A. lVerry lilas. Our prices wiIl make you happy. STOTT & JURY, Pu rsesa We are showing some very pretty designs bought direct from the factory. Prices run from 5c for a pretty Child's Pursa, te $4,00 fer for a Queen. STOTT & those fit JUJRY. hâir Brushes. Ilosewood and Solid Ebony Brushes, plain or Stirling Silver mounted,' in great variety and at lowest possible prices. Prices mun from 25e for pure bristie Chld's Brush to $4.00, for the most hand- some brushes made. STOTT & JURY.. Perfumery. Our prices on Perfumes will be found excleeding attract- ive as we import the most fashionable odors direct from Friance and England. Prices run from 5c np. We have nice satin lined cases from 25c up and Cut Glass Botties at ail prices. STOTT & JURY. Cases and Novelties. Our stock of Dressing Cases and Toilet Cases of ail kinds embraces the very latest de- signs and it will pay you to get our prices. ;SEE OUR 25 CE-NT COUNTEII. STOTT & JURY. The Druggists and Opticians. GRAN[k VRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMAN VILLE STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEMT r y Epress .... 831 a.rn. I1 *Express... 5 17 a. m E'rs..10 17 am. 1 Local... 8 15 2 >ger .... 3 26 p.m. 1 Passenger.. 1 86 p. m,. L..l. 5651 p.rn. 1Express.. . 7 39 STOTT & JuRY. Town Agents The Calladian' Statesilan. BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 20, 1899. We are nearing the last part of 1899. Some are predicting an open winter. Christmas puddings are almost in Ail kinds 'of Xmas Candies at Lut- West End House has a fine display of Engislit holly. Municipal candidates are beginning to corna to thie front, Sickness prevails in a f ew homes lu town from changeable weather. IfIt is a hand sleigh you want for the boy you can 'get supplied at the Grand ýcentmal. , Now is tliëtime to bny your furs, M. Mayer is selling his as cheap -as the -cheapest. The fluest stock of Xmas Cakes lever âeen in Bowmanvilie are for sale at A, Luttrell's. Try one. Mr. Wrn. Reynolds attended the fun. -eral of his nieceý, Miss A.nnie Webber, iu Mariposa ou Monday. 'Tis said 'uwill be a cold winter.Secure -warmc'lothing1 Blankets, robes, etc. at TXhe Mason Co's. Sece adv. Full line of Gent's Furnishings in Il.t,raps, Uuderwear, Ties, Collars, Bhlrts Braces, etc, at M. Mayer's. Mr'. Fr'ank Trebilcock and Mr. Hughi JRos, of Trinity Medical Séhool, Toron. to rguests of 21r. P. Trebîlcock. Stre citizeus seem to have forgotten eè,ýthere is a snow by-law in force or àymay have lost their snow shovels. Ifyou want something nice for Xmas ci at M. Mayer's where.you will find 'lul hue lu Purs, Capes, Coats, Caper- ir",Collars, Ruffs, Gauntiets, Caps, tThere 18 no way lu which you eau eýttr lease your friands at Xmas tisan ben,,,lng them a first class picture of juisef. Mr. Freeland's styles are ar- tÎtc and up to date. and ail photos nme up to next Saturday Dec 16 wil beltnishod before Christmas.. Ail work gnaranteed by Jas. Goard. Crokinole Boards at the Grand Cent- rai. Try Webb's deliclous Taffy for 20e. a lb. aI Luttreii's. Miss Carnie Cherry is home !romn Tom- ente for the heiidays. Rav. J. H. Tumubuil, M. A., preached in Campbeii!ord Sunday. A Big liue of Purses and Peeket booksata the Grand Centrai. Everybedy is in love with Ihose petty Christmas Cakes aI LnIIrell's. Mrs. C. M. Cawkar atîended the fun- eral o! bier brother aI Meaford. Master Leon Dumas is visitiug bis aunt, Mrs. N. S. Young, Toronto. Mm. Gamnet Trewin,1 Coliege