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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1899, p. 5

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A, WORD TOý LADIES. A Perplexing Problemn. What can I give John, James or Thomas for Xmas? That îs the question that is bringing wrinkles to many a fair face. Men are not so haÎrd to please as you suppose. We havýe lots of presenits that will deliglit them. We make a specialty of Shaving Mugs, Shaving Sets, Shav- ing Strops, 'Razors, Shaving Mirrors, Purses, Fancy Solid back lland Irushes. Mlitary flair Brushes (very popular this year,) Tollet Cases, llandkerchief Cases, Collar Boxes, Cigars in small boxes, Smoker's Sets, Brush and Comb Sets, etc., etc. We would like the -pleasure of showing y ou these goods. Our prices are very reasonable, in fact it's the splendid value we igive that makes our store so popular. STOTT &JUFRY, Druggists and Opticians. A WORD TO YOUNG MEN, Qualty N'othing makes a more ac- ceptablec present for a Young lady, than choice perfume. Thi~yar tsthe proper'thing to give. Its fashionable.. If its rank or poor its dis- gusting and shows-a lack of refinement. Every youîng man is nota judge of the quality of per- fumes. 11 If you leave the.selection to us weguarantee perfect satis- faction to you and an abund- ance of pleasure to your lady' friend. Experience if required to select delicate lasting odors truc to name. That's the kind we recommend and we have spenit a great deal (J care in securing ýthe best odors fromu the world's best makers and have carefully tested each hune. Neat eut glass bottles, 50e. to $400. Elegant satin lined cases, $8.00 down as low as 25c. 81011 & JURY. Thle Druggists ond Opticians. GRAND [RUNK RAILWAY. BOW-MANVILLB STATION. GOîrç( 1"ÀST. GOING WEST. Zy press...8 31 a. m. 1 *Express... 5 17 a. m lopes...1 17 a. m.1 Local... 815 1 'Pasenger .... 3 26 p.m.1 Passenger.. 1 35 p. m Local.... 661 p.m. Expres... 7 39 fi 103re.s. l 2STOTT & JTaR. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. DEC, 13, 1899. If it is a hand sleigh vou want for the boy you can get supplied at the Grand Now is the time to buy your furs, M, Mayer is selling his as cheap as the cheapest. Read what the Werner Company have 'o say about Mr. Leon Mead's new book ý'Bow legged Gbost." Pull line of Gent's Furnishings in Rats, Caps.. Underwear, 'Fies, Collars, Shirts Braces, etc, at M. Mayer's. Mr, Thos. Yellowlees contributes to the Evening news Bulletin a poem "S8t. Andrew's Night" dedicated to St. An- drew's Society, Winnipeg. If you wa nt something nice for Xmas caîl at IV, Aayer'a where you will find a full inouenFuurs, Capes, Coats, Caper- ies, Collars, Rufs, Gauntiets, Caps, etc. The Mason Company have sold more elothing' this faIt than in any season be- Ie@re the reason is probably because they, have a larger assortment and re- markable value.- . Uxbridge Presbyterians'at their an- niversary services Dec. 8 raised $1,028. Rev. Neil MePherson, M. A., B. D., of St. Paul's church, ilamilton, preached -elevating aid instructive sermons. What is nicer fora Xmas present for your mother, your father, your sister, your brother or yourself than a nice new up-to date fancy chair, secretar, writing table, etc? We have them. M. -D. Wiliams & Son. There is no way in which you eau better please your friends at Xmas than by sending them a first class picture of yourself. Mr. Freelaîd's styles are ar- tistic aid up to date. and ahl photos taken up to next Saturday Dec 16 will be finished before Christmas. A timely gift-one that keeps time, pleases thýe eye wad fit$ your pocket, a black Wood Clock that looks like black mlarole, strikes the hours on a musical ,gong bell and the haîf hours on a tink- ling- cup bell-is yours for a very small am;ount of money at Rickar d's . Ail work guaraîteed by Jas. Goard. Read Young & Co's. ad on first page. Crokzinole Boards at thc Grand Cent- ral. A Big line cf Purses aid Pockct books at the,(%msid Central, The Methodist Suîdav School are prcparing a Christmas sérviee for Sun- day afterîooî Dec. 24th. The finest stock of men's tics ever show in towu jnst received at Coudh Johnston & Crydcrrnan's. Doit worry over makiig a Christ- mas cake, but go ýte Tod's aid gel oie from lhis large assortment. Men's Ready-made Tweed Paîts for $1.25 worth froîn $1.50 te $1.75 at Coudh, Johîston & Crydcrman's., If yen wanite en.joy thc Holiday Sea- son, gel yeur grecemy supplies ai Young aid Ce's. Sec tîcir advt. Mm. Edward J oncs, near Searboro, was i town Mosday, and favored Ttm STATESMAN wiI1ia eall. Ladies' Fur Liîed Capes elega ntly trimmed witî Bear, Sable aid Thihet ai Couch, Johîston & Crydermaî's. Thc Christmas îumbcr of the Cana- dian Magazine will make a vemy a ppme- priate present for ae. absent friend. Buffalo Robes, Pur Coats, Horse Blaîkets, Ovcrshoes, Rublers aid al kinds cf winter goods ai Thc Mason Co. We are certiinlvl offeriîg some'lunes ai a bargain for Xkmas, Cail aid se thcm. You eau buv them cheap. M. D. Williams & Son. 1Messrs. Richardsen Bros., of Colum- bus have -purclased a, beautiful bay driver from Mm. G. A. Langmaid from îear Mitchchl's corners. L A beautifuil lot of Ladies' aid Geît's Umbrellas made up spccially for tle Chrisimas trade opetied up teday ai Couch Johnston & Crydermau's. Miss Helen Coleman daugliter of Mr, V. A. Coleman, Port Hope, las jusi completed a post gradua te course at th( Stoan Materni-ty Hospital, New York Ware that Wears-AII silver leekI alike wîen new. Riekard selîs silvei tlat will hook well i ycars te corne foi the siver on t1cm gocs deeper tlan th( A close study of what the merdhanti have te say thmeugh their advcrtise ments hi ibis issue of THE STATESMAN will e a great hclp in hoosing pre senis for your fricnds. The Mason Company will pay 71 cash or 8e. trade for aîy quanthtv o rough dressed turkey aid 5à.c. trade fol dmied apples. Potatoes, Chiekens Dtncks, Butter, Eggs, etc., aitep prices -Do net forzet yeum wife ai Cîristmw -SIc wiilleiciyen .for shc is unseltisi aid tlaailis more lIai can le said o yen, or yen would have pumchased bel a sewing machine from Rickard's bun ago. We have evcmything suitable for pre sents for suiokers. Pipes in cases ait eut of cases, seme beauties. Cîgars ii eBoxes cf 25, -put up specially for Xmai Cigar Cases, Tobacco Penches, etc., a thc Grand Central. For a Pretty Haîd-Hcre ha some thing sIc will like anîd she înay le he& te like donor, a bpantiful epal c diameîd ring aid wîeî yen receivi k 3omr "thaiks" yen will vcw 'lIa Rhekard sold lit te yen for less lIani h avalue. Mr. James F. Ross, aged 19 year died ai Harwood on December 6 fron appendicitis. He was the eldesi son e 1ev. James Ross fcrmerly cf Columbui aid brother cf Mr. Alex Rosa, Eîfield aid who is well know i Darlîngti township. Thc December Chautauquan cent ain timely articles on "Truths," "Ecoiom ies" aid 'Soeialism," "TIc Probicm ci Happiness" aid a number cf others lIa, will repay you fcr pemusing TIi Chautauquan, Cleveland, 011eo. Prie( $2 00 per year. TIc Wise Bclle-Will uew take thi cppertunity te diseharge hier obliga tîcîs te hem many gentlemen' frteni for their fiowers aid drives througi 1899 by making Christmas gif ta. Rick fard's es the proper place te lay eut youî 1meîey te advaniage. On Wednesday, Dec. 18th the ladici c f St, John's Churel will hold their au niai Tea aid Sale of werk suitable