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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1899, p. 5

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p1lin Talk 1-y Our Opticiano aa. If yon ordecred an egg for your 1breakfast you wouid flot be satisflied with a 11fairly good" One. You want the best and tlat's right. Wliy not carry ont the same Wise mile in selecting glasses. The muscles of the eyes are the most sensitive and the most, -delicate-ilu'the whole human rame. Glasses a shâde too strong or a shade too weak mean mis- ,zhief. .Accuracy is our infallible rule. llad we not realized the neeessity of absolute accuracy we would ft have spent hun- dreds of dollars in attend ing the thiee best optical coileges in America, neither would we have spent hi4ndreds of dollars inpurchasing the most scientific instrnment s known to the pro- fsinfor examining the eyes. It is t o our interest to please our patrons. It is to your in- terest to deal with us, Ail fitting done free.- You simply pay for the glasses and get. lowest possible prices. STOTT & J URY. The Druggists and Opietans. ~An Explanation, U i-, difleunlt ta explain just why our Opticiain fits Spectacl- es that always please., Therej are many points to be remem- bered in fitting spectacles. Our optician understands these points because he is a graduate of the three leading colleges in America. Sometime -vhen you have a few minutes to spare drop in. and we will explain some of thlese little differences that make our spectacles give better satisfaction than many other kinds. 5TOTT & JURY. Sce our 14k- Gold FiIled Frames guaranteed 15 years. G RA ND [,RUNK BAILWAYI BOWMSIVLLESTATION. GOoIue EA5EI. GOIG WEST. il2rress 831a. m. 1 *Express... 5 17 a. m 5Exrss.. 0 7 . L ocal... 8 15 ?asenge...3- 26 p.m I Passngr. 1 35 p. m Local,,.... 6 asp.m Apl Express... 7 39 STOTT & JuRv. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 6, 1899. Miss Rose Berry has gone to Toronto. Social at Mr. J. Mclintyre's Friday Dight. Ask ileal Bros. what, their advextise.- Pieut means. Additional locais on last -page and inside pages. Localand otherwise on inside page a.ud a lot cf Carke and Newcastlenews. The Port Hope Times.-will ln future appear weekly instead of semni-weekly. Bey. Mr. TUFaraane wil ho ordained1 as pastor of Port Perry Baptist cliurà~ this week. Can any farmer beat Mr. Lane's ree- or4 of pea raising in Cartwright ? See in si de page. The 'Methodist Snnday Schmiol are preparing a Christmas service for Sun- lae afternoon Dec. 24th. Thle MonCompany hava sold more ulo ingtis failthan in any season ho- fore the reasonlaprobbb"1 ecaýueT they have -a larger assortment and re- V, markable vailue. e( Mr. D C Tr-ewLndv , a leading T pcultry lancier, and who waq judge on tl POUIlry at 133owfianiiville Fair, kias been gi li.aored WiLi tte position of flrst-vice tE à rrdgnt of th0 Am,3 ca Houdan Ci l'ltt#, fýai A pisasanî tirne was enjnyed by a number cf fri.ends of Mm.ad Mms. C. M. Cawker aI "Norwuy Cottage" on Friday svening. Thé, Mason Company wilI puy 71-e cash om 8e. trade for lany quanIitv, cf mougli dressed Iumkey and Ste. trado for drisd upplea. Potutees, Chickeas, Ducks, Butter, Eggs, etc., aI top pricea. If yen are wise von will laite advuu- tago of the sale cf crockery at China Hall. They are gîving a cash discount of 10% dnming December. Fer partien- lama ses Young and Co's new advt ou first page. Silver spoona and f;omks wbicb are la dlaily use may keep briglit by leaving lbemi once a week lu strong borax and wuter for sevemal houîs. The wuler sbould ho nearly boiiiug when the silver i put mil . A putrielie social will be beld aI the reaidence cf Mr. John Melntyre, Churcli St. Friduy evening,ý Dec. 8,' under the auspics of the Ladies' Aid cf Tminity Chureli. Admission 15e cm two for 25 cents. 