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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1899, p. 4

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IN APPEARANCE Thosýe 1$:0.1 Electrie c lsi Jackets for vollng Ladies, iook as rich and fine a s a 8-2'00 A.askýa Sealskin Garment. The fur in these 40jacke(ts is long, soft dense and histrious-The style and w)r'km-anship .is, fauiltless, and with proper care1, the ýgarineilt will retain its beauty until the wearer has out-grown the size. They av re, made 24 inches long with box fr-ontsi, broadi faced electrie sda1 fur collar and revers, and lu thse newest form of sleeves. And only 25 remain at the- spocialprice of $40. THE £ ET. luhi- 9.RICKS ÂLKÂRÂC There Is no cmparison betwcen for- mer edisions. and ibisslnddAm - ale for 10 no'w ready. Printed ln beautiftul colors and on muc flu ier paper, is 196 pages are packed v'ith hi- valuable information onsttm,,astro- nomy and meteorolog-y. it is,, illus- trated with nearly 200 finest haIt toues and other engravinzs. Tlhis, superb book would selI a n3where for fifty .cets but it cosis only '25c. a copy, and everv, subscriber to Rev. 1iri R. Iik'noW famous paper, Wo'(rd a-.nd Workýs, at $1. a year, receives this elegant Almanan as a premnium. Word aind Wol'rks is a recognizedl leader amnong-tise best famiî- ly and scientifiný jouirnals. While noth- ing of its kind eaul compare Tvith thse Hïicks' Almanan. Une dollar a year is a nominal price for snuch unique and useful publication. Professor Hicks' lias justly, and of necessity, withdrawn bis sterm and weather forecasis from &Il free aimarsacs, having ,,enicrûusly given his time and labor free for nearly tweu- tv years. Word and Works Pub. Co, 2201. Locust St., St. Louis, NIo. Ti-EE W. & D. DINEEN, Co., LIMITED. 1I LL BRiNG GREAT IJENEHITS. 140-142 Yoný,,ge St.,Toronto._ Corner Temperance. ,The Calladiail, Statesifan. BOWMATNVILLE, DEC, 6, 1899. SUISKIELSBE iPROMPLT. Ne-.xt weeký! we shahl enclose envelopes and blanks for use of subscribîers lu senýdin2g money fer renewai ofsbsr- tien.Eey arm y esnieet te attenid te ordlering their papiers fi aftýrr ewYears ansd then sornc 1!n- bers are i'se.Better attcnd(-,tehie matter r,*.?iît aay, sen,1iieý orders fer ail th aesyuwant for isexi Vear. O-ur cubn rate(s are on an inside page (ýoxee article "Chat With Sub- a2cribeýrs." Dedet ee dollar frein tise clubing ate sndthe blane S the iLnSTATE smAN y pa1 1r. e ant every present subs)cribeýr t banand send jne eue newnamle. inesub. scriptionis te 5AîsMÂ $ o. wen paid lin, aee ehew se 150 is mue loal ewsevey wekas any othe Wes Duram ppernd las mor thn ticeas mnysubscribers. if oec' presesit subscriber wili ied us a ne suserberwe shaîl close the century withthe biggest list et patrons T17 SiATESiN ever lad. Reader,wili yen ge ue etiser te join vou at the club rate? Try nndhfat first yendon't sueceed, try, try again. OUR GOBBLERS IN IJEMEND. The Christmas poultry expert trade -with Great Britain hias becu seriously affected by the withdrawal of s0 many ,f thc Atlantic liners for Nvar transport service, but ia spite of this tens of thou- isands of ýgond fat Canadian turkeys wilL grace Old Engiand's diniug tables this Ch-risiýmas. Our Canadian farmer hias scar0s8ly ye-ýt thoroughly reaiised the lus- portanc](e et this miarie't; a market whlch i ur n1 ny dcvelnplu1g 3rapidiy' in' EngLaud ibut in rc i ý1ose iequni te oth ie d emand, w' ih tho resuLli that more, of the trade hau gene te our cein- mdi rivais acrnss the u lne, than would hiave