6'~ ________________ oldest prîvate financal bouses hin th.e 2 city, Blike & Alexander, whiu.h was3 foun(1cd In 1857 the senior memýnber of the OiW' firm being Mr. J. L, Blaikie, s Lili a promiinent figure In Toronto, bejn President ' he Caznada Land- cd & National Inivestmnent Coin1- p n nd of theu N3r)ýth 1mrcnLf A(2r09 C., as well aus direto of sevra ohr financlal Institutiflss.H is the father ûf 3Mr. George W. Biaikie ojf F7ergusSojn & B3,lie, and a m em ber of the R-'oyal Canadianr Yact lub, Thé firm l 1ýCengagea in yn and sellng stocks here and1 ini Ne-w York and London. The-y also have correspondents ln Glas- g'wand Edî!nbuj-gh and do a large1 bui1ness with ScottiÈh houses. The erig- trial business of the old firm of loà.ningl. ntonýrey on mortgage la stîll continued, and he firm always bhas large susan of English and 'Scttish capital to luan at lowest rates on good farnis and productive city ýproperties. Mr. G. Tower Fergusson, thesenior member of the firre, inclines to the opinion that Caniaa mnining stocks of the better class4 are obtaining a firmer fothold La Engl1anJ and Scotiand, but, haý thInks that ve,(ry littie can, be done aczresa thie water wlîth the low-priced 5;haries off the vercapialieompanies which aire the vogue bre The, o1d country inetrwantis dollar for dolar id, miust have 'is shaTre(s prctcal at ar, anid !es a reý_ady invea-,tor ini dividend- payigprpert~sbut he flghts shy of the, $l-O.0O ir erty capital!zed at a mrillion and the shares of xhloh are of- erdat frem ten to twernty cents. Mr. F ergusson,who is serving a secanid term as President off the Toronto Stoýck Ex- oýhange,,belongs to afarnily mor7ethan on.e member off whlch bas been proii- euti in Caiyadlia public lifo. -ils grand- fathler wvns the Hon. Adam Frnsn aifter whom tihe 'Poewn of 1er14iwa (ale; he le a'epe of th Hn.A. and wl'hD was Presidentl off the tlrst rlvy C2ounceil ffter that epoch-maklng Lvîit. -Mr. Fergusson le promInently idontified witb the Y. P. S. C. E., having been President off the clty union and Iirst Chairman off the Cao adfin CoLun- cil off that organization. Peliatt & Peliatt. <In 1881 the firm of Pellatt & Pellatt, share brokers, started. in business. Previous to thiis Mr. Henry Pellatt wasa embher o cole, which or] commencedi a ne sienj Mn-anory- Ber and until1 Mhgnge, vhUn tieadMr.N thse Oi-n, The M. Polait bas1 cessful WILe, andi leadt Jil iheflai tedested lu a grt 'Ing financMi ins the Toronto Ele( dietrofthe tarie N1avigatios maPa.int CuOmi mo. tte ps of tlle armiy, anc M'ajor lu the Qu Norusan Macnae, ruade a part sor, î-nucb off the su, iangely d-ue te hi wmking and proc Osler This tfii-m ,of3taloi agonis, i-iast] k,)no tc luconi-ectic -epie,,uas eo Mees .B. Os -un.Mn. Osier, off oli isler ta'ssdabrane A. M Nal tise businebss .6 Mn. R. A. Su -te Toonto firmn -r sons admili- ion the samer oral stoicbnc sy anS unici -nenaiL Manager ,with the ROy-al Canadilan, Yacht Club, havngotlyrecenrljy rtrdfrmthe bïsi knew,,n helmamien and e ý-kippers on the Ame(ri can co' Innnt. An Imrne-ise Brokerage Business in the City. Thse Growth of Five Years-Ivwo Ex.- changes Handie Quarter of a Mil- lion Shares Fer Week. Five yearsL ago, mining îvas practi- caliy unknow nte, Toronto investers. A ffew bad ventured money in various mining sichemez,, but the projects h.ad flot ]*en of local enigin and, in. many cases the money intrusted for mining! purposes gave no returns. Mining was looked upon wîlh suspicion and no lman with a mining proposition ceuld receive a hlearing from a Toronto, capita.lst. In the intorvenin.g time, hewever, a m-arked change has, taken place. Thero is hardýly a man cf money l. the city thtat has nt important miniug inter- ests. wile almeet every individual is associa:ted *with at leaet, oeeof tbe many'companies formedi te, devel.. mines. Heretofore the local luvester hadl te put bis, meney jute fereignen-, terprise. To-day Canadian mines effer