TERMS :-$.50 PER ANN17M. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TE WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEw SEitiEs. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTAIO, WE-DNESDAY, INOVEMBER 29, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 48, We have hadan Immensesae oL..zzn eLadi es But wearestll howng hefinest stock adby ail odcts the choie- est lot of Ladies' and Misses' (3oats shown by any house in town. Every lady wanting a stylish Coat should see oui' sto ck before buy. ing. Every garment new and no better value anywhere. I A We AlsoShow Furs, Achoice stock of Pirst Class Purs. Ladlies' Pur Lined Capes trimmed with Sable, Thibet and Beaver. Also Caperines in Thibet, Electric Seal, Astrakan a.nd Oppossum. Muif s andi Gauntiets of al kinds. Ruifs in Grey Lamb, Oppossum, Thibet, Astrakan and Sable. i~ens .Overcoats00 Me' ,,nd Boys' Overcoats in ail sizes and qualities. Mns > Beaver'Coats, well miade at $5.00, $7.00 and $0O.Our Coat at $10 00 is, specially good value, nothing better for the money any- ~ where. P1?-OWMANVILLE. _CM), e ti nyastiew r ue ly1I tie o stl ecatb ti' Itiol srkeweOai a 0 oMtepbi. We1eli BofNVLerin; ter icerm * Cbler Rkers, Oak- 4-% ai Dol't Be xemaking, and a briliant effect, iternation to the hearts of the old* sa good thing for you and the rest eve you will be interested in our iuly something bore you can tuse, iXT FRIDAY we will seli as a leader ' md Mahegany finish, regular price WILLIAMS &SON, tce4:res prompt and personai attention,. 4ý e% ^ t-%4MM0ýÉ-:Nfý erOa Whendd Town== Leave your repairing at Jas. Goard's. Al woi'k attended to promptly and guaranteed. Uold Pilled' Watcehes sold at prices usually ng-PCsl .fnl. ciii iris kept Ch4 Pape] BOWMAINVILLE ENN ISKILLEN. Miss L. Ranton la visiting lu Port' Perry. . . Dr . and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell visited frienîds lu Oshawa and Picker- ing receuitly. _. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. Mt Pleasant, visited thoir daughter, Mrs. W. J. Stacey . . . . e. W. A. McK- Youn. Tyï rone, dolivered a thougit- fui, logical discourse lu the Methodist, church'Suudaly evoning to a large cou- gregation. PAIIXEJIIS' INSTITUTE MEETIlNGS. Public m-eetings will beclield uîîder the auispiceýs cf the WESr DuitHAm FARMERlS' iN'STIî,Tr as foliows: WEDN,,ESDnAY, DEc, 66,1899, BOWIMAN- VILLE, Tow,ýn Hall, at 1 30 p m., Major James Sheý,ppard, Queenston, subject "Corn Growing and the Silo.' Mlr. Jolin Osborne, Bowrnanville, te lead discussion, MNr. J. G. Davidson, Col- lingwooa, "Nutritive Ratio cf Foods Grown audf Fed on Farm," Mr. T. Baker, Conumty -Ceuncillor, Solina, te lead discu.ssion. EVENINGETNG , CeuRTîCE, Sons' Hall, at 7 890 p. m., Major Shoppard, "Four Reas;ons Why We Ti the Soil." Mr. R., E. OshJ1orno, Ebenezer, to lead discussion. Mr J. G. Davidsou, "Souls cf Farm and Their Treatment "Mr L. M. Courtice, Reýeve of Darliugton. te lead thedicsin Msca program expectedt. THu.SD,zu DEC.%- 7,1899, OnoNo, Town Hall, 1.30 p. ii. Major Sheppard will discusa "Four Reasons Wliy We Till the Soul." ];iisusion led by Mr. A. Tamblyn. Mr. J. G. Davidacu, "Prac- tical Veteriary Treatment of Stock." Discussion led by Mr. Ezra Hall. EENiN: MEETIN, WCASTLË,Towu Hall,7.30 p.mu. Major Sheppard ,Queen- sten, will speak on "IPiantiug and Care cf Orchards," Mri. E. C.Bernan telead the discuissi3on. Mr i. G. Davidaon on '*Chemisýtrýy of the Farm." Mr. W. Rickard, Co.unty Councillor, te lead dis- cussion. Musie wilLlibe provided. MONDAY, 1DEC. il, 1899, BLACESTOCK, Town H1all, i.30 p.m., Major James Sheppard, Qýueenston, "Four Reasons Wby XVe Till the Soil." Mr. Wyesley Mountjoy to lea'd discussion, Mr. J. G. Davidsou, Colingwood, " Nutritive Ratio cf lPoods Fed ou Farm." Mr. Auson Tyoevte lead discussion. DiREcU-mý -: îso As. Wesley M eto, W. Bar Stanford }aiDavid Wrigh t. The deptita.ion are inito ers and very vprofitable expoed.F ~ omc be ailow- -n ncI ip J. M. pr Ce, "One grade only and that the Best." llaving been al representative for above'company for Bowmna iiville we, bi the publie that we have bought thus early ortr supply of Sleighs for the coming sleighing season. As î hle McLatigt sold oýver 2,200 of 2,600 hundred cutters theyar making t ever increasing demand that exists for their ,,o-ods, we tc the foreloek and made our seleetions early anld our first will arrive this week. A few special featuires rf their CuttE WOODWORK.-Panelsare glued andcpd on and car( and plugged; lient Second ýGrowth Hickory Kcs Second Gi Beams: bout fenders mnortised on to beamns and braceod-the sirong hinged dlash braced; shafts extra XXX Hickory. IRONWORK.-A11 braces. T's, etc., of steel and f orged in oui 1j iu. projecting steel shoes; shilting shafts (rigit nor left) or centre without bar. PAINTING.-Rich warm colors, or dark, with gearIng to somely striped and flnished; carvings on sides are solid-not tri paned of dash buri walnut or rosewood. T1IIMMING.- -Crimson, olive or gold Mohair pîush or green extra higli and eas.y spring back, spring cushion, deep quarters, co and al round panels inside. toe rail; handsome ickel plated ar heavy; screen, solid brass full plated; shafts full leathered and siller ends on whiffletrees. We have decided bargains'in 2nd Hand %Carts and B and inspeet, and also niake your seleetions. BowMNVILE.JOHN PE A SPECIAL RTJNVONST'M We are making a speelal sale in st.oves during this moi 11 assortment of Writing Material always pay you te cail and EXAMINE OUR STOVES"ý and COMPI in stock. before buying. We bave the HAPPY THOIJ- GIT, JIU ýoice in Colored and Crinkled Tissue CH-AMPION, WELCOME PEARL, -And several te ehoose froni, and lu Heaters and Parler Cooks we havea ment including the RADIANT H M adCRON i A~S G O R D ,2~ $LIA-NT. We inake the prices and ternis rgt Watchmaker and Jeweller. (EliiAi» Old Stand.) L__Phone 74, BoNrmAiîv[LIZ IIEATII 0F MRS. IIOBSON. At the request cf friends I write lu- fermiug yen cf thle sad death of Mrs. Samuel Dobson, who with lier liusband lias lix ed about 150 miles out cf Xiuni. Veg, on a prairie farma for many y ears. Their former home was in Orono. Slie lias beon ailiug for man "y years, and ber physician bad stated that au operatien was imporative. For this purpose she and lier busband came Lto the bospital bore two woeks ago, but weakened strengili from lier long affliction, and the soioua nature of the operation made lier au easy prev to the grim meonster Death, and she died ou Sabbath last. To make the circumatances mor~e sad, Mr. Dobson bimself was talion iii, and boîli wero patients lu thé bospital at' the samne time. H1e was jt'-t able te beave yesterday. couveying the romains of lits wife witÜhihm, to lay them Lun their prairie restiug place. Mrs. Dobgon was a valued member of the commuuîty Lu wbicli she iived; alwavs ready te tender lielp where t was needed, and was la mucli demand in the locality lu time of sicknoss. lier bass wîll lie keeuly f oit, and Mr. Dobson and bia family of five chldreu have the sympathy cf the eutire neiglibor- hood. Asleep lu Jesos, lime uer space Debars this prectous hlding place; On Iiiclan plains, or Lapland suows Balievers liud the same repose. Muh credit is eueo Mr. W.A. Windatt for the intei est lie took Lu their case, and the services reudered lu the trying circumstances, Trios. YELLOWLEES. Winnipeg, Nov. 23, 1899. NEW HAVEN. Receut visitera: Mr. Boue, Oshiawa, at Mr. Jes. VauCamip's; Mr. and Mrs D. Malcolm, Coasarea, at Mr.,W.V1-H. Wood's; Miss Vida VanCamp is visiting atOsbawa....,Miss Sybil Jeweliapent Sunday at lier home, Welcome .... Mrs. T. VanCamp and Mrsý W. Jeuningas went te Toroute last week.... Miss M-. Oke la at Cartwrighit