I OULDER AGAIN. * ~ 4 z~tt~ uTUE TOWVN PRINTING. * TOk C LBAD The printing and advertising requir- Cten ilonberquired Io elec0 0 m This time 'W m-. Bowen, BOWM&NVILLE. DEC. 20, 1899. ed for towU wias by an, agreement to bc 'Trustees for 1900, The Ien r o h of Brockville, is Oi.red of -n i ere~ ~ptik divided equally between the two local PUbliceSchool Board whose term ex pires T e T o ikT rn. Bakc b ods liotn SirGenore f Onktari, e -, printing oiffices. Tiere is how it haswith thjisyear are; Tne ospital or Sik CilÙldrenT rno Bacace b D dds Lutnat Cveorof ntri, dedonbeen done ini 1893 and 1899:- North Ward-T- E. Hlligginbotham;ý Kidney Pis. WVednesdayv at his home in To)ronto. 1898 GALE. JAMES. West Ward -John MlcMrtry ACaial nttto aig~r$ kadCu. Ile was bor n in King-ston in 1841, wlhere Jani. 11 7)8.12 6 $0 South WVard- John Lyle. AC1rýI Isiuil aîg7rSc-a dCi) Moulder's Seemn tobe a Fortunate he studied law in his father's office and Feb, 8 8.55, Mr.Lyeaigenp itdSc-ie Chdrnfo AiP rso!he "Trade-Second Moulder Dodd's Kid. rcie-lspoesinfrsm yas Mr 8 1,0ea ye av illltbe canddated e- Pd hlrvnce of On Pts of1c ney Pis Reported Recently to Have -patcdIi rfsinfrsm er a.8 1.0eayT aue ilntb addt Cured. in that city. He was the Conservative June 22 13.50 f Or re-election, so that a new mnan mnust Poic fO tro BRocKvir, D Pec. 25.-Last we =ktie representative in the flouse of Coin- July 16 25.00 be chosen in the South Ward. The papers pelorted the case of Geo. Bark mosfrFotenac County for about ug. 5 67.0 elcctions will take place on Wednesday, Hyaiamilton moulder, who was 20 years, when hie was appointedLiu Dec. 15 M.5 Dec. 27. The returning offlcers will fortuinateengl to flnd a cure for tenant Governor o naj osto t 86be: ]lheumiiatismi. 'Thiis, it turned rut, was hThetccup$oa .76 $20.1.5 NoJ adR MDual Dodd's Kidiney Puils, the mostfamous hce ni 86we f 1899 kine mdiie n hewrl. heeOliver Mowat was appointed to that Ja.7 5.2 1.7 West Ward-Jol'n Lyle. Isanoidrin Brockville wbo also has position. The funeral was held in TO-237 South Ward-John McSorley. laor moldv er Apr. a atrno adinKngThey wili receive $6 each if there bec aPIdt a eadnDodsKde ot rdy feno n nKns Juîy 7 10.00o toPnSaudywishermis 62 a contest or $8 if they are elected by lac- Williami Bowen suffered from Back- to nStra hr h rmis8 5.5caain ache ui a severe wav. Backadhe is fot were interred in Cataraque ccmetery. -caain a mnere affection of the muscles or an Total '$121. 50 $3650 At the November meeting of the1 IL ache in the backbone. Many, people After ail there is no t so very much to Thus it will be seen tha t Mr. Gale Board accounts were passed for $482.44 thinkn this was the case have spentba eevd$926arayanleofwih44wst MCla &o. inne adtime rubting liniments into cowovr nthorsutofthiWsxE- asrceve $0 2 aredy ndheofwic $24isno cCela &Coa f ixP«utsno i heHo<t!-(ro apoe;rp]) the back. This is quite useless, as n.o gin election. Thi seat is conserva- lias a big accounit stili to present, w hile for fuel. At the December meeting on- Wil another year's wark added to 1akill. And its services are free to little, amount of rubbing can readli the kid- tive by a mighty smal solatium, Mc., Mr. James lias received only $56.65, ly $3.45 accounts were passe d. tise twenty-two years of its existence, 1 hildren wlose parents cannot afford. neys where the achie is actually located.