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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1899, p. 8

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a f Prosp rity. Canada has been blessed with a bountiful harvest. The resuit is shown in the constantly increasinc, volume of business transactions. If you have made, money we can help you save it. Our large stock of drugs and medi- cines, sundries, etc., bought for cash will be sold at the most reasonabie prices consistent with qnality. The Fali season brings with it an increased demand for The wonderfui remedy for Coughs, Coids, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc. We have just received another shipment of English Toilet Soap, from 5c to 15e per cake. Excellent. for the skin. BOWMANvirLi@. J. HICCINBOTHAM & SON, Druggists. are Andar Now Get- ting Nicely Settled In Ou*r New Storeý Across the Street, We ask ail our customers, and those who have neyer deait with us, to cali and see our New Premises; our Fur- niture as to assortment and styles and to get our Prices. You wiil be convinced we lead and that this is the store to buy your Furniture at. Make it your business tO cal and see us. l"sA Furniture Dealer. BOWMANVILLE Every attention given otir Undertaking Business and our prices are reasonable. Isý the, "Happy Thought Range." For 14' years it has competed agaiust the world. To- day it is admitted by ail to be 'the best Range in the markt,~Over 101,000 homes are enjoving the comforts of the, ll1appy,'Thought Range. Pline'4,B w mANVILLE. The Companion for the Reît of 1899. ~ "~ During thr emaining weeks e!- 18991 Tire Youtir'à Companion will maintainc its fresir and vaied interest for young1 BOWMANVILLE. NOV. 8, 1899. and old b v pesnting articles from tire pens o! emninent mon and women and1 stonies bhtie most gifted wniters of TYRONE.fiction. TYRNE.Ameng these contributons will ire1 Frank U~. Stociton, wiro presents ai Tire West Ead blacksinithrsirop, Ty- dnoll sîomy, "Tire Wolf and tire Wireel-. roue, is new prepaned te turm ont work bannew;" James Bryce, autiror e! "Tire1 te tire satisfatetion o! al A full stock Am' cnCmowalh"w, fes of veythngin tire depanîmnents o! "unIs on Reading;" W. D. Howells1 wo an ev rythn r nievorise-and Jane Barlow, eacir o! wiom con-î woedsudire wor initeyonrinsec-tibutes a serial slor ;Bmet Harle, wiro tien. Prices mîgirt, orsesireeing a ecalîs au oariy Ca1lifornia expemienceE %pecialty. lu "II1ow I wenýt te tire Mines ;" Maryt To CUTRE CATARH AND STAY CURED. E. Wilkins. wir elos o! "Sereny Maria -Yen mut use th~e most nvole date "at Scirool;" and Henry M. Stanley, wiro and mostfiînprov ed method of treatý under lire tille, "For Life and Liberty" meut. Tins'eau only hocirad inlire use relates a thrilling advenîure o!firist ,of Catarr wich cures bv inhala.tion travels in Darirest Ainica.i -t u ret a htr iitSO. Tire November suri Decem ber numb-t Treatments requiring tee use e! sprays, t olh?.ghiese features are givenî douches, snunffs-sud oulments are a, te -.eiy n ýw cubscriber for lte 1900 'ihing e! tire pas.i ir~ edh'at uI volinue !re- f u'ntire timý-, subscriptien r treatieilt J . . 1. --.'ia, ý 3ive-', ýdVîiori t - tire Compan- is 1 -eLl r 1'l, if! 715,- ,e- eCaier , for 900-h Ai Catarrbm'.i ->i s bothr91iof a ti* - c ire tury aud tire aDi effective toe îî.îpî nluany ca,ý )f most Ubeaut,îLulce e rver given 10 Coin- Irritable Timoat, Fetid Breatir, Brou- panlion subîcribers. ciis, , atarrh sud Astirma. At ail Iliusîmaled Annout cement Number druggigt,.s or direct b ' mail ou receipl eontaining a ful pi o, - , ts of tire vol- o! inie t>of.tt)Srnd loc in StmPs ume for 1900, will be sent free te any for sanîple oulfit to Ný C. 1'OLSON & address. CO.. manufactaring ciremisîs, King- THrE Yourî I'S COiePANioZ. sten, Ont., -. 