~P11RE ~~S1 QRL. W to b As the, woridi at large becn:mes bet- ten acqu.ainted. withi the cbarmimg lit- h tie geisha girl she hecomes btter ap- preciated, though ber existence out- ,%ide of artistie Jepan would be impos- Ébhle. She mght ho, transplamtud, but I t r suhe would -mot remain a geisha, girl. -Over therco ber talent, vivacity andWiersatrnt time for most miii have swept ail belrme horn ad 1-z people-espscially so for delicate nou ty is tborrght to he complote witbout bier infections wtt and gay- ones. Colds, la gippe and pneu- ,ety to rob if ot iusipidtty. Omofo Wat- monia fiiud thern easy victirns. alnme, wriug of ber, says: "A poPU- Do you catch co lil easily ? It ulax geisha is calied. bu sonoreS bous es shows thiat y oui' systern is not ln a la the course of a day or evening. She conciit;on to resist disease. Yon will charge only 25 son Ion balf an hou r, but she .generally reoeives tbree ~~Z~wilI be fortuîîate if v ou escape times this emouni. in lips and 'fees pnieumomla. inro the guesf s. 0f course, the' negu- .dsae u P.,àïr tea and, geisha bouses pay ber a Nature is always fichtiug agaunst dsae leright certain saiary, accordinï, ru ber ahîl- kind of miedicine is the kîndl that helps Nýature bv toning up alf.Buti aay.suulyvey the systern and"enablitig it to resist disease. Such a toile is lier ebief duyis oams.1 esh0-i nDi, \Yilliarns' Pitiîk Pis for~ Pale Pole Bv hus b ighly eccouoplisbed. \White nyfi ho y any mneans a musician, she must building up the blood and st.îengtheniiug the nerves these hie able to perfonm on the samisen, 1r kc>Lo, tzn/umi, a drucu, and, otîier mus- pis î'each the root oU d cisease, î'esLore health, and niake ic.al instruments. She 'dancos, and people bright, active and strong. talks un the lightes'. subjeets, and al- ý i ways bolds borseif lu readiness to en- Mrs. R. Doxsee, Gravenhust, Out.. writes :-'Il heliove that Dr. Williams' tertain ber gnests, according to (hein Pink Pis saved mv lite. WXheu I h"gan their useo1 was 50 weak that I was moud. A witty geisha, une who is a scarceiy able to ho Omint of my hed, and show-ed every symptom of going into guod talker, pretty! and gracesul, wjll a decline. I was pale, emaciated, ssiffeied from headaches and nerve ex- nut Jack ompioyment at amy timo and beustion, I used Dr. Williams' Pinik Pilis for a couple of months, and îhey generaiiy makes a very good living, have completely restored me" Whilo it is mot at ail necessary for 1 hi&r to arouse, mirtb, ber object muet Sold by ail dealers or post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for lie to, beguile the time tbat is irksome $2-5o, by addressing the Dr. Williamsm Medicine Co., Brockville. tu bler guests. Thus if often beppens that onto feeling depressed -c'clt send i___________________ ____ fWr s geishe, girl. She wiii bave tact *nuugh ruo tsdy the tensperof he IrDiTr i Tlflif1 flC rer rthe dispase was ni. necognized. patron. It migbt ho mecoa-ary for ber fBJU11U IC 1vti UE DfANGERS It 1~wa ot un tLl ilLad made. onusider- lu lsugb and. chater, sing and danc-a, abtoe pragreass that Dr. Jorge, the bac- *te. On the other baud, sbe nued only ter)ologist at the hcad of thrt' numi- taihi ceey geutiy and sympctbeticaliy A FRENCH W IIT LR ON THE DIFFI- &pial1 bygienic lahoratory osf Oporto, td hlm or 10 engage3 bim iu some Ju- CULIIES 0F DISINFECTION. formaily annor.ceq Jie preq-ence of terosting conversation, or she mcsy mot -th'e scourge. Anol her ur'ous tn- su ý,odei more than nmerelyt by boner ieDne"l s ie1l ss-G.5stance cf the transp~onsat'on of the pi ~.c remove ibe sense of loneli- M.