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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1899, p. 8

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castoria is for Infants and daildren.' Castorlaia j a ha.,rmless substitute frCastor ()u, Paregorie, Drolpti I*nd Soothing Cyu5.I ontalug neither Opium, Morphline norY other Narcotie substance. t is Pleasants lus ga~teis thirty years' use by muliond of Mothers. Cst--ola destrOYs çtlîz--U4 ý11y»3 Fe'izrish- ReSS. Cs to>ria ou ire,s D àirrho -uiL Xind Colle. Castoria reli~es eethîigTiolblî -ticres Constipation and ~1auleeyCastéria assimilates the Food, regulates "te Stomaeh anad Bowelb of Infants and Children, giving healthy, and natural sleep- Castoria is thle Children's Panaýea-The 14'other's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent mýedicine fo'r th",Castoria is saow ell adapted ta children cidiýrén. mothers have repeabedly o eta1 recommend lb as superior ta any pre- f its good effec, upon their cildtee." crption known ta nie." Da. I-,Cc. OSuonD, Lewell, Mass. H.A. ARcFRi i. .D. Brooklyn, NY THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. Prosperiy Canada has been blessed with a bountiful harvest. The resuit is shown in the constantly increasing volume of business transactions. If you have made- money we can help -you save it. Our large stock of drugs and medi- cines, sundries, etc., bought for cash will be sold at the most reasonable prices consistent with quality. The Eall season brings with it an increased demand for Thle wond.erful rn,-edy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc. We have just reeeived another shiprnent of English Toilet Soap, f rom 5c to 15e per cake. Excellent for the skin. BOWM ANVILLE. J. HCCIBOTHM &SON, Druggists. OTHERS MAY IMITATE.. W E LEAD In our line of business and will hold our position. WHY? Because we have the largest stock of new and up-to- date Furniture to make selections frorn and our pricel cannot be beaten anywhere. New goods' in- the newest styles and finish being constantly added. If you are meeding f urniture corne and see our dis- play and ask prices. If not, corne, we want you to se< anyway. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Complete and ewery attention given. For night calîs use. bell on side of store door. La MORiS,Àj Furnituire Dealer. -BO WMýA -NVI EL Phone 10. BO0W M A N VIL L E. E.R. BOUNSÇA'L oeau~&tX.8jlo--P&nd l2ealeilinj Fin e MoA n mne ntal Wo0r k in test G«adles & material. Cal and get My prices. I amn sure rny work will ple-ase you ait 1, C0hildren Cryfr ~2:~renCryfor Chidre&OY for .HAMPTON. Rev. RU. Emblerson, onie of the volu-UL teers for the f oreign m1ilission field, oc- cupicd thle pulpjit Sunday e ' ý venîn-g. Ris discourse 'was àa ver.y ilîîeresti-g- one.. * a tor [ornas cdelivered] aruig 1This6t ofthle seasoni's makýe fj ieeiýe waîis shfppOdmu....: utter- l miaking also began that lay. evx- al from liere attended District DiVisi1on at Maple Grove Tuesda . . .. Mr, and Miss Woodlev, Tyroe, Mr. R. Trick, Colborne,.Mr-. C. TrcCobourg were, recenrt guests ln the -village,... . Mrs-. L. Brown continues seriously Mi. For annual1 meet ing o f Chee e C.,sec adjvt, Ï*- ànd Mrs. Jas. Rich ards, Pieker- hig wverc recent guests of Mr. R. F.1 Rlichards;, Mr. and Mrs. A. IL Brent, Tyrone, spent Sumday at Mr. Lei Amuis'; ,Mir. Leslie and Miss Aima Short ofFle iited Miss Littiejolins recent-; ey.. r. John Sharseil and dangliter, Miterieli, are.isiin relatives here.... Leagues of this district will raise $,150)i for Missions this year. Ebexîezcr's por-1 tion is $32... uesday night the ladiesý, of the League entertaimed. A verly appreciative program (if song and