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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1899, p. 6

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NEW YEF\FR Sinagle First-Class Fare Godgoi!g Dec. 30thil'ansHt, 1899, Jan. Ist, 1P00, -, eaMd to return uniit lJan. 2nd, 1900. SngleFrs-as Fare and 0ne-Third Godgoing Dec 9 Oth and Ble, 199, and Jan. jeýt, 1900, vid à to return _lntJilJau. Srd, 1900. l3etween ail Stations in Canada on' Grand Trunk Railwav Syse% . Fr'n Grand Truk Statirons iu Canada to Detroit and Pt. Huron. From Grand Trunk Stations in Canada to, but not fromn Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, NY. 1Christmas Sehool Vacation SINGLE FuSî.CuASS PARE ANn ONE-Tînan, (on surrender of Certidecate) froin Dec. th to lst inclusive, valid to return until Jan. rd, 1900. Commercial Travellers DISTRICT-Betweeni Stations in Canada only. SINGLE FIST-CLASS FARE on presentation of Certificate, Dec. lth 10 iSih, 18S99, inclusive, valid to return ountil Jan. 3rd, 1900. Tickets and ful information, etc., at Stott & Jury's Drng Store. J. H, H. JURY, W. WOOD, C. P. & T. A. Depot Agi M. C. DICKSON, District Pass. Agent, Toronto. News and O0n' n NationalAI mportance CONTAINS BOTI-, 000- The Suniday Sun is the greatest Sunday News- paper in the world. AddresrTHE SUN, New York. Btdon' t 1frget that J. S. Rundie leadq both in price and quality ini Single Hatrness, homffe-made, rubber1 or nilekel trimrmed. Also Team llarness, ilorse Blankets, wokr * ' * yrjute, ined cor- unélied loe ~rRobes, rubber ieli ndo ,thou),t anD last but not least our ~almierstoll Cutters second.ý, to none for style and quality. Everybody welcome at JOHN S, RUNDLE'S. y ilarneis Empo.tiiim, One door East oft L, Morris' Furniture -Store, Bowman-f ville.t Prom Portland Prom Halifaxr Noon. 5 pn Paiin Jan 6Il Jan 7 Numdia.....17to Liverpool direct Caliornan . 0 Jan. 2l Lanreni'in 31 to Liverpool direct. .1)aziisian .....Peb 10 Peb Il R ATES 0F PASSAGE. Firs cabi, $30 and upwards. Return $10000 and upwards. secwond Cain$35, Steerageet23-50 Laur entioncarnes tirai; cabin oly., Sqtte of.erka froin New York to Glas. nPo)w Dec tlist, S, a m., Jan 25th noon, Mar 151 For tickets %a every Information ap- lpyto Ulanj Line Agent, Bowmianvllle. Is ncessuly sed monthly by over IOai8.st!ie,effectual. Ladies ask aour druisi for Cook'$ Cofettecedt Cou. .!d. 1,.kenfaoîer asalMixtures, Pis Oanxi 't'tions are dangerous. Prt,., Ne. 1, $1 Per 1soE -, ,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. Die. -I oW2,m ailed en recep1,0fipni a dtwo 3-eul Beet Gold Fi 1. 50 1, yrs Goid FUI 1. 00 V etGlasses... »00 We uantee perfect st~&tOi GI¶pBE OPTICÂL O ë3 yonge Street, Toronto. BAYS 0F FESTIVItY. Sunshine and Shaciow on the Cradie of the Savi ou ,* TME STORY OF THE IN CARNAT ION Dr. Talmace 'rakes Mis Toxt Prom ha MianY Considor the Dullost and Most UuimPOrîaîat Chapter lai the New Tes- tamfent,'But He FlnuI h Full of Frac. tical, Startling and Eternali nterest. Washington, Dec. 24.