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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1899, p. 5

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z 0,,~ Cthe r Our stock of Dressing Cases was so reduced th at we had to re-order at the J ast moment and we have some bright new goods at prices that will sur- prise .you. Wereturn our best thanks'for the liberal, patronage givenus and tsh ail our customers a joy'ous andl Prosperous New Year. See our 5c Counter, it contains many goods worthi from 15ec to 25c. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. 1 BOW',ýMAJSVLLE STATION. (4OraeoEAEI, GOÏeGWET &Yrs8s,..5 :,la.m. a1a*xDiress. .. 517 am - ri s. 1017a. m. Local. S .815 ~Meger.. 3 26 p.m. [Passenger.. 1 35 P. m 6 5a1 Sp. M. Express_. . 7 39 WIXrU..il O3 SDaly. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents The Canadiail Statesinan, BOWMA.NVILLE, DEC. 27, 1899,. Mis4s Lenia .aV Toronto, is home 1or holldays. MisVe1ima Jewell bas been visiting friendis in Clarke.1 Mr. Heseiunt spent Xmas with friends at B3ranýtford. Mr, Artnr Elford is home from To- ronto Buineiss College. rf it is; a hand sleigh you want for the boy you eýau ge supplied at the Grand Central. Miss Howson, teacher, Saiem, is spending vacation at her houle in Nor- wood. Now is the time to buy your furs, M, Mayer is selling bis as cheap, as tbe cheapest. Mr. A. W. Smith, B. A., Whitby,,lias been appointed assistant of Kemptviile eiîgh School, Miss Mary E.ý Colville, Clarke, lai guest of Mrs. J. W. 'Alexander i the 'Evergreen, is." Mr. anld .r Cas Com e havere- turned frouvvsiingthir son, leV. W. 'Tis sad'wii h a cold winter.Secure warm hyting Blapkets, robes, etc. at T.Jte Mas9n)i Co's. Sce adv. >WIi liino f ïGents Furnishinga ia NX4ts, Caps. Underwear, Ties, Colars, Shirts BEraces, etc, at M. Mayer's. r.Harry Dafoe who bas been work- ing in THE STATESMAN office for a few weeks, spent Xmas ut bis home iii Norwood. Mr. W. Il. Bewoll1, Whitb.v, has re- signued bis position as Secretary of the Ssons of Temprance. He lias been a fitiful officiai for 13 vears. The War Office bas ordlereci from a firm in Beleville, 25,000 pounds of eVa1poratodvege&bte for the u8seof the' th etroops tu Soutih Afric.r. l ýif ou ,,(.anteomthing nico for Xmas1 eall at M. Max er's where anu will findl .8 fuil lino inisï, Capes, Coats, Caper- 1naýs, Cllars, i1uffs, Gauntiets, Caps, 'ir. Laing Provincial uuditor, paid an offliiivii to our town and careful- Iv examjined-1 into the. towu accou-ts. 11e) is mkn systemnatic inspection of althtowns1undor a rocent act passed bythe Ontajo Leisiature. TFlecWM';Uif,\-Model achool successful sýtudients is E. Beath and MissA. Smiitb, C'ltbusi,; Miss A. Coakwell and M~r. F. W,. hwWitbvý; Mr. A. McCullocb ,Enfleld; Miss N. Kester and Mr. 2£. J. pnl, Oshawa. DwljghtL.ody the great evangel- lat, died on idv Dec. 122, at bis homo ,fa Northfleld, , aged 62 years. Death ,vas causodi by general breaking iown dite to ovýerwork. Hie leaves a wife, two sns and a dauglitqr. A. timlely ift-,one that keeps time, E leases the , .ve and its your pooket, a biack-wood ClocIk that looka like black anaroleý, strikes ;the hours on a musical gong befl and tho 1ha,îfi hours on a tink- Fl g np[e) -syor fra very small The Concert g cIivn y te band of the emba inon rg-an and Piano Co,, on esdomav eveniîng was thoroughly up-to- W Those wbo took part were: Mr. r )ig e W. Grant, Toronto, one of the bt Scottish vocalists that bas been fi5ard ln town since tho lime of the jýrat Kennedy*\7. Mr.. P.' Punrshon, Os- hawa, hamorons vocaiat and reciter, Sa host in himself, and Mr. Arthur Cor- biil, dpianist. Theý program was a mendîd ono, and evorý iy number was a er.The o0d famtiliar English song, . 