1 T- à W A1Nl2*%m> u yâ 1T ON TH£ ~yiRange! It is not often politi- ï, 'Cal parties find coin- mon ground on which to ineet. Their dif- e7ýferences are mostly: -c/ rich in discord. But 91 we have an exception:> in the case of the cele- ýrated Souvenir Kitchen Range. Laurier and Tupper, Hardy an~d Whitney, are of one mind on this subject. "And nowMHardy, Tupper, and Laurier too. Use the Souvenir Range for political stew; All gases escape through its fine aeration, And good wholesonae f ood now blesses the nation." The strong point of the Souvenir stove is its aerated oven, wbich mnakes cooking a success under any circumstances; and the good nature of the politician-as well as the cook-is soon restored wlien a Souvenir stove is installed in the A neat Booket entitled " Kitdhen Wisdom,"1 with illustrations by J. W. Bengougli and 1. S. Gordon, je yours for the asking, and it tels you a good deal about the Aerated .$old Everywhere. One will Last a lifetime. The Gurney-Tiîdei GCo., Limlted, STOVE, FURNACC AND RADIATOR UARUFATUUfS TORDONrO, MONTAeAL AND WNNIPEC Namiltons Ont.. Rdîe orth.e Agent, Bowmanville.: Hlamptn General S tore, Wo "b11ld a vaster stock tban bas been," %nd are as usual prepared to give bargains inI Clothng, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gients' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00.' Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We bave a very large and well assorted stockc to select from, ln Serges. Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestie manufacture. We are bound to SUIT ý ou. Groceries and Hîardware. In our Grocery and Hiard ware Departments yon ii fiud our stck weol tss0rtý d, bougbt in tbe best markets at the closest prices, and will le sold at tbe riglit price. Some people ýwaut quantity otbers quality, we eau please botli. Higbest price pald in casli for produce, Give us a eail. e- GIÉ HIAMPTON. Thv_ __ _ We bave sold piles of Boots the last five or six wecks and bave lots te dispose o! yet, nrid very cheap-first-class goods at very small Drices. Oui carry a good assomtment o! Ladies' Oxford,colored and black ai $1,00. Men's Cal! and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.50, wortb $2.00 te $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50c, 75c, worti, 50c, 7.5c, and $1.00. Misses', tUoys' and Yontbs' te correspond in priceb. We will tell yen wliat the stock. is ln eacb and every pair. The reason we do that 15 becanse we know. Latest Spring stylos now in stock lun every line. Tbe public is invited te inspect our stock; noý trouble te slow goods-we do it witb pleasîure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Sia~,f ancy and plain;, Dresziug, tbe very best tbat eau be beuglit. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will rmin the boots it is appli- ed te. Repairing donein ail its branches lu ilrst-class style. Fine work m~ade to erder, sure fit or ne sale. Thanklng my customersýfor past f avers and hopmg for a continuance o! the tbame. Beaver Block, Bowmanville. PRICE REDU'CED from $6.00 to $3.00 A YEAR THE ECLECTIC 'MAGAZINE AND Worthly Edition &~ The hiving Age FOR 1900. Attention is iuvited te île 'great re- dciion lu île price o! TUE ECLEC- TIC MAGAZINE for ils ciugý - nr, and alse te tle facitîat île office ,ipublication las been removed ta Bsten. ulere ail communications nioud hereafier be sent. THE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE seleets the mosi striklng articles frein ils English ma11gazines and reviews, and adds selec- tions from tle English weekly journals o! liierature, criticism, sud pollies, sud orWi, 'i'ia~translations rom Frerucý, Ger- mnani, alian, Spanish, sud other Con- tinental sources. THE EcLurIcMAGAZINE la the Ouly menthly magazine, whidh reproduces, witheut abridgment, tle lest essaya, revie ws tonies, sketches o! travel and discovery, poesis, scientifle, biographi - cal, and historical papers, and discus- siens e! public affairs,* frein île entlre body 'o! foreigu periodical literature, contributed by the fôermosi living irriters. Te tIsse are added readings frein nom books and editorial notes on books and authors. The iucreased facilities, ider field, snd lower price cf tle magazine make ùýe present a mest opportuns tins tei subscribe., GOODOFE New subscribers b i THE ECLECTIC MAGANINE may ýcev itiTýips Beview o! Beviews or P 'ic , o fronl 4 5 ysar; for $5.00l opr' loihyC'rihýýner's Mgzre or any othier $3 periodi- l. This offer1 odol waoitI-no uicieste TUE ECLECTIC AGAZINE. The subseription pie s lW 3 ia er, isteadilo! 