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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1899, p. 7

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Wite$s ot a EN sendthe _ JIXlarger part of, a lîfetime in store or office. ,T'he > irus - týaverage woman< - us need gîve a generous share_ of ber time to the kitchen. The chief article of furniture-and usefulness- lthe kitchen is the stove. Compel thec good wife to wýorry along with a fifth-rate range, day in and day out, andc you are fast cutting short lier lifetime-. When a Souvenir Range adorus the kitchen ît îs a thing of beauty and general ldtility, These sLoves are b)eautifully finished and an ornament tu any k itchen. Best of ail-the 011lY stove with the celebrated aluminuni lined Souvenirs performa eve-ry detaîl of kitchen work witli a Con-pleteness that m.akes life in the kitchen a source of joy and happiness. Trhe bread iu the oven, the roast of beef, th1e delici- ons tuirkey, the toothsonne pudding are neyer spoiled lu the cooking if the good wîfe lias a Souvenxir range to assist lier. VCt WtLL LA&T A LiYATIMB. WM *UAATA -E T lflPsTe Te AL. eue PATu*Udiý Agent, Bowmnanville. We- "IldC a vastel 3tQck than lias been," and are as usual prepared to give b'ginu Clothinig, Pry Goods, Groceries aud Hardware. Go0od Tweed Suits to order $8.O0. Good Serge Suits to order $8.OO. a,hae a very large and weýl assorted stock to select f rou, iu Serges. W!;orsteds. and T"weed-s, both Foreign and Doxuestie manufacture. 'We are bound to SU IT 3 ou. Grocrksand Hardware. In our Groccrv qu iIl .arýre Depax tuents you wri11 find our stick welI assortead, bou-.,ht iii tlie be'st markets at the elosest prices, and will be sold at the r1ght piev. >Sine people want quantity others quality, we can please both. Highest, pice liî! c, jfor produce. Give us a cafi. HIAMPTON. The', e vr be Sl We have- sold piles of otsthe Iast five or six weeks and have lotia to dispose of yet, and vtry eheapý-firstclass goods at very small Driees- 0-thu carr-1y a good assortmienit of Laýdies' Oxford,eolored and black af $1,00. Mens CaîI and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.n0, wovrth $2-00 to $3.50. Chlldr.un's Button and Blms 25c, 50e, 75e, wortl, 50e, 75c, and $1.00. Misaffl', Boys' and YVouths' to correspond ~ABL AD& RAITE WORKS, BO WMNANVI LLE. à, ~ of and bealeur jrin Ire n enrtirk The Caaai Stesin BOWM~VILE, EC.1e3, 1899.I M uET Do youi ever thinke, when the skies are blue And the clouds ln t[ew, ýest are an amber hue And a shaded red and aï shimmnering white Thiat the Great ail Father takes delight lu see,,ing his children rest a while? lias the day bean weary, the task been long Lay care aside anid let a son2' Rise to your lips as Yeu gaze at the sky For the giories of heavenï seem fioating by. And £ha Great ail Father shifts the scelle, For some, life seems but idie play, Wriilc others are burdecned with care alwav; But idle'seeming' of t hidles a pain, ýAs the sun ofi shines in sumrmer raia; Yet the Great Ail Father sees -it;ail. And the beauty of sun and( cloud and - Sba gld the West as niglit draws Buit shows the love that will safely hoid Each trusting heart of this earthly fold; Till the Great Ail Father leadlsu!