o! Dent- îstry, Toronto. is home for 'holidays. Don't f ail le see Ibat clld's rocker aI 39e. ou Friday. M. D. Williams & Son. We are making a mun ou Cild's Rockers, Friday 39e. M. D. Williams & Sou. Sauta Clans wili be lu the Town Hall on Wednesday Dec. 27th. He's a joily olId chap. Mm. Chas. W. Smith, Wbitby, was in tewn Saturday and gave THiE STATES- MlAN a cal, A chance lu a life lime-A Cbild's Rocker for 89e. ou Friday. M. D. Wil- liams & Sou. Rigbt now 5 dars before Xmas The Mason Ce. are reducing prices on beavy overcoats. Sec adv. Xmas presenîs for ail customers buy- ing one dollar's worîh or more at Tbe Mason Ce's. $ce adv. The Methodist Sunday School are preparing a Christmas service fer Sun- day afternoou Dec. 241h. Men's Ileady-made Tweed Pants for $1.25 worth from $1.50 te $1.75 at Coucb, Jebuston & Cryderma n's. The South Ward Methodist Sabbath Sehool have just epened a new libramy for the use of Ils members. If yen waut te anjoy the Holiday Sea- son,g et your gmocery supplies at Young and C&'s. See their advt. Attend the Frimary Concert and the Christmas Trea lu Town Hall, Wed- uasday Dec. 27th, aI 8 o'clock,. Ladies' Fur Lined Capes eiez-antly trlmmed wiib Bear, Sable and Thibet at Coucb, Jobuston & Cryderunan's. We wiil make a mun on Children 's Rockers for Fiday. 39c. buys a nice Rocker for Xmas ai M. D. Williams & Son. What about County ,and Township Snnday Scbooi conventions? Where and wben shah tbhey be beid, Sunday sehool workers? Rev. A. E. Harding, pastor o! Trinity church, gave au address at the Congre- gational cbumch auniversary ai Co- bourg Wednesday evaning. A beautiful lot o! Ladies' and Gent's Umbrellas made up specially for the Christmas Iade opanied up today at Couch Jobuston & Cryderman's. Ware that Wears-All silver looks alike whau uaw. Rickamd selîs silver that will look weli in years te corne for the silver on Ibemn goes deaper than the "shine." Mm. and Mms. W. T. Lo'khart, Naw- castle, attended a charmiug At Home at St. Margaret's Colege, Toronto, given by NIrs. Gao. Dicksou, Friday evening - Seldom, if aver, have we seau such pretîy window dispiays as Bowmanville marchants have tbis yeam, No out sbonld have any diflicuiiy lu saiecting Xmas presents. Do not for.-et youm wife at Christmas -Sha wiii let yen ,for she is unselfisb and that is moreib tan can ha said o! yen, or yen would bai-e purchased hem a sewing machine from Rickard's long age. We have evarything suitabla for pra- sauts for smokers. Pipes lu cases and eut e! cases, soe beanlies, Cigars iu Boxes ef 25, put up speciaiiy for Xmas Cigar Cases, Tobacco Fonches, etc., aI the Grand Central. ,If You would make soe sick child happy sand a dollar te the sick cbiid- rau's Hospital lu Toronto, Iu 24 years 30,000 patients hava beau nursed, n sick cbild evar having beau re!usad ad- mission. Sea article on inside page. Bey. J. J. Raa seems le have borna soe inspiration te Perth from bis ewn cougegation. fer 'on Suuday week whan lha preaced Ihare $1500 was asked for a Ihauk-offring and the good Farîbilas responded with uaarly $2000. For a PralIy Hand-Here la soe- thing she will likeanad she may ha lad te ike dener, a beantiful opai or diamond ring and wheu yen racaiva reur "1thanks" you wiil vow thal Riakard sold il te yen for lesa than ils value. The Wise Bahe-Wili now lake the opportnnitv le diseharge hem obliga- tions le bar mauy gentlemen, friands for Iheir flowars and drives througb Torouto, wiii appear aI Tyrone Christ Thobumuorn