1 - 203 Columbus Avenue, BostoS, Mass, AUCTION SALE. WOOD SALE.-Mr. H. Short, lot 14, con. 5, Dalington. will sel! about 10 acres o!firard wood and cedar about Nov. 2lst, exact date la ter. L.A.W. ToE, auctioneer. (JOURTICE. Mrs.,,(1ev., J. C. WVilson, Brighton, has been visiting her son aIt te Par- senage. Sire gave a very interesting address en tire Women's Missionary womk .... Mrs J. D. Storie. Orirawa, was ecent guest of Mrs. L. M. Cour- tice .... Mrs. J. P. Brooks iras been vis- itine friends la Torontoe.... Mr. Jas. Hancock iras erected a 110w silo .... Mr. John Walter bas secured a situation packing apples witb Mr. W. Rutirer. f ord at iris stoeirouse, Osbawa. SHAW'S 50H00 HOUSE. Report fo r October. Sr. 4th-O. Riekard, O. Cobbledick, R. Bragg. Jr 4tir-N. Allun, R. Penfound. Sr. Srd- M. Lovekin, R. Riekard, J. -Galbraithr, H. Knight. Jr. Bmd- L. Galbraitir, G. Moses, G. Tmewin, N. Tewia. Sm 2nd -A. Allia, F. Bragg, W. Allun, G. Al- lia, E Knigbt. Sm. t-K. Tewîn, O. Bragg, G. Galbraitir. B. Allia. Jr lit -E. Aluin, M, Ganloît, F. Cowan. EDEA E. J. FIELDING, teacher. NEWCASTLE. Miss L. Walton. Dunbarton, is guest of hem sister Mrs. R. A. Colwill ... Rev. Wm. Addison, Toronto. will preacir anniversamy ser.nons in tire Methodist cirumr, Nov. 19tir.. .. Mr. Herbert and Miss Amy Allia, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. W.Asirton's, Sîtnday .... Mr. E. Rincir ias returned fom tire Nortir West and reports iimself well pleased witirlirhaIpart of tire cenntmy._.-.Mm. and Mms. John Rickard visited at Kinby recently .... Mms. Moase and daugirter Miss Gortie, Newtonvilie, weme recent guests ef Mr. A. Elswenlh ....- Mn. Arn- old and Miss Edna Jackson speut Sun- day with relatives at Wesieyville. EN N ISKILLE'N. Miss MeConnacirie, Tomonte,uiras been gsio! hem motirer at Mr. J. Nesbitt's. ý11M iss Squires, Mitchell, from Ontar- le Ladies' College, iras been visiting Miss Anot. ... Quarterly meeting was well attended Sunday. Good service wilir a practical sermon by tire paster, 1ev. W. J. Weatirerill . ... Mr. O. L. Byers iras ýurcirased thre Kennedy Hall from Mr. R'ing, Whitby,' and. intends nemoddellUing and carrying a full stc !buggies, cutters and farm im- plements.... Mr, N . Byers iras moved into village. Mn. Frank Heskins iras rentedhiis farm and is meving la. ... Mr. S. Alexander, Kendall, iras rented Mr, A. Rauna's famm and will meve lu tire sprin2., MAPLE GROVE. Scirool report for October. Sr 4tir- Elva Powem, Ada Tyler, Matha Watts, Willlie Crawford, Verna G imblett. Jr. 4th-Maud Power, «Maud Woodi, Leslie Snowden, Lola' Snewden. Clarence Crawford. Sm. Srd-Bertie Gimblett, Ida Wood, Launa Crawl omd. Jr. 3rd- Russel Power, Leslie Cox,'Elirel Rundie. Sr. 2nd-David H-amilton, Edna Adams, Poey Gimblt. Jr. II-Har- old ýPower, 'Sm. Pt. IL-Louie Hall, Pearl Saowden, Gladis Snowdon, Mab- el Cox, Myrîle McReynolds, Elva Snow- den. Jr Pt. 1I-Norman Wood, Ethel Adams, Rhrea Jefferv, Frank Hamilton. Sm. lit-Monl rower, Elia Sharp, EdOee McReynolds, Florence Sharp, Eva Wood. Jr.. lit-Cocul Adams. Aven. age attendance 33. ALBERTA HANCOOE., teacir. Au End of the Century OEe r, A aew announcement will ho found tis week in our advemtising columuns. Tire is ne botter reading in tire paper than in tins attraclivel 'v gotten up ad- vertîsemeus. Il tels ef tiraI excellent papen Tire Westminster wi lir whici tire CANADIAN STATESMAN h ttins year club bing, and tire ttvo valuable books, "The Ideal Cook Book," and "'the Life o! Christ" for tire young, that ame features of tins pnernium