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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1899, Supplement, p. 24

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Ailvatag s i ctail Dr5 Goods- Rrying Direct From European Fac- tcris-An Enormnous Local Busi- nesAurually Doue. '.Ise roi-ail dry gouda trati cf lise cii-y ua nros a complote transforma- tion et recout yeana. Tise chsange dates namts initution cf tiseigir tpant-t mîfI1tal storles, wisicis ncw buy dinecilyý fiim ie factoriesa ini Dîtalu, Germany ý ani Francs,, inteati of iealiug as forrn-E sihpssi-S the local 'abolesale iscuses. Ttise neulti- lci-at the consumer is- bnought imb ditri-ctcntactailis ihie lrod1ucer, anti. it le climet, uci- onil' 'prof1its luthse niai-iencf price, but la ýUblýe,10oblain the iatest fasisinm 1tata ,exsc'ing appui-el eut gootia, et- oaiysort. One dlams set up b hiIe c àitiimental siores, Wicb noix do I.îIs e )fthlie dry goci- tirade ru Te- ru-,is tSai- i-ey bave educai-edthIs public teste in tise mati-en of tii-sa up i-o a vsry iigis standardt. Ia couse- quenre i-be midle classes lu this cii-y arei now moi-e fasbicnabiy tircsotitisaî peucple of tise sains position lu Paria anti Lonilïin. Thiss tatement n'asmute witn -ai- emphasis by a Eurepean buyer i-ronce cf i-liccity iscuses, w'aoas vith -e loating repi-ais ou tise oi-e sofethtIe Atantic more times ian J ho a ývotidcane w ceýuni-. Tisate-1 par-mninistores aedut tie ci-ber rag letalI ciouses arc tirrg an lu(rnoaaluzr business, tirougis iha mal.This business extentIs trcm the exu mo esi- ttehoexiremo xxest et Cnd.As in Tcront-o, se ilis lu tise c,-isite sections ef tise country. People inatpoa gei-tiug tiehersai- rrstyes, euià-if thsy canuet Se suppliet i'ah- finioniabie geois wih net bave i-ieisr i- any pri-Ie. i- la extrs'mely tiltiruit te obtain env accunuto figures regard- ing i-Se annuel turu-oven in i-ho netail dr ctirate, but il bas beeu esti- niitai froni $8,00,000 te $10,000,000. W. A. Murray Cc., Limilt. -Now a joint si-oeCotcmp-any', wilis Mr. John Drynan as Managing Director,tisI bon1us was establissetonor fitty yeasr reas a privaIs enterprise by tise lare Mn. . A. Muray. iu spite cf huit c cealnnry'5 tiovobîpment anti expansion la evry tii-sdiion, lise irm have nover a oeifrnm tise site cf tise original qucri-ers, atiughtise latter Sans besa e xîtisti very consitisrably from tinno i-olime, unil io-day lise' promises oc- upy trois number 17 io 27 Ring slnc"l cari-, eut trois 10 te 16 COihorue airoi-. Pro the fi-mttise bouse b-as cai-ereti for, htirlas' iratIe anti tbrcugiscui-its long caneer nus ineintuln'od a ieadinig Poes- i-tnamour tise importOns etfeutdoueaers la sUt tdrosgootisilantimuni-les, n ich un tspecial lilîes, 'ahilei-hie tifforsut, ,'teputissuets rover ladies' ant iemn's furuisiiarsci- enery description, eather goctis, inOiiuig lninks,nalisses und ladies' anti rhildrent'5 iigb classeAis- encan an hioea. An extensive stock of lus' pori-eti .crpets ha aises carniet, but i-Sa Ius i,!11retains' teoriginal ciaruter osa51eanti dry grecta estabiisbrmnii, ai-i;piocf ite comm-oions home_ ani agosaff cf over 300 employoos ue neýýitei-"nedthi-e ranka cf tepant- mentl:sto:res;. 