ÈilÏk Headache and relieve al V, troubles lhef. ~ n oabillous ,tate of the eystem, such au i.zl X . Nue, Druwsinüfi, Jiistresa after jeating, Pain ln tha Side, &o. 'hile their Moab bamarkable &.ccess bas been shown an cXi toadaeho. yet Carter's Littla LivrPf sqn.ally valuabla in Constipation curinganud p Irenting this annuyinî romplaiiut,wbtle ttiey Plr.11 eorrctalldisordereeso tmctmlt u liver and regulate tihe bowels. Lven If they only sured .leethey wold bealmostpricelessta thasewha Sufer fromt iistreeeiu5 curuplaint*, buitforti. matelytheirgoodneosdoes noteudhere,anidthose Wooncetry-tlamwîlll ind ýtheae little ilia valu- *blanuse many ways tLctthey raili fot ba wi1. ~ te o witout tem 'Butafter als!c&Jiog4 Xi thse base of sa aany lives tha t hema la wbhere VO emake our getbat o placr taiile éther. do not.ra os.OrPl uei Carter's Little tirer Pilla ara very snall and vry easYtaotala. Ona or two pills inaltea dose. Ilhey are striotly segetable and dû not gripe or Surge but by thoir gete action pleas ail avi se them. In vialsat 25 cents; fIv for fi. 8014 14 druggisis everyavhare, or sent by mai. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yrk. Better stop that cough now with a few doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup than let it run on to end perhaps in Bron- -hitis, Pneu- nonia or Con- sumTption. It's awonderful lut-mg healing rernedy that cures the worst kinds of coughs anticolds %vhen others fail. Price 25C. & 50C. Dr. Wood'ýs Norw'ay PUR@ Syrup. Ail dealers.1 Stuffed Peppers-Sebl amsnoont ~pers and wipe Ibean unfil tbey bOgtadsiig u f h ûi 0' U SE Il 0[ D I coup out tbe aeeds aud fill with cbop- psitt celery, mixed Nitb mayonnaise dressing. If the sluflmug la nmade of IIOWTO AUSE ABY. bread crumbs, well seasoned, the pop- HOW O AMSE BBY. pers can be baked aaid will be a deli- 'AaYthiug that will amuse the baby cious accompaulment to a dinuor. or ke-ep hlm comforfabie is a great Cream Cirken-Oue oblîkeis, one set bieip fo the mother i;ho bas enlire sweelhroads, boiled soparately in wa- charge of the housework sud the chul- fer, a little sai, then chop together; dreai. If improves ftho dispiosition of season wits salt, pepper and a laîrge the l1111e one sud greatly ligbtens bier lump of butter and a cup utof roam; work. Place a brigbt-colored loy or thickeai wiîh firsur aind boit al l tgetb- piece of clolli where he eau sec it e r, stirring coustauîly. Serve while wlthout straining bis eyes. as ho lies thot. in bis crib, ailowiug oue objeot b mre- Cottage Pudding-One tnp of milk, main onty a short lime, ,hILa offen one Lalf cup ot augar, one egg, t-Wýo desiabl to akehim roi roo totabiespoonfuis of meiîed butter, one desiabi 10 akehlm roa roo f0teaspoonful; of baking powder siltcd rou01n so the motber mayxatoh hlm with une plut flour. - Bake hait ara as she xorks, aud as a cradleie la nu bout, and serve wilb 1iquid sauce. easy to move, a large, oblog ciothes Amn ln asg-uc u basket mnay be used. Fit il up as lndBacMageOic(ad, dainîiy asayou like, or if you have no hala of g latin, one quarî of new milk, lime for faocy decoration, line it lu- a ielle rose water, a sialllaeo aide wiîb bine or plie chamhray, sud put ini pleaiîy of pîlloava 10 make it itaumon, 12 b1aaiched aimouds pound- coafortable. IL eau bc placed on the ed very fine, a lit11e lamon peel and floor, îwo chairs or a table. 