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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1899, p. 5

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Plain Talk Optieiat. . If you ordered an egg for your breakfast you woulld flot be satisfied with a "fairly good" one. You want the best and that's riglit. SWhy not carry ont the same Kwise mile in seleeting glasses. The muscles of the eyes are the niost sensitive and the most delicate in the whole human f rame. Glasses a shade too strong or a shade too weak mean mis- ,chief. Accuracy is our infallible rule. Had we not realized the neeessity of absolute accuracy we would flot have spent hun- dreds of dollars in attending the three best optical colleges in America, neither would we have snýent hundreds of dollars in purchasing the most scientific instrument s known to the pro- fession for examining the eyes. It is to our interest to please our patrons. It is to your in- terest to deal with us. All ftting doue free. You simply pay for the glasses and get lowest possible prices. STOTI & JURY. 'The Druggist'4 and Opticians. An Explanation. It is diffienît to explain just why our Optician fits Spectacl- es that always ^please. There are many poins to be remem-, bered ln fitting spectacles. Our optician uuderstands these points because he is a graduate of the three leading colleges in America. Sometime when you have a few minutes to spare drop lu and we will explain some of these littie differences that make our spectacles give better satisfaction than many other STOTT & JURY. See our 14k Gold FiIled, Frames ,~uraneed15 years. GRAND IRUNK RAILWAY. Bow~mNvILLE STATIONI. GOING EAST. GoiNG WEST. Ey press .... 831 a. m. 1 *Express ... 5 17 a. m *Express....1 1Ma t.Local --*.. 818 ' ý,assenger... .10 32 p :m1 Passenger.. 1 35 p. ma Local.... 6 51 p.rm. Express... 7 39 r 11il03 STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. NOV. 22, 1899. Local and Otherwise. Additional locals ou last page and inside pages, OurhUe comprises anytbing made in 'the'we, 0f furniture. L. Morris, Several farmers advertising stock in DIE STATEsmAN. Read the advts. "What pretty Furniture" is the every day rexnark of our customers. L. Mor- ris. Catapare Tine STATEsmAN with other local papers. It is worth any two for home news. Mr. Wilson Power, of the Anglo- Saxon Tea Company, Ottawa, was in ~town ast week. Mrs. Alfred Mann, Raby Headi, has been visiting lier father, Mr. W. G. Bidwell, Coîborne. v as elected to take bis place on the ogram committee. Solo"Onily Tiredl" yMiss N. Wight; Reading bly Mr. D. W. Clarke, "Another Street Singer's Love Storv." Diiet, Miss B. Tamablyn and Mr. F. H.L rost; Miss I. Mason thIenrecited "Thie Music tol"Mr. Tamblyn, the critie, gave lis criticisms whicbi were very iuteresting- and also beneficial to the school.* The pnrogrami ,eosed %with sing-ing " ýGod Save the Don't fait to read huside pages. Get your lantemns,canidles,etc. of Jas. Goard.* Whitby firemen w ill hold their annuat bail Dec. 29. Send vour work to Jas.Goard,Watch- maker and Jeweller. Direct fromn Baltimore-our oysters are retiable. Cawker & Tait. Mis. and Miss Ada Thompson, Port Hope, are guests of Mrs. W. B. Coudh. Ladies' Fiannelette, Nightgowns, special value at Couch, Johuston & Cry- derman's. Fui Caperines, Mufs, Gauntiets and Ruifs of ail kinds at Coudh, Johuston & Cryderman's. Eye sight tested fiee of charge, spec- tacles fitted properly at howest prices at The Mason Co. 