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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1899, p. 8

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ry Imported Novlisfr uunSason. A Select Importation of Paris and New York Hats and Bonnets. Ail Departuaeefts are 110w replete with full stocks of Seasonable Goods of the IJsual lligh Grade, and customers' can depend on getting Novelty, Variety and Good Value. BOWMANVILLE,, Fa&tiionab)leMilliner, A SPECIAL RUN OV"N STOYV'ESI We are making a special sale in stoves duringthis montl, and will pay youto call and EXAMINE OUR STOVES and COMPARE PRICES before buying. We have the HIAPPY TH-OUiITr, IMËERIAL, (IPION, WELC03M PEARL, and several other makes to choose from, and in Heaters anti Parlor Cooks we have a largeassort- ment including the RADIANT HOM,1EJand CROW>, BRuL- LIA-NT. Wem'ake the prices and terms rieht. Phone 74, 'BOWMANviLL;, Tailor John Cole and Mrs, W. Elford continue seriously ill. Mrs. 1. L. Brown is imiproving slowy.... Court Archer 1. O. F. meets this Wodnesday eveing-Eleiition of ufficers and other important bn.sinessq..Major Sehoof whose lectures on South Africa antd the Boers were so mucli appreciateti last year, will lecture lu the Town Hall Thursday evening, Dec. 28, under the auspices of Court Archer 1. O. F. Rev. T. J. Edmison, M. A., B.D. preached anniversarv sermons here on Sabbath last, delivering plain, earnest, Gospel sermons. A thank-offering amounting to about $158 was placeti on the plates durinoe the day .... A public temperance meetiug lu the interest of the Local Option Bv-law will be held in the Town Hll on rritiay evening.' To be addressed by Mr. R. Moment and 11ev. C. M. DeMille, Orono. Special music is being prepared for the occasion. A MAInVA1LLOUS CURE. Dear sirs: 1 wish to intformi you of the marvelous cure, ilu my case, from îlhe use of Eleetine Kidniey Beans. Last spring it was decitieti that I was suifer- in from the effecte of a Right Floatiug Kciduey anti wae advlseti to go to the St. Miclael's HosDital. I went as ad- viseti anti untierwent a surgical opera- tion. The right kidneY wae fasteneti to the sitie at the hospital, anti, after some weeks suffering, 1 returneti home w ithout being cured. The pain neyer left me until I began the use of your Electine Kitiney Beans. 1 have con- tinueti the use of them, andtihte pains have ceaseti, anti am now able to do my ownwork with comfort. I arn happy to tell an-y person eufferiug from Kit-d ney Disease of any nature what Elc- tune Kidney Beaus have doue for me. The 'y have matie me a -well anti happy womian anti my thankfulness cannot be expresseti strong enough atter the long suffering 1 have undergone. Thank- ing you for the great h enefit anti cure obtaineti from the use of Kitine *y Beans. 1 romain mosi respectifully yours, Mas. O. J. VAILLANCOURT, ý113 Pape Avenue, To.ronto. Electine Kidney Beans solti a', druggists, or sent.direet, 25 doses 25 cents. The Electine Medicine Co., Ltd 186 Atielatie St. West, Tlorouto. Elec- J une Kidney Beau s for sale by STO £T & JURY, Druggists, Bowmauville., The sehool entertalumeut Frid ay eve- ning -as a huge euccess. The hall was rncely decorated with evergreens bunting-, fiags, pictures, etc. anti pre-, sented a gay appearance. We had ciuantity and quality, for tlie program lasted four hours. the per- formers excelled themselves, showing the great pains taken hy the teacher, Mr. J. McCulloch. The choruses were Sung with a spirit that made the hîall ring. The seholars responded quick- ly when calleti upon and rentiereti their parts exceediugly well. The drill was executet in a fine mariner:, The sing- ing of Misses-Loule anti Ethel VanNeet deserve special mention. The orches- tra rendereti excellenît service andi dis courseti sweet music. The hall was fille]i as neyer hefore, the chiltiren ail being on the platforrn, anti the body of the hall wae packed like sardines, scarcel.v room left to breath. properly... Mr. J. L., Hughes P.