-, h'om. MIOULER'S FORTUNE1 Geo. B'arkley, Hamilton, fInds a Cure3 for Rhqum- atism. lie Malzes No0 Secret about it-Eey beody Laq 1Have the ilouefitoi; lms are WYithin the Meach of AIL. liÂMILTOI,Dec. 1.GoeBarkley, a moulder of this ci ty, is siatisfiedh a lundi a sure cure !or -ibeuiatismn at iast. lie, As is well known mn his friends. bas be erh for sucba a mdcn for the lAst few ý-erS d ulitil recenitl pqIite Vainfly. Be lias sinice been cuired of his owil casce aud ho reasnnahty infers that tht' remnedy that cured im iwili cure oaIhers, Reunmatisin is weilIknowxvi ta be-a dI!seaseb resuliing lfrom disordered kid neys. Thatila nowdays an acknow ledged fact. Urie acid, wbich should be filtered out of the blood by the kid- neys, remains in the system when those organs are unhealthy, and lodges ia the joints, causing rheumatîsm. The reasouable argument remotins there- f ore te cure Rheuinaaism by curing the kidnevs. This is exactly wvhat Mr. Barkiey did. Ie uaed Dodd'à Kidney Pille5 the besi uledicinm ln the world and to-day entirely f ree from bis old comn- t laint. Hoe writes as follows; oïds Medicine Co-, Gentlemen,-I have been for thrae years troubled with rheumatism. I have tried several remedies but te no use. I could not get any relief. 1 heard of, Dodd's KidneyPills and of the wonderful cures th.ey had made and de- cided to try themn. I got one box and after-I used one hall of this box 1 foundI I was gel ting btter, 1 haveuedsix boxes and Row I can waik wtotmy rae ousider I &nm cured. 1 remnain Ga. Bark'ey, Ilamilton, Ont, Fr'es!.,Ah.g up YfuA5y Dre-s Iraterials. When black materials begin to look gray or rusty, hrighten thein by sponging on the right sidc with *quai parts' of alcohol and water, anud, whlle damp, iron on the wrong aide. IMud w 'il often lea\ e a stain, whick may hbe renioved w'ith naphtha after it has been allowed to bocomoe th oroughiy, dry. Black sltk-warp goods will shine as they wiear, and expose tbes ilk threads; this shine iay be partly remo%,ed by Spoflgiflg with alcohol and -water, tbough it wvill ]lkely return; if it doea the sîlk inust be redyed. Colored cashmere. %erge, abatros, etc., may be clean- ecd by sousing lax a fluid composed of onoe dessertspoonful cf beef's gali te a j'ail 0f waiui watr; ,use les-q gai .:n the rin-Ing wat.or, dry ia a tasdy place. and iron en the vong side, wl s en #ariy dry, w'th a moderatolvy wa.rm iron.-Ladita' Home Journl- torpid or lnzctive. MeGr. eroul troublezM ay ioliw. Fer a prompt, effcient cun re ! ledach and aul 1 l--er*-ee1Je*.1- 1 NEW TAILOR II0P' nlie undersignedwbo bas been carrying on fe taiioring hnsi,,eiss ln counection with Ma1-son's Dry Goods Stora for anumber of yeairs oa eomcced busInesfr hImaf at'bisl romp Rin S.cewbre is " repareýd te make gents~~ an essil hthe lti ty les, a nd -Yow5'on. Frtiie h hte re Î-tI, hi ,icarry a f ull hue ,o! saînples u ili ýi neweEstpatterois. G3ive hlm a ali P. T. AILLIIN, FR E E!12 A. powerfuil bing hl,.ing remedy thst 21ures the worst kinýds o! coughs and colda ofYoung or ol ore roptyand effeeýt. ually thau any ohrmden.Pie2e tý-I nar4dyseal Do net gfri1pe, Pýrie 25e. Our baby got his linger rocked on one day. Ho was; crawiing &.bout over the floor after his red-and-whlte bail, wbienSe gave her rocking- chairza sdentlýt, and then we heard