reci- tation ending wih a cantata was f ollow ed by a social device which provcd verly successful. Severalnew members were added to the list and $7.50 was raised by a Filver collectionD for'the missionary funds of the League. "OHOWIIMG TIMLES INDEED." These are certainly growing times for the "Family Hierald and Weekly Star,"of Montreal, and no wonder, for everywhere one goes he .hears more and more of that g reat p)aper this year. It is a serious question for the publishers whether thev-will be able to meet the demand foi their handsome. preiumýïi pictures. The people of Canada cer- t aily nover had sucli a dollar's worth offered them. Quite a number of copies of "Aima" and"us Willows" have been rcceived by subseribers in this neighborhood and they are greatly ad- mired. A gentleman remarked on see- ing the battle picture "Aima" "Why11 that picture alone is worth five dollars of amy man's money. " We notice both pictures are sent ta every yearl v sub) scriber to the "Familv Herald and Weekly Star." TYRONE. MIr. Geo. A. Watts, of the popuilar West End blacksmîth shop,1 Tyron, is now prepared to turn ont workz to the satisfaction of ail. A full stoick of everything lu the departments of wood and iron work invite your inspec- tion.. Prices riglit. llorseshoeing a specialty. The Missionary addresses by Revs. Weatherill and Leggott wcre rather above the average. Both gentlemnen were greeted by appreciative audienices ... Mr. élas. Poolecys neat little barua gives a decided finish to the alreadlY tasteful appcarance of his residence anid grounds. Mr. Wm, Martin, son of MAr. R. Martin, Bethesda, was chief archià teet in its construction..Ms ge Harris h las been visiting-, ler, agtr Mrs. L. A. J. r, Cou rtîc...ej.MrJ. saunders osta valuaýbleyon w sudenl Thrsdy. Suippoýsed cause ofdeathi,inamto. M1APLE CGROVE. M~iss Nettie Scott, Stouff ville, is 'visit- in.- at Mr. S. H-eal's. Mr. James Wood, bad a succes-ful plowing bec on Thursdav. The Durham Divisionwhich met hiere, wias largely attended and very enthiusi- astie. Misses Gertie, Eeith and Ethel Skin mer, Tý rotie, are guests at Mr, W, J. Collacott's, 2 The twentieth Century Thanksgiv.ing Fund services were held here on Sun- day afternoûn Rev. J. J Rae, assist- cd the pastor and preachcd an excellent sermon. The amount subscribed for the fund was $236.00l. Maple Grove Division No. 3,12 Sons of Temperauce, will hold a chieken Pie Supper in their Hall on Wcdnesday Dec. 13îh, at 4 30 p. m. A frst class programn will be giveniat 8 p.m. consist- ing of munsic, recitations and, addresses bvlocal and foreign talent, Admissior 25c. and everyone invitcd to come and spend an. enjoyable evening. KENDAL, 4 Rcv, R. D.* 1raser M. A. iatelv of St. S Paul's church Bowmanville, preached anniversary sermons in the Presbyteri- an church here, on Sunday Nov. 19 .. rMiss Lizzic McLean, daughtcr of «Inga- Mr Udrwods.. TTe- u Notice to Creditorsi In tsc Matter of the Estate of THO- AS BJAGG, Pite of the Township-- of Darlington in the County of Durharn, fariner, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant tc TheRevis- ed Statutes cf Ontario, 1897, Cbap, 129 that al creditors and cîhers having dlaims against the estate cf the said Thomas Bragg, wbc died on cr about the 4bh day cf November,1899,are re- ouit-eS on or befcre theTHIRTY-FIRST IJAYof DECEMBER,1899.to senS by post,prepaid,or de- livered to D. B. Simpson, Esq. cf the town cf Býwmanville, solicitcr for Samuel liragz, cf the tow-nship cf Darligton, farmer,,tbe execnt. cr cf the Imt will and codieil cf the saiS Seceased, their cbristian and sut-cames , ad- dr-esses and descripticns , the fuli particui ars cf ibeir dlaims, the statement cf Ibeir