epeuings fer capital, and ln the hister y off the.sie five years have prove dthatj they are, net unworthy cf cenfidence. Ii that time Canada hae beceme fffthl lu the w erld's liC soff geld-preducing couîstrire, w hile its production ef other minerais is grewing, rapidly. Toronto, was not alone iu its preju- dÎire agalnst miuing. Ail the other east- erm Canadian cities held simi or views, but Toronto was the flraiteto re cegnize sýpeake hlighly off the abiýtY anSdknew the mtyarvlusheaprcae iledgo ofýf 1tho iigbsns psesdo d pcpentyl dlctosa hy Mn .L Sweth o-lasi 15 per cen. Themonocntia )or mebn of th im h 11,t ad injcpendce ffteans u bnkirm s'tre uies s mnniuchsr losen byth fai h ronito ln Juiy, 1896ý,aa urne honlthle net icosdl au.Ofcusti proolion uCndunder-tho ae ifteie tgatoCff h ncdn of Sawyo, IMurphey& Cwîh aC usya r.fienrwands succeedod by thepetIne resýuli off ibeee usaniyOff firm of E. L. Sawyer & Ce. Imeireboss ea lagl ubcesed Mn. Sawgyen -hainR.spenit evral ootiity lu to bu1ildn ofStn Ycare linstho vanicus mrning camps off sud semý fftradhue tis pro)- tise wost, both lua-the Unted States pheSied bySelnstataeie devel- and Canada, bas a practical kn-owledge 1-en nl 1o be ontrctonoff off miing, which la mesi essoutial lin ite er1, is ff si-od u a business whiene the handiing off stocks ernalfmle.Ooo w f h aud înining properties is a special lino. buldng r nou1h1i11 ere; odilua For the pasi yean or more the fiinm h-as shoaleqate f he cliv, ibo ne- placedS lange. bleeks of dividend-paying suit of 7"lthîl o Vrce su stocks, ameug whicb might bho mon- ileet ta eneSaosh e f lioned "Deer Trail" No. 2, and mono ne- core ebuiesl eocie fi-cm contly "'Benanza," bctb sisoor propen- to avis lme.It -al the boom îles, and pnactically, unden the camne PerlOd thai bs cuptonrached ils mcanagemeut, as well as numeous other zenith. Tircllape tcaseS any Seal- rrnng ventures, wbich are bciug push- ors te o te1(the wn, an tei numben ed te a successfful issue. usas Insqety agi edse.T liseso days0f spciailin may ownens Mr. B. Gatly Parker. off neal sat laeib andliig of A distinct advantage possessed by ibeir poaylu i lande off uide- IMr. Parker in hie business as a min- ausake gntauid foLibseason ilhe Ing issoker îa bis persoual. exponi'-unce business a uicosu air et per- off the minir.g dsict's off the west, mnanence ,-,and nocenybout it. wbei-e ho liveS for some urne. Hoisubi mainitalue the closest connection ',With Mn. j. . jt'îlimj the field off actual oeonnion, and SU. represeuted ai Republie (Washington), Few rnt- tlemo ostged froîr Rcsslaud, Greenwood anS other mrininïg the omclipeof 1391 iicith the colline- by those on ushose opinion ho bus-mnesýs uehlenauhopefui of th, can plac-e absoluto rlilane, ih eing a future, Amn Le fussoa Mr. H. H. si eadfastrunoe w-in Mn. Parker noi te Williams.,]dan ueîho rails ai toues s-ny rrining proponty unes tav- hie o'fficesý on V'ictoriaý street foots in- ornbly report-S on by a rempotent on- onr05505 wltb ise -tabýliiy cf the con gi-o.Amroug the PTopeniies ii w'hicb ecoin. and fcls assonUeS ht amcc ho la speciallyit-'rested are ibose 'off exp)(,eneoand a lumentroioelsic in- thse Carnes Cneek Consolidaied Cern- terets. Mn. Williams us 5c lu To- pany, owniug leven dlaims nea r route, anud bul- cfineS fils byýsinos Revel-ioke, B.C., the voin off whicb bhas te ibis city ifer ma-vfan. Fi-cm 1li been p:erced te the exteni off 205 fi-et te 1816 ho aainuggedlh-icco ibis yoar, anS the pnoponty being lu struction off uligthue acquiinc ani advanced stýage off dSetolpmeni: a kueolofgeo(f f heir valiseanud char- the lyerby Miniug Company, holding acier, subsequeýntiy outoring the mcci tho Sausoa minerai dlaima at WinSer- estate busîiness;nwhich ho bu, carnier mea, rýast Iootny, B.C.,a nicb ceppon on te Ihe presentlimre. The,,busineses romasa1ugas high as 25 per cent-, ,embracesý a a nilyof brancis,rocsisi- nuS lbh,-' Hill Sido ConsolidaeS dCern- ng chiefly