- Diarmid, Conservative, was elected with oniy a small aocount unreudered. TIIE SALARIES PAID. thse Hoapital for Sick Chidren, Tor- these mall f ee charged. None are re- Backadhe is tkidney-ache and should be onto, b.a sent out its report of the fused admnission. For this Hospitýal a treated as su-ch., OtherwiHe it may de- there lu 1898, majority one. Hie was We have to pay more taxes than the Lately there have becu a shifting of gOnd that it has done. In 23 years founded in 1875 by great-bej ai-rte ns velop into Bright's Disease or scme unseated and Mc Nish elected, to be in man whio receives the lion's share of the ealaries. Increases have been granted the Hospital bas ýnursed and treated and women, who saw the ne'.dl of thse other form of Kidney Disease in its turn unseated. Now its Mc Diarmid's patronage. Is this riglit? We do not as fOllows: Mr. Davidson $50;1 Misses 3J,001 pain-siricken cbIdrn wliicii is speu(ial car-e necessry for -sic ,1d;-sJLtuttI fatalfortruly a gieat record. Last year over and friendless ebuîdren, littie o-nes who fatalform.innings with 21 majority. _No great re- think the counicillors generally are Fligg and Jennings $25 ecd $20 was D00 chidran were, treated in the lui- tbrough misfortun,' saeadpv Mr. Bowen say;s of his cure: volution lu pupiic opinion is it ? yet aware of thispai tiality. It is the work knooked of the South Ward Janitor's dýoo-,nd outidoor departmants. The erty ooulO fnot hu selp ecls togb Dodd's MerocinilCe. to read the Conservative journals one of officiais, but they should insist on salary and $40 off the Secetary-Treas !,aine of tie Hospital bas travelied fer to-day its famnelias spread, anid imsnzy GENTLEMA\-ýN,-I have been croubled would conclude that Whitney was float- justice being donc. ue .Teslre o 90ae ruInd si orto ie t le r :fomail psar of sttlhe s piasl tts humbe dwe with pain in ;ny vbackh and in the region ing into power on the flood tide started ______ R. D. Davidson, Principal, $750. th3 provinGe. Somn rveliou-, cures imgs. What charity bas so >great a of the kidnevs, and 1 was advised by i, West Elgin, Tut! TIen about Miss Moorcraft50. have beeon effected by its skiiftil phy- cdaimi on the sympathies of men-, vwo- Mr. Stegz. buteher, of this town, to B50i0.TO N 3ONCL.arians, wb.be many a littie cripped mon and chidreni take Doddl's Kidney Pilîs. I was verv rwrs s i. ela îpyMloi caih40 chiJd bas, recverel the use of deform- j The Hospital la euýe of the iargestF bad, being hardi?5 able to stand the been elected for a third termi. Tory it Miss Gould 875 ed limbs. under thIe care ot its surge&ns. institutions of its idnlu tli p in.1an now comipletely cured, and was. Tory it stili remains, The only The Counuil have passed a big grist Miss McWaiu 825. csexphen teris thïed l ansingoe o l.li h.el c6~oa o paii. asewhe Ihre s te Ieathop oS200 chldren. To-diy thè,re are more eau highiy rccommprnd cDodd's Kidney real victory was in Sout'hOntario wîerc of accounts the past two months and in Miss Hall 300. aucli expenditure proving beneficiel. theanii 0 aint nts ci-ais Puis to anvone trouibled with Backache. ainsi hect-,iýis 'Xhe men iin the shop will ail vouch for Dryden's majority was