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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1899, p. 2

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Electine CURE Lame Back, Ki ney Rheumatism Beans I*dney Disease, SWORNTESTIMONY 0F P. J. M7ILLIA-MS, DUNDAS, WENTWORT1H CO., ONT., aged 62 ye-irs, Boot and ShoE Manufacturer, Testfies- 1 was cured of lame back, kidney and bladder trouble of five years' standing by taking four boxes of Electine Kidney Beans, after ail other remedies bad failed. Mly kidney s and biadder were so badl that I was- comnpelied to attend te nature's eall exerv haif hour, night and day, and the pains in my back were ex crutiating, making life unbearabie. My Leaith and strength restored fuliy., P. S.-I wiil wllingiy answer anv coiimznication for the benefit of sufferers who wish relief from the sufferings that I endured before using your valuable remedy. 25 l2oses 25c., fo1'r sale by The Electrine M~edcine Co, Limited, or Stott &, Jury, 186 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Bowmanvilie P S- -Samples of Electine Kidney Beans given ont in everyý home ini Bowman- ville. ELSI E BADLE, TORONT-O', savs-The sample of Electine Kidney Beans stopped 9'me of her severe attaeks of rheumatism from deveioping. I have since taken Kidney Beans and cured myseif of this painful disease. Signed ELSiE BEADLE, DR. L. POTTER. W ANTED - SEVERAL BRIGHIT Office and residence,Ghurch St.,opposite Trinity Mv1 and honest persons to represent us as Congregationai church, i3owmanviiie. 25-6m', anagers in this and close b3r counties. Salary _____________________________ $00 a year and expenses. Straiglit, bonafide no more, no less salary. Position permanent. 111SS EVA LIJTTRELL .Our references, any bank in any town, it le mainiy office work conducted at home. Refer- ls rrepared to give lessons on organ and piano enee. Encelose self-addre8sed stanped envelop)e at ber residence, King St. 7 THE DOllziN omPAN Y, Dept3, Chicago. 'MISS ETHEL MORRIS, APRTIS r.Instruction" gin PA'NTIN _Paintir g from nature. KILN on premises. fir- o c o C e io s i11ngA+ Stuuel pries.g15m -,,r, will con- JIAME5SIol', ileutged suctgi., ' 1wesî- duet 8Asas b 'et Durbam thi esn g~tes. AppIy for telins, dates, etc., At Joli.i Yi btEls HarnessS8hop, Ring st. E., flowman- DU. I. C. MITCHELL, M EMBERO0F COLTrýEGE 0F PHYSIC1Àà'N8 and Surgeons, Ontarlo,Coroner, etc, Residence. Ennlskiilen. 74 B ,rstr, Solicitor and ConveyaeêtS, Offie:- EiAr," e % BlockIrKing treea, lýownanvilie. Koney 10 an t reàsonebie rates. 48-lyr, D. BURKE SIM4PSON,, 13 ISER SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' -B 0LOK, up-stairs, KingStreet, Bowman ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bankr. Private monea loaned At lowest rates. ROBERT YOUN G, V..S. OFlCE IN WEST DURtHAM NEWS Block, where imself or bis assistant will be found from8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Nigbt calîs et resideutie, direetly opposite Drill Shed. Oeils by tegraph or telephbone will receive prompt et- tent o. 171 - yr. LT AIR WORK.-Ladies wishiuý hair £L doue over, calet MEs DicsiisoN,King East aud Cor of Ontario St Bowmanvjlle.'34-tf MjJARRIAGE LýICENSES,-M. A. £V.JAmEs, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Residence Centre street. S50.000.00 on ,good m11tort,- R.PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen's Ciethes made te Order. DEv.NTI STR"Y C. HA.RNDEN, L.Di.. (raduate 0f tbe Royal College of Dental Sui geons, Ontario OVFICE.