accounts, and the nature of the secuities, if any, beld by tbem And f urtber lake nctice that after sncb lasI mientioned date, the saiS exeentor cf the said will and codicil will proceed tc istribute the assets cf 15e Seceased amen g 1he parties entitied therelo, bavinz regard only te the cdaims cf whiehblie shall thon bave notice, anS that the said exeetor will net bce hable for the saiS as- sets or auypart thereof te any person or persons cf whose caims notice shal not ba'-e bec', re- ceived by bim or bis solicitor at.the lime of sncb distribution. DateS te lSth day cf November, 180. 4-1w D. B. Snersc'N, Sclicitor for Samuel Blragg, exector of the wlll and codiciliof Thomas Bragg, deceased. Sharo If yVou wo'ulC avail yourself of the opportunity [o prchase many of the snaps T. N. Riockard, Bowmam- ville, bas for you in the way of Watches, Clocks, Chains, Rings, anC aIl kimâs of Jewellry anC Tablcware. ,We say "Snaps"~ we mean this,- Ile bas purchased numbers of these things, before the price went up wholnsale and is givingyou a chance to reap the benefit, and he is expeet. ing yon to appreciateffhis'offer suffi- cicntly well to make it profitable to him. But bisstock will mot last forever, remember that. One or twc specialties arc a Gent's Coin Silver Case and Waltbam Works, Sterling Silver Tablcware, anC Silver Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. Best value in Canada. T. N. RICRARD Jeweller and Optician, :Bowpaanyllle, doors East of Stanodard Bank. Grocers' due bis takexi as casà., DR. L. POTTER. Office and residenceChurcli St. ,opposite Trinity Congregational chureh, Bowmanville. 25-6m* MISS EVA LIUTTRELL Is jrepared to give lessons on organ and piano eresidence, King, St. MISS ETHIEL MORRIS, ARTIS'r. Instructions givenin PAINTING in 011, Water 001cr and China. Sketching and painting fromn nature. KILN on premiseg, fir- ing at usual prices. 51.6m. NEW AUCTlONEER. JAMES BisHoT', licensed auctioneer, will con- dunel sales in West Durhamr this season at lowest rates. Apply for terras, dates, etc., at Jorn- RrNrLE's Harness Shop, King St. B., Bowman- vTE H MN a uRli 0F BOWMANVILLE. F. H. FROST, First Tenor. JAMES GOWR?, Second Tonor, R. J. IKNIG Hirst Bass. T. E. HIGGIN BOTRAM. 2nd Bass. Address ail corresipondence to Jmmss GOARD), Business M2anager, Lock Box r61, Bowmanville. 89-tf. NOTICE TO PATRONS. cA meeting of the patrons cf the Hamnpton ceese facbry will be held i he Town Hall Hamnpton, on Saturday, Dec. 9, i899, at 2 o'clock P. M. for receivlng the report and closiug Up the past season's business. .L.ELS Hlampton, Nov. 27th, 1899. Sceay ANNUAL MEETING. The annual general meeting cf the sharehold: ers cf the Hampton Bultersnd Cheese Manufac- turing Company cf Darlington, Limited, will be beld iu the Town Hall, Ham pion, on Saturday, iJecember 9th, 1899, ai 3 o'clock p. m. for the pro clecting a Board cf Drectors te serve ýfor t5e ensuing year and the transaction of sncb other business as may properly come before the F. L. ELLIS, Secretary. aeSa am! on ov12,1800. 48-2w. Sucli a raf t of Silk andi Embroidery Handkcr- chiefs arc now being marked off. Fancy Linen Goods, Sideboard Scarfs, Centre Pieces, Tray Cloths, Doylies, &c. These are very suitable for Cliristmas presents, We have jtst receivet an- other large shipmemt of Ladies' and Chiuldrcn's Underwcar,includin g the popular 1 Fleeccd Litned" lu botli Vests and Drawers. Ladies' and C7,hild-- rcn's Hleavy Wool Bose, special value. HIGIIEST PRICES FOR POULTRY-Bring your chieken ln now, yoanig or old, dressed, no gifflets. T HE Oo j"- 1- fL ~iPc CPýSH GFROCERS, IlHave just received some-, ~thing new in Baking Pow- MI>- der, llb., Baking, Powder Eand a Carpet