frein baby! Ho Cried as lould as ifth igr had been ut off,' and that prorked Sbe saitl, in aipretty Sharp oi , wa isý the _use (o? making ail thaut ai 1 dui't belieuveit-burta hllas ue aq you miiake believe*. Pu gtop But tobaby oiy ;cr'ied o uder than bloo "Nover mmird, RobbyJ,"- sald Fazýn; "if yo'll stop cîinl'h gt Lyou a sugar cake, a ralbig one." 1The baby paused a miniute and looked around oni t : ornera of hbis wet ccasebut, as no cakes weeinsithketocyug tLet him 1cry tili he gets lrd. Thent littie Fred. Gagwcm lin. Fre. 3Ournxtdr igbr Wybaby," hQ cried,"ha' the lmattcr?'- 'Theý.re!ý' ,xclairaed Sue; "you are rousing the neighbnrhncd, ]Robby!f" And then baby tonk a fresh start. "Hold on, Bob,- sald the new- corner; "I've got something between ny, lips that will cure the worst hurt that oer xvas. Want te try B aby rubbed the tears away wlth bi well,-1 hand and nodded. "Btyn must shut youlr eyos,- said Fred.; : -1 yensec x bttit ils, it'1 l net 'do enany geod."" Bab sreedun bisys tlght, and honfoî soetbng oftfaîl on bijs;'in'gers, likýo a rose led, n nd heard aget e ouni lkeolyý euie tlng In opoin bs î s; ofbexxassmiling i l e r is face, aitd 1ti e fingers 11,0 1'ennsylx ara Experim ont Sta- tien balýs recontly onpietecl seute in- tei, restnhg invest igations imto the re- aixovalue of w inter v%,heat and sliriiog- wbeat bran. T11e samipies ex- aniined represented the varions brand , s ofered for sale in that locali- Ba'ýseýd on eider analyses, the gels- orail opîinion bas boon Ibat tî'ere ils nuo inaterfal difference in thxe conmpo- sitien ni w ýinter and spring wbeat brant. The station's analy ses, boxv- ex ar, as weli as later analy ses in otheri States, show that, on the av- erago, spring xvheat bran la about eue per cent. richer in protein than wln torcwbeat bran, wbîle expori'- moents at tbe Massachusetts Station IicAiute that the protein cf spring wbcýAt bran i0 aise more -digestible thaun that nf winter wbeat bran. Se far, then, as bran serves for the pur- poeof supplying protein tot balance up a ration, the' epring wbeat bran appears to ho preferable to the wln- ter wnheat bran, nôtwithstandingt that the latter usualîy comrmands a price lu the niarket. The composition of the difforent campiez of bran was ieund te vary conriderably, and it waà &a* found that lu Maine and MasaachusettÊ, wbere -anaioff cial feeding sttaffiS n- trol i,,4 maintalned, the variation wwa îonîiemat leas and thxe average gre. d@ o'f' thQpxoduct somawba! b lgher than ha a eni.yivaria. 1h. resitsae!thcse ivetgaln willshorlyho publisbed ia bulletin A KIngaton Lady's Experlence with Mllburn's Hîewt and Nerve Pilla lu Relleving tItie Distresslflg Con- dition. "I have suffered for somo years wtba mmothening sensation caused by hoûant diseasýe. Thle SeVeriiy of the ptlinla niU Y heart caused me much sufferinge. I was aise ve-ry nervous and m'y whehe aSyStem,, ras rua dwuand debllitated. "Haigthat Milburu'sHaran NrePilus were a specille- for these: truls1 thought I would trly ten and got albx at-MeLeoda' Drn!g Storo. Tho,,y aodemcgroat reli',f, algtolied up my ysem udrenoxodthle diStressing sPtoi from wbehINsffred1Ican beartihy vreeommur h e-'nefi il igtaOnt. FeundeOby F7. L1TTEýLL il 1944. Mdepevroetaesat" A Weekly Magazine of Cneprr ieaueadTogt Pubflishod BACHIWEEKLY NME otiswîotarde Every $Saturday ment, the Ii itretn adimotatcntiu ,a11i giiga t tions ta the periodirials o! Geat BPritaýin anýid teCou- -1 glirig bout tinent. 