'Baby sugLr lu taste, Soak the gelaLilin l likes a change, sud xill otten lie con- the milk for tw o bours, tison sîmme.r feuîediy waîcbing the obleots about ail togetber ulii dissolved and straîn hlm until hoe goea tu sieep. This will intu a muoid. Serve cold xith boiied auawer the purpose untillieha l five or eus i ard. six monîba old. Af Ébat age hleis Fi.-Cake-Ono anrd one haIt cups usually sîrong enough lu pull himseif ua oe bi cp bter up at the idas of the basket, and bis uî, ue hi u utr weigLt la api 10 hùp il over. Onua hait cup sweel mnilk, one Xhen hoe outgroxva bIs basket, a and oue aLit cups flour, two tea- ligLI, portable peu made of tibm, spcOIuis baking povder, one lai smooîhly-plaued boards, placed honi- rup coratarob, whsîes of six eggs. zuuîaily sud fastcnod ai the corners Bait' in two layers and fil itii Î g to uprmghf pieces, 'viiI lceep hlm salefe îsîîîg. Chop une pouaid figa, add one from harin, Fold an old conifort, û~ftpsîa u n u ae place il in tLe bottoni for hbu 10 ithalQp uranoe pwtr on, and give hlim a few loys. After 5îtîw until soit and smoolh; spread Le- le bog1ns tu creep hiexili suon pulltweon the layers and ire the -whole himseaiup hy tLe ides, and thus lbarn cak ' ih boiied bing. lu stand and walk quickiy. . Il may Lobser Croquetes-Two cups fine- be placed on the floor of thea17oo1111S ecipped loLster, one saimspofuil where yuu are xorking, ou the piazzza,slunotmtrdatilea nf. under a shady Icea, or auy place xx bre sait, wne, ofOua prea a uilece. ake the baby xiii keep coul and comfort- bwihoecpramsu.Aak able. PLysciana declare that fLore! 'iio ,roquet Les,, roll iii beammn egg sud la notbing mure benefiriailu the mua- 1lista ýr crum-tbs and fry in hot lard. clos uftihe limbe and Lack than the oliimbiog and roliing aLount that chul- .LùMDLýîC RECIPES. dieu ludulge lunxvhen îermitted lu do so. The size oftIhe usuai cradie or Coin Brtad-A change n the daily baby carniage dos not give hlm spaceo menu is espeiially graleful b îLhe jad- euough for sncb exorcise. auid it seemsecd p ai.e. 'fry tec breakfast a aorai cruel to confine hlm lib is ,vay, sîm- bru d made afi er IVs. Terbune' e piy because no one bas lime 10 ooke aller him. ,If the peu is put togetherri One oup each uf curai-mua, wiih binges at the corners, il eau ho wlitie ur yeiiow, and of xvheai flour; foldemi sud hung up wheu not 'mn use. 0,1f a, un f.-. ii ,,1,;,,.,. , SUGGESTIONS TO HOUSEKEEPERS To keep a Waf fle itou in good condi- tion, so that the Latter xiii nul stick bo il, lb must ha tborougbiy dean and dry wbeu put away, and must ho kept su -n dry place. hI muet aiways Le heated belote gressiaig il preparatory 10 bakung the wattbes. Tu brighten cilit r;,me,To a i nt -'i. .a uP.01Whie u agar, ttabLtle- 1 spoonfuls ot butter, txvo eggs ; 0eue cup ut iiilk ; îwo tablespoonfuls ot baking powýder and a salîspoonful of sali. Euh îLhe butter and auget togethar. add tchosbeteu eggs, the milk, thon Le ineal sud flour witb whirb you i sifîed theo bakiaig powder sud sait. TLis quautity xxiii mak2 s doz- en muffins or lxvu emalli bavassu will b3l-ik.-d by tho-e who care for sw.mef cocu bread. LAAA.ss.Cure constipation, bliousuéssi, rica XI------------------- Sie£ae-n upalasa Oucrd m ot ha fcui L iseadacise anad dyspepsia. Every aud a Lait of water, add sufficieut cup enga, une cup solse, oe re otpring ui-thi ai.luu et aes ieî r o LIV R wthot ay gipig, eaknin orsuiiphur t ur iio cus flou£, two thirds ctnp butter, Ibis resuit W ced by exciteruent N LVER wing fetygripingwaki rgos trined und uIbn. S i baiidfour o f ie hree eggs, teas oo f ul ut soda, ne of Of te co ', iaion during the , PD LSstceigs fet.sc a i.rg wrised a not. uri sd pbyodcloves, une sud