Sweeper. Quaker 'Taffy just in,~ ~3very fine, eall and see. do> Telephone 57, BOWMANViLLE. P-UR P-Ilurs- Purs M. MAYER woufld caîl the attention of his numerous., customers and friends, that he bas, a large an d well select- ed stock of Furs of all descriptions to select from. Men's Fur Coats, Robes, Ladies' Fur Jackets,, Capes- ýCaperines, Ruils, Caps, Muffs, Gauntlets, Storm Collars, &c.,&c A full line of Gents' Furnishings always on hiand. Now is the time to have your furs altered and paired. M. Mayer. Practical Furrier, -Bowmnanville, NEWCASTLE. M rs. Farrowà- -d ch i!ld, Coîborne, are gussatMr' Jas. :Ulco' .. r. (J, . Barrett, Bthanysvisii at homne... The spperand concert i connection) with rthe Mthod1ist Anniver- s1r'y on Tu1esday niglît was adeid snccess. Misslendron san a number of solo nd ýglreatly Celightcd ler hear- ,ýdd also Miss IahuCutn with oer recitatin. levs. P. Addison 1 nd J « J. Rae also delivered amu..n amd instructive addresses. THE HEART WAILS. 0fTo îansItaveB 1, e S IBto thie Joy Sours cf uthe Cureby the Almost, Magie M\ei cine, Dr. -Agn ew's Octre for the Heart-. Ilrelee n bryMinutes. Mrs. John Fitzpatrick,of Gananoque, wvas for five years a great sufferer from hcart isease-spent some time under eprsin Kingston Hospital without getting amy benefit and was pronoume. c3d incurable. She commenced taking Dr-. Agncw's Cure for the H-eart, and wihcn she baC taken tbree bottles al dropsical tendencies, palpitation and pain lef t ber, and she lias had no return of i t, and ascribes her cure to this great- et of heart remedies. Sold by J. Hig- ginbotham & Son. TH E MASO NC00f New Gôods. 1We are rceiving Uimense quantities of New Goods suitable i1or the coming Christmas trade. We are -working liard to keep our stock fully assorted. We meintiont below somre of the Ne Goods thiat We have re- Se~eraIWe have receiveýd another shipment of our best uine Blue Overcoats; also another lot of Our special Double Breasted Black Cheviot Suits. We., C ases can get no more of these before Xmas, s0 eaul early for choice of sizes, &c. We have the best o f range of Double Breasted Suits we have ever yet shown. Our choice nf Pea JacK-ets is very large, N Beavers, Friezes, Serges, &ë. A fcw Leathier ew ~Coats from $5.00 up. Lined Work Coats fron,, o1othing $1.25. Se'e our 'Corduroy Vests. 100odcl Vests, N 0W Our wonderful value in Black Tea at 25e~ New surprises many, some who have not tried it should do so, We could get reedynends for I-bis Tea Grooros that would 1111 this ncwspape)-,r. Try it. Wc have< reccived a lot of New Currants and Four Crown anld Fallcy Rlaisns; you can jetnobte a wsll Cups and Saucers, Fancy Pitchers, Lemon Squeez- Crockry* ers, Jardeniers, Opal Castors, etc. New Truniks, New Valises, New Rubbers-' New The1 "Bijou,"."Niagara," "Rolled Edge," "Perfect- ion"&c., and new Feit Foxed Gaiters ew Rubbors buckie Waterproof Grain Leather Goods for mena Boots anld We have a fine range of Men's Lined Waterproof Footwear; also special value lu Men's Heavy Rubbers and SOX. Wc have extra values in Car- pet Slippers, elther in plain or figurcd. Our range of Caps is now very compicte. Our Nw Caps, wonderful value in"'Arctic" Underwear is causing an immense sale. Sec our 50e limîe. We havea U nderwoar, mcc assortment of Fur Caps, also Fur Coats from $12.50. CHIRISTMAS NECKWEAR:-Look out for our New -and Stylish Neckwear for Christmas. Bas, We will open out this week a lot of the .nws and handsomcst, Tics ever shiown iii this town, Ties , àc Cali and inspeet., Order yu ur new suit now if you want it before Xmas. Our tailors are busy. New Dry Goods and Falloy Goods for Xffas.

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