off sales'off prcnty, lban- p:îuy -wbo-e cdaim lu the Republican l-ng off monev-, o muonensmaon nos5 sni 'ng camp is noieS fcr is heavy Otale, the lao, g offlie and life lu- cefae slsowing and uidtis off ledg - suranco-,!e eting of, houces anti othen svhicbl varies fromn 40 te 80 foot. In promises, anS tisecoletinoff rouis ad tio e is extensive i-ausactions, ndS menîgages. Mn. illianis bas aisc lu westonffs mines, Mn. Prewbe acquined'au oîvabe putation as a se- Pricsident off the Standard Minieg valualor. Aithoris the uroprties off a f~~~ th&in ofPiaI - !mtntng ag, a legitiaiat'busnes.Tise Exchanuge, handies a quantity off On- groat nsialyuy capliniis anS compans n soas issolved. Heo thon ensternu nues bon- rel inlto lice, tarie anS other Canadian stocks fer are heing 1m-anageS, by Mr. Willlianîs sus business, takiu'g bis Te tise gee xampie off Tononte is Sue - Icurlisis anS Scotch investots, arnong tise vory tieneisanScl sstcsnaiomaci 1891 the triin uss nu-1 v. est. 'ensuretis uto ii ecs-ary lu cacis lin. oilat, ssnion no- PremnentMou Itoretod.Mitchell, Wallace & Ce.caetbigaouîLbetpsbt Mrmn Macrae ontre-aed' iï cacrfMn. lH That miniug Is legitimnie Is attested Thsis iru succeeded te tue business nesuîts, anS.Vusthaýl, neoe os hein O an; i su-y by lise number off creminenlt busdness off J,.tL. Mitchell & Ce., syhicis was eue bt icgfvoai ipi-os1sed uiti tise lieonae,)c;idly -s hemn wso fisavo attacheS thoînselvos teooff the iret lu the mining field. They rosI estate Lbusýiness sacconducted lu hoia no, sansi a ise it. 1Net only are they acting inu the So a brokenage business lu the botter stus aa dmrjialemunr ,eat maný, ef Jilr psait i ef inectonrs on tise hoards cf lase cf mining chai-es, anS have maSo bttutions-. Fresidet off stock cumpaiosbut mauy have arrangeents iibpr.aciti mîning ex- AccOI0 NSNUIEOS ýcle oLighi C ompI, ny u boooi lsiiSual propnieltone off minesperlate toreport regardine' the prnciopal )f iseCrou'sNoýtPa4Shile pivate syndicatos are, opng upmiIacmpofOnnei-ChC- Yorapc--cno , efTl1 ~- _ elRi1,1:, Siile Coi.Wr ftseIettt oadSeesr- te ,!,lgeupa C- oassi. T'rist- iheuld ho, ne Consequeuily, they roccivo reliablelu 1g ITifhSin 1IiPb Bniisb-mercanA~-thiug loft to chaence lu miuing. Th e cm- foirma-s-on off tise Soveiopmoul off lis' feln-saiu Ealnto. nil Trust Comnpany, Irm plOYînni ct, f a rempotent- sud boncat leaiug r.i properiies, and are Tisebuiosftseacnntsne ptauy, R(ieIieu & On- mtniug englute-enand ondiuany intelli- I ciepai-eS te guide inrostoîs lu the pur-1 -hcsba go ni-p:iyvtb tis one n Compi;auy an-idCan- geuce in tise couduci of tise bs-siness of; chsaae et chai-es uhichIs lavea reaseri'hihh,,ý-Îtlpou ftieclaS tise ip:ov p4gy off Monireal, are- a uine feil, onsure succesa, or provont a able chance off profit. Mi-. 1Mtcheît bas elp ntftI heiro- iions te obilielias l'alune. Tise isl aoff both or even oee off baS extensive expOrice, isaving oper-ms-tot f busjIneýutsode[1,j b.T'sre are also a faiihful Sevoee e hsa osseutialsi ba boots se fantise aieS severni proponiies lu Colorado anS ilunToi-ente oo h s f ir' accosut- dbholde tise position -of-cause off-anuy "lïn-e s-î5tsruc-g~N--Mticar usiatuasitl anits, many -ofw :aecace.The seo's Ousu Rifles. Mn. lias roceivod. To -uanage an-y under- fforming tise Colorado Springs Miningt nceaer"Th proviens to e bob- iakiug a mana muet be costeoS as- te seExchsange, boing edocteS is i-si Fresi- profession bas ogi ltive sancio usas su tise ofirce, anS details of tisai undenl-aklng, anS te sui du.Tî i-suare membono ffcisea thi-ni iei'epiainl caee e loeatetion, banS- iTes-et bavemillinssoff ty. Toronto Miuing Excisange, anS Mr-. tiseInstitute roff iaindA'uin tse off ,it ousili ceS o muet avemilesifnollrsn- 1ilcîsil tiîlkse isbusinsse off -ning usisirs îoIu paciln183.hie wenk grocîveavay. -eçtoS lininiing- companicae - tcktbnsiiTenons-o is ieaSy in ilsisnl- Hammond. of wusich ai-e listeS on tise mining ex- itiai