-Oppoolte Exp regs Office. VITALIZED AIR NOTICE TO, PATRONS. A meeting of the patrons of tihe Hem p on cheese fe ctory will be held l0 the Town ll1 Hamptons, on Saturdey. Dec. 9, 1899, et 2'o'clock p. m. for recelvîng the report and ciosîog up the pasi seasoin's business. F .ELS Ha mpton, N ov. 27th, 1899. Secretary. ANNUAL, MEETING. The animai geLieral meeting of the sharehold- ers of the Hampton Butter suS Obeese Manufac- turing Company of Dariington, Limited, will be beld binbe Town Hall, Hampton, on Satrday, December 9th, 199, t 3 o'clok p. m. for the prpo e f letig a Board of D rectors to serve for Ihe ensing year and the transaction of sncb other busnes as moay properly conne before the meeting. F. L. Eas Secretary. DateS et Hampton, Nov. 27, 1899, 48-2w. ON'ýTARIO BANK continues te do e Generai Banking Business ai Bowmauville Agency. DEPOSITS i eceived i0 Savîngs Bank Depertment and Liîterest ailowed at current rates. Notice of % ithdrewai net necessary. AU deposits payable on cemand, In tMe Malter of the Estate of TiIM iLS'BRAGG, lamte of the Township of Darlington in the County Of Duro2Cm, fac-mer, deeeased. - liotice is berebi-ff l, pursuant to TheRevis- aS Stitutes of Ontnrici, 1907, hp 79 tetal crecitors and othersna, e5lt estete of the said Thomas'Bragg, wbo dieu on or about the 4th day of November,î899,are re - euirçd on er bef ore tfieTHlRTY -FIRST DAYoI, DECEMVBER,1899,to send b>' post,prepaid,or de- liveredto tD1. B. Simpson, Esq. of the town of Boýwmanviiie, solicitor for Samuel Brsgur, of the townsbip of Darliîsgtoîî, fearmer, the execut- or of tbe lest will and codicil of, tbc saiS dIeceased, their chrîstier nd uSsrîmeses , ad- dIresses and descriptions , the full perticulars o)f their dlaims, the siatement of their accounts, anS tbe nature of tbe securiies, if an>', beldby them Andi furtber take notice thet after sucb Iist mentioned date the saiS e1ecotot of fthe saiS will anS codicîi wiil proceed t0 distribute the assets of the deceased among, the parties entîtied thereto, bavinz regard only to tbe Cdaims of wblcbha shall then bave notice, anS thatÏ the saiS executor will not be hiable for the saiS as- sets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whosec daims notice sbeli not 5a-e been ra- ceived-by bim or bis soltor et the time of snicb distribution. Deted tbe 28tb day cf November, 1899, 48,4w D, B.*îes~ Solicitor for Samuel Bragg. executor onf the wili aud codicil of Thomas Bragg, deceased. Sa BY-LAW NO. 5-65. To prolbl fthe siaef(J'ique n tle _otnhp of Darlingt, The Municipal Council of the Townshbip of Darhinoton bereby enaets as follows: i , That the sale b>' reteil of spirituons ferment- eS or other manufactureS liquors is and shaîl be prohibited in ever>' tavero, ion or other place of publie enterteiomieîst ii the saiS muiipeli- y an the sale tisereof is aitogether prohibited in aver>'shop or plaee b the saiS municipelit>' otiser tban abouse of public entertaiument, Il, Thsat the vote of bbc electors of the saiS Township of Darlingcon will ha takens on thse B>' law b>' the daputy returîeiîg officers bereiiî- altert named on Monda>' thse et Sa>' of -Janu- ary, one thousand lise huodred, commeociug et n10e o'diock iu the morîsing and conlinuiug tiii five o'dlock lu tise efternosîs ,,îthe, under- mentioned places: Pohling subdivision No. 1, et the achool bouse iu sehool section No, 5, George A. Stephasîs to bie relurnlngoffies,-. Polling subdivision No. 2, ett'ha Sons' Hall in the village of Tyrone, Richard Hawkay tu lbe reinrndng oicer-. I'otiing subdivision No. 3, et the Sons of Teni- pernue Hall et Meple Grove, Charles Axford 10 be raiorning officer. Polling subdivision No. 4, et th e Town baill in the village of Hampton, Heur>' Ehiolt, jr., to hae returning officar. Polling subdivision No. 5, et the hall knowmî as Kennedy 's Hall lu the village oC Enuislrillan, Frecd Rogers to be returuing c.flleer. Pollng subdivision No. 6, et the Sous of Tam- peance Hall on lot number 31in the second concessions, Bant a>' te ha returniug olifier. Pohhing subdivision No. 7, at the sehool bouse in sebool section No. 14, Sent. Soucb toe e - curning officer. Ill. Thet oie the 25th Sa>' of, Novembet, A. D., 