foi Christmas presents i hîe seleci roorn Thc Sale wili begin, ai 3.30 o'clock anc tea will e served from 5.30 titi ail ar( provided for. Admission te the roem free, tea 25 cents, Our attentionî las eften been dhrected fte tle faci ilat sudh institutions as th( agricultural societv, the travelling daîry seheel aid fammera institute art net attended and taken part in by tle clasq cf persons for whosc benefit they are pimaril 'v intended. Yeam after year the same persons wih a few clhemE wili be seen ai meetings cf such sedieties, "The Chid Breugît Up At Home,' ha the tille cf a very clevcrly wmhitten manusemipi which The Cosmopolitan Magazine prints in its 1ecember issue, Watch Nicholîs'. window every day. Canadian Contingent has reached Belmont. As usual! Nichëlls ba s the greatest- variety of doils, Try the home-made maple crear n d cream taffy at Tod's. Just fancy! voou eau buy picture books for lc. up at NýichoIlîs'. Be on time a t D Clarke's sale nex.t Monday near Ebenezer. 11ev. J. J. Rae has accepted an invi- tatio to Simeoe St. church Oshawa. Nicholîs has the goods vou waitt and you'Il thintk se when you sec them The ladies sas those china cupe and saucers at Nicholis' arc perfect lovely. Cash paid for~ any quaitity of rough or dry packed poultry Cawkier & Tait, Mr J. T. ilooper is attendiîg the assizes at Cobourg as a member of the jury., Holiday trade opened briskly last week but the wct weather has demoral- ized it. Mr. William Brown, farmer, w as killed on the railway near Coborne on Monday. Doî't miss your chance to secure some of Nicholîs' lovcly china cups and saucers. Jack kîlves, pen-kuives,, pocket- kîlves and bread kives, sec themn at Nicholîs'. Mr. D. F. McWatt, Barrie has been appointed Senior Judge of Lambtoî couity.11 Mr. aid Mrs. J. M. Joness vhsited their daughter, Mrs. H. C. Brittain, Strathroy. Fur Caperines, Mufs, Gauntiets aid Ruifs of ail kinds at Coueh, Johuston & Cry derman's. Mr. Albert B. Couoh of the W - R. Brock Company, Toronto,was home over Sunday. John Perkîîs, a prisoner at Cornwall jail, escapeci SuîdaY while the jailer's back was turned. Auy of Fre elaud's Midget Photos tak- en ncxt Saturday Dec 16 wilh be ready for Xrnas delivery., 1Men's aidBoys' Overceats in alI sizes, specially good value at Couch, Johns- ton & Crycerman's. The old favorite Alfin Liner "Paris- 3ian" made hier, last mun fromn Halifax to Liverpool in 7d., 10h. The local bye-electioîs in South Oit- ario, East Elgýin, West 'Elgin aid Soutb- Brait took place yesterday. Mr J. M. Joness is a delegate from iWest Durham Farmers' Institute to the Fat Stock Show at London. 3 Tottenham earried thc by-law to make a boan of $15,000 to the promoters Lof thü furnîture factory in that vifiage. Do you want one of bur solid oak screcns filled with fine art muslin for t $1.49? Friday only. M. D. Williams & Son. Rev. W. Jolliffe's sermon Sunday smornîng lu the Methodist Churel on the r Witness of thc Spirit was very much rappreciated. e Mrs. F. Bieakley and Miss Bieakley have losed their residence aid wil s spend the wiîter wîth Mrs. Wm. Alex- -aider, Montreal. t, An emigrant train passed here Sun- day on the fly, makhing the, mn froin Montreal to Toronto i 7h. 45m. aver. e aginz 45 miles an hour. ý Next Friday we will offer our1 $2.00 r solid oak sereens, filled with îiee de- ýsigîs cf art mushin, ail colors for $1.49. .M. D. Williams & Son. s Baltimore Methodist chureh was h îpeed Thursday practically free of Sdebt, Rev. M. E. Wilson, M. A., Clarkeï rassisted at the dedication. A C. P. R. freighIc train met with an -accident at Burketon station Thursday dthe engine and four cars gcing into the ditch. No person was injured. sWe have the largest lune cf fancy trockers shown in the tcwn and oui prices are withî the rcach cf ail, fron -$11.50 up. M. D. Williams & Son. jNext Friday we wilh dsplay a lot of rsolid oak screens, filled whth art muslin ahI ready for use, prie 20,ria ýt enly $1.49. 