stage, anS tise future 'gssustis f eue off tishet !potan kceuni1-- changes, anS there are ny cii-ecg tie Toi-ente Mining Exechange willItienailis busîiness inst,ýitutions, anS ir coropsuies Sing busines siscse s-elal show a gi-oai impi-otvment su tbo vol- li elol tsi t andard seuld Se set kbýlrokers and financial bac ail boon subsccihed foi- privateiy une off transactions. Mr. Wallnce eS iaudbcioeuh okt tise beet knousn lu To- uSl o un etIegnmlpbi formerly psatîsed mus but, 1Onz 5nv uepblý,IcIso tyanSdusors-iily. onwl~ ucesfu c-The total cptaiaii f iesx msg tise gi-estpossibilities uin iiug ieobet t h istt s e ot ciallne l 182byseven besi uo l ocal cempaniýs ie o deS cdte o 90ie othe tinse.lun tise set ofionnstios-s aie as, fol- done anS Hi. C, lI-I-ansunits leover $,15.0000,a is Receutly Lc madeoanuoxieei trip 10w-s:- "To pnmote a-rd luse by for ite ecspo oa as aucmue - ictismugis BritisColumbia for the pui- aIl laufful uasaSmasts uui -a inember ooffft tisekowedg o hoK -us s-j r. uis ie iiospi-es pnevailiig on thsestoek manrtet, Poefgoîua osedechiwsgeelîludpdrncofitme- ris~~~~ nW-nleune is about $13,210,000. Ail off t-e stocks mine areopaed and bts enluiebr nalisuenltng-ets ui lînn ai)gur icluded in,,that numb-'r aveeput ou acquainia _e wusi aiaii lutishe or iiUg f n - cou tant - I-snrncd I-s-ute, -th maket ai as ian ar value, acndieast bac be, f Fotacitnc 1 i1icss e .tblsta's lcue n ~ ~ ~ - heonu. anrIsi'l omeismi eovpncl tise tiiluasranging csue r aig n xmnite scp-~ci' ui conducled tisere. L lu ' seine -itesiaei eompi-'ucy, tries-s rS mena mith tous adîni te selissg ai g-cladvunceeý-. The lu- tI ilsactions. P - cha ý i-atra a otogtepti sudlu189 M. F ~teîe..l is rîîling stocks ba S'eu l'argo-D iî rle & Ce. - t u.f o Ssetnt îb an, th ii-S9Mr.onF.uiGly augnie1. t' v ythe LOis-cbit cgee, soLe -a1', - nam. is ti- S aovona quai-'ýT roff amillionshares M-ig irougisout tise Domirinicu bs-ship, anS te grant dpomsof f -Ilo- -oker.go andS tlnanlachange bauds ineunly eveny aw.e. g5-ousute surhIsastsiproportions dSnng ciil optu uebneal ;o ealIar,ýýv ýi -'ýi-rceont years tisai greai poscsiilitios ticm to ni-etis-e Ssstirguisîttig lettons eal largey n ril A Steady Gncusth. ausailisoso sotte have indont1sIed on F.C.A. (Felieus cf tise Chai-toi-eSAc- isetts oi offthecof- This volume of trade is net off sud-mVdniyteritrls osts cstat)a eto-acscmoe ~ c~-den nowth. but j is ed , - suit ofsüenra-l 1.i-,eopment off mlneral Canada. Off icie (Y-'" 'Examinelieus 'are bolS annualiy wiibhae, îxtd Sividtends 'Jî1o yezais' busineass. Wheu tise Toron-o cenit, par nnium %ince 18?S, i adl- Miniug alSd -Industriai lCxeian- Was mu te Siu s.ub)stntial amutfirst opened lu Jaîîuary, 1898, the enlesi uably te resenve fund. Tise ffollouing store s ery slim'lu comparisen, but thse panios are_ alse manageS lu, fheir gnous in bulk steadily, unil in Apis cf eeu-Th icy1,toria Rolling Stock Ce. the pi-osent yc ir anotiser Minmcg Ex- 3utam-l, Limllted; thse Calgar-y & ES- chsange, tise Standard, usasfermeS. Tise nIeon -asîaoay Ce.; tise Qu'Appelle, first-i-amed boni-S bac a mroibcrsip o-f ecng Lake & Saskatchewani HaqlioaS 26, anS tise Standard Exchange bas 29, cd Stoamboat Ce.; tiseCanada NortIh- numos on ils i-cil. 'Jis'e rnisîn>g Si--os- est Land Ce., LIimiteS; tise Oulai & rag' business, te ho conducted sucoas- lu'Appellc Lacd Ce.. Limlied. Tise. ffully, is onse tisai requines utidi-ridoS nI- iouseý have vriy largo intercale lu Mani- teution. Tise breker musts not ouly ho ,obo anStie Norihuss Tenritorles, cf shrowd business ubiiy, eDut ho muss .vhci tso tunuge tvmogbthirWin- ha-v--a--good- k-sowililge- o-f-miinlug -an4( ipeg office. Tbîey are also largely lu- be poseessed off the veny lutest ilustelli- ýresteS lu m4ing ln Britishs Columbia, Igence regardiug a score of minesý. Hoe e ere they have heen uuiferusly suc- muai kueir net only the amount off - mouey li a eompany's troaesury, but Mr. Fred