a Lait of cinuamon period u o- s. good cow je ai- gia a. îl a ui-brs-----ar d ildug ad m quarter teas po n ul of nu eg, w ays nexcitable. If sireM E N U T R L~ xiii restora tnrnisbed gidicmg, sud if Bakh' n .Iayare, sud put togaiher lvith 5005 treý, nuie bearing a eaf,! I'ly.anTaiIM . The disproportion of the sexes le thI"uL T M e rame labte n or efaree id ptt ,Ol. niai i <v n specles that mirel ii avery groat lu West Austraia- Mamy L sd1 11iubtr idu. ToôCook Dry Lima Beai-Waberx'rmei IFiy-sperked gas tixîiureà may lexiped .unss Lrsli my mpos rt xapi, hee reouy i'y-ou Iiow many of us have Spent a de- ivtL a cdamp rloth, coated wilh white one quartlou, dry Lia Leaus lu warm I heenevsuo u iccpae tosud wompeu in rea ppula iti-o o lîiouà hour with Dickens' tittte"$Tiny paint and wbeu dry regiid then. watet, sciaki;ree LQura, drâw, sud put lier otfspring Wbeailmeis tutuc. lI mosiËoe huudred aud sixty-eigbt thon- TIm." He pteased us because lie was : Grained aud-1r îaruisiied xvoodxvork mi< us te, Cuuk in watci enough b coi - sa ~ ~ gndi. for lever hetpîng, or ready to 1helP 1:ehouid ho washed in cobd tua. if soap eor theen, Boil ais bouc sud i hait, ut ual, adi Lw i aaodml soute urifortunaie. muai b' nused lu remove fîngor mares, fîli t Ide. liere shouIdLaw beaye d besîe iiri ese te 0k' Ct n oo Cmki~ Dr. Ilopes TINY TABLETS are c., rince in lear water immediateiy. eaou rlefin lutirera 10 mke a dress- on wsadcmt he illat.1 jasues doîng exactty thae saine thlng, They Soap ivariably injures grsining. Iiug. Wheu douc, season ultis salisritcwasd oea LemipO.Isucsfnlyusodmonthlybyover are helpimsg tiacusands cf unfortîînqte A emon Loliey îlot my ho kept ou peuper and suirlu a tablespooufui, ut But where the reversion eo mtermor ?.1,00 adiies. Safe, effectuab. Ladies ask nervous, broken'down people te get hand lu îold xcaîber 'and la useful Ifloir rnbbed sfnouLh mu eau gerierouste s lYi lmerhwin suforai, Imcla axvays, Pound. Iake no thec aseailMixtures, pilbsand trg.w-bau a cake or tacts for les are wani- t ablespoonfuis of Lutter. Tbere le a we tbiuk, acampamîied mnt the roedsi b- iaNio2,IOddaneesonrngrr($S No.is po One ittie TINY TABLET after ecd inua urry is marieas fobîows .ditberenace lu tLe dry Leu s e gel.thiat are Lest toc milsx. 1utror or 2.maiedn eceipt ofprice and twu8cent ech meat and before retiring wilCem httgiyi ure t5Sr'co sweee and tender . ofbers in Ibis respect. We have ceeu one or! stampS The Cook Company Windsor, Oui. give you new life. if you feel ttred ponnd 0of hutler and the saine qqnuity xere apparcuîîy uearerrimpe. sud Te- îwO, and Lave lheard ut more cass, -Nos. 1 and 2 oid ancrecommended by ail -IT' NERVES. of sugar. Add une beaten te'g sud 1 quite longer cuokiug aud are boss like wlîere couas ut fine dairy foram sud respousîble Druggbsts li Canada. work uutii thuroughiy in(otpurted. j the fresh Leus wheu doue. breed, sud mated xvi.lm animais as f7ne- N, s. r id r old i yHGIN TAKE -Ds! Add the grated riud ut un-n bruu ansd' yfre-sthmlvhaed setovr otw-aoi Sr udcou lii--y----d-s--erseve,0av-dopped 1i urAM &Si. S, &UYScool . jý st vrhtwtr iradeotiticaestves that shuwed fiour tLe tiretthîe îiraî.a; xeweastle y R it le thimk, adding gradummlliy îLelNet a Faith Cure. leefy foiLrtai cîamped Iherrielels ABLTSstraiued juice of tLe lemon. This ilaase nly good foi tLe Lutcher, and trou FOGt t0 Le spread beiweeai the layers o Faith nover xoiked a miracle lu the wurtby eîyiug to a aise loi coave. RELIABLE IRED cake, or is -nice to fltib an abohlisos- rase ut Dr. 11a1ls