more than order to let the ratepayers know where Miss Fligg 300. Tise botter to procure thse appliances boys snd girls. needed in curing thse deformities of 1lI close affiliation with thee Hot3pita]. my case. doubled. their mèney goes, we publish the Miss Jennings 800 snany littie patients, thse HOspital is Tho Lake£iid, Home for Little C'h;]e 1rian orecFinance Comnittee's statements: Miss Laing s. w. 300 1J rustees have, this year added a very dreu. tisel convilescent brandis, -wisereý WM. BOWEN. TEWtBEESAAA. Bowmanviile Nov, 6, 1899 Corp. A. Hobbs, Caretaker 400 imSportanit departmnent to thse Hospi-athptinswn nberve r To Bis Worship Mrs. J. Tyler S. w 60 tai. A buIldLng acjoining the largo talcen to tspend the warm summenr HoI on C olleg', street was Pur- monthi%. The L4p, deHomne was, a 7if t DR. L. POTTIER. It appear evident that Canada is gro- The Mayor and Town Council John Lyle,'Se c.-Treasurcr 60 Gbas-3d, and ini it %vore placed tisa mach- of a Toronto gentleman L)to tise Boepi- offie and re5deneentrlemenpp:-teTrnlt hery and material noe.led for thse tel. It is located on ,tiese outh-west Oongregational veboreh, Bownanville. 25-m îng to derive large, commercial benefitGetee-mk.no alidsoap[acened CrnrQTontIlndanti'au- ________________________froin the troubles lu South Africa, for We your Finance Coin- Total salaries $4120. ed lintifferent cases of surgiry. An tion is a hreazy and health-giv'ing e IIIS EVA LUTTRELL alr eady the imperial authorities are in- mittce beg to subinit the undermention-______ expert workman heus been accu red f remn1 Tà" great charity is supported isy qiigwhat faciiities she has f or scnd- cd accounts iwhich after having exain- New Yor-k lo superintend the making the vgluIntary contributions of i1h.e I rprdto give lessons on ergan and piano 1urn T a atersdence, Kng st. 7 ing lu supplies, and indced initiai o-mdad on ob orrect, wonl re re- cf ts p an eq s ubtedbyct es people of Ontario. lise ord1iî>'e con- ined for found tJ be c UË iast yetr was over-15(0) signuments are now in course of prepar- comnutmt rer eg--on'i attending each cse Yettkanks te the generosity of thse MISS ETHEL MORRIS, a tion for shipmcut . Ibrougli tIc cf- payment of thse saine, ile rýsuts have beeau eminently1 puhi;Q tisis expeuse Was met, and ARTST Intrietoi,;,,vennPININ- frt ofth MniserofAgriculture, a Drs. MeLaughlin & Beitis Poor $ 10.50 ]Vedicines Now- ..fter te g4 tisesa app'iances quickiy and wlýchwas aen off tise mnrtgage. la01,Wtr eeradChn.Sltetehing and Rice Lewis & Son 24.60 whb-hmlad bor eretardtngntd bar painting fromn natureý. KILNi on promises, fir- order bas becu procured for 3000 tons Backache. cretymaefr ai alnbtassaz tise xork for years. mg et 1usuel prîces. Sf. of baled hay to be delivercd in Cape W. Bl. Williams Fire Dept. 2.75 t1b expense hlas bèeen greatly reducod,j- .,- Ton y hrsins;sape ouig-Seecetors of Jurors 6.00 irnd endie.as savinga will be effected. Ter la still laft n mortgage o Tow b Chismas smpl cnsin-Yestferday, jour Liver; To-day, jour -Miny of tise Iiide patienÈs ceoma $25,M a nd a hbnLm overdraft of $5,00M, MISS ~INA ERCY, ments of varions kinds of Canadian Durhamo Rnbber Co., 68 Nidncys; To-orw ou tmc; freioartee Whor every dolar la need- or a t flsl d- b of $W000. ifth Pupi ofPro. A 