J. Stewart. aIse ibhe amounit off ore bionked eut lu tIls ruine, anS ils valuse. He mueft ai- s-owart ba,,s cari-led on operatiensý - tays bc ou, tLe aloi-t, anS haave bis >nhie as a stock! anad invsien urces off info>rmation lu the banLim for- ever -hwcnty ycans. Hoý baQbuses anS lu the fan-off rniuling campa. rnenistber el- ie ' ot tc Thero le ne security ce susceptible.ns uge fcr: aibe)ut fifitpcn venTa.s Hoj, the mlnlng stonks. Tisey arc off course; es extonsi-eîy lu ,uîgaSifune bv tIhe prernibing rnev e Lsha-rts, for casýh ,si nq mailu miankets,ý but tisey ai-e aise ni ts- aToroto anS Neso, Yenkl Stocký Ex mi-ev off st-cet i-umors anS othos- ne- gee. Spoc,(iaj nî,tenboýn lagiont ports ýset a-Sont by tise unscrupulous inrtha-c off stocks foi- invEsirnent. maulpubator. Floriuuateiy for the pen- ngsarssolis aircei-e on tise tuanoey off the minlng business, ibis in- Extect h ioiange are aIsu Sieail diriduai bas been pretty thci-eugbly .A las-o business le Sotie lu ioesýlt crusee eut bore, anS ii4iwtens are 'jut undîfi mortgase bone. Mi-, Stewart la te Se frighteuod sieto partmug sous tisei- ra-y ethuhasie -bot tse utueof holdings on the unsupposted word off Caý_na-Sa as a fielS for thse investmeut off an Intereeted party. BuisscapItal. Ho conslders that ABnigisit Outinok. Canada, lu tbis respect, la ton trnes bs'ttEr, kueusu lu Englandto--day tisant Tise eutlook for the mlning business ~wsnthre yera ago.Tiseinvatmet l very bniglît, notwithstandmsg tise ne- off foi-aIg casî luo Tise ai îwoearsn Oci depressio'n frora w-hics nîl stocks of In he las two y as e now rocoverlng,. dassada is, pracli- lias beon rny limes aa gri-et aa tisai cally an undereloped ceuni-y, but tise of any ai!mflar iserlod roin.Th1ie hop -ee tir prospece ispoe irt --ttlntstoth ilcn --g e etrla rvdhrt Onitanie hasi shesn icou ifeqluasi Un mr o ral arealti te auy otson Prossine%ý anS ke-en, mouoff usne a nvo, netbeen slow te, enter the fielS nd embrace tise oppontunitios tisenn l their svaY. Mosane. D. F. M - guire &,Ce0. os- 2S Victoria street have \-beeu rery success-ulluintise ine sdure epening ofEfices ln April las-it. Formnly. Mr-. Maguino w-as wsll-kn6wu, as ils Canadien n-epnesoenlesive for tise Gi- fiths Cycle iCcrpci-aiion off London, Ecg- lacS. Ho resigned ibis position lu orden Ite devoýte bisurne anS attenion îo imining, anti, biLe -many _ûote5sintemur- ccl cd psturipally iu Ontaio artS Britiash Columbla stocks- Througis lise GriffiLs Corporation Mn. Ma- ghine Las acquirod extensea- Eng- t.g:h connections, n iCa tise resait tisat ho bac conducted some large tasr tii-ns lu mluing pi-operties fer iSS Atntia clients. THE BOARD 0F TRADE. A Memabersklp 'of <ver ElghI lissa- dased-A Buldaing Contisog Haif a MINIHloas Dollars-This Yea-r's 011- cers. Tise Board off Ti-ade usas incorpon- aieS lu 1845, amnS nous bas a member- sbip 'off allient 840. The fiue building ushirisil orcuWies aitishe nonliscasi cor- ner off Yonge sud Fi-ont streets usas eroctcd ai a ceai oof $470.510, exclusive off $69,600 paiS for tise site. Thie site is irregular lu foirn, Yonga anS Front streels iutcrsecting ai an a-cule angle. Tise fita-geonouYonge cii-oct la 101 - fetand on-Front stneet 10k -feot.-BuliS- pensons lunSif!ert pi-i-leof Ontaie bave avalledl s~ioof theo îpoîr- tunlty te show thier nbility, Clankson & ýCt-ose. The tiins off liLo & Ci-cet reqiies ne intLreductien te lihe public. 1,7sî,abtissed is 1864ý by Thsomas Clark- sons, E.;q., the businsess nupiSly o. umed lar-go proportitons, and is 1870 Mr-. Ciarnuivsjoi-ted by bis son, Mn. E. R. C. Clankecu, a~epneviously bc-d iseen engagi-f lu busines su Montreal.- Tish,, imesbas eLi Siy- increaeed, aud toda -tie irt le 15e-- tiliod soltismanycomecilinti-resis, i- t only lu Tonuteù, but ii-ongisout thse Domsinion. 