'Wnày, how cheap Furniture bas got" is the common talli atter seeing oui goods. L. Morris. Men's and Boys' Overcoats lu ail sizes specialty good value at Coudh, JoIns- ton & Cryaerman's. Mr. Jas. Pair, Blackstock, was in town Wedaesday tooking mudli btter than for some montbs. Don't buy voni furniture fîom me if you can buyv cheaper at any other place. -but you. can't. L. Morris. Mi. Thos. Tod is visiting Mr. John Windatt, Gamebridge, and enajoying a liant ln the noîtheru woods. Mis. Thos. Kiîby was cathed to Cobourg Tbursdav on account of the serious itness of lier sister. TIe iatest songs. 10e. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music ahways lu scock-Jas, Goard. Rev. R. Seaboîn, Rector of St. John's churdli attended the Arclideaconal Conference at Peterboro last week. Have you tried oui Haddies ? They were speciaity cured for oui trade, Cawker & Tait. The Ladies of St. John's dhurch in- tend holding their annnah sale and tea on Wednesday Dec. 131h. Partuculars' aer. Some magnificent monuments bave been placed in oui cemetery tbis fal from Bounsall's Mauble Wonks, Bow- manville. Mr, D. B Simpson, Q. C., was guest at the banquet given ln honor of Mr. J. R. ltratton, M. P., Peterboro, Thurs- day evening ast. Misses Mina Atdsworth, Taunton, Lulue Yeilowlees, Salem, aad Gertrude Halfacre, town, visited Mus W. Hl. Halfacre, Tyrone. Cotton goods have advanced lu Ernec. The Mason Co have a big stock ought at old puices; you may beneffit by purcîasing now. You can purchase at piesent, Sterling Silver Tea spoons from T. N. Riekard for what some of you paid per dozen for your Ptated ones. A bonus of $100 wili be given by the Goverument to owners o! creameries who provide cold storage facihties, dur- ing the season o! 1900 The Primany Class of the Methodist Sabbath School wilh give a Christmas entertahument lu the school room on Wednesday Dec. 27th. A large stock of fet bats Christies and Fedoras, must le sold, so coma and get a bargain. 1 arn selling thcm at greatly rcdnced prices. M. Mayer. Tait & Co. make photos for 25c. per dozen and at ail other prices usualiy paid for the best fiaished photos at their studio, Market Square, Bowman ville. - 39-tf. At tic recent W.CT.U., Convention ln Guelph, il was iecomended that Nov- 26thbcb observed as Temperauce Sun- day by ail Sunday Sehools thronglout Ontario. The Balsama coîrespondence lu the Pickering News savys, Rev.Wm.Jolliffe, Bowmanville, preacbed excellent ser- mons at Mt. Zion dhurci anniversary Snnday week. Dr. Wood's Noîway Fine Syrup was tlefirst and original "pine3" prepara- lion for couglis and colds. Ail others baving the name "pine" aie simpiy im- itations, somc3 o! tlem worthhess. SA Lady's Watdh, Gold Filted and guaranteed by the manufacturers to wear ten years, sold la Toronto for $12. 50. Now yours at Riekards for $7,00. Al 1 ime keepers and only a timited number on baud. Pins Smali, Pins Large, White Pins, Black Pins, Safety Pins, Toilet Pins, Hat Pins, Fancy Hat Pins, Steel Halu Pins, Shell Hair Pins-but you wil have to see thema and A. Nicioils wilh be pleased to show them. B!