Rheumalic Cure. ItluInMost cases îLe imuer iotity utf*MEN' wppdcream. -tm'aremedy tisat does tke WOtk. Mi. S. trom feediug the cow ou dry andai-ad a ou- enres aout pulicg s :i 1 Ai hrggst.B al ra r.Il'ley ut coureutt'ated lyte, or stroug O. Taylori, Charlecoto, Ont., suttered trifios foodwhiie sho la Learîuig lier cnspcueu, places. i4 o x -crian eedful. Salir) Ai rgit.BMi rm r oe cpea ae lül epoured doxevn W luluats îLnte b Lmao on.Ti smc escoîmnam_ -orcommDîbn $90per es,> md epess82.i Medicine Co., timited, Toronto. L Wl eaîeeafsrtialanixms .50 sik n risdurnu h os-frfuryas iebtle fD.alaog tr r hni sdt eW a.WfEMPnefrIRE MEDticNE 11.. io.Ot wbiîawasbed--no btter wry out exet- Ite has heen trou from pain since. This uts ibrugbi. si milteeLu ltle huxv The blirue gréai vital factors oning and puriiying that, part ut the pc pacalion is ueed iuternaiiy. Orne- poorby a cow axwas job(, provided sire 'heala i of ibis bodyo usliete bouse. bottie coobalus ten days' troatreul, 5o wae not aeltuarily searved, durmîîg the FRE IT' ela It" 0f ursar îl jBesziuBanad casoline sbuLid uevr cents a bottle. For sale at ail drng lxvi, Itee a',cd oteen tour muitLa ILît euoisiizeD.tinOyieat-I beari, the nenies andithe hlood. tee 'nýdybeoehr 0.a ir fr eîag e Fi.. . mines Iftabesue f is tipe e alowed iu stand lu s botile, or ru stores,.L uwwei r efr a oIL catfi: enaeci.FneCy It s bcaue o th tipl-'ý thig esewhr'etir ho sxv ac dropped. IL is no Wvonder lu those ateC fr eiat dio, LOiai sgt power possessed by Milbhrn'a auythn Px oetreLtsn----daysa t.i lew-s dfficuit Lu manize e'>oseiIîeuiaed. simîtiy HurtadNroPlaomkig shines on il. INot long ugo i, bouse vrite and s et ome otad was set ou tire in that mianer. iNover A PERSONAL ATTACK; good cows oteoft dring calves, nom 1 S u. oman m iii ansd, ave weak, frregular beating hearle oseielher of îhese inîlaiuumbie fluide Briramble Thai fullow seemed tetlite that it wae touid Ihai. tLe feu -dropped onîrie. ce 5Jisi Yn sirugsu aisd, oni p n a roqm sabote theru mc uever su lit- 1il as a persoual nsuît wben h de- cotmdàîe hnecigeui I~1DVE O run down, sbattered, nrous tr. ac aibimîl h vl uaie iiscinbotter producer'thanon ue iLme ,waisl Box BTSOT sysima sd suplybg thsu atile fumes exaciy ase qumck,.as a ihurne-No wouder. He's a barber. Lonispig ebe4meuis necesslary to maire Tesl,-,-ihealsgenl Thnwteyblo rc sdbase-borner in full blasi. We nu ke ~ieslthe nbo re odSoiid Goid..$2. 85 1-ýtitwtr lo ihad nu apoiogy for reiteraeing tbis eau- Collecor - This is tbei fiflh tise, to Le keisi 001 051>' ibrough tLe Win-~-Bs ol 1115 yod, Ibai s0 many woudertnl lofrladyawekpse hbar 'obroiighiyou fLis Li. ('Ctm-tac LuiImte irinu spriug in suicculent eures haie been aceredited 1 oountmoiiri otsmosy r-Wei me' Iawy cieltrsu, Las urobably doue more to mate 5 yrsGoIdFiib 1.00 Ibis remedy. urod0ycreea ue t o r the you alfablyf Cobleol or-I dou't xanî 5ùeil th îe groxvîog of good coxvs for bll BefGass.10 fière le the casa 01 MuR. ie. afhiBy.sc;Iwalcah -yii, tian ammy olLer improvernear iun U J. Arnld,________________i____________ir;_1_____cash.tasrmng. But lu geLthîe Lest resuits We guiarautec perfeci satisfaction. J.9 amnlâ oe -c, . ,A xvilem meulions fLot cases ut in- if rons tLe siIo tLe 10w-s must, haie xvmrn 7ý PTýA G . w I l a a y s tt u s e a i n s e n i u a ooer e î i - e e dq u a i t r s , a n d e n e u g h g r a in w b , le Y ' a S r e t c r n o "I asrobbe fr sme w-heu al.other lmeasef ail, by pulliug GREAT LOSS 0F LIFE gis isg mil tStreett.esToronyto.n limée with laérospotain diîectby