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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1899, p. 7

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ALi onenir $tope WWrn. WHOLZSAL 1TO RON ereteve ati' itnl- it ate atetim ved cooking, willube eas'i een e i taudrteotithat fee. t heee ta lwas surountetibypure freb sweet air. Ne barning ttu dr can exiat tespeil isndeicate flvr. tTii. simple,-ealn'g e arated t tesppl orimpegnat? eiwth fresb f air-te cemi)el its free action wtthîn any pruaeseilimit. It iptuses and cent naly terces a rapîi circula.- tien et tresh air ta exactly the saine manner as we aerity eut lunga. Se w. say aerated evens ta Souvenir e. * - ~Stoves actually breathe tresi air. Aerated avens are, lined wtht Âlumiuum. I.ike a new silver dollar, they nover tarniali, aud are always tleauanadiSweete ont wIIl ast a Lîfetthue. $toe,;rn4eand Radiator imota«trs 'ITO, ItIONTAEAL AND WINNIPEG. hm uto t n Agent, Bjwma.nviIIe. h Hampton'General Store, We "H1old a vaster stock than has been," and are as usual prepared to give bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very large and well assorted stock~ to select from, in Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestie manufacture We are bound to SUIT y ou. Groceries and Hardware. In our Grocery and Hardware Departments you will find our stock Weil assorý-àd, boughit in the ýbest markets at the closest prices, and will bc, sold at the right price. Some people want quantity others quality, we can please both. Hiighest price paid in cash for produce. -Give us a eaul. IA MrTON. Tho Beaver Block Sale We have 501d piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, ard verv chieap-first-class gooris at very small irrices. Ou carry a good assortrnient of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. AMen's Caif and Cordovitn Blms, sewed and rivitted, from-i $1.40 to 82.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Bîtus 25c, 50c, 75c, wortl, 50c, 75e, and 81.00. Misses', 3oys' and Youths' to correspond in priceb. We will tell you what the stock is in each and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now in stock in every lune. The publie is invited to inspect our stock; no trouble to r-.iow goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bagés, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fancy and plain ; Dresbing, the very best that eau be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it wil min the boots it is appli- ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work mnade to ord er, sure lit or no sale. Thanking my eustomerr, for past favors and -hoplng for a continuance of theLame. 1"1 Beaver Block. Bowmanville. D.r% DAVIS. Millinery Imported Novelties for the Autumn Season. A Select Importation of Paris and New York Hats and Bonnets. Ail Departments are now. replete with f ull stocks of Seasonable Goods of the Usual High Grade, and cus-.-tom-ers can depend'on getting Novelty, Variety and G-ood Value. SCARCIt'Y 0F IPECAC. ASevoreol xEeeody for Cildreu la Geernînent, Muinicpal snd Ralirosti bond qotafousfurnislîed-on applicatrla for urhase, sale sud exfhange. 44 6m. Fashioing na ner.filTo PATENT Oood Ideas BOWMAN VILLE, ahoal ilnr THE FATENT RECORD, ~'Ipecac, that sovereign enietic fo children, is bocoining scarce. Tihe Ri vari ety is wcll kiiewn to the dru trade here, wýhile the importationc the Cartbagena variety is prohibite by the customs authorities of Brazî But the increa.-ing scarcity of th Rie variety bas directed attentiont the Carthagena or New Granada roo which, in appearance, does neot im terially difler fromi the Brazilian roo ,excepting that the rings which char acterize ipecac are less censpicueu, It is in its ph siolegical ellect that the Carthagena ipecac is sup Sposed te diOter troni the Brazilian va %riety, the former containing les Semetine" than the latter and own >ing its aetiv ity more to the actfi principle "cephaline' which is under stoed to have a different action fron Sticat et emnetine. The prohibitiono Cartbagena ipecac is ne doubt justi fiable in x iew ot the mieagor informa ,tien regarding the pbysiological ac Stien 0f the drug as cemipared