-t"' t! - ~ ~~2~z- 2" N~ ~ oRo~~1To ,PuîîisZhed J!y courtey B~cy9Cllark & C. L~gr~h'3f~ T~l~o~-(See also Page M3) peoedtohecai-ed utlath narciusive rJghts to manufacture the m-oeltraiacns. oramain-IdaV. The whiskeys of th," fIrro have fsparkllng wines of Felet Bras. & Sons~ future. e hinery for w Inhl Canrada they se- nal cost, thse conspany guarantees to long heýld a high reputation, the! r purity of Frankfort. T' esc wi -cs, it ls stated,t EL CT IC TY 'V1o lcr-eia Saioli, cer theLr patrons ta"e more "niedern quarters of thse compaay are ln thé e the a'ostý 'ce:v7petent judges la tomth ptIs s,(,srxd fereshîneat 'bar oyinreai. hehad o ecelecehatise lIeuse cf Cernen se eclsiel i te o C-eciet'l, apparatus. Tliey ' b&leved Temple building, and, 'as contracters other cenreand thay have on sev- irons, Eaglaad, duriag the last ýtoi in no field 'has electrity proved more tisat Canadien consumera would ap-; and electricai engineers, they have ai- erai cocas1om3e cariled off exhbition years. Adamîs & Buras are sole pro- heipfui torman than fin thse dmain of î reolate the, rnerts of higis grad& -oii- ready received a large anount of pat- honora la .icon petitior. wjth the gcods of pietors cfs' "h wel knoivn brande the phys'liafi-surgeon, ansd there are nsery, and that theUr belle? was we'i ronage. al reio Thi-e xtentof et't cern- c f rye whiskey as '.Dîanioad," 'Anc - t' fro-nto the CrÉle of ti Trolley ew saeles fAeu'puswo fouaded la proved cy thse fact that In IEL~O a~' uieamay ha judged frein thse; icnt" "Modern," and others, land -re i "P'sW-1 four ycars thcy sui&dinlaite flo.iriÇn TUASEfact tisat they pay te tise Govemanmeatasoaensfo i cib'tdtn have us"'d thse "weird force" se conais- Igencrators jhavlng ýa total capaelty cf'The Return of Px'osperty is Fet- in reveDn' tax over $2,5,0,0G0 a f& Sons' 'ottling o? Ba.sa' aie and Cuin- Carlu rnrca eni5a0,(X0cs0ui l edoagI O kil'vals. T'lieffatory fthcr,- Duet(ls rdsnly year. Eiht hu thoaand s-escs tout Tise Canadian inters'sscf the sin ofhumanfilsas Prfeeso panyis torougly eqippedwiththe bshelaofUgrin aemuusclbI'thedymobobraed b fus DofbDbois tis sin f uma 11e s rofssr nost moern tools and applianees, aa ni atn clote oo tise, dis(tillcry svery year ,; ve Hoche & Co., Cognac, are Iiilewtýee ia Veraoy, the principal of dthe Vernoy theiy caim for thi satablishmrent tisaI Thsewine and Jliquoér trade ie rOf 200 men, are employed la tise dit e, t tise banda cf lb" firin. jDVeor.