48 2w, Messrs. Jos- Congdon and John Sleep Leskumd,JohnFonlke', Newcastle, and George Stevens, Lindsay, louve on Pmidny by the S S. "Vancouver" of the Dominion Lino bo spend Christmas lu England. They were booked by Mr. M. A. James, Agent. The Model School Exuminutions take- place ut Port Hope, the wrilten exm m- inalion on thli 1h and l2tb Dec., and the teaching-examinations on the 181h and 141h. The Boardol Examinera are Mm. Simpson frm Durham, Mm. John 01101 f rom Northumnberland and the twe Inspectora. On \Vednesday, Dec. 131h the ladies of SI, John's Cbtirch will lield -their an- unal Ton and Sale nf work saitabie for Christmeas presents in the sehool rccmý The Sale will bogunaut 8.30 o'clock and ton will ho sevved from 5.30 tilI ail are prvded for. Admission to the moorn fre, ton 25 cents. Mm J. W. Gifford, Oreno, wvas ln' town Weduosday and gayse Tun STÂTESMAN a caîl. -Mm, Gifford is as on- thusiastic as ever in the tempemunce cause and la one cf the oldeat Sons cf TempeÏmce membe-a lu Ibis district. If lie liNes tll next Juns lie wili cole- brate tht SOtb universury c, f joining the noble Order. The palh cf prog-ress lsaun endiesa oe and the goal cf perfection eau ho attuined oly by a meduplication cf the energy of ahl previcus efforts. Wej bave a modest confidence that THB 1 STATESMAN la a boîter local journal now( than ever befome, and, if spured te1 lubor, we salllaim. ut botter hhinga for 1900l-to snd the century weii, Anoîher c f Whitby's weil kucwn and popular young ladies, Hlelen Fraudis, ynugest daugliter cf Mr. David Ormis ton, was mammied Nov. 231h te Dr. Ford of Oshawa. The event wus as ostenta- iens as il was pleaing, anci waa witf riossed cul y by thet near relatives and t friends cf the co'ntracting parties, The C bride looked very nie gwned lu plain lucheas satin. Tlie presents were o eI- ly and beantif-ul iuclnding'choquLes, sul-i verwame, a hnndsome dlock, etc. Aller R suLmptueus spread, toasts und speech- F es, Dr. and Mrs Ford isît for Oshawa with the kindiiest wisbes cf ail for a C briglit and hauppy future. i Thec Royal Teniplars' Hiall wus welg filled al; their open meeting Tueaday S îigbt. The chic! attraction wus the play entitled "1Loup year witb oniv cas I 'oung man lu towu" ',bv Missles Julia I: Jenings, J'essie Dnnm, Kute Hol d lenbeck, Shirley- Momison, Stella n? miaon, Maggie Tait and Mr. Chus. H. ci cacassoacitperson doiug their part Y oer',' cmeditnbuy. Songs by 1eV. E. O. 1Ft Irviu wore-well received. Miss Etta ti T-,i t sang wth sncb esa and fine clea,,r l oie that she recsived an eacore. a sel-r ctiou from "David Harum" by Km Lý. l',Countîce wus Weil rend and pleused si Hic audience; twc fine recitations wm lysae by ý7Miss Jenninga and a sh1ort, 1e Iling address y Mmr, Ms meus Lna] 2obourg. Mr. J. J. Mason, S. C., vomi' P %eceptahly officiated as cliairman. * 7 1 Dimt il t o nd inside pages. Ail work guaranteed by Jas. Goard., ReadYou«ig & Co's. ad on first page. Mmlj. E. Lye, Toronto, was in town