1About bn-o years ,ugo n bran-h coffice off iishi-u as opeued lu Vancouver, B,(.. , nhene,, lu addi- tion tebthe ordina-_ry ine ,-off ineinese connerieS witb tise v-k ioff nia-toi-eS nceuntants, liquidalors iuSassignees, a. spocialtyli-nma-Se offnuditlug bise ar- counsaoff vari-oue mining cosspanies. Sincs ibhs inauguration offthe.-%Varni l1t ei Ceîupsny Messrs. ClanLsou .& Crosbava auditod thein books, sud tise Vancouver hi-aurs bide fuir te ival the headquanios n uToronto. Ecdnands8- Hart-SnAtis. Jusi len years ago Mn. George ES- sarda engag-eS lubusi4ne5s'as a chai-- loeSdacceulantý, ,eudnousbie ti-m off Edusande & Flart-Smltb- is cousidened unn.ou-ig the foremnilu C, anadfa. 1p 1893 An A: Rnrt-Smiiis ento 'red tise office, se Klerk, anS four Y,-utre inter, aas taLon ie opartncnaip. Hie l- tme- aud atten- flou are s !sli ;lken rUp saitîs lie - nepol-is ihi-ncb off lise business, aeshe is-mnakir.g a n for i- iseif lin- -5Vr - c-th rt- i, -os--,ni- a-nsi-Qr-ses- forî ise beyond question. TYPE SETTING MACHINES. WE MANUFACTURE ]MIE LINOTYPE TYPE BAR CAST- ING MACH-INE, the iargest fauco- off lis kiosd ln thse ol,.30O -1 F-0 LIVIUR -T1YlpEwRTTETI -t. w nly Free Type Ber VIsIble wrlf- lux machine lu tuse w orld. 119.O0 ToUE OLIVER IYPENRITER CAB- INET. wlth Carbon Drawer, thse oaly Prcteal tialng of thse kind ln thse worid............. rp2.so 156 St. Antoine Street, MONTREAL. 55 Victoria Street, TORONTO. RETAIL DRY GOODS F ENNCIL BOLR ST&VCK BIROKFIRS9 cnajn eîad fer lisue upnvt dos;d siuatio;n.sjandd ilicpiit te protoci .jymehanca meus inunanIc;f e h- 1urd FuscLpa e1re com"npetîILg for usînse u th ciy at present'I. Eatue& Lightbouru, Among the leading.corpo-rations op- eratiug thesýe linos off insurance which have se conclusiveiy demenstnatod their -V'a--te--te- the buaree.s--men-ancF-te-the public at lange are the Ontario Acci- dent Insurance Company off Tbinontu aud Lloyds' Plate Glass Insurance Conipany off New York. >The "Ontario Accident" Was incorpon- aieS by special act off the Dominion Parliament lu 1895, anS transacte a general business lu lis lino, iuciuding Persoualacidei'accident and sick- noescemhined, svnnlmen's proective, employons' and genenal liabiliiy. The compunys offiiciaI retus'ns indicate suh- stantiai pregress on acuS linos. Lloyds Plate Glass Insunance Ceni- pany off New 'York bas been fifteen ,7pars established lu Canada. The cein- pauy,' wvho e chief eficers are Mr. W'. T. Woods Pnessdent, Mn. D. B. HaIetead Mice-President, and Mn. C. E. W.f Chiambers Se -s'tany, trausaýcts 'plate gines insurance only, and it- annual premiou incomo is lu the neighbonheod off hait a million binlans. The cash capital is a quarter of a million, and the assoe about three- quartens off a million. The "Lloyds" operates the principal plate glass l- ,arance business lu Carqda, aud is be- seved te; be the iaigest compauy off *ts cimslu the world. The invested ftîcds off tihe -Ontario Accident" andi Lloyds Plate Glass lu Canada includolu inaddition te Fedenal ,curities, bonds off uoariy eveny Prov- ince aud of mcci oof the principal citios in the Dominion. The chief agents of the fonageing -ompaules are the weli kuewn lirM cf Eastmure & Lîghbosiru of To- route Street. Botb Mn. Arthur L. Eastn-ure and Mn. Fraudes J. Lightbooru, who comprise the finm, arýý expents lu those branches off lueurauce w ith which iheir names are close'iy as- sociated. Dr. Lanmtt W. Srniih le Pnesidcut, Mr. Eastmuno Le Vîce-Prei dont'anS Managiug Directoen,ai Mn. Ligbtbouru le Secn-tary off te ntanlo Accident Company.I Dominion off Canada Guarantee anid Ac- cident Insurance Company. This punrely Caniadian Companycom-_ mencd bsinss u 187.Its openatilns were ceuin'-S to erwi!ng ponsenal nc- cide-ntand- employonrs' llability -insur- ancs, until 1898, wlh'u it wsv,-s tbought adriabiete iscontinue the em'bely- ors' liability brnch and, take Up g-uarauteo insua-ace. At the last ses- ýsien off the Dominion Parliament anu not was passeS, allen mug the comruanar te wrote sicicuess insurnce, lu addi- tion te ils ethen branches,, se thatnow the cornaias