-g eveniug at Epworth League next Mon-day . TbeLiterary and Social committees are airangiug a capital g ogram: Au Evening With Canadiait oets, with special music. Ia sebool- room aI 8 o'elock. Collection at door. 1Mr. Nassau Preston, Si innipeg, Man. and Mi. McDonald, Port Lambton,Out. avcry interestîng ý-debate on the subjec~t "Resolved that while it woul be lifl- cuit to love oui good women more than we do we couid certainhy love tbem more If tbey gave up their passion for dress and be guided by tîclir hubusand bohr. Leader o! affirmative, Bro. T. C. Jewell, supiport- cd by Bro. Wmi Monison. Leader of N atvBro. W.W. Tamnblyn, M. A,, suppoited ,by Bro. Fred H. Joness. I)ecision la favor of Neg-ative. Notwitistauding the big sale wici Couch, Johuston & Crydeuman have had for Ladies' Coats they arc stili showing- a fine stock in ail sizes and quaaitios. Ail work, guaranteed by Jas. Goard. Read oui elbbhilg offeus ln another column. M. A. Jame-s is Gt"verninent issuer o! MarriageLicenses. Get your scliool supplies ut Ja s.Coard, Stationer and Jeweller. llandsomc Pony for sale. Enqaire at THE STA FESMAN office. Mr. W. t;eacoek , Toronto ,speunt Sunday at bis fatler's,Mr. John Beacock's. Watches, dloeks, jewclery, spectacles, rings, etc., repaired by Jas .Goard,Jew- ehier. Tuu STATESMAN office is the autioriz- ed agency in this district for The West- minster. Mr.WCann was back la tIc norti country last weck prospecting for tumber. Mr. W. Armstrong and Mr.Jas., Potts, Oshawa, were at Dr. W. E. Tiley's Sun day. Dustan & Hoar keep a fuil lineo! repaîrs for thceiHappy lbcuglit Range in sok Messrs. Jas. Moore and W. J. Hay - craf ù, Brookila, are ralhit hunting at Beaveý ton. ilead the Mason Co's large ad. in Ibis weeks issue. It wil pay you to read every word. The Sons o! England Society o! Pot Hope, bave organized a bnass baud of twentv fieces. Mr. Wm Hollinger, Cherrywood' kilhed a Iog tast week wich weighed 400 ls dresscd. Mr, Chas. Baskerviite, Rochester, N. Y, is home calted hbic ly the senlous iitness of lis father. Potatoes just as good as ever grew ont doors at 25c bu. at the Mason Co., deiivercd in 10 bu. lots. Fred Truit, of Dariington, visited, lis aunt, Mis. John Field, Wednesday. f last week at Pickering. Men's Ready-made Tweed Pants for $1.25 worth from $1.50 10 $1.75 at Couci, Johaston & Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Charlton, To- ronto, are guests of Mr. R- C. Hoar and other Dariluglon friends.' Ladies' Fui Lincd Capes eleg-antly triimed wîth Bear, Sable and Thilet at Coudh, Joînston & Cryderman's. New watches, new jcwelhery, new sivcuware, lowcî prices than even, at The Mason Ce., Jewelleny Dept. Police Magistrate Harper, Whitby. fiaed Mn. Alex Wilson, Claremout, $10 fou seiling liquor te a drunkea man. For the bigest assoîttacut, the most styiisl and lest value la Ladies' Coats cati at Coudh, Jobuston & Crydermaxi s. Mr. Witl Laurenceson, one o! Port Hope's besv hockey players las gone te Oshawa te take a position lu the Mail- cable iron Works. 11ev. Dr. N. A. McDiarnid lias been unaiimously lnvlted by thc Whitby Quartcrly Board o! the Methodist chancI te remain a fourti eau. Nicholis is doing business la tIc came old stand. He las lad bis store painted which gives il a ncw bigit appearance. Caht and bave a look arouad, The first snow o! the scason was Sat- urdav, Nov. 11th. In 1897,first,on Nov. 9tI. 