upo!s île storuu'ch a bie t o eaý%tnt mtt oiettonpLnt fa Ltin E neral weakuess, feeling ftbnnuel wruuigoutinluthe ver>' coidest i frm Bright's nseasee THDprotrtioAAU An onitinbunm fit.ILTs irr a e, obiittdandslop-uuelsaier turegumiate 'le gint lésa nearby II he lime. MY foided, cover tLe siomach sud abdo- fioddor esiae.ani swihtr HEBO F H E ~ntresyle bcae ou mou. The moment the toaxel bocomes' A dreadfully ftal diseaie which îs prtveîatzd Ater the tait is titru, if il, shows! "The Bow-Iegged Gliost and Otbor Stortes." dow . xM soon as 1 began dry change it for suother, sud novai al ir hrcersc ha ak it nlie Il tkbus Mllhurup'e Huart snd baÏ let th bsunel Lo wexaîm, Lut Leep and cured by Dr. Chase's KidneyLiver Pills tairiy tir chraeis,mbch s si naimrk tiaro- -y Na,'rvé PMil. 1 realized that i anoîhar piece ruady Lu replace it____ 1hit ree uI seraldetnb' - they had a calmiug, îoothing This is simleîemedy, sud bas rgr b c. lt ra hs.ad Atst eri t, - upnthe aau a wide escutcheon, hiii alt e prolb- Jn W i pouencebiead nusealight'e discase i1'afuctiîrrdevelopientoi byav[alenml.A of1i , e oniestetpoiAu Evear>'dose suemed to help the ~~mnimaskidey disea. esud Sas focris mosi nsarked suiv scltt:Jcle nma. ilet ioeoonRibi.Au t reziocled. I ~ bmkes mr cnr ruls hrcerlc r asdu ulllustrmled' vol- eur. Teyrstoedyslep, istsu isimo, mx eganuinarastluublesueut1calves, sud if îLe>' are outhîe Lest une f original amrenehened my nerves and 1i s nsdoesi isbsii ingl tfeueepmioa b, en a5 u tM etr yBet S( EGOQU HLClPES. escapeo Otciou, andi xitb h inl xcpindair>' brcrda they indicate ils futuresetever, - cîcnsuupmonh îe orttali 1w-rekisouv' value ase a gel fer of choira dairy stock. fctospr- t V'lhhxk lhem wonderfl."1 Chicken Soup-To uvuiy 'quari Ot toîmari.hIt is a curious faci that tLe rnilk-pro-, ra Andc esbook chiokent stock, weil soasoned, add one Brightis disease lu a wasting axxsy ofthet~ ducing teudeno> ti dairy breede e isaavl 1 - pini of tibm rîtarn; let il, sittuer ver> irIa tu e uys, and ini s later stages more oftteis raaisritted thrîngb tihe disappoint tise aloWby ; iikon with s, tablespoontul1 camînoi. porrmhuv bi 'cîitud. Su) long, bowevr, as sale than thtougli the cuw. White reader, as it of tour xxurkod iu a tabtespoontul outhse kidueys are sucs lu an actuel sîcie 0f deray, îLe boiter cedf outhebe hst 00w lu îLe ent er a uuw pils wli evtalz rmayno heherelfa rea mik-ud etofor L' utter. Beat tLe yolkc of iwo eggsj Dr. Chase's Kidiiey-Liver P b -urvslie I lr a'nlb esi ra i-ueporud wilds a epoonful of cold waaer lu tLe the dbseaed pactisud pusiiivcby cure Btigbi s I Ou, s bull cait froflu tLe sane cow xxiii fietd uofbhumer.- coup oreon strin th cou sboxly usualbv Le ftimons as the getior of good Abo ub SoUPer, stimtiùg hei p lolydairy stock froni ail tLe coxv e bulae daluud and - ovrstrrùgaibbthfinie; add more Dr. Phases Iidnex-Liver Pills are a perfeci I njoyed among sait if ncuded. Serve ver>'hot w-ith and ideal reusedv for1 ail kidue>' aîlmesîs. They wi"il À witb If th; s boudeno>' 10 large Yonr frieudo. Contiua"The Boav-logged Choat," .crouîous. , I so~~at nsiurslyand dimertly un the kidneys and i mk production isscoul iuued back for WnEaSmgFIBi,"TeaiWh j pom iadposiîlveiy cure Bright'$messeea gn;tooe> uBooks," 'Saling' tocks ut Bair," "No Worn, No ownt&s-ieadeppsbeîhdabta roa' isyreuirisan sd tetiseil geayl oLs upssFd "ocety Actresias," etc., etc. This fia, tIbm suces of cbeese. Xlx une cup of serions complications ut kldnas, iver nand l ral edition bouod lu cboih, printed ou extra fine m9Qsu relasuntl0fmstr bowîha. One pll a dosa. Mudli aiso i the colt paper, andi absoluteir thee huit humorons book prib. milk nd on tisapoonfl ofvuisar éed. hed.Worth $250, maied posipald for $I.00, n5c. a box ai ail dleaers, or EDMANsoN, lntencidte sfed hm' rat once. Pend for oua uuav spoctal lus- suds dat f md pppe. Pur ait TFS & Co., Toronto. It sbusuld ne r fat- trated catalogue maileli frite. Gives you thebos Ibi mxtre vu îe ceeebrek n eued, but !liItood eit prices on ail good books.