t I TERMS :-61-50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN ÂND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEw 1SERtiEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WMDNIESDAY, DEGEHBER 13, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 50. *TRE LAST CHRISTIAS For 1900 wil soon be here. And we have made grat prepuratiens for it by layiug lu a large supply o! use- fui goods suitabia for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Such as Ladies' Kid Gloves in Dlacks and Celors, Mitts, Gaiters and lioisery of ail kinds, Men's, Kid and Buck Gloves, lined and unlined, Silk liankerebiefs, initialed Uaîîd plain, Linen HIaukerchiefs in plain hemstitched and embroidered in ahl qua lit- ies, a beautiful lot cf Men's Tics, the very neweat thinga lu the market, Ladies and Gants' Umbrellas, lovely geoda and made up specialiy for the Christmnas trade, Tabla Lineus with Table Napkins te match, ail colored Tabla Cevers in ai sizes. LADIES' COATS Of which we still show a large cellection, the latest German and New York DRESS GOODS Of alkinda lu ahl the lutast materia*ls in both Blacks and Colors. Also alovely K lot o! Blouse Silks. FURS Fur Liuecd Capes, Caperines, Muifs, Ruf! s and Gauntiets lu the meat fashionable Pus. READY-MADE CLOTHJNG Men's and Boys' Suits, ahl sizas aud Overcoats to, suit the amail boy or the larg- est man in Ulsters and Beavers. Our Beaver Coats at $10.00 is we believe the best iu Canada for the mouey. Couc-h, Johnstn& Cryder&man. BowmANviLLE,. 3 AA Pîleasing Ct for -Wa are at it again, naking the price small in order to* * pieuse c'ur p atrons. Cutting off an edge of prolit to insura you a greater value. Our purpose la to get our attractive liunes o! Furniture before our customners and to enable every Sbody to purehase something for Xmas at a bargain. NEXT SFIRIDAY we will, s eli our $82.00 Solid ,Oak Sereens, filed with * * Art Muslin, ut $ 1.49. * oWANILB.M., D. WILLIAMS & SON@ BOWANILE.Undertaking receives prompt and perijonal attention.O When in T olv uwwwwwwwwwwwww Leave your repairing, at Jas, Goardtls. Al work attended to promptly and guaranteed. Gold Fîlled Watcfhes sold at prices usually asked for si1ver., E.ul assortment of Writing Material always kept lu stock. Choice in Colored and Crinkled Tissu@ Paper, BOWMAN VILLE Watchmaker and J eweller. Vo College, Tome W. ýrm Opens Jan. 20j. et Calen dur and comae in. 11IAW, Principal. Grocery Department.. The BEST in things to eat is nn too gooci. 'The BEST is the most satisfactory. The BEST is cheapest. W INL THE jIE ST. We make it a point to procure the best the market affords in ait. materials required for cooking, and our stock of Christmas Fruits wilI be f ound as gooci as money can buy. We know by the liberal patronage bestowed on us in the past, that you 'appreciate our effort. 1Nearly ail uines of these goods have advanced in price. We purchased early,, and, in the meantirne will give you 4t1he benefit of'old prices, iwhich on somne Unes is -less than the present wholesale rates. New Seeded Raisins. New CannecdVegetables. New Currants. New Canned Fish. New Raisins. New Canned Fruits. New PeelS. New Extracts. New shelled Nuts. New Figs. New Dates. NoTE.-W-- wil sell 3 cans of best Vegetables of any kind for- 25e.