1e"Soldier's touýr" as given by Mr. Oat was ,loo oïr4thmore than the of dmssin.Mr. Pushoni, n the boue an gavea nencore. Oif)orthlose ppuarC steongs. Mr, -jlh aveo a scýIa 4anasiaMar- b,ySynymih ih was plly- -1a clear and d~ic anr n uý)it that noise and loud pedal work htakes aayth iteret3 fof nine- -teof hu ep-ino solos-;ehear, The btnd gav- -, evor ial sýeectbonus, aad with tà txce? p, ? f boing on theý loud side Ail work gnaranteed by Jas. Goard. Crekinole Boards at the Grand Cent - rai. Try Webb's delicious Taffy for 20c. a lb. at Luttrell's. A Big Une of Purses and Pookel books at the Grand Central. Sauta Clans will ho in the Town Hall on Wednesday Dec. 27th. lie's a jelly qld chap. lNow watch Rioberts, Kitchener and Sam Hughes knock the Boers out. -Brook ille Recorder.. If vout want 10 enjoy the Holiday Sea- son, gel your grocery supplies at Youg and Co's. See their advt. Attend tbe PrimarY Concert and the Christmnas Tree iu Town Hall, Wed- nesday Dec. 27th, ut 8 'clock, Ladies' Fur Lined Capes elegantly trimmed with Bear. Sable and Thibet aI Coacli, Johanston & Cryderman's. Mr. Johin Morrow, 'Coîborne, lias been appointed tub-collecter of castoms atîbhe Port of enlry inîliat village. W e kyyMAa il and Empire and STATESMAN for $1.90;witb $1.00 Atas of Canada and the Worid for only 25 cIa, extra. leiey Thos. Dunlop, pastor of the Methodiat eburcli, Midland, bas asked the ladies of bis congregalion leo re- roove their hala durbng service. Ware that Wears-Ail silver looks alike wheu new.- Rickard sella, silver that will look well bun ours 10 corne for the'silver on them goos deeper Iban the CapI. Victor A. S. Williams, a Port Hope boy, sou of the laIe Col. Williams, will heonee of those wbo will g,,o t Soufh Africa with the second Canjadiani eo ntinzen. -Guide, Mr. Wm. loîstan, Newtouville, we noticed ln town Moniday. Althongli this gentleman is iu bis niinetvforthi year, lie is as active as many a ma at f orty y-Port Hope Guide. If you are wie voit will take advan, luge of the suie of croeýkery at China Hail. Tbey are giving a cash discount of 10%0 during December. For partica- iars.see Young and Co's uow advt on first page. For a Prettv Haud-liere la- some- thing she wiil like and she may be led te like donor, a beautiful opul or diamond ring and when yon receive Your "tbanks" you will vow that liiekard sold ilte yoa for ls Iban ils Thàpraermeeting aI the Methodist church Thursday evening was under the auspices of the Women's Missionarv society, Mrs. T. E. Hligginbotham and Miss Joness read papers ou the mission- ary work la China and Miss Editb Car scadden sang a solo. liev. J. J. liae, Pastor, presided. Miss Martin wishes te announce 10 the ladies of Bowmauvilie and vicinity that she lias inoyed bier stock of fancy gooda te the new store two doors east of Nicbolîs' variety store wbere lu more commodions promises she will be pro- paredt b serve ail hier old customers and as man v 10w ones as mnay favor lier with their patronageý A splendid assorîment ef fancy gooda, berlin wools, stamped linons always iu stock. Ca'li and see ber bunlier new store Yen are looking for Xmas Presents Ibese days. VVe bave jast opened np an immense stock of Fancy Goocis suitable for the litIle folks. Doils from 1 cent np. Dolîs dreFsed and nndressed. Nigger Dolîs and Wite Dolla. Douas Beds, Dolýs Cradies, Dolîs Hammocks, Pic. tare Books by the bundred, ail sizes land prices, Toys bu great variety., chidrens dishes, Rocking 'herses, air guns for Ibe bo ys. But there, we can't go any farîber, il would fili up the