The Canadian Statesila An Esght Page, Forty-Eight Colomn Newspaper, is published EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, AT THE OFFICE 26 STATESIYAN BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.. BY I. A. JAMES, Edîtor & Proprietor. Subscription$1.50 per annum, or $1.00 if paid strietly te advance. ADVERTISH'NG RATES Transient Advertising. Tan Cents par Lins, frst insertion 1 Five Cents par Lina each sub- bequent insertion. CONTRACT RATES, BIZE0F ADVPaTISIEMEr7'iT IE NRTD i 1 %1hi3aths 6mths 1 Fr. u tecoini..........120 o00.340 0 1-00 Haîf Coin1. ......... 13 001 26 40 60 QUarter COleMn-... 8 001 16 26 40 Xigth olin..... 5 00 10 16 26 Twenty tli a Lina.... 4 50 9 12 18 Twcnty Uines.......... 4 00 6 8 13 Fiftean bines .......... 3 50 6 7 50 12 Tan Lines ............. 2 50 4 50 6 50 il Five Lines ............ 1 25 3 501 6 1 10 The aboya are contract rates, and apply only to ragular business acivetisers. Changes of contract advertisements must bc 1an 1d nont bter that oe o'cloek on Saturday -ibis rite -will be strictly enforced. Paragraphiadvertisemenits among news items 10e a lina each insertion. Bîrths, 25c; Marriages and Deaths, Soc. flispayed advcrtusements ara mneasnred by a $cale of solid nonpareil and s0 charged. Ordars for dscontinuing afivertisemeuts must be la writhng, othcrwise thea publisher wiil net ise sesponsi bIs. No paper -il e ii Cspped until ail arrecaragat are paid, except at the option of the publishar., A post office notice te discontinue is not sufflient- Double regular rates are charged during MzvrYc. April andi May and Oteber, November aDd fDe eber for display advartisiug nt con- tracteri for by the ycar, Business notices in local or news clumns first nartion 10 cents par lina Nonpareil; i cents par lino eaeh subsequeut insertion. Notices of meet- fugs of any kAndf at wich an admission fee is cbargefi or a collection lstaiten Imistbepaid for, 41l Communications should lie, afdressefi, M.A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Ont. IAIR WOR.-Ladies wishin,- haîr Lidoue ever, eal1 ai Mas DICRn6se0N S,Kin aniCoro nario St Bowmanville, 34-tf MARRIAGE LICENSES,-M, A. M JAMES, Issuer ef Marriage Licenses. Residencee:Cetre street. A. B. MoLAUGHfLIN, Barrister, Soicitor andi Conveyaacer. Office:- Bl%;akley Block, King stroe Bowmanville. Moaey te boan at reasonable rates. 48-lyr, ~EICI TOLENU $50.00 .0 on geefi mort- gosecurity a moderate ratesef intarcit, E.XMeLAuoMatN ,Soliiter,Bewmanivilla,Onit. 16-6m. DU, J. C. MITCHELL, ~IEMBER 0F OLTEGE0F PHYSICIANS mand Surgeons, Ontario,Coroiner, ete, Resderce L fi ikln. 4 j-. BURKE SIMPSON, BARIISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, up-stairs, KisîgStreet, Bowman ille. Solicior for the Ontario Bank. PrIvate monsys loaned at lowast ratas. ROBERT YOUNG' V.S. O %FîCE IN WEST DURI{AM NEW', VBlock, where himself or is assistant will bs foonfi from 8 a. m. to 9Sp. m:. Night calîs at residence, directly opposite Drill Shed. Calîs by telsgraph or tlepb one will receive prompt at- tention. 171 - yr, BOWMANVILLE. NOV. 29, 1899. OUR NEW ENGIN£. A new 3-H. P. gaseline hprizontal an- gine lias just beau înstalled in TuE, STATESMAN press-reem, the 2-H. P. up- right angine having proved rather liglit fer runniug the heavy wharfdale press. This neNw englue is simiilar lu construct- ion te the 5-H. P. engîne used by the towu for pumpîng iii conuection with the water works. It wus nmade by the Nerthey Manufacturing Ce., Torento, and cost about $275. The angine ce- placed by this oee as beau sold te Mr. Wm. Fisbleigli, preprietor:of the Bow- mauville Bicycle W'orks and General Repir Shop. Me Nwill fiud it a very v aluable addition te lis otherwise ex- cellent plant. TuEn STATESMAN office is now the best equippeti printiug lieuse in this part ef Ontario. h lias beau the changes referred te ibid causeti the de lay ici the appenrance of the paper foc soe weeks. We hope ini future te issue TtiE STATESMAN lu good tino, OUR NEW FOREXAN. We have as er been a strong udvocate of pcoîuoting worthy pacsons to positions of trust and cespousibiity