- You know the store,, eal and §pe us. Prod(7uca of ail kinds, taken. YOUNG & CO0. & Goý CHN AHAýLL. erockery Department. oun SPECIAII OFfZEIý FOIzýDECEIffBE1R. On ail cash pure-hases lu this department o! ouae dollar ($1) and ovar we will give a discount cf 10 par cent. This mans a greut saving and prudent buyers-will net fail to taka advuntaga o! this spacial offer, coin- ing us it doca in the midst o! the Holiday Season when our stock la full of select new goods. Remembar we are large buyers, and ha-va ena large well-lighted store, full te over fiowing, devoted exiclusively te this department. Cupa and Saucera from 5e te $1.25 each. Jrinrsfrom 250 te $3. Fruit and Salad Dishes from 20e te $2 eaeh. Va-ses from 10e te $5. Lampa from 20e te, $12 each. Table Sets from 2iLI5e to $3.50. Tea Sets frem $3 te $10 cacb. Dinner Sets from $ý,5.50 to $40. Toilet Sets from $1.40 te $800 eacb. And many othar lunes which apaca will not perit us te mention. We wiil bc pleuscd te have you inspect our stocký. BOWM~ILLE.YOUNG & CO, CUOXING EYEN~TS., MAPLE GROVE. Public School Report for November: Sen. I-V Elva Power, Ada Tyl Ver, Venta Gimiet, Willie Crawford; Jr.IV Maud, Power, Leslie Snowden, Loa nowden Clareýnce Crawford, Ma'ud Wood; Sen, III Laura Crawford, Ida Wtood, Bertie Giamblètt. Jr. III Leslie Cox, Russal jPower, Ethel Rundie. Son. Il David ilamilton,, Edwa Adams, Percy Gimb- let. Jr. li Harold Power. Sen.pt Il Gladvs Snowdeni, Lonaie Hall, Shirley Snowden, Pearl node, abel Coi, Myrtie McReynolds, Elva Snowden. Jr.,Pt.Il: Rhea Jeffery, Ethel Adams, Normn Wool, Frank Hamilton. Sen. 1: Merl Power, L'adra McRevnolds, Ella Sharp, Florence Sharp, Eva-Wood. Jr.1: Cccii Adams. ALBERT.AHlANCOCx, Teacher. DA1ILINGTON COUINCIL. Hampton, Dec. 11. sppecial meeting summoned by the Reeve, under section 270 of the Muni- cip)al Act, for the purpose of repealing Dv law Nýo. 565, of the Municipality en- titled "B37 law No. 565 to prohibit the sale of liquor in the Township of Dar lington' and to consider a By-law to be introducedl at the said special meeting- "lTo prohibit the sale of liquor iii the Township of Darlington" and if by said by-law special meeting the IConcil1 deemned it advisableý to read said a first and second thme, andc order it to ba piibished lunaccordance with section 338 o! the Mncpal Act." Memabers of the councuil alil presenit, Reeve Courtice W e siding. A By-law (566ý;) repealing y-la w Nlo. 50)5 was read the first, sec- ond fnd third time and passed. A By- law (No. U~7) "To prohilbit the, sale of liquor lu the Township of DarlingtQn" was theýn introduced and on motion was read a first and second imec. It was resolved that the DB'y-law b)e pub- lished as the, law directs, lu thie CANAD- IAN STATESMAN for three successive weeks, cmecn with the nuruber issued on the 15th dlay oif Decamber, A. D. 18q9 Counicil thon adjourned. H. ELLIOTT, JRt., township clark. DURHAICOUNTY lias provid(edJ the m-eaterial for many of our leading professional and business, mni. She keaps well to the front, and, has miore youngiý men and women lu training i'L hs term uiithe1 YýOlUING St. John's sale and tea Dec. 13, D. 0. & P *Ce. Band concert Dec. 19. Maple Grove Chicken Pie Supper Dec. 13,'1 Solina School Concert Dec. 15. Salemn Schooi Concert Dec. 19. Shaw's School Concert Dec. 18. Cadmnus Anniiversari, Dec. 17-18. Hiampton Auniversary Dec. 17- Dr. Rijnhbart' s lecture Deci.15 Y. P. S. C, E- convention Dec. 11, Hligh School commencement Dec 20. Metbodîst Primary class Xmas'tree Dec. 27. FAEkKlLEttS' INSTIWtTE. VERT LivE Y, WELL ATTENDED AND PROPITAiBLE SEPIES 0F MEETINGS, The first meeting of the series under the arspices, of West Durham Farnier's Institute was held in -the town hall, Bowmanville, the ceuncil romn being packed. A capital delegation was sent in tha parsons o! Major Sheppard cf Qucenston and Mr. J G. Davidson, V. ,S., Collingwood. Mr. Davidson's ad- dress on the management o! lîve stock lu, health and disease was exceeodingly practical and drew forth a fine array of questions.: He ils an aencyclopLucdia oi information oni diseases and their treat- ment. 11e gave several recipas. Major Sheppard gave a vary intelli- ent talk on corn-growing and the