'Tise flrm's' buyers viil is mr l oi-f France, Germnanty, Ans- i-nia Swlzenhaut d amti'cer Europleuti touai-ie-g upnrh:ass igi-clas anilta atit J'fur fbn".relfsi-, M'a- cisstr atiGlugox'are aIe trawa u'ufor tbir esective textile mniiu- tari-unres. Job-n Cate ro For lbtlirty-tive Yeats Mn. J1,1311Caut -irareto a dry gootis' bjshuI(Sa u 1882 M. OsnesJ -to, 'a sonlf--h lrýeet senior moisSonof t4e frai, Was !ae nt(-)punitnerýshiIp andtiiiongb for souiiy FOrs tiseirate inci-Oati rap- -ily, i-'as net until i-isee years i-sal i-sýe Mosans. Cateto ecdtedti-cexteaut -hein promises hy takinginlutise build- ingzs onj bols s>-ites. Now tise store is oa f ltise inostIn laToronto, four toies -' lîlgi, equipp thi- tw'o elevators, ai ail -bemcdi'nappliarices tonrurmyiur ona fIne1t-(uas businiess.T,1o tsthe- puni- ont fts former store tise fris haeeteimilirnOmy, mentie anti' nresas- usakng. hreyroine ihemse-lvesS ru '." retasxnuvel'te ihoe iigb -'rtis.Iensebeit nepery, slta, S,21,t- 's la aitifaaniiy tartans are spe-1 feeursacfi-e stock. Ifi la la- îi-ic f' Ltht thei st(ock cf plaid s e laneai- n tie cn-eiandtiu- lij 1 cuseof tise lage ouses -ut Dilain. Tise empiovooýes nuni- snt ts .,,jundret, anti tisepros- fon tise reniinunendoicfa aucce as- sineas are vony bighît. PET1{0LE UM 0II. utc et Nted Centre cf Diqtribu- on-QuIallty of Canadian 011 lirn- n etof onge anti Ring eireasis h or-- pied. Two million dollars wortis cf -rusas passes Ibtreugistise office ina r anti oner oee iuntreti tank cars 'seed toieconvsy tise ils et the env s o'an manufarture ant thoso- iis tbey are the Canadien nepre- vosi-o ihein various points cf tis- on. Tise rompany manufactures ta of ineicatiar eut hurniar -uses anti otier predudla. Ihi l 55 bheatiquani-eitofet iho ri- turpenline irate, 'ahicis 'y la lîsportot in tank trous Savaunahs. Te roeS ni-lb as i-ile expense as pos- mpeny bas selectet a nuis- es w'abate i-l ciis sent lu e e tivery points incînte rockvilbe, Smit's Fells, Napanea, Belleville, Treaiton, td, Port Hope, Cobourg, Sudibury, b DBay, Mtlant, Oillia, Bannis, vmaket, Orangsniiie, Owson Soundi, îg-isamr, St-aifort, Derlin, CuIt, 'pi, lemltnFont Brio, Bruni-- etleSaýrnia, Woedtiock. Si. ,sas, Lutcu"isthaîn eut Wint- TIr closo ati-entienis pit to tise c f tise public i! s proveil by i-be n'""uotis e companys Suasi- PAI~TS ~ D OTL~. Bu il ain1ýg i ie lpri ,t I1, p rv e T i z l o f0 a U.,rh(seti ee-. "Tsepint at il Ira te cftse cii-y isas not e n luus ro' crusa coudtion in tise les9t eigisI years as ir is ýto-day." Se sait cas of i-ho largeet1 î dealers,, xvbou i sakot fonrIris ciin Tise cause is 10 ha found the-lcw'outcm- fui increase irn tise meurîr of building lu Toronto ant ilhonor Cauutia. There are noarly a tiozen firis ui-lie busi- nesa bhers, inclutiar i-no or tisree large Jebising bouses, n lio are whist migbt ho termedth -e mittilenson lu thre baniîm of i-be protucl. Jýames Rober-sou Cc., Limiteti. Tisa iras of nsaniutacturora, ton inany yers cani'ying on a ficunissing business lu 'Monitreet, eatablisA~d a I ranchisni Torontc in160 Since thcu tise King streel pnepenly lias been groatly eniergeti' te ccorousodâte tise increasct businesis cf trec ir'm bore, anti a avareiscuse haslicou ereci-etion John siîreet andti no ou Dorset- street. in ':tio -cihie thcy have acquiredt iho r. anrnisîs factory anc business carniet on by D. A. McKenrzie & Co. Until 1893 tht 11dm nus knowu. as James Robert- son & Co.,hi-rt lu December cf tisaI yean incorporation n'as graîstot, anti h homame i-be James Robertson Company L.mitet. At precent aI Toronto i-he ire omployeti oves'cas hru-mtreti eut ifi-y men, lise u'arrnfuciure cf their spcciali-ies, pi-umbing supplies, pairis, 3ils anti varniishes cud, sa'as. Tise finshec, besitea tise Toronto brandis. estabilsbments for mnuanufac- turing la Baltimnore, Md., anti