3,500 pages a ALL DPRMNSof ,oleg nd quso yea1r !the wbicll in1tçrost inltelligent r vdvs ith IlfictioPn and WORLD'SBEST pootrv, are reýpresenicd aii ts ags LITERAîTLUI ORIGINAL- TRANSLATION,ýS of strikîin articles froi ineludingContinental& uce1 r raeexreslyfor the mag- Sýcience aýd Art aieb l w tf ftasaos Biogï-aphy wiil ppeanr il.ac se Pubie ffarsthe nmos't ipratnew noqeitriinoeso Fiction kalid wmon ýIl,. Pee2! hblsbd e e !a18yt, a éyear. S-gl1ni1 brs 5- A BEMARKABLE OFFER. Presenting an Opportunit-y to Obtain the Best Reading the World I'roduiceS duning- the year 1900, at Prices neyer before Thought etf, NEW SUBSCRIBERS to THE LIVING AGE may receive with it TUE REý', VIEW 0F REVIEWS or PUBLIC OPINION for 06.75 a vear; or for $7 2 HAll- PER'S M4ONTHILY or SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE, or &air other $3.4>D peniodîca1 pubhished la the U3. S. This offer is good only to absolutely NEWV SUBSCIII ESto T 1 LIVNG F- 'Fo ial l JeSubcrinrsto TELIVNGAGE îf>r toy~ 9',rm their subscription,wilb sent E. THE L17VING,1GE CO., P. O. BoX 50,Bso lbo End of the Century Hemsdyju for the End of the Ce-ntury DiSease. DB ai pe This Orcat Remedy, bas until non, beau obtained only by the, weafthy patients of an emlaent Nerve Special. Ist. A scientific treatment for Nervi. r N INous Bxhaustion and is allled evils, Ifeadache, Dizzlness, WearinessSleep. -~ Iesness, Indigestion, Mental Depresa- AD LETS e-, ion, Irritabiity, etc. Tiny Ta hIets I n Z TRATION and los o Physical and I RED Mental vigor. At Drugglsts for .59 clnto y alfrthe D7r. opta A T THE î CORNER M L1"l!NERY.1 ü" Wben tbinliug of your M)illiinerýy nedyn]ia tu rêtllI dweli on the sinartest -and niost efciehb~hd 1uî you -waîit the best it is wi -to place yu rtrwîr you are likely to ge,ýt the3 correct thirvr-,. ttrIîud- ýSigu' your bat this fail. We promise you tIL Ysaif- tion you can possibly get froîn having a hat wv'ith tb. air of a New York or -Paris cretation, In mtewc r cw can set you at case. Weinvite you te e'alil dispe our stock. It is a pleas ure for us, to show our gocod]s. BOýWMÂNVILLE. iss MONEY'S MONiJEY 1 .&ny man who '«cars tii. J. 1).Ki.ng Co.'s maies nioney-mouey tht iljinigle in his pock-et, ~ Serclithe world over and you *Dwi1 find notbingý, better than Su nPoo Rubbers, because ~ here cis uothiug hetter. Auy pro-gressive dealer can tell ýýyou 1ail about Stub Prof f not, write ta tii . J. ). in1g Co., and theuy will tell you., Yena can't afford to be withouit themn, becatise tht1ae beSt. See- that Stub Proof is STAMPEJD ou the bottom of each sboe. The J. D). RING CO., Limited, Is 'brought out wîth nLarege emiphias;s i-te1 system of buisInesseuaioagt nti ý collegTe, 1y- our systeru of initernational ors '-poridence -pupils are miade acquaiutied wt theqctuiaievery Ay xerecetatwl Scorne to them in the1ct"ite ,L uiniýeýs Slife 0Onr l1arge calendar that tells about this m4ýethod is free for the asing. Y.M.C.A, b1cdg, Cor, Yonge & M'YicGi1Il t~Tr D AV 1D H OS KIiNS, Chartered ci cocuntaýnt,Prnia

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