therwise been île case. AL ieading dealer in Western Ontario declares tînt '"Ontarlo f armers ueed te pay more attention te the aising of penltry if the development which is taking place in the expert business is te continue. Iu Irelaud, Hungary, Nor- maudy, and Germany, farmers make n a feature of pouitry-raising, and some nf them mnaie their entire living eut of it. Pissia's poltry trade with England, is enorm(ilous. Canadian farmers lewever semte hate te thrnw grain te theïr fewi, nd therefere, do net fatten them suficenty.One-third cf the -turicys ..,!in lnuw are net fit fer expert. lçeare v, the prepe,,r weights for fewl for e~r: Ti-rkcys j12 te 15 peunids;- geese 10 te 14 pouuds; ducis 4 te 6 petmds; chicien 3 te 4 peonuds." TILIT NMMBLE IDOLLARt Two weeks ago we gave a sugges ti&in about paying ail your smaîl debis as euriclyis possible with a view te teý getting elirlyout et debi before îlic l9th century ends on Dec. 31, 1900. The article hias been cepied inte papers in al parts ef Canada and hias already bonmuch fruit. A Bowmanvillc lady lias lnnded us Ihis article that is as ,sensible aS it is peetical. Read it aloud iu the family.- It stunds se muci better wh1en read aloud. Try it and sec. Jgst a uitile dollar on is mission sent, m,*ces a lot et people glad each lime the coin i8 spent, You pay ilte the butchier 1er ment te give yeu strengtl; lepays ite îlte grener fromn whoma it gees ai lengil, some pretty bit cf cloth or lace, his î.etur haIt toebuy, or helps te get ber summer hat te maie bier rivai sigh. The dry goods man sends on the coin te pay lis market bll, and though île coin is et ten spent it stays a dollar stili, and every urne 'tis speni ai hoire, some act oet goed is donc lu boeming lacal industries. cre setting et the suný. But if yeu take tisai shiîing coin n break tise local cuain, thc -chances are tisait rom afar 'twill ui returu again. If once it passeut et tewn tâe btîtclier and thse baker. tise grener ind thse dry goeds man, thse cook, tle iunderiýýaker, the carpenter, the carringe-wright, fhe biacksmitis, everyone, will leose île uhance te touch the coin ere lie setîng efthîe sun. Jusi keep thle uttle coin ai home, just keep il moving well, and every timeais changes handu, snmebody's geods 'twill seli. Tînt single litle dol- lar las tIns a wondrous power te make ýsonebody botter a dezen limes an leur. S't pays île bill and wards off ill, and le'er ils power relaxes te sctee. ,docter, buy lise 'e and pay for bread and taxes, It is beceming abunidantly evident ilat tise expectations enferfained bv thse Goverumericf îhe possihilities of thc St. Lawrence transportation route, were ne idie dream, and tînt when tlsey decided thai oe efethtie enrlest nets efthIeir administration should be the rispid completion cf tihe fourteen. foot canal extension, and tise iniprove- ment cf tise tacilities of Montreal Harbor tisey wcre tully seied ef tise pressing necds efthie situation. No seoner are tleso necessnry im- provenients witisin messurable distance cf completion than tise anticipated cv veiopments loomi large lu tise horizon. A wealthy synidicale was formed some morstiss ago for tise purpose of (-,)i strucfiusg and peraýting graini clcvator.s at t C Iorise, Montreai end Queece aîsd scrVinz tlem with a tho(rougIly ,weiI enqupped fleet o e ld2gaincar- t lers fils means a great iptsin th,- sh!ipIi>ildùng aMdotlieridutis mens etois.e xpenditure etf mii lions ef money'md tise perinsîssent oe cupatien cf ilousaýnIs of nmen lis loth skilled and liied ]eI>or. Verv muci cf