SI. Johna, N.B., anti narehoursslunWinnipeg, Marc., anti Vancouver, B.C. tuspral Varuiiss & Col-or, Company, Limitati. Tise marsy atlsantages erîjoyeti by Joint slor.ckensparries for rond1ucti-lur largo business eoîîrprises andtihie maplily iucreasinig volume cf tradol causedth ie tirin cf J. H. Farn & Co. tu i-e coaverteti inte an incorporateil rempany,untiontise namne cf i-ho as- pi-nai Vamris &Côlor Conip)ny--, LImn- iteti, xilban autisonIzet repli-ai cf 1100,- 000. Tise business n'as origrnally acstais- liabet lu 1856, anti nova thoin standard gcots are in suris de- ruandthtii-lie plant is Seing run te lis full capadlty, xvi-b Itae xtending from oeent'd cf i-heDominion i-o the oIson. Tise prominont feature 'of tise business la tise anufacýture cf van- niases, japans anti enamela. Special aanion astuld bho tnawn tei-be higli grade saneoucfti-is ftin andti-ho ue',v tIeparlure 'lu carniage filisisings, anti depanture in carriaes diising wxiris coudS enanseus. There is ne bett'ý, equippeti varuisb plant lu Canada(1. Tisa tanmk roomn, niicis las, a î-.ipacity cf 65,000 gallons, ila abscluteiy finepretif antiý iaoiateti fnom tise orber buildings. WisLie brier i-be saine -management as terri- erly i-be'noms coas'pany has atitict si-neng-its i-cis position In tise cous- niencinl wonlti, anti more effort anti en- ergy for tise future are assureti. Mn. Autirews Muiriseati. ,Mn. Antirewx Muirbat, 'bohesae mnanufadînie-o f paIns anti varuislse, .-ersdt .'ts import-ant indidstry on tise pr-iricipie tiser miati- lw'arîSti oing at ail le n'cntistoiug wehu. In bis cousis- tent- adiserence i-o this uadouhtetily i-ound malîn'Mn. Muinisoati teclinres i-e hentileany gfctis avii if ciseap are ijkei-nSO raaty. Ho malîita, andt înanry 'iitiagro 'ails iim, that it la faise ecenorny for usera cf paint i-o buy ai inter sai ty; ise hbus temoristrat- e o iohie cîvuiisati.staicintisai- itcoats bosrncney te i a givon pieds cf wurlt xx'ltlstra-husnai-riailisean xvilbtise ciscap gi-ailes, anti Mn. Muinheat nill net suceuraugo exi-ran -gaee on tib par- et the publc, avio lis irisista shl'- use tise n ahy ecorromical high-claas- crtichc.51if thsey deau smitb blm. Tisef-m anhose -liralua: 82 132y si-neet , lia mvaehosssou Mincirig aneanipan an nd ai s'rlts on Si-. LM,'esc i-oi.A _11vyl atsc 'ang CLpacisy1 metin n'ih agetel' isoaunecf aproiatofnem ,-fcrrers hsa- been dobltSudMr. Muirises t'as i-ratde i 1','O l;)il par!tecf tseDo-1 minion , iissiirinsaiseIlutii'.gdry deora, glu., ixco iris ana es'cry ahuries of paint-n'a' supplies. W. Harris & Cc. Iu 1869 Mossîs W. anti J. B3. IlarriS, clan-et a businosa ýin tlis Ciy, os, Pape aaene. nhi ,isj bus cont fi nuetole U.nn'W uniil ucan tise sxtenîsve gluoi; virli crs Dafore1 ingforliemsivs h' gune is marnu- factuet. cut a "alk breu l he tac- ner luîrdtis.Ti),Si cempau!1Y etaim i-o Icale, i') ufctn glus et a risaea 1 -Orrae isanan iýu ier î nl Canaa, evia i-otisu- hrgeplant, xviisirus eout :e- ,i-ou1cfginse atay, at! of zSo rsîeniy nneistisaIt tey are enableQt ic et n oi,-, eaery dlass cf i-raide. I-n aditioe a idle, sinoax anti Seeglues, thý ise ti'mmanufacture saue- cge antibooga asng s xell as Ini- 1 onlng sens t tsesat Enliishbrunti. TisJ'ey ai 1- kuoxtri as eeof tise Larýgiat t irms e pof esnsan ti dealers i tisi Ji'ate c neuer nti parulcularlY lari-be note i disi 'zt-itai cf- DrUillish Columbia la business very b1*i9hl' menai mat- ,k1ots ans Lso andtihie finis engageti ou bisait cftire foeigu gev- emmreula lu every extradition case tisaI basdoms befere court bers, ani ho bas invariably soruroth -e scuist-feir ex- tradition. -Mn. Curry, ubo fonuisnerly_ prari-iset lu Pont Hope, gr-aduai-st at Quesa's, Kingston, in '78, belar caîheti 10 tise bar in '81. M-Vr. Guini-ien gs'at- uaued ai Toronto la '82, anti nus calleti lu '87. 