i t aacarao h Maîbtodîst Puibiisbing Honse aI Singa pore, Straits Sattiemeut. Wilh bis wl!a and sou ha sailed f rom New York ast weak fer bis new field of labor. Belug apractical printer before enter- iugthe iuistry hae will be in evezy way ftteorhe- b poition and we arce sure sueces w111 bc the reward of-an. *ther West Durhava boy. Tait gave a splendid reuderiug o! the soug. "The Heaveuiy King' OhiirenCry for CI'ildren O r o ASTOR A Fresh Cul Flowers to-day at Tod'8. Watch lest-a gif t te mnother-see adivt. Inside pages are interesting this week- Cream TaffY-Saturday only-10c per lb at Tod's. Council aud School Board reports on luside pages. Miss Bilkey, Toronto, is visiting friends lu Iown. Mm. Geo. Gifllan is home from the College o! Dentîstry. What about a Christmas Cake? Ted bas a few lefî get eue. Fresh Cern Cusps at Tod's 5c per package-they are good. Mm. iH C. Iloar attended the Fat Stock Show at London last week. Rev C. Parker, Napanee, was lu tewn Monday guest o! Mr. Jacob Poliard. Cash paid for any ciuantity of rough or dry packed poultry Cawker & Tait. Mrs. J. S. Pierce, Pontiac, Mich.., h guest o! IMr. J. C. Vanstone. Cedar Cli!!., Dr. W. E. Tilley was lu Port Hope last week assisîing aI the Model sehool 'xams. Fur Caperines. Mufs, Gauntiets and Ruffs of ail kinds at Couch, Jobuston& Cry derman 's. Any o! Freelaud's'Midget Photos tak- en next Saturday Dec 16 will be ready for Xmas delivery. Men's and Beys' Overcoats lu ail sizes speciaily good value at Couch, Johns- ton & Cryderman's. Get your Christmas Confectiouery at Tod's-he bas the largest and best stock lu town te choose from. Mus Thompson and Misses Amanda E. and EffieBond, Oshawa, were guests o! the Misses James at Lomne Villa Sun- day. ' Mrs. S. Washington leaves this week for London, Ont., te visit with hem daughter Mrs. D. A. Bruce for some, mon ths. Women's Missionary prayer meeting lu the Methodist church Thursday evening was postpoued on account o! the storm. Beautiful Tableaux o! the Lord's Frayer at the Town Hall, ou Wednes- day Dec. 27th. Tickets lOc. te all parts of the Hall. The address o! Rev. G. M., Milligan, D. D., Toronto, was very bighly appre- ciated by Ihose who heard hlm Thurs- day evening-lastinluSI. Paul's. 1Mrs, John Runnalis, Welcome, who bas been for several week s lu Markham and Torante fer ber health, bas retumu- ed home vemy much improved.-Guide. Dr. Julia R. Thomas, Toronto, visited Miss Mabel Tait on Thursdav. Mss Tait is progressing !avorably toward recovery from ber recent severe illness. Notwithstauding the big sale which Couch, Johuston & Cryderman have bail for Ladies' Coats Ihey are stili showîng a fiue stock lu ail sizes and <ualities. Big d ay among town Methedists next Sunday-Christmas sermon lu the momu- ing, chldren's Christmasýservîce lu the aftemnoou and aa unique song service at night. Mr. Adolphe Nicholîs of Bowman- ville's greatest variety store and Sauta Claus' headquarters wisheà al bis numemous custemers a very merryv Christmas, M.A.James, Bowmanviile, is Govemu- ment Issuer o! Marriage Licenses for the County of Durham, during business boursat offce, at bis residence Centre- st., at nîght. The convention of C. E. societies lu cenuection with the Presbyterian churches lu the Fresbytery of Whitbv was beld lu the Presbyterian cburch ou Thursday iast. ,You will have a levely Iime-If yon are fortunate enongh to receive one of Ibose haudsome Watches from Rick- ard's, Which will be the happiest, the