-Tie efori' o! fie incarnation is lere tolti hi Dr. Taimage lu a now vai', anti practical use is matie of these tinys o! festivi- fi': text, Matthexv i, 17, "Se ail fie generations front Abrahamnto Davidi are 14 generutions, anti front Davidi unil the carrying away lutco Baby- Ion are 14 generations. anti froin.the carrying uai'y into Babylon unto Christ aro 14 generatione." .Fr oui what maui consider fie dm11- est anti îost. unimportant chupter oi the New Testament I take mi' text anti finti it fuli o! practicai, atartl- ing anti etemual interest. This clap- fer le fie front door o! tie Nexv Tes- tament, tîmongi xvhichalle splen- dors a! ovangelim. anti upostoliciti' enter. Tlree imes 14 goncrations are spoken o ni ami' text-tlaf is, 42 generatins, reachiug dnwn fe, Christ. Tley al lad relation f0 liai. Anti ut least 42 generations pa"f affect us. If tIey werè gond, xe feol fIe resuit oifie gootiness. If tley xvere bati. xe f ee] fhe results of their xickedaesa. If aýoxno were gond anti sonie were bati, if la an inter- nigig influence that pute its iiahti baud open ns. Andius, ne feel the affect ni ut leust 42 gonera- tions pasi wo n'il laintuiruInfluence ut ieast 42 generations te conte,ff the worîti shall last 1,000 leu-rsý. So. io si ee île cradie is mioreimportanit than the grave. I pi opoe rte show ion saieof the, shutions upon the Christie cradie 0of Bethlehemu and thea île suasffino fIat ponreti in upon tIe pilinlownifstt.an'. Notice umong tle sbnrlnxx- on, hat, inianî's bcd fIat tbere nus h.ere anti thorea a pecîmnof! eissninte autres- tri. jteautiful Rutîh lisý aneestresa? Oh, yes! Deveut Asu one nif lis, forefaflers? 0h, yes! 1lionest Jo- seph lis flher? 01,. yes! Bol' Mary lis mother? Oh, "es! Butlu intat genealogicai table n ere idolatrenus anti cruel -Aîumon anti oppressive fie- hoboant anti soe nemnxvhose abomi-- nations mai' net ho purticularizocl. Se yon sec baàil-mon aay haxve -gond descendants.* 'One ciîlte. most'con-- secruteti men 1; ever kuewxvas 'the son of a man who livc't and. tir a hiaspiemer. Ia fie lineo o!an, :.p-- prose ive llehobouLým. entes a gracînue anti merciful anti glorions ChirisnT . Great encourageen for these W[10 lad in île t-2 geneàrations that pro- ceýdeti tîenu, iwee1cos 1i' inev r t'buoýk, some)inç ta, esofi pemicionu annd îhuLefulanticrrd To mi' amnazement. I fontin t1sis parts nf A ustralia te, wichmui i'ears ugo, 'felons were. transýper -eti iront Englandti tîath îe percenýtago- nof crime was leus tian lu tiose parts cof Australin originulli' settieti by hein- cs;, neanti geoti xveen. Somae min arc new on juidic!a1 ben ches in Atîs- tralia ant int high governtental posi- tien ant int learnod and' usoful, pro-. fessions anti leaders in s~cill hi&. are, fie gratîtsons anti grantitaughtersco! men anti xvomueun'ho xvero exiledî front Great Bnitain te, AustraILn for' urson andi theft andti ssanit, unit frauti anti murder. Sinc e w.are ah imerel or, bas, a!- focteti by aur uncestri' n' o eght to be patient witI those who go wrong, rentembering tha tleyi'niai' ha the> victime e!unhappi' anîcecetients, How lenient ut nught tb'niake, ns. la our, jutigments of the fallen! ]?erbaps thei' hat 42 gouierations, backý0f llen puahing the thîe xvroug mai'. Five- intreit yoarebeinre tîci' mare 'born florec may have beeu a. parentage o! tuiquiti' augmenfeti bi'a anrOupt patI- entage 200 years aga. Do, not'blIamo', a mati because le caunotf s.wimnp, the raplde of Niaguraý. De, ùnt haie a slp captaîn becanse' le-camnt ouf.: ride a Caribbean whl.rlwýin. The. fa- fier of this man wmissdow wroag mai' have been ail rigît, anti k~ iteID tior allrîgîf, but away back in