189)9, et tbe Town bell In the village cfIHampion et the boor of six o'chock lunlthe afiai-noon the Reave shahl appoint lis writing signaS b>' hlm- self tu-o persona te attend ut the final sumamiug up of the votes b>' the cheik, euS on-e persoîstot attend et eacb polliug '.ace on behalf of the persous interested su ails des irons of promoting the Pssbng Of ibis By-law and e like number on bebaît' of the persons interested bu anS desirons of opposîng the psssing of Ibis by-law. IV. That the Clerk ut the saiS Municipýal Couîî- cl cf the Township of Derlington sha 1 attend et bis office et the bout of cao o'dlock lu bbe forenooe on theachird day of Jaîsuar>', A.D. 190o, tu sum un) the number of votes gîven for anS against bgiaB>' iaw., V. This B>'-law shaîl coma loto operation anS ha oCfuial force and1 affect on anS aftet the first day of Ma>' nexc afiai- the final paesing thereof. Town Hall. Hampton, Nov. 25, 1899. H. ELLIOTT. Jr, L. M. COIJETICR, Townshbip Cierk. Heeva. NOTICE. EXHAINGE ido h an sld ndDratsissedupo Erope Teke notice chat the above is-a.-true copy oi UndogtasandlaSd a isueolS pon rope the PropoSed B>' lamw whiiîhss bsematakem ilut 1UnîteS States Gaen anadsoGha olSivnd consideratiomi b>'tbe Municipal Couneil of liie ~niiS SttesGreebacs'boghtanS olS Township of Derliuigton, and sebicis eili be fin. COL ECTONSal>' pasasedby bbc said Counnut inthe avent of COLLEC IONSfte aszeut of the elee rs being oblained therein t'rcmpthy made ateurrent races upon aIl parts ater oise rmtocbt from the firet publication there- -if Great 1rtain the United States anS theDo- ofilis the locati terhe date of wbicb piiblica, ininion of Canada, toi was \\-led . day te twenty-nintb day of Noveinher, 1899!enSt lte bout, day anS pfaee Telegrapli Transfers tlîerein fixet for taksug tbe votes of the elce tors àlade for large or smali sums on ail parts of B. RLLIOTT, Jr. Cainada . This is speciali>' edventageous to par- 148 8w. Towunsiiip Cierît st-ns living in Mantoba or the North-West, l ______________________ makes the fonds avaiteble et once eat the place cDf patyment. 156 Pe Ln ONGS * For othar Ipartiettiars calatithe hanle. SetisâpesEe sD S mdus as o A. J. MCCLELLAN, CEe. McGILL, gau" $0 10 ,en O eiS em~eî s,setmnapl.iE AcûuîelManager it!c. Semi'; a veréaitie trens- ariste WOrdspop . a ma ni»MxeAlicsîsongs P*ite,10 cents, Penîiiai(t. Joeîseo aEnalLs~ a anuesSt., Teronto, Ça!U, BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 6, 1899. STAfrESMAN te end cf 1900 1 00 STATESMAN and Weekl.y Globe 1 75 STATEsmAN, G lobe and Prernîurn0200 STATESMAN and Weekly Mal 1 90 STATESMAN and Family Ileraid 1 90 STATESMAN and Farming (,weekly) 1 90 STATESMAN and Farmer's Adveeate 1 90 STATESMAN and Guardi-quil2 00 SSTAT.ESMAN and Moutreai, Witness 1 75 STATESMAN and Mentreal Heratd 1 75 STATESMAN and Western Advertiserl 75 SSTATESMAN and Breeder's Gazette 2 50 10 STATIESMAN and Leslie's Weekiv 18 50 STATESMAN and Toronto World~ 3 50 STATE5MAN and Daii y Globe 4 75 STATESMAN and Toronto Daiiy Star 3 00 .STATESMAN and Evening Globe 3 50 le STATESMAN and Daiiy Witnesi 8 0 STATEsmAN and Weekiy Sun 1 40 CHAÂT WIiH SUBSCItIBE1IS. XVe want te chat with our readers 3this week, individnaii5. We have sev- erai mattors te talk -about, se our re- marks will bhoilu severai paragrapbs. First, theui about rcuewals for 1900. ýSMost cf yenr subseriptions expire next emoutb. It lai a capital plan te renew early and at the saine time erder ahi your papers eariy. Severai publishers givo the balance cf the present year free te 110w subacribers, se de wo. Therefere, if yen are going te subscribo for eny paper yen have net bocu tek- in7, better order it notc. Den't'delay or Yen wiil ferget about it. ý,ecde a very large subacription business et THE STATESMAN offiCe, We cen taeoerders for oer 3,000 different papera and magazines eut