- ýr »iis tmrýaieG,-iplegue over an-y thousand'leagues of ness and depression. fThe more mstg- Illes 11er Tiaui.. laslu hithecAi e on ybcRcu' nfrl netie bier personaiby, thLe morte like- ts0,e, 'ss suis I5su55'~Cbc cas of tha twu 'ceampp cooks Iy is shiel ta succeed. She studios ber tCssdîgbsseCie s.,hmi;' sflms cw ho d:eci of th- plague in e London noies i horoughly, audi seidom is et a Mlir. hospital in 0 tcchen, 1296. Befone sait- Iuss. lu faci., for al occasions she The position faken hy tbc New Yorkliiug froim Bombay tbey eachbhougbt in i.sully býas a littie programme of ber Board of leaitb in n fuaing. Lo permit a. Ilndoo sbop Whekeobofbu -uwn, whicb ber guest on patroîn nover ilant coos. hen Lb y rcaehed wouud have suspoclied, for the geisha the dockng of thb buhcnic piagued- Loucnlon they deconated themselves isa atural actreas. Hon r aste in infecfed steemsbip J. W. Taylor or w'th their purebas-s, which they dress i.e exquisite and ber monuments the, lemding of hL-r cargo, of coffceu et bcdnont worn until then, aund started incompatrahie lu grace. Ir is a delight New Yonk, la sustatued by the con- ont lu stun the town w' th the gor-ý merely bu wetch au accocuplisbed geous n, ckwean, E've days later heth goeisba as she monos, and few- would clusions reacbed lu an article iu a ne- wenc' down wtb the plague and both su&spect tbat every movement ,mebe cent,.mumbon u« the Rtevue des Deuz, cases proned fatal, though, 0w î'ng to makos is thenosuit of many bard Mondes. The wrniter of this article, the, perfection of London bospîitai hours of study. 0f course, 1- speak M. Dastre, bas made an exhaustivemtamn,îL dsas di nt bore of the more accomplished and ne- ppread. finsod geisha, for by no meana do we stud3' of the hubomlc scourgo, on the S. i i amonther curions ou' break of the fimud the geish-a girl in genenal alto- haais of the lafesi. scientilic data oh-d:cs, M. Destre sys, Was thaf gerber chir-minig. bained durng bbc recent outbreak of svhcli broke ont in October, 1898, in a The, geisha basï nof bier parallel the V)ouna iehoýraLory, and wes stampedi worid ovor, for unlikeoihoro womun of the diseese in I ndia and China and ho ,tfn e neerby bospitai haIore it ber class she eiways roraicîs ber nebive devotes particular attention te the apread f0 lb', ci'ty. 1u 1 F97 a scienS ific modsty aÀad grace. A sucecessfuJ imannen in wbtcb bhe bacillus is con- comm asion cvas sent to Pombay by the geisha, -besicles ber good oirks and veyed into the humian sysrem and tu Auscriau Covecismeut Ici 51 dy tLe graCeful anrmust sowgo ulbonic, plague. Dr. HermannHuni- mat i resniers shndlo gindthe mannen lu wbich if istrnansporbed ion b'aded ib, and lho cllobted aevorc11 the arrangements of ber bain, Ac- front une country te anothen, In the spec:m'ýns nf the plague microbe anmd cording f0 a Japanese idea lise bar- discussion of Lbis last breneb of tLe. hroughî blsem, under proper cultva-ý mouions colonsinu hor gowns blond iishe~b k igfho1k n ion, uthe Anatomo-Pathologisf Ju- an nupse way. Moreoer, ever-sî*tuLeofnI \i,.na for experimeutel u-thnsnrotp edess is'dmar."ye to eppiy 10 the case of the Taylor. prpoaos. For