1,ý VgtTorntois repredW. . Hmphey 90 d for every day net-d%, and wissre thse riea4.s cf tise I--aspital are just e littie te give lessons on Paoo Organ, eltber et lber caned goods areas en etotMetDy a ocLbrlti hthg, n Puplo Pof A.5.YoiTcrnt, a repre cn e as igS enOnt, W. J - Humprse "Court420-10tDyWht -parents could net possibly affori te eouea u e.,ta ag own residence, SIe S. Bowvnianville, or et and this will doubtless iead to cnsider- eiiglritcsCut2.0 Tise recognized success of Dr. Pitch- auî-ply tli- braces, supports and, ortiso- d*bteduesa w'11 be liftgd, sud tiseLis thse bomneof ber pupils. 50-m' bedvlpcto rd.Ti e Beil Telephone Co., 1.40 cr's BAckache -Kidney Tabiets for Back paecic ppi tn et ajlne secur, tise pîtai for Slck Cialdren xiii swing into, velopinent is important not only for its Qucen City Oil Co., Ffre Dcpt. 8.20 ache and Kidney complaints, las led attendant-e of the eminent SurIiosts wnit etr refe et NEW AUCTLONEER.itisevlebt-Js.Lamnh Pb rpry 825 to a lot of remedies bobbing up sereneîy who dedicate tiseir services te tise Tise Tru£tees are niaking a speýiî JÂ~ lsolieensed auctieneer, will co- tisi aue'u rom tue tact tuat it Ja.Lamnk u.Poei as Backache Kidney cures. Tisere us HopIa.C'ristxas appelai for money toý dis- daitsaleýs lu west Durham this season atlowest will impress emphaticaily upou tise Roger Fishîcîgi Fect Fire Dept. 4.40 hvroui" one mediclue perfetly Ilicture tise improvemnent tisat must chargQ tis debt. They kin), thiey x~ts. Apply for terme, dates, etc., et JoEx t owvr ,P c ollow te a crtppled chili piteously isýtb ie kindly ,,ynp thsy-if every, RclDLSnarness Shop, King St. E., ]iewran- Home auteorities the tact that the Do- F. Loscombe Night-Watch Police 1.25 balancedfor tic relief of Backache Kid - rfeigfrmcresdsnidsaeIoaf oie 'siy iihsad v~~~~~~~~ illemion is well able to compete wti Clcrks 2 25 Dey compiaints,- Dr. Pitciser's Back- lyLng Penisnpe in a dark cornar onaert.wî rsoîtrdh.red othr cunrie lusupiyng hencesR. Darcl Grates Boads & Streets 9.50 ache Kidney Tablets. Thc name indu- bar,,bgi and attended lovingly but to cgQiser ie is eŽrc isasin DR. J. C. MITCHELL, ohrcutisi upyn h ed cates what t are frAnth av-'Ui Q1rUýltl: n EMBEROFCOLTEGEOF'PEYSIOIANS of tise War office and the Admiralty. Thos. Dard Tcamlng 13.50 tisingl lasdrce htws.inter. iinrey tise imprdorenlg îutt..dl. sall.ts intge ne M adngeons, Ontarlo,Coroner, etc, Imneqatte Sgoslv uî Rd. M itherage 11.00 Tisey are not a "jack of ahi trades" tisai cbid'a pýro pants cf recovery wisen tii a %y" i tri nlfeaiVney. Residence. Enniiskilleu. 74 % to becu pu-rch)ascd from Aýmerican firins Tisos Lvle 69.00 miediciue, curing liver troubles to day. tako,9n intq tthe brigisi atmotspiereo of ai Thay, iwill S phaedte eo l a reporti- A. EMeLUGH-N, there is no reason wiytic Dominion Chas. Penidle Laboring ý 24.8plepol-e-orwkde tobes maitlwrhr l ba tare-t or amy re-ý ie uriuhra to miy A. E lUlýAU;fIINnext' and so on througis the list ooS lis. fu'ly and tenderly nursed and wis.e.e rend ar (-,'tus papr. ]BriterSolicýiter an;d Oonveoreneer. Offie:- shiouldn-iot secure tise trade lu future. Geo. Lyle 28.13 Howcver, for Backach Kidney trouble, every care of modern aurgical.,au(d All y at i s :a dollar fremeacis lWeakley' Bloek, King sîree, B