tise bsioiinw trnnsacted lireuoebArnerican c'.minencs will lere- a tter corne tleotherNway, for tiseAm enican shippers theniselves admit tînt tîrough transportation for large vessais from lteportsofethîe Upper Lakes te tie sea-board measss a reduction ef rate s 1e about hît wisat tisev are at present. SÂFE POITICAL 1'LATFOI31. The bye-eleciions tle 011 the vacancy lu tise Ontario Leg-islnture are te le held right away, and more interesi attaches to tisem flan is usuaily tise case, from tise tact tint tise numericai slrengtl efthfe two parties lu the local lieuse is pretty evenly balanced and lie censtiluencies tlemselves are close enougi te maie a fighi inlerestiug. But while tle Opposition, as lu duty bound, are declaring wit h al l e earnestness oj. apparent conviction, lisat tley lave tise Rosa Administration ai thieir merey, t1ie (eectors are ntligiyconsider- inig tIc sÏt%iuale, giving attenttion, net only th î hwetY-seven years of an lon ies and progressive past, but aise te an equaliy henei and progressive proe- grain for île present and future. Tînt pregram contains fifleen principal planis, everycuee fwluicis is lu complete accord wifl île principles ef sound, Lileralîsm aqsoselong interpreled and practised by île Provincial Administra- tion. They are as folows:- (1) To make a full and impartial in- vestigation ie oail tie charges of cor- rupt practises reperted by the Jndges ai election trials. (2) To ascerlain lie,,exact financial position eftîle Province by a'commissien et experienced financiers. (8) To opelR up New Ontario by truni clinizalien -roads and railways in order te make homes frtise sens of Onario, wlo otlerwîse migli seek a home lu analIer Provtn1ce or under a fereigu flag. ()To make a thorougb survey cf tle Province north oethtie Canadian Pacifie Rnilway te Hudson Bay, covering an area of everI 00,000,000 acres. (5) To apply a reasonabie portion et lhe waste lands efthle Province lu aid of railways-tle lands te reveri te lie Crown if'net setiled within a limnited time.,, (q) To exteud lhe arable lands by draining swansp lands new reported as amouuting te 3,000,000 acres. (7) To develop tle agricultural re- sources ef Oid Ontario by encouraging beffer metbods et farmiug, mak_ýing lagr grants t f armers' institutles and diysciocis, ami. by a more practical education lu azriculture lu tle sehools efthle Province. (8) To preserve the perishable pro- duets of the tarm nud dairy such as fruit and butter, for a suilable market by the establishment of cold-siorage and collecliug stations ail over tise Province. (9) To assist tle Dominion Guveru- ment ia obtaiuing tle quici and cleap transportation et 1 Tua PRonUCris OF Tvua ARM and workshop te tle markets et Great Britain, and te impreve local transpor tation within the, Province by meaus et geod roads and ciseap electrie railways. (10) To impreve the practicai educa- tien efthîe artisan classes by the estab- lishment eftleehuical sehools as is now leiug doue lu England and the United .States., (11) To promete île manufactures et ail nalural preducis such as lumber, nickel, copper, etc., ie tIth finisled preduci withiu lie Province. (12) To iusîst upon the control etfl local rights and franchise, s0 tam as practical by lhe municipalities te which lhey propemly beiong. (18) Te maintain with a firma hand the rigîts et Ontario against tle Dom- Tho amnount etoftre lusurance written dnring île ydar 1898 wts iabout equni te that ef 1897 and the proportion cf lse was alsa thlesame. Blut lu lite in- iiiranceliereis a imarked l