3 5.00 as heei f rsand Il remittances sho-uldl ertt isfllwn(ades T IlE Li VING AGCR(O ,121, Bromnfie]d St., Boston, carpenters' Kidnceys. al asy trsAèo. The eonstalt veachirng up sud domn, the lif"tg asud stOoopia.g oyor ar" ail severe atraits on I the kidueys. No. wonder a earpenter exelaied, reetly, that eYery timè ho drove a nail it seemed as thot&gh lie mas piereing his own back. He uses 1_ DOAN'S Kildnoy'PRuis 110w on the £irst sigL of Bacirache and le able to follow his trade with comfort and profit. .I have had kIdney and srinary troubles for more thari ihree years with severe pain lu the small of my back and in both sides. I eould net stoop wlthont great diffieulty, aud I had gevere nesraego p h uboth temposa. Seting the advertisement of KoR~Iidnex Plls, 1 got a box. They have riveu me* qulek relief, remo'vinc the pain from the back and sides, and banishiug the neuraliel pains from my hoad. The urinary diffeulty la nowr entiraly £ont, I fae freali and vigoroua iu the morn.nga. and arn muen trongarin lu aery way ince takîng the" pills. 'ICLRMe~E E. SEF.Oarpenter and ildei'. Tren" .Qut. BOWMANVILI.E. DEC. 20, 1899ý SEASOXABLE TOL'[CS. When afew weeks ago we penne d the article on paying sinall debts and trying' to get ont Of dobt before the end of the century, we had no idea that we wore Striking such a popular themo. That article lias boon copied by papers ail over the country and is stiîl on the go. Strange As it may seem,,however, only one editor lias been honest enough to gIvo Tim STATESmÂIx crodit for it, Wh at uncertain quantities election caipaigna are. 'Greenaway consider- ed hoe had a continuons cincli in Man. itoba and noir is naine is Dennis. The ligeriing charm of the beloved and lamenttwd Sir John A. Macdonald won tbe W&Yto victory for lis son Hugli. Greea.awayLis holding ou for a few days tli the round hp is complote in the hope that lie may yet find a peg te anchor t o for -a speil tili the Storm subsides and more fayoring breezes b loiwrhMs ray. Two or three reverses from Hugli John's camp wil make his1 cake dougli and the farmer premier wii agaix be on top. Say, when you1 tkia.k of il, the fariner cry didn't go in Maaib.ba for premier ! The lawyer soems to be the rising inan with our prairie cousins, eh? The oditor of TuiE STATESMÂN receiv- ed au iny -itation froin the Board or Goyernors of Toronto Western Hospit- ai to the opening of the new building at 381 Bathurst St., on Friday last lit 8 o'- dlock, but could flot convenieutly at- tend. Dr. Geo. H. Carveth is. one of the Goi'ernors and Mrs. Carveth is Re- cording Secretary of the Ladies' Auxil. iary Board. Mr. W, B. iddell, Q. C., le also of the Board of Governors and Mrs Biddell is Vice President on the Ladies' Auxiliarv Board. This new hospital will lie a great convenience te residents requlring treatment in the West End.t It is a question whether Canadians are as loyal te Canadian publications ast they should be. We fear they are not. Just now we have in mind the Canad- ian Magazine, the superior of which1 froin a literary and historical stand- point does not exist. Mr. John A. Cooper is the editor and a very clever corps of writers compose the editorial staff . This splendidly conducted xnonthly is thoroughly Canadian. Every progressive and intelligent Canadian should read it reguilarly. Every teachor, preachoer,, doctor and indeed every family in the Dominion, should subscribo to it. The Decomber 'or Chrisitm&s number is the best 25c. worth a Ca&nad- ian cau buy for reading or sending as1 a remiier to a distant :friend. Tle- Unquestionably a very fair sample of the manner in which the immigra- tion work of the country is being car- rlod en under the direction of the Min- leter of the Interior. is given lu the reým port of one of the Goverument agentq ln Nebraska. fie ha neary500sert-, lers placed to lisidivdul ceditl alone, and imiy