'M. D. iliams & son. 5s A Nicholîs wishcs to remind his many friends that they have oîly two weeks 's left i whick to select Christmas pre- Isents te make the chhîdren happy. We know yen wil corne, for you were .here hast year. Corne as'early as yon eau aid sec the nobbiest stock cf Christ mas geeds i the market ai A. Nichols, S Notwithstandiîg the big sale whicli [- Coudh, Johnston & Cryderman have Ef had for Ladies' Coats they are stili ,t showîng a fine stock iaIl sizes and e (lualities. e Mr. R, T.. McLaren, son cf 11ev. J. B. McLaren, Columbus, has passed the SNovemnber Primarv examination cf the *College cf Physichans and Surgeons, 8 Toro nteo k MA.James, Bowmaniville. is Govern- Both iu quantity aid qnalit y we lead them alL We have got te sdil it. If you waît the best you must corne here for it-Grand Central. Officers cf Jailee Lovai Orange Lodge No. 6-0 WM1. , A. Tait're-eleet- cd, Dep. M., W. Hlimphrey,Chap., Jas. Gale, Sec, W. 9pr3,, Fin. Sec., J. Me- Iîtyre, Treas, C. rDoicamter, D. cf C.', R. Adair, Ledt., Jas, Nokes, Commit- tee, lis T. Coulter, 2nd W. Scott, BrdM Nokes, 4th W. J. Martyn, 5th F. J. Bennett. D. Clarke's big sale Dec. 18. Monîl Organs aid Peck et Knives at the Grand Centrai. Home-made humbugs, Saturday cîly, loc. per lb. at Tod's Job lune of meuh orgaîs te be run off cheap at Nicholls'. Mince pies aid apple pies at Tod's. Extra god, try them. Mrs. TIcs. GuI, Toronto, ha vstiîg Mrs. S. Gi, Liberty street. Thos. Ted has somethiîg extra good i Christmas cake. Try one. Try tIc home.-made humnbugs at Tod's at 10e. per lb., Saturday only. If yen want tiee Lest caunnd goods wchavethem. Cawker & Tait. Nicholîs' goods are aIl new attractive aiduseful. Don't failtot sec them. Mr. David Clarke's sale of stock, im- plements, household effects, etc., wi.hl corne off îext Moîday, Dec. 18 at 1 p.rn. A meetinîg of tie Local Union cf1 Christian Endeavor Sochethes wil.l be held i Tinity Churel on Moiday cve. nhîg next at 8 p.m. Collection. Just 25 years ago there was a very mild winter, aid this is te be such an- other. The weather wili continue mild umii îcxt March, wheu theme will Le a rough month or so, followcd by spring. Town counihibas expended thîs year already; on roads aid streets $3593 59, about $400 over the estimate 1$1594.42 ou publie property and the police cern- mitte has aise overrun the estimates. This in il menths looks very heavy. Poor Relief expenditume $536 14 which with $50 more te the Home will leave a balance on estirnate of $21386,. A grant of $400 extra was votcd te the public property, coniritec aid $10 te tIc - cmetery committee. Ratepayers wihi look witî anxiety for the Treasumer's report te sec where ail this extra moîey gees te m!iss REGINA PElRCY, Pupil of Prof. A. S. Vogt, Toronto, is prepared tO give lessons on Piano or Organ. eitljer at her own residence, Silve-r St., Bo wrnanville, or at the borne of ber pupis. 50-1m* NOTICE. 