'Iu 1898, on the 1011. ; Saturday, the 11t1, in regutar succession Robent BeitI,' Esq.,l M. P., and nephew Jas. Beith, Bowmanvilte, weue la town Mondav -uests at Hlotel St. Lawrence. -Port Hope Guide. St. Paul's Ladies, Aid will rua their annual excursion fnom Bowmanvitle 10o Toroato îîext Tîuusday àfter- noou and Friday. $1.15 for returutieket. Owing to thc aumerous requests Mi. Freelaud las received to continue 10 make lis Midget photos, le will do so evenv Saturday untîl Xmas at 25c. peu dozen. M.' Mayer bas' the stock la Furs, Gents' furnisliags, bats and caps. Thc prudes are rigît. No trouble 10 show goods. ,Higliest puice paid for raw furs. M.A.Jamos, Bowmanvillc, is Goveun- ment Issuer o! Marriage Licenses for, thc Couuity of Durham, dur ing business louis ai office, at is residence Centre- et., at night. We will buy any quantity o! chichen > oung ou nid muet be dry picked aad no -iblets. Also turkeys, geese and ducks lyou have big lots sec us for prices. Thc Mason Co. Coansti Cumbs, Finei Combs, Small Comîs, Large Combe, Habler Combs, Houal Combs, Bteel Combs, Back Corobs, ide Comîs, Pompadour Combs, Nidh- olls selle 11cmn al l eap. Cahi and la-, speet bis stock. Chie! Maigbtiate Haines last weck fiued, a Clarke man $50 and cosîs for selling liquor without 1a- licence a nd a Board o! Managcment o! Tic Home for Ic Acd ad Iinfirmu report donia- hopedac it laimeeting as !olows: St3. Pauils chancIh, Mis. T. Hloar, M,ýrs. j, . Meau.lnMus. Luttreil. Mis. Bloomner, Mus. ,Juryv, poiin;Mr. J. Alliaj. geate;Mis. -M. Bauk, AMrs. Sotiyfui; .D. N Wýilas 1&-Son.ý roceking clair; Triniity dhurclI, $5. The Globe says 11ev, Dr. Talling, B. A. bas gone to Phladelphia and Atlan- tic City for a short vacation. 11ev Geo. W. MeCali. B. A., B- D., preached to well pleased congregations lu the Methodtst churcli Sundav week. Mr. W. Armstrong of the Sherlock Quartette, Toronto, sang two solos in the Methodist dhurcli Sunday niglit to the great deiglit of the large con- gregation. Mr. Jno. Perey bas been appoiuted sole agent in Bowmanville for Mc- Laughtin Carrnage Co., Oshawa, and inakes announicement of the merits of their cutters ln another cotumn. Miss Hattie Merrifietd, Port H1ope, was guest of Miss àliltie Grigg over Sunday, aind bOv request asshsted the Methodist choir, silig -Veî-y accept- ablv a duet with tie leader, Mr. IL J.knight. 11ev, J.J.Rae preadhed on the "Help- ing Hand" Sunday riorning and in the evening on tue *'Melmory" At night the church was fulil. Ilis subjeet next Sunday night is "Lost and Found -Dead or Alîve."' "Keep the head cool and the bowels open,"ý is sensible advice to follow this wamwcather. If thei bowels do not move regularly, take Laxa-Liver Pis. They are small lu size, easy to take, and do not gripe. weaken or sicken. AUCTION SALES. TUESDAY, Nov. 28-Mr. A, L. Brunt, lot 15, con 6, Darlington, will seli att of his form stock implimente., etc. L. A. WV.'IOLE, auctioneer. 46-2w. NEW HAVEN. Recentvisitors: Mr Ed. Pollard, Osh- awa, at Mr. T. Power's; Mr. and Mrs. Perkin, Owen Sound, at Mi. John Witheridge's; Mrs. C. Stewart and daugliter, Enaiskillen, at Mr. John Metcalf's; Misses Luella and Lillv Burk, Oshawa, at Mr. Jos. VanCamp's; Mis. J. Witheridge at Oshawa .. . .Mr. Bert. Goode haci some geese destroyed by a fox.... .Mr. Geo. Shurtleff has gone to Toronto to enter a partaership in a good business .... Misses C. Dustan and J. Bennett, towu, visited Mrs. E. J. Burk. ... Mi. W. WV. Allia, town, spent Sunday at Mr. W. 11. Wood's, ... Ser- vices lu the sebool house by Rev. Ivison Wilson have been lar.