'Mn. Eyre, wbc, is a son of tise late Mn. W. H. Eyre, for m'auy yer Registrer cf Deetis ai- Coboung was ar- cortietifull nenk lu June, . McPiserson, Clark, Cumpbel& Jarvis, This 11cm ý,as t preseul eonciuted n'es feundeti fine yoans ugo by i-be am- u-lgamation cf tise firms cfMcPisonson, C-ant & Janvis anti' McPber.oýn & Camspbell. Tise par-noms are Mn. W. DavidtioMPisersýoýn. Mr. J. Murray-Clark, M.A., LL.B., O.C., Mr'. R. UJ. MrPber- son. B.A., LI;.B., Mn. Cee. C. Camspbell ant, Mn Fret!C. Jarvis. Monoei-ban cas mnomiber cf tise finm me widely Iuacan in pIublic lita, apari- fî'om pnofessiccab ccpurlty. Mr. W. B. MPisohrson laur ex-Pnl-s t ocf tiseTouoCnera tin Asodcîin.antixwas tnts er Cl'inus.an cf theo Toroutc, ScisoolDen, estbas cao filleti e similan position on tisPulL(-,Liisa'aar Board. Lest vear, prdttinr' sani g hs1istie 1 icu cmeti-"n-nti 1hodig9raduplex tranalucent bristols eutdcisnome R W O D 0 tloem of i-ho membeis of tisa rfesion I cn nt. Tise reoturu tgoiiue a oad fnlkni o hîorpt ouu-i aitieservetily se. Mn. W. H. Grant j heen ti h tsei-ad, xbeun t'g n cik; tini-etifoîdîng oxbourdsa atiIn 1888 il teck oven i-hoAmenican Ex- GENFRAL LIVE STOGCK and la an olti Slrutbroy bcy.wise enteno ie alne uiesat nciigmr ieparbut osfrtise fo re-oessa Company's business on lise Soui- legal profession un 1887. and bas, snepop amus hn si-re, gigaeexcttperpli-ofîme-nu Division oethlie fGrentiTruuk Rail- A LE AES EN being cahot i-to tise han. buflt up au ex- e' nts r, ei txobrancis bnnglng strict business moi-bots ant iway. Atprmnseni- iho compaluF bus ovOtOfie N. teuiv pactceluTennt ati n sa trusa' Iliesimalott i n tlise lenjudigment into i-he ornolg oet110offices, lu al ritiOe, towns anti prin- Western Cattie Mik5 YIrlt. Mn. W. A. Sksaus xwas caho e soictic ilo ols lali- every depuni-meni-. Ai-souris he i-edpal villages in Canada. Iu 1882, ifs,- i-o i-be-bar in 1890. anti comimectpr-',etiirhirae l Trot, nbie umes u 'ben mlu existence -agn evd u oo tsnsisteti t ojrO1N'1 , OT tire în partn'orabip 'ailtiste lai-eG. i isanne ur-ve ocheýs cearly iîi-îe ever seven yeara. i-ho irade cigisi-saggcus. At Terot ibepeaaT S. CRAý'WFORD, Datigeýox, Cnewn Ati-onney. Ile sens '-,woilhin.Anogts^eta stb xetis eveny Part oetihie Domiinion, etlm -"ropu a -vnty SXAilkindsofLvStk F.H NSET et bis stuntni-sisiP et f ntheib"office i-bdbossare(G.(loultiiug & Sens, u urs"e.ti as suotpnîci ggocs l inelir service anti employaBorght and Sold. A..C. code Usel. 0jf thîe proseni-Jutige KIlucn Walke- lal; S. TF. MKinr& c, 1873, at l a rg ro i-ins is ru siga large staff le isardiitil.'isleaiy-iu.- t(inandtif-erw'ands ni-s Mi-r ar . McCalM&C e., 1850.r"-lai-etpri oortsa i r .H-r it -aln b','oîsh 'ou lui- ho jif- roatissbosen i-ho caci-lice fereucod inMntea b M.C.Holv lu n aggon srvide ilu1R82 anti Ibeuissccssvecanges for isles . ourg ou.art 'Smlrth. cd "hO ro; tii-n. toulen yan.IAîtscU gis a ycuug ua Ccfiin i-ei atelu rous tise W. B. Ieid & Compaeny.TontGenTrsaCprti. hobs ieti clunt a lange Trc--- frai- eelTrssCoprain ire atincv ievotes bis attio le suppying i-be 'mati xxlisinillin- Amni2tise mercanitile bouses tisaI A billi-c effect i-he amalgamnation cf pnncpulytetie ilgation work-ftieeygot" ti im ivsinc- thi-Soi