douer or receiver. Mr, E. W. Loseombe was grooms- man at the wedding o! Mr. R. C. Babbitt, o! the Western Bank and Miss Mamie floig, St. Louis, M o., which . ook place lu St. George's cbureh, Oshawa, Dec. 14. Rev. J. S. Sbortt. M. A., a recent graduýate of Qneen's College, Kingston, eccupied the pulpit o! St. Paul's churcb very acceptably Sunday last. Mr. Shortt purposes shortly te go te Scot- land te pursue bis studies therle. Mm. G. A.' Ferguson, represeutative o! Hyslop Bros general^ agents for Canaa f the WesîeruWheel Works, makers e! the Crescent 13icycles, was in towu last week arrangiug with Iliggln- botham & Sou te handie the Cresceut for 1900. Sunday memning next a speciai chii- dreu's service wiil beheld lu the Pres- bylerian cburch -lu the evening tbere wihl be a special sermon and special music by the choim which bas now under tbe leadership o! Mmý. A. E. Me- NOTICE. 1 give notice to the public Ihat by mutual agreementmy wife Emma King and I have sep- arated, and I arn now no longer responsible for any dabts of any kind coutracted or te he con- tracted b ybcr. Date dat Bowmanville. Derember !2, 1899. D. N. KING, 50-3w, Burketon, P. 0. 0F BOWMANVILLE. F. H. FROST, First Tenor. JAMES GOARD, Second Tenor, H. J. KNIGRT, First Bass. T. E. HIGG.INBOTHAM, 2nd Bass. Address ail correspondence to JAMEs GOARD, Business Manager, Lock Box 61, Bowmanville. 89-tf. Cash For Poultry. The undersigned is prepared to buy ail kinds of Poultry dressed in the fol lowing manner; Dry picked, beave no feathers on body except the long wing feathers; pull tail feathers out. The hîghest cssh price will be paid ior good stock fasýted for 24 hours. Also cash for dreýssed boggs, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Beans. Stand: South of Standardï Bank, Temperance St., f or- merly ocupied bY the late Jas. Mann. JAME S McCONNACIIIE, 49-2m. Bowmanville. B*Y4-AW I;NOÙ. 5 67 To prohibdtte sale of liquor in t/he Township of Darlingtôn. The Municipal Conocîl o! the Township of Darlington hereby eacte as follows: 1. That the sale by retail cf spirituous ferment- ed or other manufactured liquors le and shahl be prohibited in every tavern, inn or other place of public entertaloment iu the said municilali. y and the sale thareof is airogather prohibit ed IL. That the vote of the electors cf the said Township of Darlington will be taken on the By-law by the depuity returning officers hereiin. after named on Monday th e Fitst day of JaLu ary, one thousand ndcc hundred, commencing at nîne o'clock in thea morning and continuing tili five o'clock ln the afternoon at the under. mentionefi places: Polling subdivision No. 1, aitbe school house in school section No. 5, George A. Stephens te ha returning officLe". Polliog subdivision No. 2, ai the Sons' Hall in the village of Tyrone, Richard Hawkay te be returning officer. Polling subdivision No. 3, at the Sons of Teni- ýce rance Hall at Mapla Grove, Chiarles Axford obc returning officer. Polling subdivision No. 4, at'tbe Town hall lin the village of Hampton, Henry ElliotI, jr.