of theýso ar( i-p. heads cf faillfes wýho wlll beý followedl by wivesý Work while you, s4cep without al gri. o grp,;ccuring Sick. I-iadaceDyspepsia and Constipation, nd imake pou feel beîîër in t the morning. w 1tOc. A cOpY ,McCL1JRI'S~ 'Â0 ~MAGAZ IN E 1YEAR and eilîdren liemt season, Not 0111Y are they good lusty felloirs, and prActi- cal fAIrmts At tlhat, but they are no.'us- toed 10 thmelimate and inethods ut work, are Englisli soigand have mon0ey and effects, to the a'.erago valu ofproabl $100-a pieýce. ier are these the only reaýsons why they aredosirable settlers. Everyone whe is satisfled mith his surreundings, and tIers are but fom that are net, becomes a practical immigration agent, urging lis friends and neiglibors te follow hlm into , lte neWly discovered land o! promise. Itis estimated by Mr. Pediey, superintendent of Immigration, that more than 15,000 United States itizens are permanently settled lu the Cana- dian Northwest this season, and the fu- ture is'stili miore premisin. We have reason te believe that very many people are a ting on our sugges- tien of a few weeks age-to try te get eut of debt as soon as possible, particu- larlv befere the end'o! the century. Hnundreds et emali debts have been ssttlsd recently and hundreds e! dollars lave been l.ept circulating. Tlat's riglit; keep the dollars movi ng. W/est Durhiam Farmers'Institute met lu 1own Hall last Wednesday,tîe roin bsing p acked, yet the very farmors in the vieinity wue wenuld be' most llkely to obtain benetit froin the lectures and discussions were absent, Several lead- ing f amers and their sens mers tîere and asked questions freely and Ielped te maketle session interesting and profitable, but scores who shenld have been there wers absent. Hem te, get the old fashiened farmers ont te suel gatherings is the problemin l this con- niection. Bringi!tg thein eut like is done at lectiora ture might provoefefec- tive. Quite ln keeping with this advice le the like suggestion that everybody take timo by the ferelocli and order al the papers and magazines manied for 1900 as soon as possible, Orders cau be much botter handled nom than tire or tIres weeks later mIen there is suai a flood of ordors arriving that clerks can- not handie 11cm promptly. Tim STITEsMAX office is the lest place in this district te order papers. We don's take your mono! and neglect te order your papers as-some others did last year. Be very carefui te whom yeu pay iney for subscriptions. Bet- ter ceai milli a reliable establishment and save future trouble. We have ne agents. Orders for Tuz STATESMAN nust be paid aIor sent te the otlice of publication. ORONO Mis& Viola Gilfillan, B. A., Bowman- ville, visited lier brother Mr. J. J. Gil- galan, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cornish, Leskard, ha4'e gene te England. Mr. C. G. Armstrong mas lu Cobourg on the jury fast week. Miss Minnie Callendar, Leskard, -vis- ied at Mr. A. Teurjee's recently. Messrs. 'fm. Davy and Harry Best have 1sf t Victoria for Skagway, Alaska. hIrs. E. Plain lias returned te Toron- te Hospital for further treatinent te her eycs, Mrs. Wes. Thornton visited lier sis- ter in-lair Mrs. Gairduer, Gardeuhill, mIe is seriously i1. Miss Evyln Honey entertained a feir friends ou Monday evening week in houer o! lier gnest MNiss Aura Colwili, Tyrene. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MePlierson, Oril- lia, are visitiug relatives here. Mr. Jehn Menment, Princeton, N. J., is home on a visit. .",Mr. H. Simpson, Principal, Public SýÉeol, was in Port Hope last week on the Board o! Examiners for Model Schooi pupils. Mr. Geo. Waddell had the largesi re- turus per cow, o! any of the patrons of the Orono cheese factery, lis ceirs av- eraging over $85 per head. Mr. F. B. Lovekin purdhased frein Mr. Thos. Sommerville a part of a load o! Alsike Clover seed for $340. The newly elected officers of the Methodist Sabbath Schoel are: Snpt - R. Moment; Ass. Suipt ,-C. J. Huglison; Sec'y-Treas.-T. Sii:ll; Lbrarian- Miss Beer; Asst. Librariani-B. Knox; Bible Class tesdher-B1. Knox. Other leadhers re elected. Wolverhiampton Lodge S. 0. E, B. S. noir officers are: P. P.-11arry H oer, W. P.-J. E. Richards; V. P.-J Tbhoriaton; Sec.