Saturday. Mr.' W.C. Tole, Peterbero, spent Sunday at home. Miss Minnie E. Haine s, Clarke, was home over Sunduy. Mr. Malcolm Galbraith, Kingston,wat' home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tod, Whitby, wers lu town Priday. Chicken Pie Supper at Maple Grove next Wednesday evening. Mr, H. A. Maddoek, Millbrook, lias, been guest of Mr. C. M.' Tait. Try Tod's Home made Humnbugs and Maple Creamn-they are good. Home mal~e Crearn Taflys, Saturday only, l0epper lb at Thos. T1od's. Try the Home made Crearn Taflys at Tod's aIt 1c per lb. Saturday only. Mr. P. C. Trebilcock, C. C., attended Connty Counieil ut Cobourg- iast week. Mr. Garnet Trewin, College of Dent- istry, Toronto. waa home over Sunday. Thos Tod,s i the place to leave your erder for a Wedding Cake. Ask for pricea'. Look out for a suap ini amail tables on Friday $1.60 fable for 98c. M. D. Wil- liamns & Son. Farmers' Institute meeting iu the Council Cbamber Ibis (Wednesday) af- ternoon ut 1.30. Mr.' Jas. Leask, Taunton, bas an or- d er f or sev eral kinds àcf grain f or the Paris Exposition. Dont worry over making a Christ- mas cake, but go te Tod's and get one frornbis large assortînent. Men's Ready-made Tweed Pants for $125 worth fromn $150 te $1.75 at Couch, Johnston & Cryderrnan's. If y ou wa nt to senjoy the Holiday Sea- son,get your grocery supplies ut Young and Cols. See their advt. Mr. Edward Jones, near Scarboro, was la town Mosday, and favored THE STATE5SMAN with a eall. We bave a few nice tablets hat we will run at 98e for Fri d a;y Watcb our window.M.DWiims&Sn Ladies'.Fur Lined Capes elegantly timmed witb Bear, Sable and Thibet at Coucbh, Johnston & Cryderman's. Buffalo Robes, Fur Coats, Herse Blankets, Overshoes, Rubbers and al kinds cf winter goodsuat Tbe Mason Co. 1 GOOD General Servant Wanted-At onlce. Apply to MRs. M. D. WILLIAMS, -Ilen t., Bowmianvllle. 49-1w. TOR)iE, IJOUSE AND 21, ACRES Kland for sale or rent-Being the store and ,1welliog at Ashton's Conrners,b mile north of Hdmpnlton, with stable and drWIlng shed. Hard m d-sofLwater. XVill be rentecl ifnfot sold. Pos- sýesc4on Oct. 1. For further particulars apply to M. A. J-T&EaS, STATESEAN office or to A.J. OoUa- tcCoýuitice. 52 tf. OF BOWMANVILLE. F. H. FROST, FIrsi 'renor. JAMES GOARO, Second Tenor, M iJ. KNIG1HT, Fig'st ,Bass. Adssail creuodneto JAMESfW {~OAD, Bsinss Manage îr,< Leci Box WVe know you will coee for yen wsmE boeslat your. Corne as sarly as veî eau and ses the uobb lest stock cf Christ mus goods latho mnarket ut A. Nieholîs Miss Edith Cowan, Mr. Willie unè Missps Millie and Emma Bnckley, uni Mr. and Miss MeGralli, Orono,, wore gusts ut Mm. W. Dingmun's, Sunday Owing tothe nurnerous requosta Mr Freeland bas received te continue tc muke bis Midget photos, lhe will do1,jsi evemv Suturday until Xmas ut 215c. Ps] Nolwithstauding t he big sale wvhicl Concli, Johuston & Crydemman have bad fer Ladies' Ceuts tbey are still slîowîng afineSstock ilu ah sizes and qualities. A number frein town attended a large party ut be residence cf Mrs. Jane, Colville, Iewn lins, Friduy evoning wbere about 7 0 fricnds wore moyally sui tertained. M.A.James, Bewmanville, la Goveru. ment lasuer cf Mamiage Licenses -fo the County cf Durharn, dnring busins b oums aI office, ut bis residenc e Contre- st., ut nigbt., 1 Mm. L. Soînerville, aceounlaut Stand- ard Bank, wbo la leuving town, wa, given an cyster supper cit Friday even- in ue t the Bennett H-ous by lbE Victoria Club. For salè or le ment ut a bargaina 3commodieus brick bouse on Cbnrcb St.