nearly a yoar ho con- tbiug aboxu ber dresedisandsarner M. Dostro, denes fhab the-hife <ofthe duc elPdbL s ,expor'meni a witb nafs for r wîiff kanzashi, jo-weled pins, wben she plagueý bacilue is only uigbb days and ne Iims. Ont' day the youmg man ,Oialodthem, and naturel fow nrs, that althîe expration 0 f Ibal timo w ,bailbc tht' cane of tLe inoculated ne t. ,,piecs bing tbiec favorite. The style ldagro' nýcini at Te ; !.Hsal-msenctinen 'oi. dress of, the geisha diffens in eacb great uucerta nsy asto bbe, langtb aI ettaek of lfnnacomplicated wi, district. She xviltoacb. ansd play any t,*mpti whieh the bacilins will rotain pneumnon;e. IL bad nou" of th-,o.t- numbor of oddý and pleasing gamos, itis vibalîly and virulence is, in fect, 1 ward cbar.scber'stîes of lbe hubonie aud (huis boguilet, your lime, une of the great difficulties in tLe way'; piague of Bombay, and Dr. Muller waa It is mot aîways an easy matten 10 nI an *nt.eJlig nt quanantime ageinat d-ivd t final, yet il cnes none the,- enter service in a geisha-bousu. Be- the nhs"as", lho says. Ib is true that lesa tLe, ubone piague pure and fore ding soi the girl muet cppîy lun uder certain conditions e mple, and in !ta most deadly form- persan Ion e license et the Metropoli- THE GERM QUICKLY DIES. bbc fonm wh'IchbaLs nucv coma-,f0.hb tan Police Board. 1-lere se is warned Sunlight je particularly fatal ru il. Ac- 1knovun as the encýumoule, .Tbnee days of the toýmprations of the mccvhife ase onding ro the Japianeae szientist, Kif- ý aler, liswaseaeked, on the 231h of wisheos ru enter. If she stili ponsists usoto, one Lours exposure bo thoace- -1 c id sho- is tbeul put tbnough an excamina- (ion of (bu sun cvl destroy il. Whe'ooriy.ethe timo rMer Le iad fll tion, and should she trip lu îhe cateceb- ir becomes dried lu the etmos- eZ nzdîenbr fîedsao 1cm the licnse ile refused. phroo ve u xoe 0teHoe tfended h'a unfotunate servnto The class of geisha celled Ihes taki- sun, ii. soon loses its power ofpropa- lbu thto asI, n th.everypreanflin wake bas borb money and abiîity, but gation, on, lu other wrd, ls ho kdsesen ew0 ront (ho ainfed 0fthe haing unfamillar with locality and lence, and oxpoimonrs made by (Le 'dck room and every article thaf had miles pentainimg to the profession, she scientifie commission sent by Ger- b 1.een enycvhere near the patient. pubsa hoÀrseif us' charge of a geisha o! mcny fo sludy the plague lu India, estblisbed reputetiun, andi agnees t0 sbowed thel sinden favorable abmus-' BUT liE WAS TOO LATE. éahane witb heil ber earnings. pbenie conditions in fhcb climato îLe OrnQ uf the nursas who bcd heen lu Tise very young geishas are calhed longes, hIfe of tLe microbe was ight attondence usson tLe patbent wes lise hang-yoku, orý hall lues, and f bey days. stnckeu. On the, foiosing day an- -are perm,'tfed fo oharge batt haif btha Unfortuuately, M. Destre scys, this othor nurseacnd a aiston of ccaiby ciarrged by the older unes. Tboy gen- stabemenb uf the German sciemisîs who bcd visited the ick room were eraliy rmn betbweené tLe ages of 13 t0 applied only ta exposuro t1,0 the et- down On the 31sf of Octoh 'r, tLe 15 yeans, anuIare bound 10 serve freinm msphere and ro the climatie condi- third day aItrorhbb final pcient's fi-ve 10 seven years. They are, lu tacb, tlouc, of India. lu Europe observa-j deabh, Dr. MUuiler Lýmselt was attack- but -appreantices durnîg tise lime of fions shocw thet the microbe xiii ne- ed. The mc>ment hoe recognized in service, sud baye bu ho instrueted in tain lts doath-dt'alug power for eigb- b mseil îthe fatal symprome Dr. Muller ail tho giesha aeccumplisbmeýnts, l3 tbon days, and that it cill netalu 111e shut hl'mself ni) in bis noom lu die bthe lime tboy bave learned ail the for a monti-thet la, of course, lu the alunle. WbLle hae still Lad sbrengtli arts of the profession, (hein f imie. OR atmuspbere, bur wenon ot uxpàsodu to ha wrote fcrewuii lettons to b s family, pires, andu blay are aI liberty tu go 'tLe direcf action of the sun's ncys. directing that bis body y ho hurnud 10 whrB hey will. The if e of tLe bang- When bthe microbe La wrappedi in lay-j avoid ail danger of spneading tht' dis- yoku la very b ard doning the termi of ens of clotLs on imhedded deep inc the p ane. He aisu requested thel a pr est service, as she is forced ru perfornm dcrk and more or bass muist parcels or, stand in the streel befone Lis open Gýe mosf macuil work. parbicularly if ac sbip's cargo, the, durati0aý of its life 1 indow and give hlm absolution. Tcvo seow herseif proue to "tea-grindu- and 'powver for ovel is wboîîy uncer, oeys afbor ha svas attacked ho died. or is a "stey-at-bhomeý." tain. The oniy thing positively known Oino of the nurses died soon afierward. befrean thaf you wan't dun me, 1 days neccssary in the, 'ncubation tf the robe in sunlight and in ordinary cf- wantthIis understoodi, Cen you sug- disease under nndinary condiions- mosphenîc sunt'oussding-s 1 very short, Igoat amy way f0 avuid this f froni fivo ru cigbb, M. Distre says -a andtinlucunsequeuee, tbc phonmoniae Taîho-Well, you might pay me a number of thL stevedores cc Le I ok ti ons of thepic-gue la qulte rare as depusit now, and the roesI wher. they the baies of Lemp froin ber bold wore coýmpcned with tLe diseaso spread are deivered. ~duwîs with tLe hubonie plague. AI througb inoculation. Vouch tor the Inaternent of A. Boug, of' 10 Le3lie Street, London. epdIl uIIaI.seli evereiy- i>ocii'e hilosèet 0'lidsMadeo a 'sew etMseietofillas. Londan, Ont., Jen. ls'.L-The bnoom- mck -ns of ibis cis.y are as iudusbniousi and sake as imucb money as tLe aven- aea broom-makur ilu ehis count.ry. But the cvay tLe business Las boom goingi of necent years nocessitales Ihal the men cvork veny bard. Campetition1 is nile inl bnoom imauufacluring as isu sost limes to-day. A Bonig, of 10 Leslie Sftreet, London West, broke down union îLe sînaîn. He wcs working the negular ben houns c day. but a hroom-maker bas lu wonk very lest and vury steady, Bong's hack gave out. Ho, continuod bo work aI bis tade, lsoeever, bhough ir was con- tinuai mi»seny.; Oniy thosc wbo have sufferect with! bar'kacbe ktsucvLw disabling and painful tLe trouble is - h T is w oudon- luiLu-v eer movemeut of the body s"cmsm f0 jan on thoeh tek. Jr is as if tLe back w onu the contratlp infroma wbir'li ail tLe muscles nadiated.i Th e esen of ibis1:s bLet akeche is nota backache et ail litraliy. Back-ý ache is kidney ache - id evory movo-' ment of îLe body ch s bbc disonder-' ed kidnoys ru a 'onr or bass ex- tout and keeps thnolu e 1 acunstant stae of irritation. ' o cure backacbe yen musb use Dodd',o Kidney Pills, as Mn. Bong foulid ont. He writes: "I hrave Leen tnoublod with a very 'sevune pain lu my bark and I concluti- ed