witi R ie ipecac, on wbicb the efficacyo i# pecac as a therapoutic agent f based. It is surprising tbat pbysib Slogical research te determino the ac. Stion of cephaline, the alkaloid whict >distinguishes the Cartbagena varicty, has net been undertaken earlier. Ir vthis'respect the bistory of the twc varieties ef ipecacuanha is in cor. trast with that ot many other remie v4 dial agents which have been the sub. >ject of pharmacological study. SIpecacuanha is a low, creeping, par- V0 ennial plant, growing wîld in Brazil, ,N having a faint, peculiar odor anda Sbitter, subacrid, nauseous taste, the Vreetet wbich îa largely used as an ernetic. This reet is small and wrin- Skled, being marked by regular pro- Vtuberances or rings. Since the tol- > lectiojn of rubber in ]razil has as- Ssumned such proportions those gather- ing and preparing roots for tii.mar- ket have abandoned the latter occu-> pation for the fermer, whi ch la more profitable and less laborious. The re- suit bas been te curtail, greatly the, supply ef ipecacuanha; in tact, prac- tîcally none is gathered. The possibility ef an earlier scar-. city et the drug was foreseen by UJnited States deaiers, vrho, siayY The Pittsburg Dispatch, have almast'a menopoly et the market. Frices liYe, been advancing steadily for 10 years. In 1883 the prico a pounci was $1.25, but now it is $4.25. Ia view ef the great increase in price the Brazilian gatherers mnight, for a timo, ind the gathering ef ipecac a, more profitable emipicyment than the collection ef rubber. Queer Weddinrx r.,s..ts. Giving wedding presents is an oic eus tom, but the dustoni differs in different ceintries. Scotiand's penny weddings wore peculiar. Tbey werc ca]led penny affaira, but the invited guests centributed shillings, and oc- casionaliy a hait creven, acnd out of the sumas tiens collected the expenses et the weddircg.feast %vere paid. Ger- maay bas a -pay wiedding,' at wbich the bride receives ber guests with a basin befere ber, ýin whicb oncb poison entering deposits a jewel, a silver spoon or a piecçt. et meone-y. In semne part-s et Geýrnany the rule ta that the expenlses of the, marriage feast sball b cmet by ecd guest payig for what be cats and driniks--a sert etf]uropeaîi plan ,edding, yeu imigbt eaul it. lThe prices paid fer dislios andi dri-cks are bigh, and the lhappy yoeuîg couple nalke a bandseme profit eut et their' wetlding, etten reaiizing a sumi sufficieiit te start thona prctty niceiy in lite. Ottea 300 guests are prosent at suýcb a w cdding. Semne- tiîîîes the fiew et presents is i the ethcer' direction. In Polanti, fer in- stance, a girl is net regarded ligi- ble fer niarriage until she bas wrought witb ber ewa bands cloth aad garmenta fer the triends wbo wýill accempany ber future lerd te the altar. But in niost couatnies the wedding-present systera is similar te that which is familiar icuru, andi w,,hicb lias becomne a serieus tax. The tollowing are srnie ot the queer customis ceninected wvýith the wearing et bridai wreatbs: The German bride wears the rnyr- ticeleatfer ber bridal wreatb, wbile the girl ot the Black Forest aderns herselt viith the flowens oethte hav-,, thora. Ia France and Englanti and ta the UJnited States the orange flower ta in vogue, wbule the maid- ens of Italy and the Frenchi provin- ces of Switze.nland use white roses. rmnks, carnations and red roses are worn by Spanisb brides. lia Lithunia the bridaI wreath is vound et the Syriaix rue; on the lenian Islands, the grapevine; ia Bohemia, Conin- thua and the Krain, distric es, -f sie miary, and in Hlesse, et artifictal floeors, te wbich ribbons nre add- cd. Ia Norway, Swedea andi Servia bridai cnewns are made et silver; ia Bavarinnd iee od wttIA -e, Proof afrer proof we have been furnishing how B. B. B. makes bad blood pure blood and cures cases that even the doc- tors failed to benefit. Here's the case of Mrs. John Douglas, Fuller, Ont., an ac- count of which she gives. 