bave,,een created anti developoti 'ai--tise Toonto (Gen-ral Trusts Company firru. nr. A.A.Millnxu mtsies-abhishueni- over -isnyyars ugo, r 5 uIfw~esnu ssmteandtihie Trusts (Corporation ot Ontario, became a nmemer1L cf i-be firm lnlu 'ahiîcisceui iugol b iion. Net Ce..,xviolesaue loisacconiats. anti igar cf Ontario turing ils lasI session. Tise hobtsnetu ttin- ni veetselui iesn oi-n trî'nlremanufacturera. Tise successa tiret Toronto Generl Truista Compasy,wisicb hoba aredyusurîsi lrg se~e -rdear tsemay ns-ace tf ouli- sukedth -e cornparutivelv client rareen nus toundo l 88 ninldtise Trut FOU cf oractive noi.Ho la rapidly u.....n.s.cr'dic 'irS i-i cusi-enieC!7S -tssfr sasnkn luta-o tCorporation cf Ontane vbc au hr bis n'ay la'nssuccossainl is ts - ti-be caly de cf tisheie senat eaergy coruhînedti hi-l îractical ti-c netla1890. b1ase a iste paI, 1iion. 'j ~ii aa îeesiirr fi-be commercial training tan acconî,,pilsin bseparai-cn at ntclniullenjoyed i-be Aet ipex'vý-L Fethmatelrnuis Ce. higi reutailon ise ini eiscy. hilt building up a profitable anI ti x-oniveIrn-r oîioc fbsns o, Aet ipe yeet ri"dust ;ciaist riml'nryi-aie1. Rii &Cc - i-utt jtselgs u eain niihirnard pmn-,eyhu o iePitn Nenl fry e'r uo -o ru c a-supie c ilkitaatimat h'ayi- h -ho lr.cs & tatilub-c t; vOr I c, nstitisa-rcnfiienc 'ai no' b lu lentsolcitns c tie nmo f Doaldt'.I imort 0fnibensslis. elvoo, ouib- lur'tohcce in anaa. heycloscro-stleutltiby isearo !,Paulin-c affafir,ýa a5rrtweui-y years 0f eisîus elaanisina'anti tIt bael, i-y reltie rodct0fn il iriut hre finosoainat etn ax',,ere nueni-e charge 0cM. eter 1baemad t i-bci-ihtsssv tïiîming deý- thc;r ie ,sure Doiion. Tise 'Tr- - icn th-e Corporatinlias authtirity te workon ana iminýijàg l thatI asl 11,go 1îc. 11~" tefr h02 drcrectlIonofxerssssefva",cr- gr n tbcotil- carr inl tn-srpinatu struiste, excutr deas eisusts y wtl th Dminonhaui-& t.'hetae eaiosxi dr fmnnehas neey part f importation, The f, iris lenjoy a ildsl Thecilices anialtscf th-, TorontoI nd Pcvncal iw'; xi ne 1 U. amc:tail f th Iti uitdir' pg" ~'s Caadafromcot.t teccax. Thedi l spradprputtionamonlth.tradofoiGeneal-TustsCorprltin, i1th Mr Clrk i assciaterounel fr th ~ tet- :'w~.fi:;n,,.o.and (h feronit dpartmreuts and vwokrocms flot liheral trejtment cf customier,asw TrtsCpotonbldgontec- 01viccfOnal, in hîh apoiy "; e usne f ir; a; a"cnefoly occupy the entire- biliding at 155as frtehg ult nimdrt urc og n obresres re hatie c lae eas'ltwenthePr- rt' aiurcd hvemad abuisspromises, rakir;g in tise UpIl,-)0i' cf figure very larg'-ly lu excry eil-kÀp afdtinl euieeusaisln1g eut cf smne ati th Dminon an btweu e lrg ththestis tse('omoiloisNos. 57 anti 59 Pay st'et 'TeIlîrm tohacconists stok h immleatlise îamalgamat-'iýin.Tlievau tlts and ing befor ise Arbitrat0i t o- ig a enncsayt st-bIsh and here also th" emianýd nowaclays !S battan" "Rob o" n 'oet)n sure, pivateý anti ineLxpnsive de- noseti cf Sir John t, Sr aplen rachs u ttwaau Motiaant I idceandc hgsr re 0 asOGot.isTretofeSoanti re ostoy for bonids, etflats Carsauitat lutir ublgi- ahigo .. Ts usns fithisnluyears gene by-. house are etuatefi at 14 Melinda strcet. jewellery anti valuab.Iles cf aII intis. The as weil as before tise upr melCortLcf isedu i uuulycrpeessO appreriatied fromn Halifax to Vauccu- ad-antages cf tise amnalgami-ation cf two Canada and i-be PivCuni. r..onngt tse ueir ehaical DEch. e, uissrong Institutions as tisose rousti. U.evlcge ntiexpriece I is had (Continuel:] from Page'15.) Cauadiarr Pacifie RailwaY. 