à,,ýinth uenCltElictro-Mledical Sanltorium. The an- lneither it nor tise wcrk turned out oaa ns ef'itseafcao addepai-Ifflants. In the isyres arect,- bý-Y toir,'ibe exceiied aaywberc. They have pin- fitirtt. o feteo ad1tisa irn saine yea ra ago over 4,000 cet- R H1-. Howard, & Ce,. Kees FceWith O1tr Ilaesn- nhc sstae ~21Jri ad'ther fasiti on a generai recogni- times; il is aiso oneý -which revr1 tie are fed aa'nualiyr on, thse produets of, One of the ýmosit reliable, firme, oif Illdicl ADlsi~xCc. treel, was establsbhed lan 1876. Pro- t ion o? tise fact tliat the hast machin- eariy on lise ratur 01m fp-seîy the distiliery. wibol' sale denlers lan and Importers cf fes-ser Vanoy clairs for iis systmiery, and flot that which costs Uhe least 'whIcb re ternis.er,.etro-Tbýerapy, tatlat frat, la the cheanieSl, and they bave' A recant dve-metlatsewne Adams & Burns. wiae's and cigare ia Toronto lei that ________ ile founded on raturai laws; a vary i preparedî thainselves accorduingiy to A recent deeeietl wh ine Tiss 'weil- kaown 'bouse dates fron o? lR. H. H-oward ,& Ce., thse mnembers material factde atise sucAeasaful ap- aseat tise coaastaatly inira.s'îag demnaad trade ta tise fa.iiinE off.' tia ocalcon-tiectllsmnto Mabtqurcf'scb re aar.WlonS ~rh doelomen oaletrlitybaslaplosation ts a speiiaiiy constrsicted batý - t e hiciigist grades îa ail lices o? sumptien o? lmipcrte7d wle.TheyagcftefiaoM cî&Isd aluAHord whsofoa lc'-y ,evisad isy Profe-sser Varney, jeaîta apine.are bing irplaced largel7, y hy omesti" 35 yeaara f h Irno MýeI n eh .load h fie receat yc ra tascended ail other wi.cislabeileved t e nI Ieat flfty " Igcd, ritiausnuacue ? vsiisAdm, enra ohseslagrccis im adsa-ac.n ae1iuaef at29Frn ar'nchse2lu1ts icalliflc and mecisani- yaarscilaadvance o? 'ail otisers. HaIeletia Mllna1 estutoitisera are tise fuma aîîgagad la tise k in!cidredproducta. Eigist yeara iter tise sîeet eant. Tl"'s fieourisig business cal îvo-71d. Torcanto bas net iseen be- clanu -ia tieaffect cf .bstotîa Cc. Liasiled. clty, and caitte'tistetei verai la tise srae-role of Ad ams & Burns ivas asaumed ,ç n'es etabilihed ln 1884 hy tisa late Mr. isto re ak up serions diseuse mmpri'ep- ieFeîla anac o- distrIcts of tise Province.stl hin oý1,'- (ýi,-ýin hisprogres, ndtise s nîodc1led fis'snpuercisaeing tise' R. Il. lHoward, tise tatier of tisa two isn lie iic i.bi rgesadttiy te tise patient, and tise tesîsmen-Th lcra MitncendC- carn iay -ctaJ-i o bfathering tise trolley in lais la tise possesien oflthe Professes' structien Com'pany o? Toronsto, Lîyilcd, Gooderliani Worts Go., !Limited. 'business e? P -. G. lose & G. ad opar- pseeent asenibars o? tise il-m. Tise .kerca s t asa Uc adsriai are se iumeiloua and of suels an un- wa ncorporateil la Marcis e? this year, Tise establtisment cf Iis bous-e, lïý dain awsle) 'a8ite frore dead hquor1C reuisopled aih r pcous ad e 13,xbibition gruids tisat tise first elc-qusinaisie c1airana tsIl _ 5W"wîi apital of $20000. neaIkarlnai oerAnaîc a ofacos i idealrs.L 1878 is e former e artmnt 'c di eth e d 'ili " ry ceand tr!e strea-t garenauppandtad crbshwerevconfln te forstcee praserta1io- ootiselchoice and tri sret arwafreetto lai con-n tve cci tte'e e hnclsineplcaat l ih spaîd up. Upon thjra-îa Attantie and Pacfie 1rd1e t1s te etai'gnaready