- Addreiî ait orders te as man>' eggs as are naeded ; pour Croup, bronchitls, astbgaa, and ail coughs bu madle 50e .4g lbe THE WERNER COMPANY, the remaiuiug mixuiftre ovur Iliums an icleyedpript s£1, hss rpgrostest van .elIudaig iSublioliers andIIianufacturera. Mnu h0 bake ton minutes. of LUnseed and Turpentine. a m.uch ibat 'l fo ' l [The Wereri Company is thoreaghly reiabe.]-Editog. would fnot be acceptable. The greater variety of food a calf has the botter .ANTS FORJ its appetite wilî Le, and the mure THE FA lVER ~ thrifty it will keep. No. oneuvr a _________ aood cow for milk that was not aiso a earty feeder. It is for this reason Ki _,ý-LI-"that the poor mans 00w is near]y ai- ways a good one. It bas heen used Kindnes l an efficjeht aid in in-, ail its life to bemng made a pet, and creasing mik yiei ds and couta noth-ibeing fed the refuse vegetabies of al ing. The more a milker cau make tbe kinspeae for the famiiy meais, cow ovehim s se Ivesýherca-and a good deai trom the table aiso, cowlov hin a sh loes er ai suc h as a caif or uow kept in a large the mere milk she wiii yl.-.ld to hlm. bord dues nlot often feeti on. It may Investigations Show tbut it la Prob- be possible, but it la hardiy probable, able that a considerabie portion of the tl3at breeders may learu the art of gsviug lu a large bord the care and milk la secreted during the operatiofi variety of feed which t pour man's of milling, especiaily the rich milk famiiy xiii provide for a caif or cow whicb cames last. Abuse anad excite- that le made the family pet. m ent reduce the secretion and not onîy- So far as possible, every former who lower the quantity of mniik given, but keeps cows for miik sbouid try to often iower the pervecrtage of butter grow tbem for bis owu use instead fat. Kindness and petting make the iof reiying on cows purchased from a distance, Whero a 00W hbas beau muv- cow contented and p-ut ber nervous 1e oaohrfree nCesm sy stem in such a condition that the ne uaohr am v uiecm fullest Yield is given. This is notIteaoihbourbood, she seldoin dues as weii as wbere she was humn and reared. ouiy causa, but it is probab]y a -chief Ifsebs' af adtw i ioe caus, oftho ide-'raion n b tte go with ber, ,it may make ber less fat sorrietimes shown it, rreamery discontesxted than she wouid otherwise tests c. urryiasg crave. runniug them lie. The borne-ioving instinct of the witb doge, beaLing itborn, or speaking roughly xo lham xviH ioduce the ye <"i'cw 1'.very slrong. If tbere je e bord ysi f cows ail boru and brougbt up un of milk and percemt uf rutt-.- fat. A 1h a0 .frtbywl b ot change of milirerc wiii of' on lower the1moe un thafarm te keptbctoet- percent of butter fat, until the ('0W orethan thoy wi]i pro babi h ogwoth- becomes fond of the niew miiker. if separated. By gruwiug bis mwn Co Wc the farmer can aiso become used COWVS F01, DARY USE. l to their individuai peculiarities, 'and w 111 know how to feed and rarefo Every practicai breeder of c0W5 eoach une se, as to get the best resuis u.aderstrds that broed la not all If tbe farmer gels in the habit of gruw- that la r-quired to make a good row ing bis cxv» cows lie, ili be mure apl for he air. Brrd e iportnt s l breed to the best dairy stock ho forth dary Bredis mprtatascan gel. Ton mauy milk producers il gives the sturt in the right direc- rare culy to hreed so as tu start a fresb lion, whether for miik or butter fats. flow of mik when the caîf le dropped, But the breed le b self the resuit vory a n i usualy they dispose of tbo raif iargI~ f lng d raefu fedin as suon after blrlh as possible. This, from a goud cow for ailk, as a great anti caro, combined wilhb the selection i s, for if properly bred, such a cow aiways of the animais xvbeh show the miight produce a, succescur better than greatest f eudency to produce elîber a* berseif. large amount of milk or thal wbicb is extra ricb in croam. But these ton- FOR OVER PIOTY YEAR.S, dences ornemaily fom he fed iv-Mca Winslow's SoothingSyrup bas been umed t y dences ornemaiiy fom he fed iv-millions of mothers for their chidren while e.If this fued be nul c nlinued wilh teething. if distorbed at night aud broken. uf y Our rest by a sie!,- ohiid suffering and oryiugý eguai osto in other respects the rniik- with tne pain of cotttng teeth send at once and giving tendency is very -unickiy drop- getix buýtt!e of Mrs. Wînsiows' Soothing Syrop for Ciidren Teetbing. It wiil relieve the pour Ped ont, and a Iter une or twu gen- litte soffitier at once. Depend upoiiit,mothers. there lanu mistake aboutit. Itcures Diarrhoea erations, the descendants bocomne ç,OS regulales the stomacti sud bowels. cures Wind sibiy mure Loi . ess for milki produc- Colio, softens th, gurms, reducés inflammation, and glves toue and euerg.y t e heixole systein. tiirn iban good native stork that bas Mra. Winsiows ' Soothui- Syrup for chiidcen alwys eenxvei kpî nd ive atething ise peasaitt to the tfaste and la thepre- alway beenwell epL ad givs ai ccîptioîî o ne o the oldest sud best enl fair f lowv of mili thruughoul. t 'ho year. iPbysicians aud nurses in the United States 1Pria e 25c a bottle. Subi by ail druggists Iliro,,gh Whal le caiiod uîaviemn, or tbe re- ouithe world. Be sure and ask for Mrs. WiN version of a suporior broed lu sumeLW, O>hngSrD distant und inlerior type in the an- ----- * cestry, ha s 'ever beou fully explained. TUE SECRET OUT. In ordinary breediug it is expectedi It is woniderfut bow you catch the that the ececlience of the parents, as cbid spirit in yuur siorios, sain the lion huier. You seenm ta understand weii also as Iheir defecîs, willi apipeari th, cbiid nature perfectly. Tell me lu iheïr offspring. But it sometimesi hon' youx do it. happons that a cait wi Il 1)0su ýwbliiy WIli, you koxv, repiicd tLe great unliko îher parent as almnost lu author, I w as a child once myseif. Il:aaub XACT CORYOF? WRAPPER. THIAT THl FAC-SIMILE' SIGNATURE IS ON THIE WRAPPER or EVEIRY LMOTTLE 0F alet aln blk. Doul't allow anymûns l yen anyting éllis on tisé plia or promis,.aeti le "J nt as good Il &Bd "avili angwer oery paie peo." ý UM Seothat yen gétOA~TORI. The bo i- flic earlokSe We have sold piles of Boots fthe lasf five or six weeks and bave lott' fo dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very small i'ies, Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coîored and black at $1.00. Men's Caîf and Cordovan Blmns, sewed and rivitted, from $1,40 t0 $2.50, wortb, $2.00 t0 $3.50. Children's Button and Blmns 25c, 50c, 75c, wortb' 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' f0 correspond