ý, te be returninig officer., Polllng subdivision No. 5, at the hall known as Kennedy 's Hall ln the village of Enuiskillen, Fred. Rogers lo be returning rofficar. Polllng subdivision No. 6, ai the Sons of Teni. peraince Hall on lot number Si lu the second concession, IHart Gay lo ba returning officer. Polling subdivision No. 7, ai the school lieuse in school section No, 14, ýSami. Soucb te bie re- turnlng officer. III. That on the 22nd day of Dacembar, A. D., 1199, ai the Town hall lu the village of Hamptou at tbe hour of four o'clock in the afternoon the Iteeve shall appoint In writing signafi by hlm. self two persons te attend at the final summlug np of the votes by the clark, and one ijerson to attend ai eîach polling p lace on baba f of the parsons interested ini an d esirons of promoling the passîng of Ibis By-law and a like number on behaîf of the persons interasted in and dasireus of opposing the passing of ibis by-law. IV. Thal thelark cf ihesaid ManiciNa1 Coul- cil of the Township of Darlinglen sha 1 attend ai lis office ai the hour of tan o'clock tn the forenoon on the third day of Jannary A D. 1900 to sura np the numbar cf votes gîvan for and against ibis By-law.> V. Tbis By-law shall coma mbt operation andi ha cf fu11 f orce and affcect on and after the first day of May next after the final passing thereof. Town Hall. Hampton, Dec. 11, 1899. H. ELLIOTT. Jr,, L. M. COURTICE, Townsbip Clark. Ileeva. >NOTICE. Take notice that the aboya is a trueceopy cof the propoed By law whicb bas bxiiako io consideralion by tbe Munillpql Council cf the Township of Darlingion and wbicb will ha fin- ally passed by thaesald Conucîl lu I the avant of the assaut of tbe eleclirs being oblaiedthe* t afiar one monttb froni the lralubicton e- of flu the local paper the date of whilb publica- ton was WalInsday the Ihitu -day rf Decamber, nd ai the heur, day and place therein flxad fer laking thea votas of the lactors the 01 poi he hai, 4~&w Satnarday euiy, Cream Ta!fy l0e per lb. at Tod's.' Miss Velma Tyler is home !, ro m Phia- delphiia, Fa. Miss Jeunie Fraser, Toronto, is visit- ing frieuds lu town. Monîh Orgaus and Feeket Kuives aI tha Grand Central. If yen waut thie best canuad goods we have tbem. Cawker & Tait. Kedron church, East Whitby, wilha e-opened De,ýember 29th by -a pie and cream social. Miss Bertha Morris bas completed the terr aI t te Normai Scbooi, Toronto, and is borne for holidays. The fluesi stock o! meu's lies evar shown in Iown jnst rcceived at Couch Johnston & Cmdemman's, AI the 43rd annual meeting o! the Girl's Home, Toronto, Dr. Julia Thomas, 241 Carlton St., was elected eue o! tuie medical officars. Military Dmil1 te the-,song "Soidiers o! the Queen" by the drilled corps cf the Methodist Suuday bhoel boys lu Town Hall Wednesday'Dec, 571b. Regular meeting o! W. C. T. U. pef t- pened te Jan. 3rd aI 3 p. m., wben au opan meeting wili be beid and a good pregrama provided. AIl are weicome. Fresent STATESMAN subscribars whose subsaription for 1899 is paid eau bave this jounalsaut le auy friend te tha end o! the century for ontly $1.00, Order te day. Mr, W. G. Rundle bas beught a nica home aI 198 Concord Ave-. Toronto, where Mrs. Rundie (nea Lottie Mitchell) will be aI home te !riends who will favor hem witb a eall The Sons o! England Recerd, Dec. 12, is a Christmas Souvenir numbar ceiebrating the 251h annivarsary of tbe estabiishment o! the Sons o! England Society. A gmoup photo o! the presi. dents o! the diffament lodges in Canada bas amo ng others Mm. E. G, Hart, Fresident o! Wellington Lodga, No. 19, Bowmanvilie. Mr. M. A. Jantes is the oldest Fast Fresidaut o! Ibis lodge lu the rnembei ship . A Handsome Parlor Lamp. New low shape fountain lu deli- cate bina or pink tiuting with pretty coiored flower lu bold relief wvith a bhaudsome globe 10 match, brass foot, large bumner, completa $1. 