threeonioartmpnt-q a' inusuna nce-gîsanteo, accident and sicirnees. The deveiepmeut off th~e cempnny dursng the pasi few yenrs bas been phenoemenal. Since 1894 the pro- mini-ei inoome, on pensoual accideut nlsks, bas doubied. The sphene off th~eopera- tiens off a cempany off týs kind is prncticaily illlmi 'able. Guat autee, ac- cident-sud eoae nnac r ai eniering more and more, eompieîely ie the staple off our national life, and on ibis greun alone the Dominion off Canada Gunr'antee aud Accident Ceom- pnny may i'easonat.iy anticipate a long aneen off incs-easiug gnonvth -and etîc-' e.S >- The h -aS office of the comipany le i .the McKirnn building, Torno, aniS th-'comuar. le strongly îopre- senteS throughout the country. The authonilzed capit.-l is,,$1000.000, ever $237 000 being ruocibed, and,- ec $106000 paiS up. Th"is on deposit wiib tLe Dominion GJoverument over .92,000. Tue Presideni off îLe company la Mn.-George Goodenhnm, theVco P3resideuts being Mn. S. T. McKinnen adMn. T. G. Bloclesiocle. Mn. J. E. Robon is s- le enrl ange.Thefidel- licýrs tinS oij)7,l-yeca (f banks, trust companie s, secret aso<i,-iet nS 'ail ln- stitutiones whseconùsmy enlalis posi- tions off high truist. The sickness cen- tr-ici-offere indeminty ai a, reàsonable c-cet in ct-seo of typhoid foyer, di-phther- la, typhus f a on, ecanlet fever -anS s-,-tlipox. Tihis rireis off insu-ance has long been lu operaîlon lu the olS ceun- 75YNC STET J. L. MITCHfELL, W. J. WAL.LACE. FIENRY OfIARX IL R. OHARA. Stock and Debenttire Brokers, Financial Agents. Sierber Toronto Stock Exchange. AONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. 24. Toronto Street oot E. B. OSLER. R. A. SMITH. H. C. HANMMtND, F. Ci. CSLEC CA13LIE mss "a s OSLUR & IIANMOMID TouONTO MaOI0F SC0TLA-ID CHAIMBERS, ig KîINGoST. WEST, ToSoNTo. OSLER, HAMMONO & HANT), E.I awyr&C Jnvestrlnent Agents, CANADA LIFE SUILINmQ, 42 KINS ST. WEST.e TORONTO, ONT. Nae York Office:t45 Beoac[way. JOHN STARK, EDWVARD B. FB,-EELANL & GO.,KER Ondlers for the purche se and ,,aÏe of Stocks, Bonds, etc., execîî'ed on the Toronto, Montreal, New Meork 'aud London Exchanges l'orcash or on margin "j'N0SRET TRN SHARE DROKER raembre.>oToronto etc k E xhange FINANCIAL AG~ENT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 40 VCtRASTRIET SStock Brokeir and Financlil AgeOfi. .'tinîber I ironie S ,Ck Exchaisge. 22 VICTORIA STREET, TORONTO. IsENR Mai. PELLATT. NossAi MAnie-E. Caisie AddresPLAT. PELLATI & PELLATT PRINTING AND PTiBLISHING, TEL. 458S. :I. A e-%P'r f'rïge -Seo Ou.,' - --Autumn sa t of t -FIne Ltorcturo, LInî'tecl-4 TORONTO.+ N LimitetI TEMPLE BUILIQ TORONTO. 1220 Prlnitek's 4 Gob Szdng Engravers îlL Pri-ntersad PublLshers of Cnd - Don't figttsefCrht wr o talmee .t ïect 'e'w m-tlnmînuic-tfai- s-les, buýt lb-ai dnlng bise pasi ence h-na booen a markedi Increase i-ai from Englanti, a-ud ihat ibis -c- Sevoted- more lu cartorprisos ng tise naturai resources; un -cao lrîrluelnie5 enie-rpnlises, but laie a v,,ery-pronusunced, Smand 1is-clalle Canadian municipal 1 Lasl arls,çn la bbe United ,di rhioýfly fnom Chsicago and pitl. Canadian bon-ds, Mr. i-es, finS a i-caSy purcbaser mai-Lot, andi not infre- riresý îu advauree off those Great Bnîlain, anS tisai bbt1ai are quotedi lu London iii bs-ougbsit back teý ibis noun- 1inbecosýtin-g te noie, tisai Mr-. -q anS .hiý hi-oison ai-c the sole sudanjts lu, m5 sale lino -off William esooa-a ise tii-si Secrelany off novînr tunSer tise adminstrations erosSlurco, Russell, Hunier ie. M-r.