- ---------.---- -..----- ___________ _____ ______ -~ __ - - _ '~' -~A~ - -k... 1/ - f ~-:*-~k¶.<'~~ N '-'i. f s..~. * '.4 -'--- f. r~<~",< ~ . j .- .,* raefralonger periofi than a month I oo-e Of the, best-1Unown flrme ln this andi spIlttfing, wood, ;,rd the firmn doe principal townis in the Province. They iKeilogg's Dysentery Coýrdial, Canadian iiig. The faculty mrss~tsso connectýioi Isi the Conger Coal Coin th± 1 ergest ,,u buýsinessý of are aise about lo oýpen a branch estab- LiudHi yIol'a' enlnw eeabltan prIo.J- __________ I-ioy ho,,e l the cunt~y.The lîhment t Monteal, te marked sue- Cure, Mot'her Gravos' Wrorm ]x iiainwth rntadTittUn A I1 L O O S.aa:m. opa~, rn irhadurtren~ngte l ocal businessin aiseA oa very çess whic as attended thir effortsin termi::tor, etc. T«et et41yýead Peter___ D.ee Coest ingge in, thenra ,ationsd aid rea4uate tau~ conaybir'atcrnt ne Ae il. h hr 2 rn tettp nMep.an.DHlR 'h is firm of hlsean retaIl ant toal trade at the foot oA Lornc Canadian agents for two mines wýitb a eai band by, th- firra Is madie from tien, paclcing anti tiespat of these anti 7ent vostouns icoees5CO0*It ],as1 olau odi aaaE Aî-ge cuiput. Among the large cou- the Eln.st, barfwood, audi they practical many onhe patent medicins contld cOhurhe, andiJ~iyteJdset.n Ann~ Cnsuntin Xier inrua an inCandastreet and carrietil; on aurcasEfu IY trcswihte aei at r yspl i oesanti manutactur- or nmanufactuv d by theý filrm-, whe s-allof Dr. Ewr lhmIIi Anul osmpin of Coal ef ommenceti business la Toronto in 1S7. ul bis death, wbrich occurrd ln 1885 those tforMi theppyofecoaist thed To-Crsl naouigti comImodty. eu travellers cover tne terri'tory, f rom d irector, - The head of the firm, wbose name the The businesq was" tbcnl covrçdinto aq ronte Railway (ofany 0hCryo T rcne ant cf al thebard eai or th CXIEICALSAND DUGS. he Atlantic to the Paciie.----- Toronto. housebearq, bad previousiy been inter- liîmited labiiity cTpa, urde nt cor d u of-s a. tohpany ard weli rt a Feat miuen -a AND and$.-Ilt 1ented in coai mines on tbis other siie of nrarre ot: th. Couer ol oay-oruii aearîye aà) Vsgscmai nl WnaI.taTe TUnf erng ie AandutonlctrfrmueI Me lins IIA nit e thbe coutlausdl bis atii r, Ralph E. Gibjýr1a Pednt eh(Y Shhpwents are atie %dircrorni -1 f Tot exesayc1yo t L.LP MNofIArie ycounection, anti thils double position eof t ng anat Mr, .LMeo h m1ineis te aýi, puarts ef ther PrLýovince, probabiy ees GuyAia Mon ofitAervesbyTran-Fc~ r14li aud deaeMRs bail given aL tecitist n'acic Vecreîary. From Mtat tinie Urd e Afo uti ecrit n in In,0dtiition te blnig tne dstM'butlg oide on tbe continent. There aru be-1 Consumption-The Growlng u nnr a..trdqatr itt ep wilh ery mleu enrfochicidrugns and patent tws dhe hodrt atfor IlaeIl Charcoal ativentage nsvnen middtleman's botb whc1clle andi retail, bas'ý sta, îly cmo'anicneeceat, )0in 1mdicines 0f foregu nmauface lu Iunive eahru t aitn lu aditIon i.rfl, n admantag la wich their cus- itcr'easeti uild now the-lml o~d tr~ at c larg trad is dostrug efur lrgeh conesthe Conrva A-dito __________ tomereý bave,ý sharedu. An uuNlnhing ad- emt eue cf tSe carge n la thecîy. Theé Ely Eros eu andTeront, ileb, baqur tory Of Mgusi, Toron Cpllge of Muliq- aernceý te strlctLy onab princîpecs Lcipanyi'e docl ar tituated. atný rh.5 Ilu lateMr E. W". Eily comei s0nevrl