Iownmanville. B. Dilling 28.12 ail otiser remedies combincd caunot medicalienI will be givafmý, it. _ 1kiad hnator oreIf oule-1 yeo Moeyteba t eaonbl ats. 48lyN. Piper 8. ~75 Éive you sudh a volume of evideuce lu It would maka nues 1haart -aee toI j ena rir it. iiowmanviile as following;- cetisa surresendi g; of iieu A dQnation oS lwiiisppr MUS.T CUT I N CANADA.. a.Vodden2.50 çheecot- o tea tha Hve )' i cI D. BUHKE SIMPSON, -.David DrhHresmaker and sm o nu' lte i e s7epic or ma yaar T~ ARISUmd~0LCITR, tc.MORIS'J. Stephens Teaming s5.0arh0Hrnsswien r ebiirg aa, nilworof 6o f S wl ORupstir, inStee, owan Tise effeet of tise statesmanlike action A. Grant Laboring sdir as-Itk rat picasure tisa ' -,4tali mi ie as l>ou_.,ht cot for all timn-. .AJBL 2 ireconen»n Dr.Pt r'sBackache a promise of isaiti te tise clili ad Ani ?1i l a urn atd gifi. For -ville. Solicitor for tise Ontario Bank. of ti.o Provincial Goverumnent lu pro Jos. Fletcher 26.00 11deyTabîIets t Iianyone suffering tise piasures of hopa ta tise parents. mzny dollars xiIi follnw ena. He PrIvate moneva leaned at lowest rates. hibiîing tise exportation of Canadian Wmn. Bambivn 5.00 fiom backacise, kidney troubles, siug- We taî.e p[easure in te] îî.îz out read- v ive s ixosuic':iy pives 1w'-. log i areay ecmig apaen, or rok. TenothPu. roprt 860gîshness of tise bowcls, or biliounss. crs of tii noble institution, Sfo" wisoTi:tngia tËhco.urzn,- of ts oot ROETYUG ,Shlogs s arcay eom n pa retfrBoce rnnoMtiPubiPron-t 8.60I have always lad more or less trouble, kueiva but :c of tisa lOttie Cnesxtis- Eceaing 'eirgrairn eachdotin il FFCEOIB ET 'URHAMS tNEuWrSc o asen ihia- .Fishleigi Fire Depi, 1.00 and wisen I got tise bottie of tableis at lib is district may 'a-en nuow hbve need be a.-no-xledgbd, as13 îl snlutise Bloc, ÇeeI WsET Ùr hlsasaMnE Wihave, siarted 10 move their mollis into "Cemetry 2,75 Stoit & Jur.y's drug store, I lad a nasty of it& serv"-.e 1 Thet- i Ctes d-à%ire naAnnuel leTr . Tios oets, befoandfrom5a.rm. te9p. m. -Nigit censa at Ontario, appreciating tise fact that tise Dustan & Hoar Roads & Streets ctîn an ih cra y ak ts eanon, ia t er o s H.-China e b 1oi'1busTron resideuce, direetly opposite Drill Shed. Calls i judgenaent rendered by the Ontario Il I boWels were bouud up andts ae la r Iea iiaoeit eev e xhmdonaio00m ie sent, telegapis r telplion win eceiv promt e -Pub Popert 8.75bad., I took about eue-haIS tIc boîtie any ak or 'ailin? cisili under 14 years1 will al.o sn crte cnwegn tention. 171 - 0 yr. rcourts, i3 so clear cnt and decisively " " ire Depi. 6.41 and tle p unîdsappealrea together wiîh I-I ages loconid.(,e lenefited b lie tr'of aoy ou-tina a on eevd - aga nst i mtisati wili bc throwiuig MeClellan & Co. Lumber 884.08tll otiser troubles. I havehiad no rein ErIAIR WORK'!ý.-Ladies wishing hair o-ood m yatrbdt poeuete i 7 ofth painorsmtsasyan Ilt doue ever, cea t Mas Dicsarçsor-t sing mIlyaSerIal0 roecIetieCoal Pire Depi. 1.0 ts rsmtisa ea D aend Cor of Ontario St Bowmanville. s4-tf appeal, and altisougl tise procecdiugs " " "Pnb. Propty. 11.50 S ccl sirong and well. I have tried otî DD 11 15 TII4B FAIIOIJS may e crrie tiougi asa mlteroS usta & ina Fir -Wtcr ~s.