas beau secured te taka bis place. Tb'aUk- iuig my nmmrons natrons for past fayots sud soliriiing a ral 10 sea what stock I bave. W. WEssv,lfostlanidvale Farm, Solina P. <). W ANTED - SEVERAL BRIGHT sud honest persous 10 leprasent us as Managers in this sud close hi' countias. Sslary $900 ayear sud expenses. Strsigbt, bons dide, no more, no iess' salary. Position permanent. Our refarences, any hank in suy Ilw, Il is mainly o ffi ce work eonucied 51 home.,Befer- aura. Enclose seif-addrassad stanspad nvelope TIIF DoMîsioN COMPAN y, aept 3, Chicago. 39.4m. lILOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-A ILcoinforÉabie f rame bouse wîîh 5 rooms, summer kitchen, wood shed sud gocd weli draiined stone cellar, Plenty of bard sud soft water the year round. Good gar-den, full oue quarter lot with choira Stîli bearlng fruit of frpples, prs, plumes, etc. Wiii ha sold rbaap for s.A ppiy ou the premises, 6 Prospect Si, or to tibe West Eud Smithy, W. Il . WILL1AM5, King St., Bowmau ville. 4,5 If. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Oorrected by J.Memurtry each Tuesda y FLUEP 100 lbs........81 80 to 82 1C WE4,Faîl, bush ...o o00if O67 spriuu' .. 0 o00 fi 0 67 Red Pife ..0 00 n0 7. GOOSE ....0 00 n0 65 B LeY, bush, No. 1 .. O39 '0 40 le il2 ,0 26 0 85 et If il8 .... 025 ()080 ;If IlTwo rowed 0 25 i0 40 OÂ'rS, white if ....O 21 Il 0 2-5 Hm - il...... 05) 0-51 BUcKWEAT Il. ... 0 0 O 45 PE@As, Blackeyo. P bush.., O 69 t0 O75 fiCanadian Beautios.. 69-n O 75 f Mummney "iOl0 0 iO60 Small, e' 0 00"le0 60 nBlue, n 0 17"le0 6J BUTTER, best tale,1 b.O0QO0 'lO018 EGGS, Pdoz ............ 000 fi0 16 POTATOEB,,bush .........O0 00 il 0 20 IHay per toi.............500 n t6 00 DR. LU POTTER. Office and residence,Church SI.,opposite Trlnity Congregational churcli, Bowmanvilie. 2.5-6m* MVISS EVA LtTTTRELL ls prepared to give lessons ou organ and piano at hEr resideuce, King St. 7 MISS ETHEL MORHIS, ARTIST. Instructions givenin PAINTING in 011, Water Color and China. Sketching aud psainting from nature. ICILN ou premises, fir. ng at usual prieea, 51.6m. IIAIR W ORK.-Ladies wishiný7 hair Âludons over, Cai at MRs DiciNesoN s,Xiug East vend Cor of Ontario St Bowmauiville. 84-tf SERVAINT WANTED-For general k)housework. Apply t0 Mss. T. E. HxeossN- B0'IHAM, Division St., Bowmanville. 44-if C OWS WANTED.-Renewvedlcw %-,or springers aud ail other stock wanted. S. H. REYNOLDS, BowmaÀIVlllo. 44-tf. YOUSEKEEPER WANTED-To go -Ion farm near Oshawa. No cbildreu. Apply to Box 209, Osbaa. 43-1 OJR SALE.-Agood driver two years d o uiet, single and double. Applv at STATES AN Office, Bowmanville. 44-2w MAN WANTED-To buy stock. kLMusf be temperate, reliable and have f air aduration, S. H. REYNOLDS, Bowmanville. 44-tf 1WTANTED. - At the Sanitorium, ~YGraveuhurst, capable housemaids 110.00 Dar month. Appiy to MRs. HAwxiNs, the Sani- torinim, Graveuhurst. 45-tf. rEACHER WANTED-For junior .Ldapartmeut Tyrone Public Schiooi. Applica- tions received onl or befora Nov. 15. W. R. CrMESxu, Seeretary. Ty roue P. O. 45,2w TL ,N A 1B8STRAY ED -Came on lot 32, cn. 8, Datliugton, two lambs. Owner rau hava samne by proviuig pr,4party sud payiug ex- penses. JoiDI VIRTUE, Eudfeld. 44-3ww TT REBLANKIET LOST-Between --IHapton and Bowinanviîle ou SondayOct let, a new all-wool borse blanket. Finder will bc rewarded by ieaviug at Tas SrAESMsŽt 1office. 41.tf HOUSE TO RENT,-On Wellington St., four bedrooms. Stable attaebed 10 dwelling Cap ranI. Apply at once 10 Tios. V.ALE, iberty St., Bowý%maikvi11e, 38 tf. [3JLL CALVES FOR SALE.-Two i.>Thorobred Dlerbams. il sud 12 ruonths old Regisiered. Alpply h JîsIN HOSKlt, lot licou. 5, Darliugtou, Box 20, Bo4vsnaiiville P.O. 43-3w* OYWANTED.