fie- centuries flore may hlaina startoit a bad propenei ti' hlcth ho nom teQle. Oîie o!f theTon Comnindmenitsgi-Von, ou Mount Sinai recogufce fie fact, thef evil mai' SkLp a geueratUon, When tic cormmandînent. speaka ýo! visiting "Vihe iniquuty o! tue, fafl4ers Upon îlbe chilIdren uitofte third and ieourth SgeneratÀon'.,"bu% enys noWtg ) Us te -second Cgeeation. anti if evil niay skip oue geierafîan wliy net twa andi tîree ani four an&i fiva genorations, mnaking a mligkty coap aLnt altghtiag, very isard upea th&, heati and tie -lrrt Of soma Ppor vlc'- fini? Better be a lifîJrt merciful tee- wands fhe culprif lest a! ter awhlo soeeheroditari' evil born An the Year 160() or 1700, kasing sefppedth"fi J.: ______________ 'e ngich'Ili between e1 Ieri loo<0 Ieu tir Lialtne nî~li Bethehena~ woId ke'qwhe(re you stand, if you Juclaea. ans Calaro, wil aecure his de- hvo t êa a a oel structkm 1lýAil tii. ppwIers of eatb Maryewalkot, fayou av oeph aond" ad tat cecdemosoe bmad iles ýýbefore yoiu find just the rigl t Aýd tait r adowu.e.ht lritcf orm 0 f worship aud just the rigiet canoler ad 1l-obsupoi tha Çrst creed, start ln this nmodern Decemn- ofrt.wathasbcu ail f"te place ber, as those vilagers started Iu an o! irt. 3etlehm vasanobscure ancient Decemiber, and anîîd the con- village. David, 'the shephlerd boy, gratulations of church militant and hg;dbef boru ir, but after lie bc- chur'ch trîumphant gîve lu your camle generai aud king he gave lt 8n0 names. It was whule Joseph aud siniicnc,1 think nover iiienitioniing Mary were on a visit of duty and it but, to as' or a' drinik 0f xvater oeigaraoal orad o to goluudho d ,eü( n-he illag h ed Emperor ,Augustus that the star L smlailiandudnimIportatthuat it had pointe atepaeo aiiy to b sepratd lummdfrom an- Another gleuinio! euushine siriking Lo e ý'arLtcI iiiiird i'm n-through the, shadows above that err, r sthijlihemthun L(iiexiàstng and so. Chriiic cradie was the fact of a wecaldic Be(,thle-hem on i Juaen. specia&ldivine protection. 1Ierod vwas Thgewu groat capital of Jeru- deternîlned upon the child's destruc- sae;there were the 15 beautiful tion, The monster put aitlits wits c oie n thie beach of Galilec, arny of tgte nsrtg o h tp them rla gond place to be bora npinogthl ataug e forthestnp-cd thIere Were greut towns famous ,at pHe! thratyouag if. e ustsad.l that finie, but .the nat?'vity'w& e- lelrmizsi pety lie suden[lis day celebrate -Wvas iu a village which gotl'religins, echarold Leave . Christ fxtimuatcd l ad been callcd by palae aud taeucS hat stnd bave some "thîeleast amiong thc princes of steel as whtpedIe M'thathe could Juda." Christ hinmself wus to mak inire ihtth mperial v:ýi the town famous for ail time and al said whe-,iq ho ordered, "Go anIj searc eternity. So heroes fa Inter days by dtligently for tI"s yourig ('hilC, aid their deedg; hav e given celebrfty te, when ye have fceind him bring' mie 2îuighborhoods that Would nover' Wrd, that 1 mai go0 and w.orship otherwise Ltave, been heard of beyond'hatas." Alh etciv0h tia- radius of a few hunidr.ed mîiles.s'ut ont f aled ini thle searcli. You Wlif aplae fr Cris f0arrive ut auuot reasouahly acco'unt for tit'at unitto tartfrol Thr bre o fI nnurt craie excc'pt on the tlonry etesfliioS! cfa epecial divine- protection. Andi Omn land Womiioiif Msineop- ulostcradîeare litronise