ý S. I., deligbted the audience with an atidrese lasting au hour anti recalled mauy incidents that occurret in by-goue days when he went to sehool nere, fie gave much gooti ativice anti bis remarks were very ap. propriate for the occasion. Hie is a bustier on, the platform. anti is up to date lu matters ou education. The proceetisamouniting to over $52. will -zo towards fitting up the uew sehool-house. Mýr. T. Baker, echool trustee, acteti as chairman lu lis off-baud, gooti humoreti mannier ........ The new school le uow complete and is a fine etifilce iudeed. The contractors Messrs Viceo Bros. anti A.* Peuuingtou anti Son, have doue the work well anti the building is a credit to the section. Cost about $1500. . Miss Etina Reynolds, Danforth, is re. newing olti acquaintances here ... Mr. W. J. Goard, organ tuner of Bow- manville. visiteti the village, Friday anti cleaneti and tuneti the organ at the Hall, previQue to the entertainînent. His, workmanship was especially notice- able anti "Its ail rigît now. . .. Revival meetings are continueti this 'week.... 11ev. T. J. Edmison, B. D , Newcastle, preacheti with great accepitance here Sunday .. . .Mr. Robt. Scott who has been unwell'le arounti azain..Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson will atitrese a Local Option campaigu meeting In the Hall Friday evening Dec. 29. Be Cured of Catarrhi. It is quite easy to cure yourself of Catarrh or Asthmna if you use Catarrh- ozone, the medicated air treatment for ail diseases of the nasal anti respiratory organe causeti by germn life. Catarrh- ozone will cure-absolutely cnre-Catarrh anti is a very pleasant rernedy that can be useti wihout anv danger or risk whatever. When inhaleti h rapidlv voltalizes, anti flisits way to the veryý seat of the disease, where it kiils the microbie life that causes Catarrh anti ai the same time restore ail irrateti mem- brane to their normal condition, effeet- ing a permanent cure You Simply breathe; Catarrhozone dces the rest. 3One trial will demon strate its worth. For sale at ail druggists or by mail, priou $1,00. For trial onîfit senti 10C in stampe to N. C. POLSON & CO., Box 508 Kî .~u u ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DEC. 22nd and 23rd, yon can havez a large package of Candies or a gooti quality Mason Co. Souvenir Ciothes- Brush or a Webster Dictionary or Leather Cover Merno Book or large 1900 Calendar or your choice of nurnerous other articles. Corne early- and avoid the usual rush and get first choice of presents., AN EASY PROPOSITION Bè.aujty anti style y, ithcut 4comfr<ý y la asilyobEai'abie, conîfort with- - o ut appearane is equaily simple. Yon never saw an ugly pair of -.S "SIater Sios," x et man; of thema cover comnfortably most tnulovely The combiiation ci tbhase tn-o- comfort and beauty-ac- touly to be hiad in the "Slater o. Made in twelve shapes, on lasts moâlelled from actual feet, ail widths andtize, leathers, styles and colors. Every pair Goodyear welted, name aud price stampeti on the sole. $3.50 AND $6.00. K3 -1~r la JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Aengt. flOUSE IN OSHAWA FOR SALE ý- Comfortable llaugbasi eDwelllngHIouse, DrivinZ Heuse, Stablef or three horse and 3-t, acre of land for sale. Excellent large and smail fruit. No betterî well in Oshawa, cistern, Apply on the premises$ or if by letter to JOHNi JAMES, William St., Osha a 26-tf. W ANTED - SEVERAL BRIGHT y suad honest persons ta represent us as Managers in this and close by counties. Salary $900 ayear and expenses. Straiglit, bona-fide no more, no less sslary. Position permanent. Our referenees, any bauk lu sny towu. ItleI maiuly fic ork eouducted at borne. Refer- ence. Ene ielf.(addre8ssed stamped envelope THE! Domihiiox ComPÂN, Dept 3, Chicago. 39-4m. B OAR FOR SALE.-A Yorkshire wbiteboar one year sud ten months old, a splendid plg of the J. E. Brethour breedlng very gentie disposition sud bas doue goâ service fn the past. Price kun-_ lon application. A suap to get a good plg. A bîgh elanss young pig bas been secured to take bisplaýce. Thank- lug My 'numerous platrons for ipasi favcrs sud auoiting a al tusee what stock I have, W WERav4tasfelaudvale Fsrmn, Sauna P. O. flOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-A comforiable frame bouse wltb 5 roons- sommer kitchen wood sbed snd gocd well drain ed siene cellar. Plenty ofhlard sud soft water the year round. Good gardeni, full one quarter lot witb eboice full bearlug fruit of fapples, pars, plurns, etc. Will be sold cbeap foash Apply on the premises, 6 Prsect St, or te ihe West End Srnihy, W. H. Wlîp1tMS, K ng St., Bowman ville. 