in prîceb. We will fell you wbat the stock is ln each and every pair. The reason« we do'that is because we know, Latest Spring styles no-w in stock ln every unie, The public is invited to inspeet our stock ; no,") trouble to show goods-we. do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satebelsy, Shawl Straps, faneý arnd plain ; Dresbing, the very best thaf ci", hée boughtý Cheap trash dressing is dear, if will ruin the boots it 1Is ., ,li- ed to. Repairing doue in ail its branches in -first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking xuy customers or past favors and boping for a confinuance of the ..ame. Is, Beaver Block. Bowmanville. lampton, General Store, We "Hold a vaster -stock fLan has been," and are as usual prepared to give bargains in Clofhing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gients' Clothing. Good Tweed Suifs to order $8.00. Good Serge Suifs tb order $8.00. We hiave a very large and well assorted stocx tb select-from, in Serges. Worsteds and Tweeds, bofli Foreign and Dornestic manufacture, We are boun<l 10 SUIT ý ou. Groceries and Hardware. In our Grocerv and Hard ware Departments you will -find our stck well assortad, bought in fthe best markefts af fthe closest prices, apd~ il be sold at the riglit price. Some people want quanfifiy ofliers qitr'llfy, we can please both I ' ,ê Higliest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a eaul. . "One grade only and Ibat the Best." Ilaving been appcinted sole representafiv'e for above company for Bowmanville we, beg to inform the public thaf we have bouglit tbus early our supply of Cutters and Sîciglis for the eolring sleighing season. As fli c MLaughlin Co. have sold over 2,200 of 2,600 lînndî'ed cutters they are making to meef their ever increasing demand thai. exista for tbeir goods, we took lime by the forelock and made our selections early and our first consignmnent will ai-rive fhis week. A few special feafures of their Cufters: WoODWORK.-Pauels are gied aud cliîped ou aud carefuill screwed 1 od plugged; Bout Second Groxvth Hickory Kuoes; Second Growtb IHickoty Beams: beut feudeas imortised ou f0 beanis and brmied-fh lairongeai job; patent hinged dasis braced; shafts extra XXX Hickory. tHON WORK.-Ail braces. T'a, etc., of steel and forged iu our own facfery; li in. projectiîg afset shoes; shil tiîag shafts (right or lof t) or centre draft with o, wltimout bar. PAINTING.-.Rich war-Aa colora, or dartk, with gearing f0 match, baud soîneiy striped and flttished; carviugs on aides are soîrd flot Iranster: s;J panel of dash burl waanut or rosewood. ', F TRIM,'IlING.--Criuuison, olive or goid Mohair pbush or green or bine ci , extra ligh aud eas îy spring back, spring cushion, deep quarters, carpef lu bo, j and ail round panels tuside. 10e rail; haudsoume nickel piated arm rails, cxfL beavav; acreen, soiud brass futl piali d; shaffa fuît ieathered aud silver tp~ culver enads on whifiietrees. We bave decided. bargains in 2nd baud Carts and Buggies. CýiII. and inspect, and also make your selections JOHN F'FRCY. BOWuoMANVILIE. f -v AVegetablePreparationforAs- Islmilatiag tbtÉood andlleguita- t4 th5os andBoweIs of Prornotes'Diestioin,Cheerf'ul- neCss and lest.Contains neither Opid,1"orphine, nor fmin-ra1. NUT NAUC OTIC. " ,± II Stk-. Ateem- Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions ,feverish- ness and Loss oF~ SLZEP. Tacsiinle Signature of NZEW 'flPR.K Mai ir tri Ili fil il! Il fil fil il fil 0 #Il Castorla foi n-at mn In nnm.iqlzn lintflim mnIv. Tt "LM HAMPTON.