vory lowost rates. You certainly save moey by deetî'ng' with us-we bave the inside prices. We cen serve yen as well or botter lu some respecta than any living man. Wc may utter a warning word to our1 roaderg. JEverv year seme cof our red ors 4 nduced by oiiy tongued inelivd nais te paced or rders fer papers with them. Thcy quote our prices and porbapa go 5c. or 10c. botter and get the order. Said agent sonda in the1 erder, but flot the menery and et ter a timo thç saubýcribQr recçives no' . e frorm, the publisheî te pay up. Thils klud tof thing eften, happons. We cen give E, namea cf severai, who tcf t us lest year, and have becu kickiug themselves for foots ever sinco. Only last week e letter from the publishers cf the Earm- ers' Advecate came te cour notice in t whicb tbey stete that e West Durham fermner dlaims thet ho paid the publisb- or cf e local paper for bis ..dvocate, but the money bcd net been sent forward. Botter send yeur order te THE STATES-! MAN office and yen went ho asked te pay twice, Ilere ila e ry tiberai offer t eovery body: Get us two boue fide now su ,b- acribers for Tiun STATESMAN for 1900 e) àt 81i each and we wvill give you your t STATESMAN froc for eue year. Haven,'t yen a son, dauglîter, er other reledes or frietîdsaetae disýtain!e who would cu- jex reeding THE STATESMfAN? er-b mind then that ý2, will paS for thrýe e copies when two cf them arc new ab seribers. TEE STATESMAN office bas speciai egeucy lu this district fer sevýerai pomul- et' journals, including Toronto Weekly Globe, Teronto Westminster, Ladies' Homze Jourînal,(Philadelp hia,) Christian ie rafd(New Yerk,) Farming, Toronto, Farmers' .ddvocate, Christian Guar- h dian, Western Advertiser (Lenden,,) d Family Hec-aid ( Montreat, ) Weekl.y y Mail and Emp-ire and Ladies Ho(,me i( Journal, Toronto. 1e ,Whore premiums are offcred, we t givo tbemn on saine conditions as the a publiabers. Auy of thpse pepers that y yen went sheuld-ho ordercd from M. A. b JAMES. Wo bave ne agents. Ordersn for att papera, TamE STATESMAN încluded, muai be paid or sont to us. O ITCHING PILES Torture twenty-five per cent. of ailfb mon and women. p: If You are one of,the îwenty-five and haýve not t' l'et used Dr. Chase's Oiutment, this announce- c( muent ujili prove of great benufit 10 you, provided gI you profit by thc advice given and procure ibis remnedy eiout iliy. t 'f r ýo Motber's favorite reS>' for croup, bron. m' le cluti-, asîbma, cougbs and cuide is Dr. Chase's Syr.p of Linseent airS Turpentine. 25 cents aie WEýSTERN A DvuaTIsam, London,- br 4 3ightest weekt«y is the west. Reliable t M arket Reports. Att the homo news. tt Lateat geveral cable news.1 Bri ght, ha short enS cositinueti atonies. A cdean lui fambty nemapaper-twolve and sixteen au pagea. 75 cents pet' year. Bail>' Ativertiser,l great ctubhbug coffe. Dail>' Atvertiser and STATE SMAN. One year each, for ¶$1 50- Eitber eall et TE STATESMAN office er atidresa order ~ te Ativertiser Priutiug Ce.,London,Ont, Po sfurrows were yet bcbng turn 'ed, rigbt grains cf sand were stîli siftln,- irugh the hourglasa, those silvery ira tike the soft liglbt cf evening lsad ieased my bopes anîd heightened my mbitien. ORION T AI, TRAT ackiîng ]head eau be instantiy ,Iued bINJHlçing0Oe of 1IL13UIZN ' FERIN HADACHE POWOERQ. 1 wder 5e--. 