silo and answered nunerous, queri es 1He strongly favored planting corn lu M1r. Dxvidson1s second subjectc was the food value of grains and eue thin- hie said was that if farmners fed tha7ir stock fiai saed frequently veterinaries1 wouald find littie te doO, as it is the best1 preventative o!fniany aliments which1 afflict stock. Bye, barley and fiax saad1 ln propSortions o! 3, 8 and 1. make the1 best ci! cake lu the world. Ha advised mnixinZ 12 lbs. clover seed with 8 lbs. or- chard grasssaed for feediug hay. COURTIcE. Arriving at Courtice with tha delaga- tien at 8 p. m. wa found many people awaitiug us-ladies and, gentlemen, beautiful maideus and cheerful, intelli- gent boys. Mr. Wi. R, Courtice was elected chairman and openad with soe choice remarks. Major Sheppard spoke on tie subject o!' Four reasous why I tili the soil "-te prepare (b37 breaking, pulverising, etc..) for the crop; te clecar the soit o! weeds, the robbers o! the tr-op -and must ha overcome, cdean cul- tivatfion is the ,rqad te u e~te pýreý serve moistura, capilliar, attractbin, otc; te d voybacteria and te uLtilize na ture's stores for plant food. Discus- sions were lively and te thac point, R, E. ODshorne, W. E Courtice, S. S. Brooks, J. W. Fotheringham, Mr. Short and others taking part. The meeting was eulivened bv music. Instrumental by Miss Rundie, violin duet by Messrs. Hleatle and Pickell and au excellently well rendered duet with organ accom- panient by Misses Bickle and Little- jolins. Mr. Davidsoil spoke on "Farm Work including Live stock. " The ad- drcss was interesting, educative and practical. The speakzers pronouuced this agenuinely tYpical evcning meet- ing, full cf cheaer, intelligence and good will. Present over 100. Af ter votes cf appreciation ail sang enthusiastically 'God Save the Queen" and dispersed having enjoyed a profitable evening. ORNOe. The meeting on Thursday was called te order at 2 P. m. by the President, MI.. J. M . Joness, with a few well chosen remarks. Major Sheppard ex- Dlained the "Four ressens why I1i tha soil." liais a firm baliever in rota- tion cf creps, surface cultivation and dlean culture Discussion enisued on various methods and for various crops. Major gave the success o! Mr. Wm, Renuie's system at the O. A. C. on the 4 year course, Mr. Simpson Rennia was an advocate for deep cultivation, each being succesaful lu the individual soil cultivated b y thamn. Mr. Davidson spoka on IlVaterinary Practice on the Farm."' This elicited mnch interest and gave vary practical information ou the management and care o! live stock, Ha demanded liglit and ventilation as decidedly uecessary for the health and prosparity o! animais. Ha aise L ave many redip 'es, suggestions and ad\ ice for treatment of diseuses. Rev. J. A McKaen gava soeavery anceur aging< reunarks and advisad ail agrîcultural- ista te becoma mambers. Persons pre- saut about 75. NEwcAsTLE. The night w". rainy but titis did net prevant a crowd o! about 70 gathering-. Throughl the anergv o! cur esteemed vie presîdent, Mr. Frank Allun, a pro- gram e! instrumintai music on auto- harp ouhogan accompanîed ou or- 'anb 'Masrs' liarris and Scott Dr os. M. rmDavdsou spoka on the care o! bye stock and tha prevention of diseasa. THE 1IYTERY SOLYED. Great excitementt was caused through.. eut the country when TuE STATESMAN was circulated Wednesday coutaining the account o! theattemp)t te poison the !amily, destrey the furuiture and after- wards te hurn the bouse o! Mr. J. F.Os. beru, Carke. On Wednesdlay a young man named Fred Knight, New,ýcastle, brother o! the servant girl, wýas arreat- ed and broughù tot towu but 'Chief of Police Jarvîs afterwards withdrew the charge and lia was dismiissed. (in Tliursday Chie!. Jarvis irrested the