te f aaia u-Mteoia 3cel0 uf aud( tbets apru , fooctIk oofp,)seigaba il dsfca otbtdat def Curc'h ,stareut, ani the yard Tmm lïmsnf, eia9 Trlt ui;1 o fml ltai their de'a( lIing ourhe contilsdh ette wyaabulretat o uenceti busnes 1fue ysar mgo as aatu a Pmic bae prÙe? nuy ea, Tarete Joncio Ceg I fMoM anopulatioanfe cases suorer tom nmhe, uez areL upwrds thf Caus PLe- 208,00 te !Il,,a t sesr consomption eukpy a iarge, Phare ef th, coal haudiet!, dry, atnt l'Il,, stedyicras lai the vol imprursd in (Yma. Ce. Liiei eVt udeien ntutd of fuel str-etchesý into, figulres Mhat are L'- hra acr, cilatei fciitesum ttithctpadsbuies tstidïddawhcobs lae ssme vrylrg Atb pivtetecer, utlscoe e o MRrng cf the mestm wMaty-enw pa-u i-ent frontg ailr uant leEetlarnta,0 i -o Onitaro anti dng VAs supplies Vo th subb nul te lamae, are the- lagstl Cn rc-Iatioi et s' cnitr-m in--et hotu Umictt pnase the styl uwo ElSuiwononegn nt smntt ____ etx naS0wso eai are - Jéu ail over wtb nhoir btanch offlceý l-rcl ooal -as e s name, lea 'aL la ouela inv pat h eotoCnt-aoy tMsr'oli~'o e aery year, Tite grec Vr part oft Ais is cy at , 20M "snL st1e Stestar Tirqur Cempauy, Limiteti. tr.-Wtteýr T.EP. Tu 1)rmn ront-,rol o %rought here hy raiiyoIyaou O6,- monats 0f tOa lnae Woud busins of VAU W Standard Fuel Conpauy rwe h hs otutu for canatda anti erVai part PNerhreP & lyman wos feuntin l and, Unîversrr avnu now ilu ethîr. L'? ~ ~ ~ ~ t 1854 lu ou ryA Newcaste, ont. by Vhs lIer teenth sede'on, ouie, aý prembu!îent anti Chacel ompny Tre ieaui or a 87, rmoet leToono ienai instîtuions of Fior'ute). _1ou11nÏd roud. Durin hiarelec la e- t ;2nt owic a eahbd atcaoaias lincreaseti mnifoLld in m1_be tu zly'otal fuel soppbyfor ai least -5y- mre Rueor, n'ho le a naive et NwOrb 1 PU. Th, change toob plac in 1893 Vhs AWr wae eUe rarpu u convertoi nto lu an88MW i luneca sf hsoi la rnuee Ti 5~curde Oitý woofnü a rway sale m> aui pea'" onar1grï kindreti nurpoas IVVtl 15îjoýàti 3iei eis-- . J. M. MUMinonM, ViCePmoec Cuoe, Thu nieuf radQl approeiatei 'nee lu5ýý Trront i a exclet- witb varios move-mnte haviug esADent Mr. Neel Merahail Vice- ses ad'antape ovEr, sver otr 1,1,1,(, aniM.c.3f eeSceýr n ro e t xelneat popoiarity 15 a'îen anti Managta "rttr anti 'Lf ful utr ilnetne otn rri onL nl a naiv oe Masa lis-tact thatL ils orgnlotetiuee 'r I I . ý 1 a týeý- ý*mý 'ýý i 2 rf Ibi sendirer etý tra ilas cf e oarlier- thnue wbng Vo lie elemans et population in- overy '0-e"Ouemae ué st atei utlt Doo Af Sa et lit dO-ael nat hoici trais The e'ett ll iefc tu Pnt,i oino,4'-ntnay ont athlT ,,-)(i (ir In thc '~~~~~~~~diAc avenue, Vhs eneor e-f Cho'Y anti chane- Ya paoker la baay wian no- hagee og mvdb a yicje ppudnMAi el fI1ling- orders plaoqt drrs Ia th.e tact uan or fittaun o yeae Vhs is lo uandi hautim vehidîs diret r'Oquit te prOvde storm-ou for laa bandIsi bis ths l'rai are vers' coien. tro 25 te u0 jemnoone; adO etutiys lrwMhon 2Q*4 ai a fix3ieta ani devlineti ceai anti weord busincs ta- Te7rontLe hali,, froua tce trst, bcoa acOuiust Braunts TOhaare rct 195 llin SUS T1waï. E-cet îcl ialia nic5udlu Dr t'ai sI-elpd, elint. anduts gye- deieyaI 4!)L exdiîg1 casmeu'ry lrge prprtîag at, jjiinIr pow-eer its provldti fait cumins, sast, ant twhm, bv a"incies la ail tus Dr. Reiloggs aalmfa nVemedsy Dn. 1 tIs-ee *et pronielce 'qaiIihti if