3 for loc., 10 fer 25c. SUBSCIIIPTION RATES. A FARM.R'S SON AT 90. "The soni's dark cottag,-e, battered a dIeCayed, Lots fin neW tighit threuagh chinks tl time bas made, Stroniger by weakness, wiaer mon1 As they'draw near te their eteri home. Leaving the, old, both worlds at cu they view, That stand upon the threshold cf t new. " A beamn of balmy sunsbine came ste ing tbrough my hbaif ciosed shutter p iteiy inviting me te a quiet str, througb Autumu wocds, A chirpii cricket from the casernent givea war ing that the trees are losing beanty ai accu amid rustling teaves my foota treading on mossy roots and cracklt twigs An eiderty man possessîng peculi physique and striking expressionà tracts my attention, Seated 'on a ru tic chair, hia head is suppcrted by cane cushioned frcm bis chin bv donl od banda. Feeling sure that appreach'woutd n be invasion, e conversation accu ft lowed which memory will long remer ber:- "Reminiscences cf pioneer days ai the associations cf my dinner peu air aweet te thiuk cf for mèmory 'forIge the bitter struggies and time weai away the ragged cdge, Wbenaft a few heurs cf bewing inte a bar mapte, eutting groat lips on either ait bow pleasant te turn to the faggot fir witb its curling, wreeth-like àmoke near wbich, set my dinner peu, s af( lu coay quartera, from the striped squii rel. With tastily arran ged sandwic and egg hew zealously' did t 'he bur 1ninj flires withiu consume the noon-day mcal After wielding the greedy cradl amnong blackened atumpa how rgadil, were the sbeding sheeves removed ani how eagerly wes eating begun. Dei iiy prepared, wlth here a sprig cf pars 18Y, just to suit. what wondcr -gratti~d itljQQ My heart', Baptized by the euirl; moeming crystais, fanned by the waving timetbv,, a zigzag fonce for ewnine h0w freali wes my toothsomne mea while free yoewes given te oxer strting, Along thç N.iagara fronti - bfefcre Canadians feit the stimuluüs cfa uited Dominion. Whon there wero few. er p.%tritcië i gongs than now my nuei ,si,' was kindled afresh by the content, of this battered peul. Some oppertunity bas been effcrdeÉ me te compare pioncer life witb tbat e! the present day. Oûr wcrk was un ceasing, yours is mixed with mer( anxietv, lu my young days the de nands cf aociety were few, lu this re speet duty makes great calta on v oui emergies, yen must be weli read, yo c must be acquainted with overy art, ycu must excel lu seme definite culture; f re and friendly with allyen must selci and choose Mv aurroundings wer such as did net tead te mnch tem pta ion, a young man te-day must bec o teel, wise with tact, judiciotns of hiE ime, peasessing striking powers ef dis. criminatien and cheice. Perheps wE were uarrcw-minded, the age to-de:y broad, perbhaps liberalto extreme.' Young man, tife lash-,ort, experiecc a expensive, iisten:-Give speciai re. gard te bearthstone relationahipa. with. in that mystic circle cornes tender watchfulnOas sheutd puise beat hizh. Tho stable nebitity of yonr home hs wOrtb ail the friendship ef a ueighbor- ceod. Entertain a clear conception cf uty, reatize a truc appreciatien Of our priviteges, and maintain a hign Idal lu bebavieur. Sbculd your high- et anticipations Det matorialize keoç t the bet m, the greateat veasels sal gainat the wind. Stîeuld succesa fI your sals bc careful, it requires a eavy ballast te steady full canvas. -if ecesary, hoc potates, it la bigh time more dignity were assccie'ted withbhon- at toit. Porheps your inclinations wîi] ýad you elaewhere and if truc worth bo m. yen, take my iword, seme one in igh euthority witl recognize it and issist yen. Canada must have berce os, The Best Christmas Gift of Ail. 3 luI cheet.ing a Christma gif t fer a friend wbat eauî afford more prosent or tastin g fleasure than a subacripticu te t' THIE YOUTIt's COMPANl0ON? The delight a with which it is welcomed on Christmas il mcrniug la renewed ever>' wook lu the v ea-x The cherm cf it la disclosoti lit tIc by littte as the mnoutha mun tlîeir 'course. Thore i' nebouseholdilu whicni 'e it wiil not prove au inspiration. L_ These who wisth te present a yer'a ,f suhacription te e friend mey alse have .the beautifulni ew CompANiox Calendar Is for 1930 sent with it. This Calendar la -a reproduction lu twelvo celer prin tinga e et threo exquisite designs by a colebrat - ed American artist, e member cf the yArnerican Water-Cotor Scclmety. Iu addition te this ehl the e issues