ý 1ccntainiug 6 roorna, bard and sofI watel on promises, Anply te M. A. JAMES, Statesmun office, Bowmanvillo, Mr. W . B. Pincb wbesled to-Toronti and buck in December. Hew la thi for the "Lady cf the Snows?" Bie ut tended the Fruit Growers annual meet. ing ut Wbitby on bis way borne. Mr. H. J. Kniglit. and Miss Mosetta iJames cf tbe Bowmanville Metbodisi choir attended the Watkin Miii s concort aI Cobourg Thursday uigbt and were ebarmed by Ibe singing cf the famon] English basso. Mrs. H. C. Tait retnmned borne frm Toront ou Monday accompuuied by Miss Mabel Tait wbo la recovering from eu e.ight weeks' attack cf typbeid fever. Miss M abel's muny fInonda la town ame pieased te weicoeslber hcrne and hope she may accu regain ber usual gccd health. The social under the auspices cf lthe Disciple cburcb heid ut Mrs. S. J. Hall Friday ovning was iamo-ely altended and aplendidlyi enjoyed. lun addition te the lioice refroalirnnts, a musical pro- gmam was ccntmibuted by Messrs. Il. J. Kaiglit, A. L. Darcli, C. Meath, Miss Fcster and Rev. E. O. Irvin. The Annuai Convention cf the Young People's Societies cf the Presbytery cf Whtywill be hieId in St. Paul's Churcli ouDe 4tb, 1899. The aflomnoon ses sirn will commence aI 2.30 and the ove- ening session ut 7.80 o'ciock. In the evening Rev. G., M. Milligan MA,, D.D., cf Toronto, will delivr au address. It wiil bo open te the public., Mr.R.Watkin Mlilîs wili sing ag-uin in Massey Hall, Tcronto. next Friday niglit. Having hstd the pleasure'cf bearing hlm sing and of a personal ac- quaintance with hirn, we eau most henrtily meeommend our Toronto friends te go te heur oeeof Englund's finest basa vocaliats. Rosemv2d seats are ouly 50c. Thé Opera Hcuse at Ce- bourg wus packed ut 75e. each. 11ev, Win. Jelliffe was surprised 10 rece.ive a vîsit fmem the members cf bis Wednesday altemnoon clusa and a few frieuds on Thursday whc after makiug themselvesaut homoe enjoyed a social eup of ta together. Bev. J.- J. Ras on be- hlif cf the membema male a short address and Mrs. S. Mason, sr., present- 311 Mm. Joiliffe with a Persian lamb cap as a token of their good-Will and al)- prociution cf bis services. A neul wedding teck place in St. eorge's cbureh, Wednesday aftemnoon no ho presence of a number of invited guests when John B. Hemn, cf Obawa, soni cf Mr. Chas. Horn, Ha&mpteni, and Miss Coma E Hum weme united iin the holy bonda cf rnatrirnony by 31v . W. D -Cooner. The cbhumch wasi,, suitably lmaped wbile the usual -musie waa fur, îishod by the choir, The church was cwdod with inleresled apectators, the -veung peopebeigparticular fsvor dio happy couple and Ibeir finonda me- 'aied 0 te hmeof te bride, the 1.ssidqýpce cf W. G. and Mrs Hum u'here a feýw heurns Mwsre plousanlly spnt ina mne peculi ar ho sncb a gathering. Thenwl wedded pairt oftI on Iheevein train for the eat' nd will spend a few days wilh Portt e(rrv, and other liud-tke-n -In W19 WýdIles(iï 'le wny -olnd u ay of Ne-remisber, 1899, andiai tise hour, d.ay and plnaces iherei fixefi fefr taking tise voteýs0f tieefctr tie poila will 13e iselfi - i&Os~. uswnhipCierk You kilow aà goodthig hev! u eeit-cil and talke a look. A large quantity o9f WALL PAPIER bought very cheap. You wiIl get the benefit. Pretty patterns for ail rooms, from 5c per roll. The best and most taking designs i