1 tuting the Toronto General Trusts Cor.. cf tise Scisool Doarti, antii is exam1nertlu Net cniytare. aue entions pateuteti antian lawat oroto nivrsiyla hirs l'- satnt prtce i utin. rmlauy Canada Cycle & Motor Cc., Liiieti. The struggle's andi sethacks of tise1 clients xiii alike isuefit, The igly- positoo ýi1isesccoeMr. C-,ir. csswsr cueiesmotiu 1fc ~Cnd yl MlrC. i-days ssiscrtise C.P.R. svas passiug traineti experts cf botti companiesworft- tion bilefore pae _ ug r ghreunbh- ited, wac organizeti lasI Septousher, tisrough the varions eombryouir stages iug lu unison under cose direotorate, Ker, Mctinel. Dvitscu& Ptoron.for th noicecf r. ethrstuisugbanti untior irecharter cf incorporatisu cý1le maitors cf Ils nr iaxelinlutise cannot fail te give thse Corporation am Toi outo Is lc ,ng been netl l . Ifoihoholi- terIn ;rLr1cicasistance thse comriaîy stas empo.veredteoacquire:1 ainais of groat underrakings bas na- in îusure unsurpassedtinlstise aunais of nmber cf its Igai dirms, but es',ifin 'lua.Hsoiinluail tbe interests cf the tolcowing asci- tr otoseimnwt more for- Canadian finance. The capital cf thse ar.,are ue- wideIY anti favoral atr eatn eptn awl g, kosufrsc iycemnfcueamitiable array cf dilficultios, but msan's corporation is $1,000,000, wii-h a reserve oIýi'ýt"IL ýt i issou ht nown irm ofbic clcycles)ure,. kiiwn i-ban Ibai c f Messrs. l'çcrr, Mac- limpratraeipeilywhet îsabtrs sgon1currs-mastery has ils monument lu the great funti cf $250,000. The directorate is roin- domrDI vîisoA, & Paterse,,. Mi'. . tciko edei seta e 'Mse--ari oayLmted: liron roati which joins ecean te Olceanposeti of financi, sufcre. K. Nerr, Q.C.. w.s caliedte thelb'bar iiarcctjiu. 2H.Feheisiocaugs & Co.(Clevelandi hi- andtiwhbas beon aucb a patent fac- erobants and professicuai men, cf aI- 1Sil', and ioniaftcrwardis ;r)rmcd a, rudes bmselt01 aprinriple whiricyle);Welland Vals Manufar- tor in tise upbuiltilug cf Canada's farie most national repute. Tise Presitientla partnersip \s.itis theoled irm cf Shako, I si-i _ nl preven itigtinhoprefsrrrng turing Conmpany, Limited: Goolti p,_ abrouti, as well as Of ber material wei- Mr. John Hoiskin, Q.C., LL.D.; the Vice- K err & Wells, witis wii he svas con- to arbit:rl -,!lu ah caesstierie il is pos- cycle Co., Limitoti, andtihie Geadi'on tare ut home. It svas ou Nov. 15, 1885,i Presidents are Hon, S. C. Wood anti Mr. u"cteti for mau:r -,yeara. IHo bas heon sible. 1l-eceuiy Itis irni r'etolved t1550 M3auufacturiug Ce., Limiteti. Thisromn- tîat tise tirst tisrougi train f rom Mont- W. H. Beatty. Mr. J. W. Langmnuir ls appoluteti a Qu'-n's Counsel both by orters forlpat nts n hirtyi-five roua- Cr Seecfts agsti mrcreal te Por't Moooy cempîclteti ils jour- Mauagiug Director, and Mr. A. F. ih(, Provincial anti Dominion Goerne- tries earis. Iavirsg a sae capital cf $6,000,000, dl' ney anti trausfcrmed into au accm- Plummer anti Mr. A. D. Langmuir are ns'ts atiiss rre fguet a Cosvu Canada Law Dock :Comns y. vtt u- iit iosnisao fplisetifart tise drsam cf an ail-Can- iirst anti Second Assistant Managere Proscutor al. tise Toronto- anti otis tck ndte anenmer utiran route from tise Atlantic te tise respectiveîy. A'-sizes. Mr DJ-actlonalti enleretitise Tise ompauy la identified sttistise tmo tcat h asnsi Pacifir. But tise cempletion cif tise professaion lu1871, anti was1 among publication of a journal w cli knosvrste Of 7 per cent. prefereuce cunsulai-ive trauscontinental lino w as net tihe sud Inu ur reterence te E. Ijea'tley & Co. tisors recentty matie Queens Counsel tise