1'I have nsed, B. B. B. for impure bleod, pimples on thc face and sick headache. I tnied a ,great many remedies and spent dollars for dectors' mediCine but dcived litile benefit. I then started using BJ-3. B. and oniy took four botties whea my skin became clean and free from al crup tiens. My other troubles disappcared aise and 1 arn now ie perfect health. ,he \V little kaow the teil and te '-' artiship that those who make ot the " Staff et Life"Y1uadergo. ta- Long bours ia superbeatrd et jand, poorly veatilateti werk- r- rooma la bard on tbe syatem, is gives the kidacys more work than they :ts eaa properly do, throws poison into the ip- systein that abealti bc carried off by these ,a- tielicate filters. Thon the back gets bad- ss lEot mueh use appiying linîiments and ý,. plasters. You must reaoh tbe Kidasys to ve cure the back. DOAN'S Kdney Pulis ýr cure ail kinda et, Bad Baclis by restoriag ,m the Kidneys te bealtby action. of MOr. Walter Buchanan, wbo bas con- Li- ducted a bakery ln Sarnia, ont., for tbe a- past 15 years, says:, c- "For a number of years pro-rions to taliug ,-Doans Kldney PilUs I îuffered a great dsal froin th acute pains acrosthe sinalcf my baek, pains ie et the ba, cf îny head, dizziress, weary feeling sud Sserldebllity. Frein the first few doses of oses,,,,ny Pills I commnced te improve, and I- have comainued util I amc to-day a well iman. 1 have net got a paie or ache about me. My head hs hcho; the urinary diffieulties ah gene; cey sîsol is refr, îhing and my healtsh labotter nets than for En '0 Two Worldî-FaMed ]Books. - The most expeasivo book ever pub- e Lsheti Î2 the officiaI blsteryetftthe 'war et the rebellion, wbich ta now being lssued by the Unitedi States -Geverameat at a cost ot $2,8eeeoe, 1,0f this amiount naaly Onle-haîf bas a, boee paiti for prtnting and bindîng, Le the remainder te be accouateti for in n~ salaries, rent, stationery and mis- -cellaneous expenses, iaclutitng the pur- chase e-f recordis frein private indivi- j- duats, sayi Tiie st. 14ouis Globe-De-. MOci-at. It hags takea l0 years te complet. thiz work, wbich conistats ne -412 volumes. - Tii, lanbgeaitbook in tho werld tahi, th he t.nre&e Department ef the Brit- -Jih MumeouM, aad consists -etf5,020 'oue.Thtis wenderfnl production oft ke Chli-nes. pro"a waa purchasot a- fw Yeïrsa ïgo fer- $6.000, anad la ene el t *ai tisree -copies tainexistence. It y h ýLeu G5Oopei of the litera-tun. #)f Chin!a, corering a pes-riod et 28 con- ~isle-trru1,000 B,'-. tc, 1,700 'It e*Q sita egrin te the llter ary ProollVPiie 01 the Emperer TKane'-e, wLe rïÀgod froun 1662 to 1722. In et rc o is. studios of the a- ctent Liora-ture of bis country, Kang- h. <4tdcovereti that esteasive o rrup-. - Iiolm ha»d beeau allowed to creep ml-'o f xodemr editiens, and h. cenceivoti lii. id... 0 having the text anti th*q criginals reproduceti aad prosesved in, 1anl authoritative tormi. Til'is was, a Uigiity conceptiea-, ansd Y Ia its executiîcn it romains unique t e dowa totei present day. Fer the 1 purpese of carrying eut the work, - an-eappointeti a commission et Meemnt n te select tbe writings ste bc repreduceti, and employedtheti -Jesuit missionanies ,te- cast Cepper t typesF with vhich te execute the 1 The- commission was ecrupieti for L40 year ta its great tnsk. Before, É he rkwa1s cmpletIo Kanig-ie ditbut h11bad revidedtha)t bis suceeersbold ecthe beok cm Lpleteti.'J'hoe'book ta arrangod ita six 1divisio,,ns, encle dealing witb a parti- cular braacb et knewledge. The divi- sions are thus designated: Firat, Wiings reiatiag te, the heav ens; se- cond, writiags relating te the eartb; third, writings relating te mankinti; feurtb, writtngs relating te inanim- ate nature; flftb, writings relating te phiosepby; sixtb, writings reiating mc te politicai economly. Anchor of thseArmad-a. The crew ef a trawler engaget Inl lobster flsbing near Kinsale hati great difficulty one day latcly tn get- ting their ancher aboard, wbich was flxed ta a massive bard substance ta, the santi bank. ith great trouble they aucceeodot in bringing te tie sur- face an ancient anchor of five tons, the sbank betag ever -ton tect long anti the beoti ef equal proportions. dj The ancher, wbicb, if il beloageti te oneeoft he chips et the Spanisi a-r- 1 mada wiitcb was wrecketi on thisy toast, had been, imbetitintahe saad Yi fer upward efthtreo ceturies, was . ooveret iwttb maria, ma-item wbich I contantes hati Coavertet itnt. a