defendFtI. portenIity, vvhy do)yen nof make the Can, you unduirstandi wly s50 many place' orf your uativiym\ rbofor dudewitl' ail the'epidoînicsa tn youjr pilanjthrI»ies hy t- he urcies aseaîthees andi ail their-etimbiug te you b'uild, thef'e libirriesïynu open, daigerous heig'h'ts andl ali their perili'. the cc!l 1(ge you endow? > ýGo bach to ou ýexperimnen1t withx explosives unit the village whera« Ninweobru, as' theo ,l unnîag gainst, hor">s' hoofie George Peabody nIot ick tVoDan-'undt daring of cuolleycz andi carts fast. vers, MassýL., antiý' vwiiyorwealth driv en,. yet sc "nehon-got througli, blesthe neigLhb-irlood I re in especîally boys ü0f lîispirit anti chitihnti yo paye ani narbî thaf are going 'o amnlott Vo rnuch? vïhere y(tn far erand cetherI' L sleep 1 accouit. for thejir coming tbronghi the last aleep. 1 set such darity ail riglit, nitth -)nlya few wounds mx Ieth Btlîelcn aget t rmeanti bruises, lsy tea tiiatthey ,ack ugai i, ani oor îe li use are ti-itely preteceti AHlyour ri! your ntivýiýitir'lgon le old -hs n ýýi1 ï 01. Dont', d"e that al-f "Den't go Chrstbero i a obeije pac, flore" seem te ,tmounit te flothing. ardeitsowlcl ken b is self y are tire smerenkîcs creatures arnnt to urtr her lligo0fBah-abouit whom yîou arc constanfli' le ru as ls amev oen u gr- nxtoîis",,nsf wondhrtngwhat te the clunIt i- hanLed "Te f!1 leuaQ! mttroxr. Divineli' protect cd! unit utîtta boses ! prTere' il ost of your chiltiren -woulti it asn hle lepea.an ani Iishav e beeciciea long.,ugo but for that. Ve 1 e; n V, fc urroeset tother gloan x iof liglit scutlering enrlinenttha ,lsuswasbor. 'l~somne of Il,,giiom, of that Christie Bibs taiiaoî' go te wrolig pîllow lu Be'tzl teheni was tle fuct wIiçt whe thysid a oph I hat it, xx ,sti tja'ting place oi the ans!-i ary hall enetoletlillfeui în i linst woi rfîof ail careors. Look- li 'xd. ole w e1t no',fart, r ig at Chrst 'le froint mere world- th, V>te pt ta-_ýd thal ilýý, .do nm.ly stantipuL.,.. it vmýs, amazingli' be- i I ý rt nofainsi peoploal, i hayond ail îpa-jy ofipea or tongue lor esecape t-ýati ieilsor eaux as:to1 i, roa. Iiout talc- th t tirstwcn hnmbl). fok1 lad1 tg a N arL ,cin cunin :tu amycoliege ottgto tax. Thbe m ins tban or evon a Lay n ay chool-I, yet say- tbat 'proteeted hie beatlIII il-, t -sn1, " thtugs thIaIýt the nightxosÏ intel- was not xvorth taxing; vl o wouxa ix's leets oi suoseiý,lue it days, have quotei sanda(l ishirli kept hur f(-i!fr i a'anti tried te exi 1ýiound. Greut liter- ing cýut by the limestoieêrock of ury xvorks. Larve for the, uîost part i itait.PDethIehent ta mostly atie, h-tu tho r .si.tiLf nuol elàboration. 11r0nt worth ±xn.N o': i Ediuîd Bnr ewrote the conclu- fact ;tha rclamutoti ad ben onfl ni b ,-i ualnst Warren maieh')hv epro înt aflitc, e. lastings 1 i i i '.Lord Brougham peolebetue Ceat]3~tin ndrerote hit pct rhifo!fQneeu Purîia nd i tnselun~s neluetiCarlin 20 tiosbutti,isermon on un.d announce he ir ylti' to Ie aigsu !eio ee h",lawVs o! 01tiC sud loIJ ai x ,iSit thei rs-' JI or l -t-sr lvsIL Wns not un ie -Diins zýBoy xasher ooqeteDeotleneor Ciceronic Tbelad xvalkecl S0 nIi1es ve'a Or like ihaI o :f Jeuin 1Baptiste Muesil- rougi rond te givo Iin ernamles'Ion or likc htxvihWilliam Wirt, ,and take the oath of zallegiance.. hunisel a grent ori,tor',nus overconie Wonîd we waik 80 mrile-s iclo