f TuE COMPANION fr the re- -maining weeks cf 1899 are se nt froc from the time subacription la rocoivod -fer the new volume, r Illnstratod Anueuncomeut Nunber ccntaiuing a full prospectus et the Svolume fer 1900 sont free te eny ad- dreas. TIIE YOUTHS COMPAiONl, ,f 203 Cotumbus Avenue. Bosýton, Mess. Little lMon and Women-Babyland. With thp,1900 vclume, entera upon ts twenty-feurtb 'ycar. Tise beat i authors andi ertiats continue their con- tribrtions te the delight cf the little people for, whcse' instruction, amuse- ment and onterteinment their beat f oudeavers are put forth. Some et the *geed thinga lu the new volume are two *new sorbet atories; "A Little Prince andi Princesa cf Egypt; a, long time-ago ator>'," b>' Oliver Harper. *"The Adventuresef1 Spotty,," byKa te Urison Clark. Notable Articles: "Playtbings That Are Alive" (bu six parts, by Judith Sella Cohen. ",Some Famous Animsls," by Cora iHavilenti Carver. ,Shert Stenies: More than the usuel number cf short atonies written b>' mon, andi wornen whe "know how," andth iere' are very man>' pictunesý te illustrate these. The Babylandors are ontontaineti ever>' month with dabut>' verse and >pnetty pitprIîes b>' Margaret Johnson. Credie Senga cf Msîny NationstoIt, in twcive parts, bow the wee babies et other lands are snng te sîeep ever>' night. -* And there are varions simple occupa tiens which suggoat te the mot ber weys and means te keop active ltte finger's1 bus>'. An Aitegethier Charming Magazine -and the subacription price is astortish- I iugl y tow-50 cents a year. 1Prembuma: The publishers e, ffet' maux valuable articles as prembuma forE clubs: articles that are needet b>' overy bey and girl, man and wcmau with re-- fined testes; and as the getiing cf sub acriptiens et the iow price et SOc la se easy, overy eue wbo is ambitions cen and aboutS obtalu theso articles wîthout cost-cxcept a tittle tirno. Senti for1 sample ccp>' centaîniug- prornium lilt Pearsons: We effet' Little Mou and Women-Babvlanti with Pearsons ($1.00'i Magazine fer one yoar for $1.20.y Pearsona la the beat cf the dollar mage-e zbnes, euS should be lu ever>' bere. d, Subcribe t once. l Littte Mon and Women Co., Troy, N. Y. A NXIO US MOT HERS find DR. LOW'8 WORM $YRLUP the best Mnedicine to ex- set worms. Chidren bUre it-worms don't.1 10 Days for al "Of Us, POINTERS FROMI BUSINESS. Rleports frnni tra'vellers and others, it Who are cov eri ng tli (eloadi ng towns and cities in Ontarlo, teli thet manufactur- 5- ers are unusuaily busy,. These good times wili continue for esome years to corne, *and manufactur- ers will be' justified ici prepar-ing for eincreased business that wilI ho ofa iasting kind. The exorcise of good business judg- ment, with the careful study of the wents of the outaide woîtd, wiîi make Canada a country flot alone easily sup- *piying its cwn wants but capable, of 1its riches, of fnrnisbing the wants of a large part cf the oniside world. Canada's abiiity to meet the wants oc the outside worid were neyer se well knowu as te day. It !s in developing an expert trade tbat our manufacturers are goiug te build up for themsetves a trade that wili continue despite any shrinkage that may take place at times in the home demand. No store-keeper bas' reached that point cf succeas that he can afford to be indifferent te the:wants cf bis -ustomiers -one whit tess :attentive, te their very smalost wauts than ho was when hie started, business.' Business creeps awav fromn a business man as quick iy as limay have been collccted and even quicker., Thg end cf November is none toc accu te make a Christmas displav. The selling of goods is a question cf educa tien and customers who sec things set befere them, tbough they may net want them just et the time, find in the display a suggestion cf what they do waut tater. Wben it ia censidered thet every tele- grain despatcherl frouai the Cane in South Africa is sent at the rate cf la. 6d per word,and in some cases 5s.per word,, and recent ly one cab e was, sent at the nrgency rateof 128. per word, some estimate cf the ameunt spent by news- pepers in rcpcrting war news cen ho derived. Ch'wjà, ryfor Zrîldrn ry for BELLE VILLE, ONT. Provincial Fat Stock and Dairy Show, 1LONDON, ONT. Dec. 41 to 15, inclusive, 1899. Returu Tickets a' SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE Will be îssued on 111h and i th Deemblier. 