-eiy attended and mucli enjoyed. HIAMPTON. Visitors: Miss Coulter, Pontypool, at Mr. R. Katerson's; Mr. and Miss B. Clatworthy, Ebenezer, at Mr. J. Clat- wortby's, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ýtshley, Oshawa, at Mi. Jas. Crvderman's; Mr. and Mis. Jesse Salter are visitiag their sons and daugliter at Greenbank .... Miss A L. Armour's many friends lu the village will be pleased to leara that she has again been engaged to take charge of the Junior Division lu our Public Sehool, Miss Waddell the pres- eut teacher having resigned to take charge oe c hool at Antioch.... .1ev. R Emberson is expected to speak on thep Forward Mission Movement uext Suuiday evening . .Miss Ella Cote who w ent to Seaforîli a short time ago for tIe benefit of lier healtb is mucli im- proved by the change.... .Dr. J. H. Etliott received a fine young deerfrom Muskoka last week. The Dr. gener- ously divided the saineuaiong-,a num- ber of bis friends. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. Ail dr ggsLs refond money fit fails to cure. 25c. E.UW Grove's signiture is on each box. C -OWS WANTED.-Renewed CCWS %"or springers and ail other stock wanted. 5.H.BYNOLDs, Bowmanville. 44-tf. MIAN WANTED-To buy stock. iY.Must be temperate, reliabie and have fair education. S. H. REYNOLDS, Bowmanvile. 44-tf Tf 0115E BLANKET LOST-Between ,LJLH ampton and Bowmanvîie on SundayOct 1"s , a new ail-wool borse blanket. Finder wil be rewarded by ieavlng at THE STATESMAN ofce. 41.tf P O TRE DEAF.--A ricli lady, cured .L of her Deafness and Noises in the Hlead by Dr. Nichoisons Artificial Ear Drutas, has sent £1,000 to his Institute, se that deaf people unable te procure the Ear Drutas may have theta free. Apply to 780 Eighth Avenue, New -YorkU.S.A. 27 lyr. DARLIGTONTXE 1 will be et the following places on the date and bouts herewith tated: Burketon, Wednesday, Nov. 2 9. Enniskillen , Thursday, Nov. 30. Enfield, Friday, Dec. 1. Hampton, Monday,Dee. 4. The undersigned wiii receive tenders for suoplies up te noon ou MONDAY, DEC. 4th, 1899, for the suppiy of butdhers' ment, butter, dairy anS creamery, giviug the prie of eacb, fleur, oaimeal, potatoes, cordwood, etc, for the foilowing instituions during île yenr 1900, viz- At tbe Asyitn for the 'Insane iu Toron)to, London, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Brock- ville and Orillia; the Centrai Prison and Mercer Rzeformatory,' Toronto; the aeformatory for Boys,Penetaiigjulshene; the Institutions for Deaf anS Dnmb, Believille, anS the BlilnS at BinI- ford. Two sufficient sureties wiii be required fer tbe due fulfihiment of eacb contract. -Specîficaîlons and fertas of lendet eau eniy be bad by making application te the burears ef the respective lu- stitutions. N. B.-TeniderF, are net required fer thc sur)- pSýy of ment te Éhe. asy1ums lu Toronto, Lendoni, RingsonHmultndnuSMimico inrte the enlV ris n gd McrcerRefrm a tory, The(owstor any tender not ueeessatrly ,ac- Newsapee isertng bisadver tisemenr wlt'b. euitiautbority frota the ,detpartînent wti!net le pndfor il. R. irttiSrET . F. IIMEL JAME NOXN, Isp)eetore eof Piosand Publc Cîartie~ PrbnentBuidins, oron- Ca ker&Tuit Are I-eadquarters for the vý.ery Finest Bring us your Produce and get thehighest priees...., eue We Invite You o» To Inspeet Our Display of MueLAD SI C0 a** The largest and most select assortment ce*ever shown in Bowmanville, alnw > eue No old Coats in stock. A choice display of high-class materials, ~ better values foi quaiity cannot be procured. BOWMANVILLUE. Next door to'Standard Bank, You know a good tiiing when you see t., eaul, and take