aaniouiNcen'ith ilii ag cabia melleting bouses o! our a llegîance te our onig, ee Nirginia 'when itîta blincitpreacher Jesurs?, Cuesar Angustus \vuanted te, crieti 'ouf,, inis sermon,. "Socrates know by therecord on Wult'hlist dieti like a philosopher,, but Jesue matn and, that wômun xxtotr t tireir Christ diedilike n oa. nnmes,,uer hld thent xjitti. fut Chai.st's oerator3l, ivas .unlike uni'- how mauy people i la luimpire, he thing Ihati wenit béfcsruor caine uf- coulct. dopenti on lu case ofi eaigeney.ter. Ev&n ,the ,critilu5nt o! the xvorld lin ail our churches thc,.i- are sa suiti, "Nover man, apake like this Imunyi hI anti haif disctplu, sa- mani' ma. Drumatie? Why le totik up a I netir spousers. The y rafLier chil ouÀ,, f o the, auidience, anti set him thluk fie Bible is truc,, , ,l uilrte ou ïa table anti by fie&embarrased iparteaofl1t, and they hope fI-,at sonar- looýk o! the chilti taugat humilit'. lie iow Christianîti' wtll isnhiil tLhe son;'t the prosectors !aý poor sim- nations;_ Tiey samy awai' frein fuiý woman,,blushing, anti confounded, 4dlurcI. en communion dayis a na hop* oui tth ,eroont by eonesentence o!, whea fhey have lived eas onrg as fhey suti'caent. Notice_ hisl powero! em- [cati in this vworld they cula eomeihow phi asis ýand enlumntiun wheu lie re-- sneuk Diteolieven. Oh, u, ve liiyonr vo le tldhipaseIL fatier hits resurrection. aiumcs! Be regi stered oupth ,11e 1irch b'1,- the, peculiar wny lic prononced, recordi sfowD bore and JlnufhêeLtD.18$ tlu'e onue- word, "Mary" Hie power The Broomf-llakers. Vouchi for the Statemnent : of A. iBong, of :10 Leslie Street, London. Baud to W ork Ton 1Houn-s a Dayf-- k efe, Witli Baekachc .8eýverely- 'Dodd's KidneyPlilla Mtùe a New n JIim LONDoN, Ont., Jan. î-l brooxa- makers a! ibis city are as iineutriàus anti maire as mucli money as tle aven- age lroom-maker lu this econsitry. )dut' tle may the busimeseihas beengaing of: recent years uecessitaies lIaitie'mau, mark very lard. Compeftion is rite i bnooam mauufactuing as. in mosi linos te-day. 1î A. Boug, of le ï'eslie Street, London West, broke downiundmerîle strain. He mas worklng île reguintion 18 hourea day, but a bnoom-inaker las ta werla very steady. Bong's back gave, out. Hie continuei tote orirai bis tie,. bm- ever. thiougi it was co>ntinua1, misery. Ouly tlose wlee lave suferedi wiil baokacle knaw la'w disabling anti painful it is. It ismofider!vdl hem evenv mavement ai tle beds seems ta ijan an tle back. It la as if île batik mene the centrai poitirom wlicl all e muscles radiaieti, The reasan of tîis le that, batik- ache le ni Inekache at al l it enally, Baekaeheila kitinoyacle sud every movemeut o! île body' ebakea the tisortiered kidneye ta a greater or bes extent anti keepa fhem iu a constant staie of irrilation. Ta èure backache you musi use Dodd's Kitinev Pilla, as Mn. Beug !auud oui. lHe writes: I lave been troubleti with a veny severe pain in my back and 1 coneiuded to taire anme 'Dodd's Kidney Puils. 1 lave doue so anti 1 tindt iat tley have cureti me. I,leve 10 mark feu leurs a bday ut broom-making anti nose I amna ;new man, 1 h1'ghly recommeui tho1m fa >auy one for bnckacle. A do net beel île pain gny mare or las fi since retura- 'II remain, yours truly, Clifioo sioma by the may Peter, fie' gZ roat ,apoetio,- miltrd unter if.. Tir lieltsays, "The. Lord turueti anti 0ooketi upon FPetir.." Ifme as nt - nip itent faciatl expression. HLs pam-ent o! b'porboiez A canteL fryilng, fecrowti ifs lump tirougi tir, oye, o?