45-tf 13 ACRE FARM FOR SALE- The undersigned auctioneer bas re- ceived lustructioný, to off er for sale by public auction at the premises near Brougham, Ont., ou Monday, Dec. 18. 1899, ai the bour of noon, the well kuowu sud valuable pruperiy kuown as theJacksou farm, containinir 130 acres. beinîr cornpased of parts of lot 21 in the 5tb sud 6 con- cessions of the Township of Pickering, Oouuty Ontario. Modern brick bouse, cotumodions barn wlth good baserueut, stables sud cellars iu good repair sud eornparatively new. Firsi class so0 jan in bigla state ot cultivation, unider- drain cd, well feuced, 20 acres fn fali wlseat, 30 actes seeded dowu; fail plonghed, a youue, beartug orebard of good varieties; an arnole supy uf waier frein wells sud a liviug spriu . Favorably located ou the 6th concession r=a1 unehlai mile trom lBrougham where are situat ed a tirst-ciae Public Sehool, Post sud Tele- grapîh officesblacksiuith sud otber sbops,stores. Christiaui,Methudist sud Presbyierian cburches Five miles frorn Lucusi fi Station, C. P. R. Mueti be sold te wiud np estate, Will be offered subjeet to murîgage whlch hbai two years to run. The t arrn stock sud imlements' will be sold on tbe saine day. For furiher partifulars apytoTiios. PoucHER, auctioneer, Brougham, On.t. , DONALD R.BEATON Assýiee,,Whitevale, ont.,' or J. M. GEROW aud R. J. PRICE, Inspeet- ors, Brougham, Ont. 49-2w. Hl ORSE BLANKET LOST-Between Hampton sud Bowtnvile On nuday,Oci" ist, a uew all-wool borse blnk inlder will be re warded by leaviug ai '1 l",STEMN ofce. 41t B RICKIIOUSE FOR SALE 01Z retTa o.îifortsble brick bouse on Chnrch St, wîth6 racialesud back kitcheii,gaoo( garden, bard sud soft waîer. Terms ver7y rea8- onable. Apply tai D. TAYLOR, Hampton. 49-tf. S , fr'fOUSE AND 2j ACRES land o sale or rent-Belng the store and dwellugai Asbtou's Corners, j mile forth of' H ampton, with stable sud driving shed. Hard, aud soft water. Wi11 be reuted if not sold. Pas session Oct. 1. iFor furiher particulars sptiy ta, 4 M. A. JAMES, STATESMÂN Office or to A.J. ÊouS. TICE COUrtice. 32-tf. sud dfrsi ai Port Perry and Wisitby ibis fai Also the urbeaten Yorkshire "Oak Lodge Com- modore4tli' wînner of four firsis in '98audilive- firsis ibis faîl. Also a promising youug Tam- worth slre(d by ist pri ze Boar ai Toronto. I ha veç for sale aL choice lot of Yorksbires sud Tam- wortbs, bath sexes, ready ta mate. Those «iXe wtll be sold cbeap as I arn dctermiued to reduce stock before isi of Jan. to maire room for otiser young btock. Write for prices. Persoual in- spection preferred. T. J, COLE, Maple Grave, Bowmanville P O. 4-w NEW YORK I1ILLIONAIRES Only a tew people readiug advertisemenis baukers aud brokers, sayiug that moue vcoulej bc made througb speculation, reailîz e t atI lbse richesi men Iu America bave commenced lIfte lu a humble way sud -have made ibefir fortune- through stack-exchauge speculations. Men like Jay Gauld who woiked as a dryr gaudseclerk ituasemali town at s$10 <n a woek rup t.ohis tweutieth year, sud commeuced to oersIo- wftb bis small saving utf8200.00 lu Wall ~e li ai l is death 10 millions of dollars; Russ, i Sage wbo worked as a groeery boy St s-t o(4a week, sud whose preseut wealth is estimatti ai 100 millions of dollars lis seuh operaîi lg thlemi;r ket, a uli 80 ycars of aze, sud su are )1XOî,s suds o.'f .other.s, who are 2« c ý 1in thaIletcWi5 lite eaui 011cr, whk- adct hi u~ i speculations. Ta the slrewd specualatbr t ic s, e ý ppori r tics are open tu day as tuoth1ers id thic pastThe smallesi lot wbich cau be boa iiisd solil is lit shares ou 8%niargîn, maki ii <llr Anybd ueeidast oseu î are conduct:01 eau g1 informationtsu free ut chargeupon applitiby e e(,r GEORGE SKALL1ER & ci)., BANKER1S & SRORUERS,f 60 BRADÂWAY,Nw ost

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