1899, from ail Stations lu Ontarioinenad West, and on llth, 141h and'151h Deem-1 ber frorn Sta tions in Onüatin., Toronto, West aîd Nor ih. Tickets Valid retnrning from Lonîdon on or beforo December 16thi, 1899j. For iudges and Exhibitors Returu Ticekets wiii be issued at Single Fîrst-Class Fare for round Trip 01n Dec. i th t1 10h, inclusive, on surrender of Certificate signed bY Mr. F. W. Hudsor.. Vaiid te Ileturn oni or before Dec 19, '99 Tickets aud fu information, etc,., at Stott & Jury's Drng Stdoe. J. H, H-. JURZY, W. WOOD, 0. P.&T. A. epot Ag M. C. DICKSON, District Pass. Agent, Toronto. EPPS'8 C'eOCOA Distinguished everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup.. erior quality and, nu- tri!tive properties. Spec- iallygrateful and comf'or-. tù',g to the nervousand- dyspeptic. Sold oàYy In j1b. tins,, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,Ltd., HOM- oeopathic Chemists, Lon.- don, Engiand. BREAKFAST SUPPER? EPPS'S COODA P4fôr. wooao iPbouheoaine,' The Great Englisfî Renudt. 'M SolS aud recommendeS b>' â» f .drnggists bn Canada. Onlmil'sI. ablemedicine dis red. M e l tiges guraaf eeaure au ferms cf Sexuel Wteakness,, ail affects of abuse or excess, mental Worry, EÈxcessivýe use of To- bacce, Opium or Stimulants. MalleS on receilpt o e proapackage $i, six, $5. oue ufiipLae5 sasscss.Pamphlets frea b any addiesa Thle Woed Ceimpan>', Windsor, Ot Wood's Phosphodikie solS in Bowimanvila b>' Stott & Jury, Higginbotham & sonu-,Oronob> J. Gi.fillan; Newcastle bv Dr. Farneombe.o 'iated Chin sBraelset reavymi l or ani - ,- D n e L n e n Ba s l ie s , , t t e n c e n t s e a ,, h . li . a t e s t s u i ' - sig. n. ne wo aie. W -ih, uS eiistaed c, no, postpâd; selltheinreture1enosaSs-s nerswr eur Braseet, anl charges peut. isssaen Dtleýý4o,, ex us Torosîto, OUai To PATENT ,d4CIdlùe me>' ha accoreS b> I or ilS. Addrass, e THE IAIINT SCoar, 1 ri 1 1 - 1 1 1 - The Average' Illness Is i10 Uays Per * Annumii For Each Person in Bowmanvil!e, * A caroful cýomp11tttion gives the os- rtimate that the averageofe siekucs lu a Canadla 10 deys fer oaeh person. Keep track cf this lu ycur ewn noigh- bcrhocd for eue yoar, and ace il it 4e inet, -a close ostimate. o ~u witl thon find euat that o.igbt- 3 teutha cf this sicn ,, lacaused 1by- )- faulty action cf the kdegai itüwil, )f show why Dr,Pitcher's Bckiactac aKidney Tabtets have se quickly bocome prominont ini the public eye. Scores cf people vou know, have used them wsth snch good effeet that they tfoot thaukfut, andi express tîiesedves like F. If. Vaîsce 1 acceutnu, Bew- manville, wbo says:- L i have great pleasure ln being ahIe te state that I have use I Drý Pitcher's Beekacho Kidue.v Table ta for beekacho, with very aatisfactong results, andi I strengly rocommenti auy oee uffring frem ibis disoase te give thernie trilât. tI arn sure tbey wili fincl beuseficiat and lastiug results. Dr, Pitcher's BacLsache Kidneet'Teb- lots are put up lu wooden bottios with green wrappor beartug the portrait and signature "of Z Pitchor, M. D' Each bottle contains 50 tablets, prico 50 conta per bettle, Mianunactnreti bv The Pitcher Tabiet Co . Toronto, Ont. Tij-IE FAMOIUS Ontarjo0 Most Widely Attended in America,31 stYear. SEND FOR CATALOQUE. ADDRESS IGRATEFUL COMFORTING y CASTOR IA.~

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