75 With Removable Oil Pot, Dacomated fountain and globe te match, Pausias and Wild Roses, brass foot -with eversible ohl fount- ain, large humner, completa $2.25 Very Popular at $3.50. The dacorations ou thîs lina are exceptioually well doua, 9 inch globe anti fountaiu 10 match, remov- able oil fountain, centre draught bumrn-, complete $3.50 Our Mamnmoth Banquet Lamp, Thasa buga beauties ara the acme o! perfection lu the Lamp line, 26 luches taîl, 10 inch globe and founitaiu decorated with chrysan. thamurn oun atural colors, shadad foutain, complete, $5.50 lindly solicitiug a share o! your patronage audàlwishing yen ahl the compliments of the season. BOWMANVILLE, CP:ýWI-R & TfXIT Before buyîn'g your Xmas presents see our 'immense dis- play of attractive and useful articles, IT WILL PAY* S. M. MSON&SON. BOWMANVILLE. Next door te Standard Bank. To further thq happiness of your frienyo ii how your wisdom te, be superior if you will but purchase your Christmas Gifts f rom T. N. Rickard, Bowmanville. To give you au idea of wliat yen may' select pieuse note the follow- ing: Gents' A 1 Watches fromn $2.50 up, Ladys' A 1. Watches from $3. 50 up. There are cheaper ones, but flot guaranteed, Gents' Chains, Ladies' Chains at wholesale prices. Beautiful Clocks for the home, Aiarm Clocks to awaken the heavy sleepcr, Spectacles for father and Mother, Rings for your Sister, be she lutIle or big, Rings for your Brother, Rings (Geod enough for the Qucen) for Betrothal, Rings (Plain circlet of gold) for your marriage, Bracelets, Pins, Broaches, Beit Buekies, nick-aacks of every kind. Sterling Silver Spoons and Forks at unheard of prices, Ebony Goods for the Toilet, Sterling Silver Novelîles iu endless variety, Silver Plated Spoons, Knives, and Forks that will wear, aise Bath' Dishes, Bon Bon Tea Set, Sugar Bowls, Bread Boards and Trays and many things we cannot enumerate. As well a new line of Goods neyer 'shown iu Canada until uow. Someîhng for every eue, be they rich or poor. Eaeh and everyone ail welcome. Enough has beru said through the year as te the excellent qualiiy of our goods and, the le wvness o! prices. Ail should1 know by this time that they arc dealing witha reliable house when dealing, with T.N R.~~~~ LLOTJr, Wtchmakwr, Jewelia3r and Optician, B< Rikard,. Cawker & iTait Are Prepared for A Unique Christmas Display. We'have been careful in the selection of our Xmas Fruits, bought for spot cash, thus enabling us to seli at prices that defy competition. We are leaders in Fancy Groceries is a settled fact, ilere are a few lines, we kind- ly ask you to inspeet before purchasing, RAJSJNS:-Connisseur Clusters, Black Baskets, Ex- celsior Windsor Cluster, London Layers, Loose Moscatelis, Valenci.a Layeî s, choice Sultana Raisins, Vostezza Cur- rants, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels. NUJTS:-New Terragona Almonds, Walnuts, Brazil Filberts, Shelled W ainuts, Shelled Alrnonds.1 FRUIT:-Calf Oranges, Valencia Oranges, Jamnaica Oranges, Malaga 6-rapes and Apples. SECOND FLPý T. In this departmnent we have spared no pains or ex- pense in making it thoroughly up-to-date. Our stock is large and of stiperior quality in al i' nes of the latest styles. No old stock. It will be worth your while to visit our China Parlor. 0f course Lamps are in great demand. Mfore so this season thani ever, their subdued and mellow lig:ht coming through the decorated globes gives a lovely affect that every one appreciates. ilere are a few ideas of the niany we have: