iHo0li day, --rese nts OF0rrDi ïretKind-- How happily the difficlty is solved when you can ht on something that you have seen nowhere else. You tire Sgoing throngh the stores, and whilst the display is large, seeing the same class of goods duplicated everywhere. It is a il different in this store. We resolved on a lloliday dis- play worthy of the store and the -business tlîat is regularly done bere, and you will find we have measured up to the Sbest expectations in the showing the wholc immense store , j~given over to holiday stocks of an altogether different kind to what îs sold by other stores. This dtoes not mean that Sprices are different to the extent of being extravagent. Yon Swill be surprised at the many handsome articles you can get with lit tic money. We can only suggest a few special l unes. You can sec the goods for yourself. Framed Medal- leons andi Pictures ln the latest diesigns, Hand Painted ware, SBrass Trays and Stamp B. xes, Celnloid Cases, Papier Mache -1 SB i xes, Bibles and llymn Books, full demonstrattoji, very large assortment of presentation Books, Albums, Worlc Baskets, Toys, Gantes, Doils, Faucy Staîioniery in Boxes, SCalendars ai -d Xmas Cards, Leather Goods, Pif ty Cent Fountaîn Pens. Sec the special line of Do Ils la the Window on Thursday at 5e. S "BIG 20", BoWMANVTLLE. For Ladies LeNDON, Eauç.. Dec. 18, 1899 In tichest ani al Dccmt i'c sale rif, Sealskilunîl Iti île f oîutioîîiFus fMarf, the Alaska catch forttitis "cason iras sel at prices showing au increrase cf 40 per, cent. No advance ou our present prices for Seat skin g~arments will be made this -week. THE W. & D. DiNEEN, Cc., LiiTrED. 140-142 Yonge St.,Toronto. - Corner Temperance. CIoIi Store full of tUent, and yen will bave no trouble to get just the thin_ von waut for your Xmas pre- sent. Special liues iu callendars, Xmas cards, books for ail kinds of readers, photo albums, fancy goods, toYs, &C. 1 Prices right, and lu plain figures. Peloubet's Sunday Sehool lesson notes for 1900, just received. Par- ticular attention given te Sunday Sehool libraries and supplies cf al hinds. Buy ut home and get satis- faction. BOWMANVIILLE. BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 27, 1899. DARIINGTOI EljECTIONS. Why Darlingtein shonld bc put te the expense cf an election whcn no particu- lar principle is at stake, we cannot im- agine. MVr. L, M. Courtice, Reeve for 1899, dropped eut after a year's faithfnl service and Mr. A. EZ Clemens, a worthy successor, was elected by accla- mation. Mr. Levi iVunis was eecrtod by the electors of South Darlington te go inte the conneil fer that lecality aîîd thec choice is a good ene. It was expeet- cd the other od mernbers-Messrs. Fos- ter, Brown and Pascoe would bave been returned by acciaaîatien, as they> deserve to be. fer withouî prejndice te any other men, judging tbem by thelr record, no better councileors could be fennd in the township. Mr'. Brown is a most capable business man at the Board and frem bis long services as as- sessor, knews the township thoroughly. Hle explains in a very frank and satis- factery. mauner bis position oni the school section grants. Mr'. Foster is au- other capable businîess mnan, cautions and careful aud has the highest i capeet of those who knowlm best. Thu'elec- ters ini bis ewn ward have signed a pti- tion requesting his return, Mr. Pacoe bas shown his ablity for the position bv! bis year~s service and should also be tee tnrned. These men are familiar wlIth the cas e now pending in the court wî th Mr'. W. L. Law, and shenld be elected te guard the township's interest there, These men with Mr. Anuls should ahi be returned. They will makýe asý strong a' enac.il as Darlington eer ad. Vote for thsem1wndflcLecal Option Dy-Law and yen illneyer, hatve occasion to regret your action. WORDi>OF EXPLANÂTION. Christraras Day was ebseri'cdl ieTîn STAEMaiAu staff. Thils and flhc absence ef some mrners a part of thc wook ac touits for the condensatiotn of soîne coi.î re>poiidcnce. XVc hope ffto Ci etsilu eut, wou i-lerafo-next wcof . Oui- 'faf! bas nover licou larder wol0od tiian àthis season. Two extra îumn, suppornoent- cd b> 'four memrnh fo utcr fai lv, bave beera inadequate tt fumt 'ouioctieis as pcornpfly as wecoculti nish. i, Ln STATESMAN Office 15 h o pulai' as evet for fine. printing. Noxt weck Tînt ILSî'ArN îf4 my bh oua cor two days lcte ewîeg te important changes wc are makÎng ini the paper. Have patience raîd a will lie pleraseti with if. MUNICiPAL O IAiO . Atteutiance cf flic municipal nomina- tiens Fridav night ina fhe tcî,n hall ivas ver>' slim, scacly uan ' businessmon or preminent cifizenls outsido o!filhe olti r'runeillete rand a !Cxv ef îheii'frienrîs being lînosent. Wily an event et sucil vital importance te evcry ratepayer is allowcdti t pass wihbouî more recogai- flou froualeraim, wc craunef exllaira. NOMîIATION Fora MAYORI. R. R. Loscombe. J. B. Mifelhci, D> B. Simupson, Q. C., Dr 1Illier. FOR n tcLOti Fred. J. Manning, L. Crib John Percy,T. I-I. Spry, Capt,. V. C. King, A' 'rait, J, B. Mitchell, J K. Galbraifh. WANT MRU. FOSTEtt. Arnong flic rnuy wbo ant Mir. 1. Foster ri- lectete DIarlingîen Cou.- cil for nerf x'ear arc these Fcntleen loui Wrd 2 whemebho ives. Ii15 a stmoiîg recomrnoiMiatioIi wbeu a maltS ýîioig bers wrant hlm electeti: J. M.. Joness- J. S. Semers, Jas.,h-lckard, Jn. Cieen Ce, W. S. Bragg, W. C. Blackburn, Gee A Stepheus, A. Wilkins. A. Allun, E. R,'t letige, W. Allen. J. Allen, Jue Aluin. S. Allun, Chas. 1iowc, J. D. Ilear, R. H, Soucb, duo. Jewcll, W. J. Clemence, J. Wight, Geo. P. Piekarti, 1Henry iai', W. Hoar, F, Squrair. T. Smala, W. Bragg, S. Brýagg, A. El tord, P. El- ford, W.- U . Knîght, H. J. Knight. ELECTOIIS 0F DARLINGTON. LADIES ANID GENTLEMENZ: Jn justice f0 utyseîf andtihe electors cf tUe townu- ship who in the pasf have given me sudh lîberal support, 1'feel if ray duty (as I cannot moUe a persouai cranvass eiig te siekutîss lu my franîly) te make a statement show iîg my position on flic niatteci'of flic increaseti grant from flic goneral rate te the public schoohs cf flic townuship . This 18 more espccially ilecessary as false impressions haie been left on the minia cof somne cf tUe electors. When thle matter cf the incretseti grant was fbrst tîrgeti iapon thc council a very caret ni calcuhlation Was matie te ascertain how the change wouhd affect flic rafepayers as a w'hohe If ocas shovvrn tUai scbool sections Nos, 2, 5, 22, 18, 23, 13, 21, 16, 7, 17, 15, 19 cuti il wouhd ho benefifreti by the change anti as these coufaineti mucli more than haîf flic rat epayers cf flic township if iras nau ral f0 coaîclutie that tUe ratepayers lu fliese sections woulti fraior fhe pro- poseti change, One month's noefice iras giron thaf a by-haw makiug flic change w culti ho Introduceti aI tUe next meet- ing cf the concil, Tiro ehecror S ep- peticct before tUe couincih rat the meet-i îng f0 oppose flic change while two hundreti elect ors petitioneti for if. The by-haw was passeti anti I supporfeti if fulhy believiiîg that w e were enaefing hegislarion thaf iroulti heu lit -a harge nîîjority cf the ratopaye-s andticm. bar- rass none., 1 still behieve thaf flic acf is a jusf one anti shouhti ho uphelti. Hoirever, I have no tiesire f0 oppose the wihl of flic people anti if if cran ho shown that a majoriy cf flic îafepayers rare eppesedti tethis bhauge, -1 will, if electeti, cacefully vote ï te repeal heicby-haw. I. L. BuewN CARI> TO ELECTORS. LADIES AND 'GE'STLEMEN :-Having eccepteti a noinsat ion for flic position cf councilhoî- for tUe year 1900, I re- specrfully solicit yourvcte anti influence. Tbankinig yon for flic confidence reposeti lu mýe tu-rinig flicpasf anti wishing yen al f lic omimýIrents cf flic season. I romain yours Try fruly, L L. BROWN. Mr. Joncs rat Mr. 'W. H. Wiiliamsn,'. Miss Kate Forbes, Toro>nto, at home.ý Mr'. Cassel Tait, Millbrôok,rat home. Miss Fiera Sinclair, Toronto, at home. Mr'. Wesley Perey, Torento, rat home. Mr. Wm. Frechanti, Toronto, at home., Miss Edna Muir, Toronto, at homo. Mr Norman Crago, Peterboro, at home. Mr. Geo. McKewan, Greensville, at home. Mr. Frank Lyle, St. Thomas, rat home. Miss Lillian Mebcan, Pontypool, rat home Mr. Gordon Beith, 'Campbeilford, at home. Mr'. E. Coigate, Guelph, at Mr,. Geo. Rmce's. Mr. Fred Dickinson, South Benti, Id, at homne. Miss Fannie M. Elienor, Newcrastle,ý at home. .Dr. M. J. A. James, Aibiop, N. Y., ai bome Rev. H. W. Foley, B. A., Toronto, rat home. M~r. E. I-laggith, Woodstock, rat. his fa tUer's. Mrs. T. J. Mason, Toronte, atiMrs S. Mason's. .Mr. Siti Barrett, Mount Albertwt his motiier. it Mr'. Harris, cf Montrerali s v 1isiting Mr. S. Gi. Dr. G. Edick, Detroit,,Midi., with bis framiiy here. Miss Ethel Trebilcocli, feacher, B,'igli- ton, rat home. Miss Bairbarra Yellowiees, Toronto, rat hier mother's. Mrs. M. B. Anîiis, Toronto, rat N1r. John Flernin ý's. 11ev, A. J.aG Carscaddeu, Scarboî'o, wîtih us mother. Miss Lanîra andi Mr. Norman 1,aing, Toronvto. ibene, MrIuii hccoWoodsto.'k, rat, Mr l. l Rnnc(dy Gr'ay,IPeter buiro, ut Miis. W11.IL Ilanon's Mr. te ii. V A Haines, Tor.îito, et Aiîr. Jolni 3îcUKs Mir. Airteur 1eDougaIl, Toronto, at AIrî. Robt.Mcnvl'. Mr. and Mi-s. AUt Todglsam, Toronto, rat Mr. W%. J.Tîihans Mir. .ohn Rfm ch anti Mr. Gtuy Pethlck, Toronto, ut hotne, Mri. h rîeî11 !McLui.'în Duultirk, Y , at D~Mknhl Ir- andl Mr,. W. I. Hehlyrar, Ce- bon!r,. of Mr> John HIbellva i'. w'ltlî hk sistcîr, Mrs. 1. IL luî Miss L. Crade, Wtîedstoclc, guest cf ber cousin, Mi'ssI'Ioreiîce Ma-.er. Mr'.randi i1îr.s. W N. T"'J i tîiMi'. Herhert 'illiov cf Dr. W . E. ?ilys Messrs W. J Ted, Oshawaat M ,Robt '1od, Toronlto,' with their ofe, MissNhelîlo X ltaî ledeOnî taîlo Ladies' Coilege, MW bifliatbre Mr. cut ts D. arsd teMse a Moie.R. Bil, onah ni r ais ieMatthows, Buffai, Pd, i' Xl alo0i r aie, 'Toronto, rat Mrs. Jabui "Ir. andi aisBeit. Tlîompsoui, To- rolite, wa îî is mutiler, âics. W. E. pcf hick. Miss Aiinie . Trenenfli spent Xrnas with lier sister Mis, T. J. Sheridan,. Oshawa. Mr. atîdi rJi- Chas Ceembe, :bav r furtîctifri-c visiieg thoir sonRv. . Coombe. Wole. 1Mrs W. i-1. Gmeenwood. Toroute, Dr, W T.* F. Tarnmivn,' Whitby, ratM- Wý W. Taîrablývn's,. Mr. andi Mts. W. E. Weisb Toron1ito Junetio, ad Mi Cecil Weish, Gltîiph, rat Mr'. Eti. T. \Xeich's. Mr. anti Mrq. A J, Sauntiers, Miss Necllie Saun'. ors. Toronato, at tileir iather's NMc. Jas. Saunders. Mr andi his. DaidI Nith anti-Miss BelleSrnith, Oosw, , Ch 'lasKlt Toronto, vn3ira. C, î(eil's. -Mrs. I. Brigaal anti Mc. Mark Bn"' uraîl, Kinsale, and Mrut , S.Gorard, Toronto, rat Mr. Tios. iorard's, The Beginning of Iieart F aÏlure Thin, walery blood, and weak, exhausted nerves th e real cause-Dr. Chase's Nenie Food the preventalive. N OTICE 18 he-ebv -ivon tUaIn h ptr tership licreta)f ore exiet:i cf enîius, theuide' siened.in fh0 busiip- oîlrcfîî sfyic, of Trehuth & Brouk 1lm ias Si dy bseîî dissoix-sO by muituatl couseot. Al delifs o "iug tei the 'siO partîscrslîp, mnuet ac patd hefome JTauary 15, 1900. R.,_'1'RENOUTR, Bowmanville, Dec 12, 1899. W.BROCK. 