to baka some Dodd's Kidmoy Pis. I Lave doue su andi I fimd they have eured me. 1 have f0 work tan Lours a day at broom-makimg antimoev I amn a new man. I higLly reommond thern f0 amy one for heekacho. I do mot foui bbc pain amy more on Las il since retummeti. "I rumaln, yours bnuiy, A. Bomg." SLe-I cen symspabbize wibL you. I was marnîcîl once myseif. lIe - But yon veren'l merried to a womau. Have You Catarrh? Il you are troubi-ed w itb Ctarrb and wamt te ho curoti, u'e, Caftarrhozone,i wbieh le a guareuteeti cure for (Lis1 distressing dis'ease. Thene is no mys-1 teny about Caberrbiozono-, tisougl i is elfeat is magicel. Olimonfe anti( snulfs cannoaI esh tLe diseased partsi and bave thus pnoved us01055, Lui Cctarrhozonc is carried hy the air youu broathe diroctly Io the diseased parts,1 wbce ir voletilizes, killiiig tLe gorm ilea and Leaiing the,' aUne spots. Tti cures by inhalation. No danger, no ri'k, soid- by ail druggists. For trial outlit senti 100eilu ta.sps to N. C.j POLSQN & CO., Box 518 Kingstonx,i Ont. in Paris 1bemre là a wine shop for t'vony it'eu bouses. FOR OVE I3 FFTY YEAR-S aaRS. WIN5LOW S SOOTHINO SYRUF Iabe uscd by unothere for their chldren trethcîsg. tsotises tise cifild, sefreus the gunso, allays pain, cures lim 1 colis, astis h,'beutreiiieds er ciamrhcc 2-ci.ýa bot- tte. Sold b, al druggistu thc euglcut .ie e.r B sure aud a t fon "bru. Wicecev s Sootling iyrup. The potebo diseise threatens b hoe serions in IruendtiIis seasan. Opals are fatal tu love andtihng discord la giver andu receiver. La Tosoana, 10o. ,EMN IA A needle Iactur n lthîe East makes 70,000,0100 needies.every w'eek. birds: Live and let live is my motto. MONTHEAL HOTEL DIRECTOIIY. The IlBalmoral," Frea Bus A Pan otelCari ae, ituropOiso Plan. om Motel arslak frum $1a day up. Opp. O T. .tation, Mont real. Geo. Carsiake&COn.,P Pps. AVENUE HOUSE-e0l ColegeAvenue. per d.. ST. JAMES' BOTE L--POýt' .T.%Dpot, Ut0d way. Firrt-rlass Commercial fluse. Mtodcrnilus Pr vementB Rates nioderate. Fle-Man has4 a perfect orgari or sp ,,4,ch. Sh.3 Weil, so hnis woman. Ile -Oh, no, she hasn't. Hers is made without stops. W,6P C. 1005 A LVE RT'S CmlrbOlic DiSînfOctants. Scapa, Oint. Sment, TOOti' POwdOris, etc., have been 1 Fw;Lrloe 100 moedale and diplomas for 8uprilor. excellenco. Their regular use prevent infecti. ouzi diseaisea. AsIt your dealer to obtatinaa supply. Lias mailed frets on application. F. C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHES4~TER, -.ENOLANO, TO Send for nur COmPlets SHEET bJ~ iMUSI' CATAL-OU-E asnd SpEClAL IRATE 0F BiSCOUNT.We are equippetd te supply every MUSIC TEAC HEltinCanadai Whaley, Roy£@ 158 Yonce st., <TORONTO. ONT. FOR THE Lgud&-rWeary 1 bad been a sufferer like a great rnany other women willi a d isease pe- culiar to my sex. 1 ts-ied everythingf ICOuld rend or think about t e lp ma, but was getting worse instead of better. My condition was terrible-J was iosing flesh and cnlor, and my friends were alarmed. Il consulted a dostor of this tcswn and lie said I would never get better; that I would always be sickly and delicate, and that medicirnes ware of littie use to me. Hlearing wbat Dr. Ward's Blood and Nervç. Pis bad done for others I de.