rock ftl substance. Queee Victoria tinaIl ber ways Is cË very mothodical, a-ad by no means caroleausel ber posoressions. Hger sets 01 et lace (ma-ny, of course, of very gt-eat value) ha%'o been cleasied over and OVes- agata. The. oimson velvet gnd ci-mine goWns aie. were at Par.. lia-ment epenfaga, and the Pink satin gownsIn whtck ;ho Inaugura-ted lhe 181 oenhbtton, are atili &mono her- uiurdPosee siong. A Germa-n la-w- prevente prepris- tors et eati.ng-bousen trom serving beer te poople eattug fruit DollarmM s CZ ur stck. -I is aV n1a ui-e or tv l-,riwr ni Mi.e3s edland. POWMA-2çVILEa. MONEY'S MONEY 1 Any nman who wer the J D. king Co.'s tu'Proof Rubbers makes money-money that 'will jingle in hîs pocket, 4P Search the world over and you cDelli find nothing botter than Stub SProof Rubbers, because QZ>there is nothing better, Any progressive dealer can tell yoti ail about Stub Proof, if ýnot, write to the J. D. King Co., and tbey will tell you. You can't afford to be -without them, because they are the best. See that Sfub Proof is STAMPED on the bottotu of each shoe. The J. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. ldontreal - Winnipeg. J. McMURTRY, Sole Agent, Bowiianville. '-t-.-' ai THE PHREN0LGGgiýAI JOURIAL and SCIENCE of HEALTUh. Known vey V. er-. 1. iýih ls t fi nI p'er We i e Fr0 vWL:: &R}FL 27 E 21tt ., ..h Y i siecimen e,"r, te r,, Iuh5o i,ii. ,. i-e short iltsttc,,i ciCi-.a fi Tsi, eanciflfi Rin.ittex. cis sl-hIinect Case, for- totliin -as dozon d.iety-pasiets !icsctoep, ise, nd Vi.elîC efuo.melSoit ai cenc ts ac. 1,,otîrn us 5$1.20and rceite rtna- 'ytit e' rotccu-aich. uno,s goodi r.tuonable. HOME SUPPLY CO. Lxr B. S. Toronto, Ont5. 'Ba-'ýýers'Bad "It is 'uha) t a.i n?ces sary and imnporlant for the comm-reial Sman toahave a special training f or his work as for the pro- t feýsional man. " A . thorougk training such as is received in the British Ameqrican Business Colloge is in these days alrnost a neces- Ssity, and with due diligence should place the student in the front rank of business men " -. Baird, Ex president of the Toronto Board of Trade NOFORIH0 TUPI Is required to proclairn the excellence of, the business Straining f urni shed by thiq college. The high standino-of the stutdents is geedproof. Thiesuccessefourgraduatesun after life is further preof. -Boolk-eeping, steneg'raphy, type-writin,ý, business -practice, business law and adv«ertisino-, Y.M.C,.A. Bidg, Cor, Yonge & McGHi Sts,, Toronto. DAVID HOSKINS, Chartered Accountant, Principal -SITUP-iTIQNS'ý In the Business Field are constantly opening to those who are qualitied to f111 them. The 0- Contrai Business Collogo, TORONTO, received these calîs for help withiu three davs f rom' Oct. 3th,-Bradstreet's Ageucy, lady, stene- trrapher; H. I. Williams, Real Estate, young man, clerk tiid stenographer; J. D. King & Co*' lady, stenographer; Gowans, Kent & Ce., lady, bookkeeper; King, Darreli Produce Co, young man, beukkeeping and stenography. Our students secure such places as sooa as they býe- con-e qualified for thetu. It will pay te prepare for thetu. Correspondeuce invited. W. -H. SHAW, Principal. Dei End of the Century Romscfy for the End of the Century Disease. DU;. M0P 1B"S This Gata Remedy has until o been obtalned only hw the. wealthyv patients of an eminent Nerve Speciale, ist. A scientific treatment for Nerv- I0 NY eus exhaust ion' and its eied evilg, AB LETS Iessness, nîesinMental Depiresse 5ion, Irrit-abiity, etc. Tlny Tablets FOR l pstiev ueNERnVOUS PROS. IR ED Mental vigor. At Druggists for 50 cetor by Mail from 'the Dr. Hope, Medicine Company, Ltd., Toronto, ca&' A Tiny Dose-PositI,. Requit&. AT THE CORNER MILLINERY. When thinking of your Millinery needs you naturally Lwell on the smartest and most effective to be had. When you want the best it is wise to place your order where you are likely to ýget the correct thing. Better ]et us de- ign your bat this'fail. We promise you ail the satisfac- ion you can possibly get from having a liat with'the air f a New York or Paris creation. Ini matter of price we an set you at ease. We invite you to cail anci inspect Franlk A. eole.,

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