~oer mndicines withoni any relief, couse-L I U U may c crrie thoughas mater f Dstan& H r Fie Wter up.3550 uently fecil ikeli roge yrstronglIlyIGrePuommen0 NiARRIAGE LICENSES,-M A. forin, they lave sinali expedtations of Guelph Paving Co. (329.20 ding tisese tablets to aIl who sufer as I GRATrEFUL COMFORTING J JAmiss, Issuer ef Marriege Licenses. its succceding. Their only remaining Poor Relief 25,00 did."I ___________________iiope is lIai somne arrangement may be Carsweli & Co. 4.15 J. Saunders, cuiter ai Coudh, Johns- Distinguîshed everywhcre01 ~geecritetedeet rtesoSintreiarrived ai ihrongl tise medium of tise W. Goodman 8ý5.00 ion and Ceyderma n'a, says: "Permit me for delicacy of flavor sup-B ogodor-Joint Rugi CommiTotal $1814 .2 be6 Pitchcr'sBackacbe Kidney Tabiespr- erior c4uaity and nu- l - .M LIuNa,.qolictor,Bowmanvle,Ont. 11cr id trme Snec saflvconcldcdtiat heMiehiandrsBen Wcrry Gravel Roads & St. 57 eagetpa fgo.Ifn ia 16 -6m. wil continue tb use cvery effort ioward J tpesSoeI lm ratpa fgod idta al roertiesd.omor ihat ed. If le preeni coditiono ~ Stphens tone " 5.25 they are nol ovcrrated, worthy of cô ily rteu adco.r- j. - R. 1. llameenTue If' theQ9 ation. condditioan ofuc-yon-b1 Immirest alowedatet urrent rates. Notice et tince it containi a sediment resrmisling Chras.duealveareachufor $1 50 Elti6er5caîl aneiget t no two alihe WrItts end ws wli uecd tht]messotsimr fC r-jr ~~iltbdrewiiknet necessaryAfodepisits payablea- pStpaid; smitl'nttullt thoeMtneynaldweat lefmtiaotunsîfhrc ,xdan a mtnd say Aldpstspybeyen may ha certaintisaitishe kirincys are sluggisla R Worth Suppîy "le 2,85 'THE STATESMAN offie Or addreSS Order Be X mag4mad iOn~uî~C. and inactive, and tisaitisey ar-e eaving deadly Younig & Co. ' 1.35 10 Advcrliser PritîneCoLon donOt EXCIHANGE poisons in tise system wicis will in tince producsDutn oael 10 terrbly ata comlicaion. Dutan 1-oar5.00POPW.AR SONOS eought aud seid and Drafts issued epen Europe îtrrisi ftalcopliatons T PTEN God&deSt.k es5.50d usavo=pltÀ UnciteS States and Canada, aise Geld, Silver aud As an invigorater cf tise kidurys Dr. Chai' upyRa .0Imny eya secured by ileali'Janid aSboum in ont elm A 'ilcx' at diecsl cednatualir cedimit tis Dep. ~ d1e o net Muvaical es7fth smti senL,pu Wnited Sates Greenisacks isougisi and selS K;iory -Liver Pilis are of inestimable value. " " ire Dp. 10.70 BA .Atr.vo.Q owo~o u id drs, fnttde visst Eiabl eas ofethental. 'ýpap COLECTIONS kids.cv-, iver, ccd Socs sregular, active, and CcksAcnbCnignt S1 d E~s~.T5 AVTRCR~~Pe1m promptly made teurrent rates pou ail parts ieliy R. Fishîcigis Pire Dept. 5.60 _% , 'J'ltïeor. M .> Gea lrtan heUaiedStte udth D- Dr. Cisase's Kidney-Liver Pilîs pesitively. per._____ alemiIne andaeoare. 8 sain of MCanada. manently, ced premptly cure Brigisis disease, akge aausiedte cre s frr.e satflttlq&S!ms bttf Telegrapli Transfors . kidney cnd lis-er diserdets, isackaccie, lumbage, Total $330.é2 forms o Seul wensalefet taue lC.. 1 -rGliS ~'-" ~ rieuaisand ail tise painful and fatal cn-orelui etaFory xesieus STo u.REE!sîut 1, or tm'mm c Alade for largeer small sema on ail parts eopfcton o'le iltering organs of tise bedy. bco pu rSiuat.Mie nrelt10 cent. .sL mi.. to aye oiit SLltsr Lfprice,*onejmahaitne1, sxr$5. roil Canada. Ti h pcilyadt aeu t a- iesceofii getkîrxIrmdy; nomung2 --- u pcae sx 5.OasoiiSemeIWtt s- ,g do...oo ..Soeoo os. e *isa