-Jarvis e njo>y,-s neigle s- Scnail cimobes. For ma-ny , bas bean connecteS as a-n offllcer, necemmonde isy the tirn;bise Sail-or Comnpany, sohose dlrectensie incluSes' balif a Suzen off Toronto's beel Lues-v citizens,--bac a trcasury fund off $25.000 and 200,000 ahanes whsihcIs sli net Le -o-- Undor -a -menigage salIe, iees Fcx & Ross have taLon up the old Golden CashComfpauy aesiots, usiirisin- cluSe marbinony wenlb from- $40000 te $50.000. Tbev have aic-o purrbaa5 tise Menairh, Wiseie Ample anud Ganstcue piroperties, usisie1shav ebeen esamined hv Professer Mcntgomery off Trinily Univîersity, niso reports tisat ihene amo 100,000 tous off ore lu sight nslsch sali ssci-sue $12 toe bieoss. The fn' roputaîlon fornedoiisu ngbusinesou e sousdt censeenvstlve basic le Lueusu lu nesaly cvery ionndnnScily lunlise countriy. E. L. Sasoyer & Ce. Thse -follow-,ing particulars of-tlie aLeste. ire bave ()seu ngiron Tise Gobe bsy s client soLeha-s baS consideruble'bnci- 1i055 transactionsilit hern, and s-vis Couuii-Wmn. Christie, Edward Gui-- nov, H. N. Baind, W. G. Goodonisam, Wm. Ince, Peleg Ronsînud, J, F. El- lis,-D. R. Wilkie, W D., Mai;theusa, Ellas Rogers, W. F. Cockshuti, Barlus Cum- berland; James D. Alla-c, Wnî, Stoeo. Mi-. Wills bas i-elS icspi-sent office off Secretany ever since 1885. REAL ESTA'1E IS HIGRIER. lmpro-emezst jasthse Times ilu Fel by thse Deuiers-The Conditions ofl Tîsoîr Business More F avorable. One ha-e but le enter a lsandsornely furnisised i-oui otale office lu tise cen- tral part off tise city be-day te ho ai once ceasSureStIsa-t that business le ou a more eysternable anS soliS footing issu il bas ever beau beffone, One bas but l-aest- roui -or- huy--o.- bouse te Le furiLer satistied off lie tIi-m condition off bbe mai-LoianuSthe pros- procus busines off bbe deales.,Witiu eue hats bormerly,ane.b-oth show'a noticeable adrauce la volume anSdsue- tiseS.-Accident incurnce bas ceasseS to Se regardedS oleiy ag a cein- -mendable -branrih off. - ibrlft ,for thoies oped lu Sangeronusentr: it has hecorne off nocognized value mn evony vocation *of iffe. New nsaeiinery. the bicycle, tise trolley cui-, tise elevaton, tise haste iudueed b nous- peltIton, create bazards 'bicis affect profossicual aud commercial inlerests cqually sithis idusial. Tiese treet ile con more dangerous tlîsn tise uorksisop, anStlie proffossionai or business mans anS, indeed, e-sony inSia'iSual soho doos net cao-ny ais accident poliiy feuls te pnopou'ly approcinrle tise bazarde off bie tic-es. There are elessen rempanies Se- ing business lun Toýite. As an nidî te t heff ecýiae isplay off us-ode u in ir aeandS mcmii estab- become oan hjiispenisable requis!te;ilis lu uenyas gnou t requesb for pbi a-nSdeffLe,,b uildings, sud tlier s l u u l-IN TAYLOR. M.. TA YLOR MNJATURER a WORKS. 5-s & 5FoklT sTREEt- w88Tr, TORONTO WV. R. JoHas-rosi., C. BLACK, HERBsEinRLÂsoLOis W. R. JOHNSsrOX, JR, ESTABLISHIKD 1868. W.R. JO NSTON & CO.e Ready=Made Cor. Bay and Front Bts,, --' TORONTO. BRANCH-299 Rosest.,Wnvlper. THOMAS LEADLAY, PErOT LEADLAY. OCALERS E 87 Fot tzEs PullIng Factors' 9 ucnSW. fusely illustraàtde Lra bg ie flolgdeýpart- msersial L.9,,'" G(roceres and Prvsýn, "r Goods and 1111 oery, -3Sots and sse. coh lux and Furisillus, 'I'Bars andiir,'"ad ware andi Bouse Eurnlshings," 'Stationery anS Fancy Gonds," ere. "~Ose of the very best paper. lia Canada, tboroi3gbly readabl- and up-to-dat, txeepiinsy managed, a most credisable prodos. lion ..'-Giob- One dollar per Lanuo. Ad- ,,-tising rates ou applica.tion. THuE JAmES AGTON PL. cO., (Limitedl, Toon"o" Cao. 3,0 in -e daý,s Ily iciard her M it KWnd 2,500 in 2 weeks. S.r Crockett. 751 , C.; Clo t' Si.2s. -oo in6 months. B- rd Noyes NWastcott For sale t'y al l a:leUcr or by WILLIAM BRiIOGS, 7PUlMSI'l THE Manufactu-rr-fal tlso Cash COUNTFR CHECK BOC'Sof scv ee tien rnade to order. Sole m.akerS os tie "C0NTIaUec,"teolypr fect Salas Book rnmade. Write for samples aod price., 28 FRONT STRE«ET YEST7 Thse Lam'gest PubIlshing Woeanas Manu acturi'eg[Bock anr S'atorec 54,,56- 58 Front Street et ONT - . ri o treet PUIPLISMERS of achoolerîi at olg et flooke, Wenke of Fîctîon, tCC NdANUFACTURERS of Evlps In cool e,, Writlng TabletoPaetei' Exorcise lBooksi, ticibbllng fooks 8,IIIng igns*o ieRoyal Paper -miIls Compaany. OUL lý5 Lliu l'eý5LIL Olýýevt-,-aj --h., ýej f- ýi ý 1 IJC, i iàTJ STARKT