-Smiart boy 15 years JLold or over to learn pi iting. Oua wbo bas p assed the Entrance to 4igIî Sehool preferrad. 1Must lie gond writer sud spellar sud able to keep secrets. M, A. JAMES, STATESMAN, Office. 38 tI. SIHEEP FOR SALE.-I have a number of good Shrop8hira Sheariing rame for sala. Parties requiriug samne would do ",cl to Cali and sec them. Also a few ram lambs, Ap)ply to T J T COLE, lot 4, cou 35, Darliugton, Tyrone P O. 42-tf 0p THE DEAF.--A ricli lady, cured .Lof ber Deafuesesud Noises iu the H{ead by Or. Nicbolson's Artidrciai Ear Drums, lias saut 4Ë1,00010 bhis Institute, so that deaf people unable to procura the Ear Drums may hava themn free. Apply 10 780 Eigbih Avenue, New York, U.S.A. 27-lyr, STRAYED.-Two dry cows, young Sund i good Condition. Oua r-ow lias botb horns sbaled. sud tbe other 1 born off. Lasi seen near Guide Board north of Hampton. Informna- tion leading th their recovery will ha suitably rewarded. W. W. Css.WFORD, Bowrn.invilie P. O. 43-3w, LIRSALE BY TENIDER-Tenders Jwiil bc rereived up to Saturday Nov.-18, for two brýic.k cottages on coôrner of George sud Welling-,tou streets, Bowmauville. The bighest or snv tender not necassarily arcepîed, Apply 10 J. k. GALBRAýITU, barrister, or to Ms. CHIAS. WELCH, Bowmanville P. O. 44 3wl STORE , 1HOUSE AND 2fr ACRES kland for sale or rent-Being 1the store and dwellingaft Ashton's Corners, 1 mile norîli of ERamptou, aillistable sud duiuig shed. Bard snd SOftwaiar. Will bie reuted if n01 sold. Pos- session Oct. 1. For furiber partieulars apply 10 M. A. JAMES. STATESMAN office or tu A.J. Court- TirE Courtire. 12 If. lTAVJNG BEEN APPOINTED- Â.LSole agent for Bowmanville for the Mc- Laughlin Carniage Co aud in order lu make roou for {be coming seasou's supply of Cuttersf will sali the baýlanceeof 2bd baud buggies taken in exehange for new McLaugbliu Boggies at de- rided bargains. Good 2r'd bsud buggies from $20 upw-ards. JoINs PEacy, 1Bowmauville. 42.tf We Invite Youl To Inspect Our Display of 1LADI1ES' C OATS. The largest and most select assortment ever shown in Bowmanville, ail new. :0 No old Coats in stock. A choice display of high-class materials, better values foi quality cannot be procured. taS. . ,MSON & SN. BOWMANVILLE. Next door to Standard Bank. NARBLE AR»v" GRANITE WORKKS,- BO0WM A NV1L LE. E.R.BOUNSALL, mae~tre~of and Dem1ert in ýFine Monumental Work, In best Gi-actes of Mfatetrial. Caîl and get rny prices. I arn suremy work will please you. F ou know a good thing when you see it, cail, and take a look. A large quantity of WALL PAPER bought ve.ry cheap. You will get the benefit. Pretty patterns for ail rooms, from 5per roll. The best and most taking designs, in School Supplies of ail kinds. Snaps'in Se'rib- blers, Exercise Books, Etc. New and full line of Stationery. See rny Queen box at 15c. Fine Floral at 15c. - Note paper, per quire, 5c. Envelopes, 15c per package. Better quality at 10e and 15c. Complete stock'of Fancy Goods, B3ooks, Novelties, &c. BoWMANVILLE. AN EASY PROPOSITION I Beauty sud style without comfort is easily obtainabie, coifortwith- ont appearance îa rqually simple. «VouneBver sa-W am ugly pair of "Siater Shees,",yet mauy of thiem cover co;ufoxtabliy ost ulovctly feet. Trhe comhî,îatiou cf tI-sse two- comfort and bre'îîy-arc ony te be had iu the "Siater Shoo.,' Made lu tweivc chapes, ou lasts niodelied '- from scètual fart, ail widths snd sizes, leathers, stylas sud colors. Evexy paix Goodyear waited, name and priee stamped on the sole. $3.50 AND $5.00. L JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. I - Ca ker &Tait re 1-eadquarters for the very*Finest 1s Groceries, Fruits, and Poultry in the to"wn. . 06.0. Bring us your Produce and' get the highest priées.. 5 1-

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