pu- per te go ail over tbe lisl. To ho short about il, if yoa want the hest choitce of these goods comeno t the Grand Central. Canadians bave reason tlelbe prend of tha Christmas issue of the WEST- MINSTER. Professer J. E. McPadyen contributes the leading editorial, en- titled' "The Descent ef Jeans" Rev. J. K. Macdonald bas a vigorens editorlai on tbe subiect of" Revival and lie- union" suggestedby the discussion carrent bu churcli circlee. "The Sur- vey of the monîl"in b the \VVESTMIN- STER, is aI al l imes one of the clear- est and beFt wrilîen gummarles of car- rent affaira Ibat appears in any of our joarnals. 'The basy man who cannot read everytbing, wili find iu this aurvey an able digest oftbemain affaira et oaci mnb Séee peciai clubbing offer on an inside page. Seud for sample 'opy te the WESTMINS'E R CO.,TORONTO. PR. A.-_W, CHMASqE'SO s sent direct to the d1seasea culture, was in tewu yesterday and re- ceived rnauy congratulations on has succoas ut the lat byo..eloctien. Ho was on rente te Maple Grove le see a thoro'-hred Durham buli, the preperty cf Mr., Samuel Snowdon,' Jr. Hle bought the anial unt a good price. -It r Freali Cul Fiowera le day at Ted'a. Walch lest-a gif t le molher-see advt. 1Mrs. Geo. Putterson sp)ent Xmas at Kendali. Creamu Taff.y-Saturdaiy enly-1Oc per lb at Ted's. McL.angbiin Carrnages and cuttersat John Perc3 ',s. Wbat about a Christmasî Cake? Tod bas a few left gel eue. Freali Cern Cuspqa t Tud's 5c pur package-tbey are good. 2Mrs. W. H. lIalfacre lias licou visil- ing frieuds iu Peterboro. Cash for ponitry, dressed hega, baller, e, ut Jas. MeConnachie's Mrý and Mrs. C. D. Pinel are spend- ing the hoiida5 s in Toronto. * ýEverybody is in love with Ibose pretty Christmas Cakes ut Lutlrell's. Stores will not close at 6.30 p. in belween new and New Year's, Ail town stores romain open'unlil 8 o'clock every niglit 10 end of 189-9. 1liev. J. R. Turubuil, M. A., and Mrs. Turubuli spent Xmas at Orangevîlle. Cash paid'for any qaantity ef rongli or dry packed penltry Cawker & Tait. Xfias groeries -Raisins, Carrants, nuts and pools bu great variely at Heai i3ros. Pur Caperines, Muifs, Ganlets and Ruifs ef aiL kinds ut Coucli, J olinston & Cry dermnan's. Meii's and Boys' Overcoals la ail sizes specially good value at Coucb, Johns- ton & Crydierman's. The fineat stock of Xmas Cakes ever seen in Bowmamviile are for suie aI A. Lutîreli's. Try eue., Xmas preseuls for ail custemers buy- ing eue dellar's worth or more aI The Mason Co's, See adv. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1-1. Wiliams and daugbiter Surah speul X,ýmas with. Mrs. C , Ewing, Cobourg. Misses Sule M. Beilman and May R. James have passedt the examsata Toron- te Model Scbool successfully. Get veur Christmas Confectionery at Tod's ie lias the largest and besl stock lu tewn te ehiooso frein. Beauliful Tableaux of the Lord's Prayer ut the Town Hall, on Wednes- day Dec. 27th. Tickets 10c. te al parla of the Hall. Ceuch Jobuston & Cryderman are showiug a beautiful stock ef geoda suit- able for Christmas presents. Cali and sec. what they have. A beantiful, lot ef Ladies' and Gent's Umbrelias made up specially for tbe Chrisîmas trade opened up today ut Concli Jobuston & Cryderman's. Present STATESMAN subseribers whose anhacription for 1899 is paid eau have Ibis jounalseît to1 auy frieud te the end ef the eeury for only $1.00. Order to day. Notwithslandig the big sale which Coneli, Johuaton & Cryderman have ebadt for Ladies' Couastbey are stili shoîvîug a fine stock ia ail sizes and qualilies. Mr. Adolphe Nichehis of Bowmaa ville's greatoat varbety store and -Sauta Clans' beadqnaýrtors wisbes ail bis numerens enstomera a very Rappy New Year, Mr., W .1, Trennîihubas been ap- peinted principal of ,,Téwton-,ille seheol aI agood sulary. We coagratulato the pople ef the section on seenrinig bis services. 1 M.A.James, Bewmauville, is Govera- ment Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the Counly et Dnrham, dnring- business heurs ut offlice, ut bis residonce Centre- at., ut niglit. Yon will have a levely lime -If yen are fortUato eneugI-h l e ceive oeeof those, handsome Watebes from Rick. ard's. Wbich will ho the happiest, the donor or receiver. Mr. W liHill of the West End House wus calied te Cobourg lusI îveek te ut - tend the f uneral ef bis sister, Misa Lanru Rill, wbe tiied Fridav nigbl from infla- mmation of tbheliruin. Mr. A. -L. Vanstene and Mrs. W. Gregory, Brantferd ,and Messrs.Norm- an 'and Prankina Nortbeott, Toronto, were lbore lasI week attending the fanerai e the laIe Samuel Vanstone. De net forget yonr wife aI Christmas -Sbe wili lot sou ,for she is unselfiali and that la mors) Iban eau hoe said of yen, or yon wonld hrave pnrcbased ber a aewing tuachine from liickard's long ugo. We bave evers'tbiug anitable fer pro. seuls fer smokers. Pipes lu cases and ont ef cases, some beuties. Cigars ia Boxes of 25, put up specially for Xmas Cigar Cases, Tobacco Ponchos, etc., ut the Grand Central. A sud incident occurreli bore lat week wbeu Miss Lillian A. Norîbeote who bas been -learuiug dressmaking with the Misses Brimacombe, died af 1er a few davs ilineas, from inflammatiou. The romains were taken le Penelon for interment. BY-LAW NO. 567' To proYlibdfthe sale of liquor in the Toqî*nship of Darlingter. The Municipal Council of the Township of Darlingion bereby enacts as foilows: I. That the s 8ale by retuil of spirituons ferment- cd or other man ufactured liquors is and shalieb prolibited lui every tavern, ion or other place of public eieniairmentlt ihie salit îunicipali. y and.. thesaue Othereof islt logetherprobibited in every so or plaee in the saiti rnnicipality other than a b Jouse of publiceci tertaiumeni. ILI That the vote of tlhe electors of flic said T-o7wslp o'f Darlington will be tuken on thie y aw by Élie depoîy returning officers berel,,- citer named on M1onday the l'lst, day Of JaLU- ary, one tliousand aine buntiret, comnueneitsg ut 010e o'cleck bilite morning and continuing tili fOve o'clock lit the alternoon ut theunder- mentioneti places: Polling subdivision No. 1, it the sehoci bouse lu sehool Secétion No. 5, George A. Stepliens to bie returning offie tr. Polling subldivision No. 2, ut the Sons' Hall lu the village of Tyrone, Richard Hawkey to be retuning O.'ller. Pollin g subdivision No. 3, at the Sons of Tem- perance Hall u ýt Muple Grove, Cbarles Axford 10 be returniinfficer.* PoilLing subdivision No. 4, ut the Town bal in the village oý f IHampton, Heory Ellioti, jr., to be retuirniog ,,officer. Polling s;ubdivision No. 5,. uthile hbull known as4 Kennedys Hall in the village ofEnnitkillen, Fred. Rogers toble retnrning Gffieer. Polling subdivision No. 6, ut the Sons of Tem- perance Hall on lot number 31 lu flic second concession, Bert Gay to be retnrning officer. Polling subdivision No. 7, ut the school bouse lu sobool section No. 14, Suml. Souci to bee8e- torning officer. III. Tbat on the 22n(l day of Pecemnber, A. P., 189, I the Town bal là fie village off Hzampton ai, tbe hour off four o'clock in thie ufternoon the Iteeve shahl appoint in wriiing signeti by hinm- self two persons to attend ut thc final snmming np off the votes by flic clerk, anti one person to attend at ecd polling place on bebaif of the liersons interesteti in and desirous of promotiîîg flie passing of t ii By-law anti a like number ont bebaif of the persons interestetilut and dtesirous of Opposing flicpassiîg -off ibis by-law. IV. Thai be lerk of heicsuit iMuniciaiOonn- cil of the Townsbip off Darlington ebýa. atlend at nul office ai the bonr of ten o.'lock in the forenoonon theibhird day 0f Jauary, A.D, 190o, to sum np flic number of votes gîven for anti againsi Ibis By-law. V. This By-law shahi couic loto operation andi lic off fui] force and effect on anti alter lb, Or;tSi day off May nexi afler flic final pussinibe,ýreol. Town Hall. Hampton, Dec. I11 1899,' 11, ELLIOTT. Jr., L. M. COURTICEi, Township OClrk. Reeve. NOTICE. Tmke notice chat1 t'le proIposed 1By laý consîderailby ti Township IfiPau]i ully passedbil i \'te, tlie assent of the elýI after one molihfro' )Ove i!s atr"Il Y f '1li lias been takn lot lui d Ili ch will b( ln ouncil lanitie event o beinir obtainietithereto THIE CAR~RIERi BOY TlEE STATFVSMAN ýcarrierlias always met wiîth a liberal response trom his patron's on New Year's Day, bis pocke ts invariabîr being well lined. We thiiak we nover had loss compiaints about the delivery of the paper than in Q89. Next Mondav morning the carrier boy wlll present bis annual addi css and receive any acknowledgment i lie generositv of' Our town snbscrîbe' prempts t hem 10 give him in recogni- lion on bis faithflness dnring the year. Saturdav only, Cream Taffy 10e 'per. lb. at Tod's. Monlh Organs and Pocket Kaives at the Grand Centrai. If you waut tue best ceanned goods wo have tbem. Cawker &Tait,' The finest stock of men's ties ever shown la town jnst received at Concli Johaston & Cryderrnai's, Men 's Read%--iiade Tweed Pants for $1,25 Worth front $1,50 to $1.75 ut Concb, Johaston & Cryderman's. Mililary Drill to the song "Soldiers of the Quëee" by tbe drilled corps cf the Methodist Sundfay Scbool boys in Town ilall Wednesday Dec. 57th. Mlajor Schoof Coming- Again. Major G. H. Schoof, who lecturect 10 packed hoases in tbis town some time ago. lias been engaged under the auspices of the Epworlh League of the Methodist churcli to lecture in the lown hall on Frid ay evening Dec. 29th, on "Thbe Beors and The 'Limieson Raid". Prom biis experienco in Soutb African' affairs thi'i lecture shonid prove a most welcome and opportune theme, Re- serve the date, Tickets 15c, NOTICE. 1 give notice to the publie that by mutual agreement my wife Emma King and I have sep- ara ted(, and I arn now no longer responsible for any debts of any kjnd cotracted or to be con- tracted by lier. Datdat3owmanville, Decmber 112, 1899. D. N. Kiia&, 50w, Burketon, P. 0. O O 5WMVAN VILLE. YFIl FROST, First Tenlor. jMSGOARD. Second Tenor, D .J,- KIN[fG}T, First Bass. T, E. HIGGIN BOTHAM, 2nd Bass. Addl-ess ai! corresuDondenice to JAME S GoA '~ Business Manager, Loctc Box 61, Bo'vmanville. 399 f. BcýWMANVILUE MARRETS, Oorreec ed by J.iffclairtry each Tueaday' FLOUE P 100 iba ........$81 80 to $2 1c WHEA'*, Fail, bush... 0O0 O 67 Sprinz ..0 00 0 67 lied Pife 0.. 00 0 O70 n oosE 0 000 '0 65 BArLEY, ;lbush, No. 1 .0 39 'i 0 40 $1 li If 0 26 ,0 35 if il fi .... 025 0830 1n ilTwo rowed 0 25 f 0 40 OATSz, vb'ht e in..,...........O24 il 0 2.5 I n..fi ... ..... 00" 0050 ,UOW -L ............O 00n;O45 nMmmney I 0i Oj 60 n Small, n 01J, 6 fi Bîpef06 J 065 BUTE, ea tbl,1 0lb. O iO '0O18 Eous,7 .............. 0 0il0 18 POTATo(rs', bush .........O0 OÙ il 0 20 liay per ton ............. 5 GO i 7 001 A Handsome Parlor [amp. New low shape fountuin lu d'eli- cate bine or pink tiuting with pretty colored flower lu hold relief with a handsome globe te match, brass foot, large humner, complote $1.751 With Remnovable Oil Pot. Decorated fountain aud globe to match, Pansios and Wild Roses, hrass foot with reve rsible oil fonut- ain, largo burner, complote $2.25 1Very Popular at $3,50. The decorations on this lino are exceptionally' well doue, 9 inch glebe and fountajin te match, remov- able oil feunitain, contre drauglit but-uer, complote 83.50 Our Marnnioth aanq.(u et Lamp. Theso huge be-auties are the acme of perfection iiu the Lump lino, 26 luches taîl, D10 mcli gobeand foanlain deeorated w-,itt hthysan- thémum oun atural clr, hdc founîami, complote - 5,50 1Kindly seîicîtiug a share of yonir patronage andwiin you il! theý compliments et tho ýseasen. 1BOWMANVILLE. CP~VTKF~TT *mmm~rn mmm ~ E M M M M M M M M M M M M e Thank their Friends, and Patrons who have assisted in making their busi ness SUCHI- a SUCCESS during the past year. W'e shahl strive to meit Pa con- tinuance of your con'- fidence, and wish you ail a Happy, and Pros- perousNe w Yea r. BOWeMANVILLE. NexI door te Standard Bank. M M M M M M M M I M M M To further the happinoss of your friend, you Wiil1 show your wisd-ýorn te bo superlor if you will but purchase -your Holiday G-iftj îf rom T,. Riekard, Bowmanville.1 To give you an idea of wliat you inay select please note the follow- ing: Gents' A 1 Watches f rom $2.50 up, Ladys' A 1 Watches ro $5 up. There are cheaper ones, but flot guaranteod. Gents' Chai ns, Ladies' Chahns at wholesalo pricos. BatflCok for the home, Alarm Clocks to awakrn th e hoavy siceper, Setalsfor father and Mother, Rings'for your Sister, ho she lithlouorbi,Ri;ngýs for your Brother, Rings (Good e-angh for the Qucen) for Brohl ings (Plain circIet of gold) for your marriago, Bracelets, Pins, Brc eBlî Buokbes, mick-nacks of every kind. Sterling Silver Spoons aund Fork-s at ulnhosr- id of pricos, Ebony Goods for the Toilet, Sterling Silv,.er Nov)ýelties ii, eudless vurietyý, Silver Plated Spoons, Kuives and Forks that -will wear, also Bath Dishes, Bon Bon Tea Set, Sugar Bowls, BreaI BJ oards and Trays and many things wo cannot enumorate. As trou newlino of Goods neyer'shown in Canada untit now. Soniehing for ev,,ery one, bc they ricli or pooi-. Ilch and everyone, ail welcome. Enougbhahts beqcu said through'the year as to tho excellent (1 rlity of -our-.oods and thé lotvness of prices. Ail shoulc kno-w by tis im thiat' they are, dealing 'with a reliable bouse when .dealing with Are Prepared for A Unique HoldayDisplay. We have been careful in the~ selection of our Fruits, bought for, spot cash, thus enabling us -to seli at prices that defy competition. We aire leaders in Fancy 0-roceries is a settled fact.- Here are a few Unes, we kind- ly ask you to inspect before purchasing. RAI SIN S:-Connisseur Clusters, Black Baskets, B-x- celsior Windsor Cluster, Londona Layers, Loose Moscatelis, Valencia Layers, choice Sultana Raisins, Vostezza Cur- rants, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels. INUTS:-New Terragona A]rnonds, Walniits, Brazil Filberts, Shelled W ainuts, Shelled Almondýs. FRUIlT: -Calf Oranges, Valencia Oranges,ý Jamaica Oranues, Malaga 0-rapes and Apples. RU SECOND FLAT. In this department -we have spared no -pains or ex- pense in making it thoroughly up-to-date.' Our stock is large and of superior quality in ail uines of the latest styles. No old stock. It will be worth your while to visit our China Parlor. 0f course Lamps are in great demnand. More so this season than ever, their subdued and mellow.lighlt coming throngh the decorated globes gives a lovely affect'that every one appJreciates. ilere are a few ideas of the many we have:

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