a look. A large quantity of WALL PAPER bought very cheap. You wil get the benefit. Pretty patterns for ail rooms, froma 5c per roll. The best and most taking designs in School Supplies of ail kinds. Snaps ini Scrib- blers, Exercise Books, Etc. New and fulll Une of Stationery. Se my Queen box at 15c. iFine Floral at 15c. Note paper, per quire, 5c. Envelopes, 5c per package. Botter quality at 10e and 15c. Complete stock'of Fancy Goods, Books, Noveitie's, &c., BOWMANVILLE. Destiny Changcd. Trhe "Siater Shoe" is closely watched dur- ing the process of manufacture. Every -3hoe undergoes a careful examination after leav- ing the hands of each operator. Thle slightest flaw ini the leather or work- j t manship-a stiteli missed-a slip of the kuife, only discernible to an expert condemils the shoe that started to-ward the "Siater" goal to the ordîna?,-- - il ameless, tinwarranted army of footwear I sold to whoever will buy tliem. Thle "Siater Shoe" is made ini twelvz. shapes, al leathers, colors, widths, ýsizes ail syle. very pair Goodyear Welt- ed, naae and price stamped on the soles. t $3.50 AND $6.00. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. B OARS FOR SALE-Au Improved -Oorkshire boar, eue year old, "Oak Ledge Cheerful Sil," bred by J E Brethour, Burford, is offered for sale with pedigree. Aise Young thore-bred pigs for sale. Appiy te A J PoWER. Cadmus. 46-4w* B? qS F11SERVICE.-One Thor- Snell and Lo n i Toronto Fair, won Ist aI Bowmanvile . oeue l'airs; aise a therongh- bred TamworîÀxI. a medel of the breed. Tertas $1.00 cash. D. 3. GIBaoa, lot 34, con. 3. Clarke; box 38.,liowmanvilie P. O. 44-4w* ýS TORE, -BOUSE AND 2j ACRES jland for sale or rent-Beinz the store and dwelling ai Asbton's Corn ers, ý, mile aorth of Hamipton, with stable and drivlug sbed. Hard and soft water. Willi be rçnted if net seid. Pos- session Oçt. 1. For furtber partieulars apply te Me.> A. JAMES, STATEgNMANtoffi(ce or te A.J. Coua. TiCE Courtice. R2-tf. ýýM TO 0ELL ,OR ,lEN T.- 150 , b-s1)_inig so)utL-west qtiarteir aed nerth-f west haif of lot 22, con. 7, Ciarke, on whlcb are good dIwellinig bouse and cotmedieus farta buildings la gond repair.Lag stone stablesq and roet cela<-rs, ecellent orchiard, welfencedi pienty of water. Al ln first-class order. iHaù 1 01nu WLIM(105v tb. 22-If. BO0AR FOR SALE-A Yorkshire IDwlite boni eue year and ten menthe 016., a splendid pig ef the J. E. Brethour breeding very gentle disposition and bas doue good service in the peet. Price kno% n on application, A snap te get n geed oîg. A high class -euug pig bai been secureS to take his place. Tbank- ing my numeroîîs entrons for past favere anmi àolîciting a eall te sec wbat stock 1 bave, W. Wmcav,Iteselandvaie Farta, Solina P. O. W ANTED - SEVERAL BRIGHT and honest persens to represent us ns Managers in Ibis anS close by conties. Sabiry $900 anyear and expenses. Straight, houa-fiSe, ne more, ne less, ealary. Position permanent. Or references, any batik in nny town. iti mauinly offie w ork con ducted ai home. Iteýfer- ence. Enclose sel f-addreessed stamped envelope Tun DOMIîNION C cariAzuý, Dept 3, Chicago. 39-4m. T-T USEANDLOT FOR SALE-A ..i..A.. onifotabl frae bouse withl-., routas, sumt'r k5che , woodshed andS tendwe,,ll draneSstne eilr.Plety 0f baril anSsof quairter lut witb bocefui eîg rite apples, peuýrs, plume, t. Will b oSceî oýr1tte W[TESSribW.H HIm

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