iit.le girl, Ida Kuiglit, and bronght lier te town where she ramained in the Home for the Agfed during the niglit. At first sha denied having a nythiug tu de witli the terrible deeds but on Fri- da y nîrning told Chie! Jarvis that the Lord had toid lier during the niglit ta tell the truth and con!essed te having doue the whoie mischie!, including the attempts te humn the bouse on Suuday, and Tuesday uights. She liad takan. the straw from lier bad tick te start the fire the firat time and 'iad poured ceai oul on the ceai te aid lier lu the second attempt. Sha, could giva ne reason for coi- mitting the terrible daeds as Mr. and Mrs. 08', orna had alwa.ý s been geod tu lier and sha owad tliem ne grudge. .Aftar bearîng the avidanca of Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, Chia! Jarvis and the girl, lu courtt, Police MagistraLe' Haines commînttad lbar to the couuty gaci at Cobourg te stand hier trial at the naît assizes. Sha, is a briglit lookiug littia girl o! 13 years and has iived at Os- borne's for over a yaar. lier ceniduct la ccrtainlyvary mysterions. A special study of tha herse's faoot undar a claver veýterz;nary of! western, Ontario, rendors Mr. G. A. Watts lit- ted lui every way 'teo osuperior work In the Iina e!fhersa shioeîing. Othar de- partmut o! work will recaiva your cara- f ni attention. Miss Florence C. Fraser is visîtiug friands lu Toronto. ... . Death has re- moved two o! our citizaus duriug the weak. Friday noon Mrs. R. Branton who lias beau uiing for a long ime passed away, and at miduiglit of the same day Mr. Wm Farraîl,,sr., antarad inte reat a! ter an ilînasa cf four or fiva days. Severa pain o! the heart resuit- ing-l in eart failura waa the causa o! deêth. The funai-als teck place on Monday at 1 and 2.30 p. ni,, Mrs. Bran- ton.'s ýrains baing interredat Bethes- du and Me,. Farraîl's ant Bewmanviie thi negherhodfo)r 1many years and ,will ha orelv imissed fin the quietwak cflie and te aLcertain entntp by «the wliola commnuuity,. The bareaved eues have s,,ymipathy e! alluni their affliction. ...Probahly ne neater surgicai opera- tieon bas ever beau performed iunttis vicinitv than that performed by DrF. Mitchell, Graham and Elliott for Mrs, W. R. Cloînens oni Tuesday week. Alt- er a long period o! sufferiug borna liaroically it became necessary te sever the second te the littIe tee o! oea foot te arreat tuhercular trouble lu the entire limb, This was doue se skilfuiay and quickly that scarcoly the lcast bleod was lest. Mrs. Clonions is doing as weli as tan ba expacted and we trust the houseliold wil are long, sea lber gladly rastored te bar wonted position. New officars of Lodge Wellington No.ý 19, Sous of Engiand. President Ricli. Moyse; Vice Pros , A. Nichols; Sec., F, El Dunbam; Treas. Jas. Elliett; Chap. W.S. Bragg; I. G., E. Lagg; O. G., J. Perkins; Surgeon, A. S. Tillev, M. D.; Auditors, J. B. Taylor, T. G. Bragg, J.,Jarvis, Trusteas, J. Jaffery, W. Trewin; Beneficary Corn ,W. J . Bragg, R. liamblyn, J. Darnes; Committe-lat Jas. Dayman, ind J. Jaffary, Srd R. Jarvis, 2nd L. Morris, 5tk W. Trewin,. 6th Jas. Gala. THE BI1BLE 0F TfiE BODY. Next lu importance to a Bible iu the honse is a thorcughly reliable and easily understood doctor book. With sucli a book for ready refèrence, parents cati often cure the ordînary faunily ailmients without the expense of consulting a local physician. Trhe inost comipl eta, th.e simplest and best illustrated book oif the kind is the People'sg Coinmon Sense Medical Advisar, writteu l)y that famous sud auccessful Buffalo, N. Y, physician, Dr. R. V. Pierce, who basc been inany yea rs and is to-day treating sud., coiring the afficted in ail parts of the earth. AMý &W. AiNý lm A>. àm AIL dm dah, dmý AVA AMý àmý 1 vn