offer. Home is an opportunity te gel yeur own local paper wiricir yen wonld net be with- ont. euem of tire boit family and religions papers ili the Dominion. and two good books, at a pnice tirat will bring tbem within tire reach of eveny neader. An advantage comes te new snbscriben's wiro send lu thir oredrs now, in tire proposition te give free balance o! year TuiE CANADIAN STATESMAN and' tîe WESTMINSTER. In other wends, sub scriptiens start ilew and date te Jan- nary, 1901. SOLINA. Visitors:-Mm. Albrt Moore and Mïss. Ida Moore, Hasdon, aI Mn. E G.' Pas cee'S; Mn. and Mrs. H. F. Werry and son, Kedron, at Mn. W. Werrys's ;Mr, Sam 1 enguson, Pontypool, at Mn. W. N. Pascoe's..- . Mr. T. Baker, C. C., me- cently delivered a load oflamirs te Mr. R. Miller, Brougham, at geod prices... About twenty yeung people from Ham- pton, visited at Mr. Frank Cmvdenmau's Thursday night, and irad a linge taif v pull .... Qnartenly meeting was vemy lamgely attonded on Sunday, many ho- ing present from ail parts of tire circuit. ...Missionar *y meeting will be held here Sunday next, when Rev. R. L. Edwards, Pontypool, will preacir on the ireatiren.... Halilowe'en was 'obsenved as usnal home by lifting off gates, etc. Tire penson wiro ntten egged tire irm- 055 15 known, and il is ne meaiter a trick tiran yen migirt expect from him. WHAT WOULD Yeu GIVE-Te becurted of catamnir? If yon or your frieudslhave ibis diseaseou know irow disagreeable il is. Its symptems are inflamed eyes, thmobbing temples, ringing noises in tire cars, headaches, capricions appetite and constant discirarge o! mucus. Fortunately its cure is net a question o! wirat you wlll give, but wirat yen will take. If yen will taire Hood's Sar- saparilla, tire great constitutionai remeçly, wiich thoî-engbly purifies, on- niches and vilalizes tire bloed, yen may expect te, be completely and pomman ently cured. The good blood which Hood' s Sansaparilla' makes. reaciring tire delicate passages of tire mucuos membrane, soothesý and rebuildi tire tissues and ultimately cures ail symp- toms of catarrh, . Fire Shevels,5ets., at Nicho'Ilis. Curray Combs at Nicholîs Scts. Miss Hambly and Miss Editir Hambly, 3Oshawa, were guests of Mr. Lewis Joilow over Sunday. Mrs. E. Hawkins and daugirter o! tire Sanatorium, Gravenhurst, visited hem niece, Miss Carne lHawkins, at Mr, ion. Stephens' last week. We direct attention to tire new advt *of Dr. J. C. Devitt, Dentistin iitire office formerly occupied by DÉ. Waugh. Mr. Devitt will be pleased to receive a call frem anyone whose teeth require at- *tention. A very interesting game of football was played bore Saturday aftemnoon between Whîtby and Bowmanville Higir School teams, Score was 4 to nething in favor of home team, Thre Whitby boys were kindly entertained by Mr. W. W. Tamblyn. The romains of the late Richard Ford Quick who died at Indian flead, N. W. T., on Fridav eached home Mondav evening. The fainerai took place frein the residence of his brother, Mr. Wm, Quick, on Tuesday afternoon to Bow- manville cemetery. A very peculiar accident irappened to Mrs. Edwand Cole, Genova, East Whit- by, last Friday noon which migirt have been attended with serions cense- quences. Sire was bakîng bmead and stooped te sce if the finerequined replen- isiring. At that instant a red irot cmn- der flew eut and struck hier on the right ove bail, tire mousture of tire eptic hold- Ingtire flery carben with, its fringe of aires. Mrs. Cole became frantie with tire intense pain, and te tire utter amazement of those present, for they knew net whv sire was acting se wildly and screaming se iouldv, As soon as tbe nature of tire accidenît was known, milk was