-- , a cwiung moniai/s nerdie! antial fiat, leuarniedti lk about a, g itýe calioçi tir "ueedîe'seoye," only., lelittine tfie hyperbole- ]l'amer' of usircau;,Thehypocrite styled bhi in île seliole. wIte nord not a,.phys&u uian." Bis power o! peoratierezThe crasing o! ofithe tmber's o!fite poorIy buitf hanse. on île beaclte!ofuthe Mediterranoan, Power f0 fairesad- vantage' o! cecumstauces: Wien, an auditor askedil hlm mietuier Usci' augilu.t o pay' taxes fa Cassesr. <Chriist practicaili' saiti, "If any gentlemnan in fàisý audience bas in his pecuet a Routuan penny, I Nmisi le. mouifi usi hban t if p ta me." Anti comuoar, haruçled lain a penny, uaidt fiaiscame fhs e onw'elming ansmer o! Christ, "Render te Cuesar tfe, finage faît are, Caesar>s anti to Go4th ie tigs tbat aire God's." ,Soe lhave clown yen tlîe adhadowi smnd. tihesunchine o!fitat Christi« aaleo! Bethlelens., Ia flese Christ- mas tintes I realiz& fIat flore arc maumy cratiies unitor, shadows. Oh, the, star' ai empti' cradies mll up and dama thl. rnt 1,, lucabis santi ta palaces hTlere are sntanding ia garrets or in sforeroom. ca-adlsm fiat mîývlI nover rorck &gain. "R-tIl 'ùxouritig for her chiltireindst ot e b. comiforteti because tlceg aes mot." Dut tirongi aIl the sb.adews break gleama of aunsiine, as fthe iew. ao fie Chistie cratilo mer. & "t by glorieus ligit. Escapd (reom tihe struggles tironglh ha 'w. havre ail passed anti Musi yet pas, * " li- île ones fook leaves at eue b*%mti. InsteW,4 ni au earilly cm-roefIt 1e a heuvenli' carer, mufti co"~stics, witi veocities, -miiie.ruht beyond our cornprehoeu. Iatad of ceiebrafing on cari h ifs Uvau' iDirl ti 'fai'stand iii thseIlus' presonce. Insteait aifttke, iidyl qceboratons o!fite alti h.emooted ifi id e tmaetenai jubilît«ae~l wkr-e the angels of *ad Me W ounbe.sroe-s antit4olit thant resounc itrvina iacigntt7t' nue C nuuislc and bla7ze with a biac and a glori' "tlrt eo ielth rot Seffl nor 4ar lourd." No se î niL tn them an merry Crsms o b merrimienfs of ovn igout pn tIerntfront temples tlat ure alwuys> open, atai idpleasures th!at neyer die. Oh, if is Dot a dm11 Icaxon, but a liveli' heuven, foi' ibm are an many children thora! Tîci rlrong the streets; tley lobk out of the "Flouse of Munyi' Mnsions;" f loy s.tand on the beach to ce-e tIc toucts cast an- cher xithin tle vulo; fJ'sy crowd the gutes xxthI greetiags whén fIe old folks coune ia; thai' clap, Their harets In un eternal glutinesa; thai' tance in an etornal gico. Soe en u nitIchesun- 91hine that pours itt the Fehadows o! fIat cradie until they are afil gne? Bu£ the shadon ,s lave thawir uses. There muxst be a background tueee'i gooti picture. Turner alw ais put ut least onue fle"'k ni cloudf on bis cao- vas .,andtihîe rlouds niof frth nili ho fIe background to hriog nout more, ntighily the hrigltraoss oi hoea. And xiii it net ho glorioiis if aiter ail this sceme of earthiy xvicissituîde ,We ntetajin lu ur Father's bous& andt aik over fIe past ln an ever- fasting bolihiai But rîtoanwhile io'k sDut for the cradtiIs. linxvmach tbey 'tocitie for th'S xvn rIt andti tbe xtr ilIon Chri5t xvarhem t Bethlehem,, fiat decideti'tIr'rnpin ofthe xxrt.Oh, 100ont