1 give notice te the publie that by mutual agreemnent rny wife Emma King and I have sep- arated. and I arn now no longer responsible for any debis of any kind cotracted or to be con- tracteS b ylier. flaiedat Bowmanville. fl,(eember 12, 1899. D. N. KING,, 50 3w ~ Burketon, P. 0. à 1E IRIMN mlEQUR111E1 OF IOWMAN.VILLE. F. T11IOST, First Tenor. JAY[ES GOARD, Second Tenor, H. J. KNTGHT, First Bass. T. E. HIGGIN BQTHAM, 2nd Bass. Addrcss aIl correspoîdence te JAMES Ç GOARD, Business Manager, Lock Box r 61, Bowmanvilîc. _ tf. Cash For Pou The undersigned is prepare( ail kinds of Poultry dressed in lowing m iailer; Dry picked,1 fea thers on body except the loi feathers; pull tail feat'hers oi higbest cssh rce will be paidi stock fasted fr21 hours. AI for drcssed Hogs, Butter, Eggi Apples and Beans. Stand: S Sta-,dýard Bank. Temperance imer ly occupied by, the late Ja-s JAMES McCONNA' 4O~m.Bown BY-LAW NO. To prehibit the sale of liquoi Township of Darlington. The Municipal Crouncil o!f tle TuN Darliegtoi hereby enacta as follows: I. Thai the sale by retail of apirituonu eS or other manufactureS liquors lsana prohibiied ln every taveru, fun or et] of public entertainment ln the 5aid m y and the sale thereof is airogetherp le every abop or place in the said mui other t an a lieuse of public enieriaini II. That the vote of the eleciors of Township of a rln i nw ll b e take By-law by the depîyrturoing office aller-name n Mon tyhle irsi day ary, euc usn-in uded, cou at niec ýloc nîemring a S ci 1111 five o'clock ile the afternoon ai il mentiened places: Polling subdivision No. 1, ai the sch, ln sceel a"sction No. 5, George A. St( le reiurng officcr. Pellieg subidivsi aon No. 2 ai tle Son the village of Tyrone, Richîard EawI returning odicer. Polling subdivision No. 3, at tle Son î crane Hall ai Maple Osove, Charle obl returing officer. Polling subdivision No. 4, ai tle 'T ln tle village of Hlampton, Henry Elli. le returning officer. Polling subdivision No. 5, ai île ha as Kennedy 's Hall je the village ef Eui Fred hiRogers te be retureing rfficer. Polling subdivision No. 6, ai the Son perauce Hall on lot number 31 iu th concession, Bert Gay t0 be reiurniug oc Polie1 subdivision No. 7, ai île sol le sclioo section No. 14, Saml. SoucI iurning officer. III. That on île 22nd day cf Decerni 1899, ai tle Town ball te the village of ai the hour of four o'clock lu the aftet Iteeveshaîl appoint in writing signeS self iwo persons te attend ai the finalj up of the voies by île clerk, anS one1 attend ai sacl poilingp lace on bel, persons interested suinSdesirous of p the passiug of this Ey-la w anS a like n lichaIt of tle persons inierested in and of opposing île passing of this by-law. IV. That île Clerk of the saiS Munici cil ef the Township of Darlington sa at lis office ai the hour of tee o'clo. forenqon on tle third day of January,. to sum up tle number of votes given againsi ibis By-law. V. This iy-law salîl orne loto operi be ef full force and effeet ce anS afti day 0f May nexi alter the final pasainý Town Hall. Hampton, Dec. 11, 1899. H. ELLIOTT, Jr, L. M. COU] Township Clerk. NOTICE.- I t ry, ,d to biuv n. tle fel lcave ne ng wing ut. The tom goed se cash s, Drîed South et fa .. a orllit Are Prepared for A Unique Ohristmas Display. We have been careful in the selection of our Xmas Fruits, bouglit for spot cash, thus eniabling us to seli at priCes that defy competition. We are leaders in Fancy Groceries is a settled fact. Here arc a few lhues, we kind- ly ask you to inspect before purchasiug, RAISIN S:-Connisseur Clusters, Black Baskets, Ex-. celsior Windsor Cluster, London Layers, Loose Moscatells, Valencia Layers, choice Sultana Raisins, Vostezza Cur- rants, Lernon. Orange and Citron Peels. NIJTS:-New Terragona Almoucds, Walnuts, ]3razil Filberts, Shelied WValnuts, Shelled Almonds. FRUJIT: -Caîf Oranges, ValenciaOranges, Jamaica Oranges, Malaga Grapes and Apples. C- HINMl: HAJ=LL. SECOND rLAýT. In this departmen-t We have spareci no pains or ex- pense in rnaking it thoroughly up-to-date. Our stock, is large and of superior quality in ail lunes of the iatest styles. No old stock. -It will be worth your w-hile to visit our China Parlo'r. 0f course Lamps are