and Port Perry.. -.Miss 1. Lawrie lias resigned lier posi. tion as teacher at No. 2 te attend the Normal School at Ottawa .. ..11ev. lvi- sou Wilson will preach ln the acheel house evry Wednesday evening. No service on Sunday, Sunday School at 2830 P. M. SOLIINA. uAn Taylr, Revival meetings are on at Eldad, Lrton, R. Philp,: Rev. HI. Thomas offciating .. . .The Mimne, duo. Forward Mission Movement w as inaug- nrated here by Mr~. Emberson...M. resting speak- Will. Furscy lest a horse at woek.. meirngs '1%are Msr.James and Thos. Goard, BOw- H. Pasce and Thos. Pascesattended the great stock Fale of John Adams, 3Sugog Island, Friday- « * Miss Hudson. Haydo,' visited lier sister Jennie liere ...Mr. Daniel Aruiot LsaLprving niciy from the fail hie sustanued b-v slipping from the scaffold lu the baro ppintcd sole knockog ont several teeth anîd injur- eg t inorminghha bauds and arma ... .Mr. and )egtoinfrniMrs. J. G. Laug-maid and Mr. W, L. fCutters and Law visited Toronto on Frida . .. hlin Ce. have 11ev. James J.,ILiddy, M. A., Oshawa, o meet tlieir will preach at Zion at 10,30 a. mi. next by Sbbath preaeoting the dlaims cf the ook time b Mission Fields. consignmentOSA A ers.:SA A cfulyv screwed Miss Martyn and Miss Eva Worth, rowth Hickory Bowmanvilie, called ou friends bore ýest job; patent recentîy .... .Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Mitchell, Enniskiblen,were guesta cf Dr.and Mrs. tr own factors; Montgomery last week, .. ., Mra. Chas. edraft with or Moone la visitiug lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Holbas... . .Mrs. E. J. Mc- match, baud- Doweillvisited relatives bu Orillia.,. -ansfers; inside Mrs. Woodford, Cleveland, La visiting 1at bier father's, Mr. F. Patte,.... The ior hlue cloth, Epwertli League cf Simcoe St. Methe- ýrpet in bottom dist Churcli are issuîng a haudsome m rails, extra work te lie known as "The Oshaw'a [silver tipped, Bock, of Favorite Qutatiens." .... Mr. 3ugges. allJ. M. Hlarding' has returned from an ;ugges. aliextended trip tlirough the jNortliwest Territory and Nortlieru Dakota. . . -Mr. RCy Thos., Cenant will deliven a lecture en "India and C2eybon." iu the Slmcoe St. Methodist churcli Thursday evenîug.. . .Mr. Harry Williams lias neturned froni Windsor, Noya Scotia, wber.- lie 'y~flbas been assisting lu the erection of a ~~ large ongan.. ..A reward cf 825 is v. offered for appreliension cf the parties guilty of dcg-peîsouing. Some very fine doga bave been destneo ed quite recently. _______ 1MOU.NT VERNON. Rev. McK. Younig, Tyrone, occupied flic pulpit bore Sac. ath nicring.... Visitons: Mn. T. Rolibins, Enniakillen, at Mr. J. Heatlie's, sr;, Miss Mabel Rogers, Winnipeg, at home; Miss N. Kennedy, Enniakillen, Miss L. Gilbert, Bowmanville, at Mr. -H. Abrahiams; Mrs. Huibunt and daugliter, Enfleld, Mr. and Mns. Wotten, Burketou, at Mr. N. Hudsou's; Mr. W. Aunis and Mrs. J. Langmaîd, _Ebenezer, lat Mr. E. Mill- son's; Mra. E. Aunis visited hier mother, Mrs. Holden, Whitb): Miss Katrina Argue visited lier friend Miss A. Smith, Whitbv; Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Souch visit- ed at Mn. C. Pearn's, Port Verry;, Miss Eya Souci at Mr. J. Pye's. Euniskileu ntb, and will .... Mr. E. Annis and sou Harrv ý%xent 'ARE PRICES te Toronto Fridav.... .Miss Marie l'og- era la rocovering from bier receut îliness iIPEIIIAL, . . .. A cbristenîog at Mr. N. Huidso!'s, other makes 11ev. W. J. Weatberiii offlciating... Mns. Hugo lias returiied from a visit a. large assort- wîth lier daugliter, hira Crage, Bow- IVN BRJIL.