and tharefoce talte grant pleasure it announcing te the business meni of ibis iowu whe bave, trausactions witlî THrIJ STATESMAN office that Mc, Charles Dickinson lias beau ad- vanced te the position of Focemnofe the mgecbauical department. We hava had this change i view foc twe years and new teed grant satisfaction in intre- duciug another graduate et this office te the notice ot our custuers. Like seveic. al others whe socved thair apprentice- slip with us, and are uow occupyiug foremauships or positions eommanding big salaries ln oiiy offices, Mc. Dickinsen is a tasty and competent priater and bas already executeti several ordars for fine piniing. It is iruly very machi te bis credit that ou bis attaining bis 2lst year, ha lias beau considared cempteni aud worthy te be însiallad as Focaman of the leading priutîng and pnblishing establishîment in this district. WELL E4qUIPPEI) OFFICE. Long bas TiE STATESMAN office beau recognizeti as the best bouse in this part of the Province for turning euLt satistact- ocy svork. We huave never set up a "cheap" office, there are tee mnany of that class. Business men are ne longer satisfie d tb accept any kinti ef a job se long- as it eau bec oad. Fine iîîks, good qualiiy et paper, skilled -werkmnausbîp anti acnsietaste, -wýitb np-to-date type, evecy job turned. eut ut THE STATES MAN office shah lie lu every 'w y acceptable to all concerned. The best mock or quality at a fir price is our mtte. Witb frequent additions et the newast styles of type andi other printiug mater- ilit yîiskilled -wockuîeu we shah con - tinue te lcad iu flue pinting as for the past 21 yeacs. Ordlers for ahl kinds et plain and fancy printmng wlll ceceive This la the tille et the design et wli is doubîleassthe lîandsunîest uttu muet arîistiîcever page avec issued îlu Cana- tia. Buiscies oet mapIe lea1veý ,fsum- mrand iutujmui hues, amonst wich aIre mii-xad emboss-etiod ,sur- et Bain and the litIe ' Teue'Th ' ;S-ATLTR- 1DAY NIouT's Christmas, 197"More beautiful symbots of Canada's pracýpeci- ty couid net lie expreaseti, Thet, book itseît celîtains sixty-four pages, prof use- ly iltustratad by taading achasts, artisti bcally printati, anti containiîîg stecies by the mosî popular Canatilan writacs, besides sketches anti short deaci ptiva paragrapha. Amonz the anIý,îhos Who contributa steries te this Numbar are Grant Allen, Panline Jehnson, Bleas- dcii Cameron, Mca. leigli, Capt. Jack Crafo.d.E . heïartijDe - MOINEY FOR FÂRMERS. We hardly think it would bave been possible to have prepaid a better cern- bination for many STATESMAN readers than that which was told in the un- n ouncemen t in our advertising columus CANADIAN STATEsmAN and Farming, and the two valuable books, at a frac- tion of the regular price, The live and np 1Wn date farmers' weeklv, Farming,- lias been well known to the Jpeople ofi Canada for nearly twenty ý cars. It is a journal that is full of useful informa tion for every manuwho titis the soul, at the samie time containing departmen ts that malte ît intcresting to farmers' wives and daughters and the young people of the famiiy. We would like ail who read this paragraph to tnrn to the advertise ment and find out for them - selves what this off er, which is an ex ceptionai one for the CANADIAN STATES- MAN is realiy wo rth. If yen do Bot want the books, we wili giveFARMING one year frcee as a premium for one new subscriber to THE STATESMAN for 1900 at $1.00. NOT LONG STORIES. Short Fact Pinning Statements bv Bowmanville Citizenrs Verify Pitch- er Tablet Success, Is it true? Can this lie so? Are the facts garbled? These are the questions whicli are sug- gested to every mn and woman in Bowmanviile suffering the tortures of Baek-ache and Kidney troubla, when they read the pubiished accounts in newspapers about medicines which dlaim to cure. The success of Dr. Pitcher's Back- ache Kidney Tablet is se great and general, home testimony is always forthcoming. One of the inans' in Bow- maîîvilie' is J. Saunders, cuýttr at Coucli, Jinstou & Çîyderman's who "Permit me te say that I used the bottie