ucreas'e which is 0excellent evidence etf tliegen- emal prospeityf, for a man is nwy more ready te provide for tic fuiture afieýr lis present w%,au1ts have been suppli- ocd. Tie inc reae is 1,U,500,000 eut oethtic toial ef lesse han i ,00OO.Tic, total ýam ounutetpreminnas rc ive nad for nl fprms cf insiiuaueLast yearwa $22,171ý,212 oet wi(-il$1,01 ,968-was me- ceived by Canadian ce!mpaules an md,312,- 0923by British and Amieican Com paniies. METHODIST OFFEI1NU. HIANDSOME Sum oF $1360 PLACEIs ONCý THIE PLATES AS A TiiANE-oFFEEING. Thc annual thasmi off eriug in tle BeI v mnanville Methodist church, Suuday, -vas finauclally a grenier success than ever before, tic amount coutrlbuted te theo Twetietl Century Thanisgîvlng Fuud bciug upwards of $1360, Rev. J. J. Ra,' tic pastor peached mormng and evenl- iuîg te large cougregatiens, the churchi belug pncked ai uligit. Thc pogram for loti services was as feiiows: MOENIING. Organ prelude,, Andante ini C1 Doxoiogy Invocation Hynan 1150" could I speai tIctch- iess Nworth" Respousive Reading, Psaims 145)and 65. Anthena, The Lord is eatd Prayer. NewvTestament SrpueJh 5ca Hymu 225, ' There's a Nwldeness isu Gods, miercy." Announ1ceme(nts. Sermon, Christian Frieudslpýli!. Offertory.' Anthea, lecar niO Lan Hysun 213, "Art thnu wary,hev 1%den 1 Benedictilc. Organ Postînde Gloria lu Excelsis. OgnPre1de Over-ture te Straildelia OrganacueOffeýrtoire Hymu, Listen, the Mse eeceî Scriptuse, PsQalii i4 Autem, Ye shall dwell ilu thcend Prayer. . Solo ',Niuety and Nine." Miss Jms Announcemients. Hyzmn, My Faiti Looks up t he Quartette, Lead Kindly Light, nsý ar- ranged by F. Il. Frost. 1 F' rmon, Lite's Setting Sn Offfertory, organ, Cariller-la Rusbe(,-an Mascagiu. Authieina O Saving Tictini. H-ymu, Savieur agnin te tîy dean namie Nve rmise. Duet, No Hope Beyond. Quartette, Thc Wayside Cross. Benediciion. Organ Postînde Offertoire. H. J. KEIGIIT, Mtss ENA Tunnimico,,ýK Choir Master. Orgau ist. S. S. Clnrss rsnain Tise members et Mrs Fred. R. Folev's Sunday Scl-ool cia.ss met ai her tather's msdne'Genor"o Tuesdav vnn and spent a pesu fimie. Rfrsimetswrc evead MasterHlamry L. Matrtyn on bebaît et tise eass presenled Mrs. Foley witi a sterling silver sugar speon and Mse J1. E. Barnett rend the foliowing- ad- dress: DEAR TrAcuua:-We thc memibers et your Sunday School iclass, desire on thisappy occasion eftyour entrance lun te marmîed lite, le express le yen and your husband, our warmest and most sincere gond wtshes for your future weltare, and conlinned happiness tirouglout lite. We flani yen for tic patience y ou exercised loward us, for the mauy good and bely lessons um- parted, and lest et ail ferthie example et1 your oen christian lite that yen set betore us, Thai yen may hareemEý thing te remind you et us lu years te come wbeu we wiIi cach oe ebave 1ak-1 en lis owu way te figiht tise battieoe life amid otier unknewn scenes, -we P resent you withti s tile biken of aur higlesi esteem and pleasant memor-ies. J. EDWARD BARnErr, HAR MARTY:N, GEoon HRîcurARDS, FRED. NEAD;S, PEROAL CORAGe. BERT CURTIS, WARRIIN PINCH, GEORGE BAGNÂLL. BACKACI-IE, Weak, Lame, Achinq Rackse,the Resuit 01 Sluggish, leactive kidney. Backache i. ln reality kldney ache. The. ltidneys become clogged, and falter lnu udr ,work of filtering the blood. Backachea is natures warning, thet tle kidneys arceon etrike, and that the bleod is geing tbreugh th yte 'lden with foipeions. wkich w111 cauneBright, disase, dropsy, diabet es nîenmatîsm or aller equally paînfusi auJ fatal complications. Prudence telle everyone suffering wlth bankacho ta set their kidneys rigît. The experlence of tens efthtosusands of peeple telle thcmA that ta accamplish, this thare is Do manisgo succesaful as the use of Dm, Chase'. Kldney-Liver Piîls-the world's gretteut kidney cure. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pille cure permanently by making the kidneys htalthy, active and, vigorous. They are ptsrely veetale, act naturaliy and Liectîy sua the kidneyu, and are wonderfully efficaeiotus. As a prompt and positive cure for kidrsey dia...,, liver compiaint and al l e comspli- cations of these filtering organs. they arc un- approached by any remedy ever discavered. 0ne pII a dose; 25c. a bax aI ail deaiers, or UZMAîsSON, BAzrEs & Ce.. Toronto. 2 Cash For Poultry. Tic uudersigned is prepared te buy ail kinds et Poultry dressed lunlise fol iowiug manner; Dry pieked, leave neo feýathers ou body excepi the long wing feathers; pull tail feathers eut. The higlest essi price will be paid tor good stock fasted for 241 heurs. Aise cash for dresscd Hogs, Butter, Eggs, Dried Appies and Beans. Stand: Seuil et Standard Bank, Tempernce St.,, for- t - -~ Good fhealth, Imnfurdty, of Mfe kfdneys, tive r an4bowcls, is sure ta corne (f Uooirs Su,- .saparita (spom tyue This secures a fair ontalde, and a corsequent vigor in the framé, wfth tl glow of health en the cheek good appetite, perfeec 1g"oan, pur. bîou4. Lczof eTAppetite - 111 wau lu poor beaithtrotitbled with d$zzinens, tired fielIng and Ions of 1peie was con:pletiy ma down. I t.ok IHood'o rarsanariU1Aand &Iter awhiIle I fêit much bettêr. Xo0' $Atapa- rIa bul.t'me u."Ltaziz .Uszt 14 Chelsea, near OtwQUe. BlIQuseso" Ihave becq troubied with headache and billouniegu ahi~ a ranch rn down. Tried lioM'.darapaM: andIt gave me rP.He!eia blIt me it Y A. eo roa 8 efoc Streot, Tomoto, Ont. Hec' Pluls cure ltyer ilus thse -1zftuU.K aMi ;wî5 eatiituë kewit, ie(1 Notices of iiirths, Marrlages ani Deaths 50 cents; Whou marriage licen ses are obtained or funerai notices printed at tb.is office, insertion free. BORN. COCHRANE-In Clarke, Nov. 25, to Mvr. and Mrs, Jus. Cochra!te, a danglier. MARRIED, FORD-ORMISION-011 November 29, by '2ev. John Abraharn, 1elen F. ,daughiter of D. Orrais. ton, Esq., Whitby, solicitor, and A. B3. Ford, M. D., Oshswa. SANaLERSoN-LlAvi5-On Nov. 8th, by Eev' Dr, Stone, Miss Edna Davis, Sanit Ste. Marie, and Rev. J. R. Sanderson, younigest son or ttev. J'.1 E. $anderson, M. A., forinerly pastor of Quent St. Mthodist chnrch, Bowmraville. DI ED. KIVELL-In Orolio, Nov. £8,,Tohn Kiveli, aged 77 years. EolBiii I East Whitby, Nov. 27, Pbilip Rc~laaged 80 years. Xmnas «roceries. * AIl new Fruit, Valentia lRaisins, Malaga Raisins, Blk Basket Raisins, Vostza Currauts, Royal j Currants,Shelled Walnuts, Shel. c- d Atmonds, L. O. and C. Peels. AIl extra geod value. Caîl and see. IIEA-L Bnos, Bowmanville. Telephione 'No. 57. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Oorrected by J.MolWrtry eitchl'Thesday F 1uu, 100 lbs .......$1.si80 te $2 1c WUAFail, bush ...... O00 il O 67 " Spring ..0 00 il 0 67 t' Red Efe ,.0 00" 070 t' GOOSE ....0 00 '0 65 BARLEY, lP bush, N.1 0. O39 '0 O40 il il f 2 .0 26 0 85 fi il il B.... 025 fi0 30 il Two roNved 0 25 0' 40 OÂ'rs, white i ......O0 24 0 PO-5 Rvall I . ...0 00 0 50 3But 1;EAT-fi '....... 0 0 "iO45 EnAs, Blacke, e bush.. 0 69 il O 75 fi Canadian Beauties.. 75 fi O 80 Il Mummey O0 0 il O 60 il Smail, 0.00 '0 60 il Blue, ' 0 60" 065 BuYPER, besi table, e b .. O0 00 0 O18 EGas, Vdoz............. 000" 016 POTrATOBs, bush..........O0 00 0' 20 llay per ton.......50Wt'7 00 Ail Han&%ds Agree abl1*mai Mrs. X.