peured inte the oye and a young woman witir ier irandkercirief begaa removing the foneign substances with commendable sklll and nîtimate success. Quite a space en.the coating )f the ongani was burned, somewirat eh- scnring naturai vision, but it is net tirongit that any permament injumy to tire sight will be sustained. Tire Hallowe'en Social at Trinitv cirnrch Wedaesday evening was well attended in spite of threrain. Thre brigirt aspect of the beautifully decerated scirool room was in striking contrast te tire dreariness outside. Fancy lanterns and colored sirades gave a cireerful tirngir subdned iigirt, bunting was gracefull.v draped on tire wall and a fine display of blooming plants ornamented the platferm. A good program was given, and mucir enjoyed hy tire audi- ence, censisting ef muisic by Messrs. Wm. Alexander, Clarence Meatir and Albert Darcir, readings by Mr. Lutirer T. Ceuntice. a pantomime by Mr. Geo. P. Freeland, and singing by Hanmony Maie Quartette. Rofresirments were served aI smal tables, a number, of wiic were armanged amonnd tire sides of tire roorn anid pnettily decorated. Tire ladies lna atendance attire tables per formed tiroir duties very faitirfully and looked (ite picturesque in tiroir fancy headdresses. Rev. A. E. Harding, as chairman, cordialiy welcomed tire friends and did iris best te malte ail feel at irome. THE, CANADIÂN TROOPS. CÀNADA TO BPE KEPT WELL POSTED. On board tire Sandinian troepsirip, wirich carried our boys. was a spocial correspondent e! tire Montreal Daily Star, fully equipped fer iris womk. Ho camried a complété pheto,-napiric outfit. He will be meunted, and -will have a mounted oderlv on tire'field. Tire Star correspondents sole duty will be te keep tire Star in close touch with thre treopi on tire field of action. Ho carnies tire necessary papens, . d y signed by Hion, Mr. Borden, Minister o! Militia, and instructions cabled specially from tire War Office by tire Secretarv o! War that wiil enable hlm te furnisirtire Star with niews Canadians will know te ho relia ble. i OSEIN OSHIAWA FOR SALE - H0omfortable Roughcast Dwelling House, Driving RHouse, Stable for three horses andi 8-5 acre of land for sale. Excellent large and small fruitb No better well in Oshawa, cisrern. Apply on the premi9eýý or if by letter to JOHNt JAMES, William St., Oshawa 26-tf. MARRJIED PIEOPLE LIVE LONGEST! Try it sometime. Buy the fý Marriage Licen$e from M. A. JAMES, appointef b y the Gov- arriment, Issuer for th e County of Durham, and wlth proper care wlll last a life-time6 and MOEAL.-Don't remain un- marriad. You can also arrange to have the Weddùîng Cards and complets, outflt printed in orthodox f ashion 1wv our 0h11gtng' humble ser vant M. A. JAM) lssE Mrriage Lcanse at lits residence 27 Centre St.. or at Tns S TATES MAN office. Bowmianvilia. now a Fillipin... Iie. The general, in a whrite bat, was marching in, advance of the- flring lino, when thedischarg ofo. a rifle was heard in the Yard of a house next to the read. Several soldiers rushed ietirte yard,, but flot in trne to provont two more shots, which came whizzing ini the direc- tion of the gqneral. At tis moment 1 came to a break tn the hedge,wirero I could se what was going on. A yaung Filipino was about 30 yards off. Ha xvas'tuLrning this -way and that like an animal at bay, thor- oughly frightaned. Hal had a rifle ini iris hand. It after-wards turned out tirai this rifle '.vas choked. TireSoli- <iera vere breaking down the irigir hedga to get in. Suddanly the Fili- pluno made a mun for lifa.Ile got ilirougir the hadge in soea way, and dashed across the open fiald. Three m"nts f ollowed, ail of whicla took et- fect. Tire woundad