Shool Supplies of ail kinds, Snaps i Scrib- blers, Lixereise Books, Etc. New and f ull hue of Stationery. Seemy Queen boxt at 15c. Fine Floral at 15c. Note paper, per quire, e ýEnvelopes, 5c per package. BeÉter quality at 10e andi 1Sc. -Complete stoek'of Fancy G-oods, Books, Novelties, cc P. T-ebile:oe:k, BOWMIANVyILLE. AsIm re'=a Pincli youm feet iu wmeng abaped shoes ; mqlte you nervons, irritable ; spoil your tempen ; s yonr concentration. Von can't expeet te go the even tenon of vyeum way lu a shos that cippies. "Sînter Shees" are made te fit f eet-to cover every tender joint comfotably-niake yen forget yen have a painy foot. Tbhey fil the' fIrst time they'ne wemn, and everc aller, becanse tic stretcb nnd sbinit bus been for ever taken out cf tissus wbile six days on tise lats. T£welve shapes, ail sizes, six widtbs, ail eîdiors, styles aud leathera. Go odyear welted, staînped on the soles with name and price, $3.5o and $5.00. I I Im« -m JOHN HELLVAR, Sole Local Agent. iWTANTED-A hustling man or firm Vto represent the Berlin Mutual Fire Insul - ance Co. ffCapital 8503,000) in Bowmianville. Address TEE MANAGER, Berlin, Ont. HJ ORS E BLANKET LOST-Botween Hlampton and Bowmnanville on SundayOct lSt,à anwaloil horse blanket, Fin der *111 be re3rd= by leaving ai THE STATESMAN office. . 41.tf -wyOUSE JN OSHAWA FOR SALE- L.Lomfortable Roughcsst Dwelling Ilouse. Drivinurflouse, Stable for three horscs anid 8-5 acre of land for sale. Excellent large and smal fruit. No better well in Oshawa, cistern. Apply on the premise% or if by letter to JOHN JAMES, Williamn St., Oshawa 26 tf. B OARS FOR SE RVICE-A Berk sbire of the long-bacon ty-pe. This hog won ,second at Toronto and first at Quebet in 1898, And dirst at Port Perry and Whiiby this fali. Also the urbeaten Yorkshire "Oak Lodge Comn- inodore 4th" winner of four firsts in '98 and five firsts tItis faIl. Also a promaising yonng Tain- worth siredby ist prize Boar at Toronto. I bave for salaea choice lot of Yorkshires and Tim- worîhs, both sexes, ready to mate. T hose i); gs will be.s.Id cbeap as I arn determtined toreduce stock beforç ist of Jan. to make room fr ohe Yoning Stock. Wrtte for prices. Pceonl *in- spetion preferred. T. J. GnMaieGrove Bowmanville f, 0. 47 5w, B O0ARFO SAE- Yrkir S wisiteý boar onýe ear and tenoilsoda splendid'pig of bbc, J. El. ehu reig Tery gentie dspstinand ba1ýs done g"Oe service inithe past.Prckosnnapiao, A snap tegel agond oigý, A iiiselss younitg. pig bas been secured tb jtake bIii lace. Thantik- Pn ynmeos atrons for pasi faývor,4 and' soiciting a, eau toset wisat stock 1Ilhae.i WEraav,Roselandvale Farrn, ln .O W ANED -SEVEAL BIGHT 'Yaud honesi persous trep, etsa Managers iu thia and cls'ments.Shr $900 ayear anti expense.s. S'raigist, boue dd(jý "n' mor, o ess salftry. Poýslioîs permanentý,j. Our reference,any bank in any bown. IL ig mainly office work conducted ai home- -fer- ence. Enclose s elf-addre3seti stamped envelope Tins DomiNioN COosPANr, , iPt 3, Cihicago HIOUSEAND OT FOR SL- cr'mfrtahe f rme buwitls5rtis sumer itise, wodsbe af îI weÎ,lt wat.i rhtiseyearrodGodgd,-uos 1arter lot witIs l ic . îlhaI Ugfuto applespas lVnec ill 1ha ssil cht; for Cah Applyo is rmieSrso-tS or tetise West EFIi ltby W' K gSt., ftowxnau ville, ýAI ~i$t-u4-It~~~-ê4-5. O O C .....