w eil devaIiad valuahie stick e? w1iaei- 'and', liqu ora, a tinat Snc tss tseus c eadrlctufrativ l ed 10e t1acucuinta ti oifc 'uisleal bradern thlaeet wr _ liiuoirs. Meantiaie! raw 'iseatsngý ýssten bavigba d fienmt ie 5c'th- eatna litn" urtv trtba ?theisesysteV ase in f biaoner. ie ctret wrelaoruesio a ornt nate cveyar l tsTborronto rcetl ortie, Sp ecfleeiaits for motive poWer, inâting and li_,zhtill- rot i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nth ie slistat ver-estlmated by piaced under thse management cf Mr. P.1 tybyïr. r e01girU1nFons1.-ýtwet Pssiemrar-nml -eeekPtvY lias m'ultiplied lmany ft>imes.- thiInventer. Tise Sanitoriuni lae lcte'H. Patriarche, Ms-. P.,1D. Bail, Secrtary- ctybÏlonyar. ie s-gl loknFo nt sts1kreet wspse-teprlr eall ideraoflel lt a very Awltb every cenvenience, easuriag tise Treasurar. 'and Mr. H. L. Duna, al of foundeî's wer tis tales cafrorpatients. TePoesrl hmae ietrad M.H William Goikra wji'"Li el-arrged ps-amuses at 3Frntports, seris iaeaIiina winea, tise maklag e? ele,,trical siupplîca for asssted by Mrs. S. X. Vcrnoy, and Strililand as Suriarîtendent.T1iss o'jecî JTamnes .'eîs b omiC-d p tac sb l 80Mr uua ei-d ri rndies, gin. suni, Irl i ad tisa enlas-iisgmasr(I.,T1%ieCnda le'isiugosare eaiied In consul- o? Ibis bouse is te underlake al ortsaain i 82 y1-cigawad'l sants irn'sna1iiistse .Soc wikecrilcase goa Goneral Ectie1rpny ics a-tatien in sudland otheýr cases, of cîccîricai ontuclo nd aI prea. - on 'bilas thtisaI tnie imera bus lam bas cidon tsebuies ls'aie.unns'stuetc. A p- -'lrea Mitnac &Cntcinlgapnta tisa factorv of tise Gem- If iset la-geaI ene-pia cfý iskdane&Bn.Stadl hb"d .E.Q C ane ikyl hry <"~ "~arog is ip~u dal"sl TseRoa Eecrl CafonycfMnt- hard-HaTiatzman I'a o Cînay, endla Amr4. Tiemraîu aeo-wsccs ?l'ir sassiaatl ak.adts ictbad ?Rvn ths n. is orat letreLigist r'l.ihs etr fiet t8 a 8as or tise naîv SI.awrenceMrrt in'l rsa rpslosba enIbayseke lhcaelqos ts iaaaeipre iety sdi ~ v mpay, isosupiy ise tret aea- os- stad, a tus iîy sie wdcl la ddiion Ibs empay ba a on-aocmpl5isud'by tse onsantappica I is-r beng oleagets er Ol,~io.arepre"spiy fhir aItis l-etprs -tete-llsie-cnd,1o-cpnde1", -1, gsi' r tes feer'n -tj ,otA 7010foon-r1îgi Iin f as-ynaujyai enhai aiti,.lieNitiw5 rtxessbenro' nt ietrfcnwaxaii i oTas-nte î c o ý il cp-, 1 i- 7ciIll, t fraWi etIrrsatm u, Tie e-jIgr c dtie iscesltiso thenaoIe 'aceseridioUlt i&se reIII dsriîo ts1RiieM1eCed ra. 1'.Hwrf r vsypai. frm N igi 7lI o h ,r 'nIteiv t,1'1,1;>n na pnm rI"ý el-ils l.e n a e Icirl'ý 'ý ç ntl sl crs i- inc'1,_1tY ý tÏ iz Th x I-co b steÏI sce Iïledw et h Jiif 1 j-ý 1 TdýrLý 0ý,c n (r17 lar In the olty. Tbhey guarantee th-at ej(- goods sold bY theni will give lieri featitlfact.lofl. m i (z- IRLE LON DOlN-3 Stý : rt;m's- ouse, Gre FRUIT 'VInEGAR G. H. Bourosý, Peet W. j. CRMCSe retary.- a V u ZýlyMaà' FRITo iflN71