legai profession tbrougiscut Ameni- stock. The t'isec-cra efthtie cempauy nte aef siavre-l hy i-e Heu A. . Hary. Tse fiir r, The' Canadian La Journal, wvshi ich -V. E. H. Massey, Eau, Presitiont; cf C.P.R. effort anti enterprise. Tisa osactsrpaeit0aia'iete' bi-cthemauyimpAeS rdy. aiThe rpwasfrlisut n 15 ou er Hu eA. Ccx, Vire-Presitieni-, Hon. sougist au ouilot .verywhere, and ti atedti tisi-tise drm commenceti op- sui'i as tsoseocf lise University rsf To- cge Mn. Croinarty, tise manager of tise Lyrwan i Melvia Joues, J. W. Flavelse,.1brct ices.socu re ws a iserfield'y ir a e ationsouFnt te Frnty year ag rortc, tise Lanud Secuîity Company, Canada Lasýv Company, tolt over, tise Ey, arn .SoeEa. E . aildirections. T ahereet as a widsfi-eksalihmut wa & eer c tts rn te J lis; Dritlis tarsuilan Loa& les est-I business of this journal, wîh tise nesuit Gcolti, Eu., anti E. R. Themnas, Eu._s, nti hy uplacisteamflescf manitefi- effortiss of theas fli e ngints m"îsit Comspany, Linsiteti, i,-e North tI t its icir cinhua lincreaseti near'- Tise management le in the hautis cf crs-equiippoed i-ae CPra uponte t iraIeffcthe u ie houas b'testg cOn- A,crican Lits Assurance Company, ] y 400 por cent. lu Auuat of i-is year expericuceil manufacturera', stise have -,,ras-Putenc roueth er C.P. of " hys te11sd wi tise thQussu stre st qilusa tise Canadiari (>neral .Electrir Comn-lise ahove copau ,w s formeti. anti heen' itieniieti wl-s tise leading bicycle Oiusext.h ie i-t)tise ery gp-aietsators, shîcis, b isue y, r s-Iue parny, Lirwited, lise Toronto G-nierai succeetiet tt i Ill-,o.v ir' rms: -Canada cùompanleta of Canada lu tise past, ani j ri7ent.a Tise nes cf 7tise milsan re-a rni salsset .,itrying Groundts Trust, i-be Loulou & Law Journal Comrpany, tise Toronto w'io Ihave matis a succesa eft ihe buýi dtisai-cf ci-ber liues aise coutrolled biy WINES AND LlquOR>rç. Lqncausiire Fins Assuran~ce Cons: any, 1Law Dl ock,,& P isigCc., Liti., tis euss. Tise outpsut of tise amalgamai-titecmaybistettlu a tis'- Non-boeriAsurance >Conspan3eisn Gotsvin LwDe & Puhlisbîug Ce., Itlrma lat yer aggrsgai-ed about thirîy - t,1 is e.I 88te company hrcar-s otlupt Oui-aric, i-be Kaighi-s cf tise Maccahees Lti., andti seDctPuhlIsiig Coin- eigh.t tisousanti bicycles, antiuntier th ised58,0188miles sluf1898 ie omanyca- STALIiithe32 cf tiseWorld, andth-e Depaztment cf ipany. CntlnAeiaand nti g-iuesv arrangement this number wiîî o cti 5,552,0f8"tonsibe feigple-,Whoietise tis' Minisi-er cf Justice la respect i- lisis law b1Lta-sare, carî'ied lu stock anti corsitierabiy increaseti. At preseulnu ero"enilpepewc-av 1 ui lï. oadvistveryltev udeimn r mly i'elleti hy tise CP."turiug tise year G dno r ameaol*. 8 tise Province of Ontario., Tiseiras art four ti'av,, lli nts ot ist iý~i~ ~ mn r mlyt uvas 3,674,502, alcf(Is-icis indicates tise travelling anti siippîng sections cf lise Lmt public are net inappreciatlve of tise ccmpany'a efforts on i-hein beliaîf. ITL E S Niagara Navigation Company. A Vi R,8c Tise forwarti pciicy cf tise Niagara M L SE S c Navigation Company, cf wlsicis Mr. John Foy la Manager, is a hy-worti OFFICESI amoug Torontoninus and tise tens cf tisousantia et Ameriraus w'ho lu receuýt 58 Wofl'igton stbreet East yeurs hav'e crossedth ie lake frcm Ni- agara te tise Qusen City lu tise differ- Andi at the râietïUICFY, eut vessels comprislng tise fooet. From 1875,wisen tise preserit company was TORONTO -CNAA onganizeil, until 1888, tise sturdy cuti Chiccra bore tise brunt of tise bai-lie alone, anti ne