-I say, John, 1 amn going ho stop baking altogether. We, dan get ah LUTTRELL'8, Bowmauville,sueh goodBread and Buns, and Pieu, and Cakes, and M4r, X.-All right, Sarah, don't tell me any more. 1h will no0 doubt be the best plan for the winter anyway. Alex. Luttreit. Baker and Confectioner,Bowmanvill,. Telephone 97. Dur This year will be finer than ever before,all new goods and at prices to, suit you. It will pay you to visit the store and see for yourseif, 13IG 2w, i 'West End House BOW-MANVI LLE. This seeason showing a much larger range of goods suitable for Xmas Glîts than ever, comprising, Linen Napkins, splendid designs, at 90c, $1,25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50, and $3 per dozen. Linen Tray Cloths at 60c, $1, $1.25, and $1.35, i1n' diff erent sizes. Seach. Linen Side-board Covers at 50c, $1.00, and $1.25, A spe(ial Bleached Table Linen, fine heavy quality, 72 inehes -wide, regular 95c, special price 75e per yard. Ladies' and Men's llandkerchiefs in ail stvle5 and prices f rom 3c up to $1.00 each. Kid Gloves, in ail leadingr colors'at 75c, $1L00, and $1.25 per pair. Men's Kid Gloves, Neckwear, Mufflers, Furnishings. C-5) Boys' ILeefers, navy bine Prieze, special value $2.25. Boys' Rneefers, lieavy Grey Frieze, special $2.50. Fawn Whipcord Reef ers, velvet collar,, a dressy coat, $3,75. Boys' Brown Curl Reefers, velvet collar, a fine ccat., $4.0O. Boys' Bine Beaver Reefers, velvet coliar, an elegant coat, $400O. Men's Bine and Black Beaver coats, iu ail sizes, silk veivet collar, regular $6.50, to clear at $5 00A The cold weather is coiming if not already here. The men -will want a pair of strong rubbers with socks. We have whiat you want in ail varieties and ail prices. A strong puire gum, one buckle, tap sole, extra thick heel and toe bearings for $1.25. A heavy gum boot, one buckLe, rolled edge to jrevent cutting at sole edge, heavy sole and heel, $1.65. A two buekie, ankie higli, pure gum, tap sole bo)çot, wi.th nailed heel, best branci, $1L95. A Maltese Cross Brand, pure South American gn two buekie, extra heavy sole and 1 nhnildhebest duek lining, every pair guaranteed, $23. The celebrated Stub Proof B3rand, 1Ualtese Cross miake, pure heavy gum, double thirknes-s in sole and heel, This make is positively guaranteed not to cut or brecak, any pair failng wiil be replaced. This lune is cheapest, $2.50. Boys' and Youths' pure gum, one buckle, at $1, $1.10. Feit and Knit Socks in varions colors at 50e, and 75c. Rubber bas advanced twenty per cent. The above prices are the old prices while the stock ]asts. We are better prepared than ever to supply you wiîth choice Xmas -Groceries. Our stock of new fruits com- prise, Fancy Dessert Cluster Rai-s- mns, Slx, Crown Royal Cluster Raisins, Choice Cluster' Raisins, Malaga Loose Muscatel Raisins, Extra .Selected Valencia Raisins, Four Crown Sultana Rai*sins. Y Fancy Blue Pearl Currants, Morea Currant.s. Malaga Figs (v'ery choice). Cross & Blackwell's Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels. Malaga Green Grapes. Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Nut-s, Candies, &c., &c., &c. Canned Goods by the çar load. Before the bîg advance in prices took.place,we bouglit our sûason's supply, and offer you CGan Tomatoes, Gan Corn, Can Feas, ail new goods, at 8 for 25c. FRESE BALTIMORE QYSTERS. f Joê-hn Mc-Murtr-fYU -n' - -»"--, "ý 2j ýl ý-, l ý iýR

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