- manville, somnewliat improved in heaif h ..Mn. Oco. Milîson will spend tome tume at Gravenlinrst Sanatorium fer bis liealtli. . .. Mn. Ernest Raymond lias1 gene te Rainy Rivert t speud tic win loa oa ter.. . . Noemhr's unusuaily fline aOweather lias been very acceptable te MARKET JOTTINGS. Mild weather lias deferred the usual demand for fowl. Eg-g shipments to England reported last woek-22.910 cases. Last week's report of stock shipinent at Montreal was: cattie 1491; sheep, 1976. The British apple market showed some improvement last week-demand good, and prices firm. Green hides are stillinL good demand, both of local and expert requiremeuts, and pricos keep very firm. dThe general trade of the country dr=gthe past week bas licou good, aho neflt particularly active, this beinig the botween seasons. The largest cargo of goose wheat ever shipped-112.OoO. bush.-was sent from Montreal to Mediterranean ports recently. Price Lýeliverod about 85c. A Chicago live stock man says that until thore is more speculation iu pro- visions there is only oue side to the ho~ market, ana that with onlY occasional reactions prices will have to zo lower. Mr.Shuttleworth, Liverpool,recejved a lot of Canadian'apples that lie refused to offer on the market, and iu order to saye the brand gave them away, as they were scarcely worth the value of the barrels for firewood. Another large quantity arriyed at Liverpool, and were sold'at id per barrel. TIMELY TRADE TOPICS. Takirg Goverîiment and bank circul- ation of money together the very large total is close upon $60,000,000. A largor amount of money lias been paid to the people of Canada for their products this year than ever bel ore. Toronto lias been comparatively free froin failures of any importance for a long time. Now there are four mod- eratelv-siz.ed ones to notice. Producers of Canada in their varions. divisions of farming, lumbering, min-. in,, fishing and manufacturing neyer had as, good a year as the presut one. The activity of commercial business. is again reflected lu the increase of boans and discounts, which amount to $262,000,000, against $228.000,900 at the, samne date last year. London made anothor shipment of turkeys to British Columbia on Satur- davwee"k. Ten tons of dressed poultry were despatched by fass expr ss train. and reached Nelson, B C,, in five days' tine. The Canadian farmner is obliged to, watch te irmers in every couutry of theý ordtkowthe ki]nd of competi- Alugustmetn of the AjicielltOrr of Forestoers the monthly contribution- of a mnemberat age 50 next birthday, who had hitherto paid something like 81 cents, is raised to $3.00 payable, monthiY in advance. ENFIELD. The baud lias recuperated and will practiso on Satnrdays at 7.30 p. mn.. 11ev. 1,' Emborson dolivered an elo- quent discour,ýe here Suuday on Mis- sions .. .. Miss Bertie Gilbert was home over Suuday -froni Port Perry. . .. Dr. Archer, Port Perrs', vipited at Mr. Jno . Dycr's Siindayv.. .. Mlr. D., Mrs. John and Miss Arnot, Taunton, were guests of Mr. J. Niddery.... Mr. Rl. Stacey had. a successful ploughing bec last week. Trhe debllity of David Duggins hz been comnpletely cured. David Duggins lives in the towu of Toues, Ohio Couuty, Kentucky. Proin, there he writes : "ýWhen I began taking Dr. Pierces Goiden. Medical Dîscovery, 1 had nervous or general debility of three years' durt. 1 took three bottles of the 'DIS- overy.' During, t e tinie 1 w asý ta k- , è,' it my Sleep, .amne more re- fresbing and I gaix- ed fteex, pound. in.weight, a,,d aiâe. gai.i,d Streuigta ev-ey dy.It has been six- mouths since 1 took the mnediciue and 1 stili have good health." When a msan ete, run-dowu it is hard work to run himi up again unle»# the whole condition of his, systeul la first changed. That is what the"1 Goldeu Medical Discovery" doe.. for hlm. It begins by re- mnoving f romi his digestive' systein ail poisonous, effete niatter. It ~ vstoue to his stomach, activity to hi&. fiver, cleanliness to his bowels. 'While this work is going on the I'Discovery " also mnanifests its poteucy through the- blood and nerves. It fis the blood witl ricli, red corpuscles and sends themn vig- in