-D. T. Allun' iTreas.- Wm. Batten; Chaplain-A.- ÎÏ. Carveth; îst. Cen-Jas. wood 2ad J . G. Honey; Srd J. W. Cornish; 4th H. Il. Wood; Sili ReWbt C.per; 6th D. Hall; 1. G.-J. b. .oire; O. G-Frank Hall; Lodge Sur- A'Novel by - - Frequent Contributions ly- Short Stories by - ANTHONY HOPE RIJDYARD KIPLINGw MARK TWAIN SCIENCE AND EXPLORATION The Hottest Heat Iilter Plants of Europe Bacteriology in Commere The Inside of the Earth Lieut. Pea-y's Latest Cain- paigu for the Pole Cy. Warman's Acconnt of the Klondike Raiiroad On the Greatest Ship Afloat Short stories ly sncb well-linown wrlters as Bret Harte, Cy Warman, Booth Tarklngion, Shan Y. Bullock, Tiglie llpkins, Bobert Barr, Clinton Boss, W. A. Fraser. Interesîing articles ly Lient. Ricbmond P. Hlobson, Capt. Joshua Slocuni, Hamlil Garland, B. S. Baker, Rey. Cyrus T. Brady, Prof, E. S. Holden, Ex-Gev. G. S. Boutwell, and other s. The S. S. McClure Comprany 200eo ast 25th .Street. NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK Pounded by E. LITTELL ln 1844. "Made UP Of everV creatitre's best." _______ LIINGAG Em' A Wel Magazine of Contemnpoî ary Literatutre and Thouglit. Publi., xed Myory Saturday a-id giving about 3,50 pa4ges a1 year of the "WOIILD'S BEST LITERATURE including Scienee and Art Biography Polities,I>iscovery PflibUe Affairs Liter-ary Criticism Fict*ion andl Poetry. EACII WEEKLY NUMBER contains witheut abridge. meut, the mest interesting and important contribu- tions te the periodicals o! Great Britaîn and 'lhe Con- tinent. ALL DEPARTMENTS o! knowlepge and discussion ,whihjnterest intelligent readers, mili fiction and poetry, are represented inl lis pages. ORiGINAL TRANSLATIONS ef striking articles frora Continental sources are made exrpressly for île mag- azine by its own staff o! transIstors. A SHORT STORY and an instalment o! a Serial Story miii appear in oacI issue. A MONTHLY SUPPLE MENT presents readings frpni tle mostiImportant new books, editorisi notes ou bocks sud authors, and a lisi e! the bookis o! the monili. Published Weekiy at $6.OO a year." Single numbers 15e. AIRE MARIIABLE OFFER. Presenting an 0pportunit.v to Obtain the Best Reading the World Produces during the year 1900, at Prices neyer before Thought of!! NEW SUBSCRIBEPLS te THE LIVING AGE mav receive with it THE LRE VIEW OF REVIEWS or PUBLIC OPINION for 83.75 a year; or'for $7 25 HAR- PER'S MON FHLY or SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE, or any other $3.00 periodica pnblislied in the U. S. This offer is good ouly te absolutely NEW SUBSCRIBFIIS te TLIE LIVING AGE. To ail Newv Suliscribers te TUE LIVING AGE for the year 1900, remit F ree .ting before Jan. 1, the weekly nurebers of 1899 issued after receipt of! their subscription, will be serft FREE. THE LIVING AGE CO., P. 0. Box 5206, Boston. Thie End of the century Remody for the End of the Century Disease. patients of an emisent Nerve Speclal. Ist. AA scientific <reaiment for Nerv- INY ous Exhaustion and is alleéd evls, leadache, Dizzlness, Wearlness, Sleep- AES 1ETS Iossness, Indigestion, Mental Depres- NN on, Irritabiity, etc. Tiny Tablets, FOR w9 olieycr E VOUS PROS. mental vigor. At Druggists for 50 cents, or by Mail from the Dr. Hlope N mviMedicine Company, Ltd., Toronto, Caa A TIny Dose-Posltve Renulte. IYARB LE A N» G 'R A NITE WOR"K S, BO0W MA N VIL L E. Fine. Monumental Work. Cali and get my prices., I arn suremy work will please you. iAny man who 'lears the J D. King Co.' stiub Proof Rubbers mnakes money-mnoney tha,,t wiîl jingle in his pocket, Search thje world over and you ~ ~willfind nothing better than .$tM, SProof1 Rubbers, bec"ause ~ ~Ithere is nothingbett r., Any progressive dealer c îýtei 4 you al abourt $tub Pj ~i nt iet the J D. King Co., andý- they wIl telli you. You can't afford to be wvith'out th1emecasetiil 'ro-h best. See that àtu »erofis SAI'Don the .o each shoe. The- J. D. K-NG CO., L-ýimited, jm Toron -to. Ivîont1re- W 1iinipeg. J, MjcRURTRY, Sole Agent, Bemmal-nville.- Y __ ___ . - - t NOTABLE FEATURES FOR 1900 THEI Life of The flaster Bv the Rev. JOHN WATSON, D. D. Author et '-The Mmnd o! thes Master," "Bsside th-, B,nuie BrierBuish," illustrated, largely in color, from pictures muade in Palestine by Corwin Knapp Linson.