in great dema'nd. More so this season than ever, their subdued and mellow light coming, throu gh the, decorated globes gives a iovely, affect that every one appreciates. ilere are a few ideas of the many we have: A Handsome Parlai' Lamp. ,New low shape fountain lu dcli- cale blixe er piuk thîting with pretty colored flower lui bohd'relief with a bandsome globe 10 match, brass foot, large burner, complete $1.75 Witli Removable Oil Pot. Decorated fountain and globe 10 match, Pansies afid Wld Roses, brass foot -vith reversible oh fol3t- ai, large bumner, complete $2.24 Very Popular-at $3.50, Thc decorathons on this line are cxceptionally well donc, '9 îmc globe aid fountain 10 match, remev- able ou f ountaii, centre drauglit bus-uer, complete $3.50 Our' Mammroth Banquet Lamp. These luge beauties are the aeme of perfection in the Lamp hune, 26 luches tali, 10 inch globe, and fountain dccomated withî chrýrsan- tieînum oa patiiral çolors, shaded lointain, coniplete lindly soliciting a share of your patro nage and wishing you a!-ilfthe compliments of the season. BOWMANVILLE. CPfýWKI R & TAIT' naiville. 567 Before buying your r 'n te*Xmas presents see wnhi o*our immense dis- is fermenit- * nd shall ibe lay of attraàctive her p'lace ro-hib ted n...al.y and useful articles, imentsa, en on the ± I L PY rs lereit- T W L A emeneng '*i 7f T ho undeg 'liV'0 0 0'090 '1o0 house bephens to s' Hall in ey tbeS, W, MR3ON & SON. r sAxford BWAVIL.Next deer tle Standard Bank. owe hall ioit, jr. to Il known ikillen," ', f) J is ef Tem- ýe second Dfficer. ool lieuse te be i-e- )et, A. D., Hampton 1 by hirn. Surring pe rs8 on te rornoting urnber on d desirous ýallattend ak ln île A.D, 1900, nfor and ,ation anS ýr tle firat ig thereof. rRTICE, Reeve. Take notice thai île abs-e l a truecopy' of île proosSilaw chla s ls aeninto consderaionhytMunicipal Cuc - f tle TewnhlpofDarlingon a.d whiCî w'Illle fin- ally pselyîesaiS Counoil te île eveni et I îlleassent of the elect.)rs beiur obtaineri thp,-ein To further the happiness of your friend, you will show your wisdoni to be superlor if you will but purchase vour Christmas Gifts f rom T, N. Riekard, Bowmanville. To give you an idea of what y ou may select pieuse note the folljow- ing: Gents',A 1 Watches from $2.50 up, Ladys' A 1 Watehes from $3.5U up. There are cheaper ones, but not guaranteed. Gents' Chains, Ladies' Chains týt wholesale prices. Beautifut Cloeks for the home, Alarm Clooks to awakcn the heavy sleeper, Spectacles for father and Mother, Rings for your Sister, bc she littie or big, Rings for, your Brother, Rings (oo enough for the Qucen) for Betrothal, Rinigs (Plain cirelet of gold) for your marriage, Bracelets, Pins, Broaches, BeIt Buekies, niick-nacks of every kind. Sterling Silver Spoons and Forks at unheard of prices, Ebony Goods for the 'foilet, Sterling Silver Novelties lu endless variety, Silver lPlated Spoons, Knives and Forks that will wear, alse Bath Dishes, Bon Bon Tea Set, Sugar Bowls, Bread Boards and Trays and many things we cannot enumerate. As well a ne, 'a,- linao of. Goods neyer shown lu Canada until now.- Somethiîg for everyr oneu, be they ricli or poor. Eaeh and everyone ail weleome. Enough has betn said through the year as to the excellent quiy- of our goods and the b wness of prices. Ail should know by thihý timu that they are dealing with a reliable house when dealing with ~fier ue met' rom le firatublica"on1hee" of jecla îe d.,Ateo h,hlpbia tIon was e day ilhe ihirteenth dayofi Decembter, !109, anS ai île heur, dlay and plae Il. ELLIOTT, Jr-T . R 4&3w, Towissip Çleik~ Watchimaker, Jeweller and Optician, BowMiiwsvrLU.. -pkard.

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