51 1w #A Fair Ouitside Aç a Poor Substitute for Inward Worth.o Gooci le atfi, fnswardly, of thle kidneys, tiver andbowets, èsure to corne if Hood's Sa,'- saparitta (s Promptty use J. This secures a fair outeide, and a consequent vigor ini the frame, with t.he glow of health on the cheek good appetîte, perfect digestion, purebLioodi. Loas of Apptite - 111 was lu poor healtb,trouJuled with.dlzzlnesu, tired feeling and loss of appetite. I was oompletely ria down. 1 took Hlood'a Sarsaparîlla and after awlile I felt mueS Setter. Hood'eseàrsapa- rilla bullt me up."1 Lizz A. RussaLL, Old Chelsea, near Ottawa,,Que. Blloune9- I1 have been troubieà with beadache and billousness and was much rim down. Trled Hood'a Sarsaparilla and it gave me relief and bufit me snp." A. MoRiRi5,, 8OntDefoe Street, Torouto, Ont.' Beod Pills cre 1i-,er flic; the nn-irritatIig eA4 onlctsric to taIre witiiboo' esy4 Notices or Births, Xîarrîagé's aud Deaths 50 cents; wbensnzrrea elces are obtained or funeainoles printed at tIis office, insertion firee. BORN. CRAiG.I l Enolîkillen, Dec 19, flic wife of Mr Thos Craig, of % daugliter. BovbE ist Whtby, Dec 19, the nuie of Mr John Bodily, of a daugliter. Paiate'At Courtise, Dec 15. fliewife o!fIBarry Pliait, of a dangliter. MARR PÈR-. i'iiioi'.-J aCizîts the parsonage, Bowmain ville. Dec 23, lîy 1ev J J Rae, Mr Jonathan Ri i aid Misi SaraliJacks. hotli of Baring- ton. LI LLICOT'F BAITETuT-I l ikering, Dec 20, by R-ev Dr Liîobly, 1% A, 13D, Mr Wrn Ellicott and Hzattue Maud, daugliter of Mr Richard Barrett, lormerly of Clarke. Rîtis ici s CoK TIi Bowmaav Elle, Dêec 20, by !Fev'J J Jf. e, George il Richards an d Caroliue if îry., youngest daugliter of Mr David linA. JOtt.,-BAtTThN-Affie residence of the bride's fatoci, Orono, M1r. John Joli, Hamnpt on, f0Nliss, Hunttte Batte, , ldest daughter of Mr Wii Bat- toin. JoNEs-MicilAEf. To Tfarmony, Deo 14, by Rev J J Liddy, M A, Ohawa, M1r John 10w- laid Joues and Miss Annie Eliza Michael, hoili of flaînîony. WAnin-Lt Kg To Oshawa, on Wediiegdgy, Dec 20, by Rev J J Liddy, M A, Oshawa, Mr SamýnelGi orge W> rd and Miss Miss Eliza Lu4e, bioth of Columbus. DIED. MUUTi M hi Bowmîntrville, onFriday, Dec. 2, !899, Elizabetch Mutton, wife of Thonius Mltton, cocO 69 years. 11cml) At Bowmnville on Friday, Dec. -2. Jaines Hales Reid. C. E., P. L. S-. F. G. S., ehi- est soli of the late- Colonel Il S Reid, aged 77 y cars. SAXoN Toi Bowmanville, Dec 25, Rebecca, beioved wîfc of Mr William Saxon, aged 75 ytsars. HiuLL To Cobourg, Dec 22, Laura, daughter of Mr \in ilîl, ageul 17 ycars. NofrelCo'e-In BOwManV;il, D8C -'0. Lilliani A, dan1ghiter of Mr t'hulip NTorthcott, Camer an, ,geu 2, years. --Bins'oiîn Ti owmanvillc, Dec 25, AMyrtie Wliz, infant dangliter of Mr James Bedford, a 5 'clnorntls. Gacîlîc InGardenhili, Dec 16' Lucy ,Toîtî.belovel wtt cof Mr, WV. J . Gardiner, ,,LHAWL LOST-On Thursda 'v, Dec. S 'l'!, a Crimsoi Woolen Shawl between foc 1 cc1slyieriaii chorcli and Southi P r. Reward for1 saine by leaviuîg if at TEE Si'ATtS'uîac office. 52-2w0 W I'IIL0SlT.-luBownanville, De2,aLady's Gold Watcb, hunting ens. îi(liwilic suitably ceerded on lcaviîî" at J. fin'sS'hoc Store, 51f LI. F RSLE. Hacknev driving horse, yeasolO, also yonîîg cow and eaif 3 wees olO. ApY ta J. CG. HENRY, Box 187, Bos aiev lle 51 t!. c ATiTLE Si RAYED-From lot 8, kcoui. 4, Daîiington. yearling red and wbite sleer with euit ini '12lit Car, and yearling heif- et, gray, witl soli t ûiiriglit ear.Tfwrfoin fmation leadhîg to rccovery. RoBm. COLLA- UOTT, Box49, BownaiiVille. M -2y'. N TiC'E.-Noticp- is herebvy given N c' ""n ,tlià,4 a~7lIiton a bis ueday been midi i r ithe transfer oui the Tavern Liceuse now hldO ly Tho&. Boswell for the Arlingfon flotel ilu fli Towîi of Bowmanvîlle taý John flrew er of flic said town for flhc remnainder of thie Li cetîs ycar. THos. BOSWELL. llowmanville, Dec. 8, 1899 51-2w DR. J. COLVILLE, GRADUATE OF1 TORONTO UNiVER- U7S TTYne. Trinity Uiiversity. Office: Si lver Street, Nilbalis auswered from resi- lcnec of Mr. Davis. Beach, Ave. 5Otf. FARNI FOR SALE-150 acres, being p art of lot 31, con. , ClarIrs, Conn-ty of Dur- haro, on wh'ich !taîîew brick house wlith all modermîinarovemenis, standing on a beaufif ul elevatioîî commaudiîg a fine. view of Lakre Ontario. A baro 40 hy 90 test, atone stables under a straw botuse; U hy IOft.driviug bouse, 30 hy 30f. pig peu-lien bouse, silo, affin goofi repir on e acre old orchard-8 acres new orebard well waered with canal runuing straigbt across fhe farma, a sprlog uear the buildings, two weihs and a cistersa. 100 acres good level grain land, balance pastuce and q We wish all our Customers a Merry, Chiristmas and a Happy New Year.i HEAIL BROS. West PEnd House BOWMANVI LLE. In order to accommodate the rush of Customers. at this season of the year, we are keeping our Stores open in the eve'ungs, un7,,til January lst, 1900. Special Sale of BloseSiks We are offering some great inducements to ladies to buay Silk for Blouses. We have a big range of Silks in Blouse lu. ngth and we lhave marked theni away down in price B ouse lengths for $2.00, $3.00, $3,50 and $4.00. Really worth a good deal more money. Handkerc hleefs. We are showring au i.nnense variety of lovely Hand- kerchiefii. What nicer for a preseiut than Handkerchiefs. We have a big range at 5c. each and from- that up. Silk Linien or Lawn. flen's Ties. New Ties for Xmas. We have a particularly nice lot made up expressly to our order for this Xm'as tradd-. Ail the new shapes andý patterns. Soi-ne special liues in fancy Boxes. Fur-se We are renewi ng our Pur Stock this week and ex pect to have a complete, range of Grey Lamb Capes Gatintlets, and Collaiettes in by the time you read thisi a. We have Persian Lamb Gauntiets, à1so Electrie Sea&ý, and Oppossum G 'auntlets in si 0ck, also EeeOppossum Collarettes, special value in-Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. Men's Pur Coats and Pur Caps. WTe have had a very largesale of Purs this season so far, our -values speak for themselves. Boots and. Shoes, Men's four buckie felt tlop boots, felt lined, pegged, soles, three quarters to kue in length, $ 1.90ý; Meni's felt top boots, hall leg felt, heavy pegged soles, all seams pro- tected by leather straps '$2 .15; Men's rubbers and socks in ail varieties and prices from $1,25 to $2 .50;, Felt and knit socks, 50c. and 75c.; Boys' strong Boston caîf lace boots extra heavy winter stock, strong pegged sole, a good reliable winter boot for school boys, $1.25. Wumen's stùi ong glove grain and pebble lace bouts, _plain and patent leather toe: caps, strong standard screw soles, $1.30. Children's Dongola Lutton shoes, turn ol~60c. Children's pebble button shoes, strong soles, 50c. - Lttle boys aànd girls strong lace and outton boots strong heavy screwed soles, a good strong boot for the little fellows, 85c. Men's fancy plush slippers, fancy flowered front.. A pretty useful present for $1.00. est price. paid for'Rough Dressed Poultry. . J.ohn c ÏKIIÎurtry.,