~ il ~ ý 1 Pl Watch Niclýolls' window every day. Christmas two w2eeks from Monduy. As usual! Nicholis bas tho3 greatest variety cf dolis.11 11 Ju-î fanc.v! ye n au y picture bocks for le. up ut Niebolîs'. Mm. W. J. Trenoutît Normal Scbool Toronto, was borne uver Stùîday. Nicliolîs bas tbe goods vou waîit and von il think sa wheu yon ses thie Tbe ladies say tbcse chinîacîpad saucers ut Nicboîls' are perfect iovvly. Note cbange in date of Darlinglon Legul Option B -aw inainother columu. Mr. anti Mrs. John Siernon, Haydon, were guess of Mr. W. Trowin, Sunday. Don't miss veur chance te secuire some cf Nieboils' lovely china cups and saucera. Mm. F. McDoweil, Toronto, bas bçen visiting his mother Mrs. D. C. Mc- _Dowell. Jack-knives, pen-kuix os, peeket- kinives and bread kuives, see thsrn ut Nichoils'. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curtis, Tyrone, were guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Van- stone Sunday. Mliss Atkin, Ontario Ladies College, Whitbv, was guest of Miss Florenco Tiiley over iSundav. Rev. J. B. McLaren of Columbus filled the pulpit cf St. Punis Cburcbi last Sunday x ery acceptably. Next Friday 98c will buy a nies table, jnst >tbe tbing for plants, regular prico $1.60. M. D. Wiliams & Soun. 'The office front of MeClellan & Cc looks gay witb ils new coat cf paint ad- rinistered by Mr. J. C. Weekss. A Nichoils wishes te remind bis many friends that tbev bave only two weeks icI t ln wbich te select Cbristmas pre- seuls ta make tbe eblîdren bappy. IMiss Sybel Jewell, Miss Wiîîuifred Power, Miss Flot a and Mr. Will Cobble- dik ere guesta cf Misses Irens and V. Jewell, Orchard Villa, ever Sunrdav. Job line cf mouth organs tW bc run off cbeap ut lNicholîs', Niebolîs' goaare ail new attractive andusfu.Don't flau te see tbiem, Representalive3s fromi Port Hope, Osh- aiwa and Bowmanville, met ut the Ben- nett Housbers on Mcnday Nov. 27 for the election cf new efficers for tbe Mid- ;land Hockey Association for the comin g soas:on. The offleers are Mr. Day, Port Hlope, President; Mr. French, Oshawa, Secetav; mHumber, Bowmanville. TIreiasurér. Tbe meeting adjourned ta caîl cf President, when the Scbedule for tbe coring season 3ill be arranged. It will aise be decided who la entitisd to the cup fer season 1898-99, The dis- pute stands between Oshawa and Port Hope. S L~E OF IMAGAZUNES. SThe annual auction sale of magazViUCe1l1conneCticu with the lubnisIstitute will take place in tbe Publie Rend- ing Rocrn next Friday evoning Dec, stb, ut 8 o'clock. Ail in qiuetot ebeap reading sbould attend. Grand Band Concert. The first cf a series cf concerts givea by the D. O. & P. Co's band will talcs place, on Tuesdav, Dac. l9tb. The services cf Mr. W. E. Grant cf Toronto, the fumons Scottish Singer, Mr. P. FPunabhon, Oshawa, and local talent bave been secured. The pries will bo withiu tbe reacb cof al. Dr. iijuhart Comniug Hoee A lecture wili be given lu the Town Hall ou Friday Dec. 15, lîy Dr. Susis îjuburt Who bas, just retumned trern Tibe' wbere aseb admoat thrillingex- periones. Sue -will uppear in Tibetan drs.Sbe will deý,scribe ber lat fatal jontrney from wbich ber bnsbund nover -etnrned. Thip will ho one cf tbe most iberesting missionary lectures ever de- livered bore. Admission 10 cenîts. 