man turned, rau sideways a few paces, lay down on tire ground and a second latcr waa dead. 1 got a goed sigrt cof the Wtrodà incident, and so naturally did the Filipino stretci b4xiseif along thea grou.nd and rest his' head upon his arm tirai I thought h. was sham-. ming. Arn examination a minute lai-. er provad tirai ha was daad. Thare la the differeaco between the manner ýn whicir Amarican and Filipino sol- diers die-the Amarican falis in a heap and dies hamd, tire Filipino stretches himself out, and, vthan dead, is always foui-d in some easy attitude, generally witir iis head on iris arma. They die tira way a wild anlimal des-in just sucir a position as (>ne finds a deer or an antelope wliicir one-hg&_qrot rn Itwoodu. Coldler UTeàtbhe r Winter Clothià, U Tisters and Overcoats, Men*'s and Boys'.-Over 200 now in stock, we can beat ail former values. Sec our wondei fui value in blue and brown beaveî, a suap at $5.00. An elegýant line blue black au d brown beaver at $10.00. Pea Jackets and double breabà"ýd coats for Mlen and Boys from $1.50. We are showing an immense range of worsted suits, both in sack 'and cuta- way styles. both venetian and day twill. We have every size in S. B. and D. B. Blue worsted seige, suîts in bof h Men's and Boys' and pi ces are very favorable, these goods wear weil and do not fade. Over 10 new double breasted suits now in stock. Waterproof Coats, Ladies' Circulars, - nJ'Umbrellas, LEtc At this time of the year rami s IikeIy to pdur down at any time it is well to be prepared. We are able tc. ïï fil supply your wants iu this line. Groceries, Teas, Etc, Try our special value Black Tea 25c. We have been told scores of times that this is equal to many 40e teas. We have a very special 11h. package Japan Tea at 15c. We seli the best pan-dried rolled oats made in Canada, try it. Did you eaver use our vinegars: proof vinegar, malt, vinegar, cider vinegar, and XXX white wine. Special Valueos in Rllbbers and Waterproof Boots and Shoes, We are showing a larger range of Flannels, Blaukets, and Under- wear than usual and the values are better than ever.. Our values last. season especially in ladies' underwear was wonderful, but some lunes just received are even better. Ladies' Jackets, our new styles,are, simply superb. Corsets, the new Crest corset should be seen. We also have the old reliable makes in ail sizes. llosiery and Gloves, as always our- stock in these uines, is very large, we have some snaps now. GENTS' FURNISINGS. Men's HEeavy' Underwear. Artie Merino Underwear seems to be the: favorite seller and we have iaid in a big raf t of them, scee our 50o lune. Hats and Caps, new styles in Stiff and Fedora HRats, are just in and the new things in caps are very nobby and comfortable. Top Shirts in laced asnd buttoned, fancy and plain colors. Men's Seamless Soxrromi 10e up. Apples, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &r.; taken in exehange for, goods at top prîces. Tù CPýSH GFOCRS.1 We have just opened u p a fine uine of White Dishes, SCups and Saucers, ]Plates of Ife alsizes,and alot of1Pitehers, Bowls, &C. SCash for Butter and Eggs. ~ Telephone 57, BOWMANvILLE. Fur M. MAYER would cali the attention of his numeroiis customers and friends, that he lias a large and well select-. ed stock of Furs of ail descriptions to select from. Men's Fur Coats, Robes, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Capes Caperines, Rut[s, Caps, Muif s, Gauntiets, Storm Co'( 1-8, A fulliline of Gents' Furnishings al-ways on hand. Now is the time to have you f urs altere," 1an.id re-- paired. M.Myr À.ractLical Furrier, Bowmanville, s

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