- termnined to try tbem myseif, and to- day 1 weLgb une hundred and forty pounids, whule before 1 weigbed only one bundred and eigbteen pounids, and 1 now bave a constilution that is hard to beat. 1 bave not suffered any pain in montbs and earnestly hope that Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pis will reacb every woman sufferirig as 1 did. Snoerely yours, MAY COLE, Simcoe, Ont. Price 50c. per box, 5 boxes for $2.00, et druggists, or if not obtainabie at your druggist, mailed on rceipit of pnieu by Sam. Williams & Co., Toronto. Book of Information Free. Carters COLD CURE loc. Cures lu a jîudy, P. Mo Cermains & Co., .Agents, Montreal. TrHE DESMOINE8 IN CUBATOR-Best and cheaposi 0. ltoliand, sole agent for, the Dominion. S'nd 3 rt. àtamp for catalogue. 373 St. Paut Street, Monmreal Cathollo Prayer Boo caularls, Religions Pictuces, Statuary, and Olsurcli Ornansents, Educational Works. Mail erders reteIns pronspt atten- tion, J.A.. SAbLIER & CO., Montreal, Cereal Cofe -eaitis Drink. Pure,Wholesosns, 3ourisla F~lor Sale by ail Orocers. or 8end 10o for I lb. packagl gte eIOKCO MFO. C0, 154 Queso E., Toranto. Agents wanted in ever>' localitit' -m E Ai most efficient substitute for cod-liver oil, pleasant to the iaste, and agreeing wfth the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of allfthroat and lung troubles, and - if resulis count for anything-almost no limit to the gzood it can do. Sâuiùlo boule fmailed tô any addreyson receipt of <o cents to coger postage. Angier -Chemîcal Co. 'Lf.-CilîZe' Toronto -.i Sausage Casings----,ew imipurtatieîi5 ho 'St,.r Millo, mille & maIo5, icnHg0s'-rellaleîtoedntgiîb pieeps.dAi Barristes,etc., resoVed eriran51g BLACKs Ed rîLL ACO, Tris. tuWeuley Bldgs.. Rich. citBAE ELk0.,Troo moud St. W., Toronto. perasaneuily nurese D fE N ai ho1MtlW r Cnarris of noie, R OýF 1 1. CandRooIY LtE o lu Wore l . - m c outhonat.stescaob ReorOFe" , EBLCX0~1I5 in Esopîii ndbladder. 59ae& 01 a box. Write for prticulars, The or Grten.oHibSoLA TorAf'XOns)ARolet et OsdizaCatg.rrh Cure Co., 146 St. James-st., Montree.l. P011,ea a ghSte.oolsTooto).ILE (Sce Ne CiîyBd luge, Terunto, donscbyomrfirm. istetal Geiîsoga, Cee, (OMON SENSi ItSSoahsBd ices,etc. Estîseates uruiled l'or work comsplete orfoi c Bugs, Rats aud Miee. Sold by ail p nterialseship ta aey arteof the outry. Phone f 1eij Druggists, or 881 Quesu W. Torunt.. 0. DUJTHIE O 3 d aide aWltimar te,Toat B. ~EAYEIR BRAND,, mackintosh jMiohigan Land for-Sale. MI never hardensks&is aatred Watsr. 2 000 ACRES 0000 PAIIMINO LANDE ARIfNÂO proef. Âsk f r ittake nu other. Bea gbeOea n rweaionisTtepr ver ubbe Cltlsig C., Mnta î.t. On Michigan Centrai, Detoit & 1NIaclsinac andI aon Lake Railroads, at pricos eanging frein $2 tea30 ïiLvÈ jEN i ATIVE WANTED in, ittw. re. These Lands are Close te Enterprisisg 2New L ig icon, -ov.s, Clshs, .ISelsoo, et.,and vl be sold onest pouccion- Poypionpt. Like peition esiaklmg 340 ue rugnable termei. Appiy ta week. Write quick for prtiolli-s and furuîsh rle B . M. PIERCGE, t gent, West Bay City, Micis. rut r. Soi PlcKinnrsn BlecI., Toronto. IOr.W. CUR'1t hit moeN-ich. TIONTO CuttIng School oSferg speesal advantagea te aiR.0l deairos of acquiring a thorough knowedgs co! Cutting and Pittlog Gentlemen's G.rinente- Write for 113 Yonge St., Toronito._ WILL Instantly relleve atiokling oough Or. Graw's compound Syrup of Liceronoisr Dri gglute for it-ssci by meail on eceipt of 25r. EBryson Meehleal ispensary, !Iontr@al,'$ POULTRY, BUTTER, EGCS, APPLES, aud otiser PRODUCE, te ensure beat resoin sonsign te The Dawson~ Commission Co., Linited, Cor. West-Market & oiborne St., Toronto, HARRISLE CPE, Rr Wboiessieoesy. Long DintassesToiephBessel2. WILLIAN ST., TORONTO.ý Dyoing lacleaningl For the uery best zoyeux roo vn'tc the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINGCO0." Looik for agent in your tewn, or seed direct. M.ntreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. Ohecapoat andi lest Coverlng In the ïWorld. mica PIPE A'lLERlCoviering Steaus andi bot aud Cold WatOr Pipes, COlt Storage6 Pipe.. Ritchen Boliers, etc. For pantîculars apply te MICA BOULER COVERINO CO., LiMitoiS, Toronto, Montreal, ,and London, Bug. Portlgand, Me.,' te Liverpool, via Haifax. Large, and fast Steamers Vancouver, 1Dominion, Camnbroinan. Rates of I),,ec First Cabin 1.5Q uPwards; Second (alun, 335; Steerage, 122.50 and î3 50. Fo ur stler mat orutiesi apply te looa1 agents, or DAVID 'LORRAINCE & GO., Gencral Agents, 17 St. SaGraux0mat St. Motreai, CANAI APERMAN T Loan and Saviags COMPanY. 1,sOaresIIATst.D 1855. The Oldest and Largest Canaclian Mort. gage Corperatlon, Paid.up Capital,- - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,200,000 Heati Office-Toronto St., Taranto. *ranch Gfice-Wlnssipag, Man., Vancouver, 0.0 DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed. DEBENTURES ISSUED for 1, 2, 3, 4 or85 ysars, wStis interest coupons attariset. MONZY LENT an sesurity et real estate scertgages, Ooernuseut and Municipal Bonds, etc. For further particulars appt>' to J. HEIRBERT MASON, Managlng iirector. Toronto. Ma-11n u fa ct u rersï Coming to Toronto WILL FINIs vERY DESIRAaîLE FLATS, Steam Heatedl, Steam Pewor, Elovator andS al l veniences. TRUTH BUILDING, 73 Adelaide St. iet TORtONTO. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E GRATEFUL-COMAlFO RTIN co 0Co BREAKFAST-SUPPER. Jo Manuifactuarers NORTÏIEY STEAM PUMP- 6 x 4, 7 inu'ch atroke, ini good workiug order, capac-. ity about 2oo horse power. Price $7s. FEED WATER HEATER--6- horse power, in good order. Price ý25. ONE No. 3 STURTEVANT FAN -24 inch, in perfect order. Price $25. ONE No. 4 BUFFALO FAN - 27 juches bigh, uprigbt duacharge, in excellent order. Price $35. S. FRANK WILSON, TRUTH, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. JAS. R. ANNETT?, Manager. JOHN J. MAIN, Supt. anti Tr'c* The Canadian Heine Safety rf BOILERVU Esplanade,' Toronto Opp. Sherbourne St., IIigh Class Water Tube Steam Boliers, for Ail Pressures, Du ties and Fuel. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATÂLa.GuE. TorontoE llectric Ltghr l'o., Lniet. 'Thle T. Euton Go., Lisitet. 'nhe Siasey Îra i.l'o .,,imited. Th.,' urta t'eruba ttibtcsr a&otg. Go. Tbe Wilson Puishiblng Ce., lmotet. (Auio eronto, wbert botter ay>'be aeenvserkis REPAIR-ING ATLANTIC CAB LES. i ÂNE-XCEPý,TI1ONAL YOUNG MAN. aid he, Pretty misa, CIpi Trit is er',o m tie holtoes-i LsI ray give mie a ktss, Ceallsrrphl. Tis for one-only one, that Isue. The recent death of Capt. Samuel She liftel ber eyes, Trott, who8e reputation asanmi y And exclaîmed tn surprise. -0 um ýWIythe other chape always want mander in tbe cabie service extends 1 îwo to ail Engish-speaking counitries, serves to Cali attention to tbe won- LIT1lM T denful perfectiou to w hich .abie-iay.- Lutgoratea sud Strengtheus. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto. GENERAL AGENT. img and cabie-.repai ring bas beon bnought witbin.th.e last twenty years. 1 am witing for posterity, said the IL was saLd of Capît. Trott that hoý pout. Acnd 1 am takinig in plain sew- kneu the bottom of the Atlantic and ing: for a living, said the poet's Seul- the position of every cabie in it as less wife. wedI as a cabman knows the streets of a Cty. On one occasion a steamner TO CURER A COLIS IN ONE IPAT in laying au Atlantic, cabie vas over- Taeo axative Brome.Quinine Tablets. Al takti y astom, nd ad o aandn ruggis e refound the noy if it faiie te cure. cakei b a sorm andhadt aandn c. b.W. Grove's Eigaature is aon clubox, a ipngtb of cable Worth many thous- and dollars. One day, mnamy ytans Uit the target if you can; afler-verd, t apt. Trott, wbo bappened ;If you miss it bc a main; to be, in the iocaiity, thought ho might 0f your mark on gun, be mute- as w el pick tbe cahie up. Hie stop- Frankly own you couldn't shoot. ped hiq sbip, grappied and recovered th-- broken endi, and steamnd on to- - ward home within an bour, On an- Deafness Cannot be Cus'ed rit ing in port hit-.presented4 the cable by nocai, applications ar they Connut reach the to the company to WhiC1h it belonged, d eea-ed portion cf disear. Tiiere te osîly ans declining f0 ace8pt any remuneration wiOal ct efee n ht ob -,giu for his work. Il used to be eonsider- l'on"'I TOneciiee, Da.c5,neee is oaîsedhy an iils cd asoitelyimpssile t pik ~ fi mjcd condition cf the nîrîcaus lining of the: ed asoluely mposiblete ptk tiFusac'hian Tube. \ý lien ihis tube is tnflssss.i tables durîng the months fnom Octo- cd con liave a rtsmbling ond or inirerfeci ber ts, May, but Capt. 'fnutt proved the , eur'mg,,ind whlen itison'ie'y" ed (learn'si' î' the rcsmst., ancdi nuer- the inflasmmatioc cis error of this idea. la the middfle of ý -t ken out and thiý, tub e rositored te its nor- tiha winter of 18763 ho sailed fromn Lon- mnai cousu, ion, hceariug iwill ho de'roved for don to Nova Scotia, repained the direct -ver; nine cacas ot of ton are cauei byGCa- cabie in a gaie of wind and a biinding t.rs w ch is nothiop but an inflfamed condi.> 1 nhe- la of ttise msscons surfaces. sno,0W e0orm, ami was back n he' Te wici give Osne IIu'dred Dolîlars for amy Thamnos again insilo of tbinty-five case et rDetfjîcci cais.re by cat'trrii) fchat cau inays. As hoe steamed up the river the fol' hi- c r 'd by I-a l'e Catarrh Cure. Send fou, ,w ole of the amazed marine pojîuia- en rface. tion vbn ad s'en hm go~ IF. J. GT-ENEY & GO., Toledo, 0. to, ou) 1 che h mgoosea, turu- S ild by D)ru gg;,rtu, 75c. d ou te heerhi.HlÀ'-i Famiîy Pille are the best. Netatiali ets say blat a single swaliowr i willi devour 6,40-0J files in a day. Oh!l well, rem:îrked Missam, after i UNLIKE ANY OTHER ba istic IlaV r of lts owa whiî rhes CEYLON TEA L.ead ackagý,t. every one that h.6 once trrd ltwant itasgain. 25, 30, 40, 50 ix 10 "STOr%0 V E W EATHERY'1 And Lots MoeComin«. Boy An- OXFORD TRIPLE HEATER. Arnd Keep the WhlI lions. Warm.. It la as powerful as a furnace-burne S0 n.wood-bas two hot air pipes, as wellas the sus te pipe tocci late the heat al b ough the hnbo cu s a nu- teior tubular construction crrulateg j the ai fully, keeping an even warm b ail over. Se tissu et aur dealerasu inaey le-T sality. THE Î GurneyFoundry Co., Limited, TO RON TO. Z TROLEUMEmuL;51U"N a sus ýà MA am ho, Icujoini npplp=mý.