for the cradies! May a Bc4hlelom tar of hope point down utoemcl onue> oithei-n anti every hovering cinutihafillet ixvth chant-' ing angels. of morcy. Jus t ike B07&O Yen mray sec yntung gar-fieh lay- itîg a gante of ieaýp-fiog, juaf as yeu hiave seon thc big bnoys ut if., A tioating han ,,k:s-hi;ll turtie ut now thticnuder bol, anti uguin anti again the gar-fishlelop mer htm. Somnetimes fta Iheý gaine the gar-fiait landis sqtureli' on the sieeper'c- back,, when the indignant fuirti ,e takes a long hreath andi tashes anal-, scat- tering the x urinnaustile fishes fIat have ussembiet to Seo, tir iun. If yon luxe ex or lad atn aquariuam ho sure anti laveosoîne gar-fish la if anti the turtie, anti yon eau see the sport for -ynurseivos. lIlce water in lauudernug wiii stiffen dresses. Roi! a pounti of icer ina gallbe of water anti rince the dress betfore, dry- hxg. Do not dry thin gowns in the sun. Roll ina clefh and, iron, wleu partly dry, About 24 women hni 100 are, strouger In tIr leftarrn flan they are in therigit. Wosnen, ton, are more freqnenfly -equail$ strous, lubof h arme, fhan, are men. 0e,,0 1 Babies and' childre'zi need 4proper food, rarely ever medi-j cie. If they dia not thrivýe Îown their food, something, is wrong. They- need, a; littiej jheip to get. their digestivej Imachinery working properly. SCOD IVER ouILI RM #TIIIPOPHIOSPI/TEs or/ iMeï SM twill generally correct,. this! Sdilficulty.I If you wlll put. from ene.I IIourth to. hall a teaspoon l i baby'sî bottie three or four times a, day you- wil soon sec a marked improvemnenL. For larger childreni, Irom lhaît to a teaspoonful1. acèording to age, & ~sovect in their rniIk, 4if yoiu 50 desire, will v soon show ib, great. nourish- Sing power. If the, mother's t baby dots not nourish the! bayshe needs thtecmUl- Ision, It will show an elfect Iate once both upon mother an~d child. 50c- Rnd $x-00, sL druggisis. ISCOTT & BOWNE,ChemisTér*tJ Worth Thi.ukin Of. WhaigcSn b. done ina aminute? '1hink &bout If, dear young peop.le. It takea nn more than a minute te spsealc a few kind words, ta semebedy Wvho wIll Ise made muai ka.ppier by hearing them. It takes ne more than a minute ta give a swest emile Vo seene poor forlora chlld who is carry- ing a butd&en ton heavy f or it* ten- der keart. It takes ne nmQre than a mininte teo make up a quarre& b.. IwveY*,=iîttie brothers ansi sisterg. Nitneteenth Century FelIy. T'he greatest plece of f olly of the nîne- teenth century le ta sufer the tortures of rbeunsatismi when a permanent cure can bobtained by using Dr. HaWs Rhieu- mUtic ("Ire. M5r. C. W. Trotter, Cusmhen.. duL OnIt.,,auifered wjtliMuscular Rheu- miati-îin for thr-ee years. One battie of Dr.1l RalYbhuinatIcCre comrpletely curcd him., lie lias not h-ad a pain or ache since. Thtis preparatien is uýýe4 ixternaUy. Onle boie c0ntalms'teudaw- I.etprice 5a cenasFor ffse t &a &mig stores. Ihh lIn the Back- Thon probably tbe kidneys-. In theOhe? Then probaly tVhe lungui. lan the Jolata? Then probably rheunuatism. No matter where it is, non what kind; you need have it no longer. itnuay lic an hour, a day, or a yenr old; it must yield to 'Immediateli' ai lir applying ît Yom ton ifts soofling, wariMing, strengil- eaing power. It quiets congestion; dnawe, outî anaation. kr It is a new" )a,_ster. A new comb)inatýion of' nmv remedies. Made