8 o'cýlock P. M, M~ajor Sehoof Coming Again. Majofr G. IL. Sehoof, whe lectured to pucked bouses lu this town soine, tirne ugo, bias been engaged under tbo auspices of the Epworlhi League cf the Mfethoi church te lecture in tbe town hLall oniduiy eveinin-, Dec. 29tb, on c"Tlhe Beers and Tbe 'Jarnesen Raid". Prom bis experience in South African affaira luis lecture should prove a meat welcome and opportune therne,- Re- serve the date. Tickets 15e. a ;t BSY-LAW NO, 565. Te0prehtbzt the sale of tiquor in thei fonship cf Darling-ton. Tbe Municipal Council of tise Township cf DaI lington hereby enuacts as follows: j clhDat tise.sale.by rmdcii nfspiritudus ferment. ed ootermannf&ctured liquors is andi shalbe ps-rohbited ir. every tavermufinn or other place cf publiceteriainment in the sait] mniniipali. y aod tise sale thereof is aliogeiher prohibited ini evcry $hop or plac'e ln the saifi snrnicipality other t h an a house of public entertainmeul, 11. Tisat the vote of the electors of tise- saiti Township of Darlington will be taken on the By-law by the deputy returning officers iseres,,- et er nainefi on Monday thse First day of Jai.u- ary, one thousanti nine isundreti, commencing et ,,ie o'clock i the morning andi continuing MIi five o'clock-n tise afternooîî at tihe under- inentioneti places: Polling subdivision No. 1, at the school bouse n school section No. 5, George A. Stephens to be returing offie-.* Polliug subdivision No. 2, ai Cthe Sons' Hall in thse village of Tyrone, Richard Hawkey t0 be returning olficeyr. Polling subdivision No. 3, et tise Sons of Tem- perauce Hall at Maple Grove, Charles Axford te be returning officer. 'Polling subdivision No. 4, ai the Town hall in the village nf Hampton, Henry Ellioti, jr., to he mi tuning officer, Polli'stg subdivision No. 5. ai the hall known as Kennedy 's Hall ii tise village of Ensiskiilen, Fred Rogers to be returning officer. Polling subdivision No. 6, et thc Sons of Temn- perance Hall ou lot number 31 in the second conicession, nert Gay te be retnruing officer. PIolling subdivision No. 7, et the scisool bouse in school sectioni No. 14, SamI. Souch 10 he re- turning offIcer. II. That on flicte hi day of December, A. D., 1899, et thse Town hall in the village of Hampton attbe hour of four o'cleck in tise alternoon 11he iReeve shahl appoint lu writing signed by bima- sel t0o ersons 10 attend et lte final summing uný ofthepvles hy tise clerk, and onue person te attend et each polltî,g p lace on bebaif of tise persosss interested in aisd desirous of promoting tise passing eofibis By-law anîd a like number on bebsif of tic peusons interested in and desirous of opposiug the passing of Ibis by-law. IV. Tisai the Clerk of tise said Municipal Coun- cil of the Townshsip of Darlington shall attend aI is office et tise hotîr of ten o'clock le the foreuoon on the third day of January, A.D. 1909, le sum up tise nunîhber of votes gîvea for and against this ny-law. V. Tihis By-l.aw shahl corne lot operation and 13eof full force andi affect on and after the firsî day of May next aller tise final passing tisereo f. 'T.own Hall. Hampton, Nov. 25, 1899, H. ELL.IOTT. Jr, L. Ms. COURTICE, Townsship Clerk. Reeve. NOTICE. Take notice tisai the aboya is a trotc opy of tise propo'-eîlBy lw wiich h b enstakeis ie ,consideralion hiy tise Muicipi 1 Council of the Townsip Dring , ' f ý io ) anSwhicis wilI he in- ail 1)seb tise saSCunclasutise eveusi of cin thec local papertise date of_ whichptblica. Area Brin!g us youPîI rducean * 13efore b-uyingç-3- your IIII p lay of attratctiîve and useful articles,* BowmAxVILLE. Next door to Standard Bank. ti

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