lake-gelng steamsisip lever bail a largor circleocf tnieutis amog tise public on bei-h aides efthtie &u B IINS flue. The~ increasing tiemant for~ a more troquent service i-ian one boat ceuiti gsihly pre d waas met by i-be ccmpauy lu 1888 'by lauucbing tIi- spleudiilly-equ-ippeti Cisela, wiich was buili- by tise Whsite Companyocf Doser- VJINEb o"to. Evea witistIbis addition i-c its ci-camera tise ccmpany foît lu a tew 4A D SII ysars tisaI i-isy bailno't reacisotitisecuti eft tîeir possibilits, ant Inu1893 tise RC N S Cbirnsowa wa lauu'cheti. lu 1895 a sert- Oua diseator-bhetel tise company lu tise -, lr-.Ipq by fine ofthlie Cihcla i-n tise Niagara River. Sl"ps vers ut oce taken t e- place tise lil-fateil vessel, antid fn ie~~~TSRE . OOT close of tise seasca cf, 1896 tise Corona, was saltiug reguhar iripa. Tise Cisi- 4 cena ithe Pnetty Flcswer) la 230 test losng, antiw'as builîlli-bte early six- ,.l RdH R.R. .L.RRR tics hy Lairds &Birkenheadi; prev% itEEH. Gua te 1895 se bail een on tise uppen haltes, anti during tise Amnerican civii R.H.N. R. H. HOWARfl&C0 war siso tidtiuy as a blocltati run- WHOLESALL ue'.TseCipp"svu, 315ftest long, nus ÏCLXHLRR bl-by tie Ianili-c Dritige Cous- SIRTMERCHANTS pny. She bas contiens'ing sîeam oen BT O ginos, bu- by J. Fletcher & Ce.cfRB. Whyte & M.elkay 5 ectai Sotii. R.H.H.L New'Yorkt. TiseConona (tise Drighti-L x Q. 010 C .. . in Ro.. Sun Ray) les 277 foot long, anti bas di- R.H. Edward-Sararuh tG.rh&eItIH rer- acting diagonal colmpounti engines, vuM.oOirpgir by Raulein & lackmone of Greenock.RH. Colonial GirSBrorrrly. u Ail tisnee si-emons are ligisieti by eler- HH tmidi-y andifirtetid lsex ery modem '29Fon t tEatRH. luxury. D .. TO LTO .HH Toronto Railway Company. RH o oea.2 Wibtsesg icf i-be aineemeMtL bteutise Cii-yCouricil andti ibeR. H.RH,. .. .Z ILH, IL R.1 precrint opexalorsc)f i-be atreet railw'ay sysîem in 1891,causlse ti awn cf a uew cru lu cii-y travelling fcr Tereute's 1 X 1'n on us. Tise ci jeg i-roti- uuraey, w 11h tise pnivilege cf paying a separate fane on cach car, wnien il was uecessany T oofi i-e i-altomonoei-bau one i-c reaci tise de- i a~~ineti destination. was doomeil, ant iun ~ Wf - I ts place anas inaugura-ti tisai- sysleus i I c~f natïIloniicu, 'ihtransfens frein ene linote anci-ier, wisicls bas phacotemde t Toronto lu tise van ef Amnerican cities 'i j: I ~~~~luni-be mati-cc cf si-rosi- car service. Over ALXMNIG ren y L~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~O carsne saain a constant H.EBAE ielict service ovei' Inarise exce"ding HM LK iePeein eigbi-y-five miles lu lenglis, an~d 'alici ROi3ERTSWELSs.tr>fe.rr 7-extonil le tiseMcsl ouilyiug portions' cf W. L THOMPIý'SO, Mae -j"' f tise cily. wisicb are i-bus brougist wl-s- I ~ u eayi'istacef tise business section. SIMOOE 8TrREET, r - ~~~IAi- suris time as Ehbto or race week.TRNO I iii pauy are exemplifiet inl a striltlug man- j I t- i~~~~~ uer. As mauy Ias i-we buuilîet thon- _________________ seuil pasisengers have been'carrietin ua lise melon-ty oe -bos laoee cf titeset tour places cf attraction tisero la an ah- meaotunubroltea procession cf cars uhong EL R. ctain roules. On thse Ring sîreet lji »-'t,-roule, authi-besai-nuenti cf wihcb laWrrOLESAta AND RLTAiL. liii ~ (j -~-'7î unre Parlt,cns0of i-be mosi- popular te-Lup - ~~~~s of Toroutonia 1r., cars latien te i-sir arezd uturosi- capacity ss ii-hi passeugens have d piasast a ginen poýint u -s'a- fOi relt a minte, nti ytseperflect is tis

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