affer new' Methotis. Enfîrely indike 3%any- otIer plasi or. Thr Triumph of Modern Modicai; S-cience. Tho Perfecfad Product of years of. Patýient, Toil. Placed-'ovor the chest if le a, poefIaid f0 Ayer'sCherry Pec- foal in tle freatment of ail tîroat, Piaceti' er fhe atomaàch5 ifstops nausea and vomitiag; aver, fhe' bý ols, if coufrols crampe uud coic. Place&i ovor île sinail o!fIte hack, fi emoves ail congestion from the kidneys and greafly efrrnghena, 'o eakuess., ersale bcy all Druggisfs. JC. Aye- Co., Loweil, Mas,. NEdWCASTLE. Mrs (Canon), Farncomb bas been suf- ferinz frontrheumatismn Mnr. W. L. Luiekhart bas been coiîfin- cd th lis hbase lîrotigh ilîness. Mr. E.' C. Bernait -lst eue o!fIte best mile ews o! hiý3 jerstey berdirecent]x'. Mrs. Joli Cwin anti son Wa iter lave gonte te oeiau to spenti Xmas,. M r.W ligoFses in Buffalo andi Cie'.elni seniigCigiýstras bolidays Mr. Solon-oiHarris, jr , was kicked, by oeeo!l is icows, bekigail1 boues inone DLni is egs. Mrs. Wm. Huniitar mas summnoneý New Jersey imet week te wait -)n tiaugliter, ,Bessie, wlQ las aftaek o! înflemmafion, Mondas' evening week flames eý seen issuîng from the chimney o f t bouse occupiait by Wm. liennings. I was extinguisleti before much damaige mas dione. The l',use tes owned by Ma. S. Basker.vilte,. Loss covereti iiin - sitrance., AN TIOCH. Miss Haânes miii feach oilr scboeiu next year.. Miiss Annie Waddell visitet Darling- tan frienda. Mn. Wm. Bennet t us home fnom Port,ý Ilope Modei sehoal. Mr. anal Mrs Jas. Waddell spent Sun, daýy ai Mus.Scott's'. Mn. andt Mns. T. Underwood spent. Sundai' week in Kendal. Mn. A.-Tourj'ee is putting lnaa new" furnace &t Mr. Ja7. MWaddell's. A large quaatity o!fbai' las be packeti anti shippeit from f ltis section, Mn, Jacob Co tabledliciýi was a guest of lis brother Isaac, ai"2 ' iThe Willowg" recenfly. Mn-. andi MisWilCOX mIn bave'h ke- visiting ai Mr. Joseph Danby's ha.ve re. turneti bôme fu Gandenhili. Mr. Fraser Little will attend the Agiiultural College, Guel p'h, a.nd akaý a course la the Dairi' Deparimeut The news o!f te deafth of Mrs. Wood, an Dec. 7t1, at ber grarnd-daRu1her's resitience,Mrs. Wm. Thompsosi, Toron.. to> was received mith mucli regret in, this section, where deceased, was woli and favoaaly known. Tait & Co. make photos for 25.er doen anti ut ail ather prices usuall paiti for île besi finisieti pbotos at thir studio, Market Square, Bowman vlle. Wîll correspoudenîs kindly enm ber thaï; ail adva nce notices iu thi a en of concerts, enterfalumenttian other meetings wlere an admisson e is clargeti or collection takenmu iii paid for, Heart Starts. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heari-Oýe Dse Hlelpet In 30 Mînutes-Two Bottlesco ud Mrs. M. K. Calhyer, 29 Pacifie Àvo, Toronto, was troubleti seul eart(i ease for years, caulti not stand on clair wiilout getting- dizai', goingu staira, or being sudtienly start~le brctuglt on palpitation, suffocation an intense pains untier tle shlnd 'jades She trieti many rmdisw late bh r nspecialista mitbout p i,ne relief. Sh. piocuretianc! used 9r.A new's Cure for île heapt, Sile ""ot ne lie! within 80 minutes,-a fr er fI rmîdos andi beore she liad te4' ý 'two xuttle eveni' symptoi o!fea ~trouible iha left 1er. Soiti b>- JHig-ginbothom Soli. 1

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