edw ~ lu tftsmu TERMS :-O1.50 PER ANNum. NEw SIERiEs. OUR TOWN AND COUITTY FIRST'; THE jWORLD'APTERWÂRDS. M. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNEFSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1899. *A. JAMES, Editor anid Proprietor. VOLUME XLV. No. M. THý Aîxnmf1SXA For 1900 will soon be here. o And we b ave made great -preparations for it by layig0n aree-pl fi goods suitable 'for CHIRISTMAS PIRESENTS. Sucli as Ladies' Kid Gloves in Biacks and Coloxs, Mitts, Gaiters and Hoisery of ail kinds, Men's Kid and Buck Gioves, lined and unlined, Silk Hankerchiefs, initialed adplain, Linen Hankerchiefs in plain hemstitched and embroidered in ail qua lit- ies, a beautiful lot of Men's Tics, the very newest things in the market, Ladies and, Genits' Umbrellas, lovely goods and made up specially for the Christmas trade, Table Liniens with Table Napki ns to match, ail colored Table Covers in ali sizes. LADIES' COATS 0f which wýe stili show a large collection, the latest German and New York styles. DRESS GOODS 0f ail kinds inI ail the iatest materials in both Biacks and Colors. Also a loveiy lot of Blouse Silks. \FURS Fur Lined Capes, Caperines, Muifs, Ruifs and Grauntiets ln the, most fashionable Furs. READY-MADE CLOTHING Men's and Boys' Suite, ail sizes and Overcoats to suit the smaii boy or the larg- est mian in Ulsters'and Beavers. Our B3eavçr Coats at $10.00 le we believe the best ln Canada for the money. TO ALL Ou] Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, Torontoi. at Mfrs. Littlejohns'; Mr. Lew. and Ms Mabel Pascoe, Solina, nith friends; Miss Flû Annis, Mt. Vernon, at Mr. Levi Anisi,'; Mrs. D. Pollard, Oshawa, at Mr. L. M. Courtice's; Mr. Leslie H1all, Toronto, at Mr. S. S. Brooks'; Mr. Je.,sie anid Miss Lucy Lander, Tauniton, at MrJas Lourtice's; Mr. WillI Hay>iceck, Toronto, at Mr. R, 0. Shortý's; ms. T. Harris, Tyrone, at Mr. J. Short'S.. - . ev. Mr. Wilson gave an enthusiastie address on Temper ane LegisiatinSwunday morning .... Mr iFred. Joblin, OshIawa, gave a fine ev- angZelistîc talk Sunday evening making a very' v favorable impression .... Miss Bickle wili be aided ln her school con- cert at Mt. Carswiell Hall Friday even- ing, Dec.22, by Messrs. 0. A. Gamsby and F. fHi, musiciaus, Orono. Mr. M. J. Gibson, who lhas just returned frora the Normal School. TIoronto, will assist with violin. The inarching anAI drill exercisea, dialogues and recitations will interest ail. Lady Loves lleauty. Dr.Anw' Oinitmient stops Skin Blemnishles- Skin diseases of every nature. [rom the meFres't pimple on t he fiesh to the mnost distressing eczemna, saît rheu and tetter, are quickly, pleasantly and permnaneutl -Y cured -by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. In disease wvhere outward. applications mnake a sure cure Dr. Ag- new's Olimnent nayer fails. One ap- plication g:ives instant relief. Sold by J. "ig;ota Son. DURHIAM iCOINTY Has provided the mnaterial for many of our leading- proffessional and business men. She kzeeps well to the front. and bas more young men and women lu i training t 'his terhluthe rRR ÂjR .. t- merryehita.1 FINANCE <CON T TEE'S UMEPORT. h, eeusfomteCmtrln - Pub'-tllic Property are several hnrd To Ris Worskip the Mayor, andCiJoun- ol-lar oeta a simaeds cil of the Town of Bowmanville; there was a largecrease*lu the Tw GENTLEMEN,-Ifl presenting the Hall receipts and 1aIso 13in Fine and Fees. Financial report for the year 1899, we There is a reduction in the initerest ac- do so with a feeling of satisfaétionl, ascount OWilic to thle introduction of the we believe the Council for the present Bv law for paying taxes.,, A number yerhave carried outithe work entrust- of the ratepayers tOok adlvantage of ed to them iu a manner whiech shouldte ea frpyn hý axli meet with the approval of every rate- SepTtember. We regret to0 hear that paver. It is a pleasure t0 report that SOme of the ratepayers did not receive afier ail accounts have been peid wýe terta oiesi_'ni otkeavn will have a surplus on baud. -1age Of the rebate. Your Finance committee dlid notl The Finance conittee aiedou the deem if wise f0 caîl up more by taxation D. Il& . Co. te seranifteywr than was acfually required f0 meet thé opligwith thle conditions 'of the legitimate expenses of the towni for the Bonus B-ayeur emmittes beg to current year - Your committee bas report that' the Domninioni Orqn i~nd been asked how it has been able f0 'Pianlo Co, are more than carrying ý,out tùeet the expenditure by ouly asking the provisions of the By-law and exceed for 18 ilîis for the preseut year. Your, the requiremnents from 25 te 50%. Your Finance committee- when striking- the commîttee have eudeavoured to ar- estimates at the beginning of fhe'year range a meeting with Durham Rubber tookz the trouble te look up the auditors' Compan.Y to ascertain if thôy are corn- report of Assets and Liabilities of the plying with' the conditions of the Bonus town of Bowmanvil]e for the year 189)8 By-Lawy. We bave arrangeçi te meet and fournd a surplus o! $1.691 94. We the Directors at their requet, Saturday aibo look ed up the auditors' report of evenug at the Rubber factory office at the HIigh a.ni Publice chools and found 8 P-. m- a surplus ln the Higli school of somne Wheu ail accounts are in for the year 8977-0 Wîth these surpluses and the there will bc a balance on hand of a bout varions revenues revenuesi received by $100. the town we have been able to meet the Te ylwrglfn h ordinarv expenses of the town by a tax ftaxes Ylawben mite with n a of 18 mills.oftxss el-eopidwh ia Iu looking over the the expenditure ver3y satisfactory mauner, the large Of the several committees of Council we sum of $7,000 hbas been paid dnring the find that soehv xeddtera- pa8t three days. Yôur committee prorîaion, b haingto o wrk hat ild 'suggest that a nàtice be iuserted prs oit ins, by havî tdoetw9 r hinluthe two towu papers the first week awas not ntended ordou the steai, lu gupt giving the ratepayers proper madesntpoie orl h s notice to take advautage of rebate for mates.first paym*int of taxes. We are pieased to say that the re- Ahl of which is respectf ully submitted - ceipts from the varions revenues of the JH .MTnL towu are largely in excess of the esti- o. K. GAnRThE,, mates and will meef the extra expend- JOHNK. G ALB.yT., iture and leave a balance on haud. ,JH OUTY Your Roads and Streets committee R. R. LosoHna. have expended durlnu the vear 23463.31 ~1 L.