of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid- ney Tablets procured f rom Stott &Jury, and tliey did me a great deal of good, I find that tliey are flot overrated. worthy of confidence, and very gentie though sure in action. f find they act finely on the lîver as weli as the kidneys anîd boweis, and I feel safe in recomn- mending thaîn te anyone requiring the-in, They are a good ail round med- icine. Rapid acting and easy acting, Dr. Pitcher's Backaclia Kidney Tabiets are surprising the people liere. A few doses accomplish more than bottles and boxes of slow acting kîdney medicines. They are put up in wooden, botties witli green wrapper bearing the por- trait and signature of Z. Pitcher, M. D. Each bottie contains 50 tablets,price 50 cents par bottie. Manufactured by Tlie Pitcher Tablet Ce., Toironto, On t. Wlîeu the Maples Turns to 4Gold. SROMiKE'SSTORY. J.MIIBRIMACOMBE ORONO. -Mr. D. T . Allen lias had la grippe. -Mr. David Walsli, was in the city recently. -Miss Gale, Sowmanville was in town recantiy. -Mr. Fred Dobson lias returned, home from Manitoba. -MVrs. Jackson, Toronto, lias takan Up residence at lier son's. -Mr. O. W. Smith, Myrtie, is visit- ing bis son, Mr. Thos. Smitli. -The proceeds of Cark Churcli an- niversarv and supper wcre $108. -Mr. Wes. Thornton, shippad a car load ef hogs from Grafton, lasL waak, -Mr. Wm. McCormack lias beau sut- taring with inflammation in the eyes. -àlassrs. John Gilfillan and Frank Peat, whaeled to Bowmanvilie racently. -Miss Veima Jaweil, Bowrnvulle, is visiting-lier uncie Mr, D. F. Walsh. Dr. and Mrs. Patterson, Port Hope, recantiy visitad lier mother, Mrs. Ilow- en, - Mrs. Wm. Walter, jr., lias beau visting lier father, Win. Blewcvtt, Les- kard. -Mrs. Nicholîs, of Toronto. visited lier brother, Mr. T. W,. Jack-son, ce- centiy. -Miss Pearlie Beer, daugliter of Mr, John Beer, bas raturned home from Victoria, B. C., -Mrs, A. E.,Ilockin and daughtec. of Toronto, are visiting Mr. R. Hoékins, and othar friands. , Tlie Township Council have let souîe badly needed road jobs on the Gravel road south. -Miss Hall. who bas been guast of Miss Marion Truli, lias raturned t--lier home lu Oshawa. -Nlessrs. N. F. Hall and John Gilfil- lan are the Exacutors of the estata of the late L. A. Gamsby. -Miss Minnie Jcffrey, who lias been visiting lier sister, Mrs, J. E, Richards, hsa5 retllruQd to Toronto, -Miss Hattia Batteil and littie niece, Pearl Gibson, Hampton, spent Sunday week at lier fatlier's. -Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, sr, quiet- ly ceiebrated their birtlidays, lie being 75 and lis wifa 74 years of age. -Mc. and Mca. A. Tanîblyn attanded the funeral ot their cousin Miss Eliza S. Dickinson lu Hope township. -Mrs. Richard Beer and son, Clinton, have returned home from Bowmanviiie, whera thay have been visiting lier sis- ter. -Mr. Reuben Werry lias receivad the soie riglit foc this townshîip te supply the Port Hope Canning Factory with fowl. -Rev. Peter Addison Toconto, a for- mer pastor of the Methodist Churccl here, lias been renewing oid acquaint- ances. -The Junior League of the Methodist churcli are prepairing for an entartain- ment Dec. 8th undar the direction-ef Miss Fanny Honey, -Mr. R. Moment, lias been witlitlie deer hunters in the Nortt Ccunty. His first shipment lias hean on exhibition at Millec's butcher shop. Must net be confouadcd witl cern- mon cathartic or purgative pis. Carter's Little Liver Pis are entireiy, unlike tliem lu every respect. One trial wîll prove their superierity -Mr F. W. Rutherford is again in- cnpacitated, baing obligad fo use crut- ciles in order te moveM about, and is undergoing treatment in the hospital at B3uffalo. Have ne equal as a prompt and posi- tive cure toc sick headache, biiiousness constipation, painl in the sida, and all liver troubles. Carter's Little Livar Pill§a. Try themn. -A patron ef the Kendall Cheese Facetocv was charged with by Dairy Inspecter Mr, R. VI . Wad. with send- Tweed Shoemaker who States He was Cured of' Backache by Dodd's Kidney IPilis. No Reason te Doubt it, He is but one of a Thousand-Dodd's Kidney Pis Always Cure Backache .- TWEED Nov, 27 There is a shoamaker in this town who is eue among the thonaauds who bave beau cured of Backacha by Dodd's Kidney Pis. The slieemaker's work sitting boent over the bencli or lasi ail dav is nalurally a strain on the back, but tbat et itsclf 15 nieyer the causa of the reai Backaclia. Bacitacha cf the geuuineiY painful and diatraasing kind is causeti by disorder cf the kidneys, Intact the ache or pain is situateti dicectly in the kidueva as the sufforer wili finti if hae tries te rli the pain away wîth liniments as lie wouid ware it a mare stiff nass of tha muscles. Mc. W. S. Bnsby, ef Twaed, thonglit his case was et the latter kind. Ha bora with it tor yaars, thinking- it lu- separabie from bis work. Finaily, howevec, hefennd bis mistake. Ha writes.. "I have long beau troubiati with savare pains ni my back, andi I always tliought that the cause was from my constant work over the bencli. I founti eut my kidneys wera affected andi once I was certain et that I cesortedti t Dodd's Kidnay PuIs. I arn happy te say threa boxas iaft me clear et Back- ache. I can highly recommand tham te auy pacson affictad with that ferm of Kidnav Disease. " Little Men and Wonen-Bùabyland. With the 1900 vciume, enfers upon its twenty-fonctli year. The hast anthors andi artists continue thair con- tribu.tions te the daliglit et the littie people for whose instruction, amuse- ment andi entertainrnant their hast endeavors are put forth. Soe of the geeti things in the new volume are twe new seriai atonies; "A Little Prince8 and Princes et Egypt; a long tirne-ago stery " ýby Oliver Harper. "Te tientures et Spotty, "by Kate Upson Clark. Notable Articles: "Playthings That Are Ativ(i" (lu six parts), liy Judith Sella Cohen. "Soe Faînous Animsis," b y Coca flavitanti Carver. Short Stories: More than the usuai number et short tonies writtan by men anti womeu who "know how," anti there are -,,ary many pictuces te illustrata these. The Babylautiers are entectaineti every month with dainty verse and pretty picturas liy Margaret Johinson. Cradie Sengs et Many Nations tait, lu twelva parts, liow the wee babies et other hands are sung te sleep every night. Anti there are varions simple occupa tiens which suggest te the mothar ways anti meaus te keep active little fingars busy. An Altogethier Cliacming Magazine -anti the suliscription price is astoatali- ingiy low-50 cents a year. Pcemiums: The publishers otter manv valuable articles as premiums for clubs: articles that ara naedad by as-ary boy anti girl, mans anti woman with ce- finati tastas; anti as the getting of sub acriptiens at the low prica of 50e is se easy, evecy one whe lsa ambitions can and shouiti obtain these articles without cost-except a ltulle lime. Send fer sample copy cotaininz preminm list (trae). Pearsons: We offer Little Men andi Women-Babvianti with Pearsons ($100) Magazine for oee vear fer si 204 Pearsons ia the beat et the dollar maga- zines, and shoulti be in evary home. Subacribe aI once. Little Men and Woman Cc, GRATE FU L COMWFORTI NG Distinguished..everywhere for delicacy o f flavor sup- erior qualiîy .0 and nu- tritive Iproperties, Spec-ý" ially gaeuladcomfor-- tir-g tothe nervous and. dyspeptie. Sold only In -I1b. tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd,ý Hom- oeopathiC Chemisis, Lon- don, England. DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. Higgin- botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANVI LLE, T14E FAIOTJS Most Widely Attended in America, 3 1 st Year. SEND FOR CAALOGUE. ADDRESS BELLEVILLE, ONT. TO Chicago, Omaha, Denver, St. Louis, Los Angeles, an Diego, an Francisco And points in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and otlier Pacifie Coast Points. If you areIeontempling -pfrHealth, Pleas- and Flowers. Snhn.ris Through tickets te ail Foreign Points. For des criieGides, Time Tables, etc., apply